Brief, one, boards

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Ted Baker The brief-

Devise an Autumn/Winter campaign for Ted Baker. Concept based on WW2, forties glamour and inspired by ration books and clothes rationing.

Brady Miller OUGD301 Brief one Ted Baker Page one

Ted Baker Typeface-

Typeface created using the theme of WW2. Inspired by clothes rationing and CC41, Civilian Clothing 41 label.

Brady Miller OUGD301 Brief one Ted Baker Page two

Ted Baker The range-

Deliverables include clothing labels, receipt holder, clothing bags, gift cards, clothes hangers and posters for in store.

Brady Miller OUGD301 Brief one Ted Baker Page three

Ted Baker The range-

Gift cards, front and back, and clothes hanger for in store.

Brady Miller OUGD301 Brief one Ted Baker Page four

Ted Baker In context-

Window display for the ww2 clothes rationing inspired collection.

Brady Miller OUGD301 Brief one Ted Baker Page five

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