¿K-Pasa MARCH 2011?

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da Rea a t EloDespertar g ede una Riviera, A.C.



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OCV Hermosillo

Clubes Ecológicos de BK CCDI Islas del Golfo Club Deportivo KLK (Kino Ladies Klub) ¿Sabias que en BK? COFETUR IMCATUR O.C.V.



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The star of the party

New festivities of the Seri New Year, which had not been practiced for three decades, were recovered in 1985 and resumed on June 30th and July 1st Although the traditional date is marked by the first new moon of summer. The Seri New year coincides with the appearance of the star "cmamc" (meaning "women"), which appears in the sky on July the Gregorian calendar. After the party, people of the same sex embrace and people of the opposite share a handshake to wish each other a happy new year. The whole community prepares for this event that lasts about four days, making traditional Seri bread and dragon fruit wine. Every 28th and 29th of June, the council of elders of both communities Seris (Punta Chueca and Desemboque), accompanied by women and young men go into the desert to bring the dragon fruit used to make wine; tree branches to make the representative huts of the Seri people on the shores and decórate them with red and blue ribbons, the colors of the flag of the Comcaac nation. On June 30 the whole Comcaac community meets to celebrate their New Year. To this meeting all community members attend dressed in traditional costumes they make themselves. They are also wear ancestral paintings on thir face. Facial paintings vary according to the age of a person. At this celebration, they aslo perform traditional songs and dances. Food is distributed among all the traditional party-goers making gastronomic dishes like turtle broth and grilled fish. The New Year celebration is the only scheduled, all the others, like the celebration of puberty, the arrival of the seven turtle edges or certain rituals practiced in a cave, vary depending on nature and their needs of meditation.

Lic. Michelt Chávez Reyes Kino Bay CCDI


Tsunami In Kino


On Saturday 12 March, a big wave arrived on the beach. A wave of people! Despite the tsunami alert in the Pacific, rumors of big waves and bad weather in Kino and although Hermosillo authorities advised not to go to the beach, the good Kino sun and the beautiful and clean waters of the bay showed off caressing the many that dared to come. The people of Kino, like when there are rumors of storms, smiled and said the most common expression of BK, "Those things never happen in Kino. " Duncan Lagarda, a professional scuba diving instructor and hiking guide to Tiburón Island and Seri territory, told of how good he felt after diving that day, "I had never seen the water so calm, " he said when he asked if the tsunami had affected the waters north of Kino. Although we get occasional rain and wind during the rainy season, the reality is that Kino is a privileged place. Protected first from the Pacific Ocean by the Baja California peninsula and also by Tiburón Island.

Betty Martínez Kino Bay Tourism Office

Niños jugueteando en la playa el 12 de Marzo

The Second Wave Got The Streets Betty Martínez Kino Bay Tourism Office

Here Comes The Biggest Wave We can already hear the rattles and drums and rhythm. The pesos start to come out and the kids start to run! The “Fariseos” or "chapayecas" have arrived. It is a sig that we are only a few days from Easter. Beginning April 17th and ending April 24. As usual, Kino gets full from the 21st fhrough the 24th and then comes the already popular "Semana Diabla" or “Devil Week.” Some hotels are already booked! Don’t stay out In your car, go to www.bahiadekino.com.mx and make your reservation now.

Image: Eleazar Escobar/Expreso

The second wave arrived on March 19th. This one caused the cars on the Mar de Cortez Avenue to move slowly until the authorities opened Estela Boulevard. After that, everyone was able to enjoy a piece of sand and a refreshing swim. According to the Expreso newspaper, on Sunday evening, there were more cars entering than leaving. They estimated a total of 18,000 persons who came to Kino to celebrate the birth of Benito Juárez.



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Kino In The Snow This month the Kino Bay Tourism Office received an envelope with a postcard and a newspaper clipping of Castle Valley, Utah inside sent by Jake Burnett. In December 2010, an American couple approached the office with a sack of beans, rice and potatoes. They wanted it to go to families in need of Kino. Gradually, more and more donations began showing up. Making it possible that on December 23th 120 families received a bag of goodies each.

The article talked about Jake’s experience while joining us and the other volunteers who took these packages door to door. Because the response of local and foreign residents and seeing the impact this had on the families' homes, some of whom we found sick, widowed, etc. and keeping our promise to the community, El Despertar de una Riviera (The Awakening of a Riviera) will make this a tradition.

community to be part of this mission, that all Kino Bay has a plentyfull Christmas Eve every December 24. We have already received donations for this Christmas. If you wish to make a donation, contact the Kino Bay Tourism Office .

Betty Martínez Kino Bay Tourism Office

Jake, in his article, invited Castle Valley

Kino In Baja, A New Route... Following in the footsteps of the Jesuit missionary and his voyages to found missions, representatives of the tourism sector, hotels and restaurants, together with the Office of Conventions and Visitors of Hermosillo (OCV), headed north to promote our capital city and our beach to Tour Operators, Travel Agencies, professional associations, Industries, Chambers of Commerce and the Media in the cities of Tijuana and Mexicali. Inaugurating the "OC Van" with the experienced Hermosillo trolley driver, Hector Huez, we went our way up the new coastal highway that connects San Diego, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Tijuana, Mexicali and Ensenada, with the capital of Sonora and Kino Bay, along the Sonoran coast. With great satisfaction we found that the route is now a reality, and watching the sea of the Gulf of California and the landscape of the dunes of the Desert of Altar, we could imagine the potential of this route that includes the Pinacate Reserve, The Gulf of Santa Clara, Desemboque, Puerto Lobos, Puerto Libertad and finally Kino Bay its Tiburón Island, its beaches and Seri people. The primary purpose of the trip was to show potential visitors, tour operators and conventions in that región the facilities and attractions in Hermosillo and Kino Bay that they can enjoy if they make us their

choice for the realization of events or as a holiday destination. The videos on Sonora as a Bicentennial star, The Seri New Years: a tradition that is ours, and the oficial video for the city of Hermosillo were presented. These which showed the capacity and diversity our capital offers, "a city close to everything", and the magic and beauty of our Pearl of the Sea of Cortez (Kino Bay), with its fine cuisine, beautiful beaches, its rich fishing and the opportunity to experience a culture full of color, folklore and traditions. We invited them to witness the Seri New Year in late June and to participate in the KINOFEST and the International Corvina Fishing Tournament, but mainly to organize a vacation with the peace of mind that our state offers and particularly Hermosillo County. The delicious breakfast offered was Machaca (crushed, dried meat and coyotas. Seri crafts samples displayer– There were prizes raffled off along with some other prizes, which included Aeromexico trips from Mexicali to, their recently added direct flight destination, Hermosillo. At the end all we enjoyed a traditional Sonoran Danza del Venado dance.

Carlos Cumming Mexía El Despertar de una Riviera, A.C.




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On March 5th, Lic. Francisco Garcia Karam, General Director of the Office of Conventios and Visitors of Hermosillo (OCV), met with members of the El Despertar de una Riviera (Awakening of a Riviera) non-profit organization. Lic. García announced they "have a green light to anything" referring to the Kino Bay official promo video which the OCV of Hermosillo will film with the help of this organization. Attendees shared ideas for the video which Lic. Garcia called "The re-discovery of Kino. " This will be the first and only official video of Kino and will be filmed before the new Hermosillo promo video is filmed and then join them.

Betty Martínez Kino Bay Tourism Office

Lic. García Karan at the Kino Bay Tourism Office

Gloria Rivera García, Prof. Jesús Munguía Santacruz, Luis Alberto López Murrieta y David Amado Moreno, members of El Despertar de una Riviera non-profit organization.

Did You Know That In Kino Bay...? In the Seri tribe, in the songs and chants that have to do with the sea, there are many different types of animals. According to Seri beliefs, each animal gives different powers. For example: the songs to the sharks: make a person brave, the songs to the whales: make him/her able to carry heavy things, songs to the pelicans: give good eyesight, songs to fish: give you good luck for fishing and the songs to seagulls: give you the ability to predict where you will have good luck fishing.

Lic. Michelt Chávez Reyes Kino Bay CCDI



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Kino Photo Contest

This photo won 1st place in the March Digital Photo Contest.. Taken by Emmanuel Freakdesign With the main goal to promote the appreciation and preservation of places, flora and fauna of Kino Bay and everything related to "The Seri world" the non-profit organization El Despertar de una Riviera (The Awakening of a Riviera), through their Tourism Office, launched the first monthly digital photography contest: Images of Kino 2011. Calling the people of Hermosillo, Kino, foreign residents Kino and photography lovers, to send in their monthly photos to compete and possibly win a prize. Among the prizes are free hotel nights, catamaran rides, breakfasts and dinners, discounts on Kino businesses and more. Emmanuel Hernandez Benitez, from Hermosillo, better known as "Emmanuel Freakdesign", was the first winner. Emmanuel has a degree in graphic design and multimedia. He is 22 years of age and besides taking stunning photographs, he spends his free time playing guitar and surfing the internet. When asked what he liked the most in Kino Bay, Emmanuel replied: "I love the pier, Kino Nuevo, San Nicolas, Alcatraz Island, Black Moutain….. I like ALL Kino. " Because of the cost, Emmanuel has no professional equipment, but still he is the lense behing some wonderful photographs. See other photos of Emmanuel and other contestants on our facebook page. The April contest has already begun. Send us your best shot!

Betty Martínez Kino Bay Tourism Office




Ecoligical Home

On 4 March the Carrillo-Furcadez family of Kino Bay received theis new home. Before making the official presentation and cutting of the ribbon with the help of the little Carrillo Furcadez, the lady of the new house, Nora Furcadez said: "It's a very nice feeling because it changes our lives completely ... we can all have a different life in all aspects, I am very excited. " The house was built with cardboard, pallets, cement and galvanized sheets and it is 40+ square meters. Betty Martínez Kino Bay Tourism Office Nora Furcadez & Joel Carrillo The municipal president, Kino Bay mayor with the little ones cutting the ribbon

We’ve Got a Date For The Hyperbaric Chamber While in Kino to deliver the keys of the ecological house to a Kino family, Mrs. Marcela Gandara Fernandez, wife of the current Hermosillo municipal president, took a few minutes to announce in front of the media, authorities, fishermen, divers and families who were present, that "between September and October it will certainly be here ....". Speaking to Mr. Gandara Magaña, added: "We don’t want only 1, we want 2, a specialized one for divers and one for other diseases ... We need 2 Mr. President. " The funds of the Gastronomic Fair of the KINOFEST 2010 and International Corvina Fishing Tournament were handed over to DIF as a contribution to the acquisition of the chamber. It is a joy and definitely a great relief to know that the efforts will not be in vain and soon we can help prevent injuries and restore damages our divers suffer.

“Between september & october it will certainly be here….”

Betty Martínez Kino Bay Tourism Office Mrs. Marcela Fernández de Gándara

Keep On Swimming, Swimming, Swimming The Sports Commission, in coordination with the Sonoran Swimming Asociation and with the support of the Swim Team Masters of Sonora, calls on all clubs and individuals who practice swimming to participate in the aquatic event called “Cruce De Bahía (Bay Crossing) Alcatraz 2011”. In the Mr. Miguel Cuevas Lozano edition. The event will be held in Kino Bay - Sunday May 22, 2011. Registration will cost $ 200.00 pesos for adults, $ 150.00 for the children's category and $ 100 for fishermen, divers and students residing in BK. Visit www.bahiadekino.com.mx for more information or contact the following emails: gonzalorocharoldan@hotmail.com, sonoramasters@gmail.com, czarina_montano@hotmail.com, ó bahiakino@hotmail.com


Finaly, What You Always Wanted In Kino 7

Casablanca Inn, like brought from a Humphrey Bogart movie. The place with the perfect blend to make you feel pleased to give something of superior quality to your family. Relive all the romance and adventure of your favorite beaches, Be overwhelmed by the impressive selection of color in their rooms and the perfume of its gardens, treat yourself to the exquisite flavors created by expert chefs, get carried away by the atmosphere of the bar and fall in love with the view and sea breeze. Casablanca Inn is the best place to relax in comfort and safety. With 7 new rooms, private parking with dedicated surveillance 24 hours a day. The new and elegant hotel and restaurant bar Kino Bay near Kino Bay’s Club Deportivo and the ramps to go fishing or yachting on the Sea of Cortez. Casablanca Inn awaits you who demand only the best quality. Niños jugueteando en la playa el 12 de Marzo

We are located in the Sea of Cortez 674 Corner of Kino Nuevo Santander. Make your reservations now at (662) 242-0777. Or email us at casablancainn@aol.com

Around Your Island: Kayak Competition With the goal of promoting the sport of kayaking, promoting the natural wonders and support sustainable development in Kino, Kayak Club and Kino Bay invite you to this annual Kayak competition around Alcatraz island on its 2nd edition. Competition is on June 5th 2011. The paddling distance from Alcatraz Island to the beach is 6.5-8 km. The cost will be $ 150.00 pesos. The categories are: Women's K1, K1-Men 35, Men's K1-K2-36 and Open. For additional information regarding the event visit www.bahiadekino.com.mx or contact Ana Isabel López. Nextel: (662) 197 0105 ID: 62*1043645*4 ana@servus.mx Sergio Quiroz ecorides@gmail.com Carlos Cumming casitasdelmar@hotmail.com




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¿K-Pasa BK? Is the official NEWSLETTER for El Despertar de una Riviera, A.C. Our visión is to transform Kino Bay into a development center that fosters the growth of their habitants in harmony with their natural resources, based mainly on seals of quality "eco-resort" and "Sea Technological Park"

Visit us at www.bahiadekino.com.mx

Kino Bay Tourism Office El Despertar de una Riviera, A.C.

(662) 2-42-0408 www.bahiadekino.com.mx bahiakino@hotmail.com kinofest@hotmail.com eldespertardeunariviera@hotmail.com



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April 18-24: EASTER WEEK 25-01: “SEMANA DIABLA” (DEVIL WEEKK) May 5-19: Open Sea Fishing Tournament (Organized by Kno Bait & Tackle) 22: Bay Crossing (Cruce de Bahía-Alcatraz 2011) 28,29: VI nternational Veteran’s Baseball Tournament ( 6 teams: Tucson, Phoenix….) June 5: Kayaks Competition “Around your island”

Would you like us to include an article and or potos of your business in our next edition? Call us at (662) 2-42-0408 Or email us at bahiakino@hotmail.com

©All rights reserved to El Despertar de una Riviera, A.C. The opinions expressed in the articles are the sole responsibility of the autor.

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