Bizarre Beyond Belief Volume. 1 Issue #6

Page 18

BBB:: On that note because you have so many elements in a piece, when do you know a work is finished?

the market in my province, I had to get jobs elsewhere to be able to earn a living as an illustrator. Now I get most

P-PP: I feel that questions 1 and 2 combined answers this question. BBB: What are your primary tools for creating work? P-PP: My images are a mix of collage, acrylic paint, watercolour, pen and digital transformation in Photoshop. BBB: What are your thoughts of traditional versus digital illustration? P-PP: I simply think that whatever mediums you use to achieve a good picture it is always the result that is important. Even if it is obvious that my images have been done using a computer I, most of the time, include textures, handmade elements (discreet although) in them. It enriches the composition and is part of what I want to give to the final look of the image. BBB: How do you feel being a Canadian or more specifically a Quebec artist affects success in your field? P-PP: Nowadays artists, illustrators can work for clients all over the world. I was lucky at the beginning of my career to receive an immediate positive response about my work from art directors here in Montreal. As time went by I got more experienced and looked for jobs in English Canada. I got jobs there also. I then looked to the U.S.A and elsewhere. So the fact that there was a good market around me was very helpful to start my career. I couldn’t only live from


of my jobs from English Canada (mainly Alberta) and from Europe. A little bit here and in the U.S.A as well. So, to

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