The Un-Holy Bible (B.C. edition)

Page 67

A lesser light to rule the night, among the celestial gods accounted to be. And it was evening and it was morning, the fourth day on Earth it was. On the fifth day Ea Ningirsig a boat of reeds to fashion commanded, The measure of the marshes to take, the stretch of the swamplands to consider. Ulmash, he who what in the waters swarms knows, who of fowl that fly has understanding, Ulmash as a companion Ea took, between good and bad to distinguish. Kinds that in the waters swarm, kinds that in the skies give wing, to Ulmash many were unknown; Bewildering was their number. Good were the carp, among the bad they were swimming. Enbilulu, the marshlands master, Ea summoned; Enkimdu, in charge of ditch and dike, Ea Summoned; To them he gave words, in the marshlands to make a barrier; With canebrakes and green reeds an enclosure to fashion, Fish from fish there separate, A trap for carp that from a net could not escape, A place whose snare no bird that is good for food could escape. Thus were fish and fowl, by their good kinds separated, for the heroes provided. And it was evening and it was morning, the fifth day on Earth it was. On the sixth day Ea of the orchard's creatures took account. Enursag to the task he assigned, that which creeps and that which on feet walks to distinguish; Their kinds Enursag astounded, of the ferocity of their wildness to Ea an account he gave. Ea Kulla summoned, to Mushdammu urgent commands he gave: By evetime the abodes to be completed, by a fence for protection to be surrounded! The heroes to the task put their shoulders, bricks on the foundations were quickly laid. With reeds were the roofings made, of cut-down trees was the fencing put up. Anzu a Beam That-Kills from the chariot brought over, a Speaker-That-Words-Beams at Ea's abode he set up; By evetime, complete was the encampment! For the night therein the heroes gathered.

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