Young Southern Student Writer 2012

Page 119

How Seal Got So Smooth Long, long ago there was a mammoth frozen ocean in Alaska. In that frozen ocean, there was a bumpy seal. His name was One Who Is Different. He was named that because of his skin. It was unpleasant for the other animals to see. The next day Seal went to the Place of Knowledge. On his way, he was bumping into coral that was hurting his skin. When he got to the Place of Knowledge, all the other fish laughed at him. When Seal left the Place of Knowledge, he went to the Master of Life and asks how he can make his skin smooth. The Master of Life said, "Go on top of the water. Watch the tribal dancers of Tlingit. Then come back into the water and do their dance 1,000,000 times. The water rushing over you will make your skin smooth." So the seal went above the water and watch the tribal dancers. Then came back into the water and did their dance 1,000,000 times. He said to The Great Spirit, "Let my skin be smooth." As the water rushed over him, he was smooth. He jumped for joy and raised his hands. The next day Seal went to the Place of Knowledge. Seal walked in proud as he could be. All the animals gasped. Now they thought they were all scaly and rough. So all the other animals in the sea went to the Master of Life and asked how to get smooth skin. The Master of Life said, "Dance Tlingit. The tribal dance by the water and by the water rushing over your skin will make it smooth." So they did. But the Master of Life did not tell the animals to do the dance 1,000,000 times for their skin to become smooth. So, they went back in the water and did it once. It did not work. They thought the Master of Life had lied to them. The animals got mad and they wanted to get back at the seal. They tried to find him but they couldn't and did not know what to do. Seal had swum so fast his skin was becoming smoother and smoother. Seal ended up in the North Pole. The animals were not fast enough to catch up. It would take them years to get to the seal. To this very day, they don't know where Seal is or how smooth he is. Cydney Kapperman 4th Grade Chattanooga School for the Liberal Arts Casey Gellerman

Growth Elixir "MOM STOP!" "Fine. I just can't believe another jock hit you in basketball! Hi my name is Sam and I love basketball but the thing that stinks is when you are 4.8 and you are littlest on the team. All of my life I wanted to be bigger but soon that is all going to change. The next day I walked in school-bang! Did I mention that I have problems with bullies? "Give me your lunch money jerk!" "Get off Dillard!" 119

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