April Connection

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Connection APRIL 2022




Kevin Strege ...................................................................... Chair Wendy Van Duyne .......................................................Vice-Chair Matt Sagaser ................................................................Secretary Mike Schmitz ................................................................Treasurer Valerie Weigel ............................................................ Past Chair


Evan Anderson ...........................................................Gizmonics Steve Bakken ......................................................City of Bismarck Andrea Birst ...............................................Glance Spa & Salon Nathan Boehm ....................................................Morton County Dave Ehlis ..............................................................Bravera Bank Fred Fridley .........................................................Sanford Health Heather Jones .............................................City Air Mechanical Amber Larson......................................................City of Mandan Becky Matthews ................................................Burleigh County Allan Miller ............................................................Anyleaks, Inc. Lee Pierce .........................................................ICON Architects Marnie Piehl .......................................................................AARP Mike Remboldt ................................................................HIT Inc. Matt Sagaser ......................................................Doosan Bobcat Mike Schmitz ......................................Schmitz-Holmstrom CPAs Garret Senger ...............................Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. Kevin Strege ................................................Credit Foundations Wendy Van Duyne .....................Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Valerie Weigel .......................Basin Electric Power Cooperative


Brian Ritter .......................................................President & CEO Nate Brown......................................................Sales Coordinator Katelyn Corrigan ............ Small Business Outreach Coordinator Aasta Eggert .......Economic Development Marketing Specialist Ross Frohlich ............................................Membership Director Mary Kempenich........................Workforce Marketing Specialist Christine Nelson ....................................Event & Sales Manager Rebecca Pelkey .................................Communications Specialist Elliot Rust ................................................Chief Financial Officer Lyndsey Scheurer .........................Creative Marketing Specialist Nathan Schneider ................................................Vice President Cathryn Sprynczynatyk .....................Communications Specialist

1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck, ND 58503 701-223-5660 • www.bismarckmandan.com

CONTACT INFORMATION Advertising Nate Brown nbrown@bmcedc.com

Content Rebecca Pelkey rpelkey@bmcedc.com

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f all goes as planned, between the time I write this and the time you are reading it, the City of Bismarck’s Street Utility Fee Task Force will have presented recommended next steps to the City Commission. This is an important project and it is important the business community understand the history, as it is just one of many projects that the Chamber EDC works on and take years to develop. The topic of special assessments was raised in both Bismarck and Mandan. The Bismarck-specific discussions progressed to the concept of eliminating one type of specials, those on street maintenance, to be replaced with a monthly fee on each property owner’s utility bill. When the concept was developed, it seemed like a simple answer. However, that “simple” answer took four months of task force meetings, two legislative sessions, and another eight months of task force meetings to bring us to where we are today. The proposed concept is to replace unpredictable special assessments with a stable, monthly fee which would: eliminate uncertainty for property owners, eliminate the costs of bond issuance, and reduce both interest payments and complex administration. The mindset is to use a community-wide fee to support a community-wide street system. While the concept has questions to be answered and details to be defined, the Task Force has forwarded it to the Bismarck City Commission to delineate a fully implementable plan to be discussed with the public; a discussion that may end with a November ballot measure. One critical point of awareness as we move towards a vote is this; what’s proposed is that one type of special assessment would be replaced by this fee. Special assessments on new developments will be addressed separately by the City Commission. This has been a long, complex process and is representative of many projects that the Chamber EDC is engaged in. Continuity on these projects is critical and is accomplished through staff involvement and the progression of Chamber EDC Members onto the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, etc. forming our corporate memory. My message this month is the same as it has been in each of my prior columns. The Chamber EDC is actively working to provide programs, services, and advocacy in support of the business community. My goal, while I have the privilege of writing this column, is to raise awareness of the critical actions and countless hours that staff and volunteers commit to these broad scope, less visible projects which provide value to our members.

Kevin Strege, Chair Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC

twitter.com/bismancedc facebook.com/bismancedc @bismancedc

Connection 3 3


WOMEN IN BUSINESS By Cathryn Sprynczynatyk North Dakota is ahead of the curve when it comes to women-owned businesses. According to the North Dakota Women’s Business Center, 42.9 percent of all small businesses in North Dakota are owned by women. By comparison, only 11.69 percent of small businesses in the United States are owned by women. Connection magazine is profiling four businesswomen across four different industries: restaurants, motorcycles, events, and golf.

TELL US ABOUT YOUR CAREER PATH. We emigrated from China in 1994. Since my grandpa, our family has owned businesses. My grandpa made shoes by hand. His shoes are very famous and popular in his town. China had some political stuff going on. They combined rich people’s money with the poor people to make it even. After that, my family was struggling.

I immigrated to the U.S. when I was a teenager. My parents worked at a little restaurant in Wyoming for three years. My parents thought, “We know how to do this. Why don’t we go out and look for a restaurant? All you have to do is know how to cook good food.” We bought the Rice Bowl in Mandan in 1998. We were looking into ads in a Chinese newspaper. Whoever wanted to sell a restaurant would have an ad in that national newspaper. Since North Dakota is pretty close to Wyoming, we came here first to check it out. We checked out a few others. Why did we end up in Mandan? We were in college at that time. There were two colleges here. There are some major hospitals here. There is a shopping mall. There is a theater. The city is big enough that we can do something.

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Photo Credit: Rebecca Brick

Sammi Wu

Owner and Operator, Mandan and Bismarck Culver’s

CONNECTION | FEATURE We thought if we moved to a city with a job, we all have to go to different jobs, and we might not meet every day. With a restaurant we would see each other every day and could take care of each other as a new immigrant family. Later, my husband and I bought International Restaurant & Mongolian Grill... Eventually, the landlord bought us out (of the lease). My husband’s family owned a company in China that exported luxury furniture to Europe. Our oldest daughter was 7-years-old. We thought she could go back to China and learn Chinese, which I really wanted her to do. We moved back to China in 2007, exporting luxury furniture to Europe. Then, the 2008 recession came. The export company was not doing very well. We moved back in 2010 and bought the Rice Bowl from my parents. Living in China we got some great recipe ideas. We were listed in the Top 100 Chinese restaurants in 2012. In 2018, we became the franchisee for Culver’s in Mandan. Mandan is a small town ... We thought, “Mandan gave us a lot. When we first came to Mandan, people supported us.” When I was running the Rice Bowl, customers brought their kids to eat. Those kids grew up, and they brought their kids as well. We had to do something for Mandan ... Then in 2021, we opened Culver’s in Bismarck. Other places serve people without heart. They just serve food. We wanted a family friendly restaurant. Culver’s has that. Their slogan is “Every guest who chooses Culver's leaves happy.”


Right now, I’m proud of a lot of youngsters working with me. They were here since they were 14. Now, they are ready to graduate high school. They are good leaders. Some people who start here, go from not knowing anything to becoming a good manager. They have a lot of confidence in themselves. Culver’s gave us a really good chance to grow together. I grow; they grow. Maybe soon they will leave for their next job, and they will be good for the society. I am so proud to join Culver’s and make all these things happen. Craig Culver always said, “Train people well, treat people well, and that will be good for the society.”


Study more. The more you study, the higher degree you get, you have more knowledge. Management is very important. Don’t give up. Running a business is not easy. It’s never easy. Don’t give up. Don’t let other people turn you down. Be strong.


Opening this. Opening a business is always a risk. Nobody will promise you that if you open a business you will gain. Maybe you will lose. Any business that you open, you take a risk. It seems like everything is planned ahead of time by God. If you believe it, you just have to do it. I always say that God plans everything ahead of time for you. You just follow the lead and try your best to do it. If you just sit at home and wait for things to happen, that’s not going to work.

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Growing up, no one ever talked to me about a career path or educational goals. Just by sheer luck, I stumbled into School of Business at Minot State College. It was a eureka moment. “This is what I want to do.” ... In the late-1990s, my husband Dusty was employed with American Honda Motor Company as a district sales manager in Michigan. I was working for a software company as an implementation specialist. When the tech bubble burst in 2001, I lost my job. Simultaneously, Honda was pressuring Dusty to move to the corporate office in southern California. That’s not what he wanted to do. We decided to try to strike out on our own and buy a motorcycle dealership. I had always wanted to own my own business. It was always in the back of my mind. I was coldcalling dealers to see who was on the market — Wisconsin, North Dakota, Minnesota. I coldcalled Ryan Thompson who owned Sioux Cycles in Mandan. “Do you know of any dealerships in North Dakota who might be for sale?” He said, “How did you know we were for sale?” I said, “I didn’t, but you just told me, so let’s talk.”


Almost everyone I’ve met has been a mentor, because I ask a lot of questions. If I see someone who has had a good idea or some success, I’m not timid. I’ll ask them, “How did you get that idea? How did you go about it?”

Photo Credit: Rebecca Brick

Annette Behm-Caldwell Dealer Principal Open Road Honda


I think the biggest risk is the one you’re about to take. You look back. Yes, you took risks before. Since it worked out, it doesn’t feel like a risk anymore. The biggest risk is the next one you are about to take. I believe in due diligence. I don’t like to be fool-hardy. If we are making a big financial decision, I like to do my due diligence to make the best decision we can. I always like to maintain my walk-away power. Sometimes it’s hard when others are pressuring you to make a certain decision, but if it's not in the best interest of my business or customers, I have to say no. And that’s hard.

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Still being in business after 20 years. When we first opened, word on the street was we would last one or two years, because we did things differently. Developing this exceptional team of people who are really poised to take this business to the next level. Having the good reputation in our market as being fair, reliable, and customer-focused. That means a lot for me. We work hard every day.


Jump in. If it’s your passion, then take the opportunity if it comes. Know that it’s a 24/hour commitment that you’re making, but I love it. You’re going to have to have a thick skin. It’s not uncommon for men to assume I know nothing because I am a female. I have learned to smile and let it go. I get a little smirk of delight when they realize I knew what I was talking about after all. Or when they realize who they are talking to. They often think I’m the receptionist or the boss’ wife. You can’t let it get to you. You can’t let it affect how you work with that customer.

Trust your gut instinct. We women try to be such pleasers. One minute, I’m baking cookies because it’s somebody’s birthday at work. The next minute, I’m having a serious discussion about that employee’s attitude at work. We want to be people pleasers, but we can’t always be people pleasers. Oftentimes, it’s harder for women to fire people. That was my weakness in the first 10 years. I hated it, so I was always putting it off. Then, I realized I was doing a disservice to the team, because they were harming the team.

An important role women can play is to respectfully but politely speak their knowledge, speak their minds. Sometimes it is disregarded because you’re a woman, but you can’t let that hold you back.

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Rachel Jungling Owner, Letter the Lawn

Photo Credit: Rebecca Brick


I taught middle school art for eight years and then I left, but I still wanted to do something creative. After my son died unexpectedly, I was looking to do something I cared about and still spend time with my kids. Celebrating people was a great fit. I had thought of starting this business in December of 2019. As the pandemic rolled around in March 2020, I saw birthday after birthday go by with people trying to celebrate in a way they had never celebrated before. I couldn’t sit on this idea anymore. I had to help people celebrate — so did everyone else around the country. The vendors were backed up, and we didn’t receive our signs until graduation in May.


Our mission at Letter the Lawn is to celebrate and honor life. Every birthday is a gift. I had planned a first birthday party for my twins, Anders and Linnea, but my son Anders died unexpectedly right before their first birthday. This made me want to celebrate every birthday even more. No birthday is guaranteed. I want to help people celebrate special days, ordinary days, every single day.

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Starting this business. It turns out I’ve lived a pretty safe life. We used the money from our tax return to start it. I was hoping financially I could just make that back, and it would be extra exciting if it surpassed that. When I left full-time employment as a teacher, my priorities just shifted. It’s not that I was making millions before, but I was just fine with less. It was worth it to be home, hanging out with the kids. Maybe we’re not doing quite as many extra things as we had been. It has been such a humbling and pleasant surprise that our community has supported us and helped make this business a success. I’m very right-brained. I was really worried about figuring out a lot of the business administration tasks and left-brained things. I really want to do my best, and thankfully I've had a lot of people help me along the way with their areas of expertise.

WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO OTHER WOMEN LOOKING TO PURSUE A CAREER IN YOUR FIELD? Don’t do this alone. Find other people who are doing something like this and watch what they do. Hire somebody else right off the bat. My biggest regret was not hiring someone sooner. I was leery of trusting someone else with doing the crazy things that I do, and I could not be prouder of our team.

If you are looking to (leave full-time employment and) spend more time with your kids, be okay with less than 100 percent of time with your kids. Be okay with letting someone else watch the kids for a few hours while you work on your business — so you can be fully present and not on the computer while you’re with your kids. I have a friend who watches the kids a few hours each week so that I can work on the business, and she has been so great for our family.


The question I get the most from customers is, “Do you golf?” It started in middle school. My mom was the manager of our hometown golf course in New Town. My sisters and I would spend the summers picking up range balls and golfing with our dad. We all continue to golf and enjoy playing together when we can. I attended college in Fargo and worked in restaurants as a server. I also came back one summer and worked as the manager of the club house in New Town. I started to gain experience as a supervisor and manager. I really enjoyed it. But my degree is in healthcare administration so I worked a few years in the healthcare industry after college. Completely different. I’ve always thought about operating my own business, so I started looking at franchises. I found some retail golf businesses, but they didn’t include restaurant and golf simulators. Their model is just club fitting, club repair, and selling equipment. Being in North Dakota we needed a winter business, too. We got the idea to combine everything. I already had the experience with restaurant and bar, so it all came together.


Photo Credit: Rebecca Brick

Genevieve Hall General Manager and Co-Owner, Golf Etc.

After 5 years in business, we purchased our building and remodeled. We added more simulators, more equipment brands, more staff. Our league participation has doubled since we opened. We are currently expanding again with the addition of a lounge for parties and events. Our staff has won club fitting and coaching awards. I’m proud of our staff. We’ve accomplished a lot since the beginning and at a very fast pace.


After we had decided we were going forward with Golf Etc., we signed the lease on our building. We had put down a big payment on our golf simulators. Then, we found out another golf store was opening the same time as we were. We almost put everything on hold, but we also knew we had a unique plan. Luckily it all worked out, but it was a big risk to see if Bismarck-Mandan could support two golf stores.


We don’t have to do everything ourselves. You find people who have experience that you don’t. You ask questions. People are willing to share what they know if you ask. Keep reading. Listen to podcasts. Talk to other business owners. Invest in your employees and allow them to grow with you. Keep doing what you enjoy. Usually what we enjoy is what we’re good at. Don’t be afraid to lean on other people who have experience. In the beginning, there was some resistance that a lady was operating a golf shop. I did complete the club fitting training certification. I had to learn about the products. We’ve grown into a business that has been able to showcase the talent of the guys who work here. Now I get to focus on running a successful business, and the guys get to do what they enjoy. We’ve all grown together and figured out our individual strengths that contribute to the business.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The interviews have been edited for length and clarity.

Connection 3 9


04.28.22 Bismarck Event Center

Registration/Social: 5:30PM

Dinner: 7–9PM

Business Formal | Black Tie Event

Antonina and David, the Mentalists, perform an extraordinary show of mind reading and telepathy. This international mind reading couple has captivated audiences around the country performing their talents. This show has been described as “extremely interactive and mind-blowing.” For example, it includes revealing thoughts, future predictions, and many unbelievable coincidences. In fact, one of the highlights of the show is their telepathy act. It is a unique performance art that was originally a specialty act during the times of Vaudeville theater and is rarely seen nowadays. Overall, what makes these multitalented performers’ show truly unique is they not only entertain you, but also make you a part of the mind-blowing experience that is mentalism. This double threat brings a unique multicultural mind reading performance that makes for an unforgettable show!



$75 $125

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S u o p o Y n s k o n rs! a h T



Connection 3 11

MEMBER PROFILE | CONNECTION Stage Stop Saloon has been a Chamber EDC member since 2018.

Luke Clausen STAGE STOP LIQUORS/SALOON Tell us about yourself and your role within your business. A: I’m Luke Clausen, and I have been the owner of Stage Stop Saloon, Grill & Liquors since May 2018. I made the fortunate decision to move my family to Mandan 12 years ago. The community welcomed us in, and we have adopted it as our own. My children excelled in one of the top school districts in the state and have taken great pride in becoming Mandan Braves. In addition to owning Stage Stop, I also have a background in oil and gas. I worked in the field for more than 30 years and have owned an oil and gas consulting firm for the past 15.

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I had a desire to be a part of the local business community and gained that opportunity with Stage Stop. As this was my first endeavor into the restaurant/bar & retail alcohol markets, the learning curve was steep. In addition to the financial role, I oversee the business, working with the GM and his assistants and helping out with whatever may come up. There is no lack of opportunities for hard work around here.

CONNECTION | MEMBER PROFILE Briefly tell us the history behind Stage Stop Liquors/ Saloon and how you got started. A: The legendary Stage Stop Saloon was near my home and quickly became my favorite place to spend time. It was founded and run by the Helbling family since its inception in the 70’s. When the family decided to put Stage Stop up for sale, it felt like a great opportunity to take on a new challenge and be involved in a place with a rich history. First thing on the list was a renovation. The goal was to maintain the historic character of the place while integrating my own vision and modernizing the facility at the same time. We concentrated on the liquor store, initially, and were able to open by December of 2018. The restaurant and bar portion opened in late March of the following year. How has the growth of Bismarck-Mandan impacted Stage Stop Liquors/Saloon? A: A growing population has had the benefit of an additional customer and employee base. That growth has also increased the number of competitors in our space. Some of our growth has been extremely difficult to assess due to the challenges surrounding the Covid-19 issue. People were cautious of public spaces and changed their dining and entertainment habits. We have the distinct advantage of having the liquor store, and our sales there doubled during that time. We are still actively trying to capitalize on the community growth, as we are busy with making changes to our interior to accommodate families. What trends are taking place in your industry? A: It is probably no great surprise that technology is leading the way. New innovations are driving efficiencies in numerous ways which we either need to be a part of or be left behind. Some of more trendy products we have been looking at range from combination speed ovens that cook in minutes versus hours; digital ordering using mobile apps let us take care of our customers where they are at; lighter and smaller energy efficient equipment that handle three times the work at half the cost; and restaurant management systems that are integrating everything from the front of the house to the back office together. These new products are helping us to improve the guest experience and maximize profits at the same time.

Have there been any monumental changes within your industry that you’ve had to deal with? A: The pandemic has absolutely created monumental challenges and changes in our industry. The shutdowns started about a year after we opened, and as a new business owner, we were presented with unprecedented challenges right out of the gate. We had to deal with the mandates; from being closed altogether to limited operating hours with fewer patrons due to distancing requirements. That was followed by ever increasing food prices and employee shortages. We have pulled together, forged ahead, and are hopeful for a return to the pre-Covid economy. What does the future of Stage Stop Liquors/Saloon look like and the industry as a whole look like to you? A: We are very thankful to have weathered what we think is the worst of the pandemic storm and are seeing signs of recovery. It has been tough to see that not everyone in our industry has fared as well. In other parts of the country, there are those that had it much worse and were unable to continue operating. An article in Forbes earlier this year reported that 10 percent of our peers did not survive. At Stage Stop, we see that customers are increasingly returning, and I am feeling increased confidence that the future at the Stage Stop is, once again, very bright. Stage Stop Liquors/Saloon became a member in 2018, why do you continue to renew? A: I had a desire to own a business locally in part to become a member of the business community in the area. The Chamber EDC helps me obtain that contact through the events they host and the information they provide. What should other Chamber EDC members know about Stage Stop Liquors/Saloon that may assist them? A: While we were slowed in our efforts to create the Stage Stop we fully envisioned, we remain committed to the end goal. We have strong ambitions to be a family-friendly establishment and hope to have that transition completed relatively soon. If you haven’t had the opportunity to visit us at Stage Stop, you should really come see for yourself the atmosphere we have strived to create. We host meetings for various organizations, unions, and businesses in our upstairs party room and try to cater to each group’s specific needs. This is the kind of place you will want to bring your clients for dinner or celebrate the closing of a deal. We also provide great entertainment with live music and comedy shows, as well as pool tables, darts, karaoke nights, bingo, and a variety of charitable gaming options. There’s always something going on at Stage Stop!

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Renaissance Zone program provides tax exemptions and credits to both residents and businesses for revitalization and redevelopment activities within a Zone. The purpose of the Zone is to encourage reinvestment in downtown properties through tax incentives. The Renaissance Zone provides both property tax and income tax incentives to property and business owners to invest in qualified projects. There are 5 different types of Renaissance Zone projects: rehabilitation, purchase with major improvements, purchase only, lease and historical preservation and renovation.

The Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC, with the expertise of the Workforce Development Committee, has identified one of the biggest obstacles in our community’s workforce development efforts: communication.

Both Bismarck and Mandan have their own handcrafted, development plan. To learn more about Renaissance Program, please contact your respective city office.

Support these Woman-Owned

Businesses in Bismarck-Mandan! AdamBlaine Consulting, LLC Bismarck Sign Co. Capital Scale Co. City Air Mechanical, Inc. Copper Dog, LLC Crane Specialists, Inc. Freedom Financial Group, LLC Kajaer GeoConsulting, LLC Nexus Innovations Sara Frank Process Server, LLC

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To address this problem, the BMCEDC has developed a quarterly newsletter, intended to close the communication gap. Four times a year, this email communication will go out, highlighting what workforce-focused events and programs are happening, and what the state of workforce is in Bismarck-Mandan. To receive this newsletter or to suggest content, email mary@bmcedc.com

Learn the benefits of certifying your ND Woman-Owned Business!


While many organizations and businesses have programs and ideas to address our labor shortages, there is no centralized location for information about workforce in Bismarck-Mandan, nor is there a place where all these efforts are publicized so that others may participate, or replicate, in the programs that show promise and success.

the code!


JOB SHADOW WEEK SHOWS LOCAL STUDENTS WHAT THEIR FUTURES COULD BE Job Shadow Week is one of the Chamber EDC’s most popular workforce development programs, looked forward to by both students and businesses. In 2022, over the week of February 28 – March 4, we saw the same enthusiasm we’ve come to expect, with over 180 students shadowing at over 30 local businesses. Job Shadow Week provides a unique opportunity for students to explore potential career paths by spending time on-the-ground in industries they’re interested in pursuing. In two-or four-hour sessions, these businesses show juniors and seniors from all across Bismarck-Mandan what their future could hold. From dentists to powerline technicians, and so many other occupations in-between, our students get a unique chance to see if their dreams match reality. Without the business community supporting Job Shadow Week, it would not be successful program that it is. We extend many thanks to our local businesses and organizations who are willing to donate their time and expertise to our students.

Josh and Jayden from McGough Construction explain their jobs to a BHS senior.

If you have questions about Job Shadow Week and would like to participate in 2023, email mary@bmcedc.com.

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Connection 3 15


CHAMBER EDC BOARD SUPPORTS RENAISSANCE ZONE EXTENSION At its March Board meeting, the Chamber EDC Board of Directors unanimously supported the extension of the city of Bismarck’s Renaissance Zone. The decision came after a presentation by City of Bismarck staff. The Bismarck Renaissance Zone was established in 2001 and has reported many quantifiable successes over its 20-year history. These successes include $83 million in private investment within downtown Bismarck, 72 new businesses and 604 new full-time jobs created as part of Renaissance Zone projects. City staff also reported on a couple of the new housing projects happening within the zone which will add an additional, much needed, 250 housing units.

It was also reported that as of 2020 the sum of the taxes paid since exempted properties reentered the tax rolls exceeded the value of the exemptions they received originally, which means Bismarck Renaissance Zone has essentially “paid for itself.” Bismarck city staff will need the support of all the taxing entities including the city of Bismarck, Burleigh County, Bismarck Public Schools, and the Bismarck Park Board for the extension’s final approval by the ND Department of Commerce.

FEBRUARY 2022 ECONOMIC INDICATORS Sales Tax Collected $3,753,222

Airport Passengers 36,572


Residential Building Permits 4

Residential Permit Valuation $892,692

See the full list of economic indicators on the Chamber EDC’s Economy at a Glance at www.bismarckmandanedc.com.

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CHAMBER EDC ASSISTS LOCAL BUSINESS EXPANSION The Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC assisted in facilitating a letter of support request to the city of Bismarck for DK Orthodontics. The letter of support was for the local match of BND’s Flex PACE interest buy-down program to come from the North Dakota Opportunity Fund. The North Dakota Opportunity Fund is a revolving loan fund administered by the Lewis & Clark Development Group and will consider providing the local match of the Flex PACE and PACE when the community is unable due to the lack of funding or the project not meeting its local economic development fund. DK Orthodontics is planning a new orthodontist office at 4212 Boulder Ridge Road after outgrowing their current facility.


PROTECT YOURS At Starion Insurance, we make acquiring the coverage you need easy and affordable, freeing your mind to focus on what matters most, your business. Our local agent is here for you. Tonja Iverson Insurance Agent 701.667.1632 tonjai@starionbank.com 109 1st St NW | Mandan, ND


Insurance products are not a deposit, not FDIC insured, not insured by any federal government agency and not guaranteed by the bank.

Connection 3 17


CREATING YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS, ONE STEP AT A TIME Bismarck-Mandan Lemonade Day 2022 will be here before we know it on Saturday, July 23rd! This means it is time for young entrepreneurs to create their most delicious lemonade served in a cup, but first, they need to sign up! Kiddos throughout Bismarck-Mandan are encouraged to register online at https://lemonadeday.org/bismarckmandan, with help from a parent, mentor, or teacher. Registration can also be done in person on Wednesday, June 22nd, from 4:00pm to 7:00pm at the Lemonade Day Kickoff Event at the Dakota Zoo! Lemonade Day will be held on July 23, 2022. Attend this event in the Dakota Zoo parking lot to “kickoff” BismarckMandan Lemonade Day by grabbing Once registered, each participant will get a confirmation your business kit, which includes a FREE Children’s Pass email that they are signed up with next steps and tips to with a paying adult to be used at the zoo! ensure the success of each young entrepreneur!

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To learn more or to register, visit https://lemonadeday.org/ bismarck-mandan; call the Chamber EDC office at 701-223-5660, or email cnelson@bmcedc.com. THANK YOU SPONSORS!

Main Squeeze Sponsors: Lime-Light Sponsors:

Fresh Squeeze Sponsors:

MICHAEL GRENSTEINER 701-214-8705 NMLS #1948625

TANYA LONG 701-471-1687 NMLS #1634834

TRACY ROBERTS 701-934-0636 NMLS #1611992

LAURA SCHLOER 701-400-3171 NMLS #1726218


1600 E Interstate Ave, Ste 4, Bismarck, ND 58503 msfg.us • 701-955-0597

18 4 Connection

NMLS #1314257

Lemon Head Sponsors: ABRA Auto Body & Glass, Bartlett & West, Bismarck Bobcats, Bravera Bank, First Western Bank & Trust, Gary Tharaldson School of Business – University of Mary, Gizmonics, LLC., Grand Junction Grilled Subs, Mr. Squeegee Window Cleaning, North Dakota’s Gateway to Science, Our Family brought to you by Dan’s Supermarket, Scheels Sports, Subway, Terry’s Health Products, Tires Plus, Unitech Pest Control, Vue Community Credit Union


FOCUS ON BISMARCK-MANDAN On Thursday, March 10th, the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC, along with Starion Bank, hosted the new economic development event, Focus on BismarckMandan. This informative event included insight on the economic development of the BismarckMandan community throughout 2021 and what to expect in 2022. The afternoon started with opening keynote, Gene Marks, President & CEO of the Marks Group, where he shared insight to help attendees better understand the political, economic, and Gene Marks, President & CEO of the Marks Group. technological trends that will affect their companies. More importantly, Marks shared the different tactics, strategies, and actions a business can take to continue to grow and profit. THANK YOU SPONSORS! Following the opening keynote, Chamber EDC Vice President, Nathan Schneider, moderated an interactive survey, where attendees were able to participate by answering questions in real-time to get an overall idea of the business community’s greatest cause for optimism and concern in 2022, thoughts on supply chain and inflation issues, as well as how they expect their business to perform in 2022 when compared to 2021. Closing out the event was Chamber EDC President & CEO, Brian Ritter, with an update on the organization’s economic development efforts over the past year and what is to come in 2022. Ritter spoke on enrollment rates for K-12 schools as well as for higher education, and what the community can expect from the overall increase in education enrollments. He also gave insight on a new Chamber EDC program, the Bismarck Mandan Internship Network. Following the event, attendees were invited to join the Chamber EDC at the social where appetizers and complimentary refreshments were provided. Thank you to all that attended this brand-new Chamber EDC event!

Presenting Sponsor: Gold Sponsors: Virtual Sponsor:

Table Sponsors: AE2S, Amy Hullet: Century 21 Morrison Realty, Bank of North Dakota, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Bismarck Cancer Center, Bismarck State College, Bravera Bank, Capital Credit Union, Capital Electric Cooperative, Choice Bank, Dakota Carrier Network, First International Bank & Trust, First Western Bank & Trust, Gate City Bank, Kirkwood Bank & Trust, KX News, MDU Resources Group, National Information Solutions Cooperative, Property Resources Group, Sanford Health, University of Mary

Connection 3 19


20 UNDER 40 NOMINA- STUDENT LEADERSHIP TIONS NOW OPEN FOR NETWORK VISITS BISMARCK-MANDAN GIZMONICS Who among the Bismarck-Mandan’s young movers and shakers stood up and stood out to you this past year? It's time to nominate those who continue to make positive changes in BismarckMandan. The Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC presents to you the 2022 20 Under 40 Awards. Nominations can be submitted at www.bismarckmandan. com/20under40. The deadline for nominations is May 20, 2022. If you have any questions, please contact Cathryn Sprynczynatyk at 701-223-5660 or cathryn@bmcedc.com.

Student Leadership Network, composed of Juniors and Seniors from all area high schools, is a program designed to allow for time to lunch and learn with local leaders and innovators across many industries. The 2021-2022 group of 16 students gets together once a month, each month with a different “theme.” Bravera Bank, Sanford Health, Halberstadt’s, and Grand Junction Subs have all graciously donated their time and expertise to these students, and most recently the group was able to tour Gizmonics, a prototyping and design engineering company located in Bismarck. Evan and Ganya Anderson, Gizmonics founders, guided the high schoolers on a tour of their shop, walking through the process of product development, what kind of tools and machines they utilize, how to engineer through problems, and how technology has changed product engineering. The Student Leaders had a chance to see many of these tools in action and learn about the process of taking an idea from sketch, to prototype, to finished product.



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20 4 Connection

Gizmonics, and all other participating businesses, have had a significant impact on these Student Leaders understanding of industry and Bismarck-Mandan, as a whole. As they prepare for their professional futures, they will do so better prepared to become leaders, in their chosen industries and in their communities. Presenting Sponsors: Program Sponsors:

BASIN ELECTRIC POWER COOPERATIVE A Touchstone Energy Cooperative ®



MEDIA DAY & FAITH, VALUES, ETHICS DAY MEDIA DAY The Leadership class met downtown to experience multiple media sites on Media Day. The class toured Dakota Media Access, Mojo Radio, and KFYR-TV on a “media speed dating” tour. A news director panel brought together TV, radio, and print including Pat Brink, KX News; Dave Thompson, Prairie Public Radio; and Amy Dalrymple, The Bismarck Tribune. Jason Matthews of JM Strategies spoke on “The Balkanization of the Media and the Tribalization of Society.” FAITH, VALUES, ETHICS DAY Faith, Values, and Ethics has been dubbed FaVE Day, and it is a favorite day for some among the class. The day kicked off with a panel on “Diversity of Faith in our Community.” Panelists were Pastor Brandon Vetter, Methodist faith; Bishop Nick Thueson, Latter-Day Saints faith; and Don Morrison, Vice President, Unitarian Universalists. The class participated in an exercise to examine their core values that guide them as emerging leaders. Dr. David Echelbarger, University of Mary, led the class in an exercise on ethical decision making.

liquor superstore in Bismarck and browse endless aisles (and walk-in beer cooler) of everything liquid


and delicious.

Presenting Sponsor:

Our selection is

Gold Sponsor: Scholarship Sponsors:

Come by our



Program Sponsors: Bartlett & West, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Liberty Business Systems, KLJ Media Day co-chairs: Trish Helgeson – Agency MABU Tammy Langerud – MDU Resources Group Faith, Values, Ethics Day co-chairs: Dr. Mary Dockter – University of Mary Annique Lockard – Assistant Attorney General, North Dakota Jessica Wetsch – North Dakota Information Technology Lunch, and Breakfast Sponsors: Agency MABU - Media Day Dakota Media Access - Media Day David Wald, Securian Financial Advisors of ND - Faith, Values, Ethics Day Dr. Mary Dockter - Faith, Values, Ethics Day Annique Lockard - Faith, Values, Ethics Day Jessica Wetsch - Faith, Values, Ethics Day

3025 Yorktown Drive, Bismarck 701.751.7373 www.williquors.com Connection 3 21


MEMBERSHIP MIXER: CHAMBER EDC MARCO TECHNOLOGIES ANNUAL DINNER Date: Thursday, April 7, 2022 Location: Sixteen03 Main Events 1603 E Main Ave, Bismarck Event Time: 4:30PM - 6:30PM Admission: Free to Attend RSVP for this month’s Membership Mixer! Marco Technologies, LLC will be hosting the April Membership Mixer on Thursday, April 7th from 4:30pm to 6:30pm at Sixteen03 Main Events in Bismarck (1603 E Main Ave, Bismarck). Bring your colleagues and friends for a fun evening of networking with refreshments and catering by Sixteen03 Main Events, drink tickets will also be provided for attendees. Don’t miss out on the chance to win some door prizes including a Bose speaker and a half price technology assessment! RSVPs are appreciated and can be made by registering online at https://business.bismarckmandan.com/events or by contacting Nate Brown, nbrown@bmcedc.com.

22 4 Connection

Date: Thursday, April 28, 2022 Location: Bismarck Event Center 315 S 5th Street, Bismarck Registration: 5:30PM - 7:00PM Event Time: 7:00PM - 9:00PM Admission: $75 for Chamber EDC members $125 for General Admission Presenting Sponsor:


The Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC’s Annual Dinner is back! Come be mesmerized on Thursday, April 28th, 2022 at the Bismarck Event Center. This event is a great opportunity to mix and mingle with other Chamber EDC members. We are excited to announce this year’s Annual Dinner Entertainment: Antonina and David Hall: Magician & Mentalist. The Halls perform an extraordinary show of mind reading and telepathy that has been described as “extremely integrative and mind-blowing”. Formal invitation to follow, but it’s never to early to mark your calendar and plan an evening with us! Reserve your table by calling Nate Brown at 701-223-5660. To purchase individual tickets, visit our website at www.bismarckmandan.com.


LEADERSHIP LEADERSHIP BISMARCK-MANDAN BISMARCK-MANDAN FIELD PRESENTATIONS GRADUATION Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2022 Location: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck Time: 9:00AM - 12:00PM Admission: Free to Attend Presenting Sponsor:

Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 Location: University of Mary at Chick's Place 7500 University Drive, Bismarck Time: 11:30AM - 1:00PM Admission: $35 for General Admission Presenting Sponsor:

Each year the Leadership Bismarck-Mandan class breaks into multiple groups to work on field projects addressing community needs. The class will be presenting their projects Wednesday, May 11 at the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC.

NEW location! Join us Wednesday, May 18 at Chick’s Place in University of Mary with the 33rd class of leaders as they graduate from the Leadership Bismarck-Mandan program. You are invited to attend and celebrate the Class of 2022. Registration and networking begin at 11:30am, lunch and program at noon.

LOCAL BEEF IN SCHOOLS • Amy Arenz • Samantha Froelich • Nicole Gagner • Rae Gunn • McKenzie Smith • Destiny Voth

SOLAR POWER AT HEAVEN’S HELPERS SOUP CAFÉ • Teresa Chrest • Nicolas Cullen • Rena Mehlhoff • Kyren Miller • Barry Schumaier • Emily Smith BRINGING WARMTH TO LOW-INCOME STUDENTS • Tim Flagstad • Linda Oster • Alicia Rogstad • Laura Sandberg • Ellie Shockley • Grant Sundquist

Leadership Bismarck-Mandan, Class of 2022: Amy Arenz – Job Service North Dakota Teresa Chrest – Bartlett & West Nicolas Cullen – Houston Engineering, Inc. Tim Flagstad – Sanford Health Samantha Froelich – First International Bank & Trust Nicole Gagner – Painter Nicole Rae Gunn – United Tribes Technical College Rena Mehlhoff – BisMan Bombshellz Roll Derby League Kyren Miller – Bismarck State College Linda Oster – City of Bismarck Alicia Rogstad – Knutson Realty Laura Sandberg – Security First Bank of North Dakota Barry Schumaier – KFYR TV/West Dakota FOX Ellie Shockley – North Dakota University System Emily Smith – Newberry College McKenzie Smith – Comfort Inn & Suites Grant Sundquist – Basin Electric Power Cooperative Destiny Voth – Gate City Bank Register online at www.bismarckmandan.com/events or by calling the Chamber EDC at 701-223-5660.

If you would like to attend any of these presentations, please RSVP to Cathryn Sprynczynatyk at 701-223-5660 or cathryn@bmcedc.com.

Connection 3 23


MEMBERSHIP MIXER: LUNCH ON THE PATIO Thursday, June 2, 2022 MCQUADE DISTRIBUTING Date: Location: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Patio Date: Thursday, May 19, 2022 Location: McQuade Distributing Co., 1150 Industrial Drive, Bismarck Event Time: 4:30PM - 6:30PM Admission: Free to Attend

1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck Event Time: 11:30AM - 1:00PM Admission: Free to Attend Presenting Sponsor:

Mark your calendar for the May Membership Mixer!

We are thrilled for June as it is the first Lunch on the Patio appreciation lunch for the summer of 2022! We greatly appreciate our members and all the support you give throughout the year, so please, stop by and accept our small token of appreciation. Thanks to our presenting sponsor, Daniel Companies, we are able to bring this event to you for FREE!

On Thursday, May 19th at 1500 Industrial Drive in Bismarck, join McQuade Distributing Co., Inc. for the May Membership Mixer. From 4:30pm to 6:30pm, come along for a fun evening of food from the Big Boy food truck, sample a variety of refreshments, and have the opportunity to win door prizes as well! RSVPs are appreciated and can be made by registering online at https://business.bismarckmandan.com/events or by contacting Nate Brown, nbrown@bmcedc.com.

Join Chamber EDC staff for a fun way to network on Thursday, June 2nd, from 11:30am – 1:00pm on our beautiful patio while we serve burgers, brats, a choice of sides, along with ice cold refreshments. Contact Christine by emailing cnelson@bmcedc.com, or call 701-223-5660 to RSVP for this fun afternoon in the sun!




Furniture Systems 701.471.2321

24 4 Connection



Date: Thursday, June 9, 2022 Location: First International Bank & Trust 4530 Memorial Hwy, Ste 201, Mandan Event Time: 4:30PM - 6:30PM Admission: Free to Attend Save the date for the June Membership Mixer! Join First International Bank & Trust at their new Mandan location (4350 Memorial Highway) on Thursday, June 9th from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. Come along for a fun evening of appetizers provided by Stonehome Brewing Company, refreshments, and some business after hours! RSVPs are appreciated and can be made by registering online at https://business.bismarckmandan.com/events or by contacting Nate Brown, nbrown@bmcedc.com.


Date: Monday, June 13, 2022 Location: Riverwood Golf Course 725 Riverwood Dr, Bismarck Event Time: 10:30AM - 5:00PM Admission: $175.00 per player * Includes 18 holes, golf cart, lunch, dinner, driving range and tee prize Presenting CHRYSLER I DODGE I JEEP I RAM I FORD I LINCOLN Sponsor: Save the date to register FORE the annual Chamber EDC Outdoor Golf Scramble, scheduled for Monday, June 13th at Riverwood Golf Course. Don’t wait to sign up, as number of spots available is limited! Individual player entry is $175 and includes: golf fee, golf cart, driving range, lunch and dinner, and an opportunity to win great door prizes! Contact Christine by emailing cnelson@bmcedc.com, or call 701-223-5660 for more information.


WWW.ILSURVEYND.COM – 701.595.2079 Connection 3 25


OVER 3,000 ATTEND 2022 NORTH DAKOTA PICNIC IN ARIZONA An estimated crowd of more than 3,000 people attended the 2022 North Dakota Picnic at Red Mountain Park in Mesa, Arizona on Sunday, March 6. Hosted by the North Dakota Community Foundation (NDCF), the event is a gathering of anyone with North Dakota ties living either permanently or part-time in Arizona. “This was the 54th annual North Dakota Picnic and it keeps growing,” said Kevin Dvorak, President & CEO of NDCF. “The weather was perfect and everyone seemed to have a great time. We enjoy hosting this event to keep North DakoNorth Dakota Community Foundation hosted a North Dakota Day tans connected with each other and their home state.” in Mesa, Arizona on March 6th.

Attendees enjoyed polka and oldies music by Bismarck natives Vic Schwahn and Will Dakota, as well as some standup comedy and magic by Bill Sorenson, the long-time host of the Medora Musical (and former Bismarck mayor). Several classic cars were on display and there were over 40 vendor booths, many offering North Dakota-related products. Next year’s event will be Sunday, March 5, 2023 at Red Mountain Park in Mesa, Arizona. Anyone interested in having a booth at the 2023 North Dakota Picnic in Arizona should contact Deb Clark at Deb@NDCF.net or at 701-222-8349.

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www.millnerwealthmanagement.com | (701) 255-4225 1400 W. Century Avenue | Bismarck, North Dakota 58503 Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated | Member SIPC & NYSE | www.stifel.com

26 4 Connection


CHI ST. ALEXIUS HEALTH VERIFIED AS LEVEL II TRAUMA CENTER CHI St. Alexius Health Bismarck Emergency & Trauma Center has been verified again for an additional three years as a Level II Trauma Center by the Verification Review Committee (VRC), an ad hoc committee of the Committee on Trauma (COT) of the American College of Surgeons (ACS). CHI St. Alexius Emergency & Trauma Center has been a Level II Trauma Center since 1993, becoming the first in the region to bring the highest quality of trauma care to patients. Verified trauma centers must meet the essential criteria that ensure trauma care capability and institutional performance, as outlined by the American College of Surgeons' Committee on Trauma in its current Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient manual. “Trauma surgeons must be bedside for trauma code cases within fifteen minutes of their notification, and subspecialists like neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons arrive within thirty minutes. In many instances, they arrive at the trauma center before the patient,” states Derek Kane, MD, medical director of the trauma program at CHI St. Alexius Health. Only seventeen out of more than 800 trauma patients were transferred to other medical facilities in 2019. “This really highlights the level of expertise and comprehensive care CHI St. Alexius provides,” states Dr. Kane. “All emergency physicians and trauma surgeons are required to be board-certified and complete additional certifications. All nurses in the emergency room and intensive care units must be current in the Trauma Nurse Core Course (TNCC) within one year of employment.” CHI St. Alexius in Bismarck is one of the only medical facilities in North Dakota, and the only in the region, to offer Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) classes to medical professionals serving central and western North Dakota, and the tri-state area. The ACS Committee on Trauma's verification program provides confirmation that a trauma center has demonstrated its commitment to providing not only the hospital resources necessary for trauma care, but also the entire spectrum of care to address the needs of all injured patients.

There are five separate categories of verification in the COT's program. Each hospital has an on-site review by a team of experienced site reviewers, who use the current Resources for the Optimal Care of the Injured Patient manual as a guideline in conducting the survey

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Connection 3 27


NORTH DAKOTA SCORE HOUSING FINANCE CHAPTERS MERGE AGENCY NAMED 2022 BEST MORTGAGE COMBismarck-Mandan, Dickinson, Jamestown, Minot and Williston SCORE Chapters have merged to form West Central Dakota SCORE Chapter. We provide confidential PANIES TO WORK FOR and free mentoring for start up and existing businesses. You can help in four different volunteer roles: •

Mentor - offer confidential business mentoring services, either in person or online

Subject matter expert - provide focused knowledge based on your professional skills or industry

Workshop presenter - lead local workshops, seminars and events to help entrepreneurs meet their goals and achieve success

We look forward to continuing to assist start up and growing businesses throughout the area. By combining our SCORE services and Mentors under One SCORE Chapter we will be better able to meet the needs of area businesses.

North Dakota Housing Finance Agency (NDHFA) has been named one of the 2022 Best Mortgage Companies to Work for by National Mortgage News and the Best Companies Group. “North Dakota Housing Finance Agency is honored to be recognized as one of the 2022 Best Mortgage Companies to Work for,” said Dave Flohr, the agency’s executive director. “This achievement is a reflection of our staff’s remarkable talent and their dedication to show up every day and provide the best customer service possible no matter what obstacles come before them.” NDHFA’s mission is to make housing affordable for all North Dakotans. Over the past 40 years, more than 49,000 individuals and families have benefited from the affordable home financing provided by the state agency. Through its FirstHome™ program, NDHFA assists primarily first-time homebuyers in achieving homeownership by providing low-cost mortgages and purchase assistance (i.e., down payment and closing cost assistance). Single parents, veterans, and families with disabled or elderly households members can qualify for similar help through HomeAccess. The agency’s North Dakota Roots program assists households who require purchase assistance to buy again or whose income exceeds the limits of the agency’s standard program. “Historically low interest rates and a limited inventory made the housing market very competitive this past year,” said Flohr. “North Dakota Housing Finance Agency helped 1,548 individuals and families to successfully purchase a home in 2021, all of the buyers learning about our programs from one of our outstanding housing partners.” Parties interested in the agency’s programs will find information online, www.ndhfa.org, including contact information for the Participating Lenders who originate mortgage loans on NDHFA’s behalf and for FirstHome Certified Agents, real estate agents who have exhibited a commitment to assisting homebuyers who may benefit from the agency’s programs

28 4 Connection

National Mortgage News and Best Companies Group’s annual survey and awards program identifies, recognizes, and honors the best employers in the U.S. mortgage industry. March 7, 2022.


Our future is fiber. Robust. Resilient. Reliable. Revolutionary. New technology reinvents the way we live. A better connection is required to power our way forward. That’s why Midco® is making steps to move into the world of tomorrow with our Fiber ForwardSM network expansion. Get ready for next-gen, game-changing 10 Gig speeds.


Connection 3 29


BISMARCK TO CELEBRATE 150-YEAR ANNIVERSARY The year 2022 marks a major milestone for the city of Bismarck – our city is marking its 150th anniversary. The city is making plans to celebrate Bismarck’s 150th anniversary with a sesquicentennial community celebration,150 years since the city was founded. The city was established on May 14, 1872. Mayor Steve Bakken issued a proclamation designating 2022 as a celebration of the 150th anniversary and Jason Tomanek, Assistant City Administrator was tasked to organize a committee to develop plans for the celebration. Community stakeholders were invited to attend a kick-off meeting in January of this year. Eight subcommittees were established for the event. The subcommittees include: arts and culture, business representatives, communications and media, food and beverage, fund raising and resources, history, music, entertainment, sports and leisure. Businesses and organizations are encouraged to get involved in the celebration! The 150th anniversary logo and tagline, “150 Years of Tradition and Innovation,” and hashtag #BismarckND150 are available for your use to promote the community celebration.

You’re invited to create co-branded promotional materials for your business, organization, community events, activities, feature items, publicity and more, to recognize this milestone in Bismarck’s history. Join us for a summer-long celebration featuring a variety of community-spirited activities and events! An exciting concept was introduced by community stakeholder, Agency MABU’s InnovatAR team, for a contest based on the theme “History and Mystery” of Bismarck. This concept would provide an opportunity to engage the community in a fun way by encouraging area residents to learn about the history of Bismarck while attempting to solve a mystery. Clues could be placed at various locations and events throughout the summer, which would ultimately lead to the answer(s) to the “Sesquicentennial Mystery.” Prizes could be made available to the individual(s) who solve the mystery. The concept of sponsorship opportunities will be explored at the next community stakeholder meeting.

Ross Frohlich - Membership Director

CONTACT ROSS TODAY to find out details about membership and if it’s the right choice for your business! rfrohlich@bmcedc.com

30 4 Connection


The City of Bismarck Event Center team is working to host a series of events to jump-start the anniversary celebration. Beginning on Friday, May 13th following the Band Night Parade, the Event Center is planning for community events and activities hosted at the Event Center celebrate the community and its rich history. Watch for more information coming soon at bismarcknd.gov/bismarck150.



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CO-LOCATE FOR FREE* Ben Brick and Ashton Hauff accept their awards on February 26th.

Local brand studio The Good Kids walked away winners after attending their first ADDY Awards Ceremony. The annual event, hosted by the American Advertising Federation of North Dakota (AAF-ND), recognizes excellence in advertising and marketing across the state. “While we were confident in the creative quality of our entries, we really didn’t have any expectations of top honors,” said Ashton Hauff, The Good Kids co-founder. “Our studio is the new kid on a block full of incredibly talented and tenured peers,” added Co-founder Ben Brick. To their surprise and credit, The Good Kids received the highest award of the evening, in addition to top tier awards in several categories. The Good Kids 5lb bag, designed on behalf of Mighty Missouri Coffee Co., received a Gold ADDY in the Packaging Single Unit category. They also received Gold in the Integrated Media Campaign category and Best of Advertising Industry Self Promotion for the company’s own rebrand. “We feel good about the quality of work The Good Kids creates on behalf of clients,” said Hauff. “These awards are encouraging because they serve as an outside stamp of approval.” The Good Kids award-winning projects will advance to the American Advertising Federation’s District 8 awards ceremony at the end of the month to compete with entries from Minnesota, South Dakota and Wisconsin.

By co-locating with DCN, you get: • 24/7 monitoring and secure access • Redundant power and connectivity • Scalability to grow with your needs • Cost savings in staffing and facilities • More time to focus on your business Contact us today to learn more or schedule a tour of the facility.

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Connection 3 31



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4204 Boulder Ridge Rd, #100, Bismarck, ND 58503


If you have questions or concerns about head and neck cancer, reach out to your healthcare provider for more information.

32 4 Connection


201 W Front Ave, Bismarck, ND 58504 701-557-7600

Q: WHAT IS LITTLE LEAGUE SHOUL- Q: THIS POTENTIAL CUSTOMER DER? WON’T EVER GET BACK TO ME! HOW CAN YOU CUT THROUGH A: Little league shoulder is also known as THE NOISE AND USE FUN TO proximal humeral epiphysitis. Little league shoulder is a stress injury in the upper arm STAND OUT? below the shoulder. The injury is due to reA: I met Mandan native Tommy Schaff, petitive use and overuse in young athletes

ciety, each year around 65,000 Americans are diagnosed with head and neck cancer. playing competitive sports such as baseHead and neck cancers often appear in the ball, tennis, swimming, and volleyball. nasal cavity, sinuses, lips, mouth, salivary Your physical therapist will evaluate your glands, thyroid glands, throat and larynx. overhead movement mechanics and Smokers are at a higher risk for head and patterns, look for any weakness or restricneck cancer. Those who use chewing tions in the upper arm and shoulder, and tobacco and drink alcohol also have an implement a personalized plan of care. increased risk for the disease. The best Your plan may include manual treatment prevention for head and neck cancer is to techniques and prescribed exercises for quit smoking or chewing tobacco. Addienhancing strength and flexibility. tionally, rates of head and neck cancer have risen in part due to human papilloma Through education on proper movement patterns and therapeutic exercises, your virus (HPV). HPV causes normal cells in physical therapist can assist you in a safe the back of the throat to turn abnormal, return to throw program. You’ll be able to and in most cases, the body can fight off get back to a healthy, injury-free season. the infection. Symptoms for HPV-related throat cancer may include a persistent sore To achieve your optimal performance, conthroat, hoarseness, enlarged lymph nodes tact us 701-751-3064. There is no referral and pain when swallowing, although many needed to access quality physical therapy. people are asymptomatic. See your Movement Specialist today! Visit The HPV vaccine is available to those 11 to Optimum Therapies at www.optimumther45 years old and provides protection from apies.com/north-dakota/ infection and cancer later in life.


owner of Major League Sales, at the Northwoods League meetings in January. Tommy said something crazy - he could get a meeting with ANYONE. He shared a story of an entrepreneur that wouldn’t return his calls or emails, so he got creative and had a little fun. He mailed a well drafted letter with a copy of a popular children’s book called The Carrot Seed. The story is about a little boy who plants a carrot seed and continually waters it even though everyone tells him it won't grow. Finally, it sprouts and the naysayers praised him! To add some flair, Tommy crossed out the word “boy” on each page and wrote the entrepreneur’s name. He crossed out “carrot” and wrote the man’s business service. When it mentioned the naysayers, he wrote in the words “peers" and “media." Tommy turned The Carrot Seed into every successful entrepreneur’s journey! 30 minutes after confirmation of delivery, Tommy received an email. The entrepreneur loved the package and better yet wanted to meet about Tommy’s services. Lesson - if you can’t get in front of a potential customer it’s because YOU haven’t gotten creative enough. Personalization and FUN cuts through the noise and can help you stand out.



1661 Capitol Way, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-250-9400

Q: SHOULD I LEAVE MY COMPUTER ON? A: For years we were told to turn off our

computers whenever we left work for the day. The Windows 10 operating system ushered in a new era for computer updates. Keeping computers up to date is important for their security. Microsoft provides both security and feature updates, as well as zero-day threat updates if needed. Home computers may receive different updates than work computers due to the expanded usage and security features of business grade computers. Your IT provider may choose to hold back specific updates for compatibility issues or unknown bugs in the programming. When the IT provider is satisfied with the functionality of the updates, they can be pushed to computers remotely. This is more easily done overnight when no one is using the computers. You may notice that your computer has restarted on its own after an update is installed. Windows 10 requires a restart; a shutdown and power up does not satisfy that requirement. Other considerations for leaving a computer on overnight would include virus and hardware scanning. You need your computer to work when you are working, not doing a health check. Typically, a restart is all that would be needed to clear out any accumulated data that could be bogging down the system or reset programs that have stalled.





2603 E Broadway Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-323-5222

Q: WHAT IS FROSTBITE? WHAT DO YOU DO IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE IT? A: Frostbite is a freezing of the skin and

underlying tissues. Normally this occurs to the ears, nose, cheeks, chin, fingers and toes. It’s caused by over-exposure to cold temperatures. Initially you’ll feel tingling and numbness in the affected area, and your skin may turn slightly red. This is known as frostnip, and it’s the first sign that you need to find warmer surroundings. If you stay outside, the skin will eventually take on a pale, waxy appearance and feel hard but warm to the touch. This stage is called superficial frostbite. Continued exposure could lead to deep frostbite in which tissues beneath the skin become damaged. Both types require medical attention as they commonly involve tissue damage or death (necrosis). The worst cases may require an amputation of the affected area. Even those wearing the best cold weather gear should be aware of the threat of frostbite. If you think you’re frostbitten, your first priority should be warming the affected area, not by rubbing it or placing it near an external heat source, but by submerging it in a warm water bath.

109 N 4th Street, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-751-1698


An artist will reach out about bringing in pieces of her work. If we aren’t familiar with the artist, we ask her to complete an application through our website, where she can submit a portfolio of work, resume, bio, etc. A review committee, which includes artists and gallery directors, determines final authorization.


Sometimes an established artist, gallery supporter, or art collector will suggest that we check out an artist they have come across. It helps us to have people who know what to look for.


We also invite artists to bring in their work for an upcoming exhibition.

We currently represent about 40 artists, most of them from North Dakota and all with a connection to our state

Connection 3 33

MEMBER PERKS | CONNECTION KLJ HIRES DYLLA AS VICE PRESIDENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL & CORRIDOR SERVICES KLJ Engineering (KLJ), is proud to welcome Jackie Dylla Jackie Dylla as Vice President (VP) of the company’s Environmental & Corridor Services division. Dylla joins KLJ with more than 20 years of engineering consulting experience. Most recently, she served as VP and Principal Scientist where she was responsible for driving environmental strategy/business development across the central United States, specifically for transportation projects, contributing to some of the largest transportation projects in Minnesota. As VP of KLJ’s Environmental & Corridor Services, Dylla is responsible for effectively leading the division’s overall strategy and ensuring an exceptional customer experience for those clients while fostering a positive internal culture that successfully meets overall organizational growth and goals. Dylla, who will work from the Company’s Saint Paul office, earned a bachelor’s degree in environmental science from the University of Minnesota. She serves on the Minnesota Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) Board of Directors which focuses on promoting the advancement of women in the transportation industry and serves on the Minnesota ACEC Transportation Committee. Dylla was recognized in the 2021 October issue of Twin Cities Business Magazine for Notable Women in Construction, Architecture & Engineering. BIANCO REALTY SALES AWARDS Bianco Realty has announced their top 10 REALTORS® for February: Shirley Thomas, Amber Sandness, Judy Maslowski, Darcy Fettig, Brenda Foster, Stephanie Stevens, Missy Moritz, Jim Jeromchek, James Jeromchek & Heidi Stein. These 10 REALTORS® had the highest sales at Bianco Realty in February 2022.

ARNDORFER NEW HIRES AT THE REAPPOINTED TO BISMARCK-MANDAN FCC TASK FORCE CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU Seth Arndorfer, CEO of DCN (Dakota Alli Volk joined Carrier Network), has the CVB January 2022, been reappointed as a coming to us with an Seth Arndorfer Alli Volk working group member extensive background in to serve on the Federal the hospitality industry, Communications Commission Precision Ag making her a perfect fit Connectivity Task Force. into our sales team. As a Arndorfer will serve another two-year Sales Account Manager, term on a Task Force Working Group. Alli works with meeting This term he will serve on the working planners, helping them group focused on examining current to find the best facility and future connectivity demand for and services to meet Michael Angsten precision agriculture. During his first term, their needs in BismarckArndorfer was on the task force working Mandan. Alli’s primary group focused on broadband mapping market segments include: on agricultural lands. Appointments are Associations, Government, made by the FCC Chairwoman Jessica Medical, Military, Fraternal, Rosenworcel in consultation with Secretary Religious and Group of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. Tours. In addition to more than 20 years of Michael Angsten professional experience in the broadband joined the CVB January Lacey Dollinger industry, Arndorfer’s farming and ranching 2022. Michael is a recent background help him bring a unique and University of Mary valuable perspective to the task force. graduate and joins us with a background of customer service support from a local LIGNITE ENERGY COUNCIL NAMES insurance agency. As the Sales & Services MIKE HOLMES EXECUTIVE VICE Coordinator, Michael assists the sales team PRESIDENT with providing services to our meeting and event planners. He also handles our office Mike Holmes was named executive vice president of research & development administration, website execution, calendar of events and membership billing. for the Lignite Energy Council and retains Lacey Dollinger joined the CVB his role as technical advisor of the Lignite February 2022 with a background in Research Program under the North Dakota customer service, office administration Industrial Commission (NDIC). and graphic design. As the Visitor Services Holmes joined the Lignite Council & Membership Coordinator, Lacey in 2017 following a more than 15 years assists visitors with travel plans as well as career with the Energy & Environmental maintaining and growing the bureau’s Research Center (EERC) in Grand Forks. membership program. She also helps run In his previous role, Holmes oversaw the Genuine Dakota Gift Shop. fossil energy research areas, including his principal areas of interest and expertise APEX HIRES WATER such CO2 capture, fuel processing, RESOURCES GRADUATE gasification systems, and emission control ENGINEER technologies. The Lignite Research Program Austin Konschak continues to foster growth and has allowed joins Apex as a Graduate for more than $800 million support in Engineer in the Bismarck 200-plus new projects over the past more water resources group. Austin Konschak than 30 years. The program remains a He has a degree in strong partnership between private and civil engineering from public sectors as industry continues to the University of Mary. Austin has prior make plant and mine improvements, engineering experience from his time at address carbon management challenges Northern Technologies, LLC as a Graduate and opportunities, and develop emerging Engineer and intern. markets for utilizing the State’s vast coal reserves.

Share your business news with the Chamber EDC. Email press releases to Rebecca at rpelkey@bmcedc.com.

34 4 Connection

CONNECTION | MEMBER PERKS STARION BANK CHRO HONORED AS ONE OF THE TOP WOMEN IN BUSINESS Starion Bank Chief Human Resources Officer Brenna Grossbauer has Brenna Grossbauer been named one of Prairie Business Magazine’s 2022 Top 25 Women in Business. Grossbauer joined Starion as CHRO in 2017. She has spent 21 years in the banking industry, with nearly 20 of those in an executive leadership role. At Starion, she serves as a member of the Executive Committee and is Chair of the Bank’s Management Committee. Grossbauer has a BS in Human Resource Management from Park University and a master's degree in Human Resource Administration from Central Michigan University. She is certified as a Senior Professional in Human Resources through the HR Certification Institute, and she is a Senior Certified Professional from the Society for Human Resource Management. Grossbauer is also a member of the Central Dakota Human Resource Association and the Society for Human Resources Management.

LEGACY FINANCIAL PARTNERS EARN AMERIPRISE CLIENT EXPERIENCE AWARD Legacy Financial Partners, a private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC in Bismarck has earned the 2021 Ameriprise Client Experience Award. Legacy Financial Partners was honored with this award because of their ability to consistently deliver personalized, goal-based advice and exceptional client service. Award recipients earned an overall client satisfaction rating equal to or greater than 4.9 out of 5.0* and maintained stellar business results. The award represents an elite group of Ameriprise advisors recognized as leaders for their commitment to making a difference in the lives of their clients.

Shelly Senger

Josh Gendron

SENGER, GENDRON & WOLF JOIN BIANCO REALTY Bianco Realty is excited to announce the newest REALTORS® to join their professional Real Estate Team: Shelly Senger, Josh Gendron and Mindy Wolf. These REALTORS® look forward to helping clients with their Real Estate needs, achieving their dream of home ownership and providing a Tradition of Excellence!

Mindy Wolf


Provided on Government Access cable channels 2 & 602HD FreeTV.org, Roku, Apple TV, Fire TV Radio Access 102.5FM and RadioAccess.org

Mon, 4th

5:00 pm 5:30 pm

Burleigh County Commission Mandan School Board *

Tues, 5th 5:30 pm Mandan City Commission 7:00 pm Mandan City Commission Board of Equalization Thurs, 7th

5:00 pm

Bismarck Board of Adjustment *

Mon, 11th

5:15 pm 5:30 pm

Bismarck School Board Mandan Park Board *

Tues, 12th

5:15 pm

Bismarck City Commission

Wed, 13th District *

8:00 am

Burleigh County Water Resource

5:15 pm

Burleigh Planning & Zoning

Thurs, 14th

9:00 am 4:00 pm

Bismarck Parking Authority * Bismarck Renaissance Zone Authority *

Mon, 18th 10:00 am 5:00 pm 5:30 pm

Met. Planning Org. – Tech Advisory Cmte. * Burleigh County Commission Mandan School Board *

Tues, 19th 1:30 pm 4:00 pm 5:30 pm

Met. Planning Org. – Policy Board * Burleigh County Human Service Zone Board * Mandan City Commission

Wed, 20th 3:00 pm

Bismarck Historic Preservation Commission *

Thurs, 21st

5:15 pm

Bismarck Park Board

Mon, 25th

5:15 pm 5:30 pm

Bismarck School Board Mandan Planning & Zoning *

Tues, 26th

5:15 pm

Bismarck City Commission

Wed, 27th

5:00 pm

Bismarck Planning & Zoning

Meetings are replayed on Government Access channels and are archived online at FreeTV.org * Not available on Radio Access

Connection 3 35

RIBBON CUTTINGS | CONNECTION Ribbon cuttings are conducted by a committee of Chamber EDC volunteers called Ambassadors. Businesses qualify for a ribbon cutting if they open, move, and remodel, are under new ownership, change their name, or offer a new product or service. To find out how you can get a free ribbon cutting from the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC, please call Ross at 701-223-5660.

BISMARCK GLOBAL NEIGHBORS Celebrate their new location at the Gateway Mall. Phone: 701-955-5257. Member.

MATPAC WRESTLING CLUB INC Board and supporters celebrate new location at 2600 E Rosser Ave in Bismarck. Phone: 701-426-9367. Member.

CAPPUCCINO ON COLLINS New owner Trish Camisa celebrates at her location at 105 Collins Ave in Mandan. Phone: 701-667-1979. Member.

UNITECH PEST CONTROL Owner Jose Sanchez celebrates his new business in Bismarck. Phone: 701-409-3227. Member.


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Join area businesses in supporting project HOPE, a community wellness event providing awareness about prevalent cancers in North Dakota as well as prevention and wellness information. BISMARCKCANCERCENTER.COM

36 4 Connection




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Connection 3 37

NEW MEMBERS | CONNECTION The Chamber EDC encourages all members to do business with each other. The following companies and organizations have recently made an important investment in their business by joining the Chamber EDC. Please consider them for your professional and personal needs. To find a complete listing of Chamber EDC members, view the Member Directory online at www.bismarckmandan.com. Kempix Bismarck, ND 58501 (320) 232-9485 Adam Kempenich Live production company, including conferences, streaming, ticketed events, and more. Chick-fil-A 703 South 3rd St. Bismarck, ND 58504 (701) 751-0793 Andrew Stubbs Restaurant Nutrition Ambition 200 East Main Ave Ste 100 Bismarck, ND 58501 (701) 989-4659 Nicole Geer We want to help the downtown community become healthier & happier one shake at a time. We provide personal coaching, free wellness profiles & good nutrition...all while having fun at the same time.

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rapidfireinc.com • 701-250-7037 38 4 Connection

FM Apparel 712 E Bowen Ave. Bismarck, ND 58504 (701) 989-4910 Don Harris Provide embroidery, printing and promotional items for all business types. We handle corporate accounts for employee apparel needs and merchandising for small businesses Azurance Group 4510 13th Ave. S Fargo, ND 58121 (701) 282-1100 Matthew Sullivan Azurance partners with A-rated carriers in order to provide a full range of supplemental insurance products that help protect your financial well-being and quality of life. AA Tree Service, LLC 721 Hillcrest Dr. SE Unit B Mandan, ND 58554 (701) 204-5915 Alexander Andujar Tree Trimming, Tree removal, stump Grinding, scrub and bush trimming, fire prevention. Schmidt Auto Sales 3420 Memorial Hwy Mandan, ND 58554 (701) 751-4582 Dustin Schmidt We Specialize in NEXT TO NEW Vehicles and if we don’t have what you are looking for we will find it. We Buy, Sell and Consign Vehicles. ''DRIVE SOMETHING NICE FOR THE RIGHT PRICE'' America’s Mattress 1410 Skyline Boulevard, Suite 100 Bismarck, ND 58503 (701) 223-8105 Dustin Schmidt Largest selection of mattresses in town. Also sell full body massage chairs, metal beds, and all bedding accessories. Futons, click clacks.

CONNECTION | NEW MEMBERS Painted Woods Golf Course 1156 Hwy 83 SW Washburn, ND 58577 (701) 462-8480 John Tipping Beautiful 18-hole golf course located in Washburn. A perfect venue for your next event. Open to the public. Integrity Support Services 101 Aspen Lane Bismarck, ND 58503 (701) 415-5461 Adetope Alabi Home health Agency providing Personal care services, Homemaker services, Supervision and Respite Services to clients in the comfort of their own home. Lucit LLC 314 E Thayer Ave Suite 220 Bismarck, ND 58501 (701) 515-9247 Jamie Thrasher Software that connects back-end inventory systems to digital billboards in real time. NorthStar Financial Group 1830 East Century Ave, Suite 3A Bismarck, ND 58503 (701) 975-4500 Bill Davis Financial Advisor. Managing 401k, IRA's, Brokerage accounts both transactional and advisory. Investment products including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, annuities and CD's.

Custom Closets of Bismarck Bismarck, ND 58503 (701) 400-8821 Andrew Frohlich We sell and install custom closets systems in existing and new construction homes. We use our 3D design system to create efficient and stylish storage to keep you uncluttered and organized. The Wash Barn Auto Wash & Detail 1528 E Bismarck Expy Bismarck, ND 58504 (701) 226-4734 Lonnie Barth Here at The Wash Barn, we can make almost anything sparkle! From large RV's to Pomeranians, you can clean them here! B&B Roofing PO Box 698 Bismarck, ND 58502 (701) 258-1808 Lonnie Barth Roofing installation for new roofs, reroofs or repair. Residential and commercial. All types of shingles.

Republic National Distributing 1406 47th St. N Fargo, ND 58701 (701) 492-7010 Darika Polk RNDC is a family-owned business that has evolved into one of the nation's leading wholesale beverage alcohol distributors. Horizon Shelving & Closets, Inc. Bismarck, ND 58503 (701) 400-8821 Andrew Frohlich Furnish and install wire shelving systems in multi-family new construction buildings.

Connection 3 39

Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Connection 1640 Burnt Boat Drive Bismarck, ND 58503

UPCOMING CHAMBER EDC EVENTS BDS: WORKING REMOTELY Date: April 5, 2022 • Time: 9:00am - 10:00am Location: Virtually via Teams APRIL MEMBERSHIP MIXER: MARCO TECHNOLOGIES Date: April 7, 2022 • Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: Sixteen03 Main Events – 1603 E Main Ave, Bismarck BISMARCK MANDAN CHAMBER EDC ANNUAL DINNER Date: April 28, 2022 • Registration/Social: 5:30pm - 7:00pm Event Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Location: Bismarck Event Center – 315 S 5th Street, Bismarck


LEADERSHIP BISMARCK-MANDAN FIELD PROJECT PRESENTATIONS Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2022 • Time: 8:30am - 12:00pm Location: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC – 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck LEADERSHIP BISMARCK-MANDAN GRADUATION Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 • Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm Location: University of Mary – 7500 University Drive, Bismarck MAY MEMBERSHIP MIXER: MCQUADE DISTRIBUTING Date: May 19, 2022 • Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: McQuade Distributing – 1150 Industrial Drive, Bismarck LUNCH ON THE PATIO Date: June 2, 2022 • Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm Location: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Patio – 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck



MAY 1 vs


MAY 7 vs





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