Bewitching Book Tours Magazine October Edition

Page 58

* * * The drive to the hospital was a nightmare with a deputy sitting in the ambulance with her and her husband, Daniel. She squeezed his hand as another contraction rolled over her. Screams erupted from her throat as the deputy just glared at her. At the hospital the doors to the ambulance ripped open and sun painted the vehicle in brightness. Megan squinted into the light, amazed that such a beautiful day could bring her happiness and sadness at the same time. The doctors took charge as she writhed on the gurney, the pain surrounding her. She’d spent part of her pregnancy in jail, with no Lamaze classes to help the waves rolling her under. At twentytwo years old she felt like a child, just wanting her mother to come and take away the pain like the time she fell and skinned her knees. In the labor room the deputy stepped forward to slap cuffs on her hand and the bedrail. Daniel growled and pushed him away. She tried to scream at her husband to stop. He couldn’t be here for her if he was in jail next. The nurse stepped between them. She spoke calmly to Daniel and he moved back to her side. She barked at the deputy. “Don’t be stupid. She isn’t going anywhere for hours.” Pains ripped across her stomach. She stared as the skin roiled from inside. The doctor moved between her legs. “I think we’ll check your progress.” The nurses moved her feet into the stirrups. Pain pierced her as the doctor checked. He grunted and looked at her. “We are moving along nicely.” It didn’t feel nice, not at all. She just wanted to have the baby and go home. Hot tears rolled down her face. Even the agony of childbirth for days was better than the reality of going to prison once this was done. Time passed in spurts. Pain rolled over her and time stood still. She feel back against the sweatwet pillow and the second hand on the clock across from her bed flew around the dial. A nurse moved to her right side and Daniel came to her left. They grasped her hands and helped her to sit forward. “It’s time to push,” the nurse instructed. “You can do this, Megan. You can do anything,” Daniel urged her on. Two hours later, drenched in sweat but as happy as she’d ever been, Megan gazed down into her daughter’s tiny, scrunched up face. The puffy pink blanket surrounded her red face. Her husband stood beside the bed, his hand shaking as it slid over the baby’s head.

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