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Has compared to a treat, Fossil and another, ossia so only the polished, the device does well. A quality is apparent immediately. A 40mm the version is the thin wrist , pertinent measure. A band is really comfortable and easy to the transmission was. A connection the iPhone is perfect - no disconnects and really excellent haptics. Have Still to explore everything of some applications and characteristic but navigating a clock is no different that an iPhone regarding gestures - attack down for alert, swipe up for centre of control. Pros: - Always in writing!!! - Thinner That Serious 4 - no bulky - Good-looking, solid, build of quality and feel - integration of iPhone Perfecto and connection - Add haptics - Intuitive controls Gilipollas: - Cost (regarding another) - life of Battery - the touch every night - Lack of aftermarket produced (as decent touching stands, etc) Measure: 40mmStyle: Grey Spatial Aluminium with Band of Black Sport All in this clock is wonderful.
