January Connection

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Connection JANUARY 2022




Kevin Strege ...................................................................... Chair Wendy Van Duyne .......................................................Vice-Chair Matt Sagaser ................................................................Secretary Mike Schmitz ................................................................Treasurer Valerie Weigel ............................................................ Past Chair


Evan Anderson ...........................................................Gizmonics Steve Bakken ......................................................City of Bismarck Andrea Birst ...............................................Glance Spa & Salon Nathan Boehm ....................................................Morton County Dave Ehlis ..............................................................Bravera Bank Fred Fridley .........................................................Sanford Health Amber Larson......................................................City of Mandan Becky Matthews ................................................Burleigh County Allan Miller ............................................................Anyleaks, Inc. Dr. Sara Weigel Ness ..............................Active Life Chiropractic Lee Pierce .........................................................ICON Architects Marnie Piehl .......................................................................AARP Mike Remboldt ................................................................HIT Inc. Matt Sagaser ......................................................Doosan Bobcat Mike Schmitz ......................................Schmitz-Holmstrom CPAs Garret Senger ...............................Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. Kevin Strege ................................................Credit Foundations Wendy Van Duyne .....................Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Valerie Weigel .......................Basin Electric Power Cooperative


Brian Ritter .......................................................President & CEO Nate Brown......................................................Sales Coordinator Aasta Eggert .......Economic Development Marketing Specialist Ross Frohlich ............................................Membership Director Mary Kempenich........................Workforce Marketing Specialist Christine Nelson ....................................Event & Sales Manager Rebecca Pelkey .................................Communications Specialist Elliot Rust ................................................Chief Financial Officer Lyndsey Scheurer .........................Creative Marketing Specialist Nathan Schneider ................................................Vice President Josie Smyle ..................................................Events Coordinator Cathryn Sprynczynatyk .....................Communications Specialist 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck, ND 58503 701-223-5660 • www.bismarckmandan.com

CONTACT INFORMATION Content Rebecca Pelkey rpelkey@bmcedc.com

Advertising Nate Brown nbrown@bmcedc.com

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CONNECTION | CHAIR'S CORNER elcome to the first Connection of 2022, and thank you for your confidence in allowing me to serve as Chair.

For me the New Year’s transition is a time to look back to assess and look forward to plan. In some ways it seems so recent that we made the momentous decision to merge the BMDA and The Chamber, but the reality of how much has been accomplished since that time reminds me how much time has passed. In that time, thanks to engaged and visionary leadership from the board and thanks to an adaptable, committed, talented staff, the organization has reinvented itself to address today’s challenges and be more than what either organization was. The culture has become one of continuous improvement, openness to change, collaborative innovation, and creative solutions. I can say confidently the BMCEDC is a strong, efficient, and effective organization which serves our members well. Shifting to look forward, there are still plenty of substantive projects that will continue to elevate the BMCEDC as the voice of business; both supporting our members and advocating for change in the community and the state to strengthen the business community. The farthest-reaching project on the 2022 agenda is to put the same creative focus on Economic Development that we have on other BMCEDC priorities. The tools and strategies that were the keys to economic development in prior years are not those that are productive in today’s environment. Communities across North Dakota and across the nation are redefining the role, tools, and strategies of economic development. The BMCEDC will be a leader in that process as we are in our community. We are in the early stages of a formal strategic planning process specifically for economic development. We are reaching out to local and regional resources to find innovative approaches, draw on the best of what other communities are utilizing, and forge new trails through the insight of our membership. There will be research, education, negotiation, collaboration, conflict, and compromise as we move towards a new vision but, as Bismarck-Mandan has done for the 33 years I have been here, we will find a way to improve the future of the community. We will draw on our membership as appropriate to serve in some capacity: focus groups, surveys, or with a deeper dive as a member of a task force. As our history shows, our membership delivers when asked, because they know the end result will make their commitment worth the effort. Please be confident as we enter 2022 that the BMCEDC board is a visionary group, acting on your behalf, steering us towards a stronger business community. They are active, engaged, and accessible. If you as a member have questions, concerns, or suggestions, please reach out to staff, to me, or to any board member. Our members are the source of both our knowledge and our power to change the community for the better. Sincerely,

Kevin Strege, Chair Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC

twitter.com/bismancedc facebook.com/bismancedc @bismancedc

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WHY WE SERVE By Cathryn Sprynczynatyk Illustration by Shawn Decker

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,” said President Theodore Roosevelt. Those who serve in public office have stepped forward into the arena. Connection Magazine is profiling three business leaders who serve in public office.

Q: How did you take the first leap to run for public office?

A: “I would rather be involved in the community, rather than sit on the sideline and complain. I had friends living in an area just recently developed without a park. I listened to them constantly talk about not having a park. They were sitting on the sideline complaining and waiting for somebody else to do something about this park. At that point I decided to run for my first election. “I lost the first time (in 2010) and I didn’t handle that very well, so It was easy for me to run the second time. I always give (Park Board Commissioner) Julie Jeske grief that she beat me during my first election.”

Q: What has surprised you the most about serving in public office?

A: “How slow government works. As a business owner, you evaluate a situation, and you make a decision. In government, you plan for seven years down the road. It amazes me that sometimes it still takes three to four years to get the project done after all those years of planning. People in public office truly are planning for the future.”

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SUPERPOWER: Bismarck Park Board Commission ALTER EGO: Co-Owner of Bismarck Sign Co. YEARS IN OFFICE: 10 FIRST ELECTED: 2012, currently serving third term in office

CONNECTION | FEATURE Q: What have you learned?

A: “I have learned that a group of people that have a similar mind set can work very hard to get something positive accomplished for their community. It definitely is a community. Nobody makes these decisions for or by themselves. We are making that decision for the betterment of the whole city. “There are people in this community that really have strong opinions one way or another. It’s something you have to learn to appreciate, because everybody has a voice in a democracy.”

Q: What is your time commitment to serve in public office?

A: “On the Park Board, it requires about 5 hours per week. However, if you are serving as the president of the board, you can triple that amount to of time. The Park Board elects a president for a 2-year term, and I have had the honor of serving in that capacity. When my term as president was up, I really missed spending that time being intimately involved with the Park District.”

Q: What advice do you have for other businesspeople interested in public office?

A: “One of the questions that comes up is that businesspeople are concerned about being involved with a political position and the decisions that they may need to make will affect their private business. I have not experienced that over the past nine years (of being in public office).”

Q: What is the most rewarding part of serving in public office?

A: “It’s the same as the reason I ran. Being a participant in your community means a lot to me. It is very rewarding to know you are giving back because your community has given a lot to you.”

Q: How do you balance elected job vs. paying job vs. personal life?

A: “Owning a business, staying married, and serving on the commission — there is such a balance of time. My wife taught me a long time ago that you have to make sure you are present instead of just being there. You have to make sure you have those very separate categories and keep those times special for each one. I have struggled with that at times, but I have a very patient wife and she reminds me where I should have my head.”

Q: Did you have to seek approval from your employer to run for public office?

A: “I had a meeting with my partners. ‘If I decide to run, I need you guys to weigh in to tell me this is not okay in a business sense.’ You are taking time away from the business to run for public office. In a business partnership, my time away from work will affect their lives, too. If I was an employee, you would absolutely need to have that conversation up front with your employer. “I would encourage all employers to allow their employs to be in public office... At the end of the day, businesses survive because there is a strong community here in Bismarck-Mandan.”


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FEATURE | CONNECTION Q: How did you take the first leap to run for public office?

A: “In 2008 I got involved with (District 30 Republicans). I found it to be very, very interesting... When the previous Representative retired, I had to talk to my wife first and get her on board. My kids were very small at the time. The other big thing for me was my staff, my work. If I hadn’t had good employees and good staff, I could not have run. “I had to talk to a few people in my industry. Would this hurt my business? Would it help my business? ... I talked to colleagues around the country. Every single person encouraged me to run. Running and winning can raise your profile in the community. Owning a business gave me a lot of credibility when I ran and put my name on the ballot. “It’s a big leap. I realized... ‘If I am lucky enough to win, it’s only four years. If I don’t like it, I don’t have to run again.’ Once you get into politics, you learn how things are run, and it gets in your blood. You want to get hands-on, and you want to get results.”

Q: What has surprised you the most about serving in public office? A: “We live in the state capital and talk about politics. We all think everyone is following it as close as we do. I am surprised of the large percentage of the public that doesn’t know or doesn’t care what’s going on at the Capitol.”

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SUPERPOWER: North Dakota House of Representatives, District 30

ALTER EGO: Owner and Funeral Director of Bismarck Funeral Home and Crematory


FIRST ELECTED: 2008, currently serving fourth term in office

CONNECTION | FEATURE Q: What have you learned?

A: “I learned that government moves at a slower pace than the private sector. As a business owner, I can make a decision in the morning, and by afternoon we’re working on it and trying to get results. “In the legislature, it takes time. If you have a good idea, you have to sell it to the public, to the governor’s office, and to the legislature. There are a lot of moving parts you are trying to get in sync to get legislation passed. I’m not always the most patient guy, so I have had to learn patience in the legislative process.”

Q: What is your time commitment to serve in public office?

A: “When I first got in, it was just the four months in session... It is definitely becoming more of a time commitment as a legislator. It takes up more time than the public realizes.

Q: What advice do you have for other businesspeople interested in public office?

A: “Consider it. Take a good hard look at what you would hope to accomplish. Do your homework prior to running. Ask around. Ask your legislators or people who have run for public office what are the ups and downs. See if that fits, see if it’s what you’re looking for.”

Q: What is the most rewarding part of serving in public office?

A: “Working hard at legislation, getting your colleagues on board, getting bills passed. The payoff is maybe a year or two down the road when you see that legislation is working. You see it’s helping people in their daily lives. That is why I do it. It doesn’t happen every day, but that is why we have to work hard to create good legislation in North Dakota. It’s well worth it in the end.”

“It’s becoming more and more all the time. There is a hardly a week that goes by that we aren’t doing something with the legislature. It is becoming more and more demanding.”

Q: How do you balance elected job vs. paying job vs. personal life?

A: “Very carefully. I have to keep in mind my work and my family’s time. I am fortunate that my work is only a mile from the capital. I can zip up there if need be. During the legislative session I would get to work at 5 a.m. to do pay roll and pay the bills, before I go to the capital at 8 a.m... During the session I still work at the funeral home during the weekends. I still meet with families and work at funerals.”

Q: Did you have to seek approval from your employer to run for public office?

A: “I juggle it from an owner standpoint. There are legislators who are employees who have to get their boss’ blessing to take four months off... There are a lot of good candidates in our communities. Some employers are very civic-minded and will give their employees time off to run. “It could be advantageous to the employer. It’s a way to give back to the community. Letting your employee serve the community may help your business the way it helped mine.”

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FEATURE | CONNECTION Q: How did you take the first leap to run for public office?

A: “Stepping out and announcing was the hardest part of everything I’ve done in the last four years... After that, there are parts that are very rewarding and parts that are very challenging. “Even if you’re not elected, to take that leap and put your name on the ballot is such an accomplishment itself. To me the success is getting over that fear and putting yourself out there.”

Q: What has surprised you the most about serving in public office? A: “What surprised me the most was the issues that captured the attention of the public. While they are within city government, they are not things in our typical operations. For example, backyard chickens, wall murals, a vicious dog attack, and leash laws. Most recently, if local government should enact mask mandates. I thought we would be talking about roads, wastewater, waste management — the typical city government things. Those are not the things that capture the public’s attention.”

Q: What have you learned? A: “The most I have learned is about myself. Because I ran in a competitive election, it threw me so far out of my comfort zone. It happened in all the best ways. It made me reach out to people and made me much better as a commissioner because of it.”

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SUPERPOWER: Mandan City Commission ALTER EGO: Senior Marketing Manager with Bartlett & West; Co-owner of Larson's Tattooing YEARS IN OFFICE: 4 FIRST ELECTED: 2018

CONNECTION | FEATURE Q: What is your time commitment to serve in public office?

Q: How did you make the decision not to run for re-election?

Q: How do you balance elected job vs. paying job vs. personal life?

“Last year not only brought the challenges of a worldwide pandemic, but also a stage-four lung cancer diagnosis for one of my greatest sources of strength... my non-smoking and otherwise healthy mom. I’m not great at doing anything halfway and realized recently that something had to give between my personal and professional life and countless doctors' appointments and hospital visits. I’ve been through plenty of hard things, but this has rocked me in a way I haven’t experienced before. I have to take a break.

A: “On average, I spend 5-10 hours per week in meetings or doing different things related to my role as a city commissioner. Running for office was a lot more, because it was a very competitive election.”

A: “Being a woman and serving in public office is hard. It took another level of coordination for me. That was a challenge, especially as my daughter has more and more activities, and my husband is consumed with work, and my parents face health challenges. It’s hard to juggle all of that. It’s a choice. It’s a sacrifice people have to make when they run for public office.”

Q: Did you have to seek approval from your employer to run for public office?

A: “Yes, my day job is most heavily affected, but I am extremely fortunate that I work for (Bartlett & West) a company that cares a lot. My employer is extremely community-minded and very flexible with our hours. I have to come and go often to be able to serve the city. “The first thing I did was talk with the leadership locally within our office. We have other people in our company (across the country) who also hold public office. We have had other people run, and the company has supported it. That made it a lot easier too.”

A: “That was a really hard decision. I have loved serving Mandan. Putting your name on the ballot (the first time) is the big leap. Once you have the role, it’s usually a no brainer to keep going. I always thought I would at least do two-terms, serve eight years.

“I can’t thank my husband, daughter and employer enough for all the support they have given me. While I will be hitting the pause button, I guarantee I’ll be back to local politics someday if Mandan will have me.”

Q: What is the most rewarding part of serving in public office? A: “My favorite part is seeing how the city works and seeing how hard the staff works to operate. Getting to know the staff and the different departments has been really great. To see how much it takes to turn on our tap and get clean water — most people don’t know the infrastructure and the people it takes to get that.”

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

— President Theodore Roosevelt

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THINKING OF RUNNING FOR OFFICE? 2022 Candidate Campaign Training Wednesday, Janaury 26


2022 Candidate Campaign Training 9:00am - 4:00pm — Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Wed., January 26, 2022 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck This Photo by

9am – 4pm, Chamber EDC Conference Room 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck, ND

This Photo by

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Candidates who have announced they are seeking an elected office and individuals who are Candidates who have announced they are seeking an elected office and individuals considering running in an election and would like to learn about whatlike it takes getwhat elected who are considering running in an election and would to learnto about it takes to get elected and what it’s like to serve in public office. and what it’s like to serve in public office. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN? WHAT WILL YOU LEARN?

• The Candidate Training Academy covers 7 social media • leverage The need to leverage social • The Candidate Training • The need to media Academy covers 7 strengths strengths and skills important for successful andmoney what rules are in place and skills important for • How to raise • money How to raise and what campaigns. successful campaigns. rules arecan in place governing governing what you collect and how you can what you can collect and how • How concisely articulate collect it • How to concisely articulate reasons fortorunning • •

you can collect it reasons for running • How to ensure you have How to plan and budget for a How to plan and budget for a race • How to ensure you have sufficient time and sufficient time and opportunity race contactwith with voters make contact voters • What research is helpful for aopportunity totomake What research is helpful for a campaign and how campaign and how to get it • How to get the vote out on to get it done • How to get the vote out election day on election day done •

Special guests and lunch speakers: Rep. Mike Nathe, Morton County Commissioner Special guests and lunch speakers: Ray Morrell, and N.D. Insurance Commissioner Jon Godfread will share their personal Rep. Mike Nathe, Morton County Commissioner Ray and N.D.inInsurance Commissioner stories of running for office andMorrell, what it’s like to serve an elected position. Al Jaeger, N.D. Secretary of State, will also share information about requirements Jon Godfread will share their personal stories of running for office and what it’s like toforserve candidates.

in an elected position. Al Jaeger, N.D. Secretary of State, will also share information about requirements for candidates. HOW DO I SIGN UP?

Cost: $30 Sign up online: https://bmbor.wufoo.com/forms/p1aphlbz0w6t719/

COST: $30.00


Or email sunne@bmbor.org or call 255-0712.

SIGN UP ONLINE: https://bit.ly/33rlTTe

Sponsored by: Sponsored by:

10 4 Connection

EMAIL: sunne@bmbor.org


2022 ELECTIONS Primary Election: June 14, 2022 Bismarck Mayor – 1 seat open

Mandan City Commission – 2 seats open Bismarck City Commission – 2 seats open Mandan School Board – 3 seats open Bismarck School Board – 3 seats open Mandan Park Board – 3 seats open Bismarck Park Board – 2 seats open

Morton County Commission – 4 candidates advance Burleigh County Commission – 6 candidates advance TIMELINE: Earliest day to begin circulating petitions: Jan. 1, 2022 Deadline to file petitions: 4:00pm, April 11, 2022 Election Day: June 14, 2022

General Election: Nov. 8, 2022 Morton County Commission – 2 seats open Burleigh County Commission – 3 seats open District 7 (Bismarck) 1 Senator 2 Representatives

District 35 (Bismarck) 1 Senator 2 Representatives

District 31 (Mandan) 1 Senator 2 Representatives

District 47 (Bismarck) 1 Senator 2 Representatives

TIMELINE: Earliest day to begin circulating petitions: April. 8, 2022 Deadline to file petitions: 4:00pm, Sept. 6, 2022 Election Day: Nov. 8, 2022

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MEMBER PROFILE | CONNECTION Poppy's Promise has been a Chamber EDC member since 2020.

Lorena Poppe POPPY'S PROMISE Tell us about yourself and your role within your business. A: ​I am the owner and CEO of Poppy’s Promise. I have over 30 years of experience in the field of disability services. I spent 11 years as a disabilities advocate and 17 years in the service provider sector prior to opening Poppy’s Promise in 2017. I am passionate about working with kids, young adults, and their families to achieve services that are relevant and make sense for each individual situation.

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MEMBER SINCE 2020 Briefly tell us the history behind Poppy’s Promise and how you got started. A: After working in various roles supporting people with disabilities over the years, I had a strong sense of the values and approaches I wanted to promote within an organization providing disability-related services. I opened Poppy’s Promise with the goal of developing services that met kids, young adults, and families where they are at on life’s journey. I wanted to minimize the hoops people often have to jump through to get the supports and services they need.

CONNECTION | MEMBER PROFILE The name, Poppy’s Promise, is a play on my last name (Poppe) but the meaning goes much deeper than that. Our logo incorporates a blue poppy, which symbolizes imagination and success. Blue is also the awareness color for autism spectrum disorder, and many of our services are designed to support those living with autism (our Applied Behavior Analysis program is one example). How has the growth of Bismarck-Mandan impacted Poppy’s Promise? A: While there has always been a need for disability supports and services, the growth of Bismarck-Mandan has increased that need significantly. It’s important for people seeking out services to be able to choose from an array of support options that are the best fit for their individual situations. I believe Poppy’s Promise offers a unique and personal option for those who are looking for a smaller, hometown provider. What trends are taking place in your industry? A: Thankfully there is a recognition on both the state and federal levels of the need for diversified and specialized disability-related services. In Bismarck-Mandan and across the state we have seen the development of some promising new program options. To keep that momentum going, it’s important for providers like Poppy’s Promise to support families and advocacy organizations in voicing the need for the growth and development of services that will best support people. Have there been any monumental changes within your industry that you’ve had to deal with? A: I think the biggest change/challenge that providers like Poppy’s Promise have had to deal with is the workforce shortage that is being seen across almost every industry. Creativity in recruiting employees is key and we are trying to think outside the box when it comes to hiring. What does the future of Poppy’s Promise look like and the industry as a whole look like to you? A: The future of Poppy’s Promise looks bright and exciting! We want to be able to fill the gaps in the service delivery system for people with disabilities and look for nontraditional ways of providing services to kids and adults living with disabilities. We are currently exploring some potential new programs and future projects that we feel will make a big difference within the BismarckMandan communities. Poppy’s Promise became a member in 2020, why do you continue to renew? A: Since becoming members of the Chamber EDC, we have experienced great opportunities to meet people from a variety of industries and to network with others who can help guide us as we work toward our goals as an organization. In the year we have belonged to the Chamber EDC, we have been welcomed into the business community in a way that has helped us feel like we truly have a place in Bismarck-Mandan! What should other Chamber EDC members know about Poppy’s Promise that may assist them? A: We love hearing from people who have questions about how to connect to services for kids and young adults with disabilities. If members have friends or family members who want to learn about service options, they should feel free to send them our way. We can be reached at 701-204-7870 or through our website – www.poppyspromise.com.

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WORKFORCE FORUM HOSTED The Chamber EDC assisted in hosting a forum focused on best practices in retaining and attracting employees. The “lunch and learn” session was hosted by the Mandan Economic Opportunity and Prosperity (EOP) Committee with coordination from the Mandan Business Development & Communications Department. The roughly 60 participants heard from representatives from Job Service ND that shared labor market stats and services available to employers. Pat Bertagnolli, Watford City Rough Rider Center and Community Enhancement Director, provided the keynote on recruiting and retention through community building. The session was capped with Chamber EDC, City of Mandan, and State representatives sharing information about local and state programs including job shadowing, internships, apprenticeships, and student loan reimbursement and scholarship matching funds.

JOB SHADOW WEEK EMPLOYER REGISTRATION BEGINS Employer registration for one of the Chamber EDC’s premier workforce development programs has begun. Job Shadow Week, which partners high school and college students from across the area with employers in Bismarck-Mandan, will be held April 12-16. Employers are needed to host students virtually or in-person for sessions explaining and showcasing occupations within their companies. Employers are able to sign up for as many or as few students and time slots as they feel they can host. To learn more about the program and sign-up to host students you can email Mary at mary@bmcedc.com.

OCTOBER 2021 ECONOMIC INDICATORS Sales Tax Collected $2,343,197

Airport Passengers 37,061


Month-over-month increase

Residential Building Permits 23

Residential Permit Valuation $6,058,752

Month-over-month decrease

See the full list of economic indicators on the Chamber EDC’s Economy at a Glance at www.bismarckmandanedc.com.

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BUSINESS PITCH APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN Entries are open for Mandan’s fourth Business Pitch Challenge to be held March 23, 2022. Prizes include the chance to be eligible for up to a $10,000 forgivable loan from the Mandan Growth Fund plus other cash awards, services and merchandise useful to new businesses. The competition overview, prize list and application are posted at www.cityofmandan. com/businesspitch. The Mandan Tomorrow - Economic Opportunity and Prosperity Committee is hosting the challenge to assist prospective and start-up businesses in fine-tuning ideas and plans to secure investment, financing and other support needed to advance businesses from concept to launch, form early stage to success and profitability. The challenge is being conducted with assistance from City 2020 Mandan Business Pitch Winner Rachel Jungling, Letter the Lawn. of Mandan Business Development, the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC and North Dakota Small Business Development Centers. Organizers want to help inspire and support a culture of entrepreneurism. Winners of prior contests are Letter the Lawn, 2021; Latidot Scoop and Gift Shop, 2019; and Nordic Steel Building Systems, 2018. Other finalists have also gone on to open and expand businesses in Mandan.

BUSINESS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM OF THE MONTH: NEW MARKET TAX CREDITS The New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC) program was created through the Community Renewal Tax Relief Act of 2000 and is administered through the U.S. Department of Treasury. New Markets Tax Credits is funded by DBL Equity Partners, an entity of Dakota Business Lending, through a process of investing in and monetizing tax credits to fill a financing gap. To qualify for New Markets Tax Credits a project must be in a qualifying census tract, the size and scale of the project needs to be transformative to the (re)development of the distressed area, and the project is adaptable to the unique structure and requirements of the program. To learn more about New Markets Tax Credits contact the Chamber EDC office.

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CHAMBER EDC LAUNCHES NEW PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TRACKS For the first time, the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC has created a series of professional development ‘tracks’ for its members. Initially, three tracks have been created: first-time managers, soft skills and business operations. The first-time manager’s training is available thanks to a partnership with Dale Carnegie and will be offered quarterly throughout 2021. The ten-week program is a virtual course, facilitated by Dale Carnegie staff, which will provide Chamber EDC members with tools for success as they become leaders for the first time. The other two tracks offer a unique combination of content from the Chamber EDC, University of Mary and Bismarck State College (BSC). Previously, the Chamber EDC had hosted professional development sessions through its Business Development Series. Those that fit under the business operations and soft skills tracks, have been included and are available for Chamber EDC members to watch on their own schedule. Additionally, professional development offerings from both the University of Mary and BSC that fall under these tracks are now available to Chamber EDC members at a discount. The Chamber EDC will look to add even more professional development content under these initial three tracks and more in the future. Whether that be through related content developed by partners in higher education or through original content generated by Chamber EDC members and offered through the Business Development Series. Available online to Chamber EDC members at www.bismarckmandan.com, the new professional development tracks are yet another resource for the more than 1,200 Chamber EDC Members.

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On Thursday, December 9th, the Chamber EDC made ‘spirits’ bright with their brand-new holiday event, the 12 Tastes of Christmas!

Register today! The Chamber EDC is ready to kickoff 2022 with their first event of the new year, the Indoor Golf Tournament! On Friday, January 14th, two person teams will compete in a 9-hole tournament at Golf Etc. located at 511 Airport Road in Bismarck.

At this SOLD-OUT event, guests shared their holiday cheer with one another while taste-testing holidayinspired cocktails, wine, beer, spirits, and more! Along with sampling 12 tastes of their choice, attendees were able to enjoy one of Bismarck-Mandan’s best views from the National Energy Center of Excellence on Bismarck State College campus. Live holiday music by Brian Gray, as well as great food, drinks, and company made this a December to remember for the Chamber EDC! THANK YOU SPONSORS!! Social Sponsors: AE2S, Bismarck-Mandan Convention & Visitors Bureau Appetizer Sponsors: Bismarck Cancer Center, Capital Credit Union, Gate City Bank

Don’t wait to sign up for your preferred flight, as number of spots available is limited! 3 Flight Times – 9-Hole Tournament: • Flight One: 11:00am • Flight Two: 1:00pm • Flight Three: 3:00pm Entry fees include: $150 for a team of two and$75 for an individual player. Don’t have a team put together? No worries! The Chamber EDC will get you connected with a teammate for the tournament. Food and drinks will be provided for players, along with prizes for the}top 3 teams and the player with the most fairways. Contact Josie Smyle, jsmyle@bmcedc.com, or call the Chamber EDC, 701-223-5660, with any questions and to register! THANK YOU SPONSORS!! Hole in One Sponsor:

Talk, text, and data that work on ordinary – and extraordinary – days. A crisis can happen at any time. That’s why FirstNet® is here – to help keep the lines of communication open for first responders on FirstNet. So, you can connect to the critical information you need every day and in every emergency. Join more than 18,500 agencies and organizations already on FirstNet and get exclusive pricing and flexible rate plans for qualified public safety organizations and individuals on a personal line of service. There are multiple ways to connect. To learn more, visit FirstNet.com or AT&T. 541 South 7th Street, Bismarck, ND 58504 701.223.2005 ©2021 AT&T Intellectual Property. FirstNet and the FirstNet logo are registered trademarks of the First Responder Network Authority. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

18 4 Connection

Eagle Sponsor: Birdie Sponsor: Drink Food Sponsor: Sponsor: TERRY KRAFT Bay Sponsor: Bismarck Motor Company, Brady, Martz, & Associates, Jamieson Capital, Starion Bank



HUMAN SERVICES DAY On Human Services day, the class heard from speakers on the topics of foster care, homelessness, and services for people with disabilities. The issue day was hosted at HIT, Inc. in Mandan.

The Burleigh County Sheriff's Water Rescue Team presents their Zodiac rescue and recovery boat to the Leadership Bismarck-Mandan class on Serve & Protect Day at the Burleigh-Morton County Detention Center.

Stacy Schaffer, Executive Director of the 31:8 Project, talked on human trafficking. She said human trafficking exists in North Dakota, and it exists in small towns where police presence isn’t as prevalent. Sherrice Roness runs the Students in Transition program for Bismarck Public Schools and provides services to students experiencing homelessness. Mark Meier of Heaven’s Helpers Soup Cafe spoke about the soup kitchen’s brand-new location and the ever-expanding services they provide. SERVE & PROTECT DAY Serve & Protect Day covers topics on military, law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical services. This year, Serve & Protect Day was held at the Burleigh-Morton County Detention Center. Burleigh County Sheriff’s Deputy Joe Citta brought German Shepherd Profi for a K-9 working dog presentation. All of the Burleigh County Sheriff K-9s come from Europe. Profi was trained in Holland and responds to commands in Dutch and German. Dan Schaefer, Operations Chief for Metro Area Ambulance Service, spoke on opioid abuse and cardiac ready communities. The Burleigh County Sheriff’s Water Rescue Team displayed their Zodiac rescue and recovery boat. Special Agent Christopher Kimmerle provided video demonstrations from the UAS Team at North Dakota Bureau of Criminal Investigations.


Presenting Sponsor: Gold Sponsor: Scholarship Sponsors:


Program Sponsors: Bartlett & West, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Liberty Business Systems, KLJ Human Services co-chairs: Deidre Hillman – 13th Hat, LLC Heather Pitsiladis – Glance Spa & Salon Katie Schulz – Ameriprise Financial Services Serve & Protect co-chairs: Chief Robyn Krile – Lincoln Police Dept. Scott Ritter – Aspen Group, LLP Ashley Hoerner – First International Bank & Trust Lunch, and Breakfast Sponsors: HIT, Inc. - Human Services Day Glance Spa & Salon - Human Services Day Aspen Group, LLC - Serve & Protect Day First International Bank & Trust - Serve & Protect Day

Connection 3 19



Date: Friday, January 14, 2022 Location: Golf Etc. 511 Airport Road, Bismarck Flight Times: 11:00AM - 1:00PM 1:00PM - 3:00PM 3:00PM - 5:00PM Admission: $150 per team $75 for individual Presenting Sponsor: Register TODAY for a fun indoor golf tournament that will take place on Friday, January 14th, at Golf Etc. *Number of spots available is limited* Entry fees include: $150 for a team of two and $75 for an individual player. Prizes will be available for the top 3 teams and the player with most fairways. Don’t have a team put together? No worries! We’ll get you connected with a teammate for the tournament! Contact Josie Smyle, jsmyle@bmcedc.com, or call the Chamber EDC office, 701-223-5660, with any questions or to register.

MEMBERSHIP MIXER: BAYMONT INN & SUITES Date: Thursday, January 27, 2022 Location: Baymont Inn & Suites 2611 Old Red Trail, Mandan Event Time: 4:30PM - 6:30PM Admission: Free to Attend

Membership Mixers are back! Save the date for the first Membership Mixer of the new year! Baymont Inn & Suites will be hosting the January Membership Mixer on Thursday, January 27th at 2611 Old Red Trail in Mandan from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. Join fellow Chamber EDC members for this Membership Mixer while we enjoy refreshments, hors d’oeuvres, and some business after hours. Mixers are FREE for Chamber EDC members to attend. Please consider attending and bringing colleagues from your workplace! RSVP’s are appreciated and can be made by registering online at https://business.bismarckmandan.com/events or by contacting Josie Smyle, jsmyle@bmcedc.com.

Make plans to attend the 8th annual Masks in the Moonlight Charity Ball! This exciting event features an evening of mystery, intrigue, and fun. Enjoy dinner, dancing, a live and silent auction and more. All proceeds benefit the Bismarck Cancer Center Foundation.




FEBRUA R Y 5 , 2 0 2 2 S I XT E E N 03 M A I N E V E N T S 20 4 Connection

For more informa tion, conta ct Sa ra a t 7 0 1 - 2 2 2 - 61 1 9 BISM ARCKCANCERCENTERFOUNDATION.COM


MEMBERSHIP MIXER: DAKOTA EYE INSTITUTE Date: Thursday, February 24, 2022 Location: Dakota Eye Institute 200 S 5th Street, Bismarck Event Time: 4:30PM - 6:30PM Admission: Free to Attend

Save the date and RSVP today for the February Membership Mixer! Dakota Eye Institute will be hosting the February Membership Mixer on Thursday, February 24th, at their south location, 200 S 5th Street, in Bismarck, from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. Mixers are FREE for Chamber EDC members to attend so bring your colleagues and friends for a great evening of appetizers, refreshments, and networking! RSVPs are appreciated and can be made by registering online at https://business.bismarckmandan.com/events or by contacting Josie Smyle, jsmyle@bmcedc.com.


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Connection 3 21


Go Cordless, UNIVERSITY OF MARY AND UTTC BRING CULTURES TOGETHER Go Electric! FOR MID-WINTER POWWOW Snapper 82v Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery Tools for your snow removal, lawn, garden and more!

The University of Mary, in partnership with United Tribes Technical College (UTTC) and with the support of Bismarck State College (BSC), is inviting the public and media to the second annual Mid-winter Powwow on campus. The event brings cultures together and helps celebrate the life and dignity of the human person. The Mid-winter Powwow was an annual event at the university in the 1980s and 90s and was revitalized in 2020, after a 30 year hiatus.

“We extend a joyful welcome and our Benedictine hospitality to our partners at UTTC, our good friends at BSC, and everyone participating in this beautiful and colorful annual event of dance, singing, and fellowship, which serves to affirm the culture and dignity of all peoples,” said University of Mary President Monsignor James P. Shea.

Sunday, Jan. 17, 2022, celebration with United Tribes Technical College kicks off Mary’s first ever ‘Life and Dignity Week.’

“Monsignor Shea and the UMary team have done a great job of bringing back the UMary Mid-Winter Powwow,” stated UTTC President Dr. Leander McDonald. “The UTTC team has appreciated the opportunity to provide input on this important Native cultural event for our campuses as well as the larger Bismarck Mandan metro area. I encourage anyone who has not been to a powwow to attend as the master of ceremonies Whitney ReCountre does a tremendous job of sharing the history and background for the dances and singing that occurs.” The event begins with a 10:30 a.m. Mass celebrated in honor of a holy man and “Servant of God,” Nicholas Black Elk — regarded as a historically notable and influential Native American leader who died in 1950. As a member of the Oglala Lakota peoples, Black Elk was a participant in the Battle of Little Bighorn as a boy, and present during the Wounded Knee Massacre. He later converted to Catholicism, and led a humble life as a catechist in service to spreading the Gospel. In 2016, the Diocese of Rapid City officially opened his cause for canonization as a saint.

6031 E. Main Ave, #1 • Bismarck, ND 58501


www.PerformanceEquipmentND.com Open: Mon - Fri; 8:00am - 5:00pm Saturdays by Appointment

Parts Sales 22 4 Connection


Following Mass, the celebration continues with an introduction to the Powwow — "Powwow 101" — in Lumen Vitae University Center’s (LVUC) Founders Hall at 11:30 a.m. The Mid-winter Powwow commences with a grand entrance at 1 p.m. in the McDowell Activity Center (MAC), with a second grand entrance at 7 p.m. Prizes for various categories of dance will be awarded. Attendees are invited to a traditional frybread and buffalo feed between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. in LVUC’s Crow’s Nest Restaurant. Entry fee for those five to 65 years of age is $5 per person, which includes the meal at the Crow’s Nest Restaurant. For more information about the Mid-Winter Powwow, visit umary.edu/powwow.


BSC TO UNVEIL PLANS FOR POLYTECHNIC EXPANSION On Nov. 15, 2021, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum signed Senate Bill 2345 granting Bismarck State College $38 million from the state’s federal Rescue Plan coronavirus aid to advance its expanded mission as North Dakota’s Polytechnic Institution. BSC, along with legislative, industry, community and educational partners, will hold a press conference to outline the expanded polytechnic mission, new career pathways and plans for a polytechnic education center on the BSC campus on Wednesday, Dec. 1, at 10:30 a.m., in the Basin Electric Auditorium inside the BSC National Energy Center of Excellence.

Renderings: EAPC Architects Engineers

“We are extremely appreciative of the level of confidence and commitment we’ve received from the governor and our legislative leaders to advance the ND State Board of Higher Education’s polytechnic mission at BSC,” says BSC President Doug Jensen. “North Dakota has tremendous natural assets that support economic growth in our state. The decision to invest in our polytechnic mission aligns perfectly with the state’s economic growth projects.” BSC’s transition as the only polytechnic institution in the region began in late 2018 and has since commissioned two studies with the National Coalition of Advanced Technology Centers (NCATC) and Gray Associates to determine the skills, technical talent and degree programs needed in high-priority occupations to impact and sustain business and industry development and economic growth.

EVERY DAY IS A CHOICE. CHOOSE YOU. Join today and make YOU your priority this year!

J a n u a r y

“Our state’s investment in BSC is timely, substantial and provides the resources necessary to expand academic programs and educational services to address the trends and needs of our students, communities and industry workforce,” Jensen says. “North Dakota needs a mechanism to ensure we have the highly skilled workforce our public and private sector stakeholders need to continue to sustain and grow our economy. BSC is now positioned to build the talent pipeline that will impact the economy now and for many years into the future.”

$0 Joiner Fee

3 - 2 7

Join by January 14 ONLY and pay no dues until February 1! All new Adult & Household Memberships get 2 FREE MX4 training sessions plus a discount deal on their first full package purchase. (Subject to availability. Some restrictions may apply. See Member Services for more information.)


Connection 3 23


PWB CPAS & ADVISORS BISMARCK’S 150TH TO JOIN EIDE BAILLY BIRTHDAY Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area firm PWB CPAs & Advisors will become part of certified public accounting and business advisory firm Eide Bailly on December 6, 2021. The combination will add two offices to Eide Bailly’s downtown presence in the Twin Cities, one in Bloomington, Minn., and another in Plymouth, Minn. PWB’s strong reputation for client service and specific industry expertise will help Eide Bailly continue to offer mid-market organizations solutions that tackle challenges and spur growth. “PWB is a talented firm that matches our culture and dedication to helping clients grow, thrive and embrace opportunities and innovation,” said Dave Stende, Eide Bailly managing partner/CEO. “We look forward to strengthening our relationships in the Midwest and building new ones.” PWB has built a strong reputation as a team of trusted advisors that strives to make a tangible difference in their client’s operations. PWB Managing Partner Brian Peterson said the opportunities that will come with joining Eide Bailly brings growth for both clients and staff.

Ross Frohlich - Membership Director

CONTACT ROSS TODAY to find out details about membership and if it’s the right choice for your business! rfrohlich@bmcedc.com

24 4 Connection


This year Bismarck will observe its 150th Birthday. In 1972 your Bismarck Chamber of Commerce supported and promoted a Bismarck Centennial week filled with events in July 1972. It was a really BIG celebration. While your Chamber EDC Board of Directors supports Bismarck’s 150th birthday – its Sesquicentennial – this birthday observance is going to be special, but subdued. There is an excellent 150th birthday project which will honor and enhance Bismarck’s history. The Bismarck Historical Society, formed in January 2005, has an excellent 150th Birthday Present for Bismarck – the restoration and protection of the beautiful stained-glass windows in one of Bismarck’s oldest historic buildings at Camp Hancock. Camp Hancock Historic site on west Main Street in downtown Bismarck is owned and operated by the North Dakota State Historical Society. Camp Hancock houses the original weather station, a covered Northern Pacific steam locomotive, and the 1880 Bread of Life church, one of the oldest buildings in Bismarck, was moved onto the Camp Hancock historic site in 1965. Its beautiful stained-glass windows had been vandalized, but were stabilized as the State Historical Society over the years has undertaken several projects to restore this historic part of Bismarck’s history. What remains to be completed and the cost of restoration with storm windows are 14 sanctuary windows at a cost of $19,200; a 3-part arched window in the narthex at a cost of $17,800; and 10 windows above the altar at a cost of $78,400. It is this project which the Chamber EDC supports as a celebration of Bismarck’s 150th birthday. Your Chamber EDC Board of Directors sees this to be a fitting 150th Birthday Present for Bismarck. Chamber EDC members are encouraged to celebrate Bismarck 150th birthday by contributing The Bread of Life Window Restoration Project. Your gift in any amount payable to BHS Window Restoration and sent to: The Bismarck Historical Society, PO Box 47, Bismarck ND 58502-0047. Your gift is tax deductible as the Bismarck Historical Society is an approved IRS 501 (c)(3) organization. A receipt will be provided, and your contribution will be recognized. What better way to celebrate history, than to preserve it!



Rendering: Arizon Building Systems

The Mandan Park Board approved to proceed with the construction of an indoor tennis facility located east of the Starion Sports Complex practice football field on Monday, November 8 at the Mandan Park Board meeting. Mandan Parks and Recreation has entered into a 15-year agreement with Mandan Tennis Center LLC to construct the tennis facility. Cole Higlin, Director of the Mandan Park District, said, “We are excited to bring tennis and pickleball as lifetime activities to an indoor facility in Mandan. We were very fortunate to have Bob & Mary Kupper donate the land for the facility right next to the new parking lot we will have on the east side of the Starion Sports Complex.” The Mandan Park District will lease the operations and financial responsibility of the facility to Mandan Tennis Center LLC. This agreement follows the model of other user groups such as Dakota Star Gymnastics, the StockCar Association, Mandan Baseball Club and the Mandan Hockey Club. Tracy Porter, President of Mandan Tennis Center LLC, said, “The facility will include 41,600 square feet inside the dome featuring six tennis courts. Three of the courts will be multi-striped to allow for 10 pickleball courts. Outside the dome will include a 3,000 square foot welcome center and four outdoor pickleball courts. This facility will serve a growing need in our community for tennis and pickleball and will be available to boys and girls tennis teams and summer parks and recreation programs. Free court space will also be set aside each week for First Responders and active Military. The dome will have the potential to host regional and state high school tournaments, college matches, USTA sanctioned tournaments, and USAPA sanctioned tournaments. The dome will also allow for tennis and pickleball lessons and leagues to be played in the fall, winter, and spring months. It will serve as Mandan’s first indoor tennis facility.”

Connection 3 25



109 N 4th Street, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-751-1695

Q: WHAT IS YOUR "HANG WITH US" CAMPAIGN ALL ABOUT? A: Good question! The Capital Gallery, in downtown Bismarck, has become North Dakota’s full-service gallery. We offer our clients complimentary consultation and delivery. As the “Hang With Us” team, we visit their homes with art, stage it, and leave it behind for them to enjoy and “live with” for a time before deciding on a purchase.

Marci and David, gallery co-directors, have made trips across North Dakota and western Minnesota, often in a U-Haul, bringing regional artists into homes that would otherwise not see them. Expanding on this approach, the gallery, through January 15, is staging “I’ll be Home,” an exhibition co- curated with Interiors by Design. Living room, dining room, bedroom and more are staged, accompanied by fine art. Learn more about our nonprofit gallery by visiting www.TheCapitalGallery.com or visit us at 109 N. 4th Street. We’re ready to hang with you!

26 4 Connection


201 W Front Ave, Bismarck, ND 58504 701-557-7600


what makes things popular and a line stuck out to me - the greatest hits are familiar surprises. It reminds me of a goofy radio ad the Larks did a few years ago. We used the cadence of the Baby Got Back song for a Christmas ad we were doing about our ticket packages. Fans LOVED it! Even though we had promoted the same package the last two years, this new ad caught a new audiences attention and started a lot of conversations. Now it makes sense - the ad was successful because it was rooted in a song most fans know by heart (regrettably) but with new creative lyrics and two different goofy voices singing! When you’re thinking of your creative twist on a new product, service, or campaign remember customers preferences are guided by their stimulation of new things and a deep comfort in the familiar.


500 N 8th Street, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-222-6100


role of caregiver when a loved one is diagnosed with cancer. They may be spouses, partners, family members, or close friends. Caregivers can develop physical symptoms, like fatigue and trouble sleeping, so it’s important to take care of yourself. Many times, the first thing to go is a regular self-care routine: exercise, hobbies, etc. Caregivers may feel guilty for not focusing solely on the patient. But, self-care is what you need the most- time to re-energize and recharge. Keep informed. Even if the patient thinks he or she can ‘handle’ the appointment alone, I encourage the caregiver to participate fully to lessen their own uncertainty. Simplify. Many of life’s roles can’t be abandoned, but when possible, cut back or delegate lesser responsibilities and set limits. Support groups. When someone you love is affected by cancer, support is what matters most. The Bismarck Cancer Center offers a Caregivers Support Group the 3rd Thursday of each month at 5:30. For more information call 701-222-6100.



4204 Boulder Ridge Rd, #100, Bismarck, ND 58503




1315 S 20th Street, Bismarck, ND 58504 701-751-6188

2603 E Broadway Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-323-5222

Q: HOW CAN I KEEP MY COMMIT- Q: HOW IS THE GREAT PLAINS MENT TO HEALTH & WELLNESS? FOOD BANK WORKING TO ENSURE PEOPLE ARE FED AND A: The New Year brings on thoughts of reFOOD DOESN’T GO TO WASTE? newed commitment to health and wellness and a yearning to get up off the couch A: The Great Plains Food Bank was get moving. All too often, we are so busy adulting that life gets in the way, and the first thing left behind is our health & wellness commitment, or the word ‘exercise’ sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard to us. If we reframe exercise to an ‘activity routine,’ it becomes a more manageable commitment to keep.

When we talk about an activity routine, we are not limited to just one type of activity. Finding different types of physical activity that you enjoy doing day-to-day will significantly impact your mind and body. A cardiovascular activity may include walking, jogging, swimming, biking, or even aerobics class. By incorporating weight training and muscle-strengthening activities, our bodies can better handle the demands of daily tasks. The more we move our bodies daily, increasing mobility, stamina, and flexibility, the better we can live a healthy life. To learn more about Optimum Therapies, visit www.optimumtherapies.com.


created in 1983 as a solution to address that issue exactly: there was food going to waste while people went hungry. Our purpose was to recover this surplus food that would otherwise go to waste and get it into the hands of those who needed it most. And that remains our foundation today. Last year alone, we recovered over 21 million pounds of food from grocery stores, manufacturers, retailers and farmers and distributed it to more than 153,000 individuals across North Dakota and Clay County, Minn. One in six of our neighbors needed food assistance last year, the highest that it’s ever been in our history. As the only food bank in the state of N.D., we play a unique role in hunger relief and it’s not something we take lightly. Our mission is to End Hunger Together and we believe that with partners like our food and financial donors, governments, public and private entities working alongside each other, we will. Join us by visiting greatplainsfoodbank.org.


are suspended until it’s brought before the US Court of Appeals Sixth Circuit Court. If the court lifts the stay on the ETS, employers with 100 employees or more will be expected to either mandate COVID-19 vaccinations company-wide or enact a policy requiring face coverings and regular testing for COVID-19. Following the circuit court’s ruling, it is possible that the losing side will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court for a final review and decision. The proceedings will take time, but some legal experts are advising companies not to wait to comply with ETS requirements in case the ETS is upheld and employer deadlines are not extended.

Connection 3 27

MEMBER PERKS | CONNECTION KRAUSE RECOGNIZED IN NATIONAL COMPETITION AS INDUSTRY LEADER KLJ Engineering LLC (KLJ) is proud to announce that Jennie Krause, Jennie Krause the company’s project management director, has been recognized by Engineering News-Record (ENR) as an up-and-coming industry leader through their Top Young Professionals competition. The national competition recognizes individuals per region under the age of 40. Krause was selected from hundreds of nominees from across the Mountain States region (Colorado, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Idaho, and Montana). In addition to her role at KLJ, Krause also serves as an internal director for the KLJ Solutions Holding Co. Board of Directors KLJ’s parent company. Krause joined KLJ in 2006, and since then has served in multiple roles across the company, with previous roles focused more specifically in surface transportation and oil and gas. Krause is a professional engineer in North Dakota and Wyoming. She has served on the Executive Committee for the North Dakota Association of County Engineers, as well as the three-year ACEC-ND leadership program, Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI). She is a past recipient of the Prairie Business 40-Under-40 Award, as well as a graduate of KLJ’s previous Leadership Development Program and participant in the company’s current Leadership Forum program. NDIRF HIRES WAHL AS OUTSIDE CLAIMS ADJUSTER The North Dakota Insurance Reserve Fund (NDIRF) recently hired Jordan Wahl as an Jordan Wahl Outside Claims Adjuster. In this role, Wahl is responsible for processing and resolving claims, conducting on-site investigations, and writing property and auto estimates. Wahl brings nearly 12 years of experience as a multiline claims adjuster to the NDIRF, including property, auto, and liability. He has a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Dickinson State University, and he holds an Associate in Claims and Senior Claim Law Associate designations.

STARION BANK HIRES AND PROMOTES VIRTUAL BANKERS Starion Bank is pleased to announce a promotion and two new hires in its Virtual Banking Sydney Braun Hub. Sydney Braun joined Starion as a Virtual Banking Representative I. Sydney comes to Starion with prior customer service experience. Bodinoe (Bodi) Bodineo Hyland Hyland joined Starion as a Virtual Banking Representative I. Bodi earned an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration from Victor Valley College in Victorville, California. Hyland comes to Starion Tracey Williams with prior financial services and customer service experience. In his free time, Hyland enjoys playing drums and photography. As a Virtual Banking Representative I, both Hyland and Braun help customers with a variety of banking needs such as: transferring funds, renewing certificates of deposit, assisting with online banking access, ordering checks, ordering debit cards, assisting when cards are lost or stolen, and other general questions. Starion also promoted Tracey Williams to Virtual Banking Representative II. Tracey joined Starion in March 2021 as a Virtual Banking Representative I with six years of prior banking experience. In her new role, Williams assists customers with general virtual banking needs, as well as consumer loans and online account openings. When Tracey isn’t working, she enjoys the outdoors, scary movies and spending time with her children. BIANCO REALTY SALES AWARDS Bianco Realty has announced their top 10 REALTORS® for November: Darcy Fettig, Amber Sandness, Shirley Thomas, Phyllis Rittenbach, Brenda Foster, Judy Maslowski, Jim Jeromchek, James Jeromchek, Lisa Young Bear and Amy Asche. These 10 REALTORS® had the highest sales totals at Bianco Realty in November 2021.

MASON TAKES ON NEW ROLE AT FIBT First International Bank & Trust (FIBT) is proud to announce Dave Mason as our new Director of Dave Mason Mortgage. Dave will oversee our growing Mortgage Division, ensuring strategic and developmental goals are achieved. In this role, he will supervise all facets of mortgage lending, including secondary market transactions, in-house mortgage loans, and our consumer-direct department. Dave has nearly two decades of experience in community banking, including six-and-a-half years as FIBT’s Bismarck President. Under his leadership, our Bismarck location quickly became a staple in the community and one of the bank’s best-performing locations. His past mortgage experience and community banking expertise will allow the company to put our clients’ dream home within reach. FAHN RECEIVES BENEDICTINE SPIRIT AWARD CHI St. Alexius Health awarded Dr. J’Patrick Fahn the 2020 Benedictine Spirit Award. The award Dr. J'Patrick Fahn is presented annually to a physician who provides distinguished service to patients and upholds the mission and values outlined by the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery. Dr. Fahn currently serves as interim chief medical officer for CHI St. Alexius Health Bismarck, Chair of the Family Practice Department, Performance Effectiveness Committee, Critical Care Committee, Bylaws Committee, and co-chair of the MPAC. He serves on four CommonSpirit Health national acute care service lines which include hospital medicine, emergency medicine, blood therapeutics, and critical care. He is the Physician Champion for Sepsis, Blood Therapeutics, and Safety, and served as director of hospital medicine and critical care prior to his interim CMO role.

Share your business news with the Chamber EDC. Email press releases to Rebecca at rpelkey@bmcedc.com.

28 4 Connection

CONNECTION | MEMBER PERKS APEX HIRES ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN Apex Engineering Group hires Kasey Ward as engineering technician. Ward is a recent graduate Kasey Ward of Bismarck State College, where he earned an associates degree in Engineering Technology. In 2020, he was an intern for our Apex Survey Department in Bismarck. Now, Kasey joins the transportation team full-time as an Engineering Technician.

NASBA ANNOUNCES MICHAEL SCHMITZ ELECTED TO CENTRAL REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATION BOARD Michael Schmitz OF DIRECTORS The National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) is pleased to announce that Michael Schmitz, CPA, was elected Central regional director of its 2021-22 Board of Directors and appointed chair of the Audit Committee and member of NASBA’s Relations with Member Boards Committee. KLJ HIRES SAFETY Schmitz has served on NASBA’s Audit, DIRECTOR Nominating and Ethics Committees. KLJ Engineering is He is the managing partner of Schmitzproud to welcome Bill Holmstrom, LLP of Bismarck and Hazen, Wuolu as Safety Director ND, providing tax, accounting, assurance in their Bismarck office. and consulting services to a wide range Wuolu comes to KLJ with of clients. Prior to joining the firm, Schmitz Bill Wuolu extensive safety and risk was employed as a trust officer at a management experience Bismarck financial institution. Today, he and will be working to grow and cultivate a has over 35 years of experience in public culture of safety across KLJ. accounting practice and private industry Wuolu earned his bachelor’s degree and more than five years as a trust officer. in university studies with an emphasis in A graduate of the University of Mary, health and physical education from Valley Schmitz is a member of the AICPA, North City State University in Valley City, ND. He Dakota State Board of Accountancy and is a professional member of the American member and past chair of the North Society of Safety Professionals. Dakota Society of CPAs.

FROHLICH NAMED TO PRAIRIE BUSINESS’ 40 UNDER 40 LIST First International Bank and Trust (FIBT) VP/ Digital Banking Manager, Melissa Frohlich is named Melissa Frohlich among Prairie Business’ annual 40 Under 40 List. The list features 40 exceptional business professionals who are under the age of 40 in the North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota region. The criteria for this award include service and giving back to the community, significant impacts and excelling in their profession, as well as leadership and dedication to their industry. Melissa Frohlich leads the online and mobile services for all consumer and business customers at FIBT. Throughout her seven-year tenure with the bank, she has worked tirelessly to innovate FIBT’s focused digital application with cuttingedge functionality, usability, and customer experience. Beyond her role at FIBT, Melissa is actively involved in the Mandan Soccer Club’s Tournament and Sponsorship/ Scholarship committees and is a member of the local Eagles Women’s Auxiliary and the Church of St. Joseph in Mandan.

NDIRF HIRES BOX AS OUTSIDE CLAIMS BRAVERA INSURANCE ADJUSTER BISMARCK AERO NAMES NEW CENTER HIRES O'BRIEN The North Dakota PRESIDENT/CEO Insurance Reserve Fund Bismarck Aero Center Bravera Insurance has (NDIRF) recently hired (BAC) welcomes Kyle chosen Kathy Torske for Angela Box as an Outside O'Brien as a Flightline Angela Box the role of president and Claims Adjuster. In this Technician I. Prior to CEO. In addition, she has role, Box is responsible working with Bismarck Kathy Torske Kyle O'Brien been and will continue to for processing and resolving claims, Aero Center, he worked serve as the president and conducting on-site investigations, and with a local construction CEO of Bravera Wealth. She has worked writing property and auto estimates. company, operating heavy machinery for Bravera since 2005 and been in the and working outside. Along with his Box brings nearly six years of financial industry since 1995. employment, O'Brien is serving our experience as an independent claims As a testament to its quality service, country in the ND National Guard where adjuster to the NDIRF, including property, Bravera Insurance was once again named his MOS is Military Police. He was first auto, and catastrophe (hurricane, flood, a Big “I” Best Practices Agency in 2021. inspired to learn more about aviation fire, etc.). She is a Federal Aviation Torske handles executive during his High School courses at the responsibilities, including developing and Bismarck Career Academy and is now able Administration (FAA) certified drone pilot and licensed home inspector and holds a executing the business plan as well as to put his aviation knowledge to work. National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) leveraging relationships and opportunities O'Brien comes to BAC with a certification. across all of Bravera’s entities. reputation of having a great work ethic and She is originally from Arnegard and is is ready to learn more our aviation industry. Box holds an associate degree from a lifelong resident of North Dakota. She Bismarck State College (Bismarck, ND). earned bachelor’s degrees in accounting and business administration with a banking and finance concentration from Dickinson State University.

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RIBBON CUTTINGS | CONNECTION Ribbon cuttings are conducted by a committee of Chamber EDC volunteers called Ambassadors. Businesses qualify for a ribbon cutting if they open, move, and remodel, are under new ownership, change their name, or offer a new product or service. To find out how you can get a free ribbon cutting from the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC, please call Ross at 701-223-5660.

MOUNTAIN STATE FINANCIAL Team celebrated the Grand Opening of their new office location at 1600 E Interstate Ave in Bismarck. Phone: 701-955-0597. Member.

HERITAGE ART TUNNEL Leadership Bismarck-Mandan class of 2019 along with supporters celebrate the unveiling of the art project. Mural created by Melissa Gordon.

BUBBLES AND BREWS Cassidy Hartman and Krysten Faehnrich, owners, celebrate Grand Opening of their new business. Phone: 605-848-2531. Member.

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JAMROCK Melissa and her team celebrate the Grand Opening of their new Jamaican restaurant on 316 W Main Street in Mandan. Phone: 701-850-0782.

TOMMY'S CARWASH Tommy’s management team and local team celebrate Grand Opening of their new location at 1800 N 12th Street in Bismarck. Phone: 701-499-9332. Member.

DAKOTA MEDIA ACCESS Dakota Media Access team celebrate Grand Opening of new location at 1101 E Front Ave in Bismarck. Phone: 701-258-8767. Member.

CONNECTION | NEW MEMBERS The Chamber EDC encourages all members to do business with each other. The following companies and organizations have recently made an important investment in their business by joining the Chamber EDC. Please consider them for your professional and personal needs. To find a complete listing of Chamber EDC members, view the Member Directory online at www.bismarckmandan.com. Bismarck Global Neighbors 418 N 2nd St. #15 Bismarck, ND 58501 Julie Ramos Lagos (701) 955-5257 Global Neighbors seeks to make Central North Dakota a welcoming community for New Americans.

DC’s Sensory Center 2706 Rock Island Place, Ste 1 Bismarck, ND 58504 Sara Christianson (701) 214-8069 A fun and relaxing place designed for children with sensory needs. Kids can come and play and have fun!

Ignite Dispensary 716 East Bowen Ave. Bismarck, ND 58504 Mary Chaves (701) 718-2800 CBD & Hemp products, tobacco, vape and accessories

Board & Brush 2706 Rock Island Place, Ste 2 Bismarck, ND 58504 Sara Christianson (701) 214-8069 DIY Wood Sign Workshops

Heim Granite Inc 1904 Morrison Ave. Bismarck, ND 58504 Sheila Heim (701) 224-8300 Fabricate and install granite counter-tops, showers, fireplace hearth and surrounds, etc.

Tommy’s Car Wash 1800 N 12th Street Bismarck, ND 58501 Wendy McCord (701) 499-3932 Car wash

JANUARY LIVE GOVERNMENT MEETINGS Televised on Government Access, cable channel 2 & 602 HD. Broadcast on Radio Access 102.5 FM radio. Streamed online at www.freetv.org and radioaccess.org.

Mon, 3rd

5:00 pm Burleigh Co. Commission

Tues, 4th

5:30 pm Mandan City Commission

Wed, 19th 3:00 pm Bismarck Historic Preservation Commission * 5:00 pm Burleigh County Commission

Thurs, 6th

5:00 pm

Thurs, 20th

Mon, 10th

5:15 pm Bismarck School Board 5:30 pm Mandan Park Board

Bismarck Board of Adjustment *

Tues, 11th 8:00 am Burleigh County Water Resource District * 5:15 pm Bismarck City Commission Wed, 12th 5:15 pm Thurs, 13th

Mon, 24th 5:15 pm Bismarck School Board 5:30 pm Mandan Planning & Zoning Tues, 25th 5:15 pm Bismarck City Commission Wed, 26th

5:00 pm

Bismarck Planning & Zoning

Burleigh County Planning Commission

9:00 am Bismarck Parking Authority * 4:00 pm Bismarck Renaissance Zone Authority *

Tues, 18th 10:00 am 1:30 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm

5:15 pm Bismarck Park Board

Met. Planning Org. – Tech. Advisory Cmte. * Met. Planning Org. – Policy Board * Mandan City Commission Mandan School Board

Meetings are replayed several times on the Government Access channel and are available for viewing online (Watch on Demand) at www.freetv.org, Roku, Apple TV and Fire TV * Delayed Playback

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Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Connection 1640 Burnt Boat Drive Bismarck, ND 58503

UPCOMING CHAMBER EDC EVENTS CHAMBER EDC INDOOR GOLF TOURNEY Date: January 14, 2022 Flight Times: 11:00am - 1:00pm; 1:00pm - 3:00pm; 3:00pm - 5:00pm Location: Golf Etc – 511 Airport Road, Bismarck JANUARY MEMBERSHIP MIXER: BAYMONT INN & SUITES Date: Thursday, January 27, 2022 • Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: Baymont Inn & Suites – 2611 Old Red Trail, Mandan FEBRUARY MEMBERSHIP MIXER: DAKOTA EYE INSTITUTE Date: Thursday, February 24, 2022 • Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: Dakota Eye Institute – 200 S 5th Street, Bismarck FOCUS ON BISMARCK-MANDAN Date: Thursday, March 10, 2022 • Registration: 2:30pm • Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm Social: 5:00pm - 7:00pm Location: Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center – 800 S 3rd Street, Bismarck MARCH MEMBERSHIP MIXER: THE CRAFTCADE Date: Thursday, March 24, 2022 • Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: The Craftcade – 405 N 4th Street, Bismarck

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