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Bohemia Village Voice No. 39. Saturday 7 October 2006.

Your free local newsletter - anything and everything to do with Bohemia



Masood Iqbal: “I want to open a Sophie’s show Post Office in my Foodmarket” Mr Masood Iqbal has asked Bohemia Village Voice to support and publicise his application for a Post Office. He is keen to provide a post office counter in part of his new ‘Bohemia Foodmarket’ - to be opened later this year on the site of Lullabuys Pram Shop at 68/70 Bohemia Road. Mr Iqbal is prepared to spend the £20,000 necessary to install the necessary special security counter, screen and safe. Until a couple of years ago, there was a post office in Bohemia Road, which runs through the centre of our area. Since it closed, it has been sorely missed. Other local post offices are situated at quite some distance from Bohemia which involves great inconvenience for even the simplest of transactions. The closure of the post office has also meant a reduc-

Mr Masood Iqbal - wants to open post office counter

tion of trade for other local stores. We have lost the heart of our community. There is now a chance that it could be re-opened as a counter inside a mini-supermarket. Local businessman, Mr Masood Iqbal,

will be opening 'Bohemia Foodmarket' - a double-fronted, 1300 sq ft store - before the end of the year, and wishes to include within it a post office counter. A post office would be very warmly welcomed by the residents and traders of Bohemia. But what are the realistic chances of success for Mr Iqbal’s application? Bohemia Village Voice spoke to the manager (Steve) of the ‘Human Resources’ division of Post Office Ltd for clarification. He said “The Post Office has recently closed about 3,000 branches all over the country as part of our ‘Network Reinvention’ plan. We know it isn’t popular with our customers, but we are not a charity and are trying to run our Continued on page 2


From Freight to Football - new boss settles in Horntye Park Sports Complex has It might seem quite different from a new supremo - ex-transport and what I've been doing, but Horntye shipping man is a business Kevin Miller. after all.” For the last How many 25years, Kevin’s staff does background has Kevin have to been mainly transhelp him? port and shipping, “We've got especially in about a dozen freight ferries, in full-time staff Dover, Ramsgate, and about the Dartford and same again as Southampton. So, casuals, who what's he doing we have in for running a sports Kevin Miller - new head at Horntye functions and ‘if you can manage one business, centre? “Well, it's that kind of you can manage another’ a complete change thing. There’s a of career for me, of course. But new finance man, Keith, who most of my experience is that of started this month. Keith will be managing business. I take the atti- responsible for finance and develtude that if you can manage one opment of the finance system.” business, you can manage another. What’s Kevin keen to develop?

“There's excellent facilities here for cricket, football and other ball sports. We've also got excellent banqueting facilities, with a bar and restaurant. I think the centre can be developed further, with maybe new sports, with possibly more six-a-side football on the grass to the side of the cricket pitch (NOT on the cricket square!) We're certainly interested in developing corporate business to the centre, sales meetings, business breakfasts and so on.” Is he a local man? “I was born in Hastings, and today I live just outside the town. I've lived in the area most of my life. I've been married for 30-odd years, got grown up kids and one grandchild. That's me really.” Horntye Park Sports Complex. 01424 716666.

Village Voice’s vital statistics For those with a love of numbers, here are Bohemia Village Voice stats for the period May to September, this year. First edition published: May 18. Total number of editions published: 38. Total

pages: 85. Total stories or items covered: 240. Total pictures used: 143. Total readers’ letters published: 25. Total words used: 65,938. Circulation figures have risen over the 4 month period from

just 8 in May to over 1,000 by the end of September. A survey carried out last month showed the number of Bohemia businesses and organisations is 113, employing an estimated 643 people.

A dog show in aid of Sophie Munro who suffers from the rare Angleman syndrome, is being held this month at the YMCA in St Paul’s Road. Ann Adams of Hassan Pet Supplies organises the show each year to raise funds for her grand-daughter who was seven years old yesterday. “Angleman syndrome is a rare genetic disorder; about one in 25,000 children are born with it,” said Ann. Sophie now has a wheelchair and attends Glyne Gap special needs school. “The money we raise helps buy equipment made specially for her needs,” said Ann. The ‘Companion Dog Show’ is being held on Sun 15th October. Doors open at noon. Entry is £3 plus £1 for each dog entered in each class. “Last year we had about 180 entrants.” This year at school, Sophie walked one mile with her walking frame for Sports Relief and raised over £100. “She was last in but the others were in wheelchairs. She also won an award for the best achiever of her year in her class. To her parents and us, her grandparents, we are so proud to have such a lovely grand-daughter who never gives up,” said Ann. Ann & Terry, tel. 421358. HISTORY OF BOHEMIA

Bohemia Remembered Well-known local resident and sage Vic Chalcraft has written his memoirs - of Bohemia that is. Bohemia Remembered, to be published later this year by Bohemia Village Voice, is a collection of Vic's memories of the area augmented with about 20 photographs from his private collection. Vic was born in Bohemia - in Salisbury Road in 1926. At one time he lived in Tower Road and in the 50s moved to Aldborough Road where he’s been ever since. He spent most of his working life at the Parsons Observer building working as a flatplate letterpress machine minder. Serialisation of Bohemia Remembered starts in our next issue.

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Bohemia Village Voice No. 39. Saturday 7 October 2006.



How the Bohemian Club was formed (Part 17 of 24) The story so far ... homeless artist and musician Alexandre Schaunard has been traipsing the streets of Paris, searching for anyone from whom he can borrow a few francs. He meets a philosopher, Gustave Colline, they share a meal and have just entered a café in search of alcohol and coffee. They meet two gentlemen, M. Mouton and M. Rodolphe, in the middle of an argument. Read on ...

odolphe said “Proceed, then, proceed,”. “Well, then” - Mouton marked the rhythm of his phrases by knocking his fist on the table so that the mugs and glasses quivered - “well, then, I fall eagerly upon the newspapers, don't I? And what do I find? One says white, the other says black, and round and round the mulberry bush ... What does it all mean to me? I’m a decent father of a family, who comes here to - ” “To play dominoes,” said Rodolphe. “Every evening,” agreed M. Mouton. “Well, just to illustrate my meaning, you understand ...” “All too well,” said Rodolphe. “I read an article with which I don’t agree. It annoys me and I get all upset - because you see, monsieur Rodolphe, the newspapers are all lies. Yes, lies!” he proclaimed this in his shrillest falsetto. “The journalists are all swindlers, hired hacks.” “All the same, M. Mouton ...” “Swindlers,” the Town Hall clerk continued. “They’re responsible for the revolution, and for the paper money. Take Murat, for

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coat. “Why, Marat!” “No, no, monsieur Mouton, Murat. Let’s get this settled, for goodness’ sake!” “Exactly: Marat, a rabble-rouser. He betrayed the Emperor in 1815. That’s why I say that all the newspapers are just the same.,” said M. Mouton, returning to his main theme for what he regarded as an explanation. “Do you know what I would like to see, monsieur Rodolphe? Well, just to illustrate my meaning ... I’d like to see a good newspaper - oh, not a big one - a good one, that wouldn’t use any phrases ... You see!” “ That’s a tall order - a newspaper without any phrases!” “Quite so. Now, following my reasoning ...” “I’m trying to.”

example ...” “Excuse me, I think you mean Marat.” “No, no, Murat - I know, because I saw his funeral when I was a little boy.” “I assure you ...” “There was even a play at the Cirque about it.” “Quite so,” said Rodolphe. “You mean Marat.” “But what have I been telling you for the last hour? Murat, the man who worked in a cellar. Well, just to illustrate my meaning: weren’t the Bourbons right to guillotine him, for being a traitor?” “Guillotine? A traitor? Who?” Rodolphe in his turn seized M. Mouton by a button of his frock-

Vie de Bohème by Henry Mürger, a vivid portrait of the ‘Bohemian’ life of the artistic quarter of Paris in the nineteenth century was originally published (by Michel Lévy) in 1851. The extract above is taken from a translation by Norman Cameron, published by Hamish Hamilton. The illustration is by Dodi Masterman.

Masood Iqbal (from page 1) business at a profit. Last year we lost £120 million, which was a great improvement on the previous year. Anyone wanting to open a post office must apply to us to become a sub-postmaster.” What are the hurdles which anyone must overcome in order to become a sub-postmaster? “If you want to open a post office, you must apply to us. We will then look at the proposal, taking into account the distances from other local post offices, whether the catchment area is sufficiently large, whether any new housing development has taken place, and so on. You must put your proposal in writing and send it to our Leeds office. Within fourteen days you will be contacted and a site visit

will be arranged with one of our local team.” Is it worthwhile opening a post office? “The postmasters receive a remuneration based on the ‘traffic’ (the number of transactions) which take place within his or her post office, for example, each telephone bill paid over the counter is worth about 7p to the postmaster. Against this you have to bear in mind that we’ve lost a lot of business recently: for example, we’ve lost the right to sell television licences and pension payments are now paid directly into people’s bank accounts. On the other hand, we now sell a lot of foreign currency in our branches.” What if someone just wants to sell stamps? “If anyone just wants to sell stamps, that’s no problem - you can buy them at a discount from

Royal Mail.” In April 2004, Labour councillors Ron Rushbrook and Andrew Cartwright wrote to all local residents and traders urging them to contact the Post Office objecting to the proposed closure of Bohemia Place Post Office. This valiant attempt, backed also by MP Michael Foster, failed. Maybe Mr Iqbal will also fail, but if you wish to support him and make your voice heard, write as soon as possible, saying why you think Bohemia needs its post office, to: David Southall, Post Office Limited, Upper Floors, Market Branch Office, 6 to 16, New York Street, Leeds, LS2 7DZ.

BADMINTON Anyone wishing to play badminton mid-week should consider joining the Horntye Badminton

Club. The dozen or so members meet at Horntye Park on Tuesdays from 9:00 to 10:00am. There’s no joining fee, the only cost being

£1.20 for the court. Beginners are very welcome. Please contact John Russell on 440820 or David Phillips on 422497.

[To be continued ...

John’s charity plans As new boss Kevin Miller begins to take over the running of Horntye Park sports centre, former acting manager John Ball announces his ‘charity plans’. “I want to develop the 'charity side' of Horntye's activities.” What charity is this? “We've been a charity since 1864” said John, but it's never, ever been developed. Now I’ve a bit more time to do these sort of things, and what I want to do is to contact some of the gift aid trusts to see if there's any mileage in promoting any community development for youth. I'd like to see them sponsored by some of the gift aid charities or some of the larger companies. I'd like to see 'Sport for Youth' and 'Sport for Seniors' develop.” Horntye Park. 01424 716666. HORNTYE PARK

Why is gate kept closed? “Why is the gate (at Horntye Road) to Horntye Park kept closed?” asks a local lady resident. Bohemia Village Voice addressed her query to John Ball at the sports centre. “It used to be kept open for parents to come in via Horntye Park to drop off their kids for St Paul's School. It became a total nightmare - a melee of all the parents driving at speed all the way round the cricket pitch, creating a block at the Sports Centre, dropping the children and going off again. So, early morning and mid-afternoon, we'd have a total melee up here, until some child got knocked, by a car. And then we realised it went down on our insurance, not their insurance. So I had to put an end to it. And that's why the gate has remained locked after that. But the gates are open for functions.” What about people who live in Horntye Road say, and who want to pop into Horntye Park to use the facilities or just have a drink at the bar in the evenings? “Just give the duty manager a ring and he'll open the gate.” So if you live in Horntye Road and fancy a gin and tonic at the sports centre bar, just phone up for an appointment! Horntye Park 01424 71666

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Bohemia Village Voice No. 39. Saturday 7 October 2006.

Puzzle Corner - £10 prize

Letters ++ The only Bohemian? Dear Sir, Firstly, may I compliment you on Bohemia Village Voice - it is rare now to receive anything written in good, error-free English. I also like the new format of a folded A3 sheet, and that it is well printed on quality paper. In a previous issue, somebody mentioned the original Bohemia (and knew where it was!) and asked if the real Bohemians were like their namesakes. I understand that the term Bohemian, meaning creative, free-spirited or unconventional - is French, because they wrongly thought that gypsies, who exhibited that type of behaviour, originally came from Bohemia. However, the term stuck. I am probably one of the few - or the only - resident of Bohemia in

Sussex with a link to the original Bohemia, and from my experience Bohemians are much like the rest of us, although through their long history they have not had much reason to be happy. My ex-wife came originally from Prague, and we were married in 1966 in Karlstejn Castle (see gue/karlstejn.php4). Bohemia is, however, rightly famous for its excellent beer, being the location of Pilsen (hence Pilsner) and Budweis (hence Budweiser). The most famous king of the old kingdom of Bohemia was, of course, Good King Wenceslas (looked out, on the feast of Stephen). Best regards Richard Slater St Peters Road


The History Man - Ken Brooks

Ex-St Paul’s teacher and passionate local historian Ken Brooks is interviewed for ‘Bohemia Village Voice’. Part 3 of Ken’s story - his love of geology, his hatred of Big Brother and his anger at ‘flashy’ films:

teaching geology one evening a week. This continued until about 1992, when at the end of one course, we all went to a pub and the students said ‘we’ve all really enjoyed this course, is there a geology society we can join?’ I said, ‘I’m afraid there isn’t, the nearest one is in West Sussex’. And they said ‘Well, why don’t you start one?’ And that’s how it came about. We formed a committee, and that was the foundation of the Hastings & District Geological Society, of which I’m chairman. It’s still running, and we’ve got about 60 members, and we meet once a month at the Ore Community Centre. I arrange field trips, in fact, there was a trip to Folkestone in September this year..”

ow did Ken get into geology? “When I was teaching at St Paul’s school, a child would occasionally bring a rock or a fossil to school and ask ‘Mr Brooks, what’s this?’ and I realised I’d have to do a bit of studying to answer their questions. So I enrolled on a three year science degree course at the Open University.” That led to his being asked by the University of Sussex if he would tutor geology courses for adults, one evening a week. “So, I was teaching full time at St Paul's and

Has Ken written any geology books? “Yes, one, and it arose from my interest in the subject. It’s called Geology and Fossils of the Hastings area. It was printed in 2001 and was my first book and it really came about from a request from the Hastings Country Park. By this time, I’d been leading fossil hunting walks in the summer, which I still do now, for the public. I do one in June, one in July and one in August. And there’s no book on geology for the public. There are rather academic publications on geology and fossils, but

Local author Ken Brooks


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Q. There are at least three blue plaques on different buildings in Bohemia. Can you give the names of the three people commemorated? There’s a £10 prize, (kindly donated by Empress Art of Tower Road), to the sender of the first correct solution opened. Please ensure entries reach Bohemia Village Voice at 33, St Peter’s Road, St Leonards, TN37 6JQ by Saturday 14 October. Last week’s puzzle Where is this anchor and chain located? It has been sitting in the car park at Hastings Museum for “a good five years,” said Alison Hawkins, of the museum staff. “Its acquisition was suggested by local historian Steve Peak, and I believe there’s nothing at all on this area. So, the Hastings Country Park ranger asked me if there was any chance that I could produce a little booklet. And that ‘little book’ gave me the confidence to start on the Hastings Then & Now books.” You might think all this activity would keep him pretty busy, but Ken has plans ... “I’ve got a course, which I’m hoping will be starting this autumn at the Ore Community Centre, called From Ancient Egyptians to Aztecs.” BIG BROTHER

Does Ken have time for music, reading, television, hobbies? “Music is very important to me; whenever I’m working, I always have the radio or CD player on. I love the classics; my taste is pretty wide, anything from Beethoven, who’s top of the list, to Tchaikovsky. Practically all of the recorded music I have is taken from live concerts on the radio; I much prefer live music.” Ken gets a number of specialist publications on subjects such as geology, local history or even ancient history sent to him, which he reads. “But I just don’t get the time to read ‘ordinary’ books. The only time for television is when I’m too tired for anything else. I’m usually pretty whacked out by tea time, about 6pm. I’m very selective with the programmes I watch: mainly documentaries.” Is Ken an avid Big Brother fan? “I’m afraid Big Brother is a ‘BTS’ programme.” BTS? “Brick Through

it originally came from the Bulverhythe area.” Steve later confirmed that it is an example of a ‘heaving off’ anchor, used probably Last week’s mysin the ninetery anchor teenth century by boats trying to get back afloat after unloading their cargo onto the beach. “It would have been buried in the sand at the low water mark level,” said Steve, “with a rope running up the beach. Some of the fishing boats in the Old Town still used such a device as late as a few years ago. Nowadays, they all have bulldozers to push themselves off back into the sea.”

Set - if that dares to come on while I’m watching, you never see me move so fast - for the ‘off’ switch.” It’s hard to imagine Ken has any time for hobbies, but he does admit to collecting fossils. “My main sports interest is in judo. I’ve only just given up as an instructor at the Battle Judo Club, which I started and ran up to a couple of years ago." FILMS.

Does Ken have any time for films? “I don’t go to the cinema now, mainly because so many of the films made today are very noisy and they’re also ‘flashy’instead of letting the camera run and letting the action go on. Within about ten seconds, you might get a dozen or more different shots. I get very uptight about this, as I also make films (!). I got my first cine camera in the ‘60s, and over the years I’ve made quite a number of films, everything from documentaries to comedy films. I belong to the old school where you don’t wave the camera around. You hold the camera still, and you don’t zoom in and out, you change your position. I get angry with these modern films where it’s all flash, flash, flash, flash. I once asked a film director why this was done and he told me it’s to keep young people’s attention.” Next (final) part: Ken’s battle with osteomyelitis, bullying at work and his struggle to get ‘O’ levels and to get qualified to teach.

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Bohemia Village Voice No. 39. Saturday 7 October 2006.

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Major new rebuild starts

Gilt clock £145

All change at local café

Gilt metal clock £145 Hastings Police Station under seige from builders last month. The front office is being completely rebuilt. The work is due to take six months.

Work has begun in earnest at Hastings Police Station in Bohemia Road. The front office is undergoing a ‘major new rebuild’, which will last up to 26 weeks. The end result will be ‘a brand

new facility for visitors to the police station’. The whole site is ringed with 6ft fencing, and visitors are directed by signs to a temporary office located to the front of the building.

Grapevine CHRISTCHURCH SCHOOL Unnamed lost property has been causing the school ‘a huge problem’: in just six weeks last term, ten black sacks were accumulated. “We do not have storage for the amount of clothing left behind.” If attempts to trace the owners fail, unclaimed clothes will be given to charity. Parents have been urged to mark all clothes, if necessary with black permanent markers. BAA LOGO Is it true the new logo for the Bohemia Area Association is to be a drawing of a sheep saying ‘Baa’? GODFREY DANIELS Councillor Godfrey Daniels is getting John Humphries confused with John Humphries. Bohemia Village Voice editor was intrigued to be invited for coffee by Cllr Daniels last week. It quickly transpired that it was ex-Labour councillor John D Humphries, not your humble editor who was being offered the chance to enjoy Godfrey’s company. BAA OPEN MEETING Local residents are reminded that the November meeting of the

Small Ads ADVERTISE HERE This 1 cm block is just £1.00, prepaid. Send payment with wording to BV by 17 Oct.

Bohemia Area Association will be an open meeting. All local people, whether traders or residents are invited to attend the occasion which takes place on Thursday 2nd November at 6:30pm at the YMCA in St Paul’s Road. CLOUDESLEY ROAD The BAA has announced its intention to modify its constitution ‘at the next opportunity’ to allow Cloudesley Road residents to join the association. At present, the area covered by the Bohemia Area Association does not include this thoroughfare. Unrestrained joy and spontaneous street dancing to celebrate this inclusion into the bosom of Bohemia is confidently anticipated. HORNTYE PARK Did you know that you can provide a lasting and useful memorial to a relative or friend by sponsoring a bench or tree at Horntye Park? Pine, three-seater benches cost £185, and trees £145. Rowan, aspen, crab apple, willow and silver birch are all avaiable and each comes with a memorial plaque. Horntye Park: 716666. ADVERTISE HERE. The cost of this 2 cm block is just £1.80. Please send cash/cheque with wording to reach Bohemia Village Voice at 33, St Peter’s Road, by Tuesday 17 October. For other rates, see box on right.

An impressive gilt cast metal cased clock is on sale for £145 at Furniture Corner in Bohemia Road. Proprietor John said “It’s a French/Belgian twentieth century clock which strikes on two bells.”

New owners took over at the Café 67, in Bohemia Road this week. The Voice caught up with Sue and Lorraine after closing time on Tuesday of this week. “It’s our first day and it’s been manic - we haven’t stopped since 7am,” said Sue. “And we ran out of veg, which didn’t help,” said Lorraine, who does the cooking. It’s their first venture together and they are being helped out by Sue’s partner John and Sue’s daughter Karen. Previous owner Salvatori (‘Sal’) and wife Helen’s last day was Monday of this week when they showed Sue and Lorraine the ropes. “We’ve no plans to change anything at present - we want to see how things go for a while first,” said Sue.


No photos please The Bohemia Area Association has told the Bohemia Village Voice ‘No photos please’. Following a suggestion from the Voice that pictures of committee meetings be taken and published, the BAA explained in a letter that the members are ‘essentially volunteers in a local association’. Chairman

Peter Holland and vice-chair Andy Holmes said “Were we formally elected councillors, members or Hastings Borough Council officials, we would be happy to do so, and as a result be recognised and lobbied during our private pursuits.” The letter was countersigned by nine other members.


New wall & railings for St Peter’s Place

St Peter’s Place - architect’s plan for new walls and railings

Work has started at St Peter’s Place (32/33, St Peter’s Road) on new brick walls, piers, iron railings and iron gates. Builders Dovetails Construction expect the project to be completed in 4 weeks. Other work being carried out simultaneously

includes extensive replacement of pvc windows by traditional wooden sash windows (Interbuild, Hastings) and complete external decorations (Ian Hersee, Bexhill). Architects are Maher Paradine Associates of the Old Town, Hastings.

Bohemia Village Voice Edited and published by John Humphries at 33, St Peter’s Road, Bohemia Village, Sussex, TN37 6JQ. Tel. 01424 446759. E-mail Proof reader Valentine Torrington. First published May 2006. © John Humphries 2006. Printed by Fastprint of St Leonards. Circulation (Sept 16): print version: 849, e-mail: 80, total: 924. To receive an e-mail version of this newsletter, send your e-mail address to John Humphries.

Advertisement rates Sizes in mm, (height by width). Whole page (269 x 189) £80.00. Half page (133x189) £40.00. Quarter page (133x93) £20.00. Eighth page (65x93) £10.00. Sixteenth page (65x45) £5.00. 3cm x single column box £2.50. 2cm x single column box £1.80 1cm x single column box £1.00. Next issue: No. 40, Sat 21 Oct 2006. Deadline for advertisements Tues 17 October.

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