Legacy Giving

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Your Theatre, Your Legacy

Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre Trust Ltd, registered charity no. 510842

Your Theatre, Your Legacy Dear Supporter, Birmingham Hippodrome has been changing the lives of local people through the magic of theatre since 1899. From our roots in Circus and Variety to our role today as a world-class theatre, we have been at the beating heart of local communities across Birmingham and the West Midlands for almost 120 years. With your support we plan to be here for the next 120 years and beyond. As an independent not-for-profit cultural charity, we already reach 500,000 people through productions on our main stages each year. We have ambitions of reaching 500,000 more through our creative learning, access and outdoor festival programmes, and by opening up our spaces to become a cultural hub for everyone.

Birmingham is the youngest city in Europe (40% of the population is under 25). It has a higher than average proportion of children with special educational needs, and more than twice the national average of BAME schoolchildren. We support the needs of these young, vulnerable or hard to reach community groups with our activities. With plans to expand and improve our world-class facilities and create more art and culture for the people of the West Midlands, the support of our visitors and donors has never been more important to us than it is right now. One way to consider supporting us is by leaving us a gift in your Will. We understand that a Will is a very special promise you make to those you love and that your family will come first. Beyond this, it can make a lasting difference to the charitable causes that you care passionately about. As a longstanding arts charity, you can be confident in our promise that we will continue to offer world-class entertainment, awe-inspiring performances and creative learning opportunities for decades to come. Thank you for considering leaving a gift.

Fiona Allan Artistic Director & Chief Executive

A SHARED HISTORY enabling an ambitious future

Theatre opened as The Tower of Varieties and Circus by the Draysey Brothers


Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat broke Hippodrome box office records for the highest amount taken in one day



Theatre reopened after a two year closure and a £35 million redevelopment programme

Theatre renamed Birmingham Hippodrome














Theatre stays open despite being hit by a bomb during WW2

We expanded our education and outreach programme


2005 2014









We staged our first Relaxed Performance for audiences with additional needs


Frank Sinatra was one of the many famous stars to perform here

Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre Trust was formed to safeguard the theatre’s future

Birmingham Hippodrome to celebrate its 120th birthday, and the new Dance Hub will open






For more information on the theatre’s history, please visit www.birminghamhippodromeheritage.com



Huge restoration project took place at the theatre

Our aim is to be creating One Million Moments for the people of Birmingham and West Midlands by 2021


How your gift can help If coming to the Hippodrome has been a family tradition, a gift in your Will could be the best way to remember and support us. Please pass on your love of this very special venue. Making a legacy gift is something anyone can do. It really doesn’t have to be large to make a difference. Leaving just 1% of your estate could play a big part in our future. Our promise to you is to make sure your gift will be in safe hands, and spent wisely where it is needed most. Your gift will benefit one of the following areas:

One Million Moments... reaching people of all ages and backgrounds through our theatre community and creative learning programmes, ensuring the arts is made accessible to all.

Artistic Investment... inspiring new audiences with electrifying productions and the best possible artistic commissions. From supporting local artists, to commissioning the finest international companies.

HippoCampus... protecting and preserving our historic auditorium and investing in future capital developments to benefit all visitors and theatre audiences.

If you prefer, you can request for your gift to be dedicated to one of these areas. With your support, we can confidently plan for the future and achieve our ambitions to deliver One Million Hippodrome Moments.

How we will thank you Should you choose to leave a gift to the Hippodrome in your Will and you are happy to tell us this, we would love the opportunity to show our thanks and bring you closer to the heart of our charity during your lifetime. There will be the chance to attend an annual reception for Legacy supporters, along with invitations to attend other charitable events and projects. Of course, if you prefer to remain anonymous we will respect this wish.

How to include Birmingham Hippodrome in your Will You can include us in your Will by directing your gift to Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre Trust Ltd, registered charity number 510842. Leaving a Residual Legacy This is the remainder of your estate, or a percentage of the remainder, after all other gifts to family and friends have been distributed and all debts and expenses paid. Even a small percentage of the residue could benefit the theatre. Our suggested wording is: ‘I give %/all (please specify) of my residuary estate to Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre Trust Ltd, charity number 510842, for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Director or other authorised officer of the theatre shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executor/s.’ Leaving a Pecuniary Legacy This is the gift of a specific sum of money. Our suggested wording is: ‘I give the sum of £ (the exact sum you want to leave the theatre) to Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre Trust Ltd, charity number 510842 for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Director or other authorised officer of the theatre shall be sufficient discharge to my Executor/s.’ Your gift will then be directed to where the need is greatest. If you wish to direct your gift to a specific area, please contact us to discuss which you would like to support. If you are planning to make a gift to Birmingham Hippodrome in your Will, or have already done so, you may like to consider completing and returning the pledge form at the back of this pack. It will enable us to thank you for your commitment during your lifetime, and bring you closer to the heart of the Hippodrome and our charitable work. This booklet is not intended to constitute legal advice and, when making your Will, you should do so in consultation with your independent professional adviser.

Contact Us If you would like more information or to speak to a member of the Fundraising team about leaving a gift in your Will, please call us on 0121 689 3067, email fundraising@birminghamhippodrome.com or visit birminghamhippodrome.com/legacies

...make sure the theatre is for everyone by continuing to expand our Relaxed Performances for those with autism or complex disabilities

Your gift could help us...

...provide free arts and entertainment to over 100,000 people each year through our festivals programme

...engage with over 50,000 young people each year through our schools and foyer activity

...ensure our world class facilities offer the very best for our visiting productions and audiences

Legacy Pledge Form... If you are planning to make a gift to Birmingham Hippodrome in your Will, or have already done so, we would ask that you complete this pledge form. It will enable us to thank you for your commitment during your lifetime, and bring you closer to the heart of the Hippodrome and our charitable work. We appreciate that leaving a legacy is a personal gesture, and we will treat this information sensitively and store it securely. Thank you for your support. Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre Trust Ltd, Registered Charity Number 510842








PLEASE TICK ALL THAT APPLY I have included Birmingham Hippodrome in my Will I intend to include Birmingham Hippodrome in my Will I would be interested in attending a legacy event I would like to speak further to the Fundraising team about legacy giving

CONTACT PREFERENCES Would you like to keep in touch about supporting Birmingham Hippodrome? Yes, please choose how: email




PLEASE RETURN TO: Head of Fundraising, Birmingham Hippodrome, Hurst Street, Southside, Birmingham, B5 4TB Or Call 0121 689 3067 Email fundraising@birminghamhippodrome.com We will treat this information in the strictest confidence and this information is in no way legally binding. Thank you for your generosity and support.

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