Reptile, Amphibian, and Avian Inventory Surveys at the Griffy Lake Nature Preserve

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Griffy Lake Master Plan Update

The eastern spiny softshell turtle (Apalone s. spinifera), a species recorded in the Preserve in 2008, was not captured in fyke nets or observed during VES surveys. Griffy Lake represents the preferred habitat for this species, and it likely remains present but undetected in the Preserve. Bird Species In total, 103 unique bird species were observed in the Preserve, including four species listed as state species of special concern, and six species listed as birds of conservation concern in Region 24 (Tables 3 and 4). The most commonly observed species was Canada goose (Branta Canadensis; 341 individual observations), which tends to travel and forage in large flocks, and is considered a nuisance species throughout its non-migratory range. Blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata; 304 observations), red bellied woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus; 290), tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor; 267), and Carolina chickadee (Poecile carolinensis; 220) were also commonly observed in the Preserve. The number of unique species accounted for no more than 8% of observations across the year. Table 3. Avian species and observations during the Griffy Lake Nature Preserve Inventory surveys from September 2020 to August 2021. Common Name Acadian flycatcher American crow American goldfinch American robin American tree sparrow bald eagle* Baltimore oriole barn swallow bay-breasted warbler belted kingfisher black-throated green warbler1 black vulture blue-gray gnatcatcher blue-headed vireo blue-winged teal blue jay brown-headed cowbird brown creeper brown thrasher Canada goose Carolina chickadee Carolina wren cedar waxwing chimney swift1 cliff swallow common grackle common loon common yellowthroat Cooper's hawk dark-eyed junco downy woodpecker eastern bluebird eastern kingbird


Scientific Name Empidonax virescens Corvus brachyrhynchos Spinus tristis Turdus migratorius Spizelloides arborea Haliaeetus leucocephalus Icterus galbula Hirundo rustica Setophaga castanea Megaceryle alcyon Setophaga virens Coragyps atratus Polioptila caerulea Vireo solitarius Spatula discors Cyanocitta cristata Molothrus ater Certhia americana Toxostoma rufum Branta canadensis Poecile carolinensis Thryothorus ludovicianus Bombycilla cedrorum Chaetura pelagica Petrochelidon pyrrhonota Quiscalus quiscula Gavia immer Geothlypis trichas Accipiter cooperii Junco hyemalis Dryobates pubescens Sialia sialis Tyrannus tyrannus


Number of Observations 36 135 174 65 2 1 19 35 1 31 1 6 14 1 14 304 35 7 3 341 220 108 66 5 2 18 1 32 3 1 129 62 7

December 2021

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