Young Southern Student Writer 2012

Page 192

Where I'm From I am from T-shirts, from ragged jeans and worn-down shoes from "hand-me-ups" and "hand-me-downs." I am from old history books, the musty smell they give off... reminding me of my past, and what I must change for the future by blowing the dust off the front cover. I am from clarinets and guitars, from Jimmy Page and Adele. I'm from 12-strings and acoustics, long, drawn out sounds drowning the reality of the real world. I am from roller-coasters and kayaks, the true thrill rides of life. from the way my stomach feels when I drop 300 feet, like a softly-cushioned jack-hammer pounding in my chest, and muddy water soaking my clothes as I paddle. I am from Taekwondo, yells, kicks, and punches, awaiting the enemy who is to betray me. I am from five houses within the course of two weeks, because of the choices my parents made. I am from Asian noodle bowls. And pot-roast. And burritos for breakfast. Savory, delectable goodness ... the juice dripping down your chin. I am from trailer parks and duplexes. From mansions and apartments. Dusty dressers, and squeaky clean dishes. 192

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