BHSA Sixth Form Prospectus

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Dear Student At BHSA we believe education is about the whole person and we offer a very warm welcome to any girls considering Sixth Form studies at BHSA. We promise the highest level of academic provision alongside an extensive programme of enrichment activities, and all within a friendly and supportive environment. We are fortunate to have a dedicated sixth form centre providing a space for our students to work independently as well as socialise with their peers. With our refurbished building you will be taught in modern, specialised teaching rooms and to unwind you have access to our swimming pool, gym, drama studio and extensive music facilities.

“ Sixth Form at BHSA has enabled me to excel academically as well as providing a welcoming atmosphere in a hardworking environment�

From the very beginning of BHSA Sixth Form we have a structured and supportive programme of Information, Advice and Guidance. Whether you want to apply for an apprenticeship, continue your studies at University or go into employment we will provide the appropriate help. Around the clock hints and tips can be found on our VLE with a handy ‘Next Steps’ section! Alongside this we have a dedicated careers professional with whom you can meet to discuss your options. Finally, throughout your time in Sixth Form there will be opportunities for you to participate in ‘mock interviews’, meet Business Leaders and take part in Work Experience, all of which will help you to prepare for the next steps in your career.

‘Girls are well supported for the next step to higher education or employment. The academy is also good at promoting other progression routes such as apprenticeships.’ OFSTED OCTOBER 2015

Our students go on to study at a wide range of universities both within the UK and internationally including … UnIverSIty oF oxFord UnIverSIty oF LIverpooL dUrHAm UnIverSIty London ScHooL oF economIcS tHe royAL AcAdemy oF drAmAtIc Art GHent UnIverSIty (BELGIUM) UnIverSIty oF GronInGen (THE NETHERLANDS) nAtIonAL UnIverSIty oF SInGApore In addition to this, our students have taken up apprenticeships in law, design and childcare, secured positions at prestigious companies including Deloitte, Airbus and many others, whilst others have taken a gap year to travel. Whatever you choose, we will support you every step of the way!

The girls’ work experience and enrichment opportunities are wide and varied. OFSTED OCTOBER 2015

At BHSA we believe that education is more than just academic study, therefore we offer a wide programme of enrichment to our students. All Sixth Form students participate in ‘CSI’ (Community Skills Involvement) of which there are over 20 options including: dUke oF edInBUrGH AWArd ScHeme Sport (ACCESS TO GyM AND SWIMMING POOL) deBAtInG mUSIc, dAnce And drAmA cHArIty commItteeS mentorInG, IncLUdInG oUr BIG SISter proGrAmme Work experIence reAdInG BUddIeS AS WeLL AS voLUnteerInG In JUnIorS HeAd GIrLS’ teAm & SUB-commItteeS In addition to this we encourage all students to complete our 6th Form Diploma which has been endorsed by our sponsors, The Girls’ Day School Trust, and Wirral young Chamber of Commerce.

“I’ve grown up in BHSA and loved it but the sixth form has by far been my favourite. Teachers are lovely and supportive and I genuinely enjoy being here. It is not only a school, it’s more like a family”

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