Birch + Little Issue 1 2011

Page 29


TIPS for

Training at


My tip today is about training at home as I have had many people ask me for help on this issue. I’ll give you ‘MY TOP TIPS’ on how to succeed in training at home. PLAN it! Make the time & make it YOUR time! Say to yourself “today I will train, I may have to slip it in between cooking dinner or finishing that report for work, but I will do it today”! Have a SET ROOM OR PLACE that you can move in, about the length & breadth of your body. A place you can shut yourself off from other house mates, children, spouses, partners etc. Make it known that you won’t be available for trivial questions or chit chat and lock them all out! Be strong! If you are a mum like me, you will know that quite often we spend a lot of time fielding trivial questions and refereeing squabbles that really don’t require our immediate attention. Dads you need your wind down time and space as well! So make it known you will be a lot happier to answer questions, deal with homework and discuss world topics after you have had 20-30 minutes to yourself to de-stress through your home work out. Keep it SIMPLE! Body weight exercises. Train your biggest muscle groups first - chest, legs and back. TIME it! That way people who want or need you will know that for 20-30 mins, you are not to be disturbed and tell them this is your time.

MUSIC Something that will make you want to get active! If you are having a 20-30 minute stretch session something slow but uplifting! START WHERE YOU ARE! If you have a treadmill but have never ran on it start by walking briskly and I mean as fast as you can for 1 minute then dial it down and walk at a comfortable pace for 30 seconds then increase your speed again so you are uncomfortable and puffing. Keep the working pace up for 1 minute then take it back to your resting pace for 30 seconds. Do this for 20 minutes the first 3 alternate days, then increase your time to 30 minutes and your working time to 90 seconds the next week. This way you will be easing your body into training and reducing your risk of injuries and your training will have a continuing GOAL and not be BORING. You will enjoy your training a lot more and be more inclined to CONTINUE!!! The problem is that we have all these good intentions and yet sabotage ourselves by trying to commence our training where we need to ultimately take it/ finish it. Unfortunately, all this does is make exercise a CHORE and you SORE! It also keeps you inactive when you know you need to be active. This is why having a good personal trainer is valuable, as they help to pace you through and get you where you need to be. B+L

For more information on Kellie Long visit

Birch + Little - October - 29

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