BlenderArt Magazine Issue 20 Make it! Bake it! Fake it!

Page 15


Big Bobby Car (Organic Surface Modeling). ready a quite impressive surface quality.

Finishing up the model with adding small features:

by Claas Kuhnen

Step 6 Through adding two loop-cuts at the displayed position I sharpened the edge of the engine block nicely. The right loop-cut was simply placed to the right of the original line. The left loop cut was not placed initially where it is right now. I added the loop-cut close to the left edge of the model and then moved it along the yaxis to form this sharp edge at engine block and having straight falling side surfaces sharply flowing into the surface of the fender.

Step 7 Now, to build the engine block itself I selected specific edge points and positioned them again along a nice even curve trying to prevent kinks. To make the seat area more soft, I also moved their edge points away from each other. Compare step 7 with 7-1 and you will see how much just some push and pulling can actually create al-

Step 8 At particular areas, I selected some faces and extruded them upwards to form the backrest and lamp bodies. While I was observing my reference images I was planning those in already. You can see this by how fine I started with step first, laying down already the required geometry for that later coming task. Step 9 As a finishing touch, I selected some front center points and moved them straight down to give the car a more child-like, smiling attitude and expression. Step 10 This image shows a problem with my engine block or hood edges. I highlighted the edge flow and you can see that those rings form a specific edge flow which is nice along the sides but does not continue infront of the hood along the smiling part of the fender. In this case I would need to re-arrange my edge flow and with the given model it might be quite difficult to achieve.

Issue 20 | Feb 2009 - Make it! Bake it! Fake it!


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