Booklet Winter School 'Slim City' (2014)

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Winterschool 2014

Slim City hi


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Amsterdam Academy of Architecture all ctri



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Winterschool 2014 Academie van Bouwkunst Amsterdam, Han Wiskerke, Marieke Timmermans, Mark Hendriks, Marjoleine Gadella. i.s.m.. Gemeente Amsterdam, Aanpak Gezond Gewicht, Dimitri Frenken, Marijke Andeweg.

Winterschool Slim City 20 January - 31 January 2014

We beleive that designers play a crucial role in combating the most rapidly growing public health epidemics of our time: obesity and its related chronic diseases. In this winterschool we developed new ideas for the city of Amsterdam to enable people to be physically more active in their daily lives. Ideas that will improve activity rates at work, at school, at home and in between. Nineteen teams of students made design proposals. Designs on architecture, urban planning, public space, infrastructure, transportation, interior design, food, social media and other. The teams were interdisciplinary (Architecture, Urbanism, Landscape Architecture) and consisted of first -, second - and third year students. The results are presented in this book.

A healthy city is one that is continually creating and improving opportunities in the built and social environments to enable all its citizens to be physically active in day-to-day life. World Health Organisation

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introduction Overweight and obesity pose a major risk to chronic illness such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The prevalence of overweight and obesity is high and still increasing in high income countries, yet it is dramatically on the rise in low- and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings. Changing diets in combination with lower levels of physical activity are generally seen as the primary causes of the obesity epidemic. As a result of this epidemic, health care costs are escalating. It is, by now, a common understanding that the incidence of overweight and obesity needs to be reduced to improve the quality of life of those suffering from it and to reduce public spending on health care. But how to do this? For a long time the focus has been on changing individual’s behaviour by raising awareness about the importance of healthy eating and physical exercise, as it was generally believed that overweight was one’s own responsibility. However, more recently we have come to understand that also our everyday environment has a significant impact on the rising prevalence of overweight and obesity. We live in what is labelled as an obesogenic environment, which is for instance characterised by the following: •

during work or school hours we are mainly sedentary, the same holds true for the time we spend at home;

the spatial design of suburban neighbourhoods is based on the use of a car to move from home to work, to school, to shopping mall, et cetera;

there is relatively easy access to bad calories (sugary and fatty processed food), which are also cheap compared to the usually less accessible healthy calories;

in office buildings the central stairs have been replaced by elevators.

Reducing the incidence of overweight and obesity is thus not simply a matter of raising awareness, but also, or even primarily, a matter of redesigning our everyday environment in such a way that physical activity and healthy eating are encouraged and sedentary behaviour and unhealthy eating are discouraged. This poses an interesting challenge for designers, in particular as it requires them to look at different levels of scale – ranging from the building to the entire city – as well as at different locations where we spend our day: at home, at school or at work and in public space. Together these combinations of scale and location proved to be fertile ground for a range of designs that together constitute the building blocks for a much needed transition from an obesogenic environment to a slim city. J.S.C. Wiskerke Lector Foodscapes Amsterdam Academy of Architecture

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P1 New wild west Radicaal, treffende beelden, je hoeft niet te slopen, architectuur omlijst openbare ruimte. Dat wordt nieuwe identiteit van die buurt. Zeker realistisch, compleet. Goede analyse, onderbouwing, doorwerking, uitgewerkt. Over de hele linie goed gescoord. Presentatie zet verhaal zeer sterk neer. P2 Wait Watchers Poetisch, goede sfeer door de juiste referenties – sfeer van rust en romantiek. Goede pitch Coherent verhaal, mooi uitgewerkt naar 1 plek. Heel voorstelbaar, interessant om de vele verkeerslichten in de stad aan te pakken. Niet moraliserend ( je moet meer fietsen) maar wat we al doen beter maken. P3 Shifting to connect Idee en interventie interessant. De omgeving tussen en rondom scholen krijgt betekenis, looplijnen en programmeren.... Conceptueel sterk Let op wat je poneert: is dat zo? Sociale integratie, daar wordt je gezonder van, klopt dat? Pas op dat het geen karikatuur wordt. Uiteindelijke oplossing toch te mager. P4 Green network Analyse is gedegen, maar stap naar oplossingen of heldere ingrepen moeilijk. Teveel willen oplossen. Presentatie ingewikkeld, niet toegankelijk. P5 Skinny Architecture Basisidee met potentie, maar werk het extremer uit. Maak huizen waar echt de voorzieningen ontbreken, zodat je gedwongen wordt om de stad in te gaan. Wel interessant om thematiek te verbreden naar maatschappij en het leven. P6 It’s about time Goede titel, geweldige pitch en effectieve presentatie – goed neergezet. Ze draaien het idee om: focussen op stilstaan en dat benutten om mensen te laten nadenken. Manifest, spotje voor tv. Effect? Bereik je mensen, ja, maar gaan ze gedrag veranderen? Pas op dat de borden in de stad niet te moraliserend zijn, dat kan averechts werken.


P7 OBCT Originele invalshoek – waarschuwen. Wat als we niets doen? Maar beklijft het, landt het? In pitch presentatie laten groep het liggen, waarom? Dit verleid niet om echt te verdiepen, dan wordt het te grappig. C1 Happy Street Het ontwerp heeft een sociaal karakter – dat is kansrijk. Maar met het opwaarderen van de Meeuwenlaan worden buurtproblemen niet zomaar opgelost. Welke problemen moeten er eigenlijk worden opgelost? In het project is dat niet op scherpe wijze vertaald naar een opgave, waardoor de geboden oplossingen wellicht ook weinig effect hebben. C2 Homo Roboticus Originele aanpak om te beginnen bij de Academie community. Toetsen hoe je gedrag kan beïnvloeden, en dat extrapoleren naar andere plekken. Het effect van de interventies beter meten, beter vastleggen, het is nu niet geregistreerd. C3 Shopping is topsport Event om idee te verspreiden goed, pitch was krachtig. Kansen laten liggen binnen het idee. Het bestaat al, maar wat heeft de groep toegevoegd. Technologie is er, zet het in. C4 Kidfrastructure Slim uitgangspunt: niet gebrek aan speelplekken, maar juist de ruimte ertussen als opgave – bereikbaarheid, veiligheid is een plus. Architectonische uitwerking is te eenzijdig en overontworpen. De jury twijfelt aan de onderbouwing van het idee. Een betere analyse nodig, het idee verder uitdenken. C5 What you eat is who you are Maakt duidelijke dat obesitas een gedragsprobleem is, dat wordt veroorzaakt door combinatie van inrichting woonomgeving en keuzes van individuen op een dagelijkse basis. Veel willen oplossen, maar geen scherpe keuze gemaakt. Wel een plan met een hoog maakbaarheidsgehalte.

B1 Vhillage Blue zones, heuvel --- concept en onderbouwing erg goed, dat heuvelachtige inbrengen. Maar het is niet zinnig om te gaan slopen en een enorme bouwwoede te introduceren B2 Cycle of well-being Interessant om interventies af te stemmen op momenten en plekken waar je gezond gedrag en welbevinden kan beïnvloeden. Ook het sociale meenemen is goed. Vertaald naar een onduidelijk verhaal, de typologieën waarmee het well-being beïnvloed kan worden zijn weinig verassend – daar was meer uit te halen B3 Neighbourhood as school, school as neighbourhood De zienswijze is interessant, om school en buurt beter op elkaar af te stemmen Ingreep mist urgentie, het waarom van een zo’n invloedrijk gebouw wordt te weinig onderbouwd. B4 Slimbox Ingenieus plan, concreet, slim om in een winkel ‘te gaan zitten’, heldere paneelpresentatie, coherent verhaal. Een ingreep met een hoge effectiviteit De pitch had het idee sterker neer kunnen zetten. B5 Town of the fittest Moeilijke maquette, relatie tussen iconen en maquette. Teveel uit de losse pols. Leuk die reeks van mogelijkheden. Hoe effectief zijn de oplossingen. Te schematisch. Grafisch mooi. B6 Schoolbox Goed om school uiteen te rafelen in plekken en routes Wat je daar dan vervolgens kan blijft hangen in een gereeddschapskist met ideeën waarvan de effectiviteit maar moet blijken. B7 Playing vacancy - Pop up playground Koppelen van opgaven, gezond gedrag en leegstand van de vele winkels, en het pop up (reizend) karakter is kansrijk. Uitwerking is niet verassend en niet realistisch. Kan het ook qua veiligheid, beheer, etc

jury report Top 5

1e prijs

P1 New Wild West

P1 New wild west

P6 It’s about time

Vooral op wijkniveau zeer waardevol en kansrijk.

B4 Slimbox

Zeker gemeentelijke taak, publiek en sociaal effect

P2 Wait Watchers

zeer groot. Architectonisch en stedenbouwkundig

C2 Homo Roboticus

prachtig uitgewerkt. Sterke beelden die vol inhoud zijn, meer dan collages. Wild west gaat echt iets in gang zetten.

Gedeelde 2e prijs P6 Its about time Een manifest zoals een manifest moet zijn. Scherp, begrijpelijk, groot bereik.

B4 Slimbox Slim in zijn soort. Kleine ingreep met zeer groot effect. Goed doordacht over de hele linie – nu de winkel vinden die meedoet.

Jury: Han Wiskerke, hoogleraar rurale sociologie Wageningen Universiteit, lector Foodscapes Academie van Bouwkunst Amsterdam. Rob Hootsmans, architect, partner Architekten Cie. ir Naomi Felder, architect eigenaar bureau FELD, oprichter Gezin in de stad.

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P1................................ A nieuw wild west......................................9 10 B4................................ Slimbox......................................................19 20 P6................................ It’s about time...........................................25 26 P2................................ Wait Watchers..........................................37 38 P3................................ Shift to connect........................................45 46 P4................................ Green Network........................................57 58 P5................................ Skinny architecture.................................67 68 P7................................ OBCT.........................................................71 80 C1................................ Happy street = Healthy street...............85 94 C3................................ Shopping = Topsport.............................95 104 C4............................... Kidfrastructure.......................................107 116 C5................................ You are what you eat.............................117 126 B1................................ Vhillage.....................................................131 140 B3................................ The neighboorhood as a school.........143 152 B5................................ Town of the fittest..................................155 164 B6................................ Schoolbox..............................................163 172 B7................................ Playing vacancy.....................................175 184

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a nieuw wild west

First prize

spaces of wildernis

A nieuw-wild-west takes up the responsibility to design living space for children and everybody they meet and need. Therefore we propose to reincarnate the AUP green structure of Amsterdam NieuwWest by introducing wilderness into its neighbourhoods. We believe that children need to be free to play close to their homes. A free zone - a public space they can explore and shape to their needs. A young world filled by the imagination of the child.

Playing as a holistic approach health Playing is exercising for live. Playing is dreaming alive. Playing is living. We start playing within the comfort of our home. Once we feel safe enough we explore the space behind the front door. Day by day this space expands into the courtyard, then into the neighborhood and finally into the wild city. The home and the portal are the first domain for a young child to roam and experience the world around them. The playground as a starting point for this exercise derives from a holistic approach to health. Playgrounds are places of activity where a child and its friends are testing their physical boundaries, explore their phantasy and deepen their social understanding. Within a city they are gathering spaces outside, where children, parents, grandparents, neighbours and strangers come together. We believe that for the physical, mental and social health of a child the ability to play in freedom is essential in building a strong personality. And become healthy adults. In this workshop we explored the play-spaces between house and neighbourhood. Its a spatial exercise on masterplan scale reasseassing the AUP’s green structure. A nieuw-wild-west presents a vision for free public space for children. Contributing to an active public domain for everyone.


a niew wild west

P1 Student group DaniĂŤl Bakker Anna Fink David Habets Dennis Meijerink Laurens Schuitmaker Natalia Sulkowska David Tol Irma van Weeren

playground designed by Aldo van Eyck

a nieuw wild west

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Nieuw-West as a heavy case Nieuw-West is one of the areas in Amsterdam that has to deal with the concerns of rising numbers of overweight and obese children. 32% of the 10 year olds have become heavier than regarded healthy. How does their “heavy environment” look like? Nieuw-West was built according to the principles of “light, air and space”. From a modernistic approach various planners applied their vision to building communal life. The affordable housing was put into their ideal green environment. From the living streets (woonstraat), to block streets (buurtstraten), to district streets (wijkstraten), to city lanes (stadslanen), the route for the car is efficiently organized and designed. The home-, the workand the recreational functions were carefully split up into planned units. Underneath the housing-stamp-structure and grey-car-grid the green structure is planned into the leftover space. The long lines of the old populi and the central lake remind us of if this grand landscape.

The rise of car use and logic of planning broke the relation between the green spaces planned by Van Eesteren, standing on top of his ladder. The large structure is divided into small fragments and therefore reduced to decorative green. Throughout the years sitting has been reduced to benches. Drinking coffee has been limited to places in shopping malls. Playing has been reduced to the defined playgrounds. In between the blocks there is a wipkip, a slide and one of Aldo’s igloos every three hundred meters. Kids used to play in these explicit spaces in front of their houses. Over time the car gained dominance and swallowed more space. This led to less play areas and to fences around the one’s left. Limited and standardized, all imagination and freedom seems lost. The wonder of exploration has been replaced by fear. A child’s life is not governed by dedicated hours to work, to recreation and time spend at home. A child’s neighbourhood should not be organized to these principles.

The world from kid perspective With all the best intention we have to conclude that Nieuw-West has grown into an area for adults. People oscillate between their homes and their work, moving in and out of the city by car. In between the spare spaces left, safe from this routine, children still play their games. Their wonder and imagination moves them. Further and further away from the house into the big world. We all build our first houses by draping a blanket over the kitchen table of our parents. Safely sharing a cup of tea with a stuffed animal or an imaginary friend. Once you feel safe enough to explore the bushes across the street, you grab hammers and nails, find a couple friends and build your first community house out in the wild, defending it from intruders of all age and species.

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Most of us have memories alike. From these we conclude that playing only takes place in spaces that offer comfort, distant care by parents and secret places close to home. These are the conditions for free playing. What would the design of Nieuw-West look like seen through the eyes of a child? Can we design a playing field for children to shape their own world?

a niew wild west

west d-west

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> elke 300 m speelplek in

nieuW-West in Facts nieuW-West in Facts

est as a heavy nieuW-West as casestuDy a heavy casestuDy

The worLd from Kidfrom PersPecTive The worLd Kid PersPecTive

a green structu a green st 300 m

Overweight and Obesity amongst Overweight and Obesity amongst children and youngand adults children young adults

seeKing for PLAces ofPLAces of seeKing for

Increase ofIncrease caruse and of caruse and populationpopulation growth growth

tekst: kind speeld huis/courdyard, alshave je goter wordt spel jethat verder enz st is one of the areas amsterdam that has>torefereerd dealhasaan With allklein theWith bestall intention we have towe conclude Nieuw-weg Comprehensibility (“human scale” spaces, safe spacessafe of spaces of nieuw-West is one ofin the areas in amsterdam that to deal thebij best intention tothat conclude Nieuw- Comprehensibility (“human scale” spaces, oncerns rising numbers overweight and obese and obese West has grown intogrown an area foranadults. People oscillate bewith theofconcerns of risingofnumbers of overweight West has into area for adults. People oscillate certainty) becertainty) > refereerd aan tekst: their klein homes kind speeld huis/courdyard, als jein goter wordt spel je verder -weg enz 2% of the32% 10 year olds heavier than tween andbij their work, moving and out in of the Community (programming of neighborhood spaces, eyes on eyes on > refereerd aan tekst: kleintween kind speeld bij huis/courdyard, als je goter wordt spel je verder children. of the 10have year become olds have become heavier than their homes and their work, moving and out ofweg theenz - Community (programming of neighborhood spaces, healthy. city by In between spare spaces left,spaces safe from the streets,the an streets, event, active participants, local heroes, friends regarded healthy. by car. Inthe between the spare left, this safe from this an event, active participants, local heroes, friends routine, children still play their Their wonder and imag- andtoimagplay) to play) routine, children still games. play their games. Their wonder their “heavy environment” look like? look like? ination moves them. Further and furtherand away fromaway the house Coherence (linking the(linking green fragments socially, how does their “heavy environment” ination moves them. Further further from the -house - Coherence the green spatially fragmentsand spatially and socially, into the biginto world. creating a creating safe framework for the wilderness to emerge)to emerge) the big world. a safe framework for the wilderness st was built according the principles “light, air - Wilderness (as a space(as of aimagination, places where children nieuw-West was built to according to the of principles of “light, air - Wilderness space of imagination, places where children ”. From a modernistic approach various planners we all build our first houses by draping a blanket over the can test themselves, freezones) and space”. From a modernistic approach various planners we all build our first houses by draping a blanket over the can test themselves, freezones) eir visiontheir to building communal life. the affordable kitchen table of ourtable parents. safely sharing a cup of tea withof tea with applied vision to building communal life. the affordable kitchen of our parents. safely sharing a cup 100% ofput caruse and 100% as into their greenideal environment. From the From a stuffed animal or an imaginary friend. once you feel safe the child’s route from route the house housing was putideal into their green environment. the a stuffed animal or an imaginary friend. once you feel we safecan divide we can divide the child’s from to thethe house to the ts (woonstraat), to block streets (buurtstraten), to enough to enough explore to theexplore bushes the across the across street, you grab hamplayground in several components: on growth living streets (woonstraat), to block streets (buurtstraten), to bushes the street, you grab hamplayground in several components: 50% 50% ets (wijkstraten), to city lanes the route the mers and nails, couple andfriends build your first comdistrict streets (wijkstraten), to(stadslanen), city lanes (stadslanen), route mers find and anails, findfriends a couple and build your first comis efficiently and designed. home-, munity out nu in the wild, defending it from intruders all The house,The the house, courtyard, the street, the the street, destination and the and the > toename eerst house bijna geen meer heelin veel auto’s for the car is organized efficiently organized and The designed. The auto, home-, munity house out themeer wild, defending it fromofintruders of all the courtyard, the destination 0% and recreational functions were carefully age and species. neighborhood as a a whole. 0% the the workand the recreational functions weresplit carefully split age and species. neighborhood > toename auto, eerst bijna geen nu meer heel veel meer auto’s nned units. underneath the housing-stamp-structure up into planned units. underneath the housing-stamp-structure > toename auto, eerst bijna geen nu meer heel veel meer auto’s ar-grid the green structure planned is into the leftohave of memories Fromalike. theseFrom we conclude onthat these scales our interventions articulate and strengthen the and grey-car-grid the greenis structure planned into theMost lefto-of us Most us have alike. memories these wethat conclude on these scales our interventions articulate and strengthen the the long lines of the old populi and the central lake playing only takes place in spaces that offer comfort, distant green structure of “nieuw-west” and finally introduce a new koffie ver space. the long lines of the old populi and the central lake playing only takes place in spaces that offer comfort, distant green structure of “nieuw-west” and finally introduce a new age 19> of if thisus grand care by parents and secret and places close to home. are the age 19> remind of if landscape. this grand landscape. care by parents secret places closethese to home. these wilderness. are the wilderness. conditions conditions for free playing. What would the design of nieuwkoffie for free playing. What would the design of nieuwkoffie car rise use and logic planning the relation West look like thethrough eyes ofthe a child? can we design green courtyards of the typical l-shaped need to need to 100% the of car useof and logic ofbroke planning broke the relation Westseen lookthrough like seen eyes of a child? can wethe design the green courtyards of the typicalstamps l-shaped stamps 100% he green spaces planned byplanned van eesteren, a playing field for children tochildren shape their own world? car-free. new roughnew vegetation will form awill form a between the green spaces by vanstanding eesteren, standing a playing field for to shape their own world? become completely become completely car-free. rough vegetation his theladder. large structure divided into small into small sharp contrast with the city lanes squares. ban We ban 50% onladder. top of his the largeis structure is divided sharp contrast with theand city urban lanes and urbanWe squares. 50% and therefore toreduced decorative green. the bushes the withbushes thornswith andthorns meaningless, forgotten planting fragments andreduced therefore to decorative green. and meaningless, forgotten planting t the years sitting has been toreduced benches. neW-nieuW-West beds to stop the to green of our living > refereerd 0% aan tekst: alleen kids spelen alleen - nu cluster throughout the years sittingreduced has been neW-nieuW-West beds stop anesthesia the green anesthesia ofenvironment. our living environment. 0% offee has coffee been limited to places We plea for landscapes of sand, earth and grassland Drinking has been limitedintoshopping places inmalls. shopping malls. We plea for landscapes of sand, earth and roofed grassland roofed refereerd aan tekst: alleen kids spelen alleen - nu cluster sPlaying been reduced toreduced the defined playgrounds. therefore takes up the responsibility to by solitary by trees, smithsonian hills opening towards thetowards sky andthe sky> and has been to the defined playgrounds. A nieuw-wild-west A nieuw-wild-west therefore takes up the responsibility to solitary trees, smithsonian hills opening > refereerd aan tekst: alleen kids spelen alleen - nu cluster design living space for children and everybody they meet and rigid forestsrigid as aforests wood-bank for the future design living space for children and everybody they meet and as a wood-bank for new-nieuw-west. the future new-nieuw-west. nieuW-West in Facts a green a structure nieuW-West in Facts green structure ninthe blocks there is a wipkip, a slide and one of need. We believe that children need more freedom in their in every courtyard we see a young world emerging. between the blocks there is a wipkip, a slide and one of need. We believe that children need more freedom in their in every courtyard we see a young world emerging. age 5 - 19 age 5 - 19 os every threeevery hundred Kids used to play We space. set outWe to create to home, Aldo’s igloos threemeters. hundred meters. Kids used to public play space. public set outatofreezone, create a close freezone, close to home, plicit spaces in front of their houses. over time the that and shapeand to their needs. Big infrastructure lines like the metro the highway in these explicit spaces in front of their houses. over time thethey can thatexplore they can explore shape to their needs. Big infrastructure lines like and the metro and thesplit highway split dominance and swallowed more space. thisOverweight led from the inner and Obesity amongst Increase of“nieuw-West” caruse and Increase of caruse and and swallowed “nieuw-West” fromcity. the they innerform city. the theyrough form backthe rough back1975 0car gained dominance 2000 more space. this led Overweight and Obesity amongst ytoareas and areas to fences thearound one’s left. Weyoung set out toand make a to public space that space extends theextends safety bones of abones coherent through thethrough neighborchildren adults population growth children adults population growth less play andaround to fences the Limited one’s left.and Limited We set young out make a public that the safety of astructure coherentrunning structure running the neighborLAces of ardized, all imagination and freedom lost.seems The lost. of the home courtyard the living hood. Following mysterious edges one edges can wander along andhealth weightproblems and standardized, all imagination andseems freedom The ofoutwards. the home Through outwards.the Through the and courtyard and the living hood. these Following these mysterious one can wander along Public health Public and weightproblems exploration has been replaced fear. by fear. streets, intostreets, the rough of patches green, along the heavy neighborhoods where kidswhere can conquer the little islands flankamongst children wonder of exploration has beenby replaced into patches the rough of green, along infrathe heavy infra- neighborhoods kids can conquer the little islands flankamongst children le” spaces, safe spaces of safe ity scale” spaces, spacesto ofwork, to fe is(“human not governed dedicated structure lines that run through Nieuw-West. We are searching ing the footing of the the foot railway. the structure thecrosses lively city A child’s life is not by governed by hours dedicated hours to work, to structure lines that run through Nieuw-West. We are searching of the railway. thecrosses structure the lively city and time spend at home. Aatchild’s neighborhood for an environment that is ablethat to trigger the child’s the ingenuity lanes. emphasizing the pace ofthe thepace childofthe car willthe have towill have to recreation and time spend home. A child’s neighborhood for an environment is able to trigger child’s ingenuity lanes. emphasizing the child car eighborhood eyes onspaces, eyes on gramming ofspaces, neighborhood be organized to these principles. by the simple means of ameans natural, slow down. x 1000 should notlocal be organized to these principles. by the simple of dynamic a natural,surrounding. dynamic surrounding. x 1000 slow down. ticipants, heroes, friends vent, active participants, local heroes, friends We take the leftovers the AUPof green structure a base to on the neighborhood scale the playground will become a desWe take theofleftovers the AUP greenasstructure on the neighborhood scale the playground will become a des250 as a base to250 agments spatially and socially, ing the green fragments spatially and socially, build up a build parallel The child’s The infrastructure is tination contrary the overto distributed wipkip. By wipkip. em100% up infrastructure. a parallel infrastructure. child’s infrastructure is again, tination again,tocontrary the over distributed By em100% he wilderness emerge) framework forto the wilderness to emerge) running as running a back alley through Nieuw-West. phasizing on programmatic clusters where bigger playgrounds as a back alley through Nieuw-West. phasizing on programmatic clusters where bigger playgrounds ination, places where children a space of imagination, places where children 150 50% A wild public space has a life of its aown, it’sitsspace can social with activities the older: bars, 150 50% A wild public space has life of own,that it’s space that are can combined are with combined socialfor activities for coffee the older: coffee bars, ves, freezones) grow and age. to start the green fragteahouses, gardens, sports fields, swimming and commugrowOur andaim Our aimredesigning is to start redesigning the green fragteahouses, gardens, sports fields, pools swimming pools and commu0% 0% ments of the edges into a coherent public space offering50the nity centers. We believeWe thatbelieve offering a public space that space is free that is free 100% offering the nity centers. that offering a public 100% ments of the edges into a coherent public space 50 rom the house thethe house to the e child’s route to from opportunityopportunity of play. of play. enough to enough be claimed byclaimed playingby children close to their homes to be playing children close to their homes L age 5 ts: components: veral L age 5 drives the playground to expand to and specialize. To finally To finally 50% drives the playground expand and specialize. 50% R age 10 R age 10 The interventions lead to a public domain consisting of slow & become knots in the urban fabric connecting the play areas The interventions lead to a public domain consisting of slow & become knots in the urban fabric connecting the play areas eet, the destination the ourtyard, the street, and the destination and the fast infrastructure, diverse & dispersed & smallbig1950 with the dynamic city life.2000 city life. 1975 fast infrastructure, diverse & facilities, dispersedbig facilities, & small with 1975 1950 the dynamic 2000 0% 0% a whole. centers, meeting points and attractive playgrounds. This green centers, meeting points and attractive playgrounds. This green structure isstructure not a decorative element but part ofbut everyday is not a decorative element part of life everyday life 2013 2015 2020 2025 2030 articulate and strengthen the our interventions articulate and strengthen the extending extending the home from the walls thewalls house garden a nieuw-wild-west, a new young world, a new public domain. the home fromofthe of to thethe house to the garden a nieuw-wild-west, a new young world, a new public domain. finally introduce a newintroduce a new fand “nieuw-west” and finally of the city. of the city.

x 1000

a child’s expansion of the exploration area

a green structure


50 50 of the idealistic gand landscape - heart 1 the sloterplas

1975 1950 2000 2 chain of contrasting courtyards with different types of vegetation and atmospheres 1975



3 islands withx 1000 vegetation surrounded by water are small 1000 wild playgrounds at thex green route along the metro children use them to build huts, collect findings from the > refereerd aan tekst: klein kind speeld bij huis/courdyard, als je goter wordt spel je verder weg enz street and use restwood as furniture 150


4 existing bigger playgrounds should be facilitated as

meetingplaces for parents as well - by adding program like a kiosk or a small community center

standardized playgrounds vs. centres of community

cal l-shaped stampsl-shaped need to stamps need to 100% ards of the typical w rough vegetation will form a ely car-free. new rough vegetation will form a and squares. ban th theurban city lanes and We urban squares. We ban 50% ingless, forgotten planting horns and meaningless, forgotten planting a of our living environment. green anesthesia of our living environment. 0% earth and grassland scapes of sand, earthroofed and grassland roofed ssmithsonian opening towards the sky towards and hills opening the sky and the future new-nieuw-west. wood-bank for the future new-nieuw-west. ng world emerging. d we see a young world emerging. age 5 - 19

a lanDscaPe oF



cars shaping our public spaces

age 19>

x 1000



0 2013


2020 2025 2030 2013 2015 2020 2025

of all kinds should invite a bigger range of people landuse landuse we add “adult program” like a teahouse and make centers surrounded by playelements for all agegroups

6 inbetween the blocks we expand the greenspaces and

increase their coherence 100% no cars, lush vegetation, 100% a linear landscape 50%

x 1000



Playing throug Playing th

etro split linesand likethe thehighway metro and the highway split y. form the omthey the inner city.rough they backform the rough backnning throughrunning the neighborent structure through the neighborsthese edges one can wander along Public health and weightproblems mysterious edges one can wander along Public health and weightproblems onquer thecan littleconquer islands the flankwhere kids little islands flank-amongst children amongst children crosses the livelycrosses city the lively city eructure railway. the structure he the childpace the car willchild havethe to car will have to ng of the

2025 2015

2030 2020



increase their coherence - their coherence increase no cars, lush vegetation, a linear landscape no cars, lush vegetation,



7 at the end of this7linear ad at theplayspace end of thiswe linea



L age 5

R age 10




L age 5

0 2015





4 existing bigger playgrounds shouldplaygr be fa 4 existing bigger meetingplaces for parents as well for - byparen addi meetingplaces kiosk or a small community kiosk or acenter small commun Map of the AUP the green str

Map of the AUP th





3 islands with vegetation surrounded by wa 3 islands with vegetation wild playgrounds at theplaygrounds green route at along wild the children use them to build huts, collect children use them tofindi buil street and use restwood furniture street as and use restwood

5 the gerbrandispark becomes a big cluste 5 the gerbrandispark be of all kinds should of invite a bigger range of all kinds should invite we add “adult program” a teahouse an we addlike “adult program” surrounded by playelements agegro surroundedfor byall playelem

x 1000


age 5 - 19

vegetation and atmospheres vegetation and atmosph

6 inbetween the blocks we expand the grew 6 inbetween the blocks

january 2014january 2014 Daniel Bakker, AnnaBakker, Fink, David Dennis Meijerink, Laurens Schuitmaker, Natalia Sulkowska, Tol, Irma vanTol, Weeren Daniel AnnaHabets, Fink, David Habets, Dennis Meijerink, Laurens Schuitmaker, NataliaDavid Sulkowska, David Irma van Weeren 150

the idealistic gano 1 the sloterplas - heart - heart 1 theofsloterplas

2 chain of contrasting courtyards with diffe 2 chain of contrasting co


0% 7 at the end0% of this linear playspace we add a cluster

age 19>



auto, eerst bijna cluster geen nu meer heel veelactivities meer auto’s 5 the gerbrandispark> toename becomes a big where

R age 10



Overweight and Obesity amongst children and young adults

landuse Increase of caruse and population growth

Public health and problems a PlayscaPe oFweight olD nieuW-West a children PlayscaPe oF olD nieuW-West amongst


Map of the AUP the green structure of Van Eesteren - a grid landscape greening the modernist city

playground willplayground become a deshood scale the will become a desver distributed wipkip. By em- wipkip. By em- 100% ontrary to the over distributed ers where bigger grammatic clustersplaygrounds where bigger playgrounds esh for theactivities older: coffee bars, social for the older: coffee bars, 50% ,ns, swimming poolsswimming and commusports fields, pools and commu-0% ring a public space that is free believe that offering a public space that is free gimed children close tochildren their homes by playing close to their homes L age 5 and specialize. To finally ound to expand and specialize. To finally R age 10 connecting the play areas the urban fabric connecting the play areas city life.


50% 0%







Playing through the scales



Map of the AUPMap the green of Vanstructure Eesterenof - a grid landscape greening the modernist of the structure AUP the green Van Eesteren - a grid landscape greeningcity the modernist city

L age 5 R age 10



world, new public domain. t, a newa young world, a new public domain.

january 2014 100% january 2014 kowska,Natalia David Tol, Irma vanDavid Weeren maker, Sulkowska, Tol, Irma van Weeren




L age 5

L age 5

R age 10

R age 10

DS rHOO 100%















OUSE THE H playgroundplayground designed by Aldo van designed byEyck Aldo van Eyck

a PlayscaPe oF olD nieuW-West a PlayscaPe oF olD nieuW-West

playground designed by Aldo van Eyck playground designed by Aldo van Eyck







Playing through the scales Playing through the scales

a new greenstructure aiming a new greenstructu (based on (based the greenstructure on the gree

a new greenstructure for wildernis a new aiming greenstructure aiming for wildernis (based on the greenstructure nieuw-west byTrancity) (based on the of greenstructure of nieuw-west byTrancity)

suggestive map of potential p

a new greenstructure aiming for wildernis (based on the greenstructure of nieuw-west byTrancity)

a new green structure aiming for wildernis (based on the green structure of nieuw-west byTrancity)

a nieuw wild west

13 13

A nieuw wild west A nieuw-wild-west therefore takes up the responsibility to design living space for children and everybody they meet and need. We believe that children need more freedom in their public space. We set out to create a free zone, close to home, that they can explore and shape to their needs. We set out to make a public space that extends the safety of the home outwards. Through the courtyard and the living streets, into the rough patches of green, along the heavy infrastructure lines that run through Nieuw-West. We are searching for an environment that is able to trigger the child’s ingenuity by the simple means of a natural, dynamic surrounding.

We take the leftovers of the AUP green structure as a base to build up a parallel infrastructure. The child’s infrastructure is running as a back alley through Nieuw-West. A wild public space has a life of its own, it’s space that can grow and age. Our aim is to start redesigning the green fragments of the edges into a coherent public space offering the opportunity of play. The interventions lead to a public domain consisting of slow & fast infrastructure, diverse & dispersed facilities, big & small centers, meeting points and attractive playgrounds. This green structure is not a decorative element but part of everyday life extending the home from the walls of the house to the garden of the city.

The world from kid perspective - Comprehensibility (“human scale” spaces, safe spaces of certainty) - Community (programming of neighbourhood spaces, eyes on the streets, active participants, local heroes, friends to play) - Coherence (linking the green fragments spatially and socially, creating a safe framework for the wilderness to emerge) - Wilderness (as a space of imagination, places where children can test themselves, free zones) We can divide the child’s route from the house to the playground in several components: The house, the courtyard, the street, the destination and the neighbourhood as a whole. On these scales our interventions articulate and strengthen the green structure of “NieuwWest” and finally introduce a new wilderness. The green courtyards of the typical L-shaped stamps need to become completely car-free. New rough vegetation will form a sharp contrast with the city lanes and urban squares. We ban the bushes with thorns and meaningless, forgotten planting beds to stop the green anaesthesia of our living environment plea for landscapes of sand, earth and grassland roofed by solitary trees, Smithsonian hills opening towards the sky and rigid forests as a wood-bank for the future new-nieuw-west.

14 14

In every courtyard we see a young world emerging. Big infrastructure lines like the metro and the highway split “Nieuw-West” from the inner city. They form the rough backbones of a coherent structure running through the neighbourhood. Following these mysterious edges one can wander along neighbourhoods where kids can conquer the little islands flanking the foot of the railway. The structure crosses the lively city lanes. Emphasizing the pace of the child the car will have to slow down. On the neighbourhood scale the playground will become a destination again, contrary to the over distributed wipkip. By emphasizing on programmatic clusters where bigger playgrounds are combined with social activities for the older: coffee bars, tea houses, gardens, sports fields, swimming pools and community centres. We believe that offering a public space that is free enough to be claimed by playing children close to their homes drives the playground to expand and specialize. To finally become knots in the urban fabric connecting the play areas with the dynamic city life. A nieuw-wild-west, a new young world, a new public domain.

a niew wild west

a lanDscaPe oF Play


types of

are small metro from the



ated as rogram like a

ere activities ple ake centers

aces and




3 1


suggestive map of potential play spaces along the mayor infrastructures suggestive map of potential playspaces along the mayor infrastructures

a nieuw wild west

15 15

4 ProPosals to increase WilDerness 4 proposals to increase wilderness

2 stuDies


a green backbon



the dominance ofofstreets the dominance streets

a change in mindset a change in mind set

standardized boredom standardized boredom

green chambers of wonder green chambers of wonder

Postjesweg, Ov

clustering city and

broad sidewalk areas co courtyards

one evercha continous la

planned plannedplaying playing

fertile clusters for allforages fertile clusters all ages

forgotten backside

mysterious edge

forgotten backside

16 16

mysterious edge

a niew wild west

case study 1

Nieuwenthyssenstraat, Slotermeer a green backbone within a neighbourhood

2 stuDies Nieuwenthyssenstraat, Slotermeer

a portal the courtyard towards a portal connecting connecting the courtyard towards the city lane the city lane

a green backbone within a neighbourhood

cars moving outoutofofthe courtyards cars moving the courtyards

contrasting atmospheres contrasting atmospheres

teahouse teahouse

diverse, large playground for diverse, large playground for all age groups all age groups

aalandscape of play inbetween in thebetween blocks landscape offloating play floating the blocks

case study 2 Postjesweg, Overtoomseveld clustering city and natural dynamics Postjesweg, Overtoomseveld

clustering city and natural dynamics

revive the community centre revive the community center broad sidewalk areas connecting broad sidewalk areas connecting the the courtyards courtyards

a mysterious edge a mysterious edge

one ever changing one everchanging continuouscontinous landscape landscape

temporary use temporary use

a nieuw wild west

17 17

by adding program like a

big cluster where activities range of people ahouse and make centers l agegroups

d the greenspaces and

the dominance of streets



cars shaping our public spaces

ce we add a cluster

standardized playgrounds vs. centres of community

playground design


standardized boredom

3 1


planned playing

forgotten backside

suggestive map of potential playspaces along the mayor infrastructures

18 18

a niew wild west

a change in mindset teahouse

diverse, large playground for all age groups

ned by Aldo van Eyck

a new greenstructure aiming for wildernis (based on the greenstructure of nieuw-west byTrancity)

suggestive map of po

a landscape of play floating inbetween the blocks

green chambers of wonder

Postjesweg, Overtoomseveld

clustering city and natural dynamics

revive the community center

broad sidewalk areas connecting the courtyards a mysterious edge

one everchanging continous landscape

fertile clusters for all ages

temporary use

mysterious edge

a nieuw wild west

19 19


Second prize

In and around a supermarket.

OBESITY Obesity is an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation which has an adverse effect on health. It increases the likelihood of various diseases such as diabetes type 2, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer and osteoarthritis. There are many things which could cause obesity. They can be grouped in different categories: environmental, psychological, cultural, etc. On individual level a combination of excessive food energy intake and a lack of physical activity are thought to explain most cases of obesity. Obesity can be called a disease of XXI Century. There are 520 million obese people worldwide, which is approximately 7,3% of the population. In Netherlands 10% of people has a diagnosis obesity and 30% are overweight. In Amsterdam the percentage of obese people is bigger than average in the country. For children it’s 23% to 15% for the whole country. The statistics shows that percentage of obesity also defers per area. The most problematic areas are Nieuw-West, Zuidoost and Noord. According to demographic analysis in this areas live people with the lower income and the amount of schools and another educational institutions is lower than average in Amsterdam. OBESITY AND A SHOP Considering excessive food energy intake and a lack of physical activity as two mane causes we have looked to the role of the shop as one of the environmental influences of obesity The first question arise was WHERE PEOPLE GET THEIR FOOD? In contemporary economic system supermarket as a type of grocery shop was considered as the most profitable. Through the years this type of grocery distribution became prevalent to small shops and markets. The basic appeal for the customers is the availability of broad selection of goods under the single roof for relatively low price. There are a few well known supermarket chains in Amsterdam. You can find them in every neighbourhood. They defer in price, but all of them have the same concept of product arrangement. The basic products for cooking (hereinafter healthy zone) such as meat, fish, fruit, grains, milk products, are always located along the walls of the supermarket creating a round basic route. The shelves contain as raw as half prepared versions of products. In a center the shelves with extra products (hereinafter unhealthy zone), such as sauces, chips, sodas, etc. are located. These shelves contain much more products with high calorie level. Routes through this shelves lead to the cash registers. It means that the people who cook at home will always take a basic route but to get to the cash register will always cross unhealthy area and grab something there. Also there are always small shelves with the best offers on the way and last minute purchase shelves on a cash register.



B4 Student group Zain Naqvi

Alexey Boev Olga Chulkova Haidar Al-Dayri Milda Grabauskaite Kristina Petrauskaite Milad Moshtaghipoor



Milad Moshtaghipoor | Alexey Boev | Olga Chulkova | Kristina Petrauskaite | Milda Grabauskaite | Haidar Al-Dayri | Zain Naqvi



Milad Moshtaghipoor | Alexey Boev | Olga Chulkova | Kristina Petrauskaite | Milda Grabauskaite | Haidar Al-Dayri | Zain Naqvi



Milad Moshtaghipoor | Alexey Boev | Olga Milda Grabauskaite Grabauskaite| |Haidar HaidarAl-Dayri Al-Dayri | Zain Naqvi Milad Moshtaghipoor | Alexey Boev | OlgaChulkova Chulkova| |Kristina KristinaPetrauskaite Petrauskaite | | Milda | Zain Naqvi





B4 B4






Meat + FishNaqvi Milad Moshtaghipoor | Alexey Boev | Olga Chulkova | Kristina Petrauskaite | Milda Grabauskaite | Haidar Al-Dayri | Zain Meat + Fish




Meat + Fish


Fruit F

SLIMBOX Endocrine


Disorders Endocrine Disorders





Endocrine Endocrine Disorders Disorders


Genetics Children Obesity

Fruit F

Much more than average

Very much more than average

20 - 24%

More than average

much more than average

less than average

more than average

10 - 14%

Medications Medications

Psychiatric Obesity in Amsterdam per district Causes Disorders

much less dan average


Fruit F

Vegetable Vegetab


less than average

Much more than average

20 - 24%

More than average

Very much more than average


much more than average

Meat + Fish

15 - 19%

less than average

10 - 14%

much less dan average

Education of youth

Vegetable Vegetab

Phisical activity/ Healthy diet

25 - 30%


Water Water Meat + Fish Meat + Fish Milk products Milk products

Physical activity/ Healthy diet

25 - 30%



Physical activity/ Healthy diet


Psychiatric Psychiatric Disorders Disorders 15 - 19%

Netherlands Amsterdam



23% Psychological



Vegetable Vegetab


Genetics Genetics 15%

Fruit F


Cultural Cultural

Milk products

Vegetable Vegetab

Vegetable Vegetab

Psychological Psychological

Environmental Environmental

Milk productsFruit F

Milk products

Psychiatric Disorders Disorders


more than average

Milk products

less than average

Fruit F

Work, income and economyPhysical activity/ Healthy diet Prevent Prevent Physical activity/ Healthy diet Vegetable Vegetab



23% Endocrine Netherlands Amsterdam Medications 23% Disorders Obesity in Amsterdam per district Children Obesity 15% Causes 15%

25 - 30%

Physical activity/ Healthy diet Much more than average

Education of youth

20 - 24% 25 - 30%

15 - 19% 20 - 24%

less than average More than average


10 - 14% 15 - 19%


much more than average Very much more than average

Physical activity/ Healthy diet

less than average more than average

much less dan average

Hall of shame

Netherlands Amsterdam 15% Netherlands Amsterdam Children Obesity

Very much more than average

Work, income and economy

more than average much more than average

much less dan average less than average

10 - 14%

Get rid of the unhealthy

More than average Much more than average

less than average

Make healthy part exciting 25 - 30%

Much more than average

Very much more than average

20 - 24%

More than average

much more than average

Obesity in Amsterdam per district Education of youth Work, income and economy Making healthy choice the easy choice! Children Obesity Obesity in Amsterdam per district Education of youth Work, income and economy

Childeren Obesity

Much more than average

15 - 19%

less than average

10 - 14%

much less dan average

Obesity in Amsterdam per district

Education of youth

more than average

Very much more than average less than average

Work, income and economy

More than average

Get rid of the Amsterdam unhealthy Netherlands Children Obesity

less than average

much more than average

Hall of shame

Obesitymuch in Amsterdam per district less dan average

Make healthy part exciting more than average Education of youth

Work, income and economy less than average

Making healthy choice the easy choice! Get rid of the unhealthy

Hall of shame

Healthy food experience Hall of exchange shame and information

Low shelves for more interaction Get rid of the unhealthy

Make healthy part exciting

Attractive “healthy” routing with social activity points

Activities Make

healthy part exciting

Making healthy choice the easy choice! Making healthy choice the and easy choice! Education of youth Work, income economy Winterworkshop 2014 Get rid of the food Get ridunhealthy of the unhealthy

Hole of shame

Academie van Bouwkunst Hall of shame

31-01-2014 Make healthy Make part exciting healthy part


Making healthy choice the easy choice! Low shelves for more interaction

Winterworkshop 2014

Low shelves for more interaction

Low shelves for more interaction


Low shelves for more interaction Low shelves for2014 more interaction Winterworkshop

Healthy food experience and information exchange

Attractive “healthy” routing with social activity points


Attractive “healthy” routing Attractive “healthy”routing with activity points points withsocial social activity

Activities Activities

Academie van Bouwkunst

Healthy food experience

Healthy food experience and and information information exchange exchange

Healthy food experience and information exchange Slimbox


Attractive “healthy” routing with social activity points

Healthy food experience Attractive “healthy” routing Academie van Bouwkunst and information exchange

Activities Activities 31-01-2014

Excisting floorplan

New proposal floorplan

Impression exterior

Impression interior



SUPERMARKET VS OBESITY - SLIMBOX In terms of physical activity walk to supermarket nowadays is already an exercise, because you can also very easily order food in the internet and the firm will bring it to your home. More important are what people buy in a supermarket and how the changes in supermarket concept can influence peoples’ behaviour to make healthier choices. First thing which comes into mind is to get rid of all unhealthy products in a supermarket. But it doesn’t work in short term interventions, because the assortment could be changed gradually according to the customer demands. Second idea was to make the access to unhealthy food difficult by putting it on one level lower in the way that from “healthy” level you will see what is going on there – hole of shame. But it will create negative associations with such a supermarket and the customers, who would buy some unhealthy products, will start to go to another shop, where they will not feel uncomfortable. The most effective way is to make healthy zone much more attractive than unhealthy. What are these attractions both making walk through the supermarket more interesting and promoting healthy diet? How to make healthy choice an easy choice? First of all it’s important to give people information on healthy eating and not only in the way of lectures, but to make an experience of healthy food. The place for active healthy food experiences, such as cooking workshops or children games, is located in the middle of the “slim box” and is visible from every place in healthy zone. Information stands spread in healthy zone provides customers with information about healthy lifestyle and gives an examples of receipts of healthy dishes for everyday. Another important thing in promoting healthy living is social interactions, so that supermarket becomes a neighbourhood center for knowledge exchange on healthy eating. In usual supermarket products are arranged in shelves of 2 m height, which doesn’t make possible even visual interactions between people in a shop. In SLIMBOX the shelves around main activity point are lower, that creates more inviting atmosphere and gives desired interactions in a shop. Shelves in healthy zone placed in playful way, in unhealthy zone they remain in the same order. The routing through the shop becomes more attractive due to adding activity zones and sitting corners. People spend more time in a supermarket and learn about healthy lifestyle. APPLIANCE TO EXISTING SUPERMARKET To test what idea of SLIMBOX could bring to the neighbourhood we choose a location in the most problematic areas in Amsterdam – Amsterdam Noord. The grocery distribution is concentrated in certain areas. The only place where the supermarket is free standing and very dominant is Mosveld. In front of the supermarket there is a square, which becomes a market ones in a week and the rest of the week remains an empty parking place. Applying the SLIMBOX to this supermarket gives a possibility to create a connection between inside the shop and outside world. Openings in a building create visual connection with school, neighbourhood and square. Creating activity points on the square, promoting healthy food and physical activity, allows making the supermarket a part of healthy routing through the neighbourhood, continuing in a park. PROFITABILITY AND THE ROLE OF MUNICIPALITY IN TRANSFORMATION OF SUPERMARKETS. The SLIMBOX concept will work in a system of supermarket gradually changing the assortment to healthier products through promoting healthy lifestyle. People will stay longer in a shop and that is one of the main goals of the supermarkets, because it leads to bigger purchases and bigger profit. The role of municipality in a process of supermarket transformation should be financial support (lower tax, lower rent) of one test supermarket, which will become an example of profitable and health orientated shop and will lead to natural change in another shops.



Map of grocery shops with location

SLIMBOX on Mosveld

Mosveld - healthy route



It’s about time

Second prize

never stop to just breath

Welcome to your daily life The alarm clock! Time to get up. Make a sandwich and have a quick shower. You hurry to the train station. Too early. Lets have a cup of coffee before the train arrives. While you eat in the train you check your facebook. The train stops, a delay. The bus departs in a couple of minutes. You rush through the train station. Ahh, just missed it. This is a fragment of our daily life. We enjoy all the technological delights like the train, bus, escalator, elevator, artificial light and coffee. We are in a constant flux and have no time to think about our lifestyle. Unconsciously we often make unhealthy choices. An explosive amount of people (of Amsterdam) suffering from obesity rise so quickly that the municipality of Amsterdam speaks of a epidemic. The city council launched a campaign to make people exercise more and strives to be a city without obesity in the year 2033. Is this realistic? People with obesity are not necessarily unhealthy, but an unhealthy lifestyle leads most of the time to obesity. With our project we target the people who make unconscious choices, namely ourselves.

26 26

It’s about time

P6 Student group Vincent Janssen Robbert Jongerius Kim Kool Chun Hin Leung Willemijn van Maanen Roeland Meek Paul Plambeck Mark van Vilsteren

Our daily life

never stop to just breath

27 27

Welcome to your daily life Before we can create awareness to others, we must become aware of our own daily habits. To become aware we did a writing exercise: a letter to ourselves. Everyone chose a passage of text which they found appealing or represented an important experience in their lives. In the next two minutes we wrote whatever arised in our minds without the pen leaving the paper. So we weren’t allowed to stop writing. After this exercise we took time to read our own letters. We chose three words or passages from this text. With these passages we wrote a new letter with the same rules. We shared this personal letters with the group. While comparing the letters it became clear to us that we all experienced a moment of awareness. Mostly we live our lives in a rush. Sometimes we experience it as a straightjacket. We would like more peace, less stress and a more healthy life. Taking conscious choices is almost not doable. The letter to ourselves is the starting point for creating an intervention for awareness. We realised that in order to create awareness, you need a moment of peace and input to make you reflect on your daily live.

28 28

It’s about time

Wordle of each collaborator

never stop to just breath

29 29

A conscious walk Awareness is an overlooked component in the problem of obesity. On average, we wait 30 minutes per day. As it were, time is put still for us here. During a walk from the Academy of Architecture towards the NDSM – warf we looked for these vacuums of time in our daily pattern. We cross the Waterloopleinmarket and walk toward the Sint-Antoniesbreestraat. At the centre of the Nieuwmarkt we have a group discussion. None of us noticed a time vacuüm. We reflect on our idea. Do we maybe have to introduce a time vacuüm? We continue our way toward the Central station. In front of the station we stay still again. Here people walk in and out of the station or wait for the bus. Our first concrete time vacuüm in the public domain. In the station it’s crazy: people sprint to catch their trains, others stand in line to get a cup of coffee. Another time vacuum, the queue at the kiosk. We take the ferry to the NDSM wharf. Cyclists and walkers accompany us on the ferry. With enjoyment we look at an older couple kissing at the railing. In the background, the factories blow smoke into the thic clouds over the IJ-river. The setting sun light up these factories, a spectacular view. It is clear to us that the ferry is one of these places where time slows down. It’s the place where your thoughts are spinning, you reflect on yourself or just find this peaceful moment.

30 30

It’s about time

The conscious walk

never stop to just breath

31 31

It’s about time When do you take time to think about your daily lifestyle? Standing on the ferry towards Amsterdam North you don’t control time and your sensitive to incentives that encourage you to think and reflect. In the public domain there are lots of places where you don’t control time and you are required to wait. On a average, we wait about 30 minutes a day. This half hour is scattered throughout our hectic daily life. We wait for the bus, the stop signs, in the traffic jam, for the ferry, and in the queue to buy coffee. These places are the reason for a campaign that gives people a moment to think about consciousness. For centuries the clock is an integral part of the public space. Through time the clock is virtually disappeared from the scene. We reintroduce the clock, but now ticking back as a trademark of awareness. A clock that you associate with reflection and good intentions, think of new years eve. What are your good intentions? Just like the writing assignment, we give people some material to think about. Underneath the analog clock a striking fact or quote will be displayed that links to your daily habits. A few examples: “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile” “The most powerful way to increase happiness is to perform random acts of kindness to others” “Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now without delay”

32 32

It’s about time

The clock as a ticking back trademark of the campaign

never stop to just breath

33 33

The clock as a ticking back trademark of the campaign

34 34

It’s about time

never stop to just breath

35 35

Food for thought Our campaign engages in a overlooked component of the obesity problem. The root cause of obesity is an unhealthy lifestyle. A lifestyle that is caused by our hectic daily existence. Awareness of this lifestyle is the key to stimulate people to make more conscious choices in their daily lives. These incentives that we introduce are constantly present in the public domain. The analog clock, ticking back as a trademark for awareness should ensure us that we do not quickly fall back to old habits. They support you to continue in a positive way en stimulate to think about your choices. We believe in the positive effects of the campaign and pursue for the goal that people make more careful choices after becoming aware of their lifestyle. Little incentives will mostly lead to structural improvement on the long term. People who become aware and really want to improve their lives will naturally come with improvements themselves. Therefore the people themselves will create a snowball effect for example in the fight against obesity. Would you make more conscious choices in your daily life if you became more aware of your unhealthy habits? A commitment to a obese-free city in 2033 is in our opinion an unattainable ideal of beauty. The question is, is this realistic? You undermine the problem of obesity by only encouraging movement. We recommend the municipality of Amsterdam to take on the role to for a targeted campaign to stimulate awareness among its inhabitants. Should you make this daily awareness required? We think so, what do you think?

One of the places where the campaign can be happen

36 36

It’s about time

never stop to just breath

37 37

Wachtverzachter Fluitend naar je werk

Wait Watchers Relax on your bicycle

Most people travel to and from work 5 days a week. A lot of our time is spend commuting in cars, trains and on bikes or (more unlikely) walking. Unfortunately this time spend travelling is not always an enjoyable time. A lot of stress occurs regularly in busy traffic situations. Particularly busy and confusing road junctions where various road users meet can be a stressful experience. Stress has been proven to affect our health in negative ways. This is approximately how it works: when you experience stressful situations your body’s getting prepared to fight or run to deal with the danger that is threatening you. In most situations nowadays your body hasn’t got to run, yet the adrenalin and other chemicals like noradrenaline needed to get you running, do happen - if the stress source is unpleasant and upsets you. Besides your heart rate going up, your blood vessels dilate and with a decrease in metabolism, extra glucose surges into your blood steam to give you extra fuel. Another chemical now being produced is called cortisol. It has recently been identified as possibly causing weight to pile on around your tummy - not a good thing because of the implications that has for heart disease. Cortisol has also been shown in some studies to destroy brain cells. So, it’s quite a complicated process. Remember - back in caveman times, you would have needed all these chemical reactions to escape danger. The Netherlands are famous for the amount of people travelling by bike. We don’t feel the need to improve the dutch cycle path network but would rather like to reduce ‘road stress’ and create a more enjoyable bike ride. The municipality of Amsterdam has done research what cycle paths are the busiest and where most conflicts between slow and fast traffic occur. Those are the routes we would like to focus on in our design proposal. We propose different ways to upgrade your bike ride commuting time and reduce your stress level. Waiting for a green light with heavy rain and strong winds doesn’t exactly make you jump for joy. Sometimes a bike ride can be simply boring until you almost crash into your fellow biker because he/she’s riding on the wrong side of the road. Annoying. You can easily become stressed biking in Amsterdam.


Wait Watchers

P2 Student group Ricsi van Beek Elma de Weerd Tim Kort Joeri van Wijk Tristen Vreugdenheel Mirte van Laarhoven Katarina Nรถteberg

Film still. Film te bekijken via


39 39


traffic safety











social network

physical health

mental health



Metabolism comes into action

Body comes into survival modus noradrenaline

How does stress work? home


+ boring road








Concept scheme 40 40

Wait Watchers

feel good

Busy roads causing stress

Be entertained while waiting

Heated, ice free bicycle path

Art intervention

Pedestrian area during green light

Light show


41 41

We choose 4 routes on along which we’re proposing to realise various themed interventions. 3 of the routes start at Amsterdam’s busiest train stations and lead into the city centre. Mayor employers are located around these stations. Our routes will be particularly busy during rush hour. We connected the theme of the route with those employers and developed an investment and sponsoring strategy. We would like to stimulate mayor employers to think about their employees stress levels and health conditions as it’s profitable for employers to have healthy staff. Healthy employees are efficient workers. The route leading from Amsterdam Amstel station to Amsterdam central station is the energy & light route and will be sponsored by Nuon and Phillips which have their headquarters in the area. The route leading from Amsterdam Zuid to Amsterdam central is the science route which is connected and sponsored by VU (vrije universiteit). The VU campus is located just south of Amsterdam Zuid. The green route leading to Amsterdam Sloterdijk is our food route. It runs past several allotment gardens and the Amsterdam Food center. Last but not least there’s the art route connecting many important cultural hotspots with each other. A couple of examples what those interventions could be. For the light & energy route we were thinking of heat / cooling lamps on road junctions for cyclists (powered by solar energy) or light installations that turn boring waiting time into a spectacular light show. The science route could be an invitation to experiment with green waves for cyclists. Or perhaps the traffic lights turn green when there’s heavy rain? Experiments like those have been tested in Groningen (NL) and Copenhagen (DK). We would like to use the food route to promote healthy snacks and add tap water points along the route. We believe there are not enough free tap water points in the city. People tend to buy sugary drinks when they spend money in the shop. Why not turn a traffic light into a water tap? The art route will make you smile! We offer karaoke junctions: The better you sing the faster will the lights turn green. We turn traffic lights into -state of the artcoffee machines and will turn your bike path into a red carpet. Stress free entertainment guaranteed. We choose to design a light show road junction on the light & energy route. Our project site is the Weesperplein because it has also been indicated to be a road crossing where many accidents occur. The light show is primarily for cyclists and pedestrians but it can also be experienced from the car. Inspiration for the design are japanese crossings where at the same time all lights turn green for slow traffic. When lights turn green the crossing becomes a square which belongs to cyclists and pedestrians only for a couple of seconds. A very special experience supported by a spectacular light show. 30 seconds of shared identity and togetherness! Enjoy the film! Amsterdam’s most busy bicycle paths


Wait Watchers

8 KM

5 KM 5 KM

Themed bicycle routes

Amsterdam’s most busy bicycle paths

Cyclists ignoring red lights



increasing lightintensity during increasing amount of waiting cyclists.

44 44

Lightshow, during which the junction becomes a public square for crossing in any direction.

Wait Watchers

Light-model detail


45 45

Shift to Connect Shifting and mixing school programs to create a new social structure and a healthy (slim) generation. Prologue:

During the Winterschool 2014 competition, we wanted to find a solution for the problem of Dutch people getting fatter. Our mission was to design a slim city. Our group is trying to find a solution for this problem by looking at the schools in public spaces. Because overweight is becoming a problem with young people: about 15% of this group (2-25 years old) in the Netherlands is overweight (source: CBS). There are more overweight adolescents in households with lower incomes, and they are receiving medical attention more often than those in the highest income group. Around 19% of all young people in the lowest income group is overweight, compared with 11% of the 2 - 25 year olds in the highest.


Amsterdam faces the scenario of an overweight society; adolescents situated in parts of Amsterdam with the lowest incomes have more overweight than parts with the highest (source: GGD). Also, people from abroad have more overweight issues than native adolescents. Why do the lower income parts have more overweight than the higher income parts? It has to do with the social structure of the people. The daily life of young people is unhealthy, because they eat unwholesome food and do not exercise enough during the day. The first thing we have to do is changing this daily life pattern into a healthy pattern. Our research showed that people from lower income parts of the city have more overweight than the people in the highest income parts. When looking at the lower income parts of Amsterdam, you see that there are more foreign people living there. They have a different culture than native adolescents, and most of the time their environment has a poor quality. People in those neighbourhoods are, most of the time, not happy with their environment and get socially isolated from each other. This also effects the daily life, because if you don’t meet other people with another culture or (healthier) life style, you cannot change yours. The main reason why people are overweight is that they live in an unhealthy society.

46 46

Shift to connect

P3 Student group Eric Claasen Floris Grondman (T) Lesia Topolynk Mark Spaan (T) Sylvia Schelling Yu Tian Zhennuo Que

Problem Unhealthy

same ethnics physical activity.overweight.sad

How to fix it? Shift to connect

47 47

Proposal During this year’s Academy Winterschool competition, this is what we propose as a solution for the problem: Make new social structures within the local neighbourhood! By making new social structures in the neighbourhood, people can change their daily lives together. The school will be the central point in achieving these new social structures. Children and adolescents have the opportunity to eat good food, being physically more active, learn about other cultures and meet each other. In this way, the school becomes more important by being a center to stay the whole day. So, how can we achieve these new social structures? 1. By shifting and mixing the school programs Schools will not be given the same facilities, so students will have to walk to another area. For example, that means not all schools have their own sport facility, art workplace or music classroom. 2. By combining facilities The shifted facilities will be related to the schools. That means every school area has its own theme, and is responsible for that theme. For example, if you are in a school that’s connected to sports facilities and you are going to music class, you have to walk to the school that is responsible for music facilities there. There are a few added values for these new facilities: every facility will have more quality, it’s cheaper to build one big facility, someone is responsible for it and children are being more active and social together when they have to walk to the facility and then use them. 3. By renewing and expanding school areas School areas are to be expanded, and children share these facilities, so every child needs more space. Not only children have benefits from a bigger area, also the neighbourhood gets its own identity by the different areas. The neighbourhood will change in some sort of campus.

48 48

Shift to connect

same ethnics physical activity.overweight.sad

How to fix it? New social structure within the neighborhood by using school as a medicine

Shifting and combining school program

One school One Program Shift to connect

49 49

One school One Program


Main stage


Happiness and free time

Culture, music and preformes

Teamwork and physical healt

More space and better facilities

Economical benefit better use of space (24u) intergrated and in overlap with neighborhood

50 50

Shift to connect

Mixing etnics and ages physical and social activity interaction with surrounding

Gardens Nature and food education

Economical benefit better use of space (24u) intergrated and in overlap with neighborhood

Mixing etnics and ages physical and social activity interaction with surrounding

Design to seduce Spatial interventions that lead to program and active netwerk

Shift to connect

51 51


Social mix

Values Economical

lunch Mix age & ethnic




culture exchange



cheap food supply public space

6 --12 Y

social connection

better food

culture exchange


social connection

better food

mix-age education


cooking 12 --16 Y

sharing facilities

mix students with supervisior from pabo

6 --12 Y

teaching area

plants learning moving

gardening 12 --16 Y fresh vegetable

social connection farming

mix students with supervisior from pabo

farm land

mix-age education

Mix age & ethnic social connection


public space 4--12 Y


sharing facilities culture exchange

teaching area

12 --22 Y

4--12 Y

social connection

music sharing facilities


teaching area

culture exchange

12 --22 Y

social connection


public space Mix age & ethnic


sharing facilities

teaching area

culture exchange

culture language

social connection mix ethnic in same age teacher recource


mind exchange

moving teach staff

mix students with supervisior from pabo mix-age education New shifted and mixed schoolprogramma’s

52 52


sharing facilities


Shift to connect

social connection

teaching area 12 --16 Y


Growing and preparing for the lunch

Concert night at the main stage

Shift to connect

53 53

In the field To see how the 3 points for changing structures can work we needed to pick a study area, where the number of overweight inhabitants is high and the incomes are low. For this reason we picked Overtoomse Veld in Amsterdam New West as study area. Design guidelines For the study area a set of design guidelines have been developed to accomplish our goals. But for whatever area you choose, it’s good to: - Analyse the neighbourhood Go to the neighbourhood, see what the urban area looks like, where the schools are located, where the other non-housing functions are, what qualities and pitfalls the area has, and how the neighbourhood is used by children during the week and the weekend. - Know what programs can be shifted. - Combine the facilities in an urban area. Choose locations for the different programs. Make an one center point if necessary. -Expand the program in the area until it reaches a school. This school is responsible for the facility in the area. Theme the facilities like, sport, gardening, performing etc. and think of ways to strengthen the identity of each area. - Make a route between the themed areas to unify a neighbourhood. - Make different types of routes, like a smart route, which is fast, and a fun route, which is longer and more fun to walk on. - Place elements along the fun routes to go along to the facility. Think of a fun way of designing the elements! Design The design of Overtoomseveld is build up from the same design guidelines.

Route elements

54 54

Shift to connect

ute o R Fun


t rou


rts Spo

s den r a G

tage s n i Ma ds n u o ygr


e rolin t e M

A10 Isometric drawing of Overtoomse Veld with design proposal

Shift to connect

55 55

Playing during the breaks and after school.

Running from school to school

56 56

Shift to connect

Shift to connect

57 57

Green Network The holistic local food approach

If every neighbourhood will have its own production and distribution systems, with the involvement of the people living there, healthy and sustainable food will easily become more accessible for everyone. In the 5th century b. C. Hyppocrates, now considered the father of modern medicine, used to say that “If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health”. He said if, because he was aware of how difficult is it, and 2500 years later we still don’t know how to solve this problem. And to be honest, we just made steps back in those years. Nowadays everyone appears to be aware of the importance of good nutrition and exercise, supported by shocking facts and figures about the connections between sedentary life, malnutrition and mortality. Though, it seems to be really hard to put this theoretical knowledge into everyone’s practical lives. Therefore the first question we asked ourselves was why our approach to food is so inherently wrong. A few answers came to our minds, and the most important is probably that yes, as Feuerbach said we are what we eat, but we eat what we can afford. And in terms of money and time most of us can afford really poor quality food. That’s why our proposal is addressing specifically this issues, aiming to create a new local system based on the territorial potential of the different neighbourhoods. The system we propose, called holistic local food approach is based on the idea that, if the neighbourhood itself could produce, distribute, advertise and consume its own food, people’s access to healthy food would be much easier and spread over to different social groups, and not just a luxury for a few lucky people. We developed a universal system, that can be applied to every neighbourhood and integrated in the territory to fully exploit its potential. We soon realized that, in a city like Amsterdam, not too many interventions need to be done, because empty fields, empty buildings, people without a job, markets and small stores that are already there can be involved in the process to become part of a new working cycle. We truly believe that a successful system in one neighbourhood will gradually and progressively activate the surrounding neighbourhoods, for the proposed activities will generate interest. It was decided not to make something specific for children because the municipality is already addressing the issue of their education to a healthy nutrition and physical activity. Therefore we found it more interesting to develop a network that can involve every layer of the society. The total system will certainly affect the younger generations, because it will affect the way their parents behave, their approach to food and to the neighbourhood community. The green web is a network that will create new initiatives within the different neighbourhoods, and will involve existing structures. We strongly believe that all the elements we are developing, that have already been introduced in different situations, will work much better if they are part of an integrated network. Local urban farming is strong and competitive when it’s easy to sell the products closer to where they have been produced. To do this, it is necessary to know exactly who is going to buy the products, where they are going to be sold and which products will be produced.


the green network

P4 Student group Bengin Abdullah Chiara Dorbolò Valerio Falconi Gonçalo Moreira Roxana Vakil Mpzafari Marielle Wetter

the green network

59 59

Different people use the system in different ways


Starters couple

Business man

Big family


Middle-class family


Big mama

Local urban agriculture

60 60

the green network

Plan - grab ‘n go shop

Education kitchen

Container system

Image caption

Opening system

the green network

61 61

The network shall include all different kinds of people, and as we know, each one of Amsterdam’s neighbourhoods has a wide variety of nationalities, ages, incomes and family situations. Our program will provide an answer for any of those people. The combination of the different ways in which these people are going to react on the program, that’s what our project is all about. Everyone is forced to behave in a certain way, but everyone is encouraged to participate in his/her own peculiar ways, depending on what they give and take, needs and possibilities. The local urban agriculture could assume different shapes in the neighbourhood: traditional fields can be cultivated in the green unused areas, as well as on rooftops, courtyards and street sides. New technological systems such as hydroponic cultivation can be placed in containers basically everywhere and new vertical farms in towers can be placed all over the city. They will be new sustainable landmarks and they will encourage people to walk to the top to see the beautiful panorama from there. The first logic connection to the local production will be with the local street market. Every neighbourhood in Amsterdam has one or more street markets, but more and more often they are becoming expensive, almost a luxury shopping option. Now we want to give back to the market its original social meaning: it will be a place where there is almost no intermediation between production and the selling phase, so that the products will be fresh, good, cheap and sustainable. The local chain supermarkets will be involved with the creation of new lines of products that come directly from the neighbourhood. These fresh, cheap and good products will also rise people’s awareness on delicate subjects such as sustainability and the importance of good nutrition. Specific exclusive products will be produced in the urban farms to be sold in the biological shops already present in the neighbourhood and in biological restaurants that are aware of sustainability issues. These structures are already really popular in Amsterdam, and their customers will certainly appreciate that their products are growing a few meters away, because this will cut down every expense in terms of money and energy for their transportation. New elements will also be added to the system.


To encourage people with time issues to eat better even if they can’t cook, new healthy fast food spots will be placed in several locations in the neighbourhood. Some of them can be integrated with the street markets, and some of them can be placed in empty buildings or in public spaces. These kitchens happen inside recycled containers, they are fully equipped with everything they need to prepare meals that people could grab and go. A crucial element for the system will be the neighbourhood community kitchen, the place where all the system will be organized and advertised. The main purpose of the structure is to educate people to eat better and to cook their own food. In order to do that, funny and inspiring events could be organized, such as cooking courses, exceptional master classes where important chefs could reveal their secret recipes and international cooking sessions. A new economic system will be developed to implement the overall strategy. Using a personal chip card every inhabitant of the neighbourhood will be able to volunteer in the farms, in the market, in the healthy fast food spots and in the community kitchen. His/her work will be rewarded with green points that will be registered in his/her chip card. Those points can be used to purchase products in the market, Grab‘n Go spots and to attend classes and events in the community kitchen. Buying products in the biological shops with money and going to the biological restaurants will give people extra points, rewarding their sustainable and healthy attitude. This way, everyone will be able to contribute depending on his/her availability in terms of either money and time. Nowadays this strategy of exchanging time with value without money is becoming really popular, and people appreciate it because it forces us to work as much as we need, and it creates a direct relation between the value of our time and what we can earn from it. The Municipality of Amsterdam should make deals with the local biological shops, with the supermarkets and with the restaurants, discussing with them the range of needed products. After that an investment of money should be made to produce the first containers (for the community kitchen and the fast food spots(Grab ‘n Go)) and the first fields. Soon the first incomes from the products will fund back the whole operation, and the system will close in a self-sustaining cycle. The system will become popular, and it will become viral, invading one neighbourhood after the other, thanks to people’s involvement.

the green network

Seasons awareness

Market experience

the green network

63 63

Urban strategy of the show-case neighbourhood (Amsterdam )

64 64

the green network

the green network

65 65

Food cycle

Economic system of the chipcard

66 66

the green network

Sections before and after - sheltered market experience and street agriculture

Different solutions - hydroponic system and vertical farming

the green network

67 67

temporary office: skinny architecture We proudly present: The Slenderhouse A new typology in architecture for Amsterdam We go back to modernism! It is the first movement in architecture and urban planning that is completely based on the issue of health and hygiene. It introduced lightness, light, space, transparency and democracy. However, there is a discrepancy between two things modernism brought: lightness and convenience. Where convenience started with lightness, it became bigness due to our increasing income and the neverlasting temptations of the market reality. U see two chairs coming from modernism wich symbolizes the difference. Obviously the first one coming from Europe, the second from The USA.


skinny architecture

P5 Student group Erik brusse Nadine der kinderen Sebastien floch Simon verbeeck Michiel zegers Paul kuipers

the slenderhouse

skinny architecture


“the bearable lightness of being� modernism


& convenience

1932 gerrit rietveld

1956 charles & ray eames

Discrepancy between lightness and convenience

70 70


“sitting is a verb� gerrit rietveld

Special offer NRC Handelsblad


71 71

obese architecture We do believe in obesitas as a physical problem of the body. We believe more in the obesitas of architecture, design and the things that surround us. The crystalline and lightweight framework, following the Bauhaus tradition of pure functionality, turned into the fatness and heavyness of things. More and more they simulate the outside world and turn into home systems. They are keeping us stuck in this chair. We simply don’t have to move anymore.


skinny architecture

oBeSe environment

skinny architecture


Concept We came up with the idea of a house that gets rid of all the burden, and all the systems. It provides a minimal and functional program for living, cooking, bathing, and sleeping. 1 First of all, the house provokes activity because it is made of stairs. U are constantly moving from level to level. U can climb the roof to the garden, u can swing on streetlevel, u can climb the bookshelves and there is even a professional climbing wall. 2 The Slenderhouse functions as an incentive to use the facilities in the city. Movies u watch in the cinema, espresso’s u drink around the corner and dating is happing in cafe and bars. 3 The last benefit of The Slenderhouse is also coming from modernism: it’s affordable for more people. U can imagine to develop it into a modulair system, existing of staircomponents.

74 74



minimal programme > using facilities in the city fitness church

cinema garden








work lounge


coffee bar





lunchroom red light district Slenderhouse



the slenderhouse


We came up with the idea of a house that gets rid of all the burden, and all the systems. It provides a minimal and functional program for living, cooking, bathing, and sleeping.

1 First of all the slenderhouse is ideal in the small in between spaces at the Grachtengordel. Par definition it demands a vertical organised house, composed by a lot of stairs.

1 First of all, the house provokes activity because it is made of stairs. U are constantly moving from level to level. U can climb the roof to the garden, u can swing on streetlevel, u can climb the bookshleves and there is even a professional climbing wall. 2 The Slenderhouse functions as an incentive to use the facilities in the city. Movies u watch in the cinema, espresso’s u drink around the corner and dating is happing in cafe and bars. 3 The last benefit of The Slenderhouse is also coming from modernism: it’s affordable for more people. U can imagine to develop it into a modulair system, existing of staircomponents.


2 Subsequently we can embellish the poor and blind facades at the end of modernistic building blocks, let’s say in Osdorp or Sloterdijk. 3 Finally, we can even think about a building block in new area’s like Ijburg. The Slenderhouse is a plea for smaller houses wich provokes activity and hence improves our health. It is a plea for all cityplanners, governors, and specially eldermen for continuing the stress on a wide range of facilities in the city to keep it lively.

skinny architecture

skinny architecture





skinny architecture

Golden Age

skinny architecture



OBCT magazine

P7 Student group Vincent van Leeuwen Leonardo Kappel Jelmar Brouwer Mick Madder Richard Proudley Job van der Sande Winfried Verheul Thomas Wolfs


What happens if nothing happens It is obvious that we gain more than we lose. But overweight is creeping up on us faster than we expected. Look to your left, look to your right. Either you or one of your neighbors is going to be overweight. In 10 years from now, one out of three will be obese. And our built environment will be adapted to our needs. It is sometimes unbelievable to conclude that our current lifestyle is unhealthy. Even though we might not think so. This problem exceeds our profession. We all have to change our habits instead of just designing solutions. We have to activate ourselves into thinking more carefully about our own lifestyle. Continue reading and see what happens, if nothing happens.

OBCT magazine



OBCT magazine

OBCT magazine



OBCT magazine

OBCT magazine



OBCT magazine

OBCT magazine



OBCT magazine

OBCT magazine



OBCT magazine

OBCT magazine



OBCT magazine

OBCT magazine


Happy street = healthy street Welcome to the Meeuwenlaan Vision | Contextual network problem

Talking about ‘solving epidemic obesity’ means having to do with a highly complex set of related problems. Naturally, as many studies show, unhealthy food and too little exercise are some of the factors that cause obesity. There are however many more factors to take into account since we are dealing with a complex, dynamic and above all, societal problem and not merely a problem of individuals. Lack of education and social relationships as well as low income, mental unhappiness and unsafe and unused public spaces are some of the underlying causes of an unhealthy lifestyle. We can see health as a state of mental, physical and social well-being. C1’s task is to propose design interventions on a city scale regarding the workplace. We see it as our responsibility however, to take a wide and far-reaching perspective on the problem in which context plays an important role. In our view, the target group’s conditions are not merely to be employed, but to be part of a community - any community. Focusing on employed people only, means not only excluding all other people, but also excluding the most vulnerable people, since their economic and social status creates a more obesogenic environment for them. Our design proposes to influence people’s daily behaviour on many levels towards a healthier lifestyle. This wider societal perspective includes the problem of epidemic obesity. So, we don’t aim to change individuals, but we do propose to strengthen societal networks and thus enhance social and meaningful relationships. Which activates daily healthy behaviour.

Concept | Community hub

C1 focuses on positive behaviour by creating a network of multiple, diverse public functions that serves and focuses on people, neighbourhood and environment and is about mental, physical and social well-being. From an inviting public space to healthy food offer and from public work-shops to meaningful reasons for people to go out. Our intervention consists of a community hub that facilitates change on many different levels of behaviour. By focusing on 4 main pillars - work, healthy food, social structure, spatial interventions - we aim to invite people to choose and prefer healthy lifestyle over unhealthy lifestyle.

Case study | Amsterdam Noord, Vogelbuurt

We chose a site in Amsterdam-Noord to test the strategy and intervention of the community hub. We wanted a location with significant social, economic and health problems but also potential for change. So we looked for an area where unhealthy lifestyles are an everyday reality while at the same time there is a both employed and unemployed population, and many young people, thus having schools in the neighbourhood. We chose to work with a collection of neighbourhoods, being the Vogelbuurt and the surrounding neighbourhoods, to realise this composition. This area has a lower class society, both residential and working areas and many young people living there. On the other hand, one part of the area, the Hamerstraat area, is in transition. It is one of the oldest industrial ares of Amsterdam, which consisted of traditional craftsmanship before the wharf moved in and later on more heavy industrial activities. Now a shift towards more creative small scale economic activities is going on. Furthermore the spatial position towards the IJ, the nearby ferry, the development of the Noord-Zuidlijn and considerable public and green space makes this location an interesting location for our case.

Spatial and design concept | The Meeuwenlaan as a spine

To translate our concept of a community hub into the area, we took a deeper look at the location by inventarise and analyse the neighbourhood and interview the inhabitants. The spatial layout of the area is divided into several identities. These identities invited us to search for something that the neighbourhoods spatially have in common. We choose the Meeuwenlaan, which currently separates the different neighbourhoods and functions as an unnecessarily heavy transport route and therefore as a barrier. The intervention and design aims to activate the Meeuwenlaan as an long stretched public space that invites people to participate in several levels of healthy behaviour. The long stretched Meeuwenlaan can function as a newly developed artery of the area, it’s well designed public space inviting people to go outside. The Meeuwenlaan is the spine from which severalbranches reach deep into the neighbourhoods, offering an array of possibilities for people to choose a healthy lifestyle. It offers healthy food shops, public work-shops, meeting places, relaxing areas, sitting opportunities, it facilitates people to play, exercise and stroll, meet each other, spend time with each other and exchange knowledge, the latest news or have fun together. 94

happy street = healthy street

C1 Student group Annelies Bloemendaal, Anne Nieuwenhuijs, Floor van Wulfften Palthe, Ziega van den Berk, Antoine Fourrier, Antonio Rivera, Michiel Homs.

Stakeholders and network solution: focus on positive behaviour between stakeholders

The intention behind the HAPPY STREET = HEALTHY STREET is to link the neighbourhoods. The aim is to augment the links between surrounding neighbourhoods as well as the water of the IJ, improving the quality of the site and creating a promenade/boulevard full of adventurous, meaningful, memorable and delicious experiences. The design principles are developed on the basis of human needs, such as creating activity, play, movement, rest and places to meet. happy street = healthy street


Noord: diverse neighbourhoods without social coherence

Site Amsterdam Noord in Amsterdam context

Car repair

Fish stand


Flower stand


Frites stand

Crafts industries

Legenda maps




happy street = healthy street

Multicultural neighbourhoods

Concept: Community Hub Interventions that stimulate many levels of healthy behaviour

An underlying cause of obesity: contextual network problem

Birdsview on the proposed incubator to connect neighbourhoods

happy street = healthy street


N Plan Meeuwenlaan

Impression Meeuwelaan


happy street = healthy street

happy street = healthy street


Section existing situation

Section proposed situation

happy street = healthy street


Section existing situation

Section proposed situation


happy street = healthy street

Zoom park zone

Zoom extension harbour


happy street = healthy street

Sketch pavilion along the water

Proposed activities

happy street = healthy street


Shopping = Topsport Topsport op Osdorpplein

Ons motto is: ‘shoppen is topsport’. Dit willen we bereiken door de winkelwagen opnieuw te ontwerpen en te koppelen aan een applicatie voor de telefoon. Het eerste wat ons opviel na het bezoeken van verschillende winkelcentra in de westelijke tuinsteden is dat de doelgroep (ongezond en koopt ongezond eten) zich verplaats met de auto naar het winkel centrum en daar vanaf de parkeerplaats direct naar de bestemming loopt om zo snel mogelijk weer terug te gaan naar de auto. Terwijl de fietspaden in Nieuw-West goed zijn. Sleutel tot een effectieve ingreep is het moment tussen parkeren en lopen naar de winkel. Op dit punt willen we de mensen bewust maken van de producten die ze kopen en wat het betekend om actief te zijn. Daarvoor hebben wij een nieuwe winkelwagen ontworpen die zich door het gehele winkelcentrum kan bewegen. Voor je op de winkelwagen plaats je je telefoon waarop zich de app bevind. Op de app verschijnen zes options.:The healthy route, dail event, scan your food, Carbds discount, Healthy list, Daily progress. - Healthy Route Deze route wijst je door het winkelcentrum en verteld je de nieuwe recepten en verschillende gezonde winkels - Daily Event Geeft informatie over events er plaats vinden, bijvoorbeeld Shopping Carrace - Scan your Food Scand en verteld welke producten er in je voedsel zitten - Carbs Discount: Hoe meer je je car duwt, hoe meer korting je krijgt op gezond voedsel - Daily Progress: De dagelijks voortgang van je calorie’en die je verbrand tijdens het winkelen. De kracht van het ontwerp zit hem in bestaande technieken die er al zijn en combineren dit tot een succes formulen. Ook is het ontwerp nice voor de winkels. Ze krijgen meer attentie en de mensen leren verschillende plekken beter kennen, passeren meer winkels en geven meer geld uit. Door voor zouden wellicht de winkels een investering in het plan willen doen. Om af te trappen, nadat de openbare ruimte van het winkelcentrum opnieuw is ontworpen. Wordt er the Shopping Cart Championsship georganiseerd!


Shopping = Topsport

C3 Student group Wesley Wijnands Stein van Brunschot Bas van Steen Hein Coumou Marco Gijsen Erwin Webbink Jeremy Bouwmeester

Shopping = Topsport


Osdropplein (Winkelcentrum)


Shopping = Topsport

Shopping = Topsport


Locatie en doelgroep Concept

LOCATIE Uit gegevens van de gemeente Amsterdam blijkt dat stadsdeel Nieuw-West de meeste mensen met gezondheidsrisico’s herbergt. Om deze reden hebben wij besloten ons te richten op dit stads deel en de focus te leggen op de in het gebied aanwezige winkelcentra. Dit als logisch gevolg van ons concept. Na een korte analyse bleken er in het stadsdeel drie potentiÍle onderzoekslocaties te zijn, het Sierplein, plein 40-45 en het Osdorpplein. De combinatiewinkelcentra en markt is interessant omdat dit een grote stroom mensen trekt en op een markt vaak veelongezond en gezond voedsel gekocht en verkocht wordt. Uit deze drie locaties is de keuzegevallen op het winkelcentrum Osdorpplein, hier willen wij ons concept in de praktijk brengen. Osdorpplein is een vitaal winkelcentrum met een wijk overstijgend verzorgingsgebied, een hoge concentratiewinkels en in de omliggen de woonwijken wonen veel mensen met gezondheid problemen. De bezoekers komen vaak voor doelgerichte aankopen naar het centrum en verblijven er een korte tijd. Kortom het heeft alles in zich als ideale locatie om ons concept te toetsen. Doelgroep De mensen die wij willen bereiken zijn de bezoekers van het winkelcentrum maar ook de mensen die nu nog thuis vanuit hun luie stoel boodschappen doen en eten bestellen. Zowel jong als oud, arm en rijk, gezond en ongezond, en Nederlander of allochtoon. Mensen die lopend, met de fiets, met de auto of welke vervoerswijzen dan ook naar het centrum komen of dus helemaal niet komen. Ons concept maakt winkelen weer leuk, mensen nemen er de tijdvoor en bewegen meer. WINKELEN = TOPSPORT Ons concept bestaat uit meerdere onderdelen, een app voor een mobiele telefoon, een winkelwagen en een aantrekkelijke route door het winkelcentrum. minder doelgericht winkelen, er meer tijd voornemen en meer bewegen en kiezen voor gezond eten.


Shopping = Topsport

Shopping = Topsport


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Shopping = Topsport

Shopping = Topsport


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Shopping = Topsport

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Shopping = Topsport


Waarom dit plan? Omdat het interessant is voor alle partijen De consument Door winkelen fun te maken willen we de consument verleiden voor het kopen van gezond voedsel. Daarnaast speelt het in op de gigantische vraag naar interessant apps. Wanneer de app aaslaat zal het zich verspreiden als een lopend vuurtje. Daarnaast willen we het fun maken om te gaan winkelen. Dit brengt extra beweging met zich mee. Daardoor worden er meer calloriĂŤn verbrand. Daarnaast worden de consumenten belonen wanneer ze meer bewegen. De winkelier Voor de winkelier kan dit concept zeer interessant zijn. De middelen die wij inzetten kunnen ervoor zorgen dat de consument zich meer beweegt door het winkelcentrum. Dit kan een positief effect hebben op het shopping gedrag van de consument waardoor er wellicht meer producten worden gekocht. Daarnaast maakt de app het mogelijk om de consument te volgen door het winkelcentrum. Zodoende kunnen de winkelieren weten waar welke doelgroep zich bevindt. Hierdoor kunnen ze zich richten op trends en ontwikkelingen die interessant zijn om aan te bieden. Last but not least, is het mogelijk om de consument het werk te doen van de winkelier. Het is mogelijk om door middel van de app de producten/boodschappen te scannen en gelijk te betalen. Zodoende is er minder personeel nodig en heeft de consument meer beweging. Gemeente Amsterdam Omdat de Gemeente Amsterdam weinig te besteden heeft maar het obesitas probleem ziet als een groot probleem. Moeten ze met een goedkoop alternatief komen met een zo groot mogelijk rendement. De Foppie app kan hierbij een goedkoop middel zijn om een groot deel van de bevolking te bereiken. Tevens is de app goedkoop te realiseren. Het enige wat de Gemeente Amsterdam nog moet doen is een aantrekkelijk en speelse openbare ruimte ontwikkelen. Verder is dit plan universeel en dus overal toepasbaar.


Shopping = Topsport

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Shopping = Topsport


Kidfrastructure A path as a stretched out playground

Existing situation in Nieuw West, dangerous for kids to cross

There is no lack of playgrounds in Amsterdam. Every apartment building or small neighbourhood has its own small play area with a slide and a climbing frame. These basic children’s areas may be exiting at first, but will soon become dull. Other playgrounds, school yards, and little parks will be close by, but how to find them? And how to reach them safely? A problem of links As Marlies Rohmer mentions in her first book children hop from school to violin lessons to the swimming pool: from one ‘island’ to another. Under guidance that is, and in a car or carrier bike. Children of today lack the spatial and social connections between their islands. Even playgrounds and other facilities are often not thus connected to home or school that children can go there independently. Encouraging a social and active life in the neighbourhood


C4 Student group Casper van Deelen Daan Jansen Allyson Koudijs Dirk Overduin Martijn Veenstra Dafne Wiegens Pandelis Zaracovitis

Creating simple signs for kids to orientate


Creating a network to find your way to the playgrounds Making connections In the Netherlands the Ecological Main Structure (Ecologische Hoofdstructuur) is the tool used to connect animal’s habitats by means of wildlife crossings. The same principle can be used to connect children’s spaces. The playgrounds are the habitats, and a glow-in-the-dark orange ribbon connects the habitats. By connecting them, the small, simple playgrounds will turn into one big playground,

Problems that encourage the obesity

Existing playgrounds in Nieuw West Amsterdam


stretched out like chewing gum over the entire neighbourhood. Without having to invest in a big playground in one part of the city, there will be a Kidfrastructure as a new layer in the existing urban fabric. The small-scale playgrounds now will be snacks on the road instead of little standalone islands. The connections between the play areas are not only traffic lanes for children, but they are stretched out playgrounds in themselves. At

some places there might be bumps in the road, fun for biking over with a tricycle. Around the corner the ribbon turns into a sprint track to have a running competition with your friends. Water taps on the track provide necessary refreshment. The track may wind around the trees, or may have a small elevation with a ramp to use as a slide or to sit on as a parent.

toddlers on tricycles to twelve-year-olds on inline skates. The Kidfrastructure can be like the monorail in an amusement park, winding through the terrain, or like the hot lava or “apekooi� game, were the only safe place is the orange space.

These globes, steps, challenges and competitions activate various age groups, from

Solutions to create a dynamic daily life

Concept : Making a new layer for kids in the urban fabric


A new layer As a stretched out playground

Percentage of obesity in Nieuw West Amsterdam

In Nieuw-West parents frequently complain about the insecurity of existing playgrounds. They are not visible and may be taken over by drug addicts or loitering youth. Increasing the movement through and the use of the small playgrounds, the safety will likewise increase. Spaces now tucked away in corners will be part of a full pedestrian children’s network. In the same way the safety of money transport cars is boosted by augmenting their recognizability, the safety of the children’s spaces is likewise increased. The amount of the spaces already available (table tennis tables, schools, day care facilities, sand pits, kids gardens, petting zoos) makes it possible to keep the connections short and avoid dead ends: every habitat has at least two ribbons connected to it. High connectivity increases willingness to walk, and the shorter the connections, the more doable for the child. Street crossings in the shape of recognisable multicoloured zebra crossings will be combined with chicanes to slow down car traffic. On the busiest streets orange bridges enable safe crossing. These crossings can be combined with “crossing slides”: playground slides climbable on one side of the road, that end at the other side. Where the route is narrow and close to traffic it becomes a U-shape to cut off the Kidfrastructure from danger, without having to add fences. The track widens were the space permits it, and narrows were space is limited.


Route map of the Kidfrastructure in the Nieuw West Area


Let the kids imagine their own stories



Start Moving ! as a daily routine

Paragraph head By incorporating the schools in the Kidfrastructure, existing health programs can be combined with the structure. Schools can play a big role in this network if integrated. The Kidfrastructure is both innovative and doable. The basis is just buying a bucket of Seramic Lightcoating paint to connect the habitats, and gradually or as the possibility arises, elements can be added. Pouring concrete to make bumps is a low-cost and easy option that children will use for all sorts of adventures: according to a research of TNS/Nipo (2013) climbing and clambering is the favourite outdoor children’s game. But one could make it as spectacular as to add outdoor computers or moving elements. The Kidfrastructure will moreover attract external child oriented businesses, like snack veggie stalls or fruit kebabs vendors. The path is in a way an exercise track, but more importantly: it is a happy track. In happy children the stress hormone cortisol is reduced, and cortisol makes people heavier. Some doctors have successfully treated a number of obesity patients with the anti-depressant Prozac. It would be great if the Kidfrastructure could reach for the same effect in a natural way. The pilot project is in Osdorp, and can be extended over the entire city of Amsterdam, and even the world: kindfrastruktur, enfantfrastructure, barnfrastruktur. After all, what we do for flora and fauna with wildlife crossings we can easily do for our children’s health and happiness.


A structure adapted to every special situation of the urban context

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A stretched playground creating connections for the kids to enjoy

Playful and safe cross-over


WHAT YOU EAT IS WHO YOU ARE City Design - Shopping

Shopping is no longer a necessity. Nowaydays most people see shopping as an activity that is related to having a nice day and going out with friends. A moment when they can talk, shop, but mostly they eat and drink with their friends which they haven’t seen in a long time. During our shopping we’re getting exposed to several food shops and thereby several food options. We can go to sushi-bars, vegetarian restaurants or we can simply have a nice snack in a junk food restaurant. The decision where and what you want to eat is all yours. But this decision is exactly the problem. When we talk about the growing number of obese people, the choice of having a healthy meal instead of having a fat snack is getting more and more important. This has a lot to do with the way our urban space is designed and the policy is applied on retail. By applying tools on an urban scale we want to make people more aware with the kind of food they choose. These tools help people to make a healthy choice in food. Because junk food isn’t the problem, your choice is. DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEM Obesity is becoming a bigger and bigger problem in Amsterdam. People are continuing to eat more and move less. This is creating an imbalance between the daily calorie intake and the daily calorie usage. This is making people become more fat and is increasing the chance to become obese in later life. To try to solve and/or control this problem, we need to create a proper balance between the daily intake and usage of calories.



C5 Student group Ivo Clason Ramses van der Dussen Berry Koevoets Max Meijer Evelien de Mey Esther van der Tuin Jordy van der Veen Koen Vermeulen


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ANALYSIS To gain insight into the problem, analysis of Amsterdam has been carried out, with the following criteria: 1. Where is the problem located? 2. Who experience the problem? 3. What is causing the problem? 1. Where is the problem located? Out of the analysis we can conclude that the problem is mainly located along the edges of Amsterdam. The most problematic areas are those of Amsterdam Nieuw-West, Noord and Zuidoost. 2. Who experience the problem? Especially people with a low income live in the most problematic areas mentioned above. This might sound like a contradiction, as we would expect people with a lower income not to have sufficient money to buy a lot of food. Yet we do actually find obesity primarily in these areas, where the social economic status is lower. 3. What is causing the problem? Junk food is associated with obesity, vegetables and fruits are associated with a healthy lifestyle. There are lots of junk food concerns and they are all spread across Amsterdam. The supply of junk food therefore seems to be the same in different areas of the city. Nonetheless, the supply of healthy food is not as evenly spread across Amsterdam as the junk food is. The supply of healthy food stores is much higher in the more prosperous areas of Amsterdam. These areas seem to have a better balance between the supply of healthy and unhealthy food.

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CONCLUSION Our buying behaviour is strongly influenced by what we see around us. A healthy lifestyle is therefore strongly influences by our surroundings en the presence of healthy alternatives for junk food. In the problematic areas of Amsterdam, the choice to eat unhealthy junk food is stimulated because of the large supply of these stores, especially in comparison to the healthy stores. In the more prosperous areas of Amsterdam, the choice for healthy food seems to be stimulated more effectively because of the higher amount of healthy food stores. So the problem is not the social economic status, not in the definition of eating junk food, but in surroundings which stimulate the wrong choice. GOAL Our goal is to make people aware of healthy and unhealthy food. We want to influence their perception of food and thereby stimulate them to choose for a healthy lifestyle. Give them a choice, influence their choice, change their choice into the most healthy one.


Where is the problem located?

Who experience the problem?

What is causing the problem?


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Income and nationality

Shopping area

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Shops and distance



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Toolbox Activating - stimulating walking district - permanent parking car / scooter always 200/500 from entrance supermarket

- combined function supermarket + schoo

- creating places to s and play, park cond

- temporary park + ride and public transport at least 200m from entrance supermarkt

- all people, all ages

- parking bike near shops 20-50m from entrance supermarket

- 24 hours accessible

UTOPIA Our concept can best be described as a utopic place, where becoming aware has a major role. In this idealistic image shopping and recreation are intertwined. From the moment of arrival onwards, the only way of transportation is by foot or by bike. This will encourage people to move actively through the area, and experience it as something dynamic and sportive. Parking areas and public transport stops will be located along the edges so that people can arrive

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there with other means of transportation, but still have to proceed by foot or by bike. The different stores are to be spread over the green area. The mean density of buildings has to be a lot lower than that of current shopping areas. This will create more physical room to stimulate the consciousness and awareness of the visitors. The leisure shopping area stimulates physical exercise, by means of both sport and play facilities.




Street interventions


ns ol + sport

- you are what you eat

- no marketing for junkfood within 300 meter from school

stay ditions

- accessible ways to healthy food

- no junkfood on corners

- burn calories before you eat junk food

- 1:10 high-cal store vs. low cal

- at healthy spots good facilities recreate

- distances between high calorie store at least 500 meter


- big spaces big possibilities

To make people aware of healthy food, multiple facilities can be found in the shopping area like city farms, school gardens and allotments. By making people constantly come eye in eye with vegetables and fruit, more awareness of healthy food will be created. A network of pavement and cycle paths runs through the shopping area. The confrontation with all the pedestrians and cyclists, will make people aware of this sporting way of transportation. So we create an ideal image and place leading to

healthy lifestyle, based on our slogan of seeing is doing. TOOLBOX The toolbox is meant as a device which can be used to transform a current shopping area into the leisure shopping area, the utopia. Designers are guided and inspired by the different components in the toolbox to create the utopia, the shopping centre where healthy behaviour is encouraged.


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APPLYING THE TOOLBOX PLEIN 40-45 A squared example. Implementation of the toolbox on Plein 4045, where the focus is on the relocation and reorganisation of the square. Combining this with adjacent park. Giving a rich shopping experience. LEIDSE STRAAT A linear example. Implementation of the toolbox on the Leidse straat improves the mix of healthy shop and junkfood, with sport and vegetation.

Plein 40-45w

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Leidse straat

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community hills

In this project we want to invite you to take a different look on health problems. Obesity, diabetes and other health related issues are often called the big problems. However, we think they are not the problem. They are simply the consequence of the several issues. These scattered issues will be prevented in our project by bringing people together. When investigating these roots we soon noticed that social, mental and physical problems often result in bad health. For example: A bad social state can be the direct result of mental problems. Depression or simply the lack of sense to go do something. This results in it unhealthy environments on the long term. On the other hand unemployment or cultural differences can also be the cause of several mental or social problems. When we try to find physical reasons why people are unhealthy we can only find handicaps or an illness formed by other means then social, mental or physical. A lot of people can move and should move. They either lie to themselves or won´t continue there efforts in doing so. This is the start of the problem. Getting the people out of there chairs and into the social area of a community. Getting the people step up and move!

When looking at Amsterdam we can find several problem areas. Places where a variety of problems can affect peoples health. Criminality, unemployment, cultural differences, undefined public space and a bad connection with the neighbourhood are only a grasp of the problems. When comparing these problems to the situations in the blue zones we can conclude that they are almost the opposite of each other. Social problems in these neighbourhoods are often left unattended and don´t seem to affect anyone. While mental problems regarding unemployment or simply unsafety can cause a lot more stress resulting in depression. Before this however people could hide themselves behind food or other addictions. Resulting in more indirect and often even worse health problems. When we look at the younger community we often see that housing or public spaces are below average. Small old housing with only one group of people, mostly located far from each other and divided by small roads and undefined green. While other places in the city have a much higher density but also a much more active public zone. Making it a lot easier to find other kids within the neighbourhood.

BLUE ZONES The fascination for this project comes partly from the blue zones. Blue zones are rare isolated areas around the world where people reach the age of 100 almost ten times more often than for example America. These places like Sardine, Italy or Okinawa, Japan, have four main points that seem to cause there longevity. The people have a right outlook They belong to something They eat wisely And they move naturally. When investigating these zones we noticed many of them are situated around hilled and sloped areas. Making them a lot more active then many of us. Also the fact that these people live isolated seem to contribute to their social activity. Families and friends stick together for live and support each other when needed. Being this much isolated also results in different consuming habits. Local ingredients and traditional menus often contribute to good health and even prevent sicknesses that are problematic in our living environment (cancer, diabetes, dementia).



B1 Student group David Meijer Thijs Fris Rick van Weerdenburg Jeroen Pot Alex Kanin Eric Goldhoorn Dex Weel Rowdy Batenburg


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Into the community Transforming the exsisting structure

This pilot project is focused on one of the problem areas within Amsterdam. For the location we chose two courtyards surrounded by 5 story housing in the Overtoomse veld. In a set of interventions we transformed this location into a much healthier environment. The plan mainly revolves around making a healthy working community. With the inspiration of the blue zones we decided to give the public space back to the residents and make them more responsible for there own living environment.

Calorie burning concept

1 - The first intervention is to create a proper sized public area for the community to be living in and around. We want minimal movement restrictions, but still a save semi-enclosed space. In the current situation the central building has to be removed to make space for new building types and variety in the landscape. 2 – Many of the blue zones are situated around areas with rough and sloped terrain. In this concept we took this same approach. A sloped public space design has to improve the living quality. Making an adventurous place for kids and a more intensified terrain for older people. 3 – The next step is to intensify the housing density. In order to reach a community of around the 200 households new housing blocks are added. While the old building plots will function as the outer community walls these blocks will function as a filter. Leaving room for people to walk trough but in the meantime provide a healthy amount of social control. These new buildings are added with the same concept in mind. Floors with little high differences and galleries with slopes and stairs that are not simply connected to an elevator. Also the existing housing is denser connected to the public outside space trough added galleries. For example when moving over hilled areas you almost burn 3 times more calories then walking on flat surface. In order to get a diverse community we made different household types. Dwellings for families, starters, elderly and students should offer a mix of people that could benefit from each other. 4 – A variety of public spaces should accommodate different wishes as well as bringing the community together. Functions like community gardens (green houses ) and buildings interact with all groups living in this area. While playgrounds, small baseball fields and parks accommodate groups with more private spaces. All of them are connected trough routes that are often taken when moving to facilities like car parking and the community building.

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B hiking or stairs 630 kcal/uur

30 sec. 75 sec.

A hiking or stairs | 630 kcal/uur | 30 sec. | 5,25 kcal walk | 280 kcal/uur | 75 sec. | 5,83 kcal

walk 280 kcal/uur

BUILDINGS soccer 560 kcal/uur

gardening 400 kcal/hour


hiking or stairs 630 kcal/hour


30 sec. B

75 s walk ec. 280 kcal/hour



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The new vHILLage conclusions

With the interventions and thought process describes in the previous chapters we hope and assume to give a different look on the given matter. It’s always possible to put financial support in educating our kids to eat healthy and move a lot. It’s of course a great start into a better understanding. It’s simply not a given fact that these children will remember those lessons when things don’t go as they planned. When there environment leaves them alone in an open field. It’s this last point that we as designers can’t control. It’s the ‘right outlook’. This one vital point gives people the urge to keep going. To step over there boundaries and see what is behind the horizon. Just like how we as future architects like to open doors and see what is behind them. We can design interesting living areas. Making people unconsciously move around there homes. We can provide them with healthier foods by placing gardens or close by healthy facilities. We can even give them a place to belong to by making a community and giving them responsibilities over the area. All these interventions should give a person a better outlook on life. We can try and find it together. Making everybody less of a anonymous person and more of a group, a close community. We want people to look beyond their own front door. By giving them the opportunities to have a more interesting living environment. And this is when we hope people will get out of there chairs and start seeing the beauty around their life. This is where we want to start our first utch blue zone.

community hills

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The neighbourhood as a school B3 Building Design, in and around the school

INTRODUCTION We are B3, “ in and around the school”. But why a school? We think that the problem is bigger than just the school. The whole neighbourhood is responsible for the health of children! Because obesity is also a social problem. For example unhealthy food is cheap and therefor easy to buy, children have nothing to do in their spare time and good initiatives do not reach the amount of people they were hoping for. We need to address the whole community instead of just the individual. But we as designers are aware that we cannot resolve this problem alone… OUR FASCINATION We think that children will be more and more involved with new technology. Children will no longer sit in classrooms filled with desks but near future technologies will make new ways of education possible. Educational programs where children will be mentally and physical challenged. It is also important that children learn from all people in the neighbourhood. For example cooking lessons and teachings from local entrepreneurs. That they see, how a Turkish pizza is mad or how the bicycle shop makes bikes. By addressing children you will also reach their parents, friends and family. Let the children learn from their own neighbourhood! RESEARCH We have visited the neighbourhood Amsterdam New-West and mapped all the positive and negative aspects in terms of schools and after school activities. We found out that, due to financial problems, schools quit way to early with their school program (at 14:00 hours). An interview with the founder of a neighbourhood school gave us the knowledge about what is missing; that children eat too much unhealthy food in their spare time and that they are not aware of the consequences of eating unhealthy. But in and around the schools there are plenty of healthy activities and initiatives, but these aspects are not visible nor connected with each other. We need those activities and initiatives to reach more children and that the children will reach them!


The neighbourhood as a school

B3 Student group Alexander Beeloo A1 Koen van Hoof A1 Angela Tetteroo A2 Nick Kroes A2 Dennis van de Burg A2 Gerben Strikwerda A3 Bram van den Heuvel A3


new heart (booster)

local initiatives

The concept can be implemented in any neighbourhood and will create in every scenario a different result

The neighbourhood as a school


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“ The neighbourhood as a school ” The neighbourhood Because all good initiatives are disconnected we need ‘the missing link’. This missing link is a new building in the center of the neighbourhood. All primary schools and all good initiatives are connected to this building and thereby connected with each other. This connection is visible for all people in the form of colourful routes. These routes are painted lines leading to the building and from the new building to the activities in the neighbourhood. As part of these roads physical boundaries such as water, hills and even buildings will be transformed in playful elements. These boundaries will then resolve and the neighbourhood becomes wider. When people see the use of these roads and see that children are using it, the idea is that then all people (children and adults) will notice these routes and become socially involved with the health of children. Not only in terms of food but also in terms of after school activities.

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The neighbourhood as a school

Design in steps 1: Why a school - -

what is already there what is missing

2: We Looked at the schools - -

what is the program what do they need

3: We create a new heart - we connect the schools - we make what is missing

4: Create a network - we make initiatives visible - we add playing elements

5: The neighbourhood does the rest - -

people will notice now what is going on a new podium is supplied for children, parents and neighbors

The neighbourhood as a school

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m 1k us di ra c 0K /5 ( al ) ild ch

: the new heart

: food & nature

: education

: healthca

156 156

sign teps

The new network in Nieuw West 1: Why a school

2: We Looked at the schools

The neighbourhood as a school

3: We create a new h -

we connect the sc




s / 25 Kcal



: religion & culture


4: Create a network



: sport and fun

: local shops

5: The neighborhood does the rest

The neighbourhood as a school

we make initiatives visible


people will notice now what is going on

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a normal day of school for Bas and Amir

Old schoolday Walk to school with older brother or sister 08:30

07:45 Waking up

Design in steps

Döner time! 18:00

Hang around, do nothing, get bored

12:00 Break

08:45 Start of a new school day

: the new heart

a new day of school for Bas and Amir

End of a school day 14:15

Normal lessons 08:45 - 14:15

: food & nature

: education

: healthca

1: Why a school

2: We Looked at the schools

3: We create a new h




what is already there what is missing

Walk to school Visit ‘’farmer Harm’’ with older for an interesting brother or sister lesson about... Break 08:30 10:15 12:00 Normal lessons


what is the program what do they need

Normal lessons

Kinect lessons in our central building 14:45

we connect the sc we make what is m

End of the day, we are a lot smarter than yesterday 17:00



NIEUW-WEST 07:45 Waking up

08:45 Start of a new school day

10:30 Break

12:30 Follow the pink line, we are going to the theater

16:15 guerilla gardening

16:15 Follow the blue line, its bootcamp time!

18:00 Get instructions how to make a healthy meal and cook for themselves with other people of the neighborhoord


local stores (bike repairshop)

heritage (windmills)

we add colored lines which initiatives and inspiring plac

a normal day of school for Bas and Amir

Walk to school with older brother or sister 08:30 a normal day of school for Bas and Amir unique features (harbour)

07:45 Waking up

special delicates (bakery)


Old schoolday a new day of school for Bas and Amir

08:45 Start of a new school day Walk to school with older brother or sister 08:30

07:45 Waking up

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New schoolThe neighbourhood as a school new heart (booster)

Normal lesso 08:45 - 14:1


a new day of

Normal lesso 08:45 - 14:1

08:45 Start of a new school day

Walk to school Visit ‘’farmer Harm’’ with older for an interesting brother or sister lesson about... 08:30 10:15 Normal lessons

Waking up

Start of a new school day

a new day of school for Bas and Amir

New schoolday Walk to school Visit ‘’farmer Harm’’ with older for an interesting brother or sister lesson about... Break 08:30 10:15 12:00 Normal lessons

07:45 Waking up


08:45 Start of a new school day

10:30 Break

Normal lessons

12:30 Follow the pink line, we are going to the theater

: religion & culture

End of the day, we are a lot smarter than yesterday 17:00

Kinect lessons in our central building 14:45

16:15 guerilla gardening

16:15 Follow the blue line, its bootcamp time!

: sport and fun


18:00 Get instructions how to make a healthy meal and cook for themselves with other people of the neighborhoord

: local shops


4: Create a network

5: The neighborhood does the rest

chools missing



we make initiatives visible we add playing elements



h direct you to local ces

ons 15

boardwalk which is fun (steppingstones

End of a school day 14:15

new ways to cross barriers (water rafts)

Döner time! 18:00

Hang around, do nothing, get bored

12:00 Break

ons 15

people will notice now what is going on a new podium is supplied for children, parents and neighbors

healthy and green parks (fruittrees)

End of a school day 14:15

fun and easy to do (guerilla gardening)

Data* of this area:

Döner time! 18:00

citizens: +/- 16.000 single households: married with children: married no children: one parent families: living together: living together with children: other:

Hang around, do nothing, get bored

12:00 Break

48% 17% 13% 9% 7% 4% 2%


Break 12:00

Normal lessons

Kinect lessons in our central building 14:45

End of the day, we are a lot smarter than yesterday 17:00

The neighbourhood as a school

0-19 (0-14) 20-39 40-59 60+

23% (17%) 32% 23% 22%



159 159

“ The neighbourhood as a school � The school The building is an happy building where children can play, learn and meet. We made a place which shows movement and invites children to anticipate in existing but also new activities (such as a Kinect area, cooking lessons and a climbing wall). New function for education will be added to it so that schools will embrace this building in there school program. With a large multifunctional area local entrepreneurs will be given the opportunity to submit their fascination and enthusiasm to others. Existing bike lanes and pedestrian roads are crossing through the building in such a way THE NEIGHBORHOOD ASanSCHOOL that you experience the building even you are only passing through. By doing so the building becomes podium for the children. Here they can hang their work where it will be noticed! Each program (new or existing) will match with the THE The SCHOOL NEIGHBORHOOD colours of their category and are easily recognizable by children. basic coloursAS will give the neighbourhood a new heart, a colourful heart!

We create a place for the whole community, which is a neutral zone

We place an open structure, which is connected with the paths in the neighborhood

Th box

The boxes are placed in the open structure, so people can see them from far away, and are easy accessible

We connect the boxes to the new paths, and create an exciting building with streets, parks and add play activities

Th are acc

160 160

The neighbourhood as a school

WINTERSCHOOL 2014 AVB AMSTERDAM B3 Building Design, In and around the school


made by: Alexander Beeloo (A1), Koen van Hoof (A1), Angela Tetteroo (A2), Nick Kroes (A2), Dennis van de Burg (A2) Gerben Strikwerda (A3), Bram van den Heuvel (A3)



The missing functions are situated in boxes

These boxes will get the same color as the paths, so they are clearly recognizable

- kitchen and dining room, a place where children can get information about healthy food, cooking class, and where the community can cook. - greenhouse and community garden where the communtiy can grow their own food

- atelier and technical workshop

- multifunctional space where local shops and specialists can inform people and children can get classes

The building has different functions which are not in the neighborhood, these are accessible for the whole community

- the whole building is a playground, and within the building are boxes where children can play lasergame and kinect to move more, and get excersice by playing

The neighbourhood as a school

161 161

grow your own food in the greenhouse

learn crafts from artists

climb at the walls of the school

play and have fun

162 162

The neighbourhood as a school

Model “Booster” 1:50

The neighbourhood as a school

163 163

TOWN OF THE FITTEST [introduction] The neglection of health. Long forgotten, long digested and put aside in this metropolis of health, fun and activity. Dear reader, we tell you the story of our culture: It’s 8.56 am. Year 2023. A normal working day in Amsterdam. Bob is taking Bus 7 to get to his work. Bob ‘Good morning Pete! I’d like a latte macchiato, please.’ Bus Driver ‘Morning Bob! How are you? Well, you know the drill. Here’s the microphone.’ Bob ‘Hi fellow-travellers, my name is Bob Smith and I am a gardener. I’ve got kids who go to the Primary Health School and I come from Haarlem. If you want to know more, feel free to chat! I’ll be here until the ‘Museumplein’.’ It’s a typical morning, in a daily life of this average healthy civilian. After consuming a biological coffee and telling the whole bus something about himself, Bob starts his day with a couple of conversations and a start-up espresso: a real rise and shine. The bus makes a soft squeak when it pulls the breaks to stop. As Bob gets out and waves to his fellow- travellers, he walks towards his work. He is currently working on a large reconstructive green area: turning Museumplein into a forest. It is his life work. His masterpiece. The determination is great, for this will be an amazing addition to the healthy city he lives in. A place where everyone is active, happy and full of joy. Office buildings are bright, energetic and inspire a whole city to strive for the best. There are moments when Bob just thinks he is living a dream. You can’t really blame the fellow, when you got rollercoasters in an office building or a swimming pool on the roof. But it certainly doesn’t stop there. It’s a world, in which we get the most of everything. But most importantly: We eat healthy. We get motivated to exercise. We enjoy social contact. Everything is perfect. But why shouldn’t it be? Life is too short. Carpe diem. You should aim for a life in which you get up in the morning with the thought: “This is going to be my day.” [vision on the past life]

way. Eating unhealthy food, having days filled with the same boring routine and being more social in a digital matter. It is as if they never knew what went wrong and what these habits have done to their own bodies and minds. The numbers where frightening: an average of 25% obesity in the United States; half of Europe ate every two weeks in a snack bar or fast-food restaurant and the most shocking one: 3 out of 10 persons where smoking. All these bad habits formed by mankind were beginning to get accepted, as a ‘way things go’. People acted without thinking, without reacting, without caring. But the people were not even aware of their way of living. Indifferent as they were, they continued. Nowadays, who would even think of sitting an entire day on a chair behind a computer? Yes, people used to do that. For more than 15 hours without any real interaction with their colleagues or the outside world. But that was already an accepted behaviour. People just forgot the world around them. It resulted in the disease that we like to call ‘the social closure’. A complete waste. As youngsters started this way of life, the would grow up without getting used to real interaction. And that would create huge cliffs between us people… [renaissance] But then an incredible thing happened to mankind. A young group of designers took the initiative to change the world dramatically. They started with twenty implementations which were fully optional, adaptive and amazing. It was up to the people to decide how to use them or how many to use. The firm, formal and strict chain of living broke into a loose, flexible style of living. Everything was designed to encourage the state of mind into a flexible one. Everybody loved these ideas, this “perfect world”… And so did the municipality. They took the ideas and visions and invested to implement everything into their own city, for the general health and the common happiness. By new regulations, technology and architecture, the people got this perfect world. A world in which not only people, but the whole environment would motivate to live healthy. It was a revelation, a renaissance, in which a new way of living was found.

People have been living for too long the wrong 164

town of the fittest

B5 Student group Robin Adriaanse Rimaan Aldujaili Larissa Oliveira Alvaro Laanen Baca Rogier van den Brink Ashkan Hashkhani Maarten Vermeulen

town of the fittest

165 165

[exceptions] A perfect world… Who wouldn’t love that idea? Healthy, happy and social people all together in this bright, colourful and pretty town. A new society, that rises above every imagination of mankind. All this sounds perfect, like nothing could go wrong. Unfortunately, in some situations we will always find outcasts: people that don’t fit. Every society has them, they are simple inevitable. People who made up their own choices and chose to go against the public optimism. Although they try to reach certain levels in this society, they don’t get that high. They’ve taken a path to live their life the opposite way, with a lot of unnecessary stress, exaggerated addiction and neglection of health. [the future] So what holds the future for us? Is our job done? Most certainly not. We see a world in which every corner of the world is turned into perfection. It not only translates itself into architecture, but also into the urban and spatial tissue. Pure freedom, where the sky will literary be the limit for everyone to reach. Everything we can think of is possible. Nothing would go against our wildest fantasies, for we all have embraced a life full of happiness, love and joy. We rise above and keep on moving forwards to the ultimate maximum. Bob Smith, gardener and father of Primary Health School pupils, will not even dare of dreaming this. The life he lives is merely a fraction of what the future holds. Would he be lucky enough to witness all that? Maybe his children will. Or his grandchildren. But one thing is for sure: their eyes would fill up with tears of joy.


town of the fittest

town of the fittest

167 167

town of the fittest The neglection of health. Long forgotten, long digested and put aside in this metropolis of health, fun and activity. Dear reader, we tell you the story of our of culture:

social interaction, which brings mental Health to the average civilian.

now try to imagine this life and ask: “Who wouldn’t want this?” Below are a number of facts and numbers. Not only does this give iNSIGHT to our wonderful society, but also to our health AND OTHER LIFE-QUALITIES.

The year is 2023. We look into the life of a civilian who enjoys the full package life has to offer. A great variation between



walking meeting walking meeting



eat computer/standing work eat computer/standing





travel travel

get dressed meeting get dressed


9 pm

6 am

3 pm

9 am



walking meeting

eat eat computer/standing work eat computer/standing work computer/standing work exercise/break

walking happy hour after meeting work walking meeting happy hour after work chill outhappy hour after work

walking meeting

computer/standing work exercise/break

meeting exercise/break exercise/break meeting meeting


happy hour after work chill out chill out chill out read read read




A working day


sleep shower sleep sleep shower shower get dressed


6 pm

chill out chill



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3 am

exercise/break read exercise/break meeting meeting



walking mee happy hour after work walk happy hour after wor


computer/standing work happy hour exercise/break chill out computer/standing work happ exercise/break chill out

shower get dressed shower get dressed


walking meeting

Compliment said

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E-mail compliment


walking meeting

Compliment said

walking meeting happy hour after workmeeting walking

Compliment said Compliment received Compliment said


happy hour after work standing work chill out happy hour after work

Compliment received E-mail compliment receivedreceived Compliment

chill out read

E-mail compliment received

chill out

E-mail compliment received


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town of the fittest

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| Rogier van den Brink | Maarten Vermeulen

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| Robin Adriaanse

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Image caption


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168 168

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town of the fittest all

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Rimaan Al-Dujaili | Larissa Oliveira

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| Rogier van den Brink | Maarten Vermeulen

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170 170

town of the fittest

who will fit in?

171 171

Schoolbox The toolbox for schools

If a school wants to built or re-bullt their building, they will face a hard time to come up with a brief for a healthy and active school environment. Due to an overkill of facts and figures about what to do and what not to do, it becomes very unclear what a healthy intervention is and what not. To clean this mess up. We developed the “Schoolbox”. It is inspired by the old cube-puzzles we all know from primary school. The Schoolbox translates all the knowledge of facts and figures into a tool that is fun and easy to use. The Schoolbox is divided in 6 categories that together make up a school. For each and every category we came up with different possible spatial interventions, represented on the 6 sides of the cubes. The categories are ‘Schoolyard’, ‘Entrances’, ‘Hallway’, ‘Staircase’, ‘Classroom’ and ‘Specials’. Schools in dialogue with their designers can use this Schoolbox to discuss possible interventions in a fun and accessible way. In a fun workshop kids could use the blocks to build there own healthy dream school. It might even help out an architect who’s stuck on a design. So open up the box and start your puzzle.


The Schoolbox

B6 Student group Ries van den Bosch Albert Jan Dekker Koen Vos Thom Zijlstra Tjeerd Beemsterboer Maik Peters Hans Maarten Wikkerink Sweder Spanjer

The Schoolbox

173 173

174 174

The Schoolbox

The Schoolbox

175 175

Obesity and Schools Research and development There’s a stunning 1.4 billion people worldwide that suffers from obesity. In The Netherlands alone, over 20% of the total population is too fat. Simple facts that we, as spatial designers, need to confront. Two weeks of research in this Winterschool has shown that there are two mayor problems: Sitting, i.e. the lack of physical activity and a shortcoming of knowledge about healthy behaviour. Many professionals are dealing with this problem, with as a result lots of data, tables and diagrams. All kinds of institutions are making reports to advice how schools can be made healthier and foster a more active lifestyle for their kids. So, we asked our self the question how we could come up with spatial ideas for schools that stimulate activity and a healthy lifestyle. We didn’t want to make another report, or diagram or table. We wanted to make a simple tool that can be used by schools and their designers. We came up with the ‘Schoolbox’, inspired by old cube-puzzles we all know from our childhood.

With our visit we researched the spatial categories that together form a school. What spaces do the children use, in what way and what frequency? We didn’t research the curriculum or the vision of the school. We solely looked into the architectural elements of the school. We ended up dividing the school in 6 categories: 1. schoolyard 2. entrance 3. hallway 4. staircase 5. classroom 6. specials For each category we came up with several interventions. Together they make up the Schoolbox. The idea is that schools in dialogue with a designer or architect can come to a highly specified brief of what kind of spatial interventions they can incorporate in their school, whether it’s a renovation project or new built. The Schoolbox provides them with ideas in a fun and highly accessible way.

Research School To test our initial ideas we visited a typical primary school in Amsterdam. The ‘Daltonschool’ is a ‘Brede school’, or extra curricular school where a primary school, daycare centre and activity centre are combined. The school aims, in combining functionality, to increase opportunities for it’s children and at the same time provide a continuous care from morning till evening.

176 176

The Schoolbox

4 Sp




En tra nc e



Learning around an open gym will make movement a part of daily schoollife. It becomes the character of the environment where kids spend a lot of hours during the day. It allows them to use the gym whenever they feel like it.

Entering the school through a fruit tree lane will make the kids conscious of the source and importance of fruit. It also allows the children to pick their own healthy snacks. Because they are confronted with fruits, they will most likely ask for fruits outside school hours as well.

70 kcal


5 Cl



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A green buffer next to the classroom will clean the air and create a green view. Showing kids that green not only looks nice, but also contributes to clean air, makes them feel more responsible for the environment. Because the kids need to take care of the green zone it is educational as well.

12 kcal

By using walls instead of colums it is not longer possible to take the shortest route to the classrooms. By doing so kids automatically have to walk more. This will have a positive effect on childrens health and it’s just more fun.


6 Sc ho

St ai



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Colours have the ability to activate the imagination of a child. There is proof that children get more active when they see colours. For the drawings you could imagine a racetrack, a maze, a big snake or childish drawings, like they make themselfs with crayons.

70 kcal

The Schoolbox

20 kcal

The challenge of climbing a rope makes vertical movement exciting and fun instead of having to climb stairs all day. You can also think of different configurations like nets and blocks. By changing the configuration of the slopes it’s fun to use it multiple times.


177 177

178 178

The Schoolbox

The Schoolbox

179 179

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The Schoolbox

The Schoolbox

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Manual How to use the Schoolbox Each block represents a category. Each of these categories is represented twice. With these twelve blocks you can lay out an active, healthy school. Play the game or use it in a dialogue, without using numbers, statistics and so on. Playground 1. Abstract junglegym 2. Coloured lanes 3. Building blocks 4. Mountain playground 5. Variation of sports Entrance 1. Raise the entrance 2. Orchart 3. Elephantlanes 4. The castledoor 5. Outside inside Hallway 1. Hiding columns 2. Relax climbing walls 3. Split-slope-levels 4. Walls instead of columns 5. Sloping hallway Staircase 1. Up then down 2. Ropestairs 3. Vertical school 4. Stairlockers 5. Extra staircase Classroom 1. Greenzone 2. Greenhouse-class 3. Kitchenclass 4. Learningpits 5. Standingclass Specials 1. Active water fountains 2. Gymnasium as the heart of the school 3. Books upstairs 4. Maze 5. Active furniture

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The Schoolbox





staircase The Schoolbox


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playing vacancy case study vacant shops in nieuw-west

Slim Nieuw-weSt around the world there are 1,4 billion people affected by obesity, a lot of those people live in the city. almost 3 million people die every year from the consequences of obesity. so you can conclude that something has to change in the way of thinking about ‘healthy’ food and daily exercise, but that’s not easy because it’s a big problem. the design competition ‘slim city’ is a nice opportunity for our project team to search for our role as architect in social problems like obesity and think about proper solutions to seduce the inhabitants of amsterdam to think more healthy about food and exercise in and around the shop. Living with a big familiy in a small house Because of the budget cuts (no more gym classes or creative lessons) the school day of children on a lot of primary schools in nieuw-west is over at 2pm. so where do the children go at that time, because there are not a lot of places for the children to go to. at least not a lot of inspirational places in the monotone and dull neighborhood. that’s why a lot of children are bored. one of the causes of obesity of children is because they are bored, to feel better and to do something they start eating. you see this clearly with the ‘hangjongeren’ eating a lot of fast-food. or children who go home after school and start to game or watch tv for the rest of the day while snacking.

Percentage obese children in Amsterdam Research by the municipality of amsterdam shows that in some neighborhoods the percentage of overweight children is significantly higher than in other districts. amsterdam nieuw-west is one of the area’s with the highest percentage of obese children according to the standard circumstances, thousands of families in amsterdam live too small, especially in nieuwwest. the small individual spaces cause all kinds of problems for children: they are less healthy, do not perform good on school and start to hang around on the streets. (source: playing outside is for small children not ideal. when it’s dark (during wintertime) or when it’s raining it’s not nice to play outside and in nieuw-west a lot of times it’s even not save to play outside because of criminal activity. so there have to be parents watching them. 184

Designed playground are only interesting the first month when and when the weather is nice. the question is: how can we seduce and don’t push the children of the primary schools in nieuw-west to be busy playing, so they forget going to a supermarket or kebab shops to eat food they don’t need? they will need a challenging and inspiring environment in the public space where children can dream further and enjoy adventures in their poor and boring neighborhood.

B7 Student group Paulien van der Valk Eva Souren Murk Wymenga (TL) ‘‘If you ask adults where they played when they where little, nobody talks about ‘the Wipkip’, but you get exciting stories about abandoned sites and buildings.’’

Laurence de Kort Joeri Verhoeven Meintje Delisse Nihal Aggündüz



Plan van Eesteren


neighborhood shops


outside empty cluster of shops

eating out of boredom




discover not directed


PLAYING VACANCY temperary returns into shop


large families


less movement

small housing little space

pop up treasure


map creating dreamworlds 185

ConCept & Branding Going to play in an empty building is never aloud, but what we want is to seduce children to do so. Seduce them not to stay at home, go on an adventure in an inspiring dreamworld. Like a real store, the pop-up playgrounds also need a corporate identity and branding so you can recognize and find them. That’s why there has to be a website with a treasure map with special features going on in the neighborhood, but also with the treasure: the popup playground pointed out. For a short time the pop-up playground with a specific world will appear on location and also will disappear again like a daydream, but you never know when. The other day, week or month they will appear somewhere else. The different worlds are not standard playgrounds with one-dimensional objects in it. But give a structure with freedom of interpretation. Those structures are inspired on children games, fairy tales, adventures and things children are not allowed to do. On every site you can recognize the logo and the special door of the pop-up playground. It’s a fence-door so you look through and have a peek inside. Also in this way it’s connected to the public space. Because the shops are always connected to a housing block or are connected to a row of houses, so for the people who live there feel connected and responsible for the shop. For the short time the pop-up playground is the there they are responsible for opening the shop and closing in the evening. So they enhance their shop as their own and as a positive and inspiring thing they proudly share and bring them together.

Special door for the pop-up playground shop Treasure Nieuw-West

Online treasure map, find your new playgrounds. Search and follow on the website. 186

liVing SnoWgloBe Digging caves through the building out of styrofoam

Color city

Block city (life size blocks) make your own building

indoor glowgolf course

Upside down forest

Playing soccer in the livingroom Christmas scene, with real life animals

Hansel&gretel Fruithouse Mirror maze

triCyCle raCe CoUrSe

dream dunescape

paper flowerfield


life size 3-d puzzle

egg factory (with real chickens) pilloWFigHt

Mushroom field (with real mushrooms)

Who dares in the glow dark?

Climbing jungle

dressing up washing lines

Climbing Spiderwebs

Space traveling in the universe Army of flying carpets 187

VaCant SHopS in nieUW-WeSt Next to the obesity there’s another big problem in NieuwWest, a very high percentage of vacant shops. The urban plan of Nieuw-West is designed by Van Eesteren. A lot of neighbourhoods consist only of duplicated housing blocks. Other functions are somewhere else, because of the separated function plan of van Eesteren. The only exception are the neighborhood shops on the corners or on the heads of the housing blocks.

Because of the crises and the power shopping malls and supermarkets it’s difficult for the local retail hard to survive. Almost all of these shops are vacant now. So now the neighborhood don’t have a lively character anymore. This is a nice change to bring the life back in the neighbourhoods and do something about the vacancy of the shops.

percentage of empty shops is high in Nieuw-West


Lots of shops only survice in the shopping center (blue) and the neighborhoodshops close and stay vacant.















Why are these shops vacant? 188

Sport facilities (purple) are mainly not shops in relation to schools/sports in Nieuw West

vacant shops in Nieuw-West 189

Adres: Adriaan van der Horststraat 2 Type: Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 5x8m

Adres:Adriaan van der Horststraat 20 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements 5x8m

Adres: Anthony Moddermanstraat 23 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 5x10m

Adres: Bernard Loderstraat 25 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 7x5m

Adres: Bernard Loderstraat 27 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 7x5m

Adres: Burgermeester Rendorpstraat 24 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 5x5m

Adres: Burgermeester van leeuwenlaan 169 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 6x6m

Adres: Christiaan Snouck Hurgronjehof 2-4 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 6x7m

Adres: Comeniusstraat 455 Type: Free standing in neighborhood Measurements: 10x24m

Adres: De Tourton Bruynstraat 4 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 8x8m

Adres: De Grote Geusplein Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 12x6m

Adres: Geert Grootestraat 34 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 7x6m

Adres: Henri Dunantstraat 21 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 6x7m

Adres: Henri Dunantstraat 31 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 6x7m

Adres: Henri Dunantstraat 41 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 6x7m

Adres: Jacob Geelstraat 49 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements:: 10x8m

Adres: Jacob van Weesenbekestraat 63 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 5x5m

Adres: Jacques Veltmanstraat 8 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements:10x8m


Adres: Anthony Moddermanstraat 49 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements 5x10m

Adres: Anthony Moddermanstraat 73 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements 5x10m

Adres: Bernard Loderstraat 15 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 8x5m

Adres: Burgermeester Rendorpstraat 54 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements:: 7x7m

Adres: Burgermeester van Leeuwenlaan 137 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 7x7m

Adres:Burgermeester van Leeuwenlaan 153 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 7x7m

Adres: Comeniusstraat 553 Type: Free standing in neighborhood Measurements: 10x24m

Adres: Daam van Harenstraat 14 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 5x10m

Adres: De Tourton Bruynstraat 2 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 8x4m

Adres: Henri Borelstraat 21 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 6x8m

Adres: Henri Dunantstraat 1 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements:7x10

Adres: Henri Dunantstraat 11 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements:7x10

Adres: Henriette Roland Holststraat 10 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 8x6m

Adres: Henriette Roland Holststraat 19 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 8x6m

Adres: HJacob Geelstraat 3 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 8x8m

Adres: Jacques Veltmanstraat 32 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 10x8m

Adres: Jacques Veltmanstraat 56 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 10x8m

Adres: Johan Huizingalaan 102 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 12 x8m


Adres: Johan Huizingalaan 104 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 5x12m

Adres:Johan Huizingalaan 108 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 5x12m

Adres: Johan Huizingalaan 112 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 5x12m

Adres: Justus Halbertsmastraat 26 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 5x5m

Adres: Justus Lipiusstraat 15 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 5x4m

Adres: Louis Bouwmeesterstraat 16 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 6x6m

Adres: Louis Couperusstraat 127 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 7x4m

Adres: Marcellus Emmantstraat 20 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 7x5m

Adres: Nicolaas Japiksestraat 35 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 4x8m

Adres: Rudolf Agricolastraat 34 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 7x7m

Adres: Slauerhofstraat 45 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 8x5m

Adres: Slotermeerlaan 58 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 8x6m

Adres: Thorn Prikkerstraat 01 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Afmetingen: 10x6m

Adres: Thorn Prikkerstraat 24 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 10x6m

Adres: Thorn Prikkerstraat 36 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 10x6m

Adres: Troelstralaan 40 Type: Cornershop in neighbourhood Measurements:12x5m

Adres: Van Karnebeekstraat 15 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 7x4m

Adres: Van Karnebeekstraat 31 Type: Cornershop in neighburhood Measurements: 7x4m


Adres: Johan Huizingalaan 116 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 5x12m

Adres: Johan Huizingalaan 120 Type: Headshop in neighbourhood Measurements: 5x12m

Adres: Joseph Scalingerstraat 14 Type: Cornershop in neighbourhood Measurements: 5x3m

Adres: Louis Bouwmeesterstraat 34 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 7x7m

Adres: Louis Bouwmeesterstraat 52 Type: Cornershop in neighbourhood Measurements: 7x7m

Adres:Louis Couperusstraat 89 Type: Headshop in neighbourhood Measurements: 7x6m

Adres: Piet Mondriaanlaan 119 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 4x12m

Adres: Piet Mondriaanlaan 133 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 4x12m

Adres: Piet Mondriaanlaan 147 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 4x12m

Adres: Slotermeerlaan 76 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 8x6m

Adres: Thomas a Kempisstraat 34 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 4x4m

Adres: Thorn Prikkerstraat 01 Type: Cornershop in neighbourhood Measurements: 10x6m

Adres: Slauerhoffstraat 23 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 6x8m

Adres: Tobias M.C. Asserstraat 11 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 5x12m

Adres: Tobias M.C. Asserstraat 23 Type: Cornershop in neighbourhood Measurements: 5x12m

Adres: Van Karnebeekstraat 47 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 7x4m

Adres: van Karnebeekstraat 47 Type: Cornershop in neighborhood Measurements: 7x7m

Adres: Wiltzanglaan 69 Type: Cornershop in neighbourhood Measurements: 5x5m


CaSe area 1: SloterMeer ooSt Breaking daily roUtine oF tHe CHildren

17.30 -08.30 14.00-17.00



CoMeniUSStraat 455 Type: - free standing shop Measurements: - 24x10m - 240 square meter Special features: - a big veranda - two floors Ideal world: - spiderweb space

tHorn prikkerStraat 36 Type: - corner shop Measurements: - 10x6m - 60 square meter Special features: - outisde space with a rood - glass facade - roof lights Ideal world: - hanging forest


CaSe area 2: SloterVaart noord Breaking daily roUtine oF tHe CHildren

17.30 -08.30 house Alyna, 9 years old

color city

14.00-17.00 dream dunes-

shopping center




Bernard loderStraat 49 Type: - head of housing block Measurements: - 10x5m - 50 square meter Special features: - a lot of glass in the facade Ideal world: - Dream dune scape Bernard loderStraat 27 Type: - in row of several shops Measurements: - 12x5m - 60 square meter Special features: - Typical shopping window - lots of glass in facade Ideal world: - color city


Spiderweb space in the Comeniusstraat 455

Hanging forest in the Thorn Prikkerstraat 36 196

inside Spiderweb space in the Comeniusstraat 455

inside Hanging forest in the Thorn Prikkerstraat 36 197

Color city in the Bernard Loderstraat 49

Dream dunescape Bernard Loderstraat 49


Inside of the Color city in the Bernard Loderstraat 49

Dream dunescape Bernard Loderstraat 49


Master of Architecture / Urbanism / Landscape Architecture Amsterdam Academy of Architecture

Architects, urban designers and landscape architects learn the profession at the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture through an intensive combination of work and study. They work in small, partly interdisciplinary groups and are supervised by a select group of practising fellow professionals. There is a wide range of options within the programme so that students can put together their own trajectory and specialisation. With the inclusion of the course in Urbanism in 1957 and Landscape Architecture in 1972, the academy is the only architecture school in the Netherlands to bring together the three spatial design disciplines. Some 350 guest tutors are involved in teaching every year. Each of them is a practising designer or a specific expert in his or her particular subject. The three heads of department also have design practices of their own in addition to their work for the Academy. This structure yields an enormous dynamism and energy and ensures that the courses remain closely linked to the current state of the discipline. The courses consist of projects, exercises and lectures. First-year and second-year students also engage in morphological studies. Students work on their own or in small groups. The design projects form the backbone of the curriculum.


On the basis of a specific design assignment, students develop knowledge, insight and skills. The exercises are focused on training in those skills that are essential for recognising and solving design problems, such as analytical techniques, knowledge of the repertoire, the use of materials, text analysis, and writing. Many of the exercises are linked to the design projects. The morphological studies concentrate on the making of spatial objects, with the emphasis on creative process and implementation. Students experiment with materials and media forms and gain experience in converting an idea into a creation. During the periods between the terms there are workshops, study trips in the Netherlands and abroad, and other activities. This is also the preferred moment for international exchange projects. The academy regularly invites foreign students for the workshops and recruits wellknown designers from the Netherlands and further afield as tutors. Graduates from the Academy of Architecture are entitled to the following titles: Master of Architecture (MArch), Master of Urbanism (MUrb), or Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA). The Master’s

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