Girlfriend Gazette, Magazine Issue 2

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Girlfriend Gazette Gazette Magazine

Two Sophomores keep week-long journals. Few Of Our Favorite Things:

About God

I n t e r v i ew

Wi t h J o h n A l lan Miller Founder of

B ra g O nG od . c


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S d e e N ? s d a e R Chec


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Inside: Page 12

A School Photo shoot

About God

A Few Of

Page 4

Our Favorite things:

Page 10

Four Book Reviews Page 15

My First Week of School Week-Long Diaries Kept By Two Sophomore's Page 8

Just Another Note From Me: Hmmm…Autumn. I love autumn. I always get so super excited when the time of year for sweaters, jackets and boots rolls around. ;) I also love when the leaves begin to lose their color, crisp and cool weather comes back into style, and everyone starts getting in the mood for Christmas. (weird I know, but I think I could actually start listening to Christmas carols soon =]) I bless you dear reader with a fall filled with days of relaxation, beauty, and reflection, and that this fall, God would show you another piece of who He is. I hope each one of you has the happiest of autumns. -Monica My three favorite things about autumn are: Opps,

looks like I jumped the gun on that one. =] My fa-

vorite fall clothing item in my closet right now: My verse God has given to me recently: Esther year: Go

cute warm boots, and my green-ish sweater. Bible

7. (It’s a long story) One thing I want to do yet this

sledding. (Random I know, but it’s been so long since I just went sledding!) Favorite hot drink:

{MiNt TeA} One random thing about me: I love writing looooong letters by hand, I adore classical music, and

think dill pickles are a marvelous snack. =]

This Month’s Cover Models:

Cheyenne: My three favorite things about autumn are:

Yellow Leaves, the air,

and wearing jackets My favorite fall clothing item in my closet right now: Orange Shirt Bible verse that God has given me recently: 1 Corinthians 13:4 One thing I want to do yet this year: Go bare foot

in the snow!! Favorite hot drink: Chai Tea One random thing about me: I LOVE reading.

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My three favorite things about autumn are: The trees, the fresh

cool air, the colors My favorite fall clothing item in my closet right now: My red shirt Bible verse that God has given me recently: 1 Corinthians 14:3 One thing I want to do yet this year:

Watch the sunrise Favorite hot drink: COFFEE…! One random thing about me: I ♥love♥ to crochet

A Few Of

Our Favorite things:

About God

Photo Credits to Kelci Miller

King of Kings Sierra (15)

“His love for us and that we can trust Him through the stuck in the muck and mud. I recently moved to a new school and there were times I had to rely on His love to get me through the fearing time for me! He is truly AMAZING,”

Simone (15)

is “That He ready es -at all tim o ME to listen t .” personally

Courtney (14)

“He is always there for you when you need him.”

“...He loves and cares of us no matter what we do.”

One of my favorite things about God is that He LOVES surprises.

(11) h a n n Sava

“He loves me through all my imperfections.”

Even though MY faith is small, He still loves to surprise me in the BIG things, and in the little things. Little things that He carefully plans out, just to make me smile. Just to have fun. ;)

Christy (15)

Hannah (13)

“God’s Faithfulness.” He has no beginning “Just "one" of the things that that i love about God is his love for us!!! and that he sent his Son to die for us!!”

and no end, He is the Great I


Lorisa (14)


e t I lov a h t , ings h t right y s n y a a w em e’s al o f th h hat! e t w a n r h e t t “O t od, is o ma G N t ! u u e!!” yo abo m e o d s i e s aw be etty there r p s ’ That )

s Blys


Creator of all things.

“One thing that I like about God is that He always forgives us when we ask Him.”

Arlene a) (My Grandm

Sharayah (12)

ed r u t Fea s e c r ou s e R

Featured Online Resource: Brag On God Share your worship with the world. “We worship God because He is so good to us. His faithfulness is the same to every generation. In fact, He is so amazing and so good, it is hard not to worship Him.” A website completely dedicated to worshipping God! I highly encourage you to go ahead and look up I promise you’ll be refreshed as you ponder on the greatness of our God! And, while your at it, why not share some of your worship with the world?

Majesty Lost

A must listen-to sermon by Eric Ludy! (Free Download) The Fresh Hills of Cein Mhic Cainte –Shannon Miller and Laurel Thomson An absolutely beautiful Irish fiddle of my favorites!




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An Interview With John Allan Miller

Interview with John Allan Miller—

Give us a summary on how came to be: Last April found me in Bangladesh with my dear cousin Teresa Miller. We took a train ride. It was a beautiful day. The train had open windows, and we went through beautiful country side. On the train, I said, "Let's take turns bragging on God. Let's see who can out do the other!" We took turns bragging about God. I spoke about God’s intelligence and justice. Teresa spoke about God’s compassion and love. It was an amazing time. The heavens were opened. Teresa is someone who worships God. When I saw her heart for worship on that train ride, I really wanted to be like that. During my quiet times with God in the coming months, I found myself writing a lot of praise. I thought of starting another blog in addition to my personal one--a blog of just worship where I could share these praises. I lacked the confidence that I'd have readers, though! Then came a surprising turn of events. I have a friend Christa who has a close walk with God. In July, I sent her an email asking her, "If God would speak to me, what would He say?" What I didn't realize was just the night before, she felt she should send me an email but had pushed it off. When she got my email, she knew she should. She prayed for a while, and the same thing kept coming to her mind. She told me, “I sought the Lord and what I believe He's saying is for you to move forward with the idea He gave you. It will be prosperous and bring Him glory.” “What idea?” I wondered. The website of worship was the only one I could really think of. Could it be that the website of worship was not my idea but God’s? I got her email early in the morning. Later that morning, when I turned my iPod on shuffle, it played Psalm 150, which tells us to recount God’s mighty acts and praise Him for His greatness. I realized that God wanted me to do this.

Have you seen God work through the website yet? It really encouraged my friend Christa. It showed her that God wants her to speak His words to other people. (By the way, please pray for her. Pray that God will give her courage to share Jesus. She's attending an university where many people aren't Christians. Pray that Jesus will help her be bold.)

How has God used the website to impact you personally? I find myself worshipping with the people who write submissions. Sometimes I get on my knees when I read a submission, overwhelmed with who God is and how powerful and good He is.

What are your future dreams, visions, and goals for the website? I want to get young people—even children as young as six years old—to share their praise for God. It can be as simple as a few sentences. Children and youth need to know how powerful their praise is. Whenever I hear someone young talk about

God, that makes me want God even more! Most children and youth don’t realize how much they impact older people. I want this website to show them that they can impact older people and be a way they can do that.

What would you say to that young woman reading this magazine who has dreams and visions but doesn’t know how to put them to action? What you want to do is take small steps. For example, suppose that you dream of taking care of orphans someday. Maybe you can start by offering to babysit for a busy mom. Perhaps you would love to record an album of worship songs. You can start by taking music lessons. Remember, you don't need to figure it out. The Bible says that we make our plans, but God directs our steps (Proverbs 16:9). You can trust Him to do that. Don't despise the day of small beginnings. Find a few things that you are good at or dream of doing, and work on becoming better. Keep praying! Jesus said, “Everyone who asks receives.” When He said that, He meant that! Jesus doesn’t lie. So keep asking and keep seeking! It will happen if you continue seeking and knocking. Above all, seek God. The Bible says He is found by all who seek Him. Keep seeking Him. Once you know Him, everyone else will fall into place.

And lastly, (unless you have further remarks) what is one of your favorite things about God? May I answer this question with a thousand pages? There is so much I like about God. He is powerful and He is smart. Who else can invent an intricate solar system that sustains life? His mercy on the cross still astounds me. I know He has forgiven me and I will never get over it. These things amaze me. My favorite thing about God, though, is just Him. I love being God’s friend. He is pure love. He is also like a fire. When you are with Him, it burns up any desire for anything else. He’s given me hope and He’s given me rest. I used to be sad a lot and feel very alone. I didn’t know that I was just missing my Father. I don’t feel alone anymore, and I don’t feel sad. I can't feel alone because I'm not! God is everything I have ever hoped for and more. He’s just everything to me.

Monica’s Photography

Featured Resources Continues...

Rainbow Garden– Patricia Saint John Elaine is a spoiled, selfish girl who has never been taught any better. When her mother gets a job in France, Elaine is sent out into the country to live with the Owen family. Feeling bitter and fearful, Elaine finds a garden where she feels peace at, that is, until something awful happens which causes her to make a decision that changes her life forever.


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Anja (16)

Under the Overpass– Mike Yankoski How do you view the outcasts on the streets of your town? Or maybe, like me, you barely notice their existence. Whether you already have an intense passion for the homeless or whether you'd like to foster a passion for the homeless, I highly recommend Under the Overpass by Mike Yankoski. In Under the Overpass, an upper middle class Christian college student and his friend embark on an exhausting 5-month adventure of living like many others in our society do: homeless. They do it because they want to know from experience how to reach out to the homeless. They do it not for a project or even in response to a dare, but because they need to know whether their faith in God is real--if they can actually be the Christians they say they are apart from the comforts they've always known. Reading Under the Overpass opened my eyes to what my perspective, even subconscious perspective, is about homeless people. I understand a little more of the hurt in the world. And most importantly, I caught a bigger glimpse of who Jesus came to heal: the captives, the brokenhearted, the poor, the outcasts.

Finishing Becca—Ann Rinaldi “Finishing Becca is a story of mystery, intrigue and a poor unfinished girl trying to make her way in the world of the revolutionary war in besieged Philadelphia. Becca is the main character in the story and her life is consumed with being a maidservant to the spoiled hottempered Peggy Shippen as well as trying to attend to the lessons that will make her “finished.” Her young mistress is beautiful and conniving, she attracts men like bees to honey, and she doesn’t care to which side their allegiances lie. Becca, who is at first caught up with the splendor and magnificent surroundings, soon she realizes the web of lies and deceptions are thick in the Shippen house. When Peggy starts courting General Benedict Arnold from the American army and eventually marries him and turns him into a traitor with no promise of a future. Becca struggles with living in the Arnold household. Her living situation is hard and everything in the house is secret.”


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Anne of Green Gables L.M. Montgomery

“Right now I am reading the Anne of Green Gables series by L. M. Montgomery. I am on the last book. I think what I like most about Anne is her way of saying and imagining things, because she takes something common and makes it exciting.”


A Fun School Photo Shoot

A Lunch box Recipe

Winner of the last giveaway is

Cheyenne! And she will receive one copy of The Bride by Rhonda Calhoun

Rice Krispies Roll-Up

Photo Fun—Everything Winter [Giveaway!]

-Aunt Lorraine’s Recipe10 oz. lg. marshmallows 1/4 cup butter

1/4 cup peanut butter 5 1/2 c. Rice Krispies

Filling: 1 1/3 c. chocolate chips

3/4 c. butterscotch chips

Mix marshmallows, butter and peanut butter and melt in the microwave for 2 minutes. Stir and microwave 2 additional minutes. Stir in Rice Krispies. Put waxed paper onto a cookie sheet spray with pan spray. Flatten Marshmallows, Rice Krispies mixture out onto waxed paper. Melt chocolate chips and butterscotch chips in microwave a minute or 2 at a time until melted. Watch carefully to avoid micro burning. Spread melted chips over Rice Krispies. Roll up jelly-roll style, making a long roll. Refrigerate for an hour. Slice.

Send in your recipes— along with a picture of the finished product —to the address on page27!

Share your favorite winter photos (see page 27), to enter to win a fun giveaway prize! (All photos will also be featured in an upcoming issue) All levels of photography welcome— this is just for fun! Stay tuned to my Blogger (see page 27) and Facebook pages for more information on the prize! Must enter by January 2, 2012 Please include: your name, age and a self-portrait.

Christy Barkman’s First Week of School


An inside view of the life of a 15-year-old homeschooler

Day 1: Tuesday, August 31, 2o11

August 31. The day that strikes terrified expectancy in my little heart. My day went as follows: We woke up rather late, I must admit, and had a hot breakfast of pancakes and bacon. We all sat around the kitchen table just talking for a while. *happy sigh* And then, of course, we all had to preform our daily chores before we dove into school. Chores accomplished, I marched to my room, armed with a cup 'o joe, (a.k.a. coffee.) and commenced school at the historical moment of 9:41. A.M. In case any of you were wondering. My WONDERFUL *cough* subjects this year are as follows: Geography: Mr. Lip. He's an inside joke that me and my geography book have. ;) Algebra 1: I refuse to comment. Science: So far, this one is one of my favorites. And some sort of composition thingamajig, which I don't exactly understand. After working on school for a little, I took a break, reflected how strange it is that Cherie (my older, wiser sister ;) is out of school, how my hair looks like a satellite of some sort, and how WEIRD our cat is, (it lives in it's own virtual world, where everything is Big, Scary, and Evil, and it must fight for survival every second of it's life, never trusting anyone. I had to throw it off the bed today not 1, not 2, not 3 but even MORE times. Stupid cat.) and dove back into school. As usual, the first day is exciting and fun (for the most part...) but, we shall see how the rest of the year progresses. *grim, determined face. No, make that a scared - to - death - of - school face.*

Day 2: Got up, (surprise!!) ate breakfast, and did my chores. And then, with coffee and music of course, I did school. well, most of school. OKAY, SOME of school. I can't do all of it right now because mother has to figure out something that I can't figure out, and I'm waiting on a book for my book. (no, i don't feel like explaining.) HAH. I have a gooood excuse, don't I? I did a quiz today, and if I get my 3 section quizzes by a score of 85% or more, I can skip my chapter test. Are You Still With Me? HELLO? ... Oh blast. Mother thinks she figured it out, so hang on a second . . . (WHAT ON EARTH IS A ZIGGURAT?) Okay, I'm back. I had violin lessons today for the first time in about THREE months. I'm also practicing choir songs right now for our Homeschool Co-op High School Choir. (more on that later.) So, I guess school's done for today!

Day 3: Today, for school, I was armed with a glass jar of grape-fruit juice. and soundtrack music. (by the way, you all need to listen to Zoosters Breakout!!) School went okay today, still haven't gotten that book that I'm waiting for . . . (Tee hee :) ) In Math this year, I'm doing Algebra 1 again because last year I only finished about half of it (we are quite busy, I assure you) and so I am doing it all over again. I'm not doing Algebra 2. NEVER. EVER EVER. I won't even pretend that I dream of being smart enough to do that. ;) (My brother is the math whizz in our family.)

M e:

*you all give me blank looks. "Yeah, what's so great about Lucky Charms?", you ask. while trying not to laugh.* Let me explain. Mother and Father think that Lucky Charms are not helpful to one's health. Hence, we do not buy a large amount of Lucky Charms on a normal, every-day basis. Lucky Charms get me up in the morning. (It takes a lot to get me up in the morning) In our household, Lucky Charms barely ever make it to Day 2 of it's existence. WE LIKE LUCKY CHARMS, okay? Understand now? No? never mind. Thank you for your patience. (p.s. If you feel the need to arm yourself with a glass jar of grapefruit juice in your battle with school, make sure that you do not drink too soon after you've consumed Lucky Charms. UUUGHH.) Day 4: Saturday. Saturday's are good days. Last night, Cherie, Mother, and I went on a willld little shopping spree. And I finally got duck tape. WAIT. DON'T LEAVE. I'm NOT a red-neck. I just realized how much fun it is to use duck tape to maaaake things, okay? You should try it sometime. (it was yellow duck tape, which is even better. Yellow duck tape is awesome.) So, if you randomly receive something in the mail made out of duck tape, (poor Monica. ;) you'll know who sent it. Today we got up fairly late, (HEY, It's a Saturday.) and for "brunch", we had Egg Gravy.'s.egg.gravy. You may THINK You have been, but you haven't. (moooving on.) COLLEGE FOOTBALL STARTS TODAY. Oh, boy. My family is a DIE-HARD Fan Family of THE Ohio State University. When we talk about "our" team, we use the word "we" a lot. "WE made a great play," WE sure are a good defense!" . . . Etc.

[Never mind the fact that if it really WOULD be "WE", the team would be pre-tty bad. :) ] But, when "WE" make a great play, we yell. Loudly. When "WE" lose, we get a horrible sickening feeling in our stomachs. We're fans, you could say. And today was "our" first game. And "WE" won, of course. A fabulous start to "OUR" year. (In case anyone was wondering, the score was 42-0. :)) Anyhoo, now we clean house. (OH JOY) And then we eat supper. We always have pizza. (yes, that was an exaggeration. *SIGH* NORMALLY we have pizza.) Saturday's and Sunday's are when we all take a deep breath before we must take school by the throat again. (or school takes Christy by the throat. in that case, a deep breath would be nice.) Day 5: What did I do today? Well, Sundays are restful, relaxing days. (NORMALLY) Today we went to Church, (shocking, I know) and it was a good one. Then we came home and ate lunch. It was amazing. :) Then, we napped. And waking up, (or in the process of waking up) I could hear my little brother making loud, obnoxious noises. I have no idea why, he's normally such a model child! *cough* And then we invited an awesome family to supper. They're pretty awesome. We played Balderdash. It was quite interesting. (For example, did you know that a "Baxter" is a female baker? OR a "Kempit" is a dried carrot used as a candle? yeah, I didn't either.) I also realized that tomorrow is a HOLIDAY. WHICH MEANS NO SCHOOL. HAH. I LOVE HOLIDAYS. I sense some sleeping-in privileges. (If you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly a morning person.) Good night!

Day 6: LABOR DAY consisted of getting up late (see?), having pancakes, some alone time in my room working on a quote book for my aunt, and a Ping-Pong Family Tournament. I pretty much Whooped Everyone. (Okay, that wasn't exactly true) And a movie and pizza and wings. YES. Tomorrow is Co-op. I'll fill you in on what happens.

Day 7: At 8:20 A.M. (or something) we left to go to Homeschool Co-op. My brother and I are in the Highschool Class, which has an awesome class by Dave Ramsey for teenagers (it's about stocks and bonds and banking. it sounds boring, but it's actually pretty fun!), and then we go to Science class, where do a lot of dissecting. Mwaauhauhuaha. Today, it was starfish and crayfish and clams or something. Half the time, we don't know what we're doing, but it's pretty cool anyway. ;) And then we go to Art class, which is also quite fun. Today, we drew an elephant. with pencils. and markers. and paint brushes. (no, i'm not going to explain.) That's the class that we can talk in. Sort of. :) And then, we go outside to Phys. Ed., where we are going to play basketball and are doing lots of drills right now. our class only has about 6 girls to around 15 guys, so basketball it is. :) It's really awesome. and then we go to Music class, where (with voice exercises) we are made to look and sound like idiots. But hey, it's fun! "yumyumyumyumyumYAH!" :D We sing our choir songs in preparation for the program. Again, with 6 girls to 15 guys, it's . . . interesting.

AND THEN, Is SNACK!! HURRAH! and then, it's over. Except for Orchestra practice. (we're playing Pirates of the Carribbean music. No, I have not watched the movie, so i won't say anything about that, I'll only say that the music is AWESOME.) and then I went home with one of my friends for her birthday. We stayed up really . . . early. ;) we possibly laughed a lot.

y room m t a h W I e when k i l s k o lo uote make q books.

We also possibly slept in their garden shed. we possibly had a lot of chocolate. It was basically a fun day.

Day 8: Wednesday. how would you like to wake up to whipped cream in your face? UGGGHH. Then I left my friend's house, and came home. (I got to drive!!) and did school. BLAGH. (did i ever mention how i dislike my composition book?) AND I GOT THIS AWESOME PACKAGE FROM MONICA IN THE MAIL!!! (did I ever mention how awesome Monica is?) AND a 20 paged letter. I think letters are my love language. ;) So, I was working on my reply letter a lot yesterday. And So Ends A Peep Into My Life. (Unless you look me up on my blog @ I hope you weren't bored stiff. God Bless! (and GOOD LUCK with school!) 1 Corinthians 13.

More about Kristi and Christy Christy Barkman |Ohio|15 years old | Sophomore My three favorite things about autumn are:

*HAPPY SIGH* I love the Clear, Crisp, FRESH air, the fact

that I can wear longsleeves, jackets, and scarves, and FOOTBALL. My favorite fall clothing item in my closet right now: Hmmm

. . . Maybe scarves? Or my Purple Thumby

shirt . . . ;) Bible verse God has given to me recently:

Hmm . . . it's not

THAT recent, but it's powerful. "For if we have died with Him, we shall also live with Him. If we endure, we will also reign with Him. If we deny Him, He will also deny us. If we are faithless, He remains faithful. HE CANNOT DENY HIMSELF." 2 Timothy 2:11-13 One thing I want to do yet this year: I

want to . . . learn to care

about others' opinions and needs instead of always focusing on my own. Favorite hot drink: COFFEE. One random thing about me: I

cried over a Hebrew song called "Tears." It's kind of a long story. ;)

Kristi Mast |Kansas|15 years old | Sophomore My three favorite things about autumn are: The cool, crisp weather,

the winter wheat coming up and coating the fields with a mist of green, and being able to wear sweaters and curling up under the blankets at night. My favorite fall clothing item in my closet right now: A red jacket

that looks like a trench coat only it's not as long. [and the best thing about it? I got it at goodwill for five bucks :)] Bible verse that God has given me recently: Deu 31:6 “Be strong and

of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.� One thing I want to do yet this year: Ok, is this supposed to be some-

thing feasible? :) Well, I would like to go to a really, really good restaurant and eat a really good (and most likely, expensive) meal that has creative presentation, textures, and tastes. Favorite hot drink: I'm going to have to say rich hot chocolate with lots of

cocoa and not too much sugar, because chocolate is the only thing that I like more than coffee. One random thing about me: I love nicknames, both for myself and other


Kristi Mast’s First Week of School An inside view of the life of a 15-year-old Christian school attendee.


It was so weird, about a month and a half into the summer I was all excited about getting back into school. But now..... well, let's just say I am feeling a little less enthused. Today was interesting. It was weird being sophomores all of a sudden and it was also weird having the new freshmen here and the seniors not here. I am going to miss the seniors like crazy!! But the freshmen are awesome too, and I know there are going to be some seriously sweet times ahead. We started out the day with chapel by Mr. Schrock, and we went through the normal, welcome to school, I hope we'll get lots done this year, it's gonna be a great year etc. etc. And then we had Accounting which was surprisingly interesting considering that it's a math credit. Hopefully, it will stay so and not turn into some kind ofalgebraic nightmare. That was my only class today because we didn't have choir. So since I ended on “E� (E is a privilege you earn that basically let's you do whatever you want to since you're getting your work done) last year, I pretty much partied the rest of the day. At the end of the day we had this icebreaker thing for our Friday afternoon activity, which was kind of funny because we already know each other really well, but it was kind of cool too. After school, we sneaked in some non seg basketball and some of the girls went over to a restaurant close by and got ice cream for a select few. :) Then Mom came and picked me up and the first day of school

Monday Ok, I am officially not addicted to school. I skipped Monday because we had company from India. :)

Tuesday Today was pretty stinky. In Bible class, my best friend requested prayer for her dad because he had committed adultery a few months before. You seriously could've heard a mouse sniffle in that classroom. Even Bro. Miller who usually has something appropriate to say in every occasion was silent for a little while before he made a few appropriate comments. There was a horrible, huge lump in my throat and I felt like crying. I was so blown away by her vulnerability and the strength she had to say this in front of the whole class. I know I probably wouldn't have that kind of courage. But how in the world do I support her and show her how much I love her? I had no idea how to respond except to say that I love her and if she want's to talk she can feel free to talk to me, and if she doesn't, I totally understand.

Our company was still here from India and so it made it even more stinky to be stuck in Accounting class trying to figure out some stuff I totally wasn't getting and awkwardly trying to act like nothing had happened this morning. We had Music I, which is taught by basically the awesomest music teacher in the world, Lyle Stutzman. I still can't figure out why he's teaching here instead of making more money somewhere else. This year we are going to be focusing on sight reading and solfege. Last year it was rhythms and conducting. We have a huge Music class, so the singing should be fun. This afternoon I went to my piano lesson, which was fun...ish. I wasn't exactly precisely ready for it but I didn't bomb it too badly. :) And that was the end of that stinky day.

Wednesday Today was a relatively good day. Bible was cool. We are starting on the book of Acts this year and I'm excited to get Bro. Miller's (who is also my super-cool great uncle) perspective on the happenings. I really, really appreciated his take on John last year and I love it how he still teaches at this school that he practically started years ago. We had accounting again (it's a daily class) and I understood the stuff way better today than yesterday. Accounting is taught by our awesome teacher/counselor/friend/encourager/role model/ everything in between, Miss Miller. She's basically the awesomest lady on this side of Canada. Whenever you ask an obvious question in class, or make a dumb mistake, she always make you feel as if you had a valid point. Oh, and she has the best sense of humor and the most hilarious laugh. I've thought about it several times how blessed we are to have such incredible teachers, who are not only intelligent, but also who care about us. I love how they are always encouraging us to be expressive and creative, while staying true to ourselves and what we believe. I also love how they don't try to force feed God to us, but help us realize that it's okay to have questions and that they are there to help us answer them. Anyway, forgive the little spiel about my teachers. :) At the last period of the day today, the freshmen all filed off into the Typing Lab, and it made me so sad, because Typing class was always the most epic time of the day, where we (the former freshmen) hatched all our devious schemes and had the biggest, most hilarious arguments in all of history. Oh, and it was also where we discussed everything from music to Mount Everest. But now we were sophomores. Sophomores just kinda seem boring for some reason. But then again, with our awesome class I'm

Friday It was so weird, about a month and a half into the summer I was all excited about getting back into school. But now..... well, let's sure we will transform sophomore year as the world knows it (btw, you just say I am feeling a little less enthused. Today was interesting. It was weird being sophomores all of a sudden and it was also know how the freshmen are always supposed to be the meek little ones? weird having the new freshmen here and the seniors not here. I am going to miss the seniors like crazy!! But the freshmen are Well our class kinda swooped down and took the school by surprise. We awesome too, and I know there are going to be some seriously sweet times ahead. aren't exactly shy or humble). We started out the day with chapel by Mr. Schrock, and we went through the normal, welcome to school, I hope we'll get lots done this year, it's gonna be a great year etc. etc. And then we had Accounting which was surprisingly interesting considering that it's a math credit. Hopefully, it will stay so and not turn into some kind ofalgebraic nightmare. That was my only class today because we didn't have choir. So since I ended on “E” (E is a privilege you earn that basically let's you do whatever you want to since you're getting your work done) last year, I pretty much partied the rest of the day. At the end of the day we had this icebreaker thing for our Friday afternoon activity, which was kind of funny because we already know each other really well, but it was kind of cool too. After school, we sneaked in some non seg basketball and some of the girls went over to a restaurant close by and got ice Thursday

cream for a select few. :) Then Mom came and picked me up and the first day of school was over. Why, oh why must there be a ton of random questions that you are totally unprepared for on science tests? Seriously. And I was going Monday to get a good score on this one. Oh well. Your GPA isn't everything.

Ok, I am officially school. I skipped Monday becauseman we had company from India. :) Today Mrs.not I (itaddicted stands fortoIwashige, she married a Japanese and she's also my aunt) announced that our Current Events subject for the month would be the economy. Seriously, you might as well have Tuesday chosen death, cause right now it can't really get more depressing (justwas a hint, if you wantIntoBible feel class, good about America's economy,prayer don't for her dad because he had committed adultery a Today pretty stinky. my best friend requested read the Wall Street Journal). Well, at least it isn't the war on terror, few months before. You seriously could've heard a mouse sniffle in that or 9/11. classroom. Even Bro. Miller who usually has something appropriate to say in every occasion was silent for a little while bethe fore heWell, made a best part of today was that two ex-seniors came and isited! Those of us on “E” (and a few sneaky ones not on “E”) had an few appropriate horrible, lump in my throat and I felt like crying. I was so blown away by her epic time withcomments. them. AfterThere schoolwas weahung out ahuge while, played some vulnerability andnon theseg strength she had say Ithis in front of the whole class. I know I probably wouldn't have that kind of more sneaky basketball, andtothen headed home. courage. But how in the world do Isupport her and show her how much I love her? I had no idea how toespond except to say that I love her and if she want's to talk she can feel free to talk to me, and if she doesn't, I totally understand. Our company was still here from India and so it made it even more stinky to be stuck in Accounting class trying to figure out some stuff I totally wasn't getting and awkwardly trying to act like nothing had happened this morning. We had Music I, Friday which is taught by basically the awesomest music teacher in the world, Lyle Stutzman. I still can't Today was terrific. We had student chapel in the morning and we figure out why he's teaching here instead of making more money somewhere else. This year we are going to be focusing on learned that this quarter we would be focusing on prayer. So we split up sight reading into small groups and had a really great time of praying, both for each other and solfege. Last year it was rhythms and conducting. We a huge Music so theAfterwards, singing should be fun. and have for the school yearclass, in general. we had coffee cake, milk, andfun...ish. coffee (coffee an essential partready of most in bomb the kitchen This afternoon I went to my piano lesson, which was I wasn'tisexactly precisely forofit our but lives) I didn't it before choir. Just kind of a side note, but one thing I really love about this too badly. :) And that was the end of that stinky day. school is how guys and girls aren't afraid to mix. And although it could get out of hand, I also think they generally ere on the conservative side, which is definitely better than the other way around.

Choir is also taught by the estimable Lyle Stutzman, who also waxes quite hilarious at times, in choir especially. We have 35+ kids in choir this year (including homeschoolers), so it should be nice. We already have some seriously sweet songs and I am so looking forward to learning and perfecting them. We are a poor school, so we are learning at least one song by just listening to him sing it, which will be challenging, but fun. We had hot lunch as well today, which is always followed by interesting conversations around the lunch table, and sometimes dangerous attempts at amusing ourselves with the paper ware. The afternoon was epic. There were a lot of people on “E”, and so we sat in the shop, wrote in each other's planners, had hilarious conversations about some rather awkward subjects, and in general, got very little work done. :) And that is the end of the very first week of my sophomore year.

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