January 2013

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Alison Beightol Do you have a specific writing style? I’m a pantser. I wait for my characters to “talk” to me. I wish I could make and work from an outline. Do you write in different genres? So far no but I am working on a edgy women’s fiction. It’s hard writing when there is nothing paranormal to it! You have to tell the story based on just quirky human elements! How did you come up with the title for your latest book? Coming up with titles is like having a root canal for me. I hate it. I can write an entire novel but coming up with a title kills me. Fortunately, my publisher came up with the title. Do you title the book first or wait until after it’s complete? Blood Betrayal was titled after the book was completed. The next two books in the series I had the titles before I started writing. The third book, Death Hunter, came to me before the storyline for the novel, which was a BIG change Is there a genre(s) that you’d like to write that you haven’t tackled yet? I would love to write historical fiction. Since I love history it would be awesome but that would be WAY down the line. Of all the characters you’ve ever written, who is your favorite and why? I loved writing Eamon. He was great. I loved taking him through his personal crises and eventual personal growth. The more I threw at him, the more he grew and had to take hard looks at himself. I also loved writing

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