Bohemia Village Voice 76 (Aug 2010)

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Bohemia Village Voice For Bohemians in Bohemia and beyond

St Leonards – a Spa Town? Quintron and Miss Pussycat hit Bohemia! Coastal Currents Goes Wild in the Woods Issue 76 Aug / Sept 2010. Circulation: 20,000

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Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

August 2010

August 2010

Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

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Editorial Welcome to another exciting edition of the Bohemia Village Voice. This is when it really starts to get interesting. Bohemia may be but a narrow congested A road to some people, but to many others the name alone conjures up all manner of exciting and alternative arty possibilities. It is for this reason I suspect that we now have engrossed readers as far afield as Costa Rica, New Zealand, Tokyo and Malmö. This issue sees the Bohemia Village Fayre happening literally right now (31st July) and the Coastal Currents month-long art festival get underway – incidentally we're co-ordinating the opening ceremony – which will take place on the 28th August. As you may have noticed the Bohemia Village Voice is changing. We are getting more involved with local events and even planning some of our own. We want to make Bohemia a more beautiful place to live and I am very interested to hear from anyone who would like to help us on our mission. We now have a greater circulation than the Hastings and St Leonards Observer*, so advertisers, please get in touch – rest assured you will receive a marvellous service from our dedicated sales team, namely, me Sarah Janes. Most exciting for me personally, we have started the 'Bohemia Club' and are planning a wild and wonderful 'Maritime Ball' featuring legendarily eccentric New Orleanian performers Quintron and Miss Pussycat. In this issue I'm also investigating the potential for St Leonards and Hastings to become a 'Spa Town'. May your August and September be GREAT. Enjoy! Sarah Janes, editor. Our next issue: October 1st 2010 *Circulation of Hastings & St Leonards Observer: 19,177 (Press

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Gazette, 25 Feb 2010).

Cover picture: Inside Turkish Baths, West Hill Road, St Leonards [photo: Robert Sample]; see article, page 6. o The Bohemia Village Voice would like to thank Lee Browning for the donation of an album of beautiful old photographs of Summerfields House. See the old photograph of the Mock Roman Bath on page 20 for the first instalment. Bohemia Village Voice 79, Bohemia Road, Bohemia, Sussex, England, TN37 6RJ. Tel: +44(0)1424 430460. Email: Website: Publisher: John Humphries. Editor: Sarah Janes. Proofreader: Sheila Shepheard. Consultant editor: Julian Beecroft. Website manager: Alan Jeffries. Advertising sales: Sarah Janes. Accounts: Pam Brown. Photographer: Robert Sample. First published 2006. © John Humphries. Circulation: 20,000 (unaudited). Published every two months. Distribution: copies hand-delivered around Bohemia, Gensing, Silverhill and Central St Leonards and distributed via shops and other outlets in West St Leonards, Central Hastings and Hastings Old Town. Deadline: 1st of the month preceding publication, e.g. 1st Jan for Feb/Mar issue. Subscriptions: by post for one year (6 issues) £6 (UK). Printed in England.

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Interview with Mr Quintron of New Orleans group

Q How extremely excited are you to be playing a gig in Merrie Olde Hastings? Right bloody excited Miss Sarah. But seriously....I fell in love with Hastings the moment I saw it. It's like the Detroit version of Brighton.

shows, what are your favourite all- time costumes? They are not costumes, they are outfits or uniforms. I went thru a jumpsuit phase but now I am back to suits...they look better on me...and no more long makes my face look fat.

Q Hastings is home to the World Crazy Golf Championships and the International Chess Congress, what would you rather play? Chess. Did you know that one of the greatest chess masters of all time was Paul Morphy from the city of New Orleans? He tragically died of heat stroke at the age of 47 after abandoning the game. Not bad for a city known for its boobs and beer. Go Chess!! Eff Golf.

Q We don't have many exciting American bands touring round these parts, will you tell your friends about us? Well it’s an organ solo and a puppet show. We are rock and roll. We want your mind and your body. You will be invited to the dance and you will be offered the wine. This will be like nothing else you have seen or heard before ... not better, just different .... but familiar.

Q What do you hope the people of Hastings and St. Leonards get from your show? A renewed spirit to be alive and cherish their own talents and energy. To look at one another and love with new eyes. Q We all know that you like dressing up for your

Q You recently had a residency at New Orleans Museum of Art, how did this experience compare with live shows and touring? Ah....too much to go into (we are in a hotel in the midst of a two month U.S. tour). We did a three month exhibit at the biggest museum in New Orleans. There were puppets, a retrospective on the instrument I invent-

p, ‘Quintron and Miss Pussycat’ – by Sarah Janes

ed called the Drum Buddy™, and a live recording studio where I reported to work each day to record an album in public. I spent the final week of the recording process living outside in the park to commune with the swamps and gather field recordings to mix into the album. The results will be released to the world this February. Q I feel like I've learned a lot from you about how to put on the perfect show and I think you are going to love playing here. What for you makes a show perfect? You mean hosting a show and not performing, right? (YES) I think the details and timing are crucial. Little things can really ruin the night for a show like playing the wrong music in between bands or no music. Starting the show too late or too angry mean sound person can absolutely ruin the night for a touring band. Basically every show should be handled with love and care. If you do not love and care for show business, then you are killing it. These stinky bars and theatres are our satanic churches and should be

treated with respect. Every day is not easy of course but in your heart of hearts one should feel lucky to be a part of this craziness. If you just wanna go home then by all means do so. Q Mr. Quintron, you are a marvellous inventor and have invented many amazing things. What inventor from history do you most identify with? Good question. Tesla....but I would never ever put my inventions on a par with his work. He was solving basic human and urban problems. I am stimulating the minds of children. Q Who will be accompanying you and Miss Pussycat on this tour and can you tell us a little something about them? We don't know yet, but she is guaranteed to be beautiful and glamorous. Q Would you like to have fish and chips for dinner after your show? Yes!!! Of course I will be having fish and chips. o See the Oct/Nov edition for an exclusive interview with Miss Pussycat.

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Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

St. Leonards, SPA TOWN

August 2010

– report by Sarah Janes

White Rock Baths

ometimes I find myself wondering, in a wholly conspiracy theorist sort of way, whether someone might just have it in for St. Leonards and Hastings. There seems to be little in the way of explanation as to why somewhere with such a multitude of seemingly advantageous characteristics doesn't fare better in the scheme of things. We find ourselves in a perfect location on the south coast, we are only about an hour away from the throbbing metropolis of London, we have notably beautiful architecture, are surrounded by glorious unspoilt countryside, a culturally rich and significant history and a working fishing quarter, and yet our streets are covered in dogs' mess and walking through Hastings Town Centre of an evening is often not entirely dissimilar to a real-life foray into Day of the Dead. One thing we also have, which I am extremely keen to see inform future development plans, is a great history of public bathing and spa-ing. You might be surprised to learn that a number of beautiful Victorian swimming pools and former Turkish baths are at this moment languishing under wooden floors. I think that the culture of public bathing and taking the waters is due for a comeback and would make a very sensible part of a grand development scheme. We have a multitude of natural springs. Visitors to Tunbridge Wells appreciate the pomp and circumstance afforded to the springs there, which are doled out for a fee in authentic Victorian drinking vessels by a costumed 'dipper' in the summertime. No such


ceremony surrounds our own springs, which deliver chalybeate (pronounced ka-lee-bee-at) water of the same quality. In fact in Alexandra Park, where the springs surface, a plaque identifying the spring is thoroughly discouraging, describing the water as 'foul-tasting'. Not too long ago, 'Dr. McCabe's Chalybeate Well' was on the map as a popular tourist destination. We have already lost so much of our cultural heritage; so many beautiful buildings have been knocked down to be replaced by ugly housing developments, but I ask you, how can we expect our town to flourish if we have no attractive amenities? This business of building loads of office space and residential developments doesn't make any sense to me if nothing is invested in making St Leonards and Hastings a really wonderful place to live. The benefits of public bathing are manifold. In countries where public bathing is part of the lifestyle, more children grow up to be confident and comfortable with their own bodies, which could have a significant impact on social problems such as teenage drinking/drug abuse and pregnancy. Swimming is obviously a healthful activity, and using sauna and steam rooms cultivates an ability to relax and is good for the skin and respiratory system. There is also evidence to suggest that these controlled means of raising the body's temperature (similar of course to the body's natural disease-fighting mechanism - a fever) stimulate the immune system and increase production of disease-fighting white blood cells, antibodies and interferon (an anti-viral protein with

August 2010

Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

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cer-fighting properties). All these benefits would, I'm sure, be deeply felt by a community such as ours, if a first-class, open-to-all, public bathing facility were available in St. Leonards and Hastings. Not only that, but it would be a completely unique attraction for those coming from out of town. Imagine a beautiful Victorian Turkish bath, at the seaside! WHITE ROCK BATHS

The obvious property for this idea is of course the White Rock Baths (picture p6), which were built exactly for this purpose in 1878. The initial plans for the complex were extremely ambitious and included an aquarium, which later fell by the wayside. The completed bath house was a triumph of engineering but extremely costly to run and only continued to do so in its original form until 1911. Mr. Malcolm Shifrin has put together a fascinating website ( which takes a look at all the Victorian Turkish baths in Hastings and St. Leonards, and I am in the process of trying to get him to Bohemia to give an illustrated talk on the subject. He has, over the course of his research, collected a plethora of interesting photos, drawings and information which I for one am very keen to see. Especially take a look at the page which lists the Victorian Turkish baths which are still in operation in the U.K. to give you some idea of what we could be enjoying here in St Leonards and Hastings – if the council were to acquire a bit of vision. This is clearly a very ambitious project, but very sensible and selfsustaining, and to my mind, would work all year through. I can think of nothing nicer come winter time than a sauna overlooking the sea, and it could give a clear-cut definition to what St. Leonards and Hastings aspires to be. Perhaps the gentle climate of other spa towns such as Buxton, Bath and Tunbridge Wells are a bit too tidy for us to attempt to replicate, but certainly, to have bona fide spa credentials in mind would enlighten and shape other developments town-wide. TURKISH BATHS

There is another property which begs further study and that is the old Turkish Bath on West Hill Road, St. Leonards (pictured on front cover). This is currently on the market and lying empty, but I believe it has the potential to be the starting point for the grand scheme. It is ideally situated in Burton St. Leonards, very close to the lovely St. Leonards Gardens and occupying that part of town where one can inhabit what I like to think of as the 'Burton Bubble' - in the way that when you walk around that area you can more or less forget that London Road exists. The spa at West Hill Road was originally managed by Emil Grosslob, whom I have done quite a bit of research on. He had owned a Russian bath also on

Turkish Bath: Sarah Janes and owner Graham Jones in the swimming pool under the floor [photo: Robert Sample]

West Hill Road which burnt down. Following this calamity, a company was set up as it was felt that the residents of the area could not survive without a replacement. Mr. Grosslob's prices were rather high, and the business went into liquidation in 1879. Mr. Grosslob – according to an advert in the Hastings and St Leonards Advertiser of the time - took over a property at London Road and continued to offer "rubbing and shampooing" services to people at their own homes. The property was then sold to the Upland Girls' School and they built a beautiful large tiled swimming pool at the rear. This swimming pool is still there, but is covered over with a wooden floor – the property subsequently being used as a glass milling factory for laboratory equipment by the current owners, whose family it has been in for the last fifty years. It now stands empty, the glass-milling business having moved up to Ivyhouse Lane Industrial Estate. Planning permission has been sought and granted and there is the possibility that this wonderful purpose-built Turkish Bath could end up being a desirable family residence. No doubt marvelous for that lucky family, but they will be walking over a redundant Victorian swimming pool (the property's 'Listed' status precludes removal of that particular feature) every day, which seems like something of a waste to me. SJ o Interested in the Turkish Bath at West Hill Road? – call owner Graham Jones on (01424) 773929.

Turkish Baths in West Hill Road [photo: Robert Sample]

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Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

In short Hastings Five Day Film Challenge The Hastings Five Day Film Challenge is back again. After the success of last year’s event this year is likely to be bigger and more fantastic than ever before. Bohemian film-makers The Golden Age (ahem, Thaddeus Skews and I) have won prizes for the last two years and are really looking forward to taking part again. The competition is great fun and anyone with or without filmmaking experience is very welcome to get involved. Last year, the winner, Trevor Anderson, blew up the De La Warr Pavilion! (see picture). The

start date is 28th August at the Electric Palace Cinema, High Street, Old Town. The Media Enterprise Centre at Queensbury House will be putting on an Edit Clinic for those who need some extra help putting their films together. The films need to be handed in by 5pm on Sept 1st. The fabulous award ceremony where all the films will be screened and winners announced, is open to all on Friday 10th September at Venuu. This is worth going to even if you haven't taken part, as it is great fun and you are guaranteed to have a hoot. Salisbury Road Herberts Ah, kids today! They've got nothing better to do than go around burgling and scratching cars. Don't they realise there's a supercool roller-skating rink just round the corner at the YMCA? Residents of Salisbury Road are putting together a dossier to present to the police, but in the meantime, people are being advised to keep their eyes peeled for feral children raiding empty properties and smashing into cars. Bohemian Historian Publishes St. Helen's Wood Book Edward Preston has just published St Helen's Park 50 Years On, which tells the interesting story of the hard-working St Helen's Park Preservation Society (SHPPS). This is a great read and contains lots of fascinating insights into the activities of an intelligent and socially aware group with a passion for this beautiful piece of land. We have much to thank the members of the SHPPS for and Edward Preston's book makes this especially clear.


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August 2010

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Hastings and Rother Gay Helpline is supported by: Safer Hastings Partnership, NHS small grants (through Rother Voluntary Action) and Sussex Police

August 2010 100 YEARS AGO

Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

Bohemia Observer 1910 –


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A MIDNIGHT FIGHT. The story of a midnight fight was told in the

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summonses against three women. - Louisa Page, Leila Mitchell, and Kate Baker - for using obscene




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September 29th. - Louisa Page was the only defendant to appear and when the summons was read she declared that "I didn't swear as much as the other two." - The three women were fighting, said Chief Constable James, and they were disturbing the whole neighbourhood by their abusive language. They were a complete nuisance to everybody, and on the night in question they did not move on until a constable on duty in the place appeared on the scene, and another policeman living in the district who had gone to bed had to get up, dress and come to shift them. -The Chief Constable asked for the maximum penalty

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D.I.Y. Housewares Gas Plants Garden Sundries

“The Little Shop with the big reputation”

as all three women were women of evil repute.The Bench, Page, said that they thought her case was different from the other two. Evidence bore out her statement that she did not swear as much as the rest, and she acted under provocation. She would be fined 20s. and costs, or 14 days, while the other two would be fined 40s. and costs or a month. - Page asked for the time to pay, but the Chief Constable objected. The Bench accordingly refused to allow her time and she was removed in custody. [From Hastings & St Leonards Observer, 1910]

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Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

August 2010

In short Trinity Wholefoods is 25 Our favourite, friendly local wholefood co-operative are celebrating their 25th anniversary. Trinity Wholefoods have been providing wholesome, organic and natural products for 25 years now. They are a really important part of Hastings culture and have contributed enormously to our community. Save Silverhill Many people have come into the office recently recommending the Save Silverhill website which was set up by the Silverhill Area Association. The website is a great resource for the area and contains lots of history as well as useful upto-date information. Take a look yourself at: Thanks to Gaby Hill. Fly-Through of Convent Site Development Online A virtual reality tour of the development of the convent site on Magdalen Road is available to watch online. AJK Architects who are behind the scheme say they felt the plans were misrepresented in issue 75 of the BVV which may have led people to believe that the convent and chapel were being knocked down. Take a look at this video online and see what you think. AJK are very keen to have contact with public and had a pop-up architects’ shop at the House of

Hastings on Queens Road, which has been commandeered by Coastal Currents for the next couple of months. AJK are now back at their offices on the seafront but anyone wishing to contact them can call 01424 722 024. New Photographer at the Boho Voice The Bohemia Village Voice is delighted to announce that Robert Sample (picture) is our new photographer. Robert accompanied me to the underworld of the Victorian Turkish Bath and although he ‘doesn't usually get out of bed for less than a tenner’, I was able to coax him out with a cup of tea at the new Post Office Tea Rooms, I did offer him cake too but he doesn't "do" cake. Robert also happens to be an extremely talented artist and you can have a look at some of his beautiful paintings here:

Outside In 19 June – 12 September 2010 In partnership with Pallant House Gallery, Chichester, Hastings Museum & Art Gallery is delighted to present…Outside In, an exhibition showcasing the work of prize-winning outsider and marginalised artists. Since the early 20th Century, the terms Art Brut or Outsider Art have been employed to describe individuals who produce art from the edges of society. Typically having little or no contact with the institutions of the mainstream art world, they rarely receive any formal recognition, despite the often highly personal and idiosyncratic characteristics of their artwork. Outside In is a groundbreaking project which was set up by Pallant House Gallery in 2006 in an effort to invite debate on the often overlooked subject of outsider art by providing a platform for artists who are marginalised due to health, disability or because their work does not fit a prescribed norm. A spokesperson for Outside In said: 'The goal of the project is to create a level playing field that enables access to the art world for all who create, however intuitively or unknowingly, and no matter how obscure. The challenge we are embracing is to reconsider how we define who is and is not an artist and what is and is not artwork in order to change attitudes in the mainstream art world…' The response to the first exhibition in 2007 was overwhelmingly positive. This exhibition was first open to artists just living in Sussex but has been widened to encompass the whole of the South of England. By 2011 the aim is to make the project national to create a much-needed platform for work in this field to be seen and valued. For further information please go to Hastings Museum & Art Gallery Open daily Mon to Sat 10am-5pm. Sun 11am -5pm Shop, Parking, Disabled Access, Accessible toilet, lift Admission Free or telephone: 01424 451052 Cardboard Self by James Lake. Copyright the artist

August 2010

Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

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In short Arty ASDA Juliette Dodd is the exceptional artist who won the tender for undertaking the design of the p u b l i c s p a c e around the new ASDA at Silverhill. She was told she got the job p a r t l y because she was the only one that researched what Silverhill residents actually wanted. She's been busy these last few weeks trying to get everyone in the area involved and has had stalls at pretty much all of the local events. She'll have a stall at the Bohemia Village Fayre too so do go and say hello. Juliette's plans centre around the discovery of Iguanadon remains found near the site and she'll be incorporating artwork from local school children into the final display. Hopefully we can look forward to a prehistoric shopping experience come winter! Contact Juliette at: Asda no procrastination at the new Asda store building site at Silverhill: by the end of June, most of the steel framework had been erected. Notices on the surrounding hoarding confidently declare a winter opening for the superstore. [picture J E Humphries]



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Pubs of Bohemia Page 12 THE PUBS OF BOHEMIA – 3

Bohemia Village Voice No. 76 August 2010 From “The Pubs of Hastings & St Leonards” by kind permission of David Russell.

The Hearts of Oak The Hearts of Oak was a beer house and lodging house at 116 Bohemia Road. It was tied to Breeds Brewery, Hastings from about 1860 and by 1875 it was known as the Barleycorn. In 1881 Mary Waghorn held the licence until Thomas Player took over in the 1890s. These were hard times and to make ends meet he also worked as an undertaker. A threat arose in 1892 when a grocer's shop opposite started selling beer and spirits. Thomas Player opposed the licence and sent one of his customers in for some bacon, cheese and tea. The customer reported back that all he could buy was alcohol. There were no groceries. The grocer's licence was Mr Tapsell (white coat) before an outing in a coach and four owned by Skinners. 1911. [Photo: Frank Letchworth] not renewed. John Standen (who lived at 35 St ed nine females among the drinkers. The police Paul's Road) was landlord from 1907 until 1924 and organised the Hearts of Oak Slate Club, a local ben- described the tap room as "indifferently lit because efit society that had eighty members. A typical there were no windows. Daylight passed into the bar Christmas pay-out in 1910 allocated £1.7s (£102 through the glass door panels and the electric light today) to each member. In 1922 he was sum- was on all day." The Bohemia community considered monsed for giving a glass of beer during prohibited the Hearts of Oak cellar to be the finest in Hastings. hours to a thirsty coal merchant who was delivering "In summer the beer just comes up beautiful and the coal. For this offence he was fined 40s. He cool," said the last landlord. In 1927 the pub was regarded his beer house as a man's pub. "I never declared redundant. It was closed and the landlord admit women," he said. However, when the police compensated. [photo Frank Letchworth visited in 1926 to ‘establish the custom’, they count- o David is interested in any Hastings & St Leonards’ pub memories and photographs. David Russell: 200227.

Tuesdays 10am & 12 noon Holy Redeemer Church Hall, Upper Church Road, Hollington

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Rye Community Centre, Conduit Hall

Wednesdays 5.30 & 7pm Park Road Methodist Church Hall, Upper Park Road, Bohemia Village

Thursdays 10am

Little Common Methodist Church Hall, Church Hill Avenue

Thursdays 5.30pm

St Luke’s Church Hall, Alma Terrace, Silverhill

Tel: Denise 01424 440293 and 07979 597559

August 2010

Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

Page 13

Puzzle Corner

In short Star Grub Bohemians can now enjoy delicious pub food at The North Star Inn on Clarence Road. ExDripping Spring Joan Young – is cooking a selection for the delectation of us locals. North Star: 436 576. Robert Farquhar An exhibition, ‘Pros & Cons’ of

Picture puzzle which premises in Bohemia Road boasts art nouveau tiles like these? A £10 gift token, kindly donated by Empress Art of Tower Road, will be awarded to the winner. Closing date: 1st September 2010. Our address is on page 3.

Last month’s puzzle The strange looking structure is part of the weather station in White Rock Gardens. A £10 Empress Art gift token has been sent to the winner, (and sole entrant!) Mr Brian Hughes of Newgate Road. Congratulations, Brian. Panagram Which four, different, 6-letter words, all

Bohemian artist Bob Farqhhar’s work (above) was held at the Arts Forum in St Leonards from the 17th 17th to 27th July. Bob sold at least four pictures for £1,000 each! For an account of Bob’s life and his work, see Robert Chesshyre’s article in the (London) Observer Sun 27 June, pp 20 and 21, by using this link: Gate-Keepers Up All Night Residents of Upper Clarence Road are being harangued by people waking them up at all hours to unlock the gate. The gate at the end of Clarence Road has a lock to which all residents have a key; but some visitors to the road are just knocking on the door of anyone to let them out – with complete disregard for the time (sometimes as late as 2am!) and often with accompanying and completely unnecessary abuse. The residents are responsible for letting their own guests in and out and would like to request that this rule is respected by everyone. Arko Local property management company Arko has bought the Masquerade fancy dress shop at 77 Bohemia Road and will be using it as offices. George Okines, owner said “We’re taking on two new staff. We hope to complete the move within three months.” George has another string to his bow: he plays double bass in his rockabilly group ‘Midnight Shift’.

anagrams of each other, mean: 1 1) irritated or annoyed, 2) more damp and chilly 2 (of a cave), 3 3) positioned or placed in a sequence, 4 4) to become gloomy. Answers on page 31

Property-management company managing blocks of flats for freeholders & lessees who want to take over maintenance of their building by setting up ‘right-to-manage’ companies. Tel: 439786 Mob: 07974 444112 123 Bohemia Road, St Leonards, TN37 6RL

Page 14

Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

Simon Leeves Plumbing & Heating Engineer Gas Safe Reg. No. 174853

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Tel: 01424 444 362 Mob: 07940 791 116 Fax: 01424 426 731

August 2010

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Diane Haberstroh writes from Bohemia, New York

Birth of a Baby I found this pamphlet, “Birth of a Baby – after enemy attack if no doctor is available” in my parents’ file cabinet when I cleaned out their house about a year ago. It is funny to remember that during the 1960s we were so afraid that the Russians were going to attack us. I don't know if my mother took the pamphlet seriously, but for some reason she held on to it. I also remember my mother telling me about when she was in the delivery room having me: Dr. Schule was standing beside her smoking a cigarette. My mom, being a big time smoker, couldn't control her urge for a smoke. She begged the doctor for a drag off of his cigarette which he gave her. It is a disturbing story by today's standards, but it does illustrate how much life has changed (on several levels). In spite of my birth into a smoke-filled hospital delivery room, I have never smoked a cigarette in my life.

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The governor of New York State is proposing a new sales tax on soda (and other soft drinks) to help close a deficit of $9billion. The idea is that the tax will also encourage people to avoid unhealthy drinks. The debate has been taken to the television here, where you will see commercials, pro and con – I am seeing more commercials against the tax. Governor Paterson, who is main proponent of this tax in a generally anti-tax climate among the electorate, claims that it will help reduce obesity among New Yorkers. He is trying to do his best to convince us that he is not just looking for an easy way to raise money, but that he really is concerned about our health. This is just one example of different state governments attempting to raise more revenue in difficult financial times. My favorite proposal is the one being put forth in the state of Maine. In June, Maine voters will decide on a tax bill that includes a section which will have a new tax on performances of clowns and jugglers. If the proposal is passed, those having a clown at their next birthday party, should expected to see the cost of that celebration increase somewhat. I am not sure whether there are commercials in Maine promoting a clown tax, or if clowns are uniting to defeat this tax, but it should at least be material for a new verse of the Beatles’ favorite, “Tax Man.” DH

Selection of events Page 15

Fri 28 Sharing of the Spring Magickal ceremony conducted through illuminated woods to the Roman Bath. M e e t at Hastings Museum and Art Gallery 8pm FREE 07786 686 786 Fri 28 Coastal Currents Arts Festival (to 30 Sept) Pick up a brochure for full details. Various locations and venues.

SEPTEMBER Sat 4 Day at the Park Huge family fun day featuring a whole range of children’s events, local bands, community games, a market of local businesses, artists, charities and community groups. Café Alexandra Park. 10am - 4pm. FREE. 0763 119 143 Fri 10 Lucky Ones 8.30pm at the Jenny Lind, High St, Old Town, Hastings. Sat 18 Hastings Seafood and Wine Festival (to 19 Sep) A celebration of our local eateries, fisheries and vineyards, plus singing and dancing and all sorts of other fishy stuff. The Stade. All day. FREE. The Hastings Fri 24 Rarities Affair (to Jan 2 2011). Thirteen artists are inspired by the ornithological scandal of the 60s. Hastings Museum and Art Gallery 11am-5pm. FREE. 01424 451 052. Sat 25 Bird Song Walk Join musician and sound recordist Saffron Summerfield for a walk through Summerfields Woods. Meet at Hastings Museum and Art Gallery 1.30pm - 3.30pm. FREE. 01424 451 052.

In short The Lucky Ones Bohemian band The Lucky Ones (picture) have landed a sweet gig in Italy playing at the 23rd Ferrara Buskers Festival, Aug 20th-29th. A mere twenty artists were selected from all over the world to be paid to perform, but the festival will showcase the talents of over a thousand other artists from 34 other nations. Vacanze felici! For the next Lucky Ones gig closer to home, see our listings.

2010 European tour dates

AUGUST Sun 1 Outside In (till Sept 12)The touring Pallant House Gallery exhibition of Outsider Art. At Hastings Museum and Art Gallery. 11am-5pm. FREE. 01424 451 052 Wed 4 Play Days (every Wed till 25 Aug). play session for children of all ages during theschool holidays. At Alexandra Park 10.30 – Sand, water, mudpie making, cheerleading, wrestling, fishing, art and den building. Alexandra Park at the Bandstand. 10.30am-2.30pm. FREE. 01424 451 452 Thur 5 Play & Learn (every Thur) Play session in the Durbar Hall at Hastings Museum and Art Gallery. 1-2.30pm. FREE. Family Workshop Thur 5 Creative Landscape themed 2hour workshop exploring seaside holidays past and present. Suitable for children of all ages and abilities, please book as places are limited. Hastings Museum and Art Gallery. 11am1pm or 1.30pm - 3.30pm. FREE. Info: 01424 451 052. Sat 21 Guerrilla Film-making Workshop Media Enterprise Centre. 12pm 3.45pm. 01424 428 590 Thur 27 Coastal Currents Launch Party Shindig to celebrate the Coastal Currents Art Festival 2010 Eat@Café Alexandra Park. 6pm. FREE Fri 28 Pretty Crafty 4 Locally made bits and bobs at town centre craft market. Robertson Street, Hastings Town Centre. 0763 119 143

Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

Quintron and Miss Pussycat

August 2010

SEPTEMBER 22 Nijmegen 23 Hamburg 24 Berlin 25 Innsbruck 26 Linz 27 München 28 Basel 29 Neuchatel 30 Turin OCTOBER 01 Faenza 02 Brescia 05 Tarragona 06 Madrid 07 Bermeo 08 Barcelona 09 Benidorm 10 Puerto De Santa Maria 13 Bordeaux 14 Nantes 15 Paris 16 Metz 17 Strasbourg 18 Duisburg 19 Köln 20 Antwerpen 21 St. Leonards (Bohemia Club) 22 London 23 Brussels 24 Rotterdam

Mary Housman by JJ Waller

August 2010

Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

The Bohemians

Page 17

The Wills and Trusts Specialists

Brighton photographer JJ Waller has become a familiar sight in St Leonards since 2007 where he has been taking portraits for The Bohemians, a work that incorporates interviews with local residents, shopkeepers and artists. “I find a high degree of optimism and feeling for Bohemia.” o JJ Waller’s If you would like to participate in The Bohemians portrait project, please contact the Village Voice or email JJ Waller at

The Bohemians – no. 2 Mary Housman Paddington-born Mary, who turned 80 on July 12, is a well-known face around Bohemia, especially in the Café 67 where she often tackles up to five crosswords a day. “I’m very happy in Bohemia: everybody seems to know me. I moved here 18 years ago: when I first walked into my house it felt so welcoming, just as if someone had put their arms round me. I’m a real cat-lady: I have three cats: Jessie, Tom Tom and Jay; my house is full of cat pictures, models and ornaments. In my working life I was a telephonist and receptionist. I have a daughter, Carol, two grandchildren, Paul and Tracy and two grandchildren, Lucas and Ella.” Photo: opposite

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Letters to the editor ... A Scandal in Bohemia Dear Sarah Janes, your enjoyable booklet this month is a good read. 'A Scandal in Bohemia' relates to development on inappropriate areas of our community. Where was your voice of disapproval of the development on Horntye Cricket Ground? Yes - 100 flats to be authorised for building on a cricket ground?!!! Is it because they pay to advertise in your mag that you were quiet? The convent do not advertise - so...?? Lastly I enclose a cheque towards Bohemia Walled Garden restoration – a most uplifting enterprise. Clive Astle, Bohemia Road Au contraire! Issue 75 was my first Bohemia Village Voice as editor and the Magdalen Road development was the most pressing issue at the time of going to print. The fact that Horntye advertise with us would not effect the way we tackle the subject of their planned development at all and my predecessors have reported on this subject from a very early stage and with a great amount of energy and honesty. I personally am very concerned about this development and especially the combined impact we may feel if the Magdalen Road site goes ahead. Summerfields Woods is also my favourite part of Hastings and St. Leonards, it is a very special and tranquil place. Lastly, Sue of the Bohemia Walled Garden Association thanks you sincerely for your most kind and generous contribution towards their efforts, and I quite agree, they are doing a wonderful thing. Ed. Dear Mr. McGinley, I read your article on pages 20/21 [Voice edition 75, June] with great interest. I have been away from Hastings for three months and was shocked when I came back to learn of the possible demise and destruction of All Souls Convent, Magdalen Road. The Council seems to follow a pattern, destroying, virtually vandalising, beautiful buildings which should be retained for visitors to see and enjoy, properly marketed. When I first came to Hastings in the fifties we had Bottle Alley, fascinating! We hardly ever failed to wander along it when returning from Hastings Town and gaze at the bottle bottoms and the mosaic of the glass tiled walls and watch the bronze framed windowed bays being closed against the spray of the high seas, enjoying numerous little cafés along its length. Now I never walk down there. Like so many Hastings attractions it has been allowed to 'fall into abatement and low price'. It has a foul henhouse smell and some very dubious characters sitting around. Plus dogs. Bottle Alley, to all intents and purposes, is finished as an attraction, like the

... send pier! Don't let us lose any more interesting and lovely buildings. Let us keep and use them to attract visitors. Why doesn't the Council take notice of its own Local Plan, as quoted in the Bohemia Village Voice? I hope you will read this letter and thank you for the interesting and informative article in the Voice. There are many beautiful and interest- Bottle Alley – not much of an attraction? ing building and areas in our town and each one has a story. Tell it! Will Leggott Dear Editor, I'm not sure what all the fuss is about re the proposed Magdalen Road development. It's not as if the general public had any access to the site and will now be missing it. I've lived round here for years and have NEVER seen inside it. J. Charles, St Peter's Road

(Un)common grackle Dear Editor, since reading with interest in the June/July edition about The common grackle (picture), I have been searching for this popular bird, as the article said by far the commonest bird in Bohemia was The common grackle. I could not recall ever seeing one before. I was amazed to read about its popularity, certainly I have never ticked it off in my bird book at home. I searched and walked around Bohemia – the Oval, Summerfields Woods, the Park, but to no avail. I could not find a single grackle. So going back to the original article in Bohemia Village Voice, I realised my mistake: that it applied to Bohemia, New York. So much for me reading the small print at the top of the article! Was I the only one to make this mistake? Yours with grackle (blackbird) on my face, Eric Hardwick M.B.E. Hastings Half-Marathon Race director

Saint Leonard Hello Sarah Janes, I was most impressed by your first edition as editor, and I think you are exactly the

d your letters to Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

kind of young blood this town needs in publications. You have succeeded in making the The Voice more hip, controversial and current in one fell swoop – just as the waves of Hastings and St Leonards crest into cool. You are also the only other person that I have met here who has taken any interest in St Leonard, and his work as a patron saint. Is there a festival here? Bradford C. Gross Yes, the Feast Day of St Leonard de Noblac, (picture) patron saint of prisoners and women in labour, is Nov 6 so mark that date in your diary. Ed.

Idiots Dear Sir, What sort of idiots have we living in or around Bohemia? On Sunday evening, June 27, more than one person wrenched out of the ground the dog litter bin at the top of Newgate Fields. Its weight, with concrete base, was as much as one person could carry. Then, having done that, they proceeded to place it in the middle of Amherst Road, thus endangering traffic which could have led to a fatality. Luckily a resident saw it and managed to get it to the roadside before an accident happened. What sort of idiocy can we next expect? I commented on it to a resident in Newgate Road whose reply was – "Yes, I watched them do it, 3 boys and 2 girls, they hid and if someone stopped and took it out of the road they put it back. It was about midnight." My next question was "why didn't you ring the Police? That was a 999 call”. His reply was "Why – what would they have done about it?" If this is all the confidence people have in our local constabulary it doesn't say much. You have the Bohemia Area Association and local councillors, doing their best to air such grievances, but only if you support them. Meetings are the third Monday in the month at Park Road Church 7pm. Vic Chalcraft, Aldborough Road.

Missing sock Has anyone seen my husband’s missing sock? I bought him five pairs of black ones at Christmas, all with different coloured heels. One half of the purple-heeled pair [picture] has gone missing: I’ve searched the washing basket, washing machine and dryer. I reckon it’s escaped and is at large somewhere in Bohemia. Help!

Martin Heneke Watercolour Workshops. Runs from 9.30 to 3.00pm Commissions welcome! Available for group lessons. Beginners to confident artists are welcome 01424 717783 TACKETRMART@TALKTALK.NET

Mrs Jo Hunter, St Peter’s Road.

Page 19

GUESS WHAT? For our many avid readers, there is now a club. We will be putting on a number of events throughout the year in an attempt to give the people of Bohemia (and beyond) a really good time. I searched high and low to find a suitable venue in Bohemia itself but at the moment we do not have one available. The old Bohemia Club on Upper South Road is unfortunately being converted into a flat. If you've got any alternative suggestions I'd be very happy to hear them. Saturday 31st July, 2010 The Bohemia Club Tent (At the Bohemia Village Fayre) We are going to have our very own tent at the Bohemia Village Fayre this year. I think this year's fayre is going to be fantastic! Come to our tent for the best Bohemia has to offer, including our worldfamous tea and syllabub, other delightful edibles provided by the Old Town Deli. Lots of ukelele playing, fun music, creative Robin Hood themed activities for kids, beautiful dancing girls and all sorts of competitive fun including a Dead Dog Show - for those that often miss out on dog shows, because an award-winning dog is dead. You need to bring a picture of the dog in question and give a speech as to why your dog should win. Bohemia Village Fayre is held next to Summerfields Leisure Centre and starts at 1pm. Call 01424 430 460 for more information.

brating Summerfields Woods. Join the mysterious procession through the beautifully illuminated woods, visiting some of its sacred sites and encountering dancing wood nymphs and other mystical creatures along the way. The tour starts at 8.30pm outside the museum on Bohemia Road. Bring a lantern of some description.

Thursday 21th October, 2010 The Bohemia Club's Maritime Ball with Quintron and Miss Pussycat from New Orleans I am venturing to say - without doubt the most wild and exciting party Hastings has ever seen. Quintron and Miss Pussycat are two of my best friends in the world and I am utterly delighted that for the first time ever, they will be playing in Hastings, on one of only two English dates! They are the most incredible unique puppet show dance

Saturday 28th August, 2010 The Sharing of the Spring (opening ceremony for Coastal Currents Arts Festival) I am delighted to be co-ordinating the opening ceremony for Coastal Currents this year. Bohemy Arts Collective presents a magickal evening cele-

The ‘Roman’ Bath in Summerfields Wood

Miss Pussycat – coming to Bohemia

party experience you could ever wish for. Back in New Orleans, they have a nightclub called the Spellcaster Lodge in the basement of their home and each year they host a fantastic 'Maritime Ball'. To celebrate their coming to Hastings, and, because on my part I owe them an enormous debt of gratitude for the many, many good times they have given me, we are going to recreate this wonderful night here in Merrie Olde Hastings. This event will take place at Venuu in George Street and the doors open at 9pm. Tickets cost £10 and can be bought from our office on Bohemia Road and from a special party booth at the Bohemia Village Fayre. All those purchasing tickets will have their names logged in the official Golden Party Ledger.

August 2010

Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

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Bohemia ‘a good area’

Simon Leeves

The meeting of the Bohemia Area Association in July, was quite a lively affair and fairly well attended, largely due to the attendance of two police officers, who had come to answer questions about Bohemia. It emerged from a question by Rev. Michael Ward that the police are divided into Neighbourhood police and Response police. The former work in liaison with the locality and deal with on-going problems, whereas the latter deal with emergency calls. It was acknowledged that closer co-operation between the two would be of value. Vic Chalcraft observed that since telephone calls are handled by the call centre at Lewes, where there is little knowledge of the Bohemia area, delays could arise. Subjects discussed ranged from drug-dealing to parking on pavements, cycling on pavements and other antisocial behaviour, as well as matters which are more the responsibility of the council. However, County Councillor Trevor Webb, being in attendance, duly responded and took note of such. The police commented that although sometimes response to some offences might appear rather tardy, much work was being done behind the scenes, and dealt with covertly for obvious reasons when it came to drug dealing, etc. On the whole, they reported that Bohemia was considered to be a good area, as actual crime, such as burglary, was low. Edward Preston

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Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

August 2010


August 2010

Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

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Bohemia Village Fayre Saturday July 31 Main Stage 1.00 Bohemia Ukelele Dave torch/cabaret/singersongwriter 1.35 POG folk/punk/ska 2.25 Gail Storm -singer songwriter 3.00 Music from the Sofa- original jazz/swing 3.30 Steven Cullis- singer songwriter 4.00 Flat Stanley- brass/jazz/eclectic 5.00 Herbal Love- reggae and dub 6.00 Fuzz On - rock/punk 7.00 Red Diesel- groove/nu-soul 8.00 Lovebush-original reggae/dub 9.00 Temple Hedz - stadium rock !! – ala muse Food & Drink Old Town Deli – Bohemia Club Tent – Festi Chip van – Fresh made Pizza – Battle Cider – Voodoo Lounge – Tea & Coffee

Open mic at the Voodoo Lounge Tea Tent Regression Dance Tent – sounds from Bailey FLT ‘til midnight.

Wear something PURPLE !!! Kids activities; Kids craft tent including rag weaving, painting, Facepainting, waterslide ( at own risk!), Climbing frame- ( at own risk also !), Giant Connect 4, Giant Jenga Sumo wrestling suits ( tbc), Corn Dolly making. Non-competitive games with the Woodcraft Folk 2pm-4pm Guided walks from the park rangers through Summerfields Woods.

We open at 1pm and the live music ends at 10pm . Dance tent shuts at 12. Free entry

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Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

August 2010

Mathematics Tuition Retired mathematics lecturer (Masters degree and CRB clearance) offers Mathematics tuition at all levels: International Baccalaureate, Further Mathematics FM 1-3, A level Core 1-4, Mechanics 1-3, Statistics 1-3, GCSE and Common Entrance in Mathematics , Science and English

Mike Baker 01424 717053

New Directors and Committee Members Required Southwater Area Community Centre would like to find additional directors and committee members for our thriving centre. Our mandate is to bring together the local inhabitants, authorities and voluntary groups in a common effort to improve the conditions of life for all residents in Southwater and the surrounding area of St Leonards on Sea. v Do you think you have what it takes to move the centre forward? v Do you enjoy working in a team? v Can you meet on a regular basis? v Then you might be who were looking for. For more information please contact Patrick Bennett on 01424 461414 or

August 2010

Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

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Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

August 2010

Noble Gardens Plantsmen, landscapers. Design & management. RHS trained & certified. Free estimates. Fully insured.

07771 848266 & 01424 715898

August 2010

Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

Page 27

In short Visual Magic Spell Breaks Bohemia's top DVD rental shop Visual Magic is sadly closing. Matt Carter (picture) is moving out of his shop on Bohemia Road and taking “a long holiday”. The shop has been rented by Mr. Carter's family for over thirty years. 81-83 Bohemia Road was Ward and Co. gents' outfitters and hosiers for many years and we’re hoping we'll soon have a new neighbour. Matt would like to thank all of his customers over the years and we wish him the best of luck in his future endeavours. Bohemian in Parking Fine Frenzy Linda Willoughby of Michelle Close was stunned to discover she had received a £25 fine for parking in the Pelham Place car park last month. Whilst she was busy spending hundreds of pounds in Hastings town centre, treating her son Jason who was visiting from Taunton, a tiny puff of wind had entered the vehicle through the sunroof and her light-weight parking ticket (I'm told these extremely light-weight tickets are necessary to be compatible with the eco-friendly, solar-powered ticket dispensing machines we have there) had drifted off of the dashboard. Upon returning to the vehicle – 20 minutes before said ticket was due to expire – they discovered the fine and promptly took it to the council offices over the road where a receptionist explained that if Linda would just take the time to write a short note explaining the circumstances and enclose the zephyrically misplaced ticket, common sense would of course prevail and the fine would be revoked. No such luck. A council representative explained to me that the contravention of paying and displaying is that a ticket should be paid for and satisfactorily displayed. One must presumably weigh down the ticket with a heavy object (perhaps a candelabra or anvil) if necessary, and ensure no gusts of air can penetrate your carriage. Kindness of Strangers Bohemia resident Michelle Furmston was stunned by the kindness of strangers on a recent trip to London. She’d bought a special saver ticket from the Hastings Information Centre which enabled her to travel to London for £10. A ticket inspector on the train bound for Charing Cross, informed her that this particular ticket only afforded her an ingress to London via Victoria (a fact that was in no way clear from the ticket) and that she would therefore have to pay a fine of £20. The ticket inspector was especially discourteous and would not

listen to any reasonable argument on the subject and in the end Michelle was bullied into paying the fine and in tears. Once the ticket inspector was satisfied and had gone on his merry way, Michelle was tapped on the shoulder by the man sitting behind her who explained that on behalf of all of those who had witnessed the rudeness of the inspector, he would like to apologise for not sticking up for her and that they had had a whip-round and come up with £20 for her. Michelle was absolutely overwhelmed with this lovely gesture and started crying again. The Cloudesley offers readers of the Bohemia Village Voice a reduced rate when visiting the hotel for a complementary therapy. Mention the Bohemia Village Voice when you book, and your one hour treatment will cost you only £30. Treatments at The Cloudesley come highly recommended from me –

following my massage I had the best night’s sleep I’ve had in three years! The Cloudesley offer a range of treatments and the hotel is a beautiful and tranquil place, I completely lost track of time and I thoroughly recommend you go and treat yourself to an hour of pure relaxation. The Cloudesley: 01424 442 524. Cake Box award In April Bohemia’s Cake Box was named ‘Retailer of the Year’ at the 1066 Business Awards. This is a big achievement: the award recognises the growth of the shop, the achievements of the staff and the business’s future plans. Andrew and Vivian Berry have owned the Cake Box for about 4 years and are also about to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. They have increased their staff from three part-time to two full-time and five part-time and the turnover has gone up by 20% year on year. This has been achieved by working with other local businesses and by taking their products to markets in East Sussex three times a week. Future plans include a second shop. Winning ‘Hastings and Rother Retailer of the Year’ means that they go through to ‘Sussex Retailer of the Year’ in September – to be held in Brighton.

Page 28

Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

August 2010

New Systems, Upgrades, Components, Inks and CD Media 261 London Road St Leonards-on-Sea East Sussex TN37 6NB

Power chairs – Stairlifts Furniture – Electric beds

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PEPPERS PET FOOD Huge range of pet food including frozen l Large range of accessories l Leads, collars, toys etc. l Wild/home bird seeds l Reptile foods, live and frozen plus accessories l Aquatic foods and accessories l Range of pet treatments for fleas and worms etc. l Large selection of treats for all sorts of creatures l Small animal hutches, cages, bedding inc. starter kits

FREE LOCAL DELIVERY (Find us opposite the Church on Upper Park Road where free parking is available)

01424 431595

August 2010

Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

Alcohol free festival

Despite the rather embarrassing council-flavoured posters and the loud proclamations of 'this is a nonalcoholic event' everywhere, I'd say St Leonards Festival (picture) was a roaring success. It always astounds me that so many people turn up. Do they all live in St Leonards and if so, where are they the rest of the year? Also, is it really necessary to banish all the alcoholics from St Leonards on this day? Many legends have been told of St Leonards Festival in the days when booze was welcomed and apparently it was a blood-bath down in Warrior Square, in fact possibly that's where our square got its name. The boozeless fun was still highly enjoyable and there was an especially excellent variety of activities provided by the Hastings and St Leonards Childrens' Centres, who do such sterling work all year through. Plus, I had an extremely delicious lunch from the Old Town Deli, who, I'm delighted to say, will be providing food at the Bohemia Village Fayre this year. I cannot recommend their fish pakora with Bombay potatoes and raita highly enough, I really, really can't. SJ

Page 29

Aardvark to Post Office

At the mention of free Pimms, champagne and delectable edibles, the great, the good and the thirsty of St Leonards flocked to the beautiful new Post Office Tea Rooms, (formerly the legendary Aardvark) on the Marina (picture). New proprietors Philip and David, who also have the delightful Castle Cottage Tea Rooms in Pevensey, gave a splendid and most generous welcome to their new customers. Long may they reign on the seafront! Aardvarkers Lesley and Pea, having now handed over the cake baton are concentrating on their design work, which has snowballed fantastically. They are now creating artwork for the V&A, Pedlars, The Lighthouse Bakery and more.

Bohemia girl leads Race for Life Marie Dove, led the warm up for Race for Life in Alexandra Park (picture). Marie, who runs a slimming club and who has lived in Hastings all her life, led almost 3,000 ladies in the warm-up for their 3-mile race. "It was the most terrifying but exhilarating event of my life� said Marie. "But I loved it and I have booked myself in for the warm-up next year!" Marie attended with her instructor Sarah and 50 of her members who were all raising money for Cancer Research UK.

1� pin badge specialist. Custom orders our speciality, any occasion. Bulk discount. Lightning despatch. Friendly, personal service.

Bohemia Directory Page 30 Free listing for all businesses, advertisers and organisations in Bohemia, Gensing, Silverhill & Cent. St Leonards. g = stockist of Bohemia Village Voice 1066 Enterprise 205500. 1066 Homes 718566. 07950 126377 1066 Typesetting 441390. A21 Café Bohemia Rd 433375. A&M Glaziers 235 Lon R 717161. A1 Roofing Daniel Brown 07882 379 478 or 718149. Age Concern Advice 775721 AL-ANON Provides help for families and friends of problem drinkers. Hastings, Bexhill, Eastbourne. 02074 030 888 Alexander School 424843. Alexander Technique 465838. Amongst Other Things 719679 Anderson, K J Paint/dec 446972 Andrew’s Landscapes 429338 Animals at Home 07886 644649 Apollo Travel S’hill 429255 Aqual Trident Boh Rd. 427988. Arko Property management. 123 Bohemia Road. 439786. Aromatherapy Manami 446265 & 07961 377585. Artemis Nursery 461188. Astec Computing 460721. Austin Electric 08454 198 720 Autopoint London R. 718700. Autotec MOT, repairs. 30b St Peter’s Rd. 07802 648374. Badminton Clubs Horrntye Park: 440820, 722640, 432916. Summerfields: 781777. Baker, Mike Maths tuition 717053 Bar Diva Sedles Rd N, S’hill Barclays Bank S’hill 0845 7555555 Barco Brickwork 08001696995. Barcroft Tours 200201 Barrow, Steve. Carpent 716039 Bartlett Arts 45 Boh R 721566. Base Pizza 99 Boh. Rd 201120 Battle Healthy Living 773373 Bedtime Beds. 134 London Rd. 440034 & 715650. Best Kebab Ye Boh R 719889. Best One Boh Road 203546 Bet Bet Bet 43 Boh R. 444044. Bexhill College 215 746 Bizfizz 205509. 07771 645263. Bloom’s Pharmacy 55 Boh R. 421072. 200255. Body, Richard Solicitors 201301 Body Wisdom – see ‘Yoga’ Bohemia Area Assoc 445086. Bohemia Counselling 722923. Bohemia Lighting 427550. Bohemia Village Fayre 2010 Kat Lee Ryan: 07849 093154 Bohemia Village Nytes At Pig in Paradise. Info: 07849 093154

Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

August 2010

Bohemia Village Voice 79, Bohemia Rd. 01424 430460. g Bohemia Walled Garden Ass Bohemian Hair 444567 Bookman’s Halt 421413 g BP Service Stn see ‘Silverhill’g

Breckland Mobility 35 Tower Road. 438300 & 0800 783 8205. Mob: 07780 995413. British Red Cross Medical loan office. 38 Newgate Rd. 425342. Buchan, Stewart. 435922 Buddies Pizzas Boh R. 203344 Café 67, Boh. Rd, 423291 g Cake Box 49 Boh.Rd 420872g Capital Debt 0845 302 6408 Capital Legal Services Sedcombe Rd N, S’hill . 444461. Cartwright, Andrew 203231 717140

Casa Lifeline alarms. 776640 Chantry, Jenny Counsellor 07708 232450 Chapel Park Centre 714095 Christchurch School 422953. Clarke, Peter Carpenter 440685 Clarence Pub. Silverhill. Clippers Silverhill 444500 Coleman Construction 714885 Collective Legal Solns 465267. Collins, Kit Gardener 457817 Community Info Centre 16 Silchester Road, St L. 438291. g Complex Build 853585 Concordia Hall 07964 065474. Connexion Pizza S’hill. 442004 Conservative Party 383 Battle Road. Tel: 850828 Co-operative Food 45 Bohemia Road. 01424 423875. g Co-operative Food 9-15, Sedcombe R N, S’hill. 432767 g Co-op Funeral 233 Lon R 444325. Copy Cats 59, Boh. Rd 423328 Costcutter 68 Bohemia Rd g Countryman Decor 201849 Create Records 461045 Crest House Care home. St Matthew’s Road. Tel: 436229 Crown Taxis 855855. Curry Hut 51 Boh Rd. 200451. Danny’s Discount Silverhill. DBM Property Services 442380 Dentists Chap Pk R. 433666. Destination MX 18B Tower Rd. 439767. Diana Mercado Herbalife distributor. 07795 074 338.

Doctors – see ‘Sedlescombe House’ and ‘Silver Springs’. Doggie Rehab 07878 739467 Dominic’s Barbers 712252. Dripping Spring Camra pub. Tower Rd. 436222. g Easy Builders 72 Boh R 721890 Eat Cafe Warr Sq Station g Eddie Disco. 07761 544 250. Ehren Francis 07917 305621 Elsinore Garage 44 00 55 Embassy English school 464820 Empress Art Picture framing, prints, 3 Tower Rd. 442000. g ESCC Children’s Servs. Tower Bldg, Lower South Rd. 720702. Express Clean 436282. 07971 673623 Fairytale Photos Sedles Rd S 420588. Falaise Fitness Falaise Rd g Family History Fair 437493 Fastprint Gensing Rd 440204 Fire Brigades’ Union 447700. Fisher, PA Butchers. 444022 Fitzgraham Solicitors 446666 Flickers Hair.Tower R 439621. Floorbored Wood floors 201172 Flower Shop Boh Rd. 423377. Fludes Carpetland 445991 Forward, Cllr Kim. Tel: 781066. Foster, Michael 460070. Frewyn, Duncan 01797 252268 Fryday’s Fish & chips 716338. g Funki Munki Badges Gables Day nursery. 426426. Garage on the Green sales: 718080. Repairs: 425599. Garden Clearance 203991 Gay Helpline 7-9pm Wed 444777 Gensing Writers’ Group 438291 Gensing Residents Assoc 715764 George Stone Building contractor. 10 Tower Rd West. 436166. Gooch Upholstery Recovering furniture. 200301. 717129. Good Day Greetings cards 429575 Gordon Busbridge 289 London Road. 420368. Grief, Heather History 444277 Graeme medium 07854 304461 Grand Hotel 428510. Groove Test Parties. Marquee hire, DJs 07814 659729. Harvey’s Hobs Lon R 721922 Hastings Badger Soc. 439168.

Hastings County Court 710280. Hastings Film Challenge Hastings Furniture Serv Dorset Place 441112 Hastings Museum Bohemia Road. 0845 274 1052. Hastings Police Station 0845 60 70 999. To speak anonymously: 0800 555 111. Street bobby: PCSO Andy Hubbard (pictured) direct, call 07787 685793. Constable for Gensing ward: Nick Marriott, 0845 60 70 999 (ext 16226). Hastings Signs London R 429292 HBC Estates Horntye Pk, 451641. Heneke, Martin studio 717783 Hercules Newsagent, groceries & lottery. Springf’d Rd. 712272 g High Spirits London Rd. 460996. Hillcrest Garage MoTs, repairs, Tower Rd West. 422157 HKS Kitchens 138 London Rd. 443464. Holden Roofing Work g’teed. 01424 715223 & 07967 360398. Hope, Maurice Complete building service. 222002 & 07927 584488. Horntye Park Sports Centre. Banqueting, meeting rooms, wedding receptions, parties. Boh. Road. 716666. g Hypnosis & psychotherapy James Caspian. 714647 & 07939 542632 Imagen Gallery 447518 Imperial Motor Co 442200. Independent Church Edward Preston, Albany Rd. 435849. Information Centre Queen’s Sq, Hastings. 0845 274 1001 g In Touch 464 888 Inner Earth Electrics 722891 Inside Out Theatre company. 12, Woodland Vale Rd. 438200 Joe Joe’s Chicken & ribs 203344 Joe White Television S’hill 423577 Karina’s Wools 131 Boh R. 712226

Karina’s Wool Shop Stockist of Sirdar & Stylecraft wools. Also cottons, needles and knitted baby clothes. Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri: 9am to 5pm, Wed, Sat: 9am to 1pm.

Tel: 712226 131 Bohemia Road

Bohemia Directory Outdoorsman Work, trekking, military, security, shooting, hunting, survival, camping. 122 Boh R. 429343. Park Lane Group 448980. Park Road Church Tel: 422350. Under 5s: 443030. Parent & toddler Group & Rainbows: Rosemary: 445117. Brownies: 441051. Parsons, Bob Brickwork, roofing, plastering, painting. 14, Boh Road. 07979 502842 & 200135. Pat-a-Cake Baker. S’hill. 424454 Pavillion Decorate. 08081 559546 Pepper’s Pet Food. Upper Park Rd. Tel: 431595 Peter’s Fish bar S’hill. 433806. Physiotherapy Margaret Blurton 07519 039969. Piano Teacher Kat Lee 20 yrs exp. 203 991 & 07814 659729. Pizza Go Go Silverhill. 718071 Pizza Hut 172A Boh. Rd. 728866. Portobello Furniture. 269 Lon Rd. 200650. S’hill 440927 Post Office Sedlescombe Rd North, Sil’Hill. 435902. g Preston, Edward. Local historian, lecturer. 63 Boh R. 435849. Priory Meadow Shopping Centre Prosper Home loans S’hill 712333 Purplefurball Bands, duos, events, kids arts. Tel. 203991 Register Office Births, deaths, marriages. Horntye Park. 721722. Reiki Indian head massage. 201849. Reiki Krysia 07752 932803 Resto Classics V W specialists. Clarence Rd. 445020 RE-DEC Decorating Services Richard Morris, painter & decorator 47 Cornfield Terrace, Bohemia

Tel: 425725 Mob: 07748 373 061

RLS Ceramic tiling. 07531 507465 Rodmell, Nicola Dance 07814 680933. St Paul’s School. Rosemary Conley Marie 236316 Salso Loco Tuition 214746 Scott James Windows. 64 Bohemia Rd. 431422 & 435229. Seagull Rescue 07765 114 599 Security First 427550. 07973 322697. 71 Bohemia Rd. Sedlescombe House Surgery. Drs Kaliniecki & Lewis. 720574. Sellens French Accountants. 93 Bohemia Road. 446488. S.H. Tackle Angling. 431583. Shell Service Station Bohemia Road. Tel: 01424 728950. g Silver River Chinese takeaway food. 56 Bohemia Rd. 433439. Silver Springs Medical practice, Silverhill. Drs Cameron, Young, Schneider, Rae & Fmialowski. 422300. 428766.

Silverdale Children’s Centre Sedlescombe Rd North 460112 Silveryhill Bistro Cantonese restaurant 3 Sed Rd N. 718889 Silverhill Chiropody 425025 Silverhill Club 435368 Silverhill Computers 6-8 Lond R, St Leonards. 717717. Silverhill Models 431133 Silverhill Service Station (BP) Sed Rd N, Silverhill 438636. g Slimming World Denise 440293, Teresa 465170 SLM Van Centre 755966 Smart, Richard Boh Rd 422297. South East Entertainment 2B Tow Rd West. Southwater Centre 461414 SRG Solar power 0900 988 6570 St John Ambulance 421105. St Leonards Business Assn St Leonards Florists 426477 St Leonards Warrior Sq Stn g St Luke’s Church, Silverhill. Rev Andrew Birch 447003. ST Mary Primary Sch. Jane Smith. Magdalen Rd. 427801. St Matthew’s Church Rev Mike Coe. Tel: 430262 & 425863

St Matthew’s Residents’ Assn. Gaby Hill, chair. 434653. St Paul’s School Richard White, head. Tel: 424530. St Peter’s Church St Peter’s Road. Rev Chris Key: 425172. St Thomas’s Church Rev Ian Byrnes, Magdalen R 420815 Stevens, Richard LibDem 781026. Stop Smoking NHS drop in clinics. 0800 917 8896. Streatfeild House Home in Cornfield Terrace. 439103. Stricklands 35 Sed R N. 423348 Summerfields Guest House Lux en-suite rooms, family suite. Open all year. 718142. Boh. R. Summerfields Sports Centre Boh Road. 0845 337 4040. g Sussex Bin Cleaning 751477 Sussex & Kent Home Improvements. 08000 833 467 Swift Cars Saloons, 422 884 Sycamore Computers 443377. T & D Auto Repairs 07885 719769. Talay Thai Rest. Lon R. 721852. Tennessee Fried Chicken. 43, Sed Rd N, Silverhill. 717575. Thayre, Chris Swim pools 439831. The Green Tennis Club 430221 The Hairdressers 446586 The Haven 241 Lond R 434355 The Rooms 33 West’n R 713555 g

Page 31 Tiffintime 10 Sed Rd N. 432629 Tile Design Upp Pk R. 446613, 07973 176554.

Top Gun Specialist sportswear. 719734, 719707. Tote Sport Sed Rd N, Silverhill. Tower Hotel Pub 721773. Tower House 1066 Accomm. 28 Tower Rd W. 427217 g Tower Laundrette 447889. Tracey’s Barbers 07527 844374 Travelodge Hotel 08700 850950. 0870 1911810. g Travis Perkins 424300. Trinity Wholefoods 430473 TW Car Sales 17 Tower Road. 719888. Twana’s Car Mechanics Salisbury Yard. 07773 875269. Tyre Shop Upp S Rd 07983 919576 Tyrell, Allena Artist. 718727. Upper Cut Hair. S’hill 713477 Vale Hardware S’hill 436950 Van Aalst FairTrade Vauxhall Tech M Hall 437205 Visual Magic Closed Jul 2010 Washtec Appliances. 444784. WBM Insurance 434675. Webb, Trevor 07876 036931. Website design Alan Jeffries 236493 Weightwatchers 07801 701 823 Welch, Matthew Artist. 443804. Welcome Stranger Pub. S’hill. Welford, Peter Electrical engineer St Paul’s Rd. 713611. Yesterday Studio Your memories on DVD. Tony Wade: 443229. YMCA Sports centre & youth club. Roller skating, badminton, after-school & activity clubs, chess, etc St Paul’s Rd. 429677. Yoga & natural therapies. 07930 442 639.

stop press

Puzzle corner answers


Kat Lee Ryan Songwriter, singer. 07814659729. KC Computers 261 London R. 714713 & 08717 500202. Knight Accounts 0845 302 6408 Koetting, Leesa. Artist 447303. Labour Party (Hastings & Rye) 424125. 84 Bohemia Road. Lady Gardener £9/hr 447893 Leeves, Simon. Plumbing & heating. 11 Aldborough Rd. 444362. & 07940 791116. Legends Guitar shop. 48, Boh Rd. 07731 340312. Mon-Sun Leonard & Sons 719005 Letters from NYC 07752932803 Lib Dems 9 London Rd Lidl Supermarket 0870 444 1234. Little Frog Murals. 422133 Little Mill Bakery 421474. Little Shop 85 Boh R 07773 875269 Lloyds Pharmacy S’hill 421132 Lloyds TSB S’hill 08453 000000 Lock, Matthew J Cllr for S’hill. 715351 Lock, Matthew County Cllr St Helens & S’hill Longley Publications 714423. M Hall Motors 07773 216363 Magic Wok S/hill 435710 Magistrates’ Court The Law Courts, Bohemia Road. 437644. Martel Colour Prints. 205491. Martin’s Newsagent Silverhill Martin Ray decorator 719216 Maths Tuition J Hickman 434051 Maths Tuition M Baker 717053. McWilliams, John Plasterer 465085 Mercer & Son Funerals. 421805. Mick’s Keycutting. Handbags, shoe repairs, etc. 253 Lon R. 201775. Misty’s Bric-a-brac. 75 Boh R g Monaghan, Samantha 426387. Mr Pizza Silverhill. 202070 Munday’s Newsagents, sweets, tobacco. 437233. 54 Boh Rd. g Music Gym For those with profound disabilities. 444322. Natwest Bank Silverhill branch. 142 London Rd. 0845 610 1234. Neighbourhood Watch 01273 404868. Neptune Computing 07769 645423 Newman’s Cleaners Clothes cleaning. 62 Boh Rd. 465006. g Nice Chinese t/away 435279 Noble Gardens 715898 North Star Inn Real ales. Food. Clarence Road 436576. g NRB Carpentry 443 428 & 07968 019661 Occasional Gardening Company. 712086 & 07847 556 151. Opera South East Tel: 443316. Oriental Carpets Online 78 Norman R

Bohemia Village Voice No. 76


August 2010

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Bohemia Village Voice No. 76

August 2010

Crest House Charming Residential Care Home Crest House Care Home has been privately owned and managed by mother and daughter team Jo and Lisa since 1987. Our philosophy at Crest House is to create an environment in which residents feel at home. We offer care, comfort, respect and dignity within an environment that is safe and believe in family values and individual choice. l Single & double rooms – all rooms with en-suite facilities l Passenger lift to all floors l External wheelchair access l Two Victorian conservatories l Short-term (respite) care l Visiting chiropodist, optician & hairdresser l Arranged activities and entertainment l A good quality outcome for all awarded by the Care Quality Commission

l l l l l l l l

Your local neighbourhood care home Telephone in all rooms Short-term care available Dedicated and trained staff Under same management since 1987 Home cooked excellent meals Special diets accommodated Preferred provider to East Sussex Social Services

Contact Jo Crawford or Lisa Willard on: 01424 436229 St Matthew’s Road, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex, TN38 0TN

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