Plant Science Bulletin Volume 68 (1)Spring 2022

Page 85

MEMBERSHIP NEWS 2021 Gift Membership Drive Results and Drawing Winner The 2021 Gift Membership Drive (October through December 2021) was a great success. We had a goal of 175 gift memberships, and the BSA community purchased 187—thank you! You can purchase gift memberships at any time, including the new 3-year gift membership for both students and developing nations’ colleagues.

Congratulations Summer Blanco 2021 Gift Membership Drive Winner of Free Registration to Botany 2022!

Want to donate a gift membership to a student or developing nations’ colleague instead? Simply put your own name and email in the recipient fields. Visit to get started.

Summer (she/they) received their bachelor’s degree in Biology with a Botany option from the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Following her undergraduate education, she took a position as a post-baccalaureate research assistant in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology department at Michigan State University. Currently, they are pursuing their PhD in Plant Biology at the University of Georgia studying flower color polymorphism in Geranium.

By Amelia Neely BSA Membership & Communications Manager E-mail: ANeely@

Summer is excited to be coming to Anchorage in July! 85

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