Big Up Thirteen - Whipper Snapper Issue

Page 35

My dreams are random, just like my thoughts and goals are. I thought of creating a bucket list for myself next year, just to keep my dreams a bit more organized. I actually achieved most of my dreams earlier then expected. Like being on the covers of magazines, billboards, solo exhibitions and the pleasure to speak at OFFF next year in Barcelona. So I can't complain at all! My dream job is obviously to direct and create an MTV short movie or collaborate with my favorite musicians directing music videos. If you could direct a documentary, what would it be about? Probably about digital art. Just because I feel it's way underrated. Especially here in Holland. The market here is small and the focus is still on traditional stuff here.

I never know, I just ask opinions here and there, and whenever there are no comments from my design friends, I decide it's close to being finished! After that it's just a matter of a couple hours of detailing stuff out. What do your parents think about your art? They love what I do and they want to know everything about it! Their house actually has some huge prints of mine in the hallway, which is cool! And my mom is trying to catch up and collect every client product or project I've done in real life. I think they respect the fact that I went my own way, even without knowing too much about it.

Why do you think that is? Maybe it's because there's never any media attention for anything like that. It's always about street artists and graphic designers. Or maybe I would direct a documentary about the work we, artists, do. Sometimes people think it's easy money for just drawing. But the fact is it can be totally exhausting trying to put your inspiration and vision on paper and make it work for a client. I would love to be able to capture the hectic times of the jobs of Art Directors and designers in general. How do you know when something you're working on is finished?


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