2012 Novemember | December / Boomer Buzz Magazine

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magazine Recipes to Warm Your Body & Soul

Inspiring & Realistic Health Concept deNovo

Exceptional Holiday Destinations

boomers... living life to the fullest NOV | DEC 2012 | boomerbuzzmagazine.com

Pisco Portón is an unapologetically flavorful spirit that brings dimension and character back to the drinking experience. Taken neat, it is complex and layered. When mixed, Pisco Portón creates a whole new category of cocktails, more flavorful than vodka and more subtle than tequila. Pisco Portón is the new spirit that is actually new, with aromas and flavors sure to incite and intrigue as it opens a whole new world of cocktail possibilities.

Discover Pisco Portón® Responsibly. Pisco Portón, Manhasset, New York. 43% alc/vol. Produced and bottled by Destilería La Caravedo S.R.L. Ica, Perú



PUBLISHER’S LETTER 05 The Holidays I Remember FEATURE 08 Holiday Decorations HEALTHY BALANCE 12 Healthy Party Checklist, Healthy Foods, Craft Beers AT HOME 16 Do You Hare The Bells? Then and Now, Warms Body and Soul THE EPICUREAN 21 Heavenly Holiday Sweet Treats STYLE WATCH 26 Winter Hot Fashions BOOM VOYAGE 30 Spiritual Destinations, Colonial Williamsburg REDEFINING 34 Addiction WEALTHY & WISE 36 Don’t Be Caught in the Rain BOOMER BUZZ 38 Relationships, Tech Tips, BLOG SPEAK 40 “o” is for Ornament, Gifts, A Sweet Lesson on Patience MEDICAL MATTERS 44 Inspiring & Realistic Health Program, Cryo What? SENIOR SCENE 54 Aging Younger - Betty White, Living Independently ON THE COVER Wreath design and photography by Becca Menig. 469.237.7084 | info@boomerbuzzmagazine.com boomers... living life to the fullest


PUBLISHER’S LETTER As the holidays approach I am reminded of all the wonderful seasons I shared with my family over all the years. The Thanksgiving turkey roasting and smelling so delicious throughout the house. Papa, making the gravy and caroling Happy, Happy Thanksgiving or Christmas or New Year’s, Nez’s Coconut Cake and Ganny in her fur coat whether it was cold enough or not. I remember how pretty the table always looked with the “good” china and crystal, the pretty centerpiece, candles and the best cloth napkins – some years white others red or green. All the relatives came and we wore our new holiday outfits with shiny patent leather shoes. Mom made Daddy wear a tie (which he did not want to do!) because it was a special day, but he groused it was a holiday and he should be able to relax. But I know he liked pleasing her so he wore it! One year stands out vividly. My sister and I went to midnight mass with our Catholic boyfriends. After the service we came home and enjoyed holiday time until the wee hours. As they were leaving, we opened the front door to a blanket of snow and big, beautiful, fluffy snowflakes spiraling down in the crisp starry night. It was unbelievable! The White Christmas you are lucky to experience once in a lifetime. In our November/December issue we hope you are influenced to remember your happiest holiday memories and encouraged to make many new ones with family and friends. You will find décor for tabletops and throughout the home, recipes to warm you on a chilly night and mouth-watering dessert favorites. There are lots of beautiful photographs of holidays then and now, as well as fashions that are hot for the season. You can find spiritual destinations to visit during the holidays or visit Colonial Williamsburg full of history and holiday spirit. And there are tips for watching your waistline at those fabulous parties. Learn about beers, exciting cutting edge healthcare and how to plan for the golden years. We also have information on how to age younger and stay active while living independently. We hope you enjoy remembering all the spirit you found as a child while reading our holiday issue of Boomer Buzz Magazine! Happy Holidays from our family to yours!

Robin Roberson


www.creative80design.com | 972.413.8081

PUBLISHER Robin Roberson





CREATIVE DESIGN Creative80 Design Studios

Creative Contributors

Photography - Becca Menig Ad Design - Mariah Scott Rushing / LiquidFly Designs

Contributing Writers Eric Alexander Iman Bahrani Christina Castle Julese Crenshaw Suzanna Garrett Christine Harrell Jillian Jacks Beverly F. Jones Carla McMahon

Rosemary Lichtman, Ph.D. Becca Menig Becca Niederkrom Jet Parker Robin Roberson Marjorie Salada Cynthia Stock Nick Trout


boomers... living life to the fullest

08 | FEATURE Holiday Decorations

Home For The Holidays

Enjoy the holidays by making your home an inviting retreat! Spruce up the house with simple decor from the front door to the mantle to the tabletop for the holiday feast. Happy Holidays from the Boomer Buzz Magazine!

FEATURE Holiday Decorations | 09

10 | FEATURE Holiday Decorations

FEATURE Holiday Decorations | 11


Healthy Party Checklist

By Suzanna Garrett

Fill Up Before You Go. Instead of waiting to eat until you get to a holiday party, try to have a smal meal or salad beforehand so you don’t binge when you get there. If you don’t have much time at least try to eat a piece of fruit, some nuts or another healthy snack to take the edge off. Give Your Beverage a Boost. Having a few tricks up your sleeve when it comes to beverages can not only save you a lot of extra calories, but you’ll also be able to avoid that pesky headache in the morning. You can also try an old bartender trick by adding club soda to wine or a mixed drink to create your own spritzer. You’ll be getting half as many calories and still be able to enjoy a drink along with everyone else. Rather than give it up, give it an upgrade! No one wants to be empty handed at a holiday party, right? But you don’t have to give up the food you love to stay healthy. Start thinking about how you could upgrade one or two dishes this year. After all, no one wants to feel deprived or give up their favorite foods during the holidays. Checkout www.eatingwell.com for some great holiday upgrade ideas.

These simple little tips can help you be less tempted to go running straight to the eggnog, cookies and cake and can relax and focus on socializing rather than filling up your plate. For many of us the holidays are synonymous with family, food, and fun, but a lot of us also think of this time of year as a freepass to overindulge, eat whatever we want and deal with the consequences later. However, it is possible to enjoy the season without having to worry about your waistline. Review the 12 healthiest foods and be ready to enjoy the festivities. to indulge in during the holiday season, so you are armed and ready to select dishes that include these healthy items. So now that you are equipped with a few tools for having a happy and healthy holiday, time to relax and enjoy! Suzanna Garrett is a health writer from Tallahassee, FL who enjoys finding unique ways to enjoy eating without the detriments.

boomers... living life to the fullest

HEALTHY BALANCE 12 Healthiest Holiday Foods | 13

12 Healthiest Holiday Foods


Enjoying Craft Beer Responsibly During the Holidays By Nick Trout Please enjoy yourselves this holiday season responsibly! I want to be the one to give you fun ideas for beer tasting parties and recommend some tasty brews for your holiday extravaganzas. So this reminder to drink responsibly probably seems utterly pedantic and uninteresting, but I'd like to throw out one statistic really quick: During the holiday season, one out of every three accidents involve alcohol impairment and out of those accidents, 75% involve fatalities. Nothing will ruin your fun faster than a DUI. Knowing your limits and strengths are key to enjoying craft beer and being able to drive after consuming. Here are some quick tips to help you enjoy your craft beer drinking during this time and keep out of trouble. 1. Have something to eat when you taste beer - Food in your stomach will help your liver process alcohol at a lower, easier pace; and good food and craft beer are meant to go together, so this is an easy call. The difference is the amount of alcohol and how your body processes it. 2. Some beer styles are meant to be sessional and some are meant to be slowly sipped from a brandy snifter. One of the best ways to savor the flavor is to use a smaller glass and slowly sip the beer. Craft beer is a wonderful beverage and you need to take the time to appreciate it. 3. Temet nosce (know thyself ) - Know your limits and the beer style you're drinking. 4. Taking notes on the beer you're tasting will help you slow down and appreciate the beer and make it memorable.

Ok, I can hear you rolling your eyes from here! Nick Trout touts news from the financial industry and subjects that interest men…and women!

boomers... living life to the fullest


What Are You Smelling?

The first brewery in America was built in Hoboken, N.J. in 1964 164

From the American Homebrewers Association's "Beer Fault List" here are the answers to those "stinky" questions about those melodious odors emanating from you brew. Beer is the second most popular drink in the world, coming in behind tea.

The oldest known recipe is for beer. Bavaria defines beer as a staple food.

If you collect beer bottles you are a labeorphilist.

1. "Smells like green apples" - Acetaldehyde. Present in all beers, off-flavor at high concentrations - a problem with the yeast. 2. "Kind of a buttery, lardy, greasy flavor" - Diacetyl. Again, a problem with yeast/fermentation. 3. "Canned vegetable smell, kind of like creamed corn" - Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS). Desirable in some pale lagers, off-flavor in most beer. Usually a sign of too much pilsner malt or a weak yeast starter. 4. "Old socks;" sweaty, stale cheese - Isovaleric. Classic "old hops" flavor. 5. Floral, almost like rose petals or rose waterGeraniol. Partly the floral component of hops, particularly Saaz, characteristic of Bohemian-style pilsners. Off-flavor comes from too much hop oil late in the boil. 6. "Baby diapers." This chemical component in the beer - Butyric. Formed by bacteria, and usually indicative of "line issues" - old lines, or ones badly in need of a cleaning. 7. "99 Cent Store" smell: a kind of plastic-y, mothball, musty odor- Indole. Often present with DMS, formed by contaminant "coliform" bacteria. Small amounts are present in normal beer due to thermal breakdown of tryptophan. 8. Pickles or vinegar - Acetic. Present in all beers, r responsible esponsible for the "sour note" in certain Belgian-style beers.

16 | AT HOME Do You Hear the Bells?

Do You Hear the Sleigh Bells? By DeeDee Lowder

Holidays of the baby boomer era (1940, 1950 and 1

Cities filled downtown streets with decorations of

960) bring thoughts of laughter, fun and excitement 1960)

swags of greenery, colored lights and berries

to those with a childlike spirit. At a young age the

placed along light posts and strung across the

holidays were magical and full of dreamy visions of

streets from the telephone poles.

sugarplums and stockings filled with goodies.

Winter was upon us, and it was time to bring out those leggings and boots and parents reminded kids to put on wool scarves, caps and mittens. Ireally Really hated the feel of that wool around my neck, but back then, mothers always knew best. The decorations in most homes were beautiful by the day's standards. The skinny limbed trees were

Remembrances of those holidays past seem so Remembrances of those holidays past seem so long ago, yet like they were just yesterday. The long ago, yet let they were just yesterday. The local local department stores filled their windows department stores filled their windows with all kinds of with all kinds of moving toys, large trains that moving toys, large trains that wound through tunnels wound through tunnels in the window for the d in the windows for the delightful, beautiful baby dolls elight, beautiful baby dolls in lovely outfits and in lovely outfits and snow scenes where mannequins snow scenes where mannequins modeled the modeled the latest fashions for the season. latest fashions for the season.

not the plump perfect shapes of today and no one had an artificial tree until the era of silver aluminum ones became vogue. But they were gorgeous with their sparkling colored lights, brilliant metallic ornaments and shiny silver tinsel. Although many parents of boomers are gone, those long ago, but never forgotten traditions of holiday meaning and joy are shared with friends and family each year. Listen! Sleigh bells? Do you suppose there is such a spirit, after all?

boomers... living life to the fullest

DeeDee Lowder is a freelance writer, mother and entrepreneur who now lives in Atlanta. GA.


Then & Now‌ Are They Really Very Different? By Jillian Jacks

Remember those thrilling days of yesteryear: any town America at holiday time, where children gathered to gawk and gape and stare in wonder at the magical, marvelous holiday displays. The street scenes, shop windows, holiday wreaths and trees, menorahs and dreidels. The big family meal at the tables set with the good china and crystal. But most of all holidays were the traditions. Every Thanksgiving there was a turkey dinner. Each Christmas Eve we'd hang the stockings and go to church. The Jewish tradition of lighting of the candles on the Menorah starts and traditional latkes and jelly donuts are served. Each ethnic or religious group enjoys the traditions of the season, then and now. Today we still decorate the town, the stores and our homes, We share a family meal and presents. Menorahs may be more modern in design, but are lit each night and Kwanzaa, the African American tradition of celebrating a good harvest, life and prosperity is observed with dishes of sweet potato pie, greens doused in hot sauce and macaroni and cheese enjoyed. These are the real memories of holidays baby boomers remember then and now.

Jillian Jacks writes on a variety of topics with emphasis on food and entertaining. She lives in Florida where she enjoys year round entertaining with her family and friends.


Warms a Body & Soul On a chilly winter evening or for a wonderful holiday meal what is more delicious than a hot bowl of soup? Whether spooned from a tureen for family and friends, or eaten with nothing more than a good book for company, it's perhaps the ultimate inviting meal. Whether you prefer a broth, chowder or soup it is most definitely a dish that awakens the palate during the holidays and warms a body and soul.

Carrot and Tart Apple Soup The perfect revival to a day of dashing is a flavorful, healthy soup to warm those chilled bones. 2 large onions, peeled and chopped 2 tablespoons grapeseed or other neutral oil1 15 g Butter (1/2 oz) 4 tart apples (Granny Smith are good), unpeeled, cored, and roughly chopped in 1 inch pieces 8 medium carrots, peeled and chopped in 1 inch pieces Salt to taste 1tablespoon fresh marjoram leaves Freshly milled black pepper, to taste 2 pints water Method Using a large, heavy soup pot, cook onions in vegetable oil over medium heat until slightly softened, but not browned. Browning is a taboo for this soup. You do not want any bitter taste released by browning. When onions begin to soften, swirl in the butter. When melted, add the carrots, stir to mix, and continue cooking for 10 to 15 minutes. Stir in apples. Cook for another 10 - 12 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the apples have begun to release their juices and get mushy. Cover with the water and bring to a boil. When boiling,iimmediately mmediately lower heat so that you sustain a strong simmer and cook for 20 to 30 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste and half the marjoram. Allow to cool until liquid is workable. Puree in a food processor or put through a food mill. Sprinkle remaining marjoram on top as garnish.

boomers... living life to the fullest


During the Holidays By Carla McMahon

Creole Oyster Chowder This oyster chowder is prepared in three parts. Each bowl is assembled individually to hold the rich, creamy soup. Inviting after a cold day!

32 medium oysters 1-1/3 cups oyster liquor or water 1 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper or to taste 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1tablespoon olive oil 4 cups heavy cream, simmered and reduced to 2 cups 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1/3 cup water 2 scallions (including tops) chopped 4 tablespoons unsalted butter Cracked black pepper Paprika METHOD In a small saucepan combine oysters, oyster liquor or water, salt, cayenne pepper, garlic, and olive oil. Stir gently over high heat until oysters curl and liquid just begins to boil. Remove from heat and keep warm. In a separate pan heat reduced cream to boiling. Mix cornstarch and water and pour slowly into cream stirring constantly until thick and creamy. Keep warm. In a small skillet mix scallions and butter and sautĂŠ or1 minute. Strain the oyster mixture, saving the oysters, and divide the liquid equally among four chowder bowls.Whisk 1/2 cup cream mixture into each bowl. Add 8 oysters to each bowl and stir to mix. Float 1tablespoon of the scallion mixture on each bowl and sprinkle with cracked black pepper and paprika.


Ginger Poached Chicken Broth Soup

After a day of holiday hustle and bustle it's a comforting thing to come home to a warm brothy soup 3T of fresh ginger peeled and sliced into matchsticks 2cloves garlic smashed and rough chopped 1T vegetable oil 2-3 star anise pods 48oz box of your best low sodium chicken broth Soy sauce to taste- start with 2T 1 large chicken breast or leftover cold chicken cooked 1 bunch scallions, sliced into rings including whites and greens 1 baby bok choy, quartered and washed Drizzle chili sesame sesame Drizzleofofhot hot chili oiloil In a large pot warm the oil over medium heat, gently cook the garlic to release the oils. Do not toast. Add the ginger and the star anise and then pour in the broth and soy sauce. More can be added right before serving to adjust for taste. Allow to come up to a boil and then slip in the uncooked chicken. Gently simmer until cooked through. Time will vary based on the thickness of the breast, but allow 20 mins or so. If using precooked chicken allow the broth to simmer for 15 minutes to develop the flavors and then add the chicken to warm through. Right before serving add the bok choy and allow to gently cook to a tender/crunchy stagejust a minute or so. Top off with scallion and a drizzle of hot chili oil right before serving.

boomers... living life to the fullest

Carla McMahon is a homemaker and freelance writer of interests or women. She lives with her family in North Carolina. to

The Epicurean Tabletops We Remember | 21

Tabletops We Remember By Christina Castle

Whether you're dining with family or a group of friends, a beautiful holiday table really sets the mood for a wonderful evening. Even if you are planning a massive holiday blow out or a quiet meal for two, holiday table decorations are a must to inject the festive spirit into your event. Baby boomers from 1946 to 1964 all have similar memories of the beautiful tables for the holiday meal. They all shared a center piece and colors that were in style during that year; some were in seasonal colors with family heirlooms, china, silver and crystal, while others were different each year with a new theme and color scheme. Although our Moms always made the table look lovely and colorful, I doubt many used their imagination as their guides as compared to a traditional decoration. When setting your table for the holiday season think about what you have that will bring memories to the dĂŠcor but add your own imaginative twist! Then take a bow for all the wows! Christina Castle is a freelance writer who lives in Dallas, TX.

22 | The Epicurean Heavenly Holiday Sweet Treats

Heavenly Holiday Sweet Treats No h koliday is complete without sweet treats! Mouthwatering cookies, decadent pies, moist cakes and creamy cheesecakes are traditional holiday goodies. we all enjoy. Heavenly looking, divine tasting, my holiday favorites are simple to bake and easy to customize with a sprinkle of your imagination. imaginativon!. Enjoy!

Chocolate Bottom Coconut Macaroon Cookies Yields approximately 2-3 Dozen Cookies 14 ounce bag Sweetened Coconut 1 can (14 ounces) Sweetened Condensed Milk 1 teaspoon Vanilla (clear vanilla preferably) 2 X-Tra Large Egg Whites, room temperature Scant 1/4 teaspoon Salt Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line cookie sheets with Parchment Paper. Combine the Coconut, Condensed Milk and Vanilla in a Large Bowl. Beat Egg Whites in a separate bowl till stiff peaks form. Carefully fold beaten Egg Whites into Coconut Mixture. Drop by shallow filled Ice Cream Scoop, 2 inches apart. Bake approximately 25 minutes or until Golden Brown. Let cool 5 minutes before moving to a wire rack to cool completely. Chocolate Bottoms: Melt 1/2 - 1 Cup chocolate chips with 1&1/2 T butter. Dip macaroon bottoms in mix and put on Wax Paper to set.

Pumpkin Muffin Cinnamon Cream Cheese Topping

boomers... living life to the fullest

Carrot Cake Lemon Cream Cheese Icing

Assortment of Minis, Triangles Unique Frostings

The Epicurean Heavenly Holiday Sweet Treats | 23

From Dallas Personal Chef Cherie Swartz Snow Ball Cookies Yields approximately 4 Dozen Cookies 1 cup (2 sticks) Butter (room temp) 1/2 cup Confectioners Sugar 3/4 cup Confectioners Sugar 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 & 3/4 cups flour 1 cup finely chopped Pecans or Walnuts In your mixer, beat butter on high till pale and fluffy. Add 1/2 cup Confectioners Sugar, continue to beat till creamed. Lower mixer speed to medium and add Vanilla & Salt. Add flour and beat on low until Just Incorporated. Do Not Overmix! Stir in nuts, cover bowl and refrigerate 15-30 minutes. Remove dough from fridge and shape into 1" balls. Bake approximately 15 minutes till cookies are just barely brown on bottom. Transfer to wire racks for cooking (5 min.) and roll each cookie in remaining Confectioners Sugar Finish cooling and enjoy!

Chocolate Shortbread Yields 16 wedges 1 Cup Flour 1/4 Cup Unsweetened Cocoa 1/4 tsp. Salt 1/2 Cup Butter (room temp) 1/2 Cup Sugar 1 tsp. Vanilla 1 large Egg Yolk Chocolate Glaze 1/2 Cup Chocolate Chips 2 Tablespoons Butter 1/3 Cup chopped Nuts or Crushed Peppermint Pieces

While shortbread is baking, melt chocolate & butter. When shortbread is done baking, immediately pour warm glaze over all. Sprinkle with nuts or peppermint pieces and press gently into glaze.Store in Airtight container. Freezes well.

Preheat oven to 350. Grease 8-9" Tart Pan with removable bottom Whisk together flour, cocoa powder & salt. In mixer, beat sugar & butter till smooth.Beat in Vanilla & Egg Yolk Add flour mixture to Butter mixture and beat JUST until dough forms. Press dough in an even layer into tart pan. Bake 20-25 min till set. Place on wire rack to cool. Cherie Swartz is a personal chef and caterer in Dallas, Texas. Visit her facebook page, Simply Delicious Dallas.

The “I’ll Just Have One More” Martini 3 oz. gin or vodka 1/2 oz. dry vermouth 3 olives 1 automobile 1 long day 1 diminishing attention span 1 too many Combine ingredients. Drink. Repeat. Mix with sharp turn, telephone pole.

Never underestimate ‘just a few.’ Buzzed driving is drunk driving.

26 | Style Watch Winter Hot Fashions

Winter Holiday Hot Chanel Remembering CoCo Chic pop of color.

1950 CoCo Holidays 1950

Valentino Starkly Pretty

p for

u Jazz it

art day p i l o h a


Jean Paul Gaultier Art Deco Risque Snug layers for chilly days

boomers... living life to the fullest

Style Watch Winter Hot Fashions | 27

Inky Sober Season Canali Wider Stripes

Luxurious 70's Homage


Viktor & Rolf Monsieur Armani Turtleneck

Circa 1950 Accent on color!

30 | Boom Voyage spiritual Destinations


World Destinations of pirituality If you are looking for a luxury holiday that pampers your spirit as well as your body, look no further than these top spiritual world destinations.

Washington, D.C. Washington National Cathedral is Is called to serve as the spiritual home for the nation.

treasure and an The Cathedral is a national traesure architectural feat, A a place of stunning beauty built to inspire. Inside, artwork and exhibits tell the American story of faith. It is above all a place for spiritual enrichment.

Peru Peru has long been regarded as a place of spiritual power. It is reputed to sit on a ley line, or energetic pathway. Pilgrims in their thousands have visited the mysterious lost city of Machu Picchu.

boomers... living life to the fullest

Boom Voyage spiritual Destinations | 31

Jerusalem Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. It plays a central role in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Christianity reveres Jerusalem because Jesus was brought to Jerusalem soon after his birth, is sacred to Judaism because King David claimed it his capital and thus of spiritual importance to the Jewish people. Considered the third-holiest city in Islam due to the belief that Muhammad was transported one night from Mecca to the Temple Mount whereupon he ascended to Heaven.

India The traditional symbol of India is the lotus flower, a symbol of transformation that grows from the mud, yet remains untouched. India is home to many sacred sites crossings between the worldly and divine spheres.

Egypt The concepts of death and the Afterlife were central to the beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians who believed the pyramids were "where gods were born." The Valley of the Kings was and is an important place for Egyptian spirituality.

32 | Boom Voyage Colonial Williamsburg


hristmas in Colonial Williamsburg By Julese Crenshaw

Join Colonial Williamsburg during the holidays with traditions of a bygone era. The festive decor and timeless charm of this Colonial City set the stage for an unforgettable experience.

Inspire your senses with a holiday escape filled with art, music, wine, and fine dining. Restore romance with candlelit dining, carriage rides, and time devoted strictly to unwinding.

boomers... living life to the fullest

Boom Voyage Colonial Williamsburg | 33

34 | Redefining Addiction

What Does Addiction Mean to You? By ByMarjorie MarjorieSalada Salada

Addiction Addictionisissomething somethingthat thatyou youhear hearaalot lotabout aboutthese thesedays. days.When Whenyou youhear hearthe theword wordaddiction, addiction,usually usually what whatcomes comesto tomind mindisisaapicture pictureof ofaaperson personthat thatuses usesdrugs drugsto toexcess excessor ordrinks drinksalcohol alcoholto toexcess. excess.But But ininrecent recentyears, years,we wehave havecome cometo torealize realizethat thatthis thisdisorder disordercan canencompass encompassmuch muchmore morethan thandrugs drugsand and alcohol. alcohol.ItItcan canbe beanything anythingthat thatconsumes consumesyour yourlife lifeand andaffects affectsititnegatively. negatively.ItItisissomething somethingthat thataaperson person cannot cannoteasily easilygive giveup. up.With Withthe theexception exceptionof ofeating eatingand andbreathing, breathing,you youshould shouldbe beable ableto togive givealmost almostanyanything thingup upfor for30 30days. days.IfIfyou youcan't, can't,you youare areprobably probablyaddicted. addicted. Shopping, Shopping,eating eatingand andinternet internetuse useare areprobably probably33of ofthe themost mostprevalent prevalenttypes typesof ofaddiction addictionat atthe thecurrent current time. time.The Theinternet internetand andtelevision televisionhave havemade madeititmuch mucheasier easierto tobe beaashopaholic. shopaholic.You Youcan cansit sitininthe thecomfort comfort of ofyour yourhome homeand andsurf surfthe theweb webor orwatch watchthe thehome homeshopping shoppingnetworks networksand andyour yourmerchandise merchandiseisisonly onlyaa mouse mouseclick clickor oraaphone phonecall callaway. away.And Andthe thetelevision televisionshows showsespecially, especially,know knowhow howto toappeal appealto tothe theimpulse impulse buyer. buyer.Having Havingworked workedfor foraacredit creditcard cardcompany, company,ititwas wasvery veryeasy easyto topick pickout outthe theonline onlineand andshopping shoppingnetnetwork workbuyers. buyers.The Themajor majorconsequences consequencesof ofthis thistype typeaddiction addictionare areoverwhelming overwhelmingdebt debtand andclutter. clutter. Internet Internetaddiction addictionisisone oneof ofthe thefastest fastestgrowing growingtypes typesof ofaddiction. addiction.IfIfyou youfind findyourself yourselfhiding hidingwhat whatyou youare are looking lookingat atwhen whenpeople peopleenter enterthe theroom roomor oryour yourweb webuse useisiscausing causingproblems problemsininyour yourfamily familylife, life,you youmay may want wantto totake takeaagood goodhard hardlook lookat atyour yourcomputer computeruse. use.Porn Pornand andinteractive interactivevideo videogames gamesseem seemto tobe bethe thetwo two that thatcause causeaalot lotof ofthe theproblems. problems.And Andthen thenthere thereare arethe thedating datingsites sitesand andchat chatrooms. rooms.These Theseseem seemto tohave have made madepeople peoplewant wantto toredefine redefinewhat whatconstitutes constitutescheating cheatingininaarelationship. relationship. Eating Eatingisisaabig bigaddiction addictionininour ourcountry countrytoday todayand andthis thisone oneisisvery veryhard hardto totreat. treat.Abstinence Abstinenceisisbig bigpart partof of treatment treatmentwhen whenititcomes comesto toaddiction. addiction.But Buthow howdo doyou youabstain abstainfrom fromsomething somethingthat thatisislife lifesustaining? sustaining? There Thereare arecertain certainfoods foodsthat thatcause causecravings cravingsininsome somepeople peopleand andthese thesecravings cravingswill willoften oftenlead leadto tobinge binge eating. eating.The Thefoods foodsthat thatare aremost mostoften oftenthe thebiggest biggestculprits culpritsare aresugar sugarand andhighly highlyprocessed processedcarbs. carbs.The Thebest best way wayto toavoid avoidthis thisisisto toabstain abstainfrom fromeating eatingthese thesefoods. foods.The Theproblem problemcomes comesfrom fromidentifying identifyingthe thespecific specific foods foodsthat thatcause causethe thecravings. cravings. Dealing Dealingwith withaddiction addictionisisdifficult, difficult,but butfortunately fortunatelywe wedo dolive liveininaatime timewhere wherehelp helpisisavailable. available.ItItisisno nolonger longer something somethingthat thatisisnot nottalked talkedabout aboutand andisisdenied deniedfor foryears. years.IfIfyou youfeel feelyou youhave haveaaproblem, problem,there thereare arelots lotsof of resources resourcesavailable availablefor forhelping helpingyou youlearn learnabout aboutyour youraddiction addictionand andhow howto tomanage manageit.it.You Youno nolonger longerhave haveto to live liveininmisery miseryanother anotherday. day.You Youcan canget getstarted startedtoday! today! Marjorie MarjorieSalada Saladaisisaafreelance freelancewriter writerwho whoenjoys enjoyswriting writingabout aboutwellness wellness. .

boomers... living life to the fullest


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36 | Wealthy & Wise Don’t Be Caught in the Rain

Will Will WillYour Your Your Umbrella Umbrella UmbrellaKeep Keep Keep You You YouDry? Dry? Dry? By By ByEric Eric EricS.S. S.Alexander Alexander Alexander

Qualifying Qualifying QualifyingLong Long LongTerm Term TermCare Care CareExpenses Expenses ExpensesMay May MayNot Not Notbe be beDeductible Deductible Deductible

nIn In the the the September September September issue, issue, issue, we we we talked talked talked about about about the the the likelilikelilikelihood hood hood and and and costs costs costs associated associated associated with with with assisted assisted assisted living, living, living, nursing nursing nursing homes, homes, homes, and and and extended extended extended care. care. care.

The The The Current Current Current Problem: Problem: Problem:

ing ing ing only only only one one one task. task. task. And And And third, third, third, demand demand demand flexibility. flexibility. flexibility. The The The ability ability ability toto to easily easily easily shift shift shift money money money from from from one one one need need need toto to another another another is ispriceless. ispriceless. priceless. forego Many Many Many individuals individuals individuals forgo forgo forgo long long long term term term care care care insurance insurance insurance forfor for those those those three three three reasons. reasons. reasons. these 1.1. It 1.Itis Itisexpensive isexpensive expensive and and and long long long term term term care care care insurance insurance insurance has has has only only only one one one function function function (Low (Low (Low efficiency). efficiency). efficiency). 2.2. While 2.While While 70% 70% 70% ofof of the the the population population population will will will need need need care care care 3;3; this 3;this this also also also means means means 30% 30% 30% will will will never never never need need need care. care. care. If Ifyou Ifyou you assume assume assume there there there are are are 7070 70 million million million baby baby baby boomers boomers boomers inin in the the the US. US. US. That That That means means means 2121 21 million million million people people people will will will have have have given given given away away away money money money onon on coverage coverage coverage they they they never never never need. need. need. (Low (Low (Low flexibility). flexibility). flexibility). 3.3. Many 3.Many Many plan plan plan toto to tap tap tap into into into anan an existing existing existing asset asset asset such such such asas as a aa retirement retirement retirement account account account if ifcare ifcare care is isneeded. isneeded. needed. While While While this this this is isan isan an option; option; option; once once once that that that money money money is isgone isgone gone your your your options options options may may may bebe be limited. limited. limited. (Hope (Hope (Hope is isnot isnot not a astrategy) astrategy) strategy) The The The New New New Solution: Solution: Solution:

Remember Remember Remember my my my three three three rules: rules: rules: One, One, One, hope hope hope is isnot isnot not a astrategy. astrategy. strategy. Some Some Some things things things inin in life life life will will will ake take take care care care ofof of themselves; themselves; themselves; your your your finances finances finances will will will not. not. not. Two, Two, Two, anan an increase increase increase inin in efficiency efficiency efficiency is isaisagood agood good thing! thing! thing! Too Too Too many many many ofof of usus us have have have our our our hard hard hard earned earned earned dollars dollars dollars out out out there there there performperformperform-

InIn In August August August ofof of 2006 2006 2006 the the the USUS US Government Government Government passed passed passed the the the Pension Pension Pension Protection Protection Protection Act Act Act and and and this this this law law law went went went into into into effect effect effect onon on January January January 1,1, 2010. 1,2010. 2010. While While While this this this piece piece piece ofof of legislation legislation legislation covers covers covers a awide awide wide range range range ofof of pension pension pension governance, governance, governance, Section Section Section 844 844 844 deals deals deals specifically specifically specifically with with with annuities, annuities, annuities, long long long term term term care care care

You You You know know know there there there is isaisalikelihood alikelihood likelihood ofof of needing needing needing some some some type type type ofof of care care care inin in your your your life life life time. time. time. You You You also also also know know know that that that you you you have have have anan an almost almost almost 5050 50 / 50 //50 50 chance chance chance ofof of being being being inin in a anursing anursing nursing oror or assisted assisted assisted living living living facility facility facility forfor for longer longer longer than than than 2 2years. 2years. years.

Even Even Even with with with these these these overwhelming overwhelming overwhelming odds, odds, odds, and and and the the the high high high costs costs costs associated associated associated with with with extended extended extended care, care, care, many many many still still still dodo do not not not have have have long long long term term term care care care insurance. insurance. insurance. InIn In fact, fact, fact, according according according oto to the the the 2009 2009 2009 report report report from from from the the the Assisted Assisted Assisted Living Living Living FederaFederaFederaion tion tion ofof of America; America; America; only only only 6% 6% 6% ofof of residents residents residents have have have long long long term term term care care care insurance. insurance. insurance.

Why Why Why is isthis? isthis? this?

boomers... living life to the fullest

Wealthy & Wise Don’t Be Caught in the Rain | 37 and tax advantages. Simply put, starting this year, cash value withdrawals from specific PPA compliant annuities and insurance contracts to pay for qualifying long term care expenses may not be taxable income. This is a very significant change in legislation. The reason this is significant is because the new law has allowed a marriage between traditional life insurance or annuity contracts and long term care insurance. What you get out of the marriage is: 1. The ability to set aside money for your heirs OR create a system that provides money for extended care (Hope is no longer a strategy!) 2. Purchasing an annuity or life insurance AND long term care separately can be very expensive. Combining the two may give you a lower overall cost and more importantly gives you access to two benefits with every dollar. (You have increased efficiency) 3. If you do need long term care; the insurance companies draw against the death benefit until the money is exhausted. However, if you never need long term care; the products act like traditional life insurance and annuity contracts. (You have flexibility) Taking care of your family and preparing for the 'what if' is important. Doing it in a method that fulfills my three laws of money is innovative. Doing it with powerful tax advantages is just good business. The point of these articles is not to sell you on the virtues of an asset based long term care solution, but to educate you. There is a likelihood that you will need money to cover assisted living expenses. There is a likelihood those costs will be high. Because of the change in the Pension Protection Act this year, you now have more options. Do your research and find out if an asset based solution is right for you. Eric S. Alexander is employed with Personal Economics Group and enjoys freelance writing on financial issues.he H is a proud new father and lives with his family in Richardson, TX.

BUYER BEWARE. PLAN AHEAD. Before purchasing long term care insurance you should consider the following: 1. Know your needs. Research long-term care costs in your area. 2. Cover all bases. Only consider policies that will pay for care across a range of settings: a nursing home, an assisted living facility, and home (some policies also cover adult day-care services). Most experts advise against buying "home care only" policies which do not provide the same level of care you may need. 3. Hedge against increasing costs. Even though it will substantially increase the premium, buy a policy that provides not less than 5 percent compound inflation protection. Nursing home costs are growing at least that fast. 4. Pay to delay. If you can afford to cover part of the elimination period-the length of time after a qualifying event before your coverage kicks in-you may be able to reduce your premium significantly. 5. Check assisted living provisions. The specific nursing home services covered are generally standard across different policies and companies; not so the services for assisted living facilities. Carefully review this portion of the policy. 6. Review credentials. Only buy a policy from an established company with a high rating and experience selling long term care insurance. 7. Call for help. If you have questions about a policy or if you're trying to decide whether long term care is right for you, your local State Healh Insurance Assistance can provide free counseling and information.

38 | Boomer Buzz Relationships with Beverly

Relationship Buzz With Beverly

dates would be a person you would like to know better. Normally women sit at a table and the men rotate around the room going from table to table in an assigned order. If you don’t have time to meet new people to date or you don’t like to date co-workers or clients or you don’t want to pour through the many online dating services then “speed dating” may be for you. Speed dating has been purported to be one of the fastest and smartest matchmaking processes ever created. Speed dates place you in a relaxed atmosphere, without the first date pressure, where you meet other busy singles within one event. Speed dating is also economically viable. Candidates may not have any expenditure other than registration fees. Compare this with the cost of a regular date and this is an excellent option. One gentleman stated about speed dating: “Real easy, nopressure. Just go from one table to the next. Meeting a new woman every 8 minutes. I couldn’t think of a better way to meet new people to date.”

Each person has a card with a female or male’s name next to a survey. You are to check if you would like to meet the person you have spoken to again for a date or friendship or not interested. After the event, the organizer takes the surveys and arranges the connection between people who have picked each other. If you pick John and John picks you, there is a connection. If John picks you and you said “No way” then there is no connection. I know this process may seem cold and impersonal ,however, it works.Some evenings you may meet several people you would like to know better. Other evenings you just had a good time meeting new people. The key is that you used the opportunity to get out and be noticed.

Some people may have a hard time saying the things that would cause someone to be interested in them in a short amount of time. I look at a 10 minute speed date as having 4 minutes to find out about the person A lady related the following: “I thought it was great. across from you and 4 minutes to let them learn Way better than trying to decide who is your type interesting things about you. The other two from reading something in the “personals” in a chat room, you just can’t tell until you actually meet them. minutes are introductory or closing. Now you really have to have a 2-minute introFace to face makes all the difference.” duction to yourself. Professionals who attend During the “speed date,” you spend anywhere from 5 networking or chamber events are good at talking about their business or profession in 30 to 10 minutes per period talking with many people. seconds but have a hard time selling themselves You are trying to assess whether any of the candiduring a dating event. boomers... living life to the fullest

Boomer Buzz / Tech Tips | 39

I recommend creating talking points before you attend the event. You may even create a short commercial dialogue that you can use during the date. Some people have a series of questions they ask the person across from them. This will allow you to quickly get to the things that are important to you. Let us say you do not want to date someone who smokes. The first question would be are you a smoker? Spend the time just talking with each other and not waste time with other areas that no longer matter. If the answer is no then you can ask your next question. Leave time to have your “date” tell you things that they may find interesting and you should know. All in all the time together is about discovery. If there is chemistry between two people, it can be immediately recognized during a speed dating session. The couple may exchange information immediately, if they find that they are compatible. Please be mindful of the “speed dating” organizations rules of engagement. Some events prohibit the exchange of information at the dating table. Speed dating is not for everyone but some people really like meeting new people and finding a date this way. Other people like this method because they get to meet someone in person and talk with them rather than online or by going on a blind date. So if you are a busy person who wants to meet someone in a short amount of time, I recommend you try speed dating. To receive a copy of my book “From Prude to Siren, 3 Stages to Fantastic Sex and a Rewarding Relationship” (available from Authorhouse.com, Barnes and Noble and Amazon) send your relationship questions to askbev@ boomerbuzzmagazine.com Testimonials from: http://www.yourchoicedating.com/quotes.htm

By Becca Niederkrom #1 Interested in adding a bit of artistry to your pictures without carrying a DSLR camera around with you? Consider adding the free app called Instagram. Go to your app store, "purchase" the app (it's free) and upon taking a picture add different filters to try on different looks #2 What is Skype? And why should I use it? Skype is a vehicle to instant message, audio call or video call your buddies. Just like you have a handle for your email, you will also have one for Skype. If you have a camera built in to your computer or added on to the top you are now able to see and hear the people that you would like to speak with. This is a fantastic tool to shorten the distance between loved ones OR if you are traveling overseas and will have your mobile phone powered off, use Skype as a free calling tool. #3 Dropbox.com is a favorite site for the real estate clients that I work with. Let's say Barbara needs to get multiple listing photos in the hands of potential buyers + a few other real estate agents. She can either send a separate email to everyone, each time, attaching the photos (of course, after hunting each one down on her hard drive). Or she can load them into a tool such as Dropbox. The next step would be to add an email address to the file and hit send. Saves time and adds an efficient process to the many systems in her business. The file is loaded and just needs to be shot out to the recipients. Becca Niederkom – where ALL boomers and seniors learn the computer with joy and ease…guaranteed. http:// conversationcounts.org

40 | BlogSpeak from 3906

FROM 3906 "o" is for ornament

I believe each day gives us something: a few minutes of afternoon light casting intricate shadows on a dining room wall, or a delicious Pesto because the basil got knee-high. Maybe some things broke my heart.....I write about them all. My name is Becca. I live in Dallas but left my heart in Florence, Italy. I'd like to thank you for reading. www.from3906.blogspot.com

boomers... living life to the fullest

BlogSpeak from 3906 | 41

FROM 3906 gifts

On Christmas Day back in 2003, my mother gave me two special gifts. One was a Waterford crystal jar, the other; the small book, Gift From The Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. In the wee hours following Christmas night, I placed the jar on my glass desk, sat down, and in the quiet, read the entire book. ____ Whether you have known the beach, had a marriage or not, had children or none, there's "so much in this little book" as my insightful mother inscribed. ____ I have shells collected from years passed, which I look at with wiser eyes now. And the crystal jar..... it has and will always remain empty, reminding me that less is more.

42 | BlogSpeak Sweet Lesson

AASweet SweetLesson Lesson on onPatience Patience A Reprint A Reprint of aof Facebook a Facebook PostPost

A NYC A NYC Taxi Taxi driver driver wrote: wrote: arrived I arrived at the at address the address and and honked honked the horn. the horn.

AfterAfter waiting waiting a fewa minutes few minutes I honked I honked again. again. Since Since this was this was going going to betomy belast my ride last ride of my of my

There There werewere no clocks no clocks on the on walls, the walls, no knickno knickknacks knacks or utensils or utensils on the on counters. the counters. In the In corner the corner was was a cardboard a cardboard box filled box filled with with photos photos and and

shift shift I thought I thought about about just driving just driving away, away, but but nstead instead I putI the put car the in car park in park and and walked walked up toup to

glassware. glassware.

AfterAfter a long a long pause, pause, the door the door opened. opened. A small A small woman woman in her in 90's her 90's stood stood before before me. me. She She was was wearing wearing a print a print dress dress and and a pillbox a pillbox hat with hat with a a 1940's veil pinned veil pinned on it,on like it, somebody like somebody out of out a of a 1940's movie. movie. By her By side her side was was a small a small nylonnylon suitcase. suitcase. The The apartment apartment looked looked as if as noifone no one had had livedlived in it for in it for years. years. All the All furniture the furniture was was covered covered with with sheets. sheets.

She She keptkept thanking thanking me for memy forkindness.'It's my kindness.'It's nothing', nothing', I toldI her..'I told her..'I just try justtotry treat to treat my passengers my passengers the way the way I would I would wantwant my mother my mother to betotreated.' be treated.' 'Oh, 'Oh, you're you're suchsuch a good a good boy, boy, she said. she said. When When we we got in got the in cab, the cab, she gave she gave me an meaddress an address and and thenthen asked, asked, 'Could 'Could you drive you drive through through downtown?' downtown?' 'It's not 'It's the not shortest the shortest way,'way,' I answered I answered quickly.. quickly.. 'Oh, 'Oh, I don't I don't mind,' mind,' she said. she said. 'I'm in 'I'm noinhurry. no hurry. I'm on I'm on

'Would 'Would you carry you carry my bag my bag out to out the to car?' the car?' she sshe asked s he door the door and and knocked.. knocked.. 'Just'Just a minute', a minute', answeranswer- aid. Iaid. took I took the suitcase the suitcase to the to cab, the cab, thenthen returned returned ed aed frail, a frail, elderly elderly voice. voice. I could I could hearhear something something to assist to assist the woman. the woman. She She tooktook my arm my arm and and we we being being dragged dragged across across the floor. the floor. walked walked slowly slowly toward toward the curb. the curb.

boomers... living life to the fullest

my way to a hospice. I looked in the rear-view mirror. Her eyes were glistening. 'I don't have any family left,' she my way to a hospice. a rear-view soft voice..'The sayswere I Icontinued looked in in the mirror.doctor Her eyes don't have 'Ivery long.' reached over glistening. don't haveI quietly any family left,' she and shut off meter.'What would continued in the a soft voice..'Theroute doctor saysyou I like to take?' I asked. don'tme have very long.' I quietly reached over For the twometer.'What hours, we drove the and shutnext off the routethrough would you city. like me to take?' I asked. Shethe showed me hours, the building where she had For next two we drove through theo nce city. worked as an elevator operator. We drove through thebuilding neighborhood where She showed me the where she hadshe o and her husband lived operator. when they were nce as anhad elevator once worked newlyweds She had pull up in front of a she We drove through theme neighborhood where furniture warehouse had oncethey been a and her husband hadthat lived when were ballroom where gone newlyweds She she had had me pull updancing in front as of a girl. Sometimes she'd askthat mehad to slow front aof a furniture warehouse onceinbeen particularwhere building orhad corner and would sit ballroom she gone dancing as a girl. staring into the darkness, saying Sometimes she'd ask me to slow nothing. in front of a As the firstbuilding hint of sun was creasing thesit horizon, particular or corner and would she suddenly 'I'm tired.Let's go now.' staring into thesaid, darkness, saying nothing. Wethe drove silence to was the address As firstinhint of sun creasingshe the had horizon, given me. It was a low like small she suddenly said, 'I'm building, tired.Let's goanow.' convalescent home, to with drivewayshe thathad We drove in silence theaaddress passed under a portico. given me. It was a low building, like a small Two orderlies home, came out cab asthat soon as convalescent withtoathe driveway we pulled up. They were solicitous and intent, passed under a portico. watching her every Two orderlies camemove. out to the cab as soon as They mustup. have been expecting her.I we pulled They were solicitous andopened intent, the trunk and took the small suitcase to the door. watching her every move. The was been already seated in a wheelchair. Theywoman must have expecting her.I opened 'How much dotook I owe asked,toreaching the trunk and theyou?' smallShe suitcase the door. into purse. The her woman was already seated in a wheelchair. 'Nothing,' I said 'How much do I owe you?' She asked, reaching You have to make a living,' she answered. into her purse. 'There areI other 'Nothing,' said passengers,' I responded. Almost without thinking, I bent gave her a You have to make a living,' sheand answered. hug.She held onto me tightly. I responded. 'There are other passengers,' 'You gave an old womanI abent littleand moment Almost without thinking, gave of herjoy,' a hug.She held onto me tightly. 'You gave an old woman a little moment of joy,'

she said. 'You gave anBlogSpeak old woman aSweet little moment of |joy,' Lesson 43 she said. 'Thank you.' 'You gave an old woman a little moment of joy,' I squeezed said. her hand, and then walked into the she dim morning 'Thank you.' light.. Behind me, a door shut.It the sound the closing of walked a life. into the Iwas squeezed her of hand, and then dim morning light.. Behind me, a door shut.It was the sound of the closing of a life.

I didn't pick up any more passengers that shift. I drove aimlessly lost in thought. For the rest of that day,I could hardly talk.What if thatthat woman I didn't pick up any more passengers shift. gotten an angry oneFor who Ihad drove aimlessly lostdriver,or in thought. the rest of was impatient end his shift? What if Iwoman had that day,I couldtohardly talk.What if that refused to take the run, or hadone honked had gotten an angry driver,or who once, then driven away? Onhis a quick was impatient to end shift? review, What if II don't had think thattoI take havethe done more important refused run,anything or had honked once, in mydriven life. away? On a quick review, I don't then We'rethat conditioned to think that our lives revolve think I have done anything more important around great moments. in my life. But great momentstooften us unawareWe're conditioned thinkcatch that our lives revolve beautifully wrapped in what others may consider around great moments. a small one. But great moments often catch us unawarebeautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one.

44 | Medical Matters Inspiring & Realistic Health Program

An Inspiring & Realistic Healthcare Concept deNovo Health Every once in a while you come across a concept that really makes you sit up and take notice. Such is deNovo Health in Dallas! After meeting John Stevens, MS,RN,NP-C,ANP-BCBoard , who founded the deNovo Medical Group in 1996, it became obvious that deNovo is positioned to be a player in the future of medical care in the Dallas market and most likely on a national level. This medical membership program fills a necessary void and according to Stevens, "offers affordable health care on a daily basis to those with insurance and those in the community who would not otherwise have access to such." The mission at deNovo Health is to provide comprehensive services that exceed expectations; health screenings and preventative care, complete physical exam with labs, same day sick visits with no office fees.The primary care services offer everything you might see your current doctor for: routine physical exams, minor injuries, acute illnesses and chronic conditions which require regular attention. deNovo also provides screenings for diabetes, cardio vascular disease and cancer which gives you the peace of mind for catching and treating such problems early and effectively.

boomers... living life to the fullest

Medical Matters Inspiring & Realistic Health Program | 45 deNovo Spa and Salon have given local residents exceptional care for over 16 years . They offer full services: hair, nails, makeup, massage of every type, facials, peels, body wraps, waxing‌ just about anything you might desire. Clients may also enjoy aesthetic, cosmetic and laser surgery in the state-of-the-art aesthetic institute, nationally acclaimed and which John Stevens, highly respected medical aesthetics practitioner, has developed into one of the most recognized anti-aging facilities in the United States. As Stevens listened and talked with his clientele, and as healthcare became more and more exclusive with primary dependence on employer coverage, he felt compelled to assist them with better and affordable medical services on a regular basis. Emphasis on affordable and daily care! With additional studies and an eye on what was happening on a national, regional and local level, the idea for deNovo Health was born. The mission became one of commitment to outstanding patient care, community and public education with world class technology. They even have a compounding pharmacist in-house. What is deNovo Health exactly? When entering for the first time, you feel transported into a calm, peaceful and lovely facility rather than a sterile medicinal office. Immediately you recognize the welcoming ambiance and team approach which puts you at ease. In all honesty, I would never have known it was a health practice; it was so inviting and pleasant. deNovo is a medical membership program that can easily compliment any existing insurance plan you might already have in place, giving you care as often as needed, for less than the average cost of a yearly insurance deductible. You simply pay an initiation fee plus a monthly one based on age and health status. Stevens Steven says he expects a commitment from each new patient to want to be in the best health they possibly can and to be an active partner with deNovo to accomplish such. Your membership begins with a comprehensive health interview, complete physical workup with an array of laboratory tests so your individual health status and needs can be determined. Monthly plans range from only $66 to $92 per month and there is no charge or co-payment for office visits, as with insurance providers. Your deNovo provider can normally see you on the same or next day, and if not, you may elect to visit with another available one on staff. And if you need to see a doctor every day of the week you can! Not that that will happen, but it is comforting to know you are not limited or your care provider is too busy to work you in when you are sick or have questions about your healthcare. deNovo is accessible, which I for one cannot say my physician is without a week or two wait for an appointment. It appears John Stevens is the genuine "Real McCoy" in providing enhanced services at reduced fees. There is no penny pinching on what is offered at deNovo and I truly believe you will receive better care and more personal attention without pretension. Can you say that about your medical provider? For less than the cost of most deductibles you can have access to medical services at the touch of a phone call with a health care professional who will spend more time listening to you and helping you. Since it costs less, what have you got to lose‌ except a avilability vailability to excellent health care. Call for yourself and learn the benefits you and your family can receive with a deNovo membership. They may be reached at 214.219.4000 or online at www.denovohealthclinics.com. I guarantee it will be worth it.

Medical Matters Cryo What? | 47

Cryo What??!! Cryo What??!! By Robin Roberson

By Robin Roberson

As Publisher of Boomer Buzz Magazine, I do not normally write features. But when approached about Cryotherapy as a potential article, I responded with, "I've got to see this for myself!" And I did with the most astounding experience chronicled in the following article. Keep an open mind, please!

"Beam me up Scotty" or thoughts of Mr. Freeze in Batman saying, "You are not sending me to the cooler!" were flying through my mind upon

entering the Veda Light Wellness Spa in Addison, Texas on one of the hottest nights of the summer. It was 108 in the shade…am I having a heat stroke? Have I lost my mind? You want to lower my skin temperature to 30 degrees? Are you mad?! That was the first minute inside the spa. Slowly I relaxed and warmed, just as your body

48 | Medical Matters Cryo What? does, after hearing the praises of the lady just finishing her session in the cryosauna. She was recuperating from breast surgery; suffering pain and inflammation along the side of her chest and under her arm. Then she learned of cryotherapy offering her an option for boosting her immune system to assist her body in healing itself in the needed area. Providing the opportunity to recuperate quickly and easily. Her swelling was virtually gone, her soreness and pain diminished. Her energy rejuvenated with only four treatments, and she had planned on six. She was ecstatic. My friend who took me to Veda Light has had six treatments and reminded me to notice her foot was healed. She hobbled around for half of this year in a boot, fighting a torn tendon that would not heal. She has not worn regular shoes in months but tonight she was walking in a great looking pair of wedges and no limp! All from the healing therapies of the cryosauna. Now it was my turn, take off all clothes, except socks. Step into the sauna booth, or tube from outer space as I called it, and relax. Right!! Is she crazy? Has the nitrogen gotten to her brain?

The floor of the sauna raises you until your head is totally outside the booth, no claustrophobia folks, your hands rest on the ledge in front of you. And then POOF! A blast of cold air, or in reality, nitrogen shots at you from inside the booth. You shift to one side and POOF, another blast of colder air.

boomers... living life to the fullest

Whole body cryotherapy was originally developed in Japan in 1978, and the benefits have been studied and refined in Europe since then. Now it is presented in the USA by Millennium ICE and Veda Light Wellness Spa in Addison is one of the first to offer cryotherapy.

The Cryosauna tank lowers your exterior skin temperature to about 30-32 degrees with the air surrounding you at a temperature of around minus 202F for a period of one to three minutes. In my case, my skin hit 30 degrees and the air reached -247F. But don't panic, I have refined the art of visualization and was stretched out in the sun on a lovely Caribbean island and it was warm and balmy, not frigid cold! POOF, again. Yes, it is getting colder and colder. One more POOF and that one is darn cold!! I even shivered a little and laughed as they told me about one lady who screamed and screamed saying it was too cold and to let her out. But when they started to turn it off she screamed again, not to stop. She wanted the benefits even if she did turn blue in the process. However, you do not turn blue, I assure you. Three minutes and it is all over. This treatment results in an energy boost and skin rejuvenation, The effect lasts from 1 1/2 to 3 hours. When your body's exterior is cooled to these levels,

Medical Matters Cryo What? | 49 the immune system is stimulated, and every organ in the body is affected positively. The skin reacts to the cold and sends a powerful message to the brain acting as a stimulant to all regulatory functions of the body. It produces scanning of all areas of the body that may not be working to their fullest potential. Then sending orders to all peripheral parts of the body to constrict the muscles and tissues in order to send blood to the core of the body, which will begin circulating in an "internal cycle" to protect the vital organs. The body rushes blood to the weaker areas and promotes healing from within. Much more is happening, as the blood circulates in this"internal biochemical cycle." It is also being enriched with oxygen, all the necessary enzymes and nutrients and will even lead to an increase in hemoglobin count. Realize this is cutting edge! Emphasizing the enriched blood creates favorable conditions for internal organ regeneration, for expelling of toxins from subcutaneous layers,for the cell renewal process, replacement of damaged cells and elimination of dead cells from peripheral tissues - i.e. rejuvenation of the body at the cellular level. It accomplished all with cold air, not pills. Now, I am not saying this will replace medicine, because I definitely believe in medication when required. There is also room for thinking about health preventative therapy offering additional options for better health and wellness. It is important to understand the skin tissue is not actually frozen during the procedure. Only the illusion of a severe cold im-

pact is created, when very cold air temporarily touches the skin where our cold sensors are located. This triggers our brain to act and heal. Being someone who requires only five hours of sleep a night; who hears the cat jump off her perch in the guest room in the middle of the night, sleeping softly has been the norm for my life. After my first session in the cryosauna, I slept as solid as a rock for almost seven hours and literally did nothing to make my bed except flip the corner up over the pillows. After my second treatment I was the energizer bunny all day long-gosh! Creative and on point for hours, it felt so great! The second level affected by cryotherapy is the "energy level" of the human body which is made up of a network of energy meridians, similar to the circulatory system. Of course, you want to know how cryotherapy stimulates this energy flow in the body? We know from physics curriculums if we take a sufficiently long wire and warm one end of it, while cooling the other, the temperature difference leads to an electric current in the wire. Exactly the same thing happens to the human energetic system. When the temperature on the skin surface drops 68.6 degrees it is sufficient enough to cause a strong flow of energy in the meridians, restoring energy flow where disruptions may have been present. In this case, cryotherapy is used as a preventive and corrective method, by stimulating the energy flow in the human body, it allows people to stay healthy longer.

50 | Medical Matters Cryo What? The Thenetwork networkof ofthe thebody's body'snervous nervoussystem,(Inforsystem,(Information mationlevel) level)isiswhere whereelectronic electronicsignals, signals,self-anaself-analyzing lyzingquestions, questions,answers, answers,and andother otherdetails detailsare are sent sentto toand andfrom fromall allparts partsof ofthe thebody. body.This Thisincredincredible iblecommunication communicationsystem systemassesses assessesthe thebody's body's specific specificconditions, conditions,deficiencies, deficiencies,and andimmediate immediate needs needsin inorder orderto toknow knowhow howto torestore restoreitself itselfand and remain remainviable. viable.All, All,self-healing self-healingfrom fromwithin. within. How Howdoes doescold coldaffect affectthe theimmune immunesystem systemand andrerejuvenate juvenatethe thebody's body'sinformation informationsystem? system?Similar Similar to tothe thebrain brainsignals signalsin inthe the"internal "internalbiochemical biochemical cycle" sent to the peripheral tissues cycle" sent to the peripheral tissuescausing causing vaso-constriction vaso-constrictiondue dueto tothe thesignificant significantdrop dropin in temperature temperature--during duringthe the"information "informationlevel", level",the the brain brainsends sendssignals signalsto toall allparts partsof ofthe thebody bodythrough through the thenervous nervoussystem systemin inorder orderto todetermine determinethe theexextent tentto towhich whicheach eachpart partof ofthe thebody bodyisiscompromiscompromised. ed.This Thisisisdone doneto toallocate allocateadequate adequateresources resources tol ensure the viability of the body's parts, tol ensure the viability of the body's parts,and andthe the brain brainwill willtry tryto toperpetuate perpetuateall allthe theorgans organsand andbody body parts. parts.Unlike Unlikethis thissame samesurvival survivalprocess processin inaalizard, lizard, for forexample, example,which whichsacrifices sacrificesits itstail tailin inorder orderto to save savethe therest restof ofthe thebody. body. At Atthis thispoint pointyou youare arethinking thinkingthe thenitrogen nitrogenaffected affected my brain, but I promise you seeing is believing! my brain, but I promise you seeing is believing! What Whatbasically basicallyhappens happensin incold coldtherapy, therapy,cryo cryo treatment, treatment,isisthe thebrain, brain,in inresponse responseto toperceived perceived critical criticalconditions, conditions,surveys surveysall allbody bodyparts partsand andananalyzes alyzesthe thereturned returnedsignals. signals.Then Thencreates createsaacomcomplete pleteup-to-date up-to-datepicture pictureof ofthe thebody's body'sstate stateof ofbeing being and andproperly properlyresponds respondsto tothe theareas areasneeding needingreresources sourcesto toensure ensurebetter betterhealth, health,healing healingand andboostboosting. ing. Currently, Currently,there thereisisno noother otherknown knownmethod methodin inthe the world worldable ableto toprovide providethis thiskind kindof ofinformation, information,upupdating datingprocedures proceduresof ofthe thebody's body'simmune immuneand andinforinformation mationsystems systemsneed needto tocorrect correctthemselves themselvesin inearly early stages stagesof ofmalfunction. malfunction. Researchers Researchersin inEurope Europehave havebeen beendeveloping developingand and refining refiningcryotherapy cryotherapyfor formore morethan thantwo twodecades. decades. The ThePolish Polishgovernment governmenthas hasmade madeititaapreventative preventative

boomers... living life to the fullest

inclusion inclusionin intheir theirnational nationalhealth healthprogram programso soresiresidents dentsare areallowed allowed20 20treatments treatmentsaayear. year.ItItisisjust just being beingintroduced introducedto toconsumers consumersin inthe theUnited United States. States.Many Manypro proathletes athleteshave havebeen beenusing usingititfor for years yearsas asaameans meansof ofreducing reducingpain, pain,inflammation inflammation and andsoreness, soreness, boosting boostingthe theimmune immunesystems systemsof of the theathletes. athletes.USA USAOlympics OlympicsCoach, Coach,Alberto AlbertoSS alazar's Salazar’s alazar'srunners runnerswere werethe thefirst firstand andthe thesecond secondin in 10,000 10,000m, m, Salazar Salazarisisaabig bigbeliever believerin incryosauna cryosauna and andhas hasbeen beenusing usingititsince since2010 2010to tohelp helphis his runners runners perform performbetter betterand andrecover recoverfaster. faster.

Hammer Hammerthrower, thrower,Koji KojiMurofushi, Murofushi,won wonbronze bronzefor for Japan. Japan.but buttrained trainedunder underTore ToreGustafsson, Gustafsson,who who provides providescryosauna cryosaunaservices servicesto tohis hispatients patientsand and athletes athleteshe heworks workswith within inCalifornia.The California.TheMavericks Mavericks disclosed their "secrets" when becoming disclosed their "secrets" when becomingthe theNBA NBA Champions: Champions:we wehave havebeen beenusing usingextreme extremecold coldfor for better betterperformance performancefor forabout aboutaayear yearnow, now,and and have haveinspired inspiredother otherprofessional professionalteams teamsto todo dothe the same. same.Houston HoustonRockets, Rockets,San SanAntonio AntonioSpurs, Spurs,New New York YorkKnicks Knicksalready alreadyhave havetheir theirown owncryosauna. cryosauna. Millennium MillenniumICE ICEmanufactures manufacturesaanew, new,larger largercryocryosauna saunamodel modelto toprovide providebetter betterservice serviceto toathletes. athletes.

In summarizing,cryotherapy helps enrich the blood and supply it to all internal organs and peripheral parts of the body by insuring the organs h have ave all necessary "building materials" for cell renewal. It also helps to supply organs with the necessary energy to make full use of these materials without energy, no beneficial processes can occur. In addition, remember the body is not exposed to real danger during the treatment, there is no threat of damaging the tissues - only illusion of a survival threat is created. Results of cryo treatment have been impressive, if at present empirical. Evidence from people suffering particular biochemical malfunctions, auto-immune system diseases or energetic body impairment having reported considerable and lasting improvements, after taking a sufficient number of treatments. Do I want to go back for a series of cryo treatments? You bet! Beam me up Scotty for sure!! The Veda light Wellness Spa, where I had my treatments, is located in Addison, TX.

Medical Matters Cryo What? | 51

Reported Benefits Health Health&&Beauty Beauty Tighter,healthier healthier skin Tighter, skin Cellulite reduction

Cellulite reduction Stronger, fuller hair

Stronger, fuller hair Stronger nails

Stronger nails Fewer skin blemishes Increased libido Fewer skin blemishes Increased sexual stamina

Increased libido

Decreased anxiety

Increased sexual stamina Decreased depression

Decreased anxiety Decreased incidence of colds and flu Decreased fatigue Decreased depression Decreased muscle soreness Decreased incidence of colds and flu Decreased injury recovery time

Decreased fatigue

Quicker surgical recovery

Decreased muscle soreness Psychological competitive edge Sports & Fitness Decreased injury recovery time Decreased Quicker surgicalfatigue recovery Decreased muscle soreness

Psychological competitive edge They offer a variety of wellness and spa services which include cryosauna, cryo facials, massage and nail services. My time in the cryosauna was exhilarating. After the first appointment, I slept 8 straight hours and I have not done that ever in my whole life. I felt GREAT! The second time turned me into the energizer bunny according to a close friend who said she had never seen me so energized and creative. The added health benefits of a relaxed back and clearer skin were just icing on the cake. I knew if I had any medical problems I would have been back for the next treatment. What have you got to lose except those aches and pains!?

Decreased injury recovery time

Sports & Fitness Quicker surgical recovery

Decreased fatigue edge Psychological competitive Decreased anxiety Decreased muscle soreness Decreased depression

Decreased injury recovery time

Decreased incidence of colds and flu

Quicker surgical recovery Tighter, healthier skin

Psychological competitive Cellulite reduction edge Stronger, fuller hair Decreased anxiety Stronger nails

Decreased depression Fewer skin blemishes

Decreased incidence of colds and flu Increased libido

Increased sexual stamina

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54 | Senior Scene Aging Younger-Betty White

Aging Without Growing White Aging Without Growing Old: How Does Betty White Aging Without Growing Old:Old: HowHow DoesDoes BettyBetty White DoDoIt?DoIt?It? ByBy Rosemary Lichtman, Ph.D. Rosemary Lichtman, Ph.D. By Rosemary Lichtman, Ph.D.

A real comedy standout onand TVTV and in movies thethe movies A real comedy standout on in movies A real comedy standout on TV in and the lately - among allall thethe youthful as as well as as botoxed, - among youthful botoxed, ately -lately among all the youthful as well aswell botoxed, lifted, heavily made-up has been Betty lifted, heavily made-up - has been Betty ifted, heavily made-up facesfaces -faces has- been Betty White. Lifetime Achievement Award winner 8888 White. Lifetime Achievement Award winner White. Lifetime Achievement Award winner at 88at at one-half, as as Betty proudly declares, White and one-half, Betty proudly declares, White and and one-half, as Betty proudly declares, White is is is thethe poster galgal forfor throwing thethe calendar poster throwing away calendar he poster gal for throwing awayaway the calendar when talking about when talking about age. when talking about age.age.

of of humor, watch a comedy show, read thethe sense humor, watch a comedy show, read sensesense of humor, watch a comedy show, read the newspaper "funnies," a book of of jokes. The newspaper "funnies," get aofbook jokes. The newspaper "funnies," get aget book jokes. The pleasure you bring into your surroundings, more pleasure you bring into your surroundings, moremore pleasure you bring into your surroundings, thethe happier you willwill feel. You may even increase happier you feel. You may even increase the happier you will feel. You may even increase lifespan improve health according your lifespan and improve your health according youryour lifespan and and improve youryour health according toNational thethe National Institute of of Aging. to National Institute Aging. to the Institute of Aging. 2. Hang outout with your peers. You'll find that you 2.out Hang with your peers. You'll find that you 2. Hang with your peers. You'll find that you lots of of shared memories can relate to to have lots shared memories and can relate havehave lots of shared memories and and can relate to thethe same music, references events. Studies same music, references and events. Studies the same music, references and and events. Studies that even though it'sit's heartwarming show that even though heartwarming showshow that even though it's heartwarming to to to spend time with your adult children grandspend time with your adult children and grandspend time with your adult children and and grandchildren, active seniors prefer relating children, active seniors often prefer relating children, active seniors oftenoften prefer relating to to to others in in their own cohort. ToTo meet new friends others their own cohort. meet new friends others in their own cohort. To meet new friends similar interests, contact local university with similar interests, contact your local university withwith similar interests, contact youryour local university or or community center a schedule of of their life-l ong community center for a schedule their life-l or community center for afor schedule of their life-l learning opportunities. ong learning opportunities. ong ong learning opportunities.

thethe population of of older adults growing, With population older adults growing, WithWith the population of older adults growing, the thethe percentage of of adults is projected in-inpercentage adults 65 is projected percentage of adults overover 65over is65 projected to in-to to crease in U.S. thethe U.S. from thethe current to to 19% in in crease in U.S. from current crease in the from the current 12%12% to12% 19% in19% thethe next twenty years. Given this expected next twenty years. Given this expected he next twenty years. Given this expected ex- ex-exponential growth, thethe Centers forfor Disease Control ponential growth, Centers Disease Control ponential growth, the Centers for Disease Control Prevention, has looked at at how baby boomers and Prevention, has looked how baby boomers and and Prevention, has looked at how baby boomers can achieve healthy aging. can achieve healthy aging. can achieve healthy aging.

If you're interested in in ideas about to to age If you're interested ideas about age f you're interested in ideas about howhow tohow age without getting old, here areare some tips to to getget without getting old, here some without getting old, here are some tips totips get started, using Betty White as as your role model: you started, using Betty White your role model: you you started, using Betty White as your role model:

1. Cultivate humor in in your daily life.life. Enjoy some 1. Cultivate humor your daily Enjoy some 1. Cultivate humor in your daily life. Enjoy some laughs, the joking is aimed at at you. belly laughs, if the joking is aimed you. bellybelly laughs, eveneven if even theifjoking is aimed at you. BeBe playful, funfun and dodo something silly a a playful, have something silly Be playful, havehave fun and doand something silly for aforfor change. you don't have friends a good change. If you don't have friends a good change. If youIf don't have friends withwith a with good

boomers... living life to the fullest

3. Find thethe time to to interact younger friends 3. Find interact with younger friends 3. Find the time totime interact withwith younger friends too. You'll enjoy their different perspectives too. You'll enjoy their different perspectives and too. You'll enjoy their different perspectives and and thethe challenges open to to you. If share you share challenges they open up you. If you share the challenges theythey open up toup you. If you thethe same interests hobbies, thethe fact that you same interests and hobbies, fact that you the same interests and and hobbies, the fact that you areare from different generations less important from different generations is less important are from different generations is lessis important what you can each contribute to to one another. than what you can each contribute one another. thanthan what you can each contribute to one another. When Betty White hosted Saturday Night Live sheshe When Betty White hosted Saturday Night When Betty White hosted Saturday Night Live sheLive fun, thethe show registered itsits highest ratings had fun, show registered highest ratings had had fun, the show registered its highest ratings in in in and it recharged herher career. years and it recharged career. yearsyears and it recharged her career. 4. Work with what you've got to to stay in in shape. 4.with Work with what you've got shape. Start 4. Work what you've got to stay in stay shape. StartStart slowly, perhaps walking a friend or or exercising slowly, perhaps walking a or friend exercising slowly, perhaps walking withwith a with friend exercising onon your own. When you're ready, look a fitness your own. When you're ready, for a fitness on your own. When you're ready, look forlook afor fitness center hashas classes forlevels allall levels of of physical center that classes for levels physical center that that has classes for all of physical to ability - ranging salsa hi-impact aerobics ability - ranging from salsa hi-impact aerobics ability - ranging fromfrom salsa hi-impact aerobics through dancing, stretch classes water through belly dancing, stretch classes and water through bellybelly dancing, stretch classes and and water aerobics to to chair classes taifor chichi forfor balance. aerobics chair classes tai balance. aerobics to chair classes and and taiand chi balance. way you'll bebe able to to challenge you body nono That way you'll challenge you body ThatThat way you'll be able toable challenge you body no matter where you're starting have fun in in thethe matter where you're starting - and have fun matter where you're starting - and- and have fun in the

Senior Scene Aging Younger-Betty White | 55

Your Real Age Is How You Think Your Real Age Is How You Think

process. And incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine will help you feel younger.

About Your Life About Your Life

5.process. ExerciseAnd yourincorporating brain just as you do your body to healthy habits into keep mental vitality. Longitudinal yourupdaily routine will The helpSeattle you feel younger. Study found that two-thirds of older Americans doing brain your exercises 5. Exercise brainhad justsignificant as you do cognitive your body to improvement. These kindsThe of mental keep up mental vitality. Seattle challenges Longitudinal build new neural pathways that the Study found that two-thirds of help olderbuffer Americans brain against age-related Injecting novelty doing brain exercises hadlosses. significant cognitive into everyday tasks cankinds haveofamental similar challenges effect. improvement. These build new neural pathways that help buffer the 6.brain Set goals for yourself and losses. do something against age-related Injectingmeannovelty ingful. Researchtasks showscan that people who are into everyday have a similar effect. sociable, generous and goal-oriented are generally happier and healthier than other people. Think 6. Set goals for yourself and do something meanabout what kinds shows of activities bring you ingful. Research that people whothe aremost satisfaction and planand howgoal-oriented you can spend sociable, generous aremore generally time doingand them. You may want to look for Think places happier healthier than other people. toabout volunteer your of community through whatinkinds activities bring youSenior the most Corps or America's Natural Resources satisfaction and plan howand youCultural can spend more Volunteer Portal. OrYou contact school or time doing them. may your wantlocal to look for places community center to for opportunities to tutor to volunteer in your community through Senior children. yourNatural wisdom with othersResources will Corps orSharing America's and Cultural bring a spring into Or your step and joylocal intoschool your life. Volunteer Portal. contact your or community center to for opportunities to tutor 7.children. Include others in your setting goals for your future. Sharing wisdom with others will Perhaps means closeand to you - or your bring athis spring intothose your step joy into your life. reaching out to a wider community. Stay youthful by7.involving yourself with family, and the Include others in setting goalsfriends for your future. world at large. Perhaps this means those close to you - or your reaching out to a wider community. Stay youthful by involving yourself with family, friends and the world at large.

Betty White, concern animals White,with withher herlifelong passionate life for long conand her advocating cern for work animals and her for work advocating for them, has continued to dedicate herself to animal welfare. Draw on your to stay Betty White, with herconnections lifelong concern forinvolvanimals edand with a community as you continue your life. her work advocating for When childrentoare misbehaving, them,growing has continued dedicate herself some to animal say, "Act your age." But it's more complicated welfare. Draw on your connections to stay involvwhen sandwiched boomers arecontinue trying toyour figure ed with a community as you life.out exactly thatchildren means for Is age setsome When what growing arethem. misbehaving, bysay, the"Act calendar, by your by how you your age." Butexperiences, it's more complicated look, by sandwiched how you feelboomers physically? when areDon't tryinglet toothers figure out define you. Your real age is a matter of how you exactly what that means for them. Is age set think about you life your vision by of the by the calendar, byand yourbyexperiences, how you future. look, by how you feel physically? Don't let others define you. Your real age is a matter of how you think about you life and by your vision of the with a model for change. withteens, stress, actingfor change. Coping with stress,Coping acting-out aging parents, boomerfuture. out teens, aging parents, boomerang kids or difficult

RosemayrLichtman, Lichtman, Ph.D. a family relationship Rosemary Ph.D. is a is family relationship expertexpert with a model ang kids or difficult daughters-in-law? V daughters-in-law?

isitRosemary http://www.NourishingRelationships.blogspot.com andwith Lichtman, Ph.D. is a family relationship expert a model visit www.NourishingRelationships.blogspot.com andhttp://www.

HerMentorCenter.comfor ebooks & free ezine. 2010, Her Mentor www.HerMentroCenter.com for tips, ebooks free ezine. for change. Coping withtips, stress, acting-out teens,&(c) aging parents, boomer-

(c) 2010, Her Mentor Center Center ang kids or difficult daughters-in-law? V

isit http://www.NourishingRelationships.blogspot.com and http://www. HerMentorCenter.comfor tips, ebooks & free ezine. (c) 2010, Her Mentor

56 | Senior Scene Living independently

How To Help Aging Loved Ones Live Independently By Christine Harrell

Trying to care for a loved one who is getting older is tough

require a few important aids to daily living is the bathroom.

an impossible task. There are several ways seniors can stay

get older makes it difficult for them to get in and out of the

enough, but keeping them independent can sometimes seem like young and remain independent with very little effort needed.

This includes a few simple aids to daily living and some very unusual homecare supplies, not often associated with seniors.

The restricted movements older family members acquire as they

bathtub or shower. Simple movements like getting on and off the toilet, or in and out of the bathtub can also be a big problem. In general, the elderly have difficulty any time their center of gravity is significantly shifted from its

normal position. This makes homecare supplies such as support bars and shower chairs almost essential items to have. Technology Studies show that modern communication technology can be a terrific addition to an older person's

lifestyle. Many older adults complain that they

are often isolated from loved ones because of

Incorporating Aids to Daily Living Often times, it isn't that seniors can't stay on their own or need constant attention; they simply need help doing certain

things. This is where homecare supplies and the right aids to daily living can really help. Best of all, many of these

homecare supplies are affordable, easy to install, and minimally invasive on the homeowner's atmosphere.

For example, one of the most common areas of the home that boomers... living life to the fullest

distance and an inability to travel freely. This leads to depression and restlessness that can significantly

decrease their health and mobility. But, with technologies such as video calling, social networks, and email, aging adults are able to visit with their loved ones and 'stay in the loop'.

Though often thought of as kid's games, video gaming systems such as Wiis can go a long way to keeping aging loved ones

Senior Scene Living PUBLISHER’S independently LETTER | 57 05

Programs and Group Activities Loneliness can impair an ailing loved one's health. But with the emergence of a number of senior's programs, older loved

ones can socialize with others, enjoy various activities they active and having fun. There are a number of sports and mind stimulating games to keep seniors moving and exercising. In

fact, this is quickly becoming one of the more popular items in senior complexes. And when combined with a healthy diet,

researchers have seen notable improvements in older people's health, as well as longer life spans, when then incorporate active forms of technology into their lives.

might not normally enjoy, and enjoy some physical and mental

activity. This keeps their minds sharps, life fun, and allows them to feel a sense of accomplishment.

Aids to daily living can go a long way to keeping older

community members from seeking more permanent, full-time care. Taking action on these tips and ideas only requires a bit of

initial work, but can be an incredible benefit for the entire family.

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