August 16 Issue

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August 16, 2012 Volume III, Issue 13

FREE Lenox, MA 01240


Open Meeting training in Lenox George C. Jordan III Beacon Editor

LENOX – Attorney General Martha Coakley’s office will hold four educational forums on the Open Meeting Law throughout the commonwealth, including one in Lenox on Sept. 12 at Town Hall at 8 p.m. On July 1, 2010, the attorney general’s office assumed responsibility for enforcement of the Open Meeting Law from the state’s district attorneys, who previously had the power to enforce the law as it pertains to municipal and regional public bodies. A Berkshire Meanwhile, the editor of wave to the The Berkshire Beacon filed a

first ladyPage 8

complaint, prior to Oct. 5, 2011, with the attorney general’s office that was later denied due to the 30-day limit for filing. The complaint was filed against the Lenox Board of Selectmen and the Kennedy Park Committee for their combined failure to post notices of their respective meetings and their respective agendas with reference to the Belvedere that was ultimately built in Kennedy Park. They each failed to publish a legal notice in a newspaper of the said hearings. There appeared to be a tacit attempt to deny the public from participating in the discussion. There was no effort to publicize their respective

hearings either by the proponent or his clerk of the works, Robert T. Akroyd of Lenox. The difference between the Berkshire District Attorney’s office and the AG’s office is that the county attorney ignored prior complaints and the AG’s office acknowledged them in correspondence, but found a convenient way not to hold either members of the board of selectmen or the park committee in violation. They used the excuse that I did not file timely. If it were my call, I would have fined each member $100 and ordered each of them to write a letter of apology to the community. Fact is, had the two boards see OPEN page 12

Jobs wanted

Lenox looks to spur economic development Kameron Z. Spaulding Beacon Staff Writer

The Berkshire LENOX – The Town of Beacon Lenox is continuing to work


1 Local News 6 Editorial 6 From the Tower 9 Fast Picks 10 Calendar 10 Books 12 Beer & Wine 13 Movies 13 Girl-2-Girl 15 Sports

to fix the public perception that it is hard to start a business there. “We want to make it as easy as possible for people to come here and do business,” said Selectman David Roche during a joint meeting of the select and planning boards to discuss economic development. Yet not all members of the board felt the goal of making things easy has been met. “The truth is people think it is impossible to get anything done here,” said Selectman John McNinch. “And that reputation is still strong and see BUSINESS page 4

Kameron Z. Spailding / Berkshire Beacon

The town of Lenox is looking for ways to keep downtown vibrant all year like it is in the summer.

Kameron Z. Spailding / Berkshire Beacon

Great Barrington is looking to add more open days at the transfer station.

GB looks to expand transfer station hours Kameron Z. Spaulding Beacon Staff Writer

GREAT BARRINGTON – Even the price of trash is on the rise. The town has been looking to increase the hours the transfer station and to do that they are looking for ways to increase income and cut cost. Currently the center is only open one day a week and they would like to increase the open days to two or three days. Currently the changes would take place in July 2014, unless the town can come up with the nearly $4,000 needed to cover additional salaries to start the program in January 2014. The first idea the town is discussing is an increase to the cost per bag and the addition of an unlimited dumping tag for local residents. The increase per bag would be 25 cents, to $3.25. A price

is not yet set for an annual sticker but the board has been discussing a price of $200. One additional solution may be the removal of the two bulk waste days. On those days residents can deposit furniture, mattresses and other large items for no cost. The town then pays to have the items handled. Sister City connection Ingersoll, Ontario, and Great Barrington were formally joined as sister cities last weekend. The weekend was centered on a series of events celebrating the combined history of the two towns and was attended by Great Barrington Town Manager Kevin O’Donnell. “In a word it was simply amazing,” said Town Manager O’Donnell. Ingersoll is home to a fasee SISTER page 3


The Berkshire Beacon

New benches on Kemble St. Susan M. Wicker Guerrero Beacon Staff Writer

LENOX – When a community pulls together, good things happen. Take, for example, two new benches, valued at a total of $3,100, that have been installed along the side of Kemble Street near Shakespeare and Company. Residents and business owners in Lenox donated all of the money for the benches, thanks to the fundraising efforts of one resident, Dr. Elizabeth Tierney. Dr. Tierney walked into dozens of businesses in town and asked for donations for the bench project. She also approached residents in town. Everyone came through with flying colors. “Hopefully people will park or leave their cars in town and walk to and from the Farmer’s Market, Shakespeare and Company, Canyon Ranch, car shows and all other events that abound or just for the sheer joy of walking to and from downtown and having a place to sit on the way back,” she said. Dedicated to veterans and volunteers One of the benches has been dedicated to veterans and the other one to volunteers. Handsome plaques with inscriptions to veterans and volunteers have been placed along the backs of the benches. The benches were ordered from Kenneth Lynch and Sons of Connecticut. They match all other benches found throughout Lenox. Getting the bench project underway was no easy task. Dr. Tierney had to write a proposal to the Lenox Board of Selectmen. She let them know people might like to walk from the downtown to the Shakespeare and Company. A farmer’s market is held on that campus every Friday afternoon during the warmer months. She noted that benches along the road where people could rest would encourage them to walk. The Lenox Board of Selectmen approved the project. Funds needed for benches Then, funding to pay for the benches had to be secured. Dr. Tierney asked the town manager if she could raise the money and her request was approved. She also had to talk with Jeff Vincent, manager of the Depart-

August 16, 2012

Lenoxology is not for sale to the highest bidder

Lack of sale ends supporter’s interest in using the marketing slogan Bera B. Dunau Beacon Staff Writer

Susan M. Wicker Guerrero / Berkshire Beacon

Dr. Elizabeth Tierney led the charge to raise the money to add the two new benches. ment of Public Works. He had to discuss the project with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. Mr. Vincent measured the distance from Trinity Church to Shakespeare and Company and on aerial photographs, he marked where the benches could be installed. Then came the actual requests for money. When people found out what the donations were for, they seemed happy to donate. Bench project took effort Still, it took a lot of effort on the part of Dr. Tierney to go from business to business to collect donations. “Despite the rain and wind, two of the three benches are in on

Kemble Street,” Dr. Tierney told The Beacon. She thanked the board of selectmen for supporting the proposal and Gregory Federspiel, town manager, for explaining the process. Also, she said she appreciated Mr. Vincent’s assistance and Mary Ellen Deming, director of administration services for the town, for keeping track of all the money collected. “Special thanks to Ken Fowler, Arthur Oliver, Billy Soto and Mike Coggins for the large donations that saved me using all my shoe leather,” Dr. Tierney said. A third bench is also set to be installed, closer to Walker Street, but it has been paid for by one private donor in honor of her son, Dr. Tierney said.

Big donors lead the way Michael Coggins, general manager of Berkshire Car Company, Haddad Subaru, at 652 East St. in Pittsfield, and Billy Soto, owner of Village Inn and Restaurant, at 16 Church St. in Lenox, were major donors of the town’s two new benches, said Dr. Elizabeth Tierney, fundraising organizer. “They, in effect, donated the bench for the veterans,” she said. Two other large donors included Arthur Oliver, costume designer, and Ken Fowler, owner of Shear Design II at 25 Church St. in town. A total of 82 additional people donated between $5 and $60 each. “In many cases, of the 82 others, some were for $20 for a husband and wife, some were from stores rather than from individuals,” Dr. Tierney said. The benches cost $1,550 each, which includes permanent installation onto a concrete slab, the plaques on the benches.

LENOX – The Lenox Board of Selectmen is offering up the Lenoxology marketing campaign to the general public, but even some of its most ardent supporters may no longer be interested. Instead of keeping the slogan the board will look at developing closer cooperation with the Lenox Chamber of Commerce on marketing. Also renaming the marketing and events committee the “events committee,” changing its focus to developing new events and improving existing ones and making a concerted effort to get all businesses in Lenox, chamber and non-chamber members alike, listed on the chamber’s website. These proposals weren’t universally embraced by the rest of the committee (in particular Selectman John McNinch took issue with putting so much trust in the chamber), and the only action taken at the meeting on marketing was to instruct Town Manager Gregory Federspiel to find someone to maintain the Discover Lenox website. It was clear that the Lenoxolgy marketing campaign was no longer being pursued by the town. This was criticized by marketing and events committee member and owner of The Gateways Inn Eiran Gazit, who asked that the board make a definitive statement on the future of the campaign and offered to buy the Lenoxology brand from the town and promote it himself. Mr. Gazit’s offer was rejected by the select board, but it served to inspire their actions at the Aug. 8 meeting. “It occurred to me that exactly what that merchant [Mr. Gazit] was suggesting is how the viral component begins,” said Chairman Fowler, who suggested that those merchants in town who liked the Lenoxology campaign start promoting it themselves. “If they like Lenoxology, use it.”

“It’s ours, people might as well use it if they like,” said Selectman Roche, who has never been a fan of the concept, but has no problem with others adopting it. This new arrangement doesn’t seem to have galvanized some of Lenoxology’s greatest boosters, however. “I’ve lost interest,” said Mr. Gazit, who said that such a set up did not appeal to him. “Without a coordinated effort…Lenoxology may in fact not reach any heights,” said marketing and events committee member and realtor Bob Romeo. Mr. Romeo has been a big booster of Lenoxology, and of marketing and branding the town in general. “The town has spent probably a hundred thousand bucks on the launch of something (Lenoxology) so far and now abandoned it,” said Mr. Romeo, who nevertheless pointed out that the development of the concept and branding of the term Lenoxology only cost the town $4,000. Like Mr. Gazit, Mr. Romeo has also offered to buy the term off the town. Still, when asked by The Beacon whether he would promote Lenoxology independently, he said, “Probably not.” For Mr. Romeo, the strength of Lenoxology lies in an organized effort, either by the town or a group of private businesses, to promote it. “I would be a part of any concentrated strategy to put the term and meaning out to the world,” said Mr. Romeo, who said that he’d been planning on putting Lenoxology on all his advertisements when the town said that they would be supporting the campaign. Still, in the absence of a coordinated public or private effort, even as big a Lenoxolgy promoter as Mr. Romeo, who would like to see the term tied in with the brand of the town itself, the town appears to be giving the campaign a pass, at least for now.

August 16, 2012

The Berkshire Beacon

Lee continues to look at alternative energy options Bera B. Dunau Beacon Staff Writer

LEE – The town is pressing forward with efforts to determine the viability of its wind energy resources, but an answer won’t be coming any time soon. At a recent meeting, the Lee Board of Selectmen approved a recommendation by the Lee Energy Efficiency Committee to select The Cadmus Group Inc. to write and apply for a $95,750 Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (CEC) grant for the town in order to study Lee’s wind resources. Should this grant be accepted, Cadmus, along with the energy efficiency committee, will spearhead the subsequent study. The energy efficiency committee was in charge of selecting a company to recommend to the board, and they looked at eight different companies before voting unanimously to recommend Cadmus. “We liked Cadmus because they did the original [Lee wind] study in 2008,” said Energy Efficiency Committee Chairman Tom Wickham, explaining that Cadmus was already familiar with the area, the site being studied and some of the abutting homeowners. Another thing that recommended Cadmus to the committee was that they didn’t have a relationship with a wind developer and wouldn’t be potentially biased towards development. “We just want somebody to study it [the wind resource],” said Chairman Wickham. Chairman Wickham estimates it will take about a month for Cadmus to apply for the grant, and the town will know whether or not it has received it by midOctober. If the town gets the grant, Chairman Wickham estimates that the study will take about a year, after which the committee will probably spend another six months going over the study. Zoning laws key The study will examine every aspect of wind power in Lee’s zoning laws, in addition to measuring the town’s wind resource on the ridge line near October Mountain, the only feasible site identified in Lee at this time,



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O N E ~ G E T O N E

Kameron Z. Spailding / Berkshire Beacon

October Mountain has been one of the discussed wind power locations in Lee. with SODAR. It will also include a $15,000 acoustics study. “The earliest that we’d come in front of the selectmen would be 2014,” said Chairman Wickham, with February 2015 being the earliest date that he thinks the energy efficiency committee could go before the selectmen with a recommendation on whether or not to proceed with a wind power project. Such a project wouldn’t necessarily be wind turbines. Chairman Wickham said that one of the advantages of measuring Lee’s wind resource was that, should it be viable, but turbines prove not to be a good fit for the town, the town would know that it had a good wind resource should new technology for harnessing wind become available. On the subject of turbines, however, Chairman Wickham says that the committee has a number of priorities. “We’d like to push them back as far as possible [from residences], at least a half a mile to three quarters of a mile,” said Chairman Wickham. He also said any turbines that might be built in Lee would have

to be town-owned. “We’d like to own our own system, otherwise we’re not interested,” he said. Goal to save money As for the number, Chairman Wickham thinks that building more than two turbines on the ridge line near October Mountain would not be viable. In the end though, Chairman Wickham says the project is about saving the taxpayers money. “We’re not just in it for clean energy, we’re in it for tax dollars,” said Chairman Wickham, who maintains a project won’t go forward if it’s found not to be profitable for Lee’s taxpayers. Chairman Wickham also said that committee intended to have an open process throughout the study, should it receive the grant needed for it to get off the ground. “I think the public input is essential for a project like this,” said Chairman Wickham, who would like to put the wind data online so the public can examine it for themselves, adding there will be multiple public hearings surrounding the study.

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SISTER from page 1 mous theater, ITOPA, which puts on many shows each year as well as musical and comedy events. Also present is the Cheese and Agriculture Museum, which contains the history of Ingersoll in a few buildings. The connection will allow the towns to share cultural information and will work to establish economic growth in both towns. Appointments Ed Abrams was appointed by the selectman by a unanimous vote to the library board of trustees to fill a vacancy on the board. The library board had already also unanimously backed Mr. Abrams appointment. The board is also looking to fill

one more seat on the housing authority. The board meets the third Thursday of each month at 2:15 p.m. Approvals and licenses The Guthrie Center was approved for a one-day beer and wine license for a Sept. 23 fundraiser. The event will feature live music and art. Organizers expect the fundraiser to sell out with 125 tickets up for sale. The 36th Annual Great John Billings Triathalon was approved for road usage for the Sept. 16 race. The race begins in Great Barrington with a 27-mile scenic and challenging bike ride through five Berkshire County towns. The race ends in Lenox at Tanglewood.

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The Berkshire Beacon

New Marlborough celebrates Elihu Burritt Day Catherine M. Krummey Beacon Staff Writer

NEW MARLBOROUGH – Members of the New Marlborough Volunteer Fire Company will wrap up the 38th annual Elihu Burritt Day activities with a pig roast. “Together with the Burritt Day festivities, it makes for a nice, day-long community celebration,” said Fire Company President David Smith. The Burritt Day activities, put on by the town’s cultural council, will take place from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. on Saturday (Aug. 18) on the Village Green in the center of New Marlborough. The festivities include an antique car show, a 5K fun run/walk, kids’ crafts, a petting zoo and a performance by the United Church of New Marlborough Community Choir.

The 19th annual pig roast fundraiser will take place from 5-7 p.m. on Saturday at the fire station on Norfolk Road in Southfield. “The pig roast is one of our major fundraisers of the year and an event we look forward to,” said Mr. Smith. The dinner, which includes roast pork and turkey, will be followed by dancing to live music and a raffle with more than 60 prizes. Children can also get their faces painted. “We always draw a nice crowd and appreciate the support we receive from New Marlborough and beyond,” Mr. Smith said. Tickets for the pig roast are $20 for adults and $7.50 for kids. Raffle and event tickets are available at the Mill River General Store or from any New Marlborough Fire and Rescue member.

Girl Scouts to be celebrated at Norman Rockwell Museum Kameron Z. Spaulding Beacon Staff Writer

STOCKBRIDGE - In 1977, Norman Rockwell was approached by the Franklin Mint to create a dozen designs for medallions depicting the ideals of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America on the occasion of the organization’s 65th anniversary. The artist, a long-time supporter of scouting, created engaging scenes illustrating such tenets of the Girl Scout Law as “respectful,” “resourceful,” “be prepared” and “on my honor.” On Saturday, Sept. 22, Norman Rockwell Museum will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts with a special centennial celebration to be held at the Museum from 1 to 4 p.m. Attendees can discover Rockwell’s ties to the Girl Scouts with gallery tours of a special exhibition of related works, at 1 and 3 p.m. At 2 p.m., meet Girl Scouts founder Juliette Gordon Low as portrayed by actress Kate Carney; learn about the woman who challenged girls to find their talents, and then discovered her own.

Other activities include outdoor watercolor painting sessions throughout the day and a demonstration of basic horse grooming with a live horse on Museum grounds, courtesy of Ken Whelihan of the Berkshire Equestrian Center. Admission to the Girl Scout Festival is $5 per scout or scout leader in uniform, or with an active Girl Scouts membership card; or free with regular Museum admission. Today, there are 3.2 million Girl Scouts—2.3 million girl members and 890,000 adult members working primarily as volunteers. Other exhibitions During his career, Norman Rockwell occupied approximately twenty studios, and each of them was arranged in a similar manner. Unlike the stereotypical disheveled artist’s studio, Rockwell’s were always neat and organized. One installation that is open through Oct. looks at one of the workspaces that Rockwell considered his “best studio yet” invites viewers to enter into a day in his profoundly busy work life.

August 16, 2012

Art Reilly named dean of students Catherine M. Krummey Beacon Staff Writer

LEE – Lee Middle and High School Athletic Director Arthur Reilly officially has a new job title – dean of students. “He was the lone applicant, which I feel demonstrates the rest of the staff ’s confidence in him,” said Lee Superintendent Jason P. McCandless. Both the job description for the role and his appointment as the dean were made official by the Lee School Committee. Sitting in the back of the room, Mr. Reilly simply said, “Thank you.” Athletic co-ops questioned The future of athletic co-ops was also a topic for discussion. Athletic co-ops allow students from one school to participate in sports at another school. Currently, Lee allows students from other schools to come in for football, boys’ lacrosse and girls’ lacrosse. They send students out for track, swimming, skiing, wrestling and hockey. In two years, new divisions will be created in Massachusetts high school sports, including football, based on the school population size. In co-op situations, the student body size will combine both the home school and the population of the schools which have students who co-op onto the BUSINESS from page 1 no one wants to come here because of it.” Before the town can look to add new businesses they decided they would look at their strengths and weaknesses as a community that could attract employers. “Lenox is a great town,” said Selectman Kenneth Fowler. “It is beautiful and has great schools, we have some real strength.” The boards also identified the historical nature of town and the central location between New York and Boston as strength. “I just moved here and when we chose the area we did because we loved the sense if community, the historical nature and the toplevel services the town can offer,” said Selectman Channing Gibson. When the discussion moved to weaknesses, the issue of getting things approved, mainly signs, by

team. Superintendent McCandless and LMHS Vice Principal Joseph P. Turmel guided an initial discussion on the continuing participation in co-ops. “I know how important football is to any community, especially here in Lee,” Mr. Turmel said. “We need to come up with the best decision for Lee students and the Lee community.” “We have some things that we’re perhaps not willing to give away anymore,” Superintendent McCandless added. Mr. Turmel said that the district would have about a year and a half to determine the future of the co-ops, which is why the administration wanted to start the discussion as soon as possible. “We wanted to make sure all parties...have a say in what we decide,” he said. “I don’t want to be sitting here two years from now facing having to make a rash decision.” Also investigating school choice The discussion also veered slightly to include the issue of investigating both what brings students in and what sends students out of Lee Public Schools through school choice. Currently, approximately 100 students are coming into the district and about 60 are going out. “One of my goals for this year

is to try to get a handle on why students are choicing out,” Superintendent McCandless said. “It’s a complicated thing,” said School Committee Member Thomas Consolati. “Perhaps the school committee should also take a role in investigating this. We might find that it’s [getting rid of the athletic co-ops] not going to help us that much.” “We could look at it sport-bysport instead of all-or-nothing,” School Committee Chair Susan Harding said. “This didn’t come from any problems – the co-ops are a positive thing.” “A school our size will struggle to be all that it needs to be,” Superintendent McCandless admitted. “It’s not a matter of not working can’t create a whole that’s bigger than the sum of its parts.” Other business After some debate, the committee also voted to raise meal prices at both Lee Elementary School and LMHS. At LES, lunches are now $2.15 per student over last year’s $2; LMHS lunches are up to $2.40 from $2.25. At both schools, breakfast is up from 85 cents to 95 cents. Adult breakfast is now $2.25 and lunch prices are $3.25, both an increase of 25 cents. The school committee also voted to endorse the Campaign for Communities.

the historic district commission arose. “I can tell you one major weakness, the HDC,” said Selectman Fowler. Town Planner Mary Albertson agreed the time frame to get items approved was a barrier. “When you tell them they missed a filing and will have to wait another month and watch the color drain from their faces is tough,” she said. To deal with these issues the town will look into how they inform the public of the process to open a business in the town. “We need the chamber to step up and do more of their responsibility,” said Selectman Gibson. “Right now they’re not doing that and that is a weakness we have.” Outside of the historic district, a desire to expand growth on Route 7 was highlighted as another goal of the town. According to town administrators, the larg-

est number of large scale inquiries in recent years has been along that corridor. Many of those inquiries have been for large retailers and big box stores. Yet businesses in those fields have chosen not to use the land after they discover the open land along Route 7 has a maximum building size of 20,000 square feet. “We need to think are we looking to promote that, is that even something we want?” asked Planning Board Member Kathleen McNulty Vaughan. The other concern was expanding higher paying jobs that are not in the hospitality or retail field. “We need jobs to keep people in town and working,” said John McNinch. “The kind of jobs that are kids would want to have so that they can start a family here.”

August 16, 2012

The Berkshire Beacon


Iredale wins business award

The ONLY experienced candidate with over 28 years experience within the Registry

Kameron Z. Spaulding Beacon Staff Writer

GREAT BARRINGTON Next month the Souther Berkshire Chamber will honor another local business person with their greatest award. Jane Iredale of Iredale Mineral Cosmetics has been named the recipient of the 2011 Southern Berkshire Chamber of Commerce’s Business Person of the Year award. The award will be presented at a cocktail reception and tribute to Iredale on Wednesday, Sept. 14 from 5:30 to 7:30 at the Norman Rockwell Museum. The Business Person of the Year award is given annually to a chamber member who is a role model to other business people in the community, has strong leadership qualities and maintains a positive work environment. The recipient is also honored for personal contributions to the economic, social and cultural needs of the Southern Berkshire community. “Jane is the perfect choice for this award because of her integrity, entrepreneurial spirit and numerous personal contributions to the Southern Berkshire community that go well beyond her immediate business interests," said Chamber President Kate McCormick of McCormick, Murtagh and Marcus. Iredale is the president and founder of Iredale Mineral Cosmetics. The company was founded in 1994 in Austerlitz, N.Y. and moved to the building it renovated at 28 Church St. in 2000. IMC currently employs 90 people in the Great Barrington office and 60 in the field. The company distributes into 47 countries. Its international presence is so strong that Iredale Mineral Cosmetics was recently awarded the Diplomat’s Award from the State of Massachusetts.

Vote Thursday, September 6th in the primary election when the Register of Deeds will be decided

Patsy Harris for

Register of Deeds Paid for by the committee to elect Patsy Harris

BOB DENLEY’S Foreign Car Repair and Service

Jane Iredale of Iredale Mineral Cosmetics has been named the recipient of the 2011 Southern Berkshire Chamber of Commerce’s Business Person of the Year award. Iredale was the first to supply the aesthetics industry with a full line of makeup based on minerals and the first to see the potential of offering physicians a makeup that was good for the skin. In addition to her success with Iredale Mineral Cosmetics, Iredale is a philanthropic leader in the community. She serves on the board of The Mahaiwe Performing Arts and Shakespeare and Company. She is a member of the Creative Economy and Berkshire Green. She and her company have renovated four buildings on Church Street and are in the process of renovating Bryant School to serve as IMC’s world headquarters. Three years ago, she led a volunteer effort to restore the band stand and has just put the finishing touches to Giggle Park, the new children’s playground behind town hall. “I had the idea and chose the pieces but it was my husband, Bob Montgomery,

and Craig Okerstrom Lang who made it happen,” she said. “The Southern Berkshire Chamber of Commerce is honored to name Jane Iredale as the 2011 Business Person of the Year. The policies and projects she has fostered have had such a positive impact on the overall economy of south county. Her corporate headquarters has brought renewal to part of our downtown core and she has been a generous supporter of the local creative economy and other women business owners," said Chamber Executive Director Christine Ludwiszewski. Tickets to the Business Person of the Year cocktail reception and tribute can be purchased through the Southern Berkshire Chamber of Commerce for $50 per person; a “Business Leaders” package costs $250, which includes two tickets and event recognition. Reservations must be made by Sept. 1.

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The Berkshire Beacon


A Berkshire wave

A wave or no wave? The first lady, Michelle Obama, was in Pittsfield and Richmond on a political junket that went from the State of New Hampshire to the borders of western Massachusetts on behalf of her husband’s (President Barack Obama) re-election campaign last week. The entourage was running about one and a half hours late on a Friday afternoon from her Springfield visit to The Berkshire’s Colonial Theater and onto Gov. Deval L. Patrick’s farm in Richmond for a $20,000-a-plate dinner. The Berkshire Beacon had a reporter and a staff correspondent at the theater and at the Sweet P Farm. This reporter decided to go to a rest stop on routes 7 and 20 between Hubbard Avenue and Housatonic Street to await the passing of the first lady and her supporters. A number of Massachusetts State Troopers preceded her convoy on their respective motorcycles in the 90-degree sun-soaked

weather as they whipped by with blue lights flashing. This was my signal to disembark from the vehicle with a business card in hand in case the group decided to slow down and/or stop for a brief moment. When I saw the caravan, I extended my arms and waved. This was not a “pep-rally wave” but one of welcome to The Berkshires. It is difficult to determine if First Lady Michelle Obama saw the “wave” or acknowledged it with a returned “wave” since the vehicles were traveling at a fast clip and the windows appeared to be darkened in color. The question: Was the wave or acknowledgement returned or not? We’ll never know. But the truth remains that this reporter made the kind gesture of welcome from the heart without any expectations of how it would be received or acknowledged. The gesture hopefully conveyed, “Welcome to The Berkshires!”

The Middle District race for Register of Deeds is virtually the only contested race for voters in Pittsfield, Richmond, Lenox and Dalton, along with a few hill towns. The Congressional race for the retiring John W. Olver, D-Amherst, has all but been decided. U.S. Congressmen Richard E. Neal, D- Springfield, presumably will succeed Rep. Olver in the newly-formulated first district. His opponents, Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr. and Bill Shein, D-Alford, appear committed against the population odds of the Pioneer Valley. Meanwhile, Patsy Harris of Hinsdale, Jody Phillips of Pittsfield and Scott M. Pignatelli of Lenox are battling for the $90,000-a-year job. The primary election will be Sept. 6, a Thursday. Interviews with the Register candidates appear on page 8.

Whomever can draw the most votes wins the seat and the purse strings. Interestingly all are in their 40s. The job will pay from a high of 21 years before retirement to a low of 16 years from $1.89 million to a low of $1.53 million plus benefits to the winner. Voters should weigh each candidate by experience in the job and promises to retain the staff to the probability of making the office productive and efficient. Each candidate has offered their own assessments in interviews with the editorial board of The Berkshire Beacon. Each candidate has his or her share of supporters. Reportedly in conversations there has been some defections in the ranks of some groups. Like the winds that blow through The Berkshire Hills, there could be a winner by a small margin of victory.

The race for deeds raise questions

August 16, 2012

View From the Tower George C. Jordan III

The taxpayers own Lenoxology Sometimes one wonders, as they watch the Lenox Selectmen in action, if they are indeed circus performers or are in fact trying to do the people’s work and attempting to make sense out of their own commitment to improve the community-at-large? Yes, tourism is our industry. It is the reason that commercial establishments locate here. It is also a benefit to the community that helps generate revenue from restaurants and bed and breakfast establishments (B&Bs) to reduce our taxes. Yet when the selectmen claimed that they owned Lenoxology when they were asked, and replied: “We want to know who is using it. We want to know that it is being used in good taste.” Therefore those who plan to use it should submit a note/letter to the town manager for tacit approval. Wait a minute. The selectmen hired a firm based on their marketing committee recommendation to come up with a slogan. They did: Lenoxology. After it was bantered around for about six months, it has been put on hold or, as they say in the service, mothballed. However, some local businessmen would like to use it and thus


the question was raised and answered. The last time I looked at the town government, they work for us, the voters. We don’t work for them. Thus, when the selectmen said they own it, this is not true. It was not their money to hire the New York firm, it was our money that funded it. In my view, there is no need for permission, acknowledgement or for that matter any communiqué. Hopefully the parties have good intentions and thus will note that what may be good for one, will be good for all. Isn’t this what a community is about? Lenoxology is a good idea and it should be broadcast universally



George C. Jordan III EDITOR & PUBLISHER Kameron Z. Spaulding EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Susan G. Robinson GRAPHIC DESIGNER Janel M. Harrison, Glenda Lee, Nancy G. Shepherd, Samantha I. Snyder ADVERTISING SALES

Bera B. Dunau, Rae A. Eastman, Susan M. Wicker Guerrero, Janel M. Harrison, Catherine M. Krummey, Dick Syriac CONTRIBUTING WRITERS

by each businessman or woman and generate as much publicity as possible. Fact is, we should retain Bodden Hamilton of New York City and complete their public relations, marketing and advertising efforts on our behalf. Meanwhile, the selectmen should review items before taking a vote at the same meeting. The selectmen would become more knowledgeable by allowing a twoweek interval from discussion to vote and allow for some feedback and information to process before shooting themselves in the foot. Good government is a learning process. The selectmen should learn by their mistakes and decisions that what may appear to be true isn’t necessarily so.

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The Berkshire Beacon is published weekly. The Beacon is distributed throughout Berkshire County, MA. The Berkshire Beacon assumes no financial responsibility for failure to publish an advertisement, incorrect placement or typographical errors published. Advertisers are solely responsible for the content of their advertising and claims and offers contained within their advertising. The Berkshire Beacon reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason. All contents copyright ©2012 The Berkshire Beacon. No portion may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.

August 16, 2012

The Berkshire Beacon


What matters more?

Candidate profiles complied by Bera B. Dunau

Knowledge of deeds office pitted against managerial experience in local race

Phillips wants to serve the public again Jody L. Phillips is hoping that her extensive record of public service will help her get elected as the Berkshire County Middle District Register of Deeds. “I really saw it as a good fit and thought I would be an asset in the office,” said Ms. Phillips in an interview with The Beacon’s editorial board. Pittsfield’s City Clerk for 10 years (serving from Dec. 1998 to Jan. 2009), Ms. Phillips sees the seat as her next challange. Before becoming city clerk, Ms. Phillips served six years as an assistant to Pittsfield Mayor Edward Riley. Previous to this she was a legal secretary, where she had her first interactions with the registry of deeds. Ms. Phillips is a graduate of Wahconah Regional High School, Berkshire Community College and the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. She lives in Pittsfield. “I’m unique [among the candidates] because I’ve managed an office that handles public records,” said Ms. Phillips in an interview with The Beacon’s editorial board. Ms. Phillips places an emphasis on the parallels between the registry of deeds and city clerk positions, noting how they both require working with public records, supervising a staff and managing a budget. “As city clerk I always felt it was important to work alongside my staff,” said Ms. Phillips. “I always had a great focus on customer service there.” Ms. Phillips’ time as city clerk didn’t end without controversy, as she resigned in the middle of her last term to take a job with General Dynamics as a contract administrator, where she is still employed. Ms. Phillips acknowledges that this move was controversial, and some Pittsfield residents are still upset by it.

While saying that she has been happy about her time at General Dynamics, Ms. Phillips says that working there has made her realize just how much she enjoys public service, which contributed to her decision to seek the register of deeds position. When asked which of her two opponents she would support, were she to drop out, Ms. Phillips said Scott Pignatelli. “I would vote for Scott, I believe,” she said, citing his experience running his own business. On a similar note, when asked whether understanding public documents or managerial experience was more important, Ms. Phillips said managerial experience. Ms. Phillips did say, however, that she’d had no managerial experience before becoming city clerk. Ms. Phillips agreed with the contention of a Beacon editorial board member that she could be a spoiler in the race. However, when asked what her plan for victory was, Ms. Phillips said she thought the winner of the primary would be determined by turnout. “What I think it’s going to come down to is who is going to get the people out to vote on Sept. 6,” she said. As for what she would do if she was elected, Ms. Phillips said she wouldn’t have any plans for immediate changes and reforms, preferring instead to get a handle on what was needed. “I don’t think that I would make changes right away to that office,” she said. Fundamentally though, Ms. Phillips chief argument for her election can be found in her claim to have the skill set best suited for the job. “I still think I’m uniquely qualified in that I have management experience in the area of public records management,” she said.

Pignatelli looks to prove he is more than a name

Scott M. Pignatelli is focusing his campaign for the Berkshire County Middle District Registry \of Deeds on two words: managerial experience. “This is a management position, not a clerk’s position,” said Mr. Pignatelli in an interview with The Beacon’s editorial board. He believes his private sector experience best qualifies him for the job out of the three candidates running for the position in the Sept. 6 Democratic primary. Mr. Pignatelli is the owner of Pignatelli Electrical Contractors, which he and his brother, current 4th Berkshire District State Representative William “Smitty” Pig-

natelli (D-Lenox), purchased from their father in 1990. Mr. Pignatelli bought his brother’s share of the company in 1998 and has been its sole proprietor ever since. “Nothing was ever given to me other than opportunity,” said Mr. Pignatelli, who proudly asserts that he has made his living in the private sector his entire life. One of Mr. Pignatelli’s chief issues in his campaign is the state of the Berkshire Middle District Registry of Deeds under its current register, Andrea F. Nuciforo Jr. In particular, Mr. Pignatelli has criticized statements from Mr. Nuciforo, who is running for

congress in the Democratic Party primary against Rep. Richard Neal (D-Springfield) and humorist Bill Shein, that the office is capable of running itself. “If it runs on autopilot without the boss being there apparently that office is either overstaffed or under-worked,” said Mr. Pignatelli. While acknowledging that an office could be made to run efficiently enough to require less management supervision, Mr. Pignatelli asserted that this would be unacceptable in the public sector.

Patricia “Patsy” Harris is running for Berkshire County Middle District Register of Deeds on her 28 years working in the registry of deeds office. “First and foremost you have to know what the documents are,” said Ms. Harris in an interview with The Beacon’s editorial board. “It’s keeping the land records and keeping them safe,” said Ms. Harris. “What the person [register of deeds] needs to have first and foremost is a complete knowledge of the documents that we’re recording at the registry of deeds.” Ms. Harris said that she felt that she was the most qualified

and experienced person for this task in the race, adding if someone more qualified and experienced had stepped up to run, she would have supported them completely. “Anybody who has been working in the office and has a complete understanding of the documents that we’re recording would be the person for this office,” she said. “I’m a full-time employee right now, I plan on being a full-time employee as a register and I plan on earning my pay,” she added. “I will be out there with the staff that I hired, working with them, and I will be able to answer the

questions.” Ms. Harris is a graduate of Berkshire Community College and St. Joseph Central High School and is a certified paralegal through the American Institute for Paralegal Studies. Both of her opponents have criticized her for not having management experience, an allegation that she strongly contests. “I have management [skills] in the office [of the registry of deeds],” she said, noting that she has been an assistant register for the last five and a half years. “I am a manager here now, I have people coming to me and

see PIGNATELLI page 8

Harris runs on her record

In their own words:

Jody L. Phillips “I’m unique [among the candidates] because I’ve managed an office that handles public records”

Scott M. Pignatelli “If it runs on autopilot without the boss being there apparently that office is either overstaffed or under-worked”

see HARRIS page 8

Patricia “Patsy” Harris “What the person [register of deeds] needs to have first and foremost is a complete knowledge of the documents”


PIGNATELLI from page 7 “If a government position runs that well, it’s overstaffed,” said Mr. Pignatelli, who nevertheless said he wasn’t advocating for job cuts. While Mr. Pignatelli didn’t go so far as to call Mr. Nuciforo a part-time register, he did say he’d heard from people working in the surrounding offices that Mr. Nuciforo’s attendance wasn’t always exemplary. Mr. Pignatelli sees his managerial experience as a vital qualification for the register of deeds position, something he explicitly criticizes Patricia “Patsy” Harris (currently an assistant register) as lacking. “I don’t think she has the necessary leadership experience or the…necessary management skills,” said Mr. Pignatelli, who asserted the job was a managerial, not a clerical, position. Indeed, Mr. Pignatelli asserts that the position of register of deeds requires no clerical experience whatsoever. HARRIS from page 7 asking me questions…I have been influential in hiring more than half of the staff,” she added. As for Mr. Pignatelli pointing out she is the second assistant register, not the first, a position long occupied by her co-worker Sharon Henault, Ms. Harris claims they both share duties in the office equally. “If you look at everybody’s pay stub, it all says assistant register,” she said. As for whether current register Andrea Nuciforo, a former state senator and general practice lawyer, had the extensive knowledge of registry of deeds documents that Ms. Harris claims is necessary to be register when he was first elected, Ms. Harris says his legal training has always given him a good understanding of the documents. “Andrea always had a handle on the legal documents,” she said. Ms. Harris also takes issue with her opponents’ contention that the register of deeds is primarily a managerial position, an assertion that has featured prominently in the campaign of Mr. Pignatelli. “I don’t think any register would say yeah that’s all it is, it’s this managerial position, that’s… all you need, because that would be slighting themselves,” she said. “You’re mostly managing documents,” she added. “Ninety per-

The Berkshire Beacon

“There is no clerical element to this, this is management of the office,” said Mr. Pignatelli. Nevertheless, Mr. Pignatelli also said that, should he be elected, he would go to the registry of deeds every week before his inauguration to learn more about how it functioned. “I’m not going to be hiding in the back office, I’m going to be right out there, without a doubt,” said Mr. Pignatelli. Mr. Pignatelli also said he didn’t have anything against Ms. Harris personally, and he didn’t doubt she was very knowledgeable of the inner workings of the office. “I have no beefs with her as an individual,” said Mr. Pignatelli. Mr. Pignatelli was a lot easier on his other opponent, former Pittsfield City Clerk Jody Phillips. Indeed, when asked which of his two opponents he would vote for if he were to drop out, Mr. Pignatelli said Ms. Phillips. “Jody…without a doubt,” said Mr. Pignatelli, citing her management experience and positive campaign. cent of the questions that are presented to me are about a document. That’s the job, keeper of the land records.” When asked which of her opponents she would support if she were to drop out, Ms. Harris said Scott Pignatelli, although this endorsement was a bit back-handed. “I believe he knows so little about the job that he would probably depend mostly on the staff and hopefully that would make things okay,” she said. “I think that the staff will save him and I don’t know how Jody would be at that.” As for her own campaign, Ms. Harris says that being a public employee puts her at a disadvantage as, unlike her two rivals, state law forbids her from personally asking for or receiving donations. Ms. Harris has received a lot of support from the legal community, something she says will ensure she’s held accountable, should she be elected. “That means I have to show up for work because these are the people who use the office,” she said. Ms. Harris believes Ms. Phillips is the spoiler in the race, and that Mr. Pignatelli doesn’t have as much support among UNICO members and trades people as he believes. “He doesn’t have the support

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1561 Cold Spring Road • Williamstown, MA 01267 • 413.458.8127 he thinks he has,” said Ms. Harris, claiming she knows people with Pignatelli bumper stickers who are not going to vote for him. As for specific policies she would implement and advocate for, should she be elected register of deeds, Ms. Harris favors merging all three registries of deeds in Berkshire County. “I’m definitely for that,” said Ms. Harris, noting that such an effort would be time consuming.

She also says she has not made job promises to people outside the office and intends to keep all employees in their current positions, while promoting some if she is able to do so. She would also like to fully digitize all of the books and microfilm under the register of deeds jurisdiction, particularly the historical volumes. “That’s [the deterioration of books] been bothering me for years,” said Ms. Harris, who says

a massive effort, as well as outside funds, will be needed to preserve the current records. She said she has no plans to run for another office, and she would still run for register of deeds even if it paid the same amount as her current position. “To me, these records are so important, and to just hand it over to a politician is a shame,” said Ms. Harris, who would prefer it if the position was non-political and state appointed.

August 16, 2012

The Berkshire Beacon

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can help these mechanisms affordBera B. Dunau make the technology Addir. Beacon Staff Writer able for a homeowne Brydges 0 100 tionally, Director 000-000 (508) PITTSFIELD – Over in talked about different ownerState a room for the technoloe, City, people gathered in et Nam Insurance ship options the buying 123 Stre include 3” the Berkshire Life to learn gy which entering into Building in Pittsfield pro- panels outright, about a new solar energy resi- a power purchase agreement to the re on Route gram being offered installer, (in which For mo had broken down Lenox. with an was a r buys power from dents of Pittsfield and 20. Inside the car program homeowne fixed rate that the passengers, “Solarize Mass” is a panels at a strange bunch of residents the mainto and baby offered eight being ies installer installs namely 12 ducks, a peacock of 17 different communitthe tains) and leasing. chicks, a rooster, that in Massachusetts through One common question in and a trunkful of pigeons. 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The Berkshire Beacon

Book Review:

A new look at an old idea

Rae A. Eastman Beacon Staff Writer

Evolutionaries is an absorbing and compelling book about change, or as the author puts it, about “becoming.” He and a growing group of thinkers, many of whom he quotes, are committed to organizing a new worldview based on evolution. Such a view is more than a consciousness that the world has come a long way in its 14 billion years (how and when were humans made?), but now it appears to be speeding up and he posits that we must commit ourselves to controlling our destiny; evolution applies to everything around us – scientific and spiritual. This requires not only changing our point of view but also a study of change itself as it has manifested itself in the past – to principles and patterns that transcend present day thinking. It is important to recognize a worldview that we are moving, going through a vast process of change and development, and it behooves us to understand it even as we change the perceptive faculty itself – or else! Indeed it is now that humans must become generalists instead of expecting God or nature or some combination to do it for us. We ignore evolutionary dynamics at our peril. The time has come to make history, not just witness it. Phipps says we are in stasis, concerned with matter – but our salvation will be in recognizing a universe of becoming, through the timeless power of enlightenment. Today so many of us appear to be specialists, but what is needed now are generalists, who must assume a broad curiosity across all fields so as to see patterns, transitions and trends – not just facts and details – as in “the whole is more than the sum of its parts.” He notes the scientific community once described earth as “three billion years of nonevents,” and in contrast quotes Teilhard, who compared seeing in evolutionary time (now) to a baby’s gaining a perception of the third dimension. To an evolutionary, religion and science are not mutually exclusive. The author believes the

Evolutionaries By Carter Phipps Harper Perennial, $15.99

August 16, 2012


Great Barrington, 4 - 5 p.m. Learn how to make your own herb pots with household items. For more information or to sign up call 413-528-9697 or stop by the front desk of the Berkshire Co-op Market, 42 Bridge St.

to announce the visionary pianist, Christopher O’Riley, sponsored by WMHT, will play selections from Radiohead, The Cocteau Twins, Arcade Fire and more at The Colonial Theatre on Friday, Tickets for the Christopher O’Riley concert are $15 $45 and VIP tickets are $55 and include preferred seating and a post-show reception with Mr. O’Riley.

CORN FEST! A CELEBRA- SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 TION OF ALL THING STEADMAN-HUDSONworld is currently so changed that CORNY! Sheffield, 2:30 6:30 p.m. HOWARD SCRAMBLE those concepts must be seen very differently. Now it is “ a matter of being informed by science, not determined by it.” He feels that thinking can be changed, indeed that it must be to handle diversity in our rapidly globalizing world. As for the direction it might take, he presents the tantalizing idea that some suspect there is intelligent design in real change – often attributed to God. The author’s concept of God is quite different; more in keeping with his current view of the world. One of the questions he deals with is between science and spirit. How do culture and science really interact? Then he asks: How does culture actually evolve? Evolution can take many forms – and sometimes it happens in leaps and bounds; there are so many stages in the evolutionary dynamic. Phipps notes, however, that persons contain both types of history – modern and collective – and gives an example of “tribal routes” as he notes his own state of mind when he is watching football. Evolutionary history does, he says, beside existing historically, also exist separately in an individual. We have, he writes, not just a connection to earth as well as a spiritual connection to the immeasurable universe: “Not only are we in the universe, the universe is in us.” The author’s conviction is catching. He writes so earnestly; he quotes others with the same philosophy so aptly that the reader comes away with a real apprehension that if we don’t pay attention and the world goes its own way as swiftly as it appears to be going, it will be because we haven’t become environmentalists.

The Sheffield Farmers’ Market presents “Corn Fest! A Celebration of All Things Corny” at the Market. Spotlighting Howden Sugar Corn, there will be corny jokes, corn bread, corn salads, local popcorn, and more, as well as the usual market fare. Corn Fest! will take place on the Sheffield Green and surrounds the Old Parish Church (on Route 7) on three sides.


Stockbridge, 5 - 8 p.m. PREVIEW $5.00 admission SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 9AM – 3 PM FREE ADMISSION: Fundraiser for Great Barrington Garden Club Civic Projects, Stockbridge Grange Hall 51 Church Street (Rte #102) Brown Building - Church Street - before the curve and Recycling Center. All Books $1.00


Tyringham, 10 a.m. Come check out the plateau on our Hudson-Howard property just west of Steadman Pond. From Steadman Pond, we will travel on logging roads and trace footpaths. Bring snacks, plenty of water, and appropriate foot wear. This easy hike will take about 2.5 hours and cover 3 miles.


Lenox, 8 p.m. New York’s top political comedian performs his political humor from a liberal Jewish point of view, at the Lenox Town Hall auditorium, on Saturday, For the past three years, Blakeman was featured on MSNBC’s live coverage of the White House Correspondents Dinner, and appears regularly as a liberal pundit on Fox News and Live.


Pittsfield, 3 p.m. Melville, Mumbet and Mohicans event to benefit Elizabeth Freeman Center, Herman Melville’s Arrowhead, 780 Holmes Road. 413-442-1793; Suggested admission $5 - $10 to benefit the Elizabeth Freeman Center.


Stockbridge, 11 a.m. Join us at the historic home, Naumkeag in Stockbridge. “Home Sweet Home” is an immersive hands-on tour of Naumkeag for children and families. Be treated like one of the family! Children and their families are invited to explore the rooms of Naumkeag through the eyes of those who lived there. Step behind the scenes as Mabel Choate or Margaret the Housekeeper to see this summer estate in a whole new way. Naumkeag, 5 Prospect Hill Road, Stockbridge, a property of The Trustees of Reservations.


Adams, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. The Friends of the Adams Free Library (2 Main St.) is hosting a weeklong book sale. Baked goods and gift basket raffle tickets will also be on sale. Tickets are 1 for $1, 6 for $5. Members can get a buy one/get one discount. (Annual membership costs $5.)

Pittsfield, 8 p.m. Berkshire Theatre Group is proud

If you have an event you would like listed in our calendar please email us at!

August 16, 2012

The Berkshire Beacon




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Woman still searching for missing cat

Susan M. Wicker Guerrero Beacon Staff Writer

BENNINGTON, VT – Karen Halvorsen remembers the day she lost her beloved cat, Sketti, whose nickname is “Monster Cat.” For the past two years, she has put the word out to several newspapers in both Massachusetts and Vermont that the cat might be living somewhere in Massachusetts. He was last seen near a long, blue car, possibly used for racing, with Massachusetts license plates. Despite the fact that two years have passed since Sketti “disappeared,” Ms. Halvorsen harbors hope the cat will eventually be found and they will be reunited. The cat is all white except for a grayish tan patch on top of his head, “almost like a cap,” and has greenish yellow eyes and big ears. By now he’s four years old and could weigh about seven pounds. He’s a long, lean animal. “I don’t know if he’s alive,” his heartbroken owner said. “I don’t know if he’s happy or if he’s waiting for me to find him. If I knew he was happy or finding his way back, it would be different. I feel he was taken.”

Loves cat immensely She said, “I never loved a cat so much in my life.” The last day Ms. Halvorsen saw the cat the weather was beautiful, with bright sunshine and mild temperatures. It was Oct. 28, 2010. “It was just before the worst winter we had in ages,” she said. Lots of people were outside because they knew it was the last beautiful day before a storm was predicted to hit. The neighborhood is very quiet even though it is in town. Ms. Halvorsen’s house is located on a dead end street, across from a park and a wooded area. Very few people drive on the street except for residents. If eight cars a day drive on the street, it would be a lot. “Nobody comes here but residents,” she said. Strangers in the neighborhood However, on the day Sketti vanished, Mrs. Halvorsen said she saw a couple who were strangers strolling around the park on the other side of the street. They had parked their car on the side of the road. “It was a ‘60s muscle car,” she said, that possibly had a lot of

power. It also had vent holes in the hood for hot air to come out. Ms. Halvorsen saw the couple talking to Sketti who had meandered over to the park. The man was crooking his index finger toward the cat, gesturing for him to come closer. She heard him say, “Come here, come here.” Car and cat are gone When she came out the blue car was gone and so was Sketti. “My heart started pounding,” she said. “I could feel Sketti’s panic and terror. My baby had just been taken.” She and Sketti had been inseparable. He was with her all the time, following her every step around the house and slept in her bed. “I was like his mother,” she said. While she was washing up in the sink, Sketti would be nearby. “He’d look at me and watched me wash my face and then he’d put his paw in the water and wash his face, too,” she said, laughing and recalling some of her cat’s antics. He earned his nickname, Monster Cat, because even though he was on the small side, he’d run

Sketti the cat has been missing or nearly two years. and knock over Ms. Halvorsen’s other cat, Lucy. “I’d say, ‘Oh, what a monster cat, you are,’” she said. After Sketti vanished, Lucy sat and waited for him by the window for days. Of course, he never returned. She filed a police report after the cat disappeared but nothing has ever come of it. She said she remembers seeing the letters MRFDT and the numbers 11 on the license plate. She’s spent thousands of hours trying to find the cat since he went missing. Will never give up hope She’s checked dozens of leads but so far none have turned up a

cat named Sketti. Most of the photos she had of her lost cat were on a computer that was ultimately stolen, so all she really has is a lot of memories. If the couple from Massachusetts did, indeed, take the cat, Ms. Halvorsen said, perhaps they didn’t realize how much the cat meant to her. Or, perhaps they didn’t think the cat had a permanent and loving home. As more and more time elapses, Ms. Halvorsen refuses to stop looking for her cat. “I will never give up hope,” she said.


The Berkshire Beacon

Think French wine from Languendoc and think Gerard Bertrand

Philip S. Kampe Beacon Staff Writer

Winegrower Gerard Bertrand sums up the wine scene in France and speaks for the rest of the producers worldwide: “To succeed in the Languendoc region of southern France, you need a clear understanding of the region and its visible and not-sovisible potential. A true example is Tautavel or La Liviniere, where we were pioneers. You need a clear strategy to become the leader in premium wines in the south of France. Ten or fifteen years ago, selling a bottle of wine was 60 percent a matter of quality. Today, it is one third quality, one third distribution network and one third marketing.” Gerard inherited his passion for wine and his love for the Languendoc region from his father, Georges. His father was a pioneer in creating and marketing super-premium wines from the region. Gerard, at age 10, had his first experience in harvesting and winemaking with his father. At age 22, Gerard took over the family business after his father, Georges, untimely death. When Gerard turned 27, he purchased Domaine Cigalus and Chateau Laville Bertrou, adding significant properties to his winemaking portfolio. Today, Gerard owns six properties in the Languendoc-Rousillion region and has over 900 acres of vineyards. In addition to his vineyards, Gerard partners with over 40 growers and over 10 co-ops to source grapes. His wines range from affordable to collectable. In 2002, at age 37, Gerard Bertrand purchased Chateau I’Hospitalet and started to develop wine tourism on his property. His vision has paid off. Chateau I’Hospitalet sits within and is surrounded by 2,500 acres

of trees, flowers and vineyards. Committed to sustainability and eco-friendly agricultural practices, Chateau I’Hospitalet has been deemed as a “Carbon-Neutral Estate” – a symbol that designates harmony between nature and the environment. This is a very rare award and is cherished by Gerard Bertrand. The chateau has 38 guest rooms, a bar and lounge and a wine-tasting cellar. Since 2004, the estate has hosted an annual International Jazz Festival. Chateau I’Hospitalet, located near Narbonne, overlooks the sea and is dedicated to the Mediterranean lifestyle and wine culture of the region. It is considered and recognized as one of France’s premier hotels and restaurants. Gerard, a celebrated ex-rugby player, recently explained his wine philosophy to me. He said in simple terms: “If you understand the evolution in consumer behavior toward expressive, wellbalanced and elegant wines that are sold at fair prices, you will then succeed.” And Gerard Bertrand has! Three wines to try Cremant de Limoux ($16.99) is an aperitif, a sparkling wine that is full-flavored, crisp and elegant. Aromas of hazelnuts, lavender and white roses prevail. The bubbly wine is made from 70 percent Chardonnay, 20 percent Chenin Blanc and 10 percent Mauzac. This wine is wellbalanced and has great acidity. Tautavel ($13.99) is a red wine that is made from 50 percent Grenache, 35 percent Syrah and 15 percent Carignan. Aged 10 months in oak, this exceptional wine is dark fruit-driven, showing a special sweetness on the palate. The tannins are well-balanced and pair well with mature cheese and grilled red meat. Viognier ($14.99) is an exciting, crisp, white wine that pairs perfectly with all types of fresh seafood, chicken and shellfish. The bouquet of tropical flowers, hazelnuts and figs is overpowering, yet tame. Great acidity and balance make this a perfect summer wine. Gerard Bertrand is a name to remember when searching for high quality wines at reasonable prices.

August 16, 2012

Exciting new beer from the west Kameron Z. Spaulding Beacon Staff Writer

I try to keep what I report on local and from the northeast but this new release coming from Colorado deserved a mention. On August 25, 2012, Odell Brewing will celebrate the release of Deconstruction, a barrel aged Golden Ale and the brewery’s fourth Single Serve release this year. First debuted in 2010, Deconstruction is based on Jacque Derrida’s theory of Deconstruction whereby developing a process of brewing that first deconstructs the desired complexities in the finished product thereby revealing how to achieve these characteristics through brewing process The beer itself was created by blending the final recipe with smaller pilot batches of the brew aged in oak barrels and fermented with wild yeasts. Each brew contributes a unique flavor, derived from the wood chosen and the cultures resident, to achieve the subtle complexities OPEN from page 1 followed procedure, they could have saved the town legal fees in fighting in court on a suit filed by an abutter citing the Scenic Mountain Act compliance. This goes to the fact that they – select board and committee – operated above the law and out of the public domain. I was excited that the AG’s office had assumed responsibility for the Open Meeting Law because I thought they would put in an educational model along with enforcement and fines that would bring the 351 cities and towns in the commonwealth into compliance. This has not happened, but with some adjustments it may occur. Fact is, besides the AG’s office doing a round of visits, they should be making a presentation to the New England Newspaper and Press Association (NENPA) annual meeting in February at the Park Plaza. The watchdog for the communities is the Fourth Estate – our daily and weekly newspapers – along with individuals, who observe their particular communities and local government in action. Reporters and editors are the

The more popular 90 Schilling can be found but we won’t be getting any Deconstruction on this coast. desired. “This beer is so craft forward we have gone back in time to resurrect it,” said Odell Brewing Quality Manager, Eli Kolodny. “It has many quintessential craft brewing elements like barrel aging, wild yeasts and bacteria.” The final blend offers a subtle sweetness up front with a tart and lingering finish reminiscent of

apples and grapefruit as well as an earthy, citrusy hop aroma. Deconstruction will be available throughout the brewery’s ten state distribution region, and no that doesn’t include us, in 750 mL cork and cage finished bottles. But maybe this can be just one more reason to make a trip out west this winter to ski.

main line of defense when it comes to the issue of transparency in government. The enforcement is the AG’s office. They should be in sync. In the Lenox case, God is the only one who would have known, assuming that a member of each group attended church. But God did not convey any legal information to the community-at-large. Thus, the filing of the complaint by this newspaper. From The Beacon’s point of view, it would be helpful if the AG’s office required, beyond the signed signatures of each elected and appointed member that they have read the Open Meeting Law, an outreach of informational hearings within each county or cluster of communities. Officials should also acknowledge that fines would be levied for those who deviate from the intent of the Open Meeting Law. In the interim, city solicitors and/or town counsel could lead discussions on the Open Meeting Law. This would be one more step in helping to bring transparency to local government. In the case of Lenox, our editorial assistant, Kameron Z. Spaulding, did a front-page story on the “Lack of transparency” in the May 24 issue that put Lenox on notice.

Subsequently a number of issues outlined were adhered to, but Chairman Kenneth Leroy Fowler questioned why we didn’t mention the issue beforehand? In this case, there is no need to seek prior approval. The forums in the communities of Barre, Taunton and Barnstable are part of a broad effort by the attorney general’s office to assist public bodies in understanding and complying with the requirements of the Open Meeting Law. State, local, regional and county public bodies are required to comply with the Open Meeting Law. The Open Meeting Law educational forums will be conducted by attorneys and staff from the Attorney General’s Division of Open Government and are open to the public. The educational forums are being offered free of charge. Since assuming responsibility for enforcement of the Open Meeting Law, Atty. Gen. Coakley’s Division of Open Government has responded to thousands of inquiries about the law’s requirements, conducted or participated in 65 trainings across the state and issued more than 130 determinations.

August 16, 2012

The Berkshire Beacon

The Campaign, its funny because its true


Girl-2-Girl Love’s simplicity

Bera B. Dunau Beacon Staff Writer

The Campaign is a movie that’s as funny as it is terrifying. Ostensibly a vehicle for all-star comedians Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis, The Campaign is also a piece of pitch-dark satire that cuts painfully close to home. Like many great comedies before it, The Campaign derives much of its humor – and it is a very funny movie – from holding the mirror up to American politics. What we see reflected, however, is something quite ugly and frighteningly close to our national reality. The Campaign centers on a North Carolina Congressional election between Camden “Cam” Brady (Will Ferrell) and Martin “Marty” Huggins (Zach Galifianakis). Cam Brady, an idiotic Democratic congressman, is running for re-election unopposed, when a scandal causes the billionaire Motch brothers (John Lithgow and Dan Aykroyd) to decide to run a candidate for office against him who they will be able to easily control. That candidate is Marty Huggins, a naïve, well intentioned odd ball who comes from a wealthy family. Squaring off against one another, the race between Huggins and Brady soon gets ugly and quickly degenerates into a character-assaulting, mud-slinging battle of epic proportions. The Campaign could have been just a pleasant distraction, and as a piece of entertainment it succeeds brilliantly. Galifianakis and Ferrell both bring their “A” games, providing the kind of well-executed, outrageous humor that has allowed both of their careers to sky rocket. It also features great performances from Lithgow and Aykroyd as the nefarious Motch brothers, while Dylan McDermott is inspired and mesmerizing as ruthless campaign manager Tim Wattley, played like a cross between Lee Atwater and Attilla the Hun. But The Campaign aspires to be something more than just a summer comedy, it’s trying to make a point, and on this front it hits the ball out of the park.

Janel M. Harrison Beacon Staff Writer

Courtesy of Everyman Productions

Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis star in The Campaign. The political fight between Brady and Huggins is farcical and over the top. Candidates get bounces in the polls for getting bitten by rattlesnakes, making sex tapes and shooting their opponents in the leg. What’s scary though, is just how closely the political world of The Campaign mirrors our own, something made even more apparent by the frequent analysis of this fictional election by real world talking heads throughout the movie. Brady and Huggins are nominally from different parties. Yet, both are shown to be manipulated by and beholden to moneyed interests. The election is totally devoid of substantive issues or policy discussions on either side, and is instead focused entirely on meaningless grandstanding and scurrilous attacks. Similarly, while both Brady and Huggins are flawed individuals, they both have fundamentally decent qualities, which are nevertheless subsumed by the win at all costs mentality of their respective campaigns. Does any of this seem familiar to you? Even setting aside the thinly veiled attack on the Koch brothers, the movie is a searing criticism of the state of American politics, made all the more effective by how close to reality The Campaign actually is. In The Campaign, candidates make absolutely no effort to hide their shallow pandering, or that

their service is entirely bought and paid for by the rich and powerful. Still, how divergent is that from reality, when the only difference between our politics and the nightmarish farce of The Campaign is the hollow veneer of respectability. Fundamentally, that’s what makes The Campaign so good, as it explores the ugliness and cynicism of modern American politics with a gusto and honesty that would be nearly impossible for a serious drama. Add to this that it’s also extremely funny, and The Campaign is clearly a winner. Only time will tell whether The Campaign will join the ranks of other timeless political comedies such as Being There, Bulworth and Wag the Dog, or it just captures the political zeitgeist of the moment. Regardless, The Campaign is one of the best films of the year and should not be missed. Even if you’re hesitant to see an over-the-top comedy, I would make an exception for The Campaign. As a piece of satire, it is a thing of beauty and everyone of voting age should view it, as it is truly a giant wake-up call for the future of our Democracy. The Campaign shows just how easy it can be to, with enough money and power, render our elections essentially meaningless. What everyone who sees The Campaign will have to grapple with once they leave the theatre is, just how much damage in the real world has been done already?

This weekend I was reminded of the true meaning of love; it seems I’m often reminded, being the sappy romantic I am. I envision the words or scenes of a moment in my life, a sweet song, a heartwarming movie or a poignant phrase of poetry in a book; next comes this feeling in my throat as a surge of emotion follows, I close my eyes and catch my breath. It’s like I’m transported for seconds, until the feeling passes and I move along with whatever I happened to be doing at the time. Does that ever happen to you? Is it because certain moments in life capture us, creating perfect harmonization and beauty with the world and with our very souls? Maybe it’s our way of renewing a sense of faith and knowing its importance in our everyday lives. This weekend we decided to wine and dine ourselves. It was well-deserved as it’s been an eventful summer and I thought it would be fun to all go out to Darlene’s nostalgic Sullivan Station for a lovely family dinner and mesmeric entertainment to boot! From the moment you walk in you’re itinerant to another place, another time as the décor brings you right back to the old train station it once was. From authentic black and white pictures on the walls and vintage lace swag curtains to dark cherry wood and soft period lighting, its visitors let loose and just relax, buzzing with laughter and conversation. It seemed for that night anyway the people there knew the value of life and freedom and family and friends. It just so happens that our neighbors were there too, which added the right touch to our enchanting evening as my girls drew funny stick figured families on their placemats, and my hubby sat across from me happy like a kid with a lobster bib on, which by the way he said was cooked to perfection and my crab cakes were to die for!

And speaking of enchanting, like me, my girls appreciate every genre of music and this night we got the wonderful opportunity to hear Sonny and Perley, a singing and playing dynamic duo whose music teleported us back in time to the 1930s and ‘40s with swing and jazz and the ‘50s and ‘60s with bossa nova as well as many popular movie musicals and show tunes, totally up my alley especially for the mood I was in. Perley smiles with an effervescent personality and her voice, like breathing, seems effortless as her beguiling melodies carry through the air and smack into your heart! The only way I can think of how Sonny plays the keyboard is like water softly flowing down a gentle stream and you never want him to stop as his touching of the notes is fluid. Sonny and Perley have some followers ,me being the new one, but in particular was a handsome couple from Poukeepsie seated next to us. He was Bruce and she was Linda. He was smiling and holding her hand as she sat gracefully across from him, legs crossed. The song was “Moon River,” an absolute favorite of mine from a treasured movie, Breakfast at Tiffany’s – love, love, love Audrey. Seeing them dance (the only ones in the room dancing, mind you) was precious as it seemed they were standing together in a gilded mist all their own and time had suddenly rewound just for them. They later told us they have been married 45 years and “Moon River” was the first song they danced to at their wedding as man and wife. Bruce laughed and said, “We were just what the song says, two drifters off to see the world, there’s such a lot of world to see…” Watching them to me was like watching love’s sweet simplicity and how it grows as the seasons pass. It was a reminder of all that one needs: love… it’s the most important thing. May you know it.

- Ciao Bella


TRACK from page 16 in bunches, having won six races on a card earlier in the meet. If anyone ever tells you that riders are not great athletes, tell them to try riding a 1,200-lb. horse around a track at 35 mph. Ramon got dumped at the gate before Friday’s second race and the horse almost rolled over on him. He got up out of the mud and went on to win two races later in the card. Check the tape *Why is it that every time I see an interview with Red Sox Manager Bobby Valentine I think that I am watching a Saturday Night Live parody? *I surfed onto NESN on Monday for the Sox game and Don “in the inning” Orsillo told me that it was the bottom of the eighth four times and only one pitch had been thrown “in the inning.” *While enjoying a pizza and a beverage at The Brick House Pub in Housatonic, there was an Olympic event on the giant screen. My editor calls me the “Berkshire Sports Guy,” so when I was asked the name of the sport that we were watching, I embarrassingly had to say, “I don’t have a

The Berkshire Beacon

clue” – and I didn’t. It resembled basketball without a basket, soccer without kicking the ball and lacrosse without sticks. I guess the easiest way to describe it is to say it is water polo without the water. If any of my loyal readers could enlighten me on what I was watching you will receive free Beacons for life. For the record, I only had one beverage. *Over the years I have entered many contests and really didn’t care if I won or not. However, for my next effort, I will be focused. I want to win the “Producer for a Day” contest on NESN. The winner will tag along with the production team as they prepare and broadcast a Red Sox game. Included in the package will be spending one inning in the booth with Don “in the inning” Orsillo and Jerry Remy. *If I am declared the winner I will concentrate on attempting to make the broadcast less annoying. I will point out things that take place every broadcast that should be phased out of future shows – make that eliminated from future shows. This is how I would tweak the show: I would not allow Orsillo to use his expression “in the inning” for the entire game. He uses phrases

like “there are two outs in the inning,” “he makes the catch for the first out in the inning,” “Beckett has thrown 11 pitches in the inning,” etc. After a sideline report from Jenny Dell he would be instructed to say something different than “all right Jenny, thank you very much” (his Matt Lauer impression). If I was running the show he would not be telling us what inning it is every 20 seconds, if I want to know the inning, I can look at the box on the screen. I would tell him that if a box is on the screen containing the season stats of a relief pitcher, he does not have to read it to the viewer. I think the majority of Red Sox Nation can read, and the guy probably pitched the night before and he read them to us then. I also don’t care that the reliever threw 14 pitches “in his last outing.” For that matter he would not read us every useless graphic that appears on the screen. If the camera pans to third, second and first base and there is a Red Sox player on three bases, I would not let him identify the players and tell us which base they are on. The viewer sees them and, being members of Red Sox Nation, we know who they are.

August 16, 2012

He would not be allowed to say “in a Red Sox uniform.” Also, and most importantly, if there happened to be runners on first and third “in the inning,” he would not be allowed to use his phony line when the pitcher steps off the rubber and bluffs to third and looks to first trying to pick off the runner. He likes to hit us with “Beckett bluffs to third and looks to first but does not throw to either venue.” And finally, if Jerry Remy buys a hot dog for a fan that holds up a sign asking him for one, I would have the cameraman film Jerry actually taking the cash out of his pocket. Don Orsillo seems like a great guy but he must get paid by the word. I enjoy the banter between him and Remy but the staged, planned and constant annoying rhetoric has to go. People have a mute button on their remote and they know how to use it. If I do not win the contest maybe I could meet Orsillo at the Cask’ N Flagon outside the park and have a Sam Adams. Maybe he would also get the hint if Beacon readers clipped this article and sent it to his producer: NESN, 480 Arsenal St., Watertown, MA 02472. I can only hope.

Local coach raises funds from ride WILLIAMSTOWN - Williams softball head coach Kris Herman recently helped raise funds and awareness to help battle cancer by participating in the 2012 Pan-Massachusetts Challenge, an annual two-day bike-athon that runs through 46 towns across Massachusetts. The Pan-Mass Challenge is a pioneer of the athletic fundraising industry and raises more money for charity than any other single event in the country. The 33st annual PMC washeld Aug. 4-5. It began on Aug. 3 with an opening ceremony that was televised live on CBS. Cyclists traveled from 36 states and eight countries to ride in the 2012 PMC. More than 300 rider were cancer survivors or current patients. Many PMC participants ride in honor of a family member or friend fighting the disease. The PMC was founded in 1980 by Billy Starr, who remains the event’s executive director, an annual cyclist and a fundraiser.

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August 16, 2012

The Berkshire Beacon


Mallock named to kicker award watch list Kameron Z. Spaulding Beacon Staff Writer

This years MCLA Golf Classic will honor retiring human resources director Marilyn Truskowski.

Golf event to honor retiring staff member

Kameron Z. Spaulding Beacon Staff Writer

NORTH ADAMS - The MCLA athletics department will hold its annual Golf Classic on Monday, Sept. 10 at Berkshire Hills Country Club in Pittsfield, MA. The classic is an annual fundraiser for the athletics department. Each year the golf classic committee selects an honoree for the event. In 2012 he golf tournament will be honoring Marilyn Truskowski. Truskowski is a 1984 graduate of the college. She started working at MCLA in 1972 and has served as the human resources director for 23 years. Truskowski has served on the MCLA commencement committee, the employee recognition planning committee, and the Golf Classic committee. She also coordinated the College’s COMEC Campaign. A valued member of the Berkshire community, Truskowski works with the Berkshire United Way and was recognized in the past for her “Outstanding Service and Leadership” and recently for her work coordinating

donations. Truskowski currently sits on the board of directors for Elder Services and has been recognized for her leadership and commitment to meeting the needs of Berkshire seniors. Truskowski sits on the board of directors and chairs the house committee of Taconic Golf Club, where she and her husband Joe are long time members. In fact, Truskowski is one of the first female golfers to become a member at Taconic. Other organizations and clubs that Truskowski has participated in since the mid 90’s include, Northern Berkshire Business and Professional Women, Drury High School Football Booster Club where she served as president, and Drury High School Boys Basketball Club. Truskowski is a big sports fan, especially when it comes to her New England teams. She is known, and will also describe herself, as having a “competitive spirit.” Soon to be retired, Truskowski is a proud grandmother who looks forward to traveling and spending more time with her granddaughter Brianna.

WILLIAMSTOWN - Even before the season begins the awards are starting to pile up for the Eph’s football team. Eph junior place-kicker Joseph Mallock is one of two kickers from New England Division III on the Fred Mitchell Award Watch List, joining Endicott College junior Dylan Rushe. The annual Fred Mitchell Outstanding Place-Kicker Award (also known as the Fred Mitchell Award) is provided to the nation's top collegiate place-kicker among more than 750 FCS, Division II, III, NAIA and NJCAA football teams. The Award is named for Fred Mitchell, the record-setting place-kicker, Wittenberg University Athletic Hall of Famer, author, philanthropist and Chicago Tribune sports columnist. “Joe Mallock is a really strong student-athlete and has gotten better every day,” noted Eph head coach Aaron Kelton. “We’re expecting his continued improvement to show as it did each game last season. I have mentioned to him several times that he is going to have to make a big kick to help win a game as he did that last year against Wesleyan.” Mallock enters the 2012 season having made his last five FGs 2012 season with streak of 5 consecutive FG’s, which includes the clutch made 40-yard FG with 4:48 to play to lift Ephs to 19-17 win at rival Wesleyan. The watch list for the Fred Mitchell Award includes 44 Football Championship Subdivision (FCS), Division II, III, National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) and National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) collegiate placekickers that were nominated by their colleges for excellence on the football field and in the community. The break down of place-kickers by division: 16 FCS, 11 Division II, 14 Division III, and 3 NJCAA. Mallock finished third on the Eph team in scoring last fall with 32 points coming from making 6 of 10 FGs and 14 of 19 PATs. Mallock became the Ephs' primary place-kicker in the fourth

William’s junior Joseph Mallock has been named to the Fred Mitchell Award Watch List. The award is for the best kicker in the country. game of the 2011 eight-game season. Once Mallock was named the Ephs' primary place-kicker he responded in a big way, converting 5 of 6 FGs and 13 of 16 PATs. "Joe has all the confidence he needs to have a great season and we are expecting him to be the best kicker in the NESCAC in 2012," Kelton said. Outside of football Mallock has volunteered with teammates for Habitat for Humanity, cleaned up debris in The Spruces trailer park after Hurricane Irene and served food at the Berkshire Food Project. Additionally, Mallock has served as a note taker on campus for students who are unable to take their own notes and as a contributing writer for the Williams Record, covering the men's golf team. During the summers Mallock serves as a volunteer caddie instructor at a golf club in his hometown. The 2012 watch list includes place-kickers from 25 states and is comprised of 23 seniors, 14 juniors, and 7 sophomores. The 2012 watch list also includes 22 place-kickers who were finalists for the 2011 Fred Mitchell Award.

Joseph Mallock The recipient of the Fred Mitchell Award will be chosen based on excellence on the football field and in the community. The Award's Watch List is released in August, top performers are recognized monthly during the college football season, and the winner (who is not required to be on the Watch List) is announced in mid-December. The school of the Award winner receives scholarship funds and the Fred Mitchell Award trophy will be presented each February at the National Football Foundation Chicago Metro Chapter Awards Ceremony at Halas Hall.


The Berkshire Beacon

August 16, 2012

Track season now in full swing Dick Syriac Beacon Staff Writer

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The recently concluded FasigTipton Saratoga Yearling Sale, as usual, featured some beautiful young horse flesh and customers with deep pockets. In total, 107 yearlings were sold for a sum of $32 million. The most expensive investment was purchased for an unnamed client by trainer Todd Pletcher. A filly by Medaglia d’Oro, out of a Wait a While mare, brought $1,575,000 when the gavel finally went down. The current name of the filly is Wait No More, but the name could be changed by the time she starts training. Overall the totals of the sale were down from last year. I wonder if the buyer of The Green Monkey a few years ago came back for more. That horse went for over $16 million and never won a race. Local celebrities were spotted at the two-day event, which took place Aug. 6-7. Mike Penna and his Eclipse Award-winning team from the Horse Racing Radio Network were there with their first class professional coverage. Penna is a Pittsfield native who now resides in Lexington, Ky., with his wife, Michelle, who is a North Adams girl. The HRRN also provided excellent coverage of the Grade 1 Whitney Stakes. North Adams resident and lifetime owner/trainer Donald J. George was in attendance, and he was looking forward to the up-

coming New York-Bred sale, which took place Aug. 11-12. George started as a trainer at Green Mountain in the 1970s, where he handled horses for many owners including his father, H.A. George. He later had much success on the New England fair circuit and had many winners at Suffolk Downs. He also raced his stock at Belmont, Finger Lakes and Saratoga. He got very familiar with the winner’s circle at Saratoga with Shopping for Love, one of his fillies. Jerry Bailey, the alltime leading rider at Saratoga, was his pilot. While hanging around the jocks room I thought I had seen the tallest jockey ever only to realize that it was Mariano Rivera of the Yankees. Not only is he the best to ever do what he does, he is also the classiest and most charitable. If he was ever involved in any kind of scandal, I would lose faith in humanity. He said that he will return to pitch after he recovers from injury. We hope so. Mo was in town to raise money for his foundation and spent a few hours at the track. For the record, he is scared to death of horses and does not bet on them. Ramon Dominguez has built up a big lead over Javier Castellano in the jockey standings while Todd Pletcher and Chad Brown will slug it out for the trainer title. Dominguez seems to win his see TRACK page 14

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August 9, 2012 Volume III, Issue 12

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Eberwein named dean at MCLA

Catherine M. Krummey Beacon Staff Writer

NORTH ADAMS – Howard “Jake” Eberwein III has officially moved on from his days as superintendent of the Pittsfield Public Schools. On Tuesday, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA) announced that Dr. Eberwein is the school’s new dean of graduate and continuing education. “I look forward to working collaboratively with the MCLA leadership team, faculty and community in expanding high quality educational opportunities for the

Howard Eberwein III citizens of Berkshire County and beyond,” he said. Dr. Eberwein received his master’s degree in education from MCLA in 2003 and earned his principal certificasee MCLA page 3

Church on the Hill to get some repairs - Page 2

SuSan m. WicKer guerrero / BerKShire Beacon

The current Hillcrest Hospital Campus will soon undergo massive changes.

Major changes for area cancer care

Susan M. Wicker Guerrero Beacon Staff Writer

The Berkshire Beacon

Index 1 Local News 6 Editorial 6 From the Tower 8 Shelter Pets 9 Fast Picks 10 Books 10 Calendar 11 Tax Free Specials 12 Beer & Wine 13 Movies 13 Girl-2-Girl 14 Sports

Ken Retzel has worked with horses his whole life.

Local man makes the races run

Dick Syriac Beacon Sports Writer

The year was 1974 and as a member of the publicity department at Green Mountain Race Track, I was looking for a scoop. In the company of the track photographer Ernie LeClair, I was patrolling the barn area in quest of a picture that might make the national wires. A shot of a horse getting hosed

down would not cut it, a horse munching on a bale of hay, no, I don’ t think so. As we came upon a shed row, we both knew we had hit the mother lode. We saw a seven-year-old boy with bushy red hair sitting on a horse with his I.D. badge on. Click, click we got the shot and it went, as they now say, viral. Both wire services used the see TRACK page 2

PITTSFIELD – David E. Phelps, President and CEO of Berkshire Health Systems (BHS), announced plans last week for a comprehensive and state-of-the-art cancer center to be located at the Hillcrest Campus of Berkshire Medical Center (BMC). The huge project is being planned in partnership with Berkshire Hematology/Oncology, the area’s largest private medical practice. Mr. Phelps said both partners are extremely committed and share the same vision. Berkshire Health Systems is this area’s largest employer. The $30 million project will include extensive renovations and a new entryway at Hillcrest for the BMC Cancer Center. A total of $20.1 million is earmarked for renovations to the existing buildings as well

artiSt rendering

This is a drawing of the proposed cancer center to be located at the Hillcrest Campus of BMC. as for the new entryway and lobby. A total of $10 million will be used to buy new equipment and electronic record systems. The center will be four stories high and 49,930-square feet. According to information released by BHS, the renovation and new construction will include a new entrance and lobby, a Wellness Center, a Radiation Oncology and Multi-

disciplinary Clinic, Hematology/Oncology Physician Practice, a full clinical laboratory, a pharmacy, infusion and treatment service, and radiation therapy. Phase I will begin in early 2013, Phase II in the fall of that year and Phase III in 2014. The center will provide a new view on cancer care in see CENTER page 7

COMING SOON Look for an all new Berkshire Beacon website



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