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2021 saw a growth in numbers with four classes across Year 12 and 13. The teachers of the classes were all deans which added another layer of individual pastoral care to our students.

The beginning of the year saw students learning about themselves and researching career pathways to discover what may be a good fit for them. During the year, they all attended a Great Success customer service course and a Problem Solving course, as well as a number of students completing courses in Health and Safety, flight attending, barista, animal care, I.T., early childhood education, adventure tourism, rugby refereeing, and others. This laid an excellent foundation for their next step.

For most students, the highlight of Gateway is having the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with a work placement. Industries included early childhood, construction, electrical, social work, tourism, plumbing, retail, teaching, and more. Placements give students an insight into what it’s like in a real workplace and we thank all of our wonderful employers for giving students this opportunity to prepare themselves for whatever their future plans may be.

So what’s next for our Gateway students? Some are returning to school, others are going on to tertiary study, and a number are starting, or have already started, an apprenticeship. Gateway provides an excellent platform for students to make informed decisions on their future and we wish them all every success in their career journey.

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