cheap fast cars to insure at 20

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cheap fast cars to insure at 20 cheap fast cars to insure at 20 Related

"Buying a car with rebuild, or salvage title?" I live in Texas, what is the policies/laws for buying a Salvage title or rebuild title car? What exactly is a Salvage title, and am i allow to have it insure by insurance company? more" I need help car insurance? Im looking to buy a 2010 fusion se right now through Lee auto. For me to do it myself I'd have to pay almost 400 dollars a month for insurance and 360 for The car. Is there any way I can lower my insurance? This is rediculius all I have is 2 speeding tickets and that's it on my driving record. I have no loans no payments or nothing. What happens if I cancel my car insurance policy? I can't pay my monthly car insurance note. What will happen if I just cancel the policy before the payment is due? Will they still flag my license if I just cancel the policy? "Health insurance, to see chiropractor help!?" im trying to find health insurance because i dont qualify for medicare. im currently unemployed and looking for work, and couldnt go to fiu this semester. im 26 years old woman. i hurt my back lifting boxes a few months ago. the pain is horrible some days that i have to stay in bed all day. i need to see a doctor but i dont have money and i am living with my disabled mother. my zipcode is 33010 what is the cheapest insurance here that would let me see a chiro and get xrays done? the less i would have to pay the better since my financial situation right now is bad." Do mopeds in California require insurance? Do mopeds in California require insurance? CAR INSURANCE FOR 18 YEAR OLD GIRL? Planning to buy a car. Prefably Vauxhall Corsa or Toyota Yaris. How much would the insurance be. Corsa is 3E and Toyota is 2E but toyota is more expensive to buy compared to the corsa. How much approximately would insurance cost for 3E or 2E insurance group for an 18 year old female in london? Any cars you would recommend as a first car? Cheap insurance? Thanks

Fair way to split car insurance with partner? I pay 60 per month for my car insurance. My girlfriend is now on my policy and the monthly payments have gone up to 85 per month = 25 increase. Should we split the total insurance cost 50/50 = 42 each? Or just ask her for 25 each month Is allstate good insurance? My husband and I are buying a house and shopping around for homeowner's insurance. So far, we've found that Allstate has the best rates. Are they a good insurance company? I'd love to hear from current/previous Allstate customers. We currently have auto insurance through Geico, who we're happy with, but their homeowner's rates are high. We'll probably switch auto policies to whoever we insure our home through. So, any info on Allstate home and/or auto insurance would be appreciated. Thanks!" I've started a degree course at my local uni. Should I tell my car insurance company? My policy states that I work part time at a supermarket, which I still do. But I have started a degree course as of yesterday. I'm living at home, so no change of address, and I'm using the car to drive to my lectures. The uni is actually in the same area as where I work. Does my insurance company need to know and am I going to be charged?" Is it true that I am paying taxes to directly to Allstate Insurance now? Sure sounds like the Chief Justice said so. Whats the cheapest car to run? Cheapest tax, cheapest insurance, low petrol consumption, cheap car in the first place etc. Im currently driving a rover 25 1.4 and just want something a bit cheaper. (particuarly on tax!!)" How is the Mitsubishi Lancer GTS classified by most insurance companies? I've been researching insurance quotes in preparation for buying a new (used) car, mainly for various sporty compact sedans. When I got to the 2010 Mitsu Lancer GTS, I was pretty appalled at how much higher the quote was than the others, like the Subaru Impreza and Mazda3 Sport, despite having extremely similar horsepower, speed, safety features and crash test ratings. Is it considered a sports car or something? Does it get lumped in with the uber-expensive Evo because of the word Lancer ?" Question about Scion Tc insurance? So I figured it couldn't hurt to ask about the insurance on a Scion Tc. I'm 16 and looking into getting a scion as my first car. My family and I have state farm insurance, and I would co-sign with them. It would be a used scion with about under 50000 miles and probably a year 2006 or 2005. I live in new york if it helps and am a new driver, no tickets or points. So I was just basically wondering how much other people pay a

month or year for a scion tc, their age, the year of their car, and the state they live in. Also and more importantly is a scion tc considered a sports car, or is it under sports car insurance. If it is how much extra monthly is that. I would also be eligible for a steer clear program reduction, good grades reduction, and the reduction for taking drivers ed if anyone has any idea how much that would save. Thanks for anyone who can help!" What cars has cheap insurance? i no the tato nano is gonna be cheap but that is not in Europe yet so any suggestions Put my 17 yr son on insurance for '85 vette? Is it possible to put my 17 year old son on the insurance for my 85 corvette? God blessed What is the best insurance company for a recently passed young driver? I passed my test last week and i am looking to buy a corsa, punto, clio like car. Its gonna be either a 1.0L or 1.2L car. How much will this cost me and what companies will give me the best quotes? Also, i am a boy" Buying a car need insurance help..? ok. so heres the deal. im buying a used car with about 150K miles on it and its a '93 yr model. im 18 years old, and i only had my license for about a month. i need to know how much insurance is for someone my age and does the car being old and having a lot of milage on it effect the price of insurance? i want to get off my dad's insurance and have it on my own, cuz he wont tell me anything, he told me that i have to put like $2000 down just to get please!!" Where can i find affordable short-term health insurance? I am not sure what to do about health insurance after I graduate from college (in a few months). I know that I am going to need some time to job hunt (my field is very competitive) and I would also like to do some volunteer work before I start my career. Problem is, if I am not a full-time student, my parents' health insurance won't cover me, and if I don't or can't find a job with benefits right away, I will be left uninsured. Any ideas where I can get affordable health insurance for short-term (no more than a year and a half) ??? Thanks!" Car Insurance increased? what to do next? My car insurance company had increase my insurance by 2 folds (103%) increase. I contacted the company, enquired about this increase. But they said they cant do anything about it, If I want I can raise this with the customer service chief and chief executive. I wrote them a letter stating it was ridiculous amount of money, they asking me to pay. Also clearly brought to their notice, that I have a clean history, no claim, paid insurance on time, no accidents, and I have no claim discount of 7 years in total. The companies chief executive has replied me in a letter stating, unfortunately, the post code where is stay is subjected to recent increase and personal injury claims

from post code area has gone up. So nothing he could do. But I replied him saying, I lived in the same place for more than 5 years. But still no good. Regards to this, I email Watch Dog, explaining the same a month ago. Still no reply or correspondence from them. Now I am stuck, I do not what to do. Honestly, I only brought this care for 500 in very good condition and it is still the same. But my insurance is more twice the value of my car. Please somebody tell , what can I do next. This is really ridiculous amount and unacceptable whatsoever. Thanks in advance." Are we covered with liability insurance? if we got in a car accident no 2nd party or whatever its just us 3 in the car 2 of us got sent to the hospital .. the driver that was at fault only has liability insurance .. are we covered with the medical expenses? like if we file a complaint to their insurance can they do something about it since we goin to need therapy and such? Car Insurance?? Does anyone know of any car insurers who will insure me on a car that I do not own? Basically it will be a lease car through a car hire company and I am required to arrange my own insurance Auto insurance ???????? Is it cheap being on my dads auto insurance vs me buying my own. I thinking about getting rid of full coverage. How much will it cost to get the affordable health care ? people dont like it when they are forced to get this health care,but how much does it cost to get it in the first place?" Car Insurance Groups? I've noticed that Car's fall into different Insurance Groups. For example a Peugeot 206 (2001 reg) falls into Insurance Group 8. What do the different Insurance Groups define? The Cost.. or are they just to categorize the car? Car insurance...........? Right.. my mom already has a car and is the named driver of it. I have got a ford ka and have been looking on insurance company's and it is cheaper for my mom to be the named driver of my car but for me to go on the insurance.. Can my mom own to cars or is this not possible UK only please. cheap fast cars to insure at 20 cheap fast cars to insure at 20 What insurance companies are available for a 62 person with Diabetes?

62 year old needs health insurance in California. She has type 2 diabetes which has been under control for several years. However, she is ready to retire because no company will hire her. How can she find health insurance?" Tesco car insurance?? does tesco car insurance (uk) cover for vandalism? Which company gives cheapest quotes for car insaurance ? Which company gives cheapest quotes for car insaurance ? 3 car crash.. I am the insurance companies hunt !!? Hello .. I would like to listen to your opinios regarding this situation that has turned into a nightmare for me !!! I spent few months in Australia.. I have a full driving license.. I was driving on the M4.. I had 2 cars in front of me .. I was in the last car in the row ( third car ) .. the car in the front ( First car ) has braked suddenly .. The car in the middle ( second car ) hit it causing it much damage .. I could not stop at the right time and i hit the middle car afterwards .. Now .. The man in the middle car has lied to his insurance company and said that he stopped at the right time but when i hit him i made his car jump to the front and hit the front car .. I have now 2 insurance companies chasing me for money and treat me as a hunt because i had no third party property damage at the time of the accident .. My understanding was that the greenslip covers these things but actually they dont .. I have received bills from both companies.. 7000 AUD for the front car and 2000 for the middle car .. The details of repairs in the middle car ( that i hit on a very low speed) shows that damage at the rear of the car cost only 427 AUD and i offered them to pay it .. They refused and threatened me to go to court.. The police did not come at the place of the accident .. What do you think i should do?! How strong will be my situation at the court ?! Wat is the best insurance company out there..? how much u pay..and wat's the best service.. ok..just want opion..I Wanna change my insurance company... heard that Mercury is good.. How much does it cost to put myself on car insurance ? I'm an 18 year old male. I drive a red 2009 jetta sport. How much do I have to pay to put myself on the the car insurance. And how much will I pay monthly ? Oh an btw. I just got the car yesterday and I'm trying to get State Farm. Thank you! Cheapest insurance? what is the cheapest car insurance in Hamilton Ontario Canada if i was 19 years old and i got the g2 3 moths ago? Applying for health insurance coverage - please help?

Do you have to have a valid social security number to apply for health insurance benefits with regence blue cross blue shield? I need money for car insurance?? help? i am almost 17 and car insurance is sky high at the moment ranging from about 3,000-9,000 i really want a car when i pass my lisense in a couple of months and can afford a car but not the insurance. any ideas on how i can raise some money, or get some funds together?? thanks in advance :)" Insurance through my work...? Well im 19, and I just got a full time job through the city. Theyre wanting me to fill out their insurance papers and get on theirs, but im still on my dads insurance which is better coverage. Im covered on my dads until im 26. Im just not sure if I go on the cities what will happen to my coverage with my dad if it will just cancel me or if I will be on both or what. Idk. The cities insurance is free to me too so that isnt a factor. Thanks!" What is the best life insurance for someone in their early twenties? I want to ensure my mom & husband will have some money if I were to die early in life. Pay Per Mile Car Insurance - have you tried it? I've heard from a friend about a pay per mile car insurance - as I only use my car on a Saturday it sounds ideal. Anyone have any links or recommendations? Insurance help please? got hit from behind by a driver who has insurance, i notified my insurance what happens next ? will my car get repaired by his company or mine ? and how does a deductible work ? Ive never been in an accident so i am clueless on this,,,,,and how do they fix your car ? do they tell you where to go to repair it ? or just give you the money ? and how do you determine how much ? sorry for being uninformed completely !!!! thanks for your knowledge" Where can i get a health insurance quote? are there any sites for oklahoma health and life insurance quotes? Is there an insurance company that will insure you after you've not had any for almost a year? A friend of my gf's couldn't afford it before but can now since she's gotten a better job and cannot find it anywhere. I'd appreciate it if you'd keep the smart *** answers to yourself. Serious replies only How much is car insurance cost likely to go down between age of 17 and 23?

I have not passed my theory or practical test yet and had a few years break from driving but aim to complete it and pass this year. How likely is it that cost will decrease due to age? Also I aim to take the pass plus test as well I live in the UK if that helps thanks Do you get insurance when you are a RN? when you are a resister nurse will you get insurance incase you get hurt What is the cheapest auto insurance company for someone who has 3 minor speeding tickets? Need to know this ASAP as current policy will expire end of Aug. 2007. Thanks all! ;) Can we get finally affordable health insurance now? Me and my fiance pay $650/month on health insurance and it really sucks. My fiance was denied by every health insurance b/c of a heart condition which is common in his family and I am pregnant and everybody denied me of course too. So we got coverage with Cover Colorado. With the new health reform, can we apply now at different insurances? How is that with the premium? If they need to take you, can they give you a very high premium?" Problem with car insurance? This isn't my car. So sorry if I'm fussy on details. Basically in the snow a car lost control of their car and crashed into my friends car. Which was parked up. They were decent and called their insurance company. Unforcantly there's a problem with the door that needs to be replaced. They said they will give her 600 and she has to cover the rest. Surely it all should be paid by their insurance not just some of it? Her father wants to demand money off the bloke which I don't thinks right. But I wanted to know where they stand on getting money off the insurance. And what advise I can give them. Why pay insurance if they don't give out. Doesn't make sence. Anyone been in a similar situation? What was the result? Cheers. A theory on how to reduce car insurance for young drivers? I have an idea of how to reduce my insurance for young drivers like myself, and it goes like this, I buy a motorcycle for about 10 to nothing(it could be broken I don't care), with this motorcycle I insure it for about 100, because insuring a motorcycle is a lot cheaper than insuring a car, then for a year I have no claims with this motorcycle, would this then reduce the cost of my insurance premium for a car?" How to stop the direct debit car insurance and switch to another? I want to stop my current policy with RAC.. and switch to another car insurance which is cheaper. How do I go about doing this? I pay monthy. What type of insurance is needed to start a cheerleading team?

I would like to start a cheerleading team but do not know what insurance is needed to protect me from being sued if someone is injured during practice. and what other advice is important to know when starting such a bussines? Insurance on a Hummer H1? how much would that cost? Teen Insurance for a subaru wrx? how much will insurance roughly come out to for a 2004 subaru wrx (turbocharged) and I am 17? cheap fast cars to insure at 20 cheap fast cars to insure at 20 What health insurance is best and affordable for my wife? We had a baby 3 months ago, but I am looking for health insurance that is good and affordable for my wife. Any suggestions?" Best way to file claim for Allstate home owner's insurance? My husband and I have minor storm damage to the roof over our master bedroom. And now water has managed to get into the wall and is making the sheet rock bubble up, as well as causing cracks in the ceiling in that one particular spot. Allstate sent an insurance agent out and they said that after our $1,000 deductible they are only willing to pay about $400 over the cost to fix it. So...should I get a contractor to assess and give me a quote, and then re-file a claim with the insurance adjuster? If so, how should I go about doing that?" Car insurance? Are there any cars which are very cheap to insure? I have at several but insurance is still quite high, how do i know which will be lower than others?" Help! Affordable health insurance for healthy 2yr old in Florida? Do you know of any good insurance? We're looking for one and it's confusing. CAR INSURANCE - how can I insure my car in a California so my son can drive it even though I live in Florida ? PROBLEM I own a car that my son drives. He lives in California and will have a California drivers liscense there. I live in Florida. what do I do. The car obviouslyt is in California as well. My car insurance wont cover me. what can i do?

I rear ended a lady on the 18th of sep 2013 in riverside california. I thought i was covered by my insurance because my dad said it would be better if i got insurance through him. Its my car and its on his policy but i was not on the policy this whole time. But heres the thing, a farmers insurance agent told my dad that anyone would be covered so long as he knew they were driving the car. So my question is... what can i do? My dad was lied to by this agent and we have no proof that she did. We will be going in to speak with her today and will try to get the conversation recorded, we hope to get a confession that way. But do you have any other tips?" What is the average cost of health insurance in California? health insurance for married couple above fifty How much does a clio sport 172 cost to insure? im thinkin of gettin a clio sport 172 how much is the insurance? per month? if you could please state your age as well thanks Affordable health insurance? I have no insurance, been unemployed over a year, no dependents, am not pregnant, and have no serious medical issues I'm aware of. If it matters, I'm not a US citizen, I'm a permanent resident alien. Which means I can work and pay taxes, but can't vote and don't get called for jury duty. I live in California. How do I find decent affordable health insurance? Are there any sliding scale clinics in San francisco for someone in my position? There seems to be options if one has kids, is pregnant, has a serious illness, or is a vet. I'm none of those. Also, I'm way past the time period to sign up for Cobra. Thanks in advance!" Insurance for a 16 year old on a hyundai tiburon? Hi, i'm looking at cars to get when i turn 16. I'm thinking of a hyundai tiburon. I would like to know how much the insurance on this kind of car for me would be, in michigan. if you have any idea, let me know. thanks !" Will speed camera tickets effect my car insurance in Maryland? I have gotten several speed camera tickets in the past few months.. these things have been unknowingly til after the flash, been popping up!! Will these effect my car insurance? I have progressive." "Health insurance starts in 10 days, but I am sick now. Will they reimburse me?" If I went to the doctor now, would I be able to submit a claim for reimbursement? My insurance is Aetna. I called them, but they are closed because it is Sunday. Answers/suggestions are appreciated." Can someone give me a rough estimate?

I'd like to get a vr6 Vw gti as a first car. How much would insurance be ( roughly ) for a 16 yr old male? NO LINKS TO INSURANCE QUOTES!!! New Insurance coverage? ok im having a really hard time calling these people and getting no answers. its plain and simple. I have health insurance through my mother. I recently had a baby and i was told he will only be covered for 2 months and after that i will have to get his own coverage. Now the question is this. I want to get my own insurance so he can be under my name, meaning i want to be off the one my parents have me under. is that possible? and if otherwise, would i have to put him under my moms or what?" Dmv california insurance online? i want to renew my tags online. but it says my insurance needs to be on dmv file. so i want to know do i have to go to the dmv and wait in the miseriable line or is there a way to show my proof of insurance online to them? I got a speeding ticket yesterday does my insurance go up? Im a first time driver and have only been driving 9 months and i was caught speeding, yeah i know its silly but it was down a steep hill i was doing 40 in a 30 and there was a police man in his car catching everyone. I was just wondering if by me having 3 points now will my insurance go up and how much by roughly. Im paying 1200 third party f+t on a fiesta at the moment Thanks" Anybody can help me with cheap car insurance.? im 19 years old i want to but a used car but i wanna know the cheapest way to pay for car new at this so thank you for ur help What is good health insurance for me? I'm 31, non smoker and in very good health. The only thing I worry about is paying a ton for an emergency visit or doctors visit. catastrophic insurance doesn't cover that stuff, does it? Is there an insurance policy that will cover both major hospital bills and the emergency room/doctor?" Auto insurance cost when not parked at home address? Auto insurance cost when not parked at home address? Car insurance? If i have bought a car but but the car is not insured, then can someone else who is fully comp drive my car?" Is it true that the lower you paid for your car it helps lower the insurance?

i heard that if the lesser you pay for your car the lower your insurance will be or if you also put that your car was a gift. What is the best insurance company? I need the cheapest insurance that is basic I have a 2002 Ford focus. Any ideas? Car insurance prices? Approximatley how much is car insurance on a small engine car (1.1) for a 26year old female I know it will depend on area and no claims and named drivers, mileage etc, but just looking for a rough figure as I haven't got a clue" Will insurance cover damages caused by DUI crash? I was leaving a parking lot, left too fast, and I fishtailed into a parked car (no one was in the parked car and I was not injured). When I pulled over and got out, a police officer who was a block away immediately asked if I was drinking. I was and admitted it. I was administered a field sobriety test and later a breathalyzer. I blew a 1.1 and was booked for OWI. I called my insurance company about the crash to get the claim started, but did not mention the arrest since they did not ask...but I know this will come up. I have full will the insurance cover damages to my car and the other car?" "Are you 21 or younger, primary on car insurance, and been driving five years, is your insurance $100 or less?" If you're not on your parents policy, have your own car, and been driving at least five years, how much do you pay for car insurance each month?" cheap fast cars to insure at 20 cheap fast cars to insure at 20 Family Health Insurance?? Question Help? I was wondering does family health insurance, for example. like in my situation, i want to go to a dentist to whiten my teeth, but will the insurance cover for that?" Where can I find salvage motorcycles directly from the insurance company? I'm interested in purchasing cheap parts bikes directly from the insurance companies after a wreck. I am mostly interested in Harleys and I don't have any interest in these gimmicky websites where you pay a fee and there are not a lot of bikes. I've looked at ebay but these are usually bikes being sold from the person who bought it from the insurance company (ie premium). There are some public auto auctions, but these are usually only limited to dealers. But maybe that is my only choice?" Car leasing and insurance question?

Okay, so I'm 20 years old and in need of a new car. I'm looking towards leasing the 2013 Honda civic. The car itself is going to be under my fathers name, since he is the one who will be taking out the loan, however I will be the actual driver. However, my mom is the one who has taken care of my car insurance for the last 3 years. I am listed as a driver on her policy. I've heard that the person whose name is attached to the car MUST have the car insured in their own name, but my parents are MARRIED and my mom takes care of the insurance. Is it possible for me to have the car in my dad's name, and the insurance in my moms? Thanks in advance for your help !! I sincerely appreciate it." How do I enforce my rights according to Ca Auto Ins. Law without an attorney.? Their insurance accepted fault immediately. I have rights according to CA Auto Ins. Law, but Geico acts like they do not have to adhere to my rights under California Insurance law. The CA Ins board is watching, but they will not answer this and other questions." Cheapest cars to get insurance on in the uk? im a 17 year old boy i dont want something chavy like a corsa i want a vw What would have if you just stopped pay your car insurance? What would have if you just stopped pay your car insurance? I am just curious. Cheap Family Insurance? I am looking for an affordable insurance for my whole family. We dont qualify for medi-cal or healthy families. In our family its my husband and I and 2 young children. If you have any suggestions, thanks!" 600cc supersport vs 1000cc sport insurance cost? I'm young and most insurance companies wouldn't insure me on a supersport until I've been riding for 3 years. So i'm wondering if for some dumb reason they'd be more likely to insure me on a 1000cc sportbike than a 600cc supersport bike just because the 600 is a ss. The other part of the question is what's the deal with 1000cc vs 600ccSS with older riders? Thanks love ya guys Car accident will his insurance pay for the rental? I got hit by a Semi the police came we exchanged insurance info I got estimates faxed them to his insur and they paid me but now the Body shop guy say's its gonna be a week to fix more Can you tell me which car insurance is cheap in uk.? Karamjit singh

What is the cheapest car insurance in Minnesota? I am a new driver, but I am 21 years old and my car is an old model ( Geo metro 1997)" What is the average auto insurance rate for a 17 year old ..female added to her parent's insurance? What is the average auto insurance rate for a 17 year old female added to her parent's insurance? Why is my car on Motor Insurance Database (MID) while I haven't bought insurance yet? I've just bought a used car for my son, received the new log book; however, I haven't bought insurance yet, as I intend to keep the car off road at the moment. But when I checked my car on the Motor Insurance Database (MID), it recognized my car. Apparently it is ok to drive this car, although I haven't bought insurance for it. Do you think this is ok, or will I be stopped by the police driving this car?" Can i insure a car in one state and register in another? i am going to school in South Carolina and have a permanent address in New York. Can i register my car in SC and insure it in New York? What's wrong with affordable health insurance without a middle man? We have affordable car insurance and the gov't doesn't get involved in that, do they? Am I the only one who thinks a few of these industries (insurance, pharmaceutical) should be regulated?" Anyone know where to get esthetics liability insurance? I am working as an independent contractor. Any suggestions for insurance companies? 2005 Pontiac G6 GT Insurance? I have a 05 G6 GT. I am an 18 year old male living in kansas and I want to know how much monthly insurance should be? It is a 4 door car. Glendale auto (car) insurance? Where can I get auto insurance in Glendale? What do you recommend? I bought a car recently and I'd like to find a cheap way to insure it. "In California, does my employer have to give health insurance if i am full time?" In California, does my employer have to give health insurance if i am full time?"

Need help on car insurance for young driver? Hi! I've been struggling to get a good quote for car insurance for a while now. I tried all the big name comparison sites and every one is quoting me 4k (monthly installments). I opted for third party and theft, i am 22 years of age and my postcode starts with sl1 (slough) and i got pass plus and had my licence (manual) since march 2011. I got my car already its a Peugeot 206 1.6l petrol manual 1999 3doors. If you have time you can try for yourself with the above details the quote is freaking too much. Is this just how it is or am i doing something wrong? If you can point me to the right direction that would be amazing!!" "Does anyone know of an auto insurance provider that does not require a credit check in Vancouver, WA? I switched from Progressive to Allstate online about a month ago. I started the policy and paid the premium. Now I get a letter from Allstate saying they are unable to carry a policy for me due to my poor credit. I'm angry and totally disagree with my credit score having anything to do with my driving ability. I refuse to do business with any company that uses a credit score to determine auto insurance rates or availability. Buying a car/insurance help? I am 17, currently taking driving lessons and looking to buy a car. I wanted quite a big car, such as the Ford mavric as ones that i have found in my price range. However the insurance is huge for them type of cars. I was wondering if anyone could tell me quite big cars with cheap insurance Thanks" How can i get cheap car insurance in the UK? hey people, i have tried getting cheap car insurance for a while n i have had no joy. the cheapest i have got it is about 2,897 that is ridiculas for a 18 year old male at college who hasn't got a penny spear! i got a car givin to me a 1998 ford fiesta 1.25 zetec and i need help pritty bad. please help me!!!!!!!!!!" Good car insurance?? I will be 16 in a few months and am hoping to get a Mustang two doors. soo it might be a little higher insurance..Is there an insurance company thats better than another? Insurance for moving to USA? Myself and my partner are moving to the USA. We will need travel insurance and some health cover, and although we will both have health insurance with our new jobs, we will need cover for the first month and I am looking to see if I can find a travel insurance policy that provide the cover. Trouble is, the standard travel insurance I have seen so far assume that we will still live in the UK and that we just want cover for a months 'holiday'. One way travel insurance seems to stop 24 hours after we land in the USA Does anyone know of a one way travel insurance that will cover us for the journey and the first months stay"

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