The Un-Holy Bible (B.C. edition)

Page 72

The absence of the Weapons of Terror he soon discovered! With anger Anzu cried out; Ea of their hiding away gave the explanation: Foresworn is the weapons' use! Ea was saying. Neither in the heavens nor on Firm Lands shall they ever be harnessed! Without them no passage through the Hammered Bracelet is safe! Anzu was saying. Without them, without Water Thrusters, the danger is endurance surpassing! Alalu, of Eridu the commander, the words of Ea considered, to the words of Anzu heed he gave: The words of Ea by the Council of Nibiru are attested! Alalu was saying; But without the chariot's return, Nibiru shall be doomed! Abgal, he who knows piloting, boldly toward the leaders stepped forward. I shall be the pilot, the dangers I shall valiantly face! he was saying. Thus was the decision made: Abgal shall be the pilot, Anzu on Earth shall be staying! On Nibiru, the stargazers the destinies of the celestial gods contemplated, an opportune day they were selecting. Into Alalu's chariot basketfuls of gold were carried; The forepart of the chariot Abgal entered, the commander's seat he occupied. From the chariot of Ea, to him Ea a Tablet of Destiny gave; It shall be That-Which-Shows-the-Way for you, by it the opened pathway you shall find! The chariot's Fire Stones Abgal stirred up; their hum like music was enthralling. The chariot's Great Cracker he enlivened, a reddish brilliance it was casting. Ea and Alalu the multitude of heroes were standing around, farewell to him they were bidding. Then the chariot with a roar heavenward rose, to the heavens it ascended! To Nibiru words of the ascent were beamed; on Nibiru there was much expecting.

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