BoomerBuzz Magazine March 2014

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boomerbuzz magazine

Costa Rica, Birthplace of Eco Tourism POP TART CHERRY ReDesigns Vinyl

Is “NO” News REALLY “Good” News? life to the fullest | MARCH 2014

Pisco Portón is an unapologetically flavorful spirit that brings dimension and character back to the drinking experience. Taken neat, it is complex and layered. When mixed, Pisco Portón creates a whole new category of cocktails, more flavorful than vodka and more subtle than tequila. Pisco Portón is the new spirit that is actually new, with aromas and flavors sure to incite and intrigue as it opens a whole new world of cocktail possibilities.

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Going Green



GreenSource DFW Leads the “Green” Movement, Who is Greener-Boomers or Millienials?



Simply Allergy Proof Your Home, Gentle on You & the Planet,



Elements Is a Green Hotel, Do You Understand GMOs?



Renewable Sleep, The Butterfly Effect, Pop Tart Cherry Designs



Improve Lives, Costa Rica-Eco Haven



Inspire Your Marriage Once Again



Is “NO” News Really “Good” News?, Remodeling for Senior Life

On the Cover: Vacationing in beautiful eco-friendly Costa Rica.

boomerbuzz For more information please contact us at

Ta ki ngc a r eofa r r a nge me nt ss oyourki dswon’ tha vet o.I tj us tma ke ss e ns e . I t ’ squi c k,e a s ya ndwi l lgi veyoupe a c eofmi nd.Ge tyourpl a nni ngqui denow. Ca l lRe s t l a nd’ sCommuni t ySe r vi c eTe a ma t( 972)7618910a ndar e pr e s e nt a t i ve wi l lc ont a c tyout os c he dul eat i met or e vi e wourFr e eSi mpl i c i t yPl a nne rt ha twi l l he l pyoui nge t t i ngs t a r t e dma ki ngyoura r r a nge me nt s . r f i r t h@s t e i . c om Re s t l a ndFune r a l Home . c om

b o omm e r b u z z agazi ne.c om PUBLISHER/EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Robin Roberson TECHNICAL & WEBSITE DESIGN AdPow, Inc. BoomerBuzz RADIO DIRECTOR Raul Enriquez PUBLIC RELATIONS Isabell Rossignol PHOTOGRAPHY Becca Menig & Katherine Garcia CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Christina Castle

Adam Mandel

Julese Crenshaw

Jet Parker

Suzannah Garrett

Don Purdum

DeeDee Lowder

Cynthia Stock

Carla McMahon

Nick Trout

Claire Maestri



PUBLISHER’S LETTER Are you interested in conserving natural resources for future generations? It is as simple as changing the types of sheets you purchase, how you throw away garbage and even vacations you plan this year. Let’s go GREEN together in 2014; it only takes your involvement to make it happen. “Green” is everywhere these day; in technology, fabrics, the news and politics. Every single thing we do each day has an impact on our planet. However, the good news is that as an individual you have the power to control most of your choices and thus the impact you create. We hope to offer some new information on initiatives, products and services that you will find helpful in your efforts to “green” your lifestyle. In this issue you will learn about following your creative dream while recycling, how one community id going green, how to sleep better and what GMOs are. Boomers spend more on travel than any other segment of the population and you will learn about “green” vacation choices in volunteering for a rewarding vacation or what the eco-tourism haven of Costa Rica offers. And you will find information on seniors who want to stay at home and how to make home better for them, as well as care givers information. And we are delighted to announce that BoomerBuzz Internet Radio is live on our website, so you may enjoy listening to great tunes from our generation as you read or anytime you may just want to hear outstanding music. We are also proud to launch BoomerBuzz Travel Magazine with the inaugural issue showcasing being On the Sea. With spring about to “green” our world, we hope you enjoy the March 2014 issue of BoomerBuzz Magazine, BoomerBuzz Travel and BoomerBuzz Internet Radio. Please share with your family and friends around the country, as we are the voice for boomers living life to the fullest! Thanks for reading,


GreenSource DFW Leads the “Green” Movement By Nick Trout

Bringing all aspects of “green living” to the people of the Dallas / Fort Worth area was the goal of Dallas’ Memnosyne Institute three years ago. Today, according to its Founder and President, Mary Ann Thompson-Frenk, “ was created to advance the Green Movement in Dallas / Fort Worth; and was built to be a central communication point for people committed to changing the world.” Green Source DFW is a comprehensive resource of news, profiles, a directory of environmental organizations and green businesses, as well as the go-to place to find green events happening across North Texas. Publisher, Phillip E. Collins (who serves as executive director of the Memnosyne Institute), forges the goal of illuminating and educating the community on subjects about the environment. This educational project hopes to bring together environme ntal groups, green businesses and the Dallas / Fort Worth community in order to provide them with a tool to communicate with each other. The driving force and creator behind Green Source DFW is Editor, Phillip Shinoda. His mission for Green Source DFW is to advance the environmental movement in the Dallas / Fort Worth area by promoting: green living, sustainable practices, nonprofit environmental organizations, eco-friendly green businesses,

environmental education, scientific information, public-policy discussions, and sociallyresponsible investing. According to Shinoda, the opportunity to meet people from all facets of the environmental movement (both nonprofit and business) has been the greatest reward of serving at Green Source DFW. Are you interested in knowing more about “green” everything? Green Source DFW is the place to find information, happenings and resources. It offers articles on local topics like: Trinity Haymarket (a store for urban farmers

stocking hard-to-find tools and specialty supplies), Earth Day Dallas which was a huge success with large crowds interested in sustaining the planet, and information about making a home that serves as a model for green living. Green Source DFW offers up informative videos, green blogs, activities and happenings related to green living. You can stay on top of issues like the drilling for natural gas in the Barnett Shale, water conservation, environmental preservation, and coal plants. These plants use huge amounts of resources -even though Texas leads the country in wind power and has the capacity for solar and other renewable energy sources. The question arises, “Do we really need more coal plants?”


Green Source DFW gives residents in the North Texas arena a collaborative venture that is designed to promote, inform and educate the public about green living. The foundation’s goal is to create a safe and friendly environment where the green community can share ideas and voice their opinions about the environment. Green Source DFW encourages every individual in this community to feel free to speak up and get involved.

them on Twitter. They provide a quality resource for everything green in the area so

Local organizations like Trinity River Audubon, Dallas Museum of Nature & Science, Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, White Rock Lake, clubs and other groups regularly submit information to GreenSource

check out their website regularly. Get involved in your community! Volunteer for a project that positively affects the environment, as it is a wonderful way to get involved and keep up with the latest issues affecting the city. We can all make a difference and continue to support and grow the green projects and initiatives in the DFW area.

DFW and you can find articles on various topics like birding, wildlife, parks, gardening, recycling, clean air and healthy foods. Sign up for their enewsletter, friend them on Facebook and follow

Shinoda says, “There are so many fascinating people involved in the environmental movement; meeting them and learning about what they are involved in is a wonder. But, watching Green Source DFW moving the local “green” movement forward is the greatest compensation of all.” And, he hopes everyone will visit the website and become involved in their own way The Memnosyne Institute is concerned about, and focused on, the sustainability of the world -- both physically and spiritually. Shinoda feels honored to be a part of the work. Nick Trout touts news from the financial industry and subjects that interest men…and women!


Who Is Greener? Boomers or Millenials? By Jet Parker Boomers wrote the playbook on activist culture. The Civil Rights and Vietnam era of the sixties and seventies spawned a group that believed in a cause, while the current generations have little concept of, much less experiencing. Besides their willingness to stand up for what they believe in, many baby boomers have also built impressive financial portfolios. Couple these two together and without a doubt, the boomers can afford to rebuild, recycle, reuse and retrofit for a more green lifestyle. Del Webb, one of the country’s leading Retirement community and active-adult home building company, conducted a survey gaging how green baby boomers were willing to be. They found that 54% were contemplating purchasing an electric car and 87% wanted to or were investing in green technology. In another report, this from American LIVES, another research firm, results indicated: • 66 % expressed concern about air, water and processed foods their family was exposed to. • 92% preferred less toxic construction and maintenance materials. • 97% were leaning toward high energy efficient heating and cooling systems for their home.

89% felt strongly that, “it is in our self interest to improve our energy independence.” 85% were interested in a home with a smaller carbon footprint and less operating costs.

These stats and many others show how baby boomers are willing to step up for the green cause. New home construction and/or renovation using solar paneling, composting and even rain catchment are trendsetting by baby boomers across rural, suburban and urban America. Contrary to what many, especially Millennials, might think, those hailing from the Baby Boomer generation are definitely more likely to


66% of Boomers Recycle recycle. According to a recent study by DDB Worldwide, 66 percent of Boomers surveyed said they make an effort to recycle everything they possibly can, while only 53 percent of Millennials claimed to do so, appearing more to talk the talk than walk the walk. Boomers also beat Millennials on separating the recyclables from the rest of the trash and reusing grocery bags. Millennials will “pay for environmentally-safe products” and 7 percent own an electric car, more than Boomers. But there is a lot more to “being green” than recycling and consumerism – what about overall environmental footprints? Demographer Emilio Zagheni reviewed nine energy-intensive categories of activity, including electricity, gasoline usage and air travel, and found that as people age, they are responsible for more carbon dioxide emissions, due to the fact that they drive more and use more electricity. According to the study, as middle-aged people generally have higher incomes, they are more likely to take long-distance vacations, which mean more energy expended and increased carbon footprints. Once people hit age 65, their carbon footprints tend to decrease, presumably due to more inactivity. Millennials may not be the greenest at home, but their politics overwhelming lean in favor of sustainability. 71 percent of Millennials believe

in developing alternative energy sources such as wind, solar and hydrogen technology. While Baby Boomers might take a heavy-handed, topdown bureaucratic tackle global warming and other sustainability issues, the younger generations seems to prefer action through individual initiative and grassroots action. Today’s Boomers grew up during the country’s first environmental awakening, witnessing the first Earth Day in 1970 and the passing of the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act in 1970 and 1972, respectively. While many of these issues went undergroun d in the 1980s, they now have resurfaced due to the increasingly self-evident reality of climate change and environmental degradation. Whether they like it or not, Millennials will face a future complicated by resource depletion, environmental decline and global warminginduced extreme weather events. Just as their grandparents earned recognition as the Greatest Generation, if Millennials rise to these challenges, they will be known by posterity as the Greenest Generation.

Jet Parker is a freelance writer who lives in Plano, TX


SIMPLY ALLERGY-PROOF YOUR HOME BY SUZANNA GARRETT Your home should be your sanctuary. But if you have allergies, health dangers lurk around every corner. Dust mites, mold, roach droppings, and animal dander can trigger overreactions from your immune system, leaving you itching, swelling, and sniffling. Here's how to banish allergens at home so you can be sneeze-free.

1. DRY OUT YOUR DWELLING. Dust mites and mold thrive in moisture. Keep humidity in your home lower than 50 percent with a dehumidifier, air conditioner, or heating system. Look for filters with a MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) rating between 8 and 12; filters with higher ratings remove more particles from the air. And change them every three months.

2. CHECK YOUR CURTAINS. Allergens collect in places like carpet, curtains, blinds, and upholstered couches and chairs. When you can, choose furnishings that are washable or made from materials such as wood or leather. Otherwise, look for cleaning products that say they'll denature or deactivate dust mites and animal dander.

3. GO CARPET-FREE. Choose hardwood floors, vinyl, or linoleum instead of wall-to-wall carpeting. If you can't shake your shag, clean it regularly with a vacuum using micro-filter bags or a HEPA filter. Steam clean carpets every few months; a study showed that when followed by vacuuming, such cleaning reduced dust mites for eight weeks.

4. TIPS FOR LAUNDRY DAY. Launder all your bedding—including blankets, sheets, and pillowcases—once a week. First, soak them for four hours in warm water, detergent, and bleach. Then, wash with detergent in water that's at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. CREATE YOUR OWN CLEANING SOLUTION. Odors and fumes from commercial cleaning products can worsen allergies. Make your own solution instead. Mix 2 cups very hot water, 2 cups vinegar, 2 cups borax, and ½ cup salt. Let it sit on surfaces for a half-hour, then reapply, scrub off with a soft brush, and rinse with water.


6. DISRUPT DUST. Clean your home frequently. Vacuum, dust, and wipe down flat surfaces with a damp cloth or mop. If you have trouble breathing easy while cleaning, wear a dust mask (look for one rated N95 by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health).

7. KNOW YOUR BEDDING. Mattresses harbor more dust mites than any other spot. Choose spring instead of foam, which the critters seem to prefer. Cover the mattress, box spring, and pillows in airtight, removable covers. For good measure, avoid bedding stuffed with feathers, down, or foam rubber.

8. CLEAR THE AIR NATURALLY. You may think plug-in air fresheners or electronic air cleaners clear the air. But they actually may emit harmful pollutants known as volatile organic compounds. It's better to use natural ventilation: Open windows or turn on exhaust fans that vent to the outdoors.

9. PET WITH CARE. If you're allergic to animal dander, try not to get a new pet. But if Fido or Fluffy is already a part of your life, keep him or her out of the bedroom. Bathe pets once a week, and always wash your hands after touching them.

10. GET RID OF ROACHES. Cockroaches can be frightening—and leave behind droppings that trigger allergy symptoms. To get rid of them, keep your kitchen clean and store food in closed containers. Empty your garbage and recycling bins regularly. Set roach traps, and, when needed, call an exterminator.

Suzanna Garrett is a health writer from Tallahassee, FL


As Gentle On the Planet as It Is On You! By Julese Crenshaw

Relax and Rejuvenate. It’s good for you. And it can be good for the planet as well. I have reviewed many outstanding spas but the following not only offer an array of restorative treatments, integrative wellness programs, absolutely stunning views, sweat-your-butt-off fitness, and award-winning food—while being committed to sustainable earth policies and practices in the running of their spas. May their accomplishments inspire us all! Can you think of anything more sublimely blissful than being pampered in the ultimate of luxury? Ahhh…possibly spending that time at a destination spa that’s as gentle on the planet as it is you. I have selected several of about 50 spas around the country that strive beyond just offering superior services and amenities but take steps to assure they are working diligently to minimize waste stream and conserve natural resources through energy and water conservation, compliance with environmental legislation and following best environmental practices and building community partnerships to raise awareness and create positive environmental change. You will find that while the following destination spas embody distinctive facilities and guest experiences they are also dedicated to practices and programs that pay respect to, and lessen our footprint on, our changing environment. No matter where you live around the country there is no doubt a fabulous spa within easy distance offering you a positive journey; a sanctuary where beauty and well-being converge and a place to bring back balance to your mind, body and soul. Enjoy a sensory journey of your own at a destination spa near you.

16 Wilderness Adventure Spa at Spring Creek Ranch Sprawled 1,000 feet above Jackson Hole, Wyoming the Wilderness Adventure Spa at Spring Creek Ranch offers a dose of Old West charm—from the smell of the wood-burning fireplaces to the candlelit massages that take place in teepees at night. Experience: The Divine Detox Wrap. A juniper-cypress massage followed by a rosemary citron scrub opens the pores and draws out the bad stuff. The "Divine" part comes from the scalp massage you'll get while wrapped in warm towels. Lapis Spa at Fontainebleau

Miami, Florida is home to the Lapis Spa which is as decadent as it sounds; a luxurious retreat designed with your well-being in mind. Overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, indulge yourself in an oasis that embraces the beauty and energy of its setting to create a transformative experience for body, mind and spirit. And there’s no need to leave your guy at home: Lapis Spa offers a number of treatments specifically designed for men, including a deep sports massage with heated rocks. Experience: A Lapis Water Journey. Every spa treatment includes a plunge into their signature mineral water jet bath, a walk through their rain tunnel, and a soothing eucalyptus steam before or after your pampering. www.

17 Westglow Resort and Spa Located in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, Westglow Resort & Spa is a top-rated luxury destination spa where personal service is an honored tradition. They pamper guests with serious personal attention since staff to guest ratio is 4:1. Inside the restored Greek Revival mansion, a perfect place to find renewal of the mind, body, and spirit you can partake in a total wellness makeover, starting with a customized stress management assessment and spa experience.

Experience: Mountain Body Salt Glow. Experience the rejuvenation of their signature salt glow which blends ancient sea salts with intoxicating sweet smells of tangerine and lavender essential oils that gently exfoliate, re-mineralize, and nourish, leaving your skin noticeably glowing and soft to the touch. Included is their Vichy shower making the salt glow a spa favorite. www. The Spa at The Hotel Hershey What is better than rich luscious chocolate? Having your body, mind and soul pampered with its decadence at The Spa at the Hotel Hershey in Pennsylvania! You’ll be transported to a world of excellence and luxury, marvel at the spa’s beautifully colored stain glass windows, polished marble landings, warm pecan paneling, and breathtaking views of their majestic gardens. With bowls of Hershey's Kisses and carafes of hot chocolate in nearly every room, the spa uses all forms of antioxidantrich chocolate (even the beans!) in their wide range of massages, facials, and pedicures.

Experience: The Chocolate-Dipped Strawberry. A signature chocolate infused treatment featuring a Strawberry Parfait Scrub with heady aromas that smell as luscious as the name sounds followed by a rich Chocolate Fondue Wrap. What could be more delicious!


Travaasa Hana For the ultimate traditional Hawaiian experience with five start service overlooking the Pacific Ocean, the Travaasa Hana in Maui is it. Their spa treatments go far beyond pampering and indulgence, reflecting Hana, their passion for, and knowledge of, the human body. And Travaasa Hana is the only spa in the US to certify all its therapists in Lomilomi, a traditional Hawaiian massage practiced by native healers. Experience: The Ho`opa`a (meaning “to complete�). This treatment includes a detoxifying body massage and clay and algae wrap with myrtle, lemon, and juniper essential oils.

The Greenbrier Spa

The only mineral spring spa in the world to receive a Forbes 5-star rating, the award-winning West Virginia spa, The Greenbrier, focuses on providing both soothing and curative treatments designed to ease sore muscles, improve skin composition and revitalize overall health and well-being. Exceptional gifts of nature comprise the essence of The Greenbrier Spa experience. Experience: The Detox Kur. Eliminating the toxins from your body and remove impurities from your life by embarking on a journey to a healthier you with the Detox Kur. You start with a detoxifying bath, followed by their Swiss Shower and Scotch Spray. A botanical mud wrap draws impurities from your body while balancing the skin and improving elasticity. And you finish with a petite mineral-infused massage. Julese Crenshaw is a freelance writer from Tennessee.


A Green Hotel? Really!! By Julese Crenshaw As green becomes the new black in the travel world, and commitment to encouraging, promoting and supporting ecological consciousness is a goal of many hotels jumping on the “green” bandwagon, none leads the way quite like Element Hotels which are one of the hottest eco-friendly properties around. Element has made a brand-wide commitment for all Element Hotels to pursue the U.S. Green Building Council's (USGBC) LEED Certification, the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction, and operation of high performance green buildings. The Element philosophy is to satisfy guests’ needs while keeping the environment in mind. To date, there are Element Hotels in nine states, which are stylish and sustainable throughout. Their design ethic is made to order for the traveler who seeks eco-friendly surroundings that are environmentally conscious. These hotels made history in 2008 as the only major hotel brand to pursue LEED certification (U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design program) for high-performance buildings brand wide. If you appreciate good design, lots of light and a nod toward saving the planet then you will enjoy a stay at Elements Hotels. From its complimentary, healthy RISE breakfast and RELAX evening reception to saline and chlorine free swimming pools, spacious fitness centers, electric vehicle charging stations and bikes to borrow, Element Hotels offer comfort with a conscience and signature amenities. The Element design incorporates eco-friendly materials wherever possible. Where carpeted, floors feature carpets with up to 100% recycled content and recycled carpet cushions. Floors in the rooms look like carpet but are actually made of recycled tires which can appeal as they never smell or cause allergic reactions which carpets can. The uncarpeted floor is also petfriendly and you may ask for the hotel’s Heavenly Dog bed that is provided at no cost. Art on the walls is mounted on a base also made from recycled tires. And low VOC (volatile


organic compounds) paints improve indoor air quality for guests and staff. Element Hotels strives to satisfy guests' needs while being kind to the environment and each room offers a refrigerator, dishwasher and kitchen appliances which are Energy Star rated. They use silverware and glassware instead of plastic utensils and paper plates to reduce waste, and have recycling bins for paper, plastic and glass. Also, amenities in the bathroom are in a dispenser system rather than wasteful multiple mini-bottles. Green housecleaning practices are implemented to reduce the use of potentially hazardous chemical contaminants and maximized day-lighting throughout their hotels by utilizing oversized guest room windows and open interior spaces. Element conserves water and energy with low-flow faucets and fixtures and even the ubiquitous “Do Not Disturb” sign has been replaced with an environmentallyfriendly magnet. First announced at the spring 2012 launch of its Miami location, Element Hotels has installed a stationary bike with a pedal-powered generator in each of its fitness centers, where you can pump to charge your tablet or smart phone. The initiative marries two Element brand principles: providing health and fitness options for travelers and a commitment to green design. According to Brian McGuinness, Senior Vice President of Specialty Select Brands for Starwood, "The Element brand was founded on an innovative, balanced-living approach to hospitality. Not only do our pedal-powered bikes add an element of fun to a workout, but they also encourage our guests to think creatively about sourcing the energy we all depend on to fuel our daily lives." Influenced by nature, the smart, environmentally-friendly design maximizes space and enables you to use each area in multiple ways. They promote balance through flowing, multi-purpose spaces. By stimulating the senses and soothing the spirit, Element helps you relax and refresh, so you can get back to your best self with a philosophy that it is important to achieve a sense of balance – particularly while traveling for extended periods. The open social areas and relaxing guest rooms serve as a personal retreat when on the road and guests have an experience that enables you to grow, prosper and flourish while being environmentally conscious. At every turn, in the lobby, the fitness center, and the guest rooms, the environment and elegant simplicity are reminders of the Element Hotel’s commitment to the environment. Experience Element for yourself and be “green”! For more information on Element hotels before your next travel excursion, visit Julese Crenshaw is a freelance writer from Tennessee.


Do You Understand GMOs? Genetically Modified Organisms By Carla McMahon GMOs, genetically modified organisms, are any living thing that has had its genetic material altered in some way through human scientific interference. GMOs undergo a form of gene therapy under lab conditions whereby segments of DNA are spliced, rearranged or removed altogether. You may have been eating genetically modified food for years and not even know it! It does not refer to “selective breeding,� such as when certain crops are selectively bred by gardeners over time to withstand heat, for instance, or the process by which different dog breeds were developed over time. From cereal and crackers to baking mixes, veggie burgers, and even milk and cheese, GMOs have infiltrated our grocery aisles largely without much study into their long-term health effects on our bodies. In the United States, much of the corn and soybeans produced (especially those to be fed to livestock or to provide filler material in processed foods at the

supermarket) contain some portion of genetically modified material. However, The Environmental Working Group conservatively estimates that each American consumes about 190 pounds of GM foods every year despite this lack of research. These potential health impacts have consumers worried, angry and organizing against GMOs. Allergies Allergies are typically brought on by proteins with nearly every transfer of genetic material from one host to another resulting in the creation of novel proteins. Genetic engineering can increase the levels of a naturally occurring allergen already present in a food or insert allergenic properties into a food that did not previously contain them. It can also result in brand new allergens we’ve never before known. And this is the number one health concern over genetically modified technology in our food supply.


Antibiotic Resistance Genetic engineers rely heavily on antibiotics to guide experiments. Not all host cells will take up foreign genes, so engineers attach a trait for a particular type of antibiotic resistance to the gene they introduce into host cells. After they’ve introduced the gene into the cells, they douse all the cells with the antibiotic to see which ones survive. Those that do are antibiotic-resistant, and therefore engineers know they have taken up the foreign gene. The American Medical Association and World Health Organization have spoken out about the need for the use of these antibiotics to be phased out of the process of making GM foods because overuse of antibiotics can potentially cause the development of antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Some feel these “superbugs” can affect one’s health. Pesticide Exposure The majority of genetically modified crops in cultivation are engineered to contain a gene for pesticide resistance. Most are “Roundup Ready,” meaning they can be sprayed with Monsanto’s glyphosate herbicide Roundup without being harmed. The idea is that if the crop itself is immune to Roundup, you can spray it to kill any weeds endangering the plant without worrying about harming your crop. It is the same principal as killing weeds in your yard without killing the grass. Sounds like a good idea? But only if increased human exposure to pesticides is a good idea. Glyphosate has been linked to numerous health

problems in animal studies, among them birth defects, reproductive damage, cancer and endocrine disruption. Consumer groups are becoming more aware of these studies and the possible effects they can lead to for humans. Unpredictability and the Unknown Concerned scientists have been outspoken about the risks associated with genetic modifications as foreign genetic material in a host can cause other genetic material in that host to behave erratically. Genes can be suppressed or overexpressed, causing a wide variety of results, like cancer which is a cause of overexpression. Nutritional problems can also result from the transfer. Genetically modified crops have been linked to health problems as diverse as reproductive damage, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes. The United States regulatory system is set up to deal with problems occurring with genetically modified foods only after they occur. DNA is complex; not all is understand about the potential complex interactions and the potential hazards are difficult to predict or identify immediately.. But what if, instead, we invoked the precautionary principle, an international agreement that calls for intelligent caution when it comes to new science and technologies? Many would like to see that happen. Luckily, by taking action against genetically modified foods you can protect yourself and your family. Support farms that refuse to grow GMO foods, choose organic foods whenever you can and insist that lawmakers force agriculture companies to label GMOs. That is your right and one must be outspoken about protection.

Carla McMahon is a homemaker and freelance writer of interests for women. She lives with her family in North Carolina.


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Renewable Sleep By DeeDee Lowder You no longer have to choose between a home that's easy on your eyes and one that's easy on your health--and the health of the planet. So many companies are creating good-looking, eco-friendly products that you can enjoy using while being conscious of saving the planet. Chances are that the sheets on your bed are made from cotton. You might have 1000 thread count, flannel or fleece for winter or romantic silk sheets, but have you considered bamboo sheets? Relatively new, bamboo sheets are as they sound, made from the fibers of the bamboo plant. Understanding their benefits just might persuade you to try a luxurious set. Bamboo is an excellent eco-friendly alternative and bamboo sheets are renewable. A good thing! Bamboo sets are silky but not slippery like silk sheets and are very soft. For a good night’s sleep! Bamboo is naturally resistant to bacteria, so the sheets are antibacterial. A healthy factor! Bamboo is greener because pesticides are not used on the crop, since bamboo is bacteria resistant. An environmentally good aspect! Bamboo has the ability to insulate, so they keep you cool in summer and warm in winter. Multi-purpose product! Bamboo sheets are economical, costing about the same as mid-quality cotton. The best benefit of all!

DeeDee Lowder is a freelance writer, mother and entrepreneur who now lives in Atlanta. GA.


The Butterfly Effect By Cynthia Stock Barbara Kingsolver’s Flight Behavior uses literary fiction to make a visceral appeal for environmental awareness. Using the decline of the monarch butterfly and an allegorical failing marriage, she depicts patterns of human behavior and thinking that lead to the destruction of interfacing ecosystems. The novel opens with Dellarobia Turnbow trudging up the family mountain to a hunting shack for a tryst with a younger man -an act she hopes will change her life. As she nears her destination, Dellarobia rethinks her past and what she hopes to gain from her

to witness an expanse colored by the glowing hues of monarch butterflies. From this point, Ms. Kingsolver creates a multilayered novel and explores complex conflicts contributing to the ruin of the environment. With a failing farm and a balloon payment on a loan coming due, Dellarobia’s father-in-law, Bear, considers a contract with a logging company to cut the timber on his mountain. Through an immigrant family new to the area, Dellarobia learns how logging displaced the monarchs from their native habitat in Mexico and caused catastrophic

indiscretion. She lives day-to-day, disconnected from her empty existence, and seeks the freedom she sacrificed when she became pregnant as a young woman. In rural Feathertown, Tennessee, an unplanned pregnancy mandated marriage. When Dellarobia reaches the top of the mountain, the sun shines on a “forest blazed with its own internal flame.” At first she thinks the trees are on fire. Unable to figure out how to get out of the forest, she imagines the loss of her family, even her life. Common sense reigns and tells her there is no fire. She surrenders to “a vision of glory to stop her in the road” and interprets what she sees as a sign. She takes her husband, Cub, and her in-laws up the mountain

mudslides. She foresees the same outcome if Bear allows his trees to be harvested. Concern for the environment loses out to profit for the lumber company and economic solvency for the Turnbow family. Then in church, Cub announces Dellarobia’s discovery and declares she has had a vision. The microcosm of both her family and her town changes. Enter Ovid Byron, a scientist from New Mexico, who dedicates himself to the study of the migration and mating habits of the monarch butterfly. Ovid introduces science and a passion for learning to Dellarobia’s son, Preston, and resurrects the dormant potential within Dellarobia. Byron builds a lab and assembles a


group of young research scientists to find out why the monarchs settled on the Turnbow mountain. Byron ties climate change to the appearance of the butterflies. In turn, their presence sets off a chain reaction in Feathertown. Journalists swarm. Tourists invade. The town’s people divide. From this point, Ms. Kingsolver dissects the issues abounding in a discussion of global warming and environmental preservation. For much of the novel, Ovid Byron maintains the dispassionate nature of a scientist and admits he merely records what is, but cannot speculate about what it means or what will be. Through Dellarobia, it becomes apparent this is why lay people find scientific truths hard to accept. Only when Byron reveals the intensity of his concerns for the monarchs and what their condition says about the environment is he able to reach the lay audience. Ms. Kingsolver deconstructs the accountability of reporters. Tina Ultner, a T.V. reporter, insinuates herself into Dellarobia’s life with mother-bonding talk and kind words. She interviews Dellarobia, twists her words, and betrays her trust. In a confrontation between Byron and Tina, he accuses Tina of failing to report the facts, providing sponsor-friendly, pre-scripted “news.” He remarks, “What you are doing is unconscionable. You’re allowing the public to be duped by a bunch of liars.” It reminds me of the fluff piece a local newspaper ran about helping the monarchs by landscaping with milkweed. The article diminished the scope of the problems to non-existence. This novel speaks to more than lofty concept. Ms. Kingsolver grasps a simple, yet essential problem with global concerns. Day-today survival, putting clothes on our children’s backs and feeding them, are necessities, ever present, imbued with a sense of urgency. Meeting basic needs creates an obstacle to understanding that the death of a species may

result from the ‘necessary’ things we do today. She haunts the reader through Josefina, the daughter of the immigrants who enlightened Dellarobia. Josefina believes the butterflies represent the souls of dead children, a belief that portends what could be ahead for our children and grandchildren. In a masterful use of irony, Leighton Akins serves as a reminder to the reader of the unintentional failure to take ownership of environmental responsibility. Akins visits the Turnbow mountain and hands out flyers imprinted with a Sustainability Pledge. It recommends behavioral changes to decrease individual carbon footprints. In her financial plight and isolated, rural milieu, Dellarobia has no choice but to comply with most of the items. Akins, simply by traveling to the mountain for his cause, violates more than one. The novel ends as dynamic ecosystems cope through adaptation and change. Dellarobia leaves the limited world of the farm to provide better opportunities for her children and to secure a better future for herself. And like Dellarobia, the monarchs survive a late snowstorm in spring and move on in a new flight pattern with an uncertain outcome. This occurs in an atmosphere where rising waters create an unusual spring flood, perhaps foreshadowing of a tenuous future for the monarch butterflies and the human species.

Cynthia Stock is a novelist, freelance writer, and Registered Nurse from Garland, Texas.


Rock n Roll Eco-Friendly Jewelry By Christina Castle Scratch and dent re-purposed materials such as unplayable records and 45′s, vintage game pieces and old cigar boxes are used by Dallas artist, Karrie Carr, creator of Pop Tart Cherry, to create jewelry and fashion accessories with a rock n roll eco-friendly edge. According to Carr, “If you grew up with stax in the house, you know how much vinyl has given to your life. I needed to give life back to salvaged vinyl. Thus, Pop Tart Cherry was born.” Damaged vinyl records get a new life when handcrafted into a fabulous new pair of Pop Tart Cherry earrings. No playable vinyl is harmed in the making of any of the products; the records used have no playable value to collectors, but with the new life given them by Karrie they are ready to play a new song in your life! Music is an undeniable part of our lives, our memories and our culture. Frequently you may find the hand scratched press number from when it was originally cleared for the factory for shipment to the music stores on the Pop Tart Cherry earrings. And the colored vinyl records were made for use in juke boxes, so that what you “wear” has been “heard” by many people! Carr says, “Looking back I have always seen alternate purpose and intrinsic value in things; when growing up, using everything, wisely was a given. “Out of the Box” thinking was encouraged! But the most impactful aspect of my life has been my "Greatest Generation” Grandparent’s mindset, "Waste not, want not.” They taught me Depression Era skills that have allowed me to be happy with a little or a lot. People say I am “Green” and I respond that it just makes sense to be a good steward of what we’ve been given.” Watching my mother teach gifted children in public school on a shoestring budget taught me how to push the potential out of all materials. That being said, as an artist, Pop Tart Cherry creations mirror my passion to find beautiful opportunities in good “junk”. After recognizing the “sweet spot” in the graphics of the discarded 45s, Karrie Carr utilized simple shapes to develop the composition for each handmade pair of this stylish jewelry. This technique has inspired her to approach other materials for fashion accessories as well. Carr laughingly, and shyly, states, “My diverse exposure to various artistic media throughout my academic and professional life has culminated in a plethora of coolness!” Celebrate the past and make a bold statement about the future wearing these colorful and nostalgic pieces of musical history! And BEWARE: This product has been known to cause toe tappin and dancin!

Christina Castle is a freelance writer who lives in Dallas, TX.

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IMPROVE Lives on Your Vacation This Year! Instead of sticking to the same, tired tourist traps and boring tours, many travelers are grabbing paintbrushes, shovels, and chalk and taking a volunteer vacation abroad. It could change you forever … and change the way you live your life! And, you do not even have to go abroad. You can visit another city in America and reap the benefits. Cross-cultural volunteering is giving people, like you, the ability to go to work in areas of our country (and the world) where their help is desperately needed. What you’ll find is that these trips may have a lot more impact in YOUR life than the impact you could ever have on the lives of the people you’ve come to help. Ultimately, we’re changing the way volunteering is done, making it a safe and exciting adventure of a lifetime. The most impactful approach to cross-culture volunteering is the only approach – one designed by the community for meaningful work that addresses a specific community need. As you immerse yourself in the community (your new neighborhood) and work alongside

local people to make a real impact, you’ll find beauty in every connection and commonality discovered – large or small. A successful volunteer abroad brings not only his/her technical skills but also social and crosscultural skills, curiosity, self-confidence and patience. According to Open Mind Projects, having a "global mindset" and maintaining an open mind is what you need to be successful in a global world. It means being capable of adjusting to different environments and to have the ability to work effectively with international colleagues. This "global mindset" depends on intellectual and psychological as well as socialskills factors. Without a “global mindset”, it is very difficult to deal with cultural difference, international and unexpected situations. Having a “global mindset” and an open mind is vital for anyone interested in an international job! Ensure that your volunteer experience is impactful, sustainable, and immersive. Take a look at volunteer opportunities here or abroad in a city or country you might like to explore; a culture you want to learn about; or a job you

33 excel at and can share with those who could benefit from your experience. There are many organizations for cross-cultural volunteering that can suggest a destination for your perfect match. Discover what you can do!

simple smile, or just a bit of extra attention. By playing games, reading, serving meals, and giving much needed one-on-one attention and love, you can be an invaluable role model for local children who may have been abused, abandoned, or otherwise left on their own.

IMPROVE EDUCATION A powerful way to influence a whole community is to apply a passion for youth by volunteering to teach children. Many families cannot afford to send their children to school. You can make a difference by offering your

IMPROVE HEALTH AND THE SENSE OF DIGNITY The foundation of most communities is their elders. They are the connection to every generation and by giving them your attention and love, you can assist in building a bridge for all generations. Your service will connect you to the community you volunteer in whether you are trading stories with an older person, serving meals, assisting with errands or personal needs, or just lightening the load of a senior caregiver or administrator.

attention and support to students who have few, if any, opportunities for special one-on-one connections. IMPROVE THE CHILDCARE Work to strengthen a community's hope for a better future -- their children -- by volunteering with orphanages, daycare centers, community centers, and other organizations that are preparing kids for great things. Nurturing generations begins with a single lesson, a

IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF CARE In many cities and communities across America and around the world, individuals with disabilities face harsh social stigmas and are left with few resources. Unfortunately, many go without vital care and services and your efforts can strengthen the visibility of the services for those with disabilities, while breaking down the stereotypes and stigmas faced by disabled individuals.


Bring joy to the lives of people with disabilities as they strive to live each day to its fullest by leading a music lesson, sharing a meal, assisting with exercises and physical therapy, or simply holding a hand. Your service will enrich the lives of those who are disabled and yours as well. Discover what it will do for you!

fears, dealt with language barriers and learned how to creatively think on your feet. You will have grown and stretched as a person and these character traits will stay with you forever. INCREASE JOB OPPORTUNITIES Traveling abroad changes your attitude and focus. It also changes your job opportunities. Studies show foreign travel as being a key factor for people’s choice in placements abroad within their companies. Cultural awareness and international perspective are vital in today's international business market. Having cultureexchange travel on your resume shows that you can think outside-of-the-box and are willing to work with people who view the world differently than you do.

IMPROVE & OPEN YOUR MIND After volunteering most people say they feel less ethnocentric and their minds are more open to the importance of other cultures. It encourages acceptance of their values and beliefs because you understand them better. IMPROVE & BROADEN AWARENESS Take a moment to read today's headlines and you will find story after story of wars and skirmishes around the globe, and even at home. Often these stem from one group stereotyping another. After your culture exchange travel experience, you start breaking down those stereotypes in your own mind and can use your experiences to help others to change their own views. IMPROVE CHARACTER When your travel experience is complete, you may find yourself more compassionate, courageous, and patient than you were before you left. You will most likely have faced some

The benefits of cross-cultural volunteering don't go away in the weeks and months after you return home. They have the potential to change your life for the long term. After this experience, you will probably never view the world the same again. There are many companies you can choose to work with and much to be researched online before delving in. But, that is only part of the excitement of a volunteer vacation. So get the map out and decide where you want to go. You will be glad you did!


Costa Rica…Eco-Tourism Haven By Jillian Jacks

Costa Rica, the "rich coast" of Central America which extends from the Pacific Ocean to the Caribbean Sea, has found an increasingly important niche with its eco-tourism. And it really is rich with a variety of landscapes and microclimates making the country breathtaking and a paradise destination. As a visitor one finds Costa Rica has just one-fourth of one-percent of the world's landmass, yet has five percent of the world's biodiversity – with a full quarter of the country devoted to protected land. And on the 51,000 square kilometers of this country, a traveler can enjoy: sun and beach, adventure, nature and culture in Costa Rica. It’s a perfect place for your holidays.


Ojo del Mar Nestled between the sea and the jungle, the "eye of the sea," Ojo del Mar is a small resort in Cabo Matapalo. The focus is on health and wellness with Its free-standing cabanas and service buildings constructed entirely from renewable materials and powered with solar energy.

As National Geographic says, the Ojo is the "Last Great Peninsula," still untouched by the ravages of civilization, with over 350 species of birds, 115 species of reptiles, 750 species of trees and 10,000 species of insects...along with the 100,000 acre fantastic Corcovado National Park. A gorgeous and remote spot! Tierras Enamoradas/Hotel Lands in Love Looking for an all-vegan/vegetarian fusion menu focused on locally-sourced food, and are willing to accommodate any and all dietary needs? The pet-friendly Tierras Enamoradas has the distinction of offering exactly that, as well as an orchid nursery and animal hotel on the grounds.

Some of the Best Eco-Resorts that Costa Rica has to offer...


Lapa Rios Ecolodge Set in a private nature reserve spread over 1,000 acres of Central America's last remaining lowland tropical rainforest, Lapa Rios Ecolodge overlooks the pristine point where the Golfo Dulce meets the wild Pacific Ocean. The Lapa Rios Ecolodge, a 16bungalow sustainable resort on the Osa Peninsula, encourages top-down environmental responsibility from its guests, including sustainability tours and ways to offset your carbon footprint from the moment you fly in.


The hotel features 14 thatched bungalows built along a line of three ridges connected by walking paths and steps, each

furnished with locally made bamboo furniture, and surrounded by the rainforest. You feel part of the tropical outdoors instantly. Each bungalow features a private deck and patio garden with an ocean view, complete with an outdoor shower.

39 Mighty Rivers Eco-Farm Mighty Rivers Eco-farm is the real deal; an exercise in low-impact sustainable agriculture first and foremost, "resort," second. No frills, and just $25 per person in small bed and breakfast-style lodgings, Mighty Rivers offers an authentically rustic and comprehensive eco-tourism experience. At Mighty Rivers we are building on the foundation of sustainable agriculture in the tropics, while sharing the blessings of nature with each other and with visitors. You will notice that our emphasis is on finding practical ways to extract a livelihood in the jungle without sacrificing kindness to animals, soil, and plants.

Jillian Jacks writes on a variety of topics with emphasis on food and entertaining. She lives in Florida where she enjoys yearround entertaining with her family and friends.

Costa Rica has been lauded as the birthplace of ecotourism.


Inspire Your Marriage Once Again! By Don Purdum

It’s a bright sunny morning as you wake up to birds singing and the smell of brewed coffee permeating the air. You think to yourself how perfect this morning could be until you roll over and see a face you have looked at every morning for 20 years. You suddenly feel sad and uninspired, and wonder if you even want to live out your life with this person any longer? Why? What are some common issues found amongst boomers and divorced people in their fifties and sixties and what can you do to inspire your marriage once again?

Over the past twenty years, the divorce rate among baby boomers has surged by more than fifty percent. According to a recent study conducted by demographers at Bowling Green State University, in Ohio, about a third of adults ages forty-six through sixty-four were divorced, separated or had never been married in 2010, compared with thirteen percent in 1970. Over

the past twenty years, the divorce rate among baby boomers has surged by more than fifty percent. Why? What is causing people to feel that they no longer want to be involved in their marriages and what can you do to save yours?


Philosophy of Marriage Part of the problem is philosophical. The baby boomer generation has seen and experienced life in ways drastically different than any other generation before it. From the way a country experiences war through the lens of TV during the Vietnam War, to the rise of the McNow phenomenon where fast and cheap rules the day. In addition, there was the struggle between the great depression / WWII generation and the baby boomers. The older generation was more rigid, less emotionally inspired and much more practical. For most of American history up to the mid 1950's, marriage was a prerequisite for living together, sexual interactions and child raising. Was it perfect? No, but no system is perfect because of imperfect human beings that are running, improvising, and changing the systems, sometimes for better and sometimes for worse. That clashed in the 1960’s and 1970’s with a highly emotional movement that we have come to know as the generation of free love, sex, drugs, and rock and roll. A new culture was developing where people wanted to be free from the restraints of their rigid culture and societal rules. As a result, the idea of marriage has been at center stage over the last forty years. We’ve moved away from marriage as a practical tool that is a stabilizing institution for society. In that society kids are raised

by two parents and there are societal norms and expectations. We’ve now shifted to one where we question whether marriage is even a practical needed thing in society any longer?

In April 2013, Time Magazine had a cover story titled “Who Needs Marriage? A Changing Institution." For many baby boomers, there was an empty shell in their marriages for many years; it just went unnoticed with both partners working 40 plus hours each week, raising kids, and running from one event to another. Many knew how to live together while there was a purpose to the marriage and that purpose was centered around paying the bills and raising the kids. It had very little to do with each other.


Some marriages cannot be saved. It’s understandable. But most can and should be. There are just a few things you might consider doing to change your situation. For one, start dreaming together again.

Many of those divorcing in their fifties and sixties, are doing so after the kids leave the house. Empty nesters are realizing they lived their entire lives around their careers and children, thus, leaving little or no time for each other during the 20 plus years of marriage. Now they live in a house with memories of the kids, but no real memories of each other. Ten years ago a couple confided separately they were scared of what was going to happen when their kids left for college. They realized they didn’t know each other, and frankly didn’t really even like each other. One year later there was a divorce. This doesn’t have to be you! The issue is that the culture has helped define what a marriage is supposed to be and as a result many were good at what they were supposed to be doing, they were just doing the wrong things. Marriage is a partnership, a union of two people. Are those two people just existing together or really “living” together?

It’s never too late to dream about what you want. So the kids are gone, you may not really think you know your spouse and you feel lonely. Change it. You have the power. Start talking more together about what you want out of your lives together. Don’t dream small either, dream BIG! Then, after a time of dreaming talk about how you are going to do it together. Part of the problem for many boomers is the idea of rugged individualism. Yes, you are an individual. But you are also a union of two people. Living your life together is about fulfilling dreams, planning, and then doing it together, not alone. If you want to really get to know each other, if you really want to connect and bond together, then start doing things together. Teamwork is the key to a lasting marriage and having a marriage on purpose. Learn how to become transparent with yourself and your spouse, become confident and trusting in one another, and build intimacy through accomplishing things together as a couple. You may not be twenty-five any longer, but you can still learn something new every day. Let today be a new day of commitment!

Don Purdum is a relationship expert, speaker, author and radio show host. Learn more about him on his website at and join him on Facebook.

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Is “No News” Really “Good News” When Caring for Your Parents? By Claire Maestri

Over the past ten years, I have learned that the idea of “no news is good news” is not always the case when it comes to in home senior care. I find that by periodically “checking in” with caregivers, clients and families by phone or email, situations can be more closely monitored and issues can be avoided. I always like to offer myself as a resource. This allows for a comfort level where we, as a team, can openly discuss concerns and share successes. Here are a few quotes from caregiver emails: Mrs. N is feeling very good and has been very active. The PT has released her so we have been walking several times and went shopping for groceries today. She has been outside on the patio and used the water hose and still moves things around on top of the tables and such. She went to the doctor last Wednesday and got a good report. Her son is coming to stay a few days so she is happy about that. I’ve been doing things like moving her winter clothes, I did a little silver polishing and ironed some white cloth napkins in addition to the daily upkeep of her home. I still enjoy the job and Mrs. N’s stories at our leisure lunches! Thank you, Mary


Everything went really well yesterday afternoon with Ms. S. We made a fruit tart, went for a walk, folded laundry together, and just got to know each other better. She’s such a sweetheart! Anissa Getting what appears to be information in passing actually allows me to get to know the client better and tells me a lot about our ability to meet the client’s needs. From these emails, I know that the clients are eating well, exercising, socializing with family and keeping a clean environment. I can also detect any changes in condition that might ordinarily go unnoticed. This is also a great way for far away families to keep up with the progress of a loved one.

These update do not replace on-site visits by any stretch of the imagination. However, it does allow for peace of mind and confidence that caregivers are performing at their highest potential.

Claire Maestri is a freelance writer of senior topics and an expert in helping families find quality senior care options. She lives with her family in Dallas, TX.


Remodeling for Senior Life By Adam Mandel As I work longer in Senior Care, more and more resources become available. In the past few years, the Senior Care market has vastly expanded beyond healthcare and I am always amazed at the many possibilities allowing seniors to stay in their own homes While many seniors move to retirement communities or into institutional settings, more and more seniors are deciding not to take that path. In a recent survey, 89% of seniors said that they want to stay in their homes for the remainder of their lives. This is known as “Aging-in-Place.” AARP defines Aging-in-Place as remaining in one’s home safely, independently, and comfortably regardless of age, income or ability level. There are many high quality home health care and home companion services that assist seniors with remaining in their homes. Religious institutions and social services agencies also provide a wealth of services to enable people to agein-place. But what happens if a person needs to use a wheelchair or walker and there are front steps to get into the house and narrow doorways throughout the home? What if there are bathtubs, thick carpeting and other non-accessible features in the house? Does that mean the homeowner must move or be forced to live in one room?

We see this issue frequently, but fortunately there is a solution. It’s possible to make modifications in a home to make it safer and more accessible. In many cases, the cost of these renovations only represent a few months’ worth of expenses of assisted living or other senior living options. One of the big concerns we hear when discussing remodeling is that the home owners do not want their house to look like a “nursing home.” Fortunately we can make the necessary modifications in a beautiful, non-institutional manner. There doesn’t have to be a trade-off. A well-designed home should be attractive and offer accessibility and safety for all residents and visitors.

Adam Mandel is a co-founder of Independent Living Design (ILD) in Dallas, which designs and performs modifications in the homes of senior citizens and people with disabilities to improve safety and accessibility throughout the home. or 214-273-7267.


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