¿K-Pasa BK? JUNE 2011

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Seri New Year Pages 2,3

Day Of The Navy Page 4

Kayak Tour Page 5

Photography Contest Page 6

Did You Know That In Kino Page 7

Fishing Tournament Meeting

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The Seri New Year After 45 minutes of traveling on a deteriorated dirt road that will soon be replaced by pavement, between stories and pictures, the "igüibus" finally arrived at Punta Chueca, the Seri villaje located 25 km from Kino. With a view of Punta Chueca on the horizon, Tiburón Island as a backdrop and the sun playing hide and seek between the sky and the island, we stopped to perpetuate this image and others of osprey who studied us above. Minutes later we arrived at one of the celebration spots where the Seri flag waved behind a stage where the festivities would later begin with the beating of the drums and thre guitar trio accompanied by the voice of the lead Singer of Hamac Cazzim. Young & old dressed in their colorful outfits jumped and danced in the center while we watched before we finally gave in to the music. In another place nearby the scene was that of a game that has been played for thousands of years. But this time it included the flashes from the visitors’ cameras. The women seemed to not notice them, they were too concentrated on the laughther, the sticks and prizes of their game, their tradition. Behind them, on a wooden platform, a man begins to dance and children soon followed. Including the star of the night, the beautiful “tiny dancer”(see page 2).

Page 8

Meeting With IMCATUR Page 8

Road To Punta Chueca Page 9

Hermosillo Pág. 10

We sat on the sand and listened attentively to the singing and the shell. Suddenly, about midnight, a breeze from the sea and the island began to move in. It seemed to bring with if a soft echo, almost like a whisper. This whisper filled our ears and the whole body with a strange sensation. It was as if the whisper was the voices of the spirits of the ancient Seri people who, from the island and the sky, united their voices to accompany the singer. So as to continue celebrating this great feast for all eternity. That night the menu for our group included cactus fruit, pitahaya wine and mezquite candy. The next day, breakfast at Los Náufragos restaurant. (see last page) Within the group was a photographer who collaborated to Geomundo (Geo World). Part of the experience we had was documented by him to present to Natinal Geographic Latin America.

Betty Martínez Kino Bay Tourism Office Images: Jesús de la Torre, Betty Martínez

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What We Encountered At The New Year


Hamac Caziim The tiny dancer with shells on his feet learning at this age the importance of his traditions.

Images: Betty Martínez & Jesús de la Torre

Seri rock band



Aboard the “Igüibus”

Jesús de la Torre

Images: Betty Martínez & Jesús de la Torre

Santa Rosa Estuary

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Celebrating The Day Of The Navy In Kino On Wednesday June 1 activity at the pier began early. But there were no vendors or tourists. Instead, it was citizens and local authorities listening to the mass of the National Day of the Mexican Navy. On that day all the services that the Secretary of the Navy provides for the country were recognized. It was also the time to remember and honor those who have fallen serving their country by lowering a wreath into the water. The National Navy provides help in case of disasters caused by extreme weather, they provides support in operations against drug trafficking, protect the natural resources that are located in our seas, preventing foreign fishing vessels entering our waters to fish our most valuable species, and particularly the Navy monitors, prevents any attempts and defends foreign invasion by sea. The total territory they oversee is three million square kilometers 149 000 920, ie 1.5 times larger than the land territory of the Republic. Source: http://redescolar.ilce.edu.mx

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Kayaks Ahoy!

With very calm waters and a nice sunny day, kayakers began their tour around the island of Alcatraz early morning on June 5th. The tour was organized by the Kino Kayak Club. This time there was no entry fee, however, a donation was asked for the Apóyate en Mi (lean on me) foundation for cancer patients. There are plans for a competition on the first Sunday of KINOFEST 2011. The Kino rescue team was there very early in the morning & stayed with the kayakers until the end

Roberto Medina arriving back at the

Nationals & foreigners alike participated in the tour

John Parks is greeted by his pup at his return. John was the first one to complete the tour.

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Kino In June

This is the winning photo of the June photo contest held monthly on our facebook page. The artist’s name is Morelos Alvarez Perez but facebookers know him as "El Chelis." Chelis, who is a salesman, is 46 years old and is from Miguel Alemán. When asked what he likes best about Kino and his inspiration for the photo he said: "... Its calm waters… When they opened the gate I saw paradise. The wind, sea, the fishing boats and the sun ... Kino. Where God rested on the seventh day. “ Chelis has won a meal for 2 at Restaurant Paula. Congratulations Chelis! To view these and other magnificent images of June and other months, visit us on facebook.

2nd place by Samuel Vargas

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3rd place by Ana Arvizu


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Did You Know That In Kino… They’ve Got BLUE FEET? Indeed, on Alcatraz Island off the beaches of Bahia de Kino nests the blue-footed booby bird whose scientific name is (Sula nebouxii). This island and all of the Gulf of California is used by most of the seabirds to nest, raise their young and inhabit, so you must be very careful if you visit them. The blue-footed booby bird seems very slow on land but it is an ace in the water as it dives several meters under the sea to catch small fish like sardines to feed and to feed their chicks . This bird is named after the blue coloration on their webbed feet. It is one of the birds that are known for their diving but is very unique because it can dive for several minutes to catch fish on which to feed. It is commonly observed in boat rides, so no need to land on the islands to see them. Niños jugueteando en la playa el 12 de Marzo

The blue-footed booby bird lives in the Pacific waters of Mexico, it can be seen on the beaches, pangas up on the docks, but it only mates in the islands of the Sea of Cortez which are considered sanctuaries for nesting birds. It is recommended that if you visit Alcatraz Island and decide to enter it, do it with help of a specialist guide who will lead them in paths of safety established Dr. Alfredo Campaña Torres

The Blue-Footed Booby (Sula nebouxii), another bird that lives and breeds in the Sea of Cortez, and Alcatraz island off the beaches of Bahia de Kino.

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2nd Fishing Tournament Meeting

At the second meeting of the organizing committee for the Curvina Fishing Tournament, took place on Thursday 23 June at Eco Bay hotel. The committee has decided to organize fishing clinics in the months August through October, to offer classes on casting, basic types of fish and fishing for children. Also as of this day, you can now begin to pay for your ticket to participate in the tournament. Simply by visit any of the committee members. You can pay from $ 20 to full price tickets in presale. The committee plans to recruit the Kino ecology clubs to participate as assistant area inspectors on both days of the tournament. The fishing tournament begins on November 11th with the ice-breaker event on the dock with food, drink and entertainment for participants.

Betty Martínez Kino Bay Tourism Office

Fly to Kino Bay Gladys Morales, Carlos Pereyra, Carlos Cumming, Luis Alberto Lopez, Jaudiel Ruíz, Germán Ruíz, Mary Perales, Profesor Munguía and Pamela Crutchfield were all present at the meeting with representatives of IMCATUR (Institute of Culture, Art & Tourism) where they addressed various topics such as KINOFEST, brochures and promotion of Hermosillo and Kino, the Seri New Year and the Kino Bay airport. The latter, Gladys expressed, "will be in use within 1 or 2 months..." Betty Martínez Oficina de Atención al Visitante de BK

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After The Pitahaya Wine… Cement! The day after the New Year celebration, the Seri community received the Ministry of Infrastructure and Urban Development (Siddur) who officialy declared the begining of the construction for the road that will connect Bahía de Kino to Punta Chueca. It will be a 20 kilometer paved road which is earmarked as an initial investment of 50 million pesos together siddur and the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (CDI). "(The) road will give the reason for the development of a community ... We are going to lead to Bahia de Kino ... (and) heading north to Puerto Libertad ...." And the outer Jose Ines Palafox. "I think this is one of the most important advances we'll have as a (Seri) people. This will be a big step for our economy, our development in our communities, I am very grateful to have had this wise action ... " Expressed the Seri governor, Gabriel Hoefer. Mr. Antonio Robles from the Council of Elders also showed his gratitude by saying: "The Engineer came with us, we appreciate because we're happy with it, will make the road will be built." Soon the project will join the coastal road from Puerto Penasco coming to Kino Bay, but still more work envisaged for the development of this community. Such as a tourist module in Seri territory. "Where can you express your culture, to express their religion and to sell to tourists visiting Punta Chueca... " Concluded Jose Ines Palafox, Secretary of Infrastructure and Urban Development. Source: Ignacio Ríos SIDUR Edited by Betty Martínez Kino Bay Tourism Office

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Tour Hermosillo & Kino On Your Cell The city of Hermosillo and the OCV (Office of Conventions and Visitors) announced a program that puts Hermosillo city at the forefront of technology through an application that can be downloaded directly via text message on cell phones from our visitors. This unprecedented project in northwestern Mexico, the only one of its kind in the country, will complement all efforts to position the brand HMO. To download the Hermosillo and Kino guide to your cell phone, send the word "hmomovil" to number 28836. You can also do free of charge through the website www.guiasmmc.com / guides / hmomovil / download and only requires connecting the phone via USB cable.

Hermosillo On The “Top 10” Javier Gandara Magaña Mayor commented that the launch technological guidance Hermosillo mobile is linked to the recognition Hermosillo received in recent These are the 10 cities of the future: days. Hermosillo is now considered one of the "top 10 cities of the future in Latin America." The criteria taken into account in determining this ranking among others:

*Economic Growth *Infrastructure *Human resources *Quality of life *Strategic promotion

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Kino Bay Tourism Office El Despertar de una Riviera, A.C. Carretera Hermosillo-Bahía de Kino 6-A

(662) 2-42-0408 www.bahiadekino.com.mx bahiakino@hotmail.com kinofest@hotmail.com eldespertardeunariviera@hotmail.com

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Our Seri New Year group at their breakfast

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