Channel Magazine February 2022

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Apartment Living Shore People… relaxing, reading, watching

Waiwharariki Anzac Square

2022 New Year Honours: Jane Rutledge, QSM


26 , 000 Copies monthly

Distributed to homes with welcoming letterboxes in Devonport, Cheltenham, Stanley Bay, Stanley Point, Vauxhall, Narrowneck, Bayswater, Belmont, Hauraki, Takapuna, Milford, Westlake, Forrest Hill, Crown Hill, Castor Bay, Sunnynook, Campbells Bay, Mairangi Bay, Murrays Bay, Rothesay Bay, Northcote, Birkenhead, Chatswood, Northcote Point, Birkenhead Point, Hillcrest, Greenhithe and to businesses, shopping centres and foyer/reception areas in these areas and Shore-wide. We also have many magazine stands throughout the North Shore.

Proudly published by


DreamSpace Takapuna

Accelerating success. Accelerating success.

For Lease/Sale

1A, 372 Rosedale Road, Albany Calling all cafe and retail operators Now is your time to express interest in leasing or purchasing this well presented café /retail/ commercial building on the corner of William Pickering Drive and Rosedale Road, Albany. 7KH KLJK SURȴOH SUHPLVHV R΍HUV DSSUR[ VTP RI LQGRRU KRVSLWDOLW\ VSDFH RU UHWDLO VSDFH ZKLFK LQFOXGHV ȴ[WXUHV VXFK DV SOXPELQJ H[WUDFWLRQ IDQ UHIULJHUDWLRQ DQG NLWFKHQ EHQFKHV Gas connections are also available. $Q DGGLWLRQDO DSSUR[ VTP RI FRXUW\DUG LQ IURQW RI WKH EXLOGLQJ LV DYDLODEOH 3OXV D generous 16 carparks. 7KH SUHPLVHV FDQ DOVR EH XVHG IRU RWKHU EXVLQHVVHV VXFK DV D J\P FRPPHUFLDO RɝFH churchs, Beauty Therapy or general retail. •


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Accelerating success.

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For Sale by Tender closing 4pm, Thursday 10 March 2022 (unless sold prior)

507 Lake Road, Takapuna, Auckland Takapuna Landmark Investment A fee simple, 6 level + basement, standalone commercial investment that must be considered by all LQYHVWRUV ORRNLQJ IRU DQ HVWDEOLVKHG VSOLW ULVNbLQYHVWPHQW LQ D VWUDWHJLFb$XFNODQG ORFDWLRQ Located on an enviable corner position on one of Takapuna’s main arterial roads, the asset returns a total of $1,035,838 pa net, split over 21 tenancies & anchored by longstanding International Tenant Ȋ*XOO 1= ȋ RFFXS\LQJ DQ HQWLUH ȵRRU (DFK ȵRRU SODWH LV DSSUR[ VTP ZLWK WKH WRWDO DUHD EHLQJ DSSUR[ VTP DORQJ ZLWK VHFXUH RQVLWH FDUSDUNV 7KH XSSHU OHYHOV KDYH SLFWXUH SHUIHFW YLHZV of the Rangitoto Channel and back to Auckland’s CBD. $VWXWH LQYHVWRUV VKRXOG WDNH FRQVLGHUDWLRQ RI WKH IXWXUH DGG YDOXH RSSRUWXQLWLHV ZKLFK WKLV EXLOGLQJ provides under the Business – Metropolitan Centre Zone. 7DNH DGYDQWDJH RI ZKDW 7DNDSXQD KDV WR R΍HU Ȃ JRRG HDWHULHV HDV\ SDUNLQJ bRQH RI $XFNODQGȇV EHVW EHDFKHVbD VKRUW ZDON DZD\ &DOO WKH MRLQW 6ROH $JHQWV QRZ WR UHJLVWHU \RXU LQWHUHVW RU WDNH D VLWH YLVLW

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Accountancy with Mike Atkinson of Bellingham Wallace.

Planning for the year ahead Now that Christmas and 2021 are in the rear-view mirror, it is time look forward and plan ahead. There is no one size fits all approach to tackling this. At one end of the scale is to reflect on the events which occurred last year, and then set new goals for this year. The middle of the scale would be to revisit your business plan or business goals you set this time last year, make an honest assessment of how you did, and then set some new goals for this year. At the other end of the scale is holding a strategy session with key stakeholders and carry out a similar review, explore some opportunities and set some short term to long term goals. The option you choose will ultimately be dependent on the size of your organisation and the involvement of your wider team in the strategic direction of your organisation. Reflection on last year A simple reflection of last year and evaluation of any initiatives implemented will help assess what worked well and what did not work well. This trial-and-error approach is typical of smaller businesses and is one step better than not planning at all. As the saying goes, if you aim for nothing, you’ll hit it with incredible accuracy. The goals under this approach tend to be small, business as usual, conservative, and incremental improvements over an extended period. Review of business plan A business plan is a formal document which outlines the core business activities, company objectives, and how the company plans to achieve its goals. A business plan tends to be a living document which is continually updated and sets out a plan for the next five to ten years. A business plan tends to cover products and services, marketing strategy and analysis, financial planning, and a high-level budget. A review of the latest business plan and evaluation of the company performance since the plan was last updated checks whether the company is on the right track or corrective action is required. This review should not be limited to the short-term goals set but also reflect on how the company is tracking in terms of its medium- and long-term goals. Strategy session To make the most of this, it is be good to run a strategy session with the senior management team, or key staff members if you do not have a senior management team. It will be the senior management team who will drive and deliver on the company’s strategic plan. The goal of this strategy session is to reflect on what went well over the past 12 months, what could have been done better, and a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. A SWOT analysis is one of many tools which may be used to analyse your business’s abilities and areas to focus on based on these abilities. Once you have assessed the current state, it is time to look forward and set some goals. These goals should be capitalising on the business’s strengths and opportunities and include a range of shortterm to long-term goals. Successful CEOs operate in the future and look back to the present and past. They should go where there is no trail and leave one. To help frame a strategy session, you should also use the BEST

Mike Atkinson.

Once you have assessed the current state, it is time to look forward and set some goals. These goals should be capitalising on the business’s strengths and opportunities and include a range of short term to long term goals. system to take you from obstacles to action – Barriers, Enabling Strategies, and Targets. Identify all the barriers and obstacles to achieving your vision, including personal barriers. For each barrier identify an Enabling Strategy. Don’t worry about how, focus on why. The key strategy question to remind yourself is “How can I leverage my strengths to take advantage of the opportunities?” If your business target doesn’t challenge you, it’s a waste of valuable time and effort to pursue it. As Sir Peter Blake once said, “If it’s not hard, it’s not worth doing.” The final aspect to strategy is execution of your business targets. Targets should follow the SMART system. Characteristics of an effective business target are that they are: • Specific • Measurable – related to profit, turnover, number of clients etc • Achievable – with a “stretch” (50/50 chance of failure) • Reasoned – need to provide your team with context • Time-bound – and linked back to your vision Once you have set your goals for the year, it would be good to commence preparing your budget for next year so that you can start the new financial year with your goals sorted and a budget to measure how you are tracking throughout the year. A robust budget will be backed up with sound assumptions and include a balance sheet and cash flow forecast. The cash flow forecast will assist in determining whether the company is generating enough cash to fund any planned capital expenditure or expansion goals. A budget of the profit and loss statement will not provide this level of information and will be detrimental to management’s decision making if the bigger picture is not considered. This budget may also be used to help secure funds from the bank to help fund your goals and ambitions. A robust budget would also be stress tested with ‘what if’ analysis. This analysis should include considerations for supplier price increases, inventory shipping delays, and changes in customer and supplier payment terms to name a few. Your trusted advisor will be able to provide assistance and direction in planning for the future and can act as ‘devil’s advocate’ to ensure the goals and planned execution is commercially plausible. Visit: Issue 127 - February 2022



February 2022

This Channel Community Calendar is published monthly for community events. If you would like to include your event please email details to:

Beach Series Tuesday evenings







Auckland Shakespeare in the Park 2 2022 – The PumpHouse 7.30pm Evening Flow Browns Bay Beach Yoga – Browns Bay Beach Reserve, Manly Esplanade, Browns Bay, 5.30pm Candle-Making Workshops – Milford Shopping Centre, 9am – 4pm Dylan-Blanc Huata – Hi There, Haere - The Depot, Devonport Genevieve Thornton, Elise Lidgett, and Michelle Mayn – Future Propositions - The Depot, Devonport

Auckland Shakespeare in the Park 3 2022 – The PumpHouse 7.30pm Raumati Fun Tamariki Play – The Rose Centre, Belmont 9.30am Candle-Making Workshops – Milford Shopping Centre, 9am – 4pm Dylan-Blanc Huata – Hi There, Haere - The Depot, Devonport Genevieve Thornton, Elise Lidgett, and Michelle Mayn – Future Propositions - The Depot, Devonport


Auckland Shakespeare in the Park 9 2022 – The PumpHouse 7.30pm Evening Flow Browns Bay Beach Yoga – Browns Bay Beach Reserve, Manly Esplanade, Browns Bay, 5.30pm Candle-Making Workshops – Milford Shopping Centre, 9am – 4pm Summer Fun Preschool Play – Castor Bay Beach Reserve, 5/7 The Esplanade, Castor Bay, 10am Dylan-Blanc Huata – Hi There, Haere - The Depot, Devonport

Auckland Shakespeare in the 10 Park 2022 – The PumpHouse 7.30pm Raumati Fun Tamariki Play – The Rose Centre, Belmont 9.30am After-School Drama Classes for Ages 5-10 – St Georges Presbyterian Church, Takapuna 4pm Genevieve Thornton, Elise Lidgett, and Michelle Mayn – Future Propositions - The Depot, Devonport Candle-Making Workshops – Milford Shopping Centre, 9am – 4pm

Auckland Shakespeare in the Park 2022 – The PumpHouse 7.30pm Raumati Fun Tamariki Play – Windsor Reserve, Devonport, 9.30am – 11.30am Candle-Making Workshops – Milford Shopping Centre, 9am – 4pm Dylan-Blanc Huata – Hi There, Haere The Depot, Devonport Genevieve Thornton, Elise Lidgett, and Michelle Mayn – Future Propositions The Depot, Devonport Harcourts Cooper & Co Beach Series. Takapuna Beach 5.30pm.


Auckland Shakespeare in the Park 2022 – The PumpHouse 7.30pm Huge Pop & Rock Vinyl Record Sale – Albany Village Community Hall, Albany 9am Creative Talks: Jodie Dorday and Friends – The PumpHouse Theatre 7pm Harcourts Cooper & Co Run Series ‘Run Devonport’. 8.00am Navy Fields at Ngataringa Bay.

Auckland Shakespeare in the Park 2022 – The PumpHouse 7.30pm Raumati Fun Tamariki Play – Windsor Reserve, Devonport. 9.30am – 11.30am Candle-Making Workshops – Milford Shopping Centre, 9am – 4pm Dylan-Blanc Huata – Hi There, Haere The Depot, Devonport Genevieve Thornton, Elise Lidgett, and Michelle Mayn – Future Propositions The Depot, Devonport Harcourts Cooper & Co Beach Series. Takapuna Beach 5.30pm.

Auckland Shakespeare in the Park 2022 – The PumpHouse 7.30pm Candle-Making Workshops – Milford Shopping Centre, 9am – 4pm


Auckland Shakespeare in the Park 2022 – The PumpHouse 7.30pm Raumati Fun Tamariki Play – Windsor Reserve, Devonport. 9.30am – 11.30am Genevieve Thornton, Elise Lidgett, and Michelle Mayn – Future Propositions The Depot, Devonport Li Si-Rong & Jenny Zhong – And so, We Build An Amusement Park On The Uninhabited Island – The Depot, Devonport Harcourts Cooper & Co Beach Series. Takapuna Beach 5.30pm.


Auckland Shakespeare in the Park 2022 – The PumpHouse 7.30pm Evening Flow Browns Bay Beach Yoga – Browns Bay Beach Reserve, Manly Esplanade, Browns Bay, 5.30pm Summer Fun Preschool Play – Milford Reserve, Milford 10am Genevieve Thornton, Elise Lidgett, and Michelle Mayn – Future Propositions The Depot, Devonport Li Si-Rong & Jenny Zhong – And so, We Build An Amusement Park On The Uninhabited Island – The Depot, Devonport


Auckland Shakespeare in the Park 2022 – The PumpHouse 7.30pm Raumati Fun Tamariki Play – The Rose Centre, Belmont 9.30am Li Si-Rong & Jenny Zhong – And so, We Build An Amusement Park On The Uninhabited Island – The Depot, Devonport

Summer Fun Preschool Play 21 – Sunnynook Park, Sunnynook 10am

Raumati Fun Tamariki Play 22 – Windsor Reserve, Devonport. 9.30-11.30am Li Si-Rong & Jenny Zhong – And so, We Build An Amusement Park On The Uninhabited Island – The Depot, Devonport Abbie Twiss – Monochromes – The Depot, Devonport Harcourts Cooper & Co Beach Series. Takapuna Beach 5.30pm.

Evening Flow Browns Bay Beach 23 Yoga – Browns Bay Beach Reserve, Manly Esplanade, Browns Bay, 5.30pm Li Si-Rong & Jenny Zhong – And so, We Build An Amusement Park On The Uninhabited Island – The Depot, Devonport Abbie Twiss – Monochromes – The Depot, Devonport

Raumati Fun Tamariki Play 24 – The Rose Centre, Belmont 9.30am Li Si-Rong & Jenny Zhong – And so, We Build An Amusement Park On The Uninhabited Island – The Depot, Devonport Abbie Twiss – Monochromes – The Depot, Devonport

Raumati Fun Tamariki March Play – Windsor Reserve, Devonport. 9.30am – 11.30am

Summer Fun Preschool March Play – Castor Bay Beach Reserve, 5/7 The Esplanade, Castor Bay, 10am

Raumati Fun Tamariki Play – The Rose Centre, Belmont 9.30am






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Issue 127 - February 2022

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March 3

Devonport Half Marathon 27th February




Auckland Shakespeare in the Park 4 2022 – The PumpHouse 7.30pm Food Truck Collective Devonport – Woodall Park Devonport 5pm Candle-Making Workshops – Milford Shopping Centre, 9am – 4pm Dylan-Blanc Huata – Hi There, Haere - The Depot, Devonport Genevieve Thornton, Elise Lidgett, and Michelle Mayn – Future Propositions - The Depot, Devonport

Takapuna Movie Nights at the 5 Beach – Takapuna Beach 5.30pm Auckland Shakespeare in the Park 2022 – The PumpHouse 7.30pm Huge Pop & Rock Vinyl Record Sale – Albany Village Community Hall, Albany 9am Candle-Making Workshops – Milford Shopping Centre, 9am – 4pm Dylan-Blanc Huata – Hi There, Haere - The Depot, Devonport

Takapuna Movie Nights at the 6 Beach – Takapuna Beach 5.30pm Auckland Shakespeare in the Park 2022 – The PumpHouse 7.30pm Candle-Making Workshops – Milford Shopping Centre, 9am – 4pm

Auckland Shakespeare in the 11 Park 2022 – The PumpHouse 7.30pm Candle-Making Workshops – Milford Shopping Centre, 9am – 4pm Genevieve Thornton, Elise Lidgett, and Michelle Mayn – Future Propositions - The Depot, Devonport

Takapuna Movie Nights at the 12 Beach – Takapuna Beach 5.30pm Auckland Shakespeare in the Park 2022 – The PumpHouse 7.30pm Candle-Making Workshops – Milford Shopping Centre, 9am – 4pm Genevieve Thornton, Elise Lidgett, and Michelle Mayn – Future Propositions - The Depot, Devonport Li Si-Rong & Jenny Zhong – And so, We Build An Amusement Park On The Uninhabited Island – The Depot,

Folk in the Park Music Festival – 13 Windsor Reserve, Devonport 1pm Auckland Shakespeare in the Park 2022 – The PumpHouse 7.30pm Candle-Making Workshops – Milford Shopping Centre, 9am – 4pm Babysitting Workshop – Devonport Community House, 9.30am

Auckland Shakespeare in the 18 Park 2022 – The PumpHouse 7.30pm Takapuna Beach Cup 2022 – Takapuna Beach, Takapuna 12pm Li Si-Rong & Jenny Zhong – And so, We Build An Amusement Park On The Uninhabited Island – The Depot, Devonport

Auckland Shakespeare in the Park 2022 – The PumpHouse 7.30pm Food Truck Collective Milford – Milford Reserve, Milford 5pm Huge Pop & Rock Vinyl Record Sale – Albany Village Community Hall, Albany 9am Takapuna Beach Cup 2022 – Takapuna Beach, Takapuna 6am Urzila Carlson – Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna 7pm Li Si-Rong & Jenny Zhong – And so, We Build An Amusement Park On The Uninhabited Island – The Depot, Devonport


Takapuna Beach Cup 2022 20 – Takapuna Beach, Takapuna 6am Harcourts Cooper & Co Run Series ‘Run The Point’. 8.00am Hobsonville.

Li Si-Rong & Jenny Zhong 25 – And so, We Build An Amusement Park On The Uninhabited Island – The Depot, Devonport Abbie Twiss – Monochromes – The Depot, Devonport

Have a go at Golf Croquet 26 – Takapuna Croquet Club, 8 Alburn St Reserve, Takapuna 1pm & 2pm Li Si-Rong & Jenny Zhong – And so, We Build An Amusement Park On The Uninhabited Island – The Depot, Devonport Abbie Twiss – Monochromes – The Depot, Devonport

Have a go at Golf Croquet 27 – Takapuna Croquet Club, 8 Alburn St Reserve, Takapuna 1pm & 2pm Harcourts Cooper & Co Devonport Half Marathon. 7.30am Windsor Reserve.

For more details on Harcourts Cooper & Co sponsored events go to • Albany • Birkenhead • Browns Bay • Devonport • Greenhithe

Hobsonville • Mairangi Bay • Milford • North Central • Smales Farm • Takapuna • Waiheke Island Issue 127 - February 2022






Waiwharariki Anzac Square



DreamSpace Takapuna


Shore People…relaxing, reading, watching



2022 New Year Honours: Jane Rutledge, QSM


Milford News



Talking Takapuna


Shop the Shore





The Rose Centre


North Shore History: David Verran


The PumpHouse

104 The Channel Crossword


Community Calendar


Out & About on the Shore


Eating Out Guide


Devonport News


Depot Artspace


Tim Bray Theatre Company


National Youth Theatre


Kristin School


Westlake Girls’ High School


Rosmini College


Takapuna Grammar


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Issue 127 - February 2022

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Janet Marshall

Janet knows the North Shore market and can find a solution for YOU!

Members of the Channel Mag team in Hurstmere Road, Takapuna. From left, Aidan Bennett, Kim MacIntosh, Liz Cannon and Ashleigh Patton. Inset, Crystal Sharp in her home office.

Challenging times as the sun shines! Welcome to our February 2022 issue of Channel Magazine, our first for the year. And here we go again… Covid-19 in the form of Mr Omicron is with us again to create some more challenges – but we will beat him! We’ve turned out a great issue to start the year, over 100 pages of positive stuff about the North Shore.

Publisher/Editorial/Advertising Advertising/Content Advertising/Content Designer Online and Social Media facebook @channelmag


Call Janet now for a complimentary appraisal or market update.

As you will read I was dispatched to learn all about the new DreamSpace apartment development and take in their innovative 360 Immersion Lab Viewing experience. I was blown away. When talk is often about how cramped apartment living can be it is refreshing to see designers creating living spaces that prove it doesn’t have to be that way. I hope you enjoy my piece on DreamSpace and our feature on apartment living.

Liz Cannon, Phone 021-204-3395, email: Kim McIntosh, Phone 021-419-468, email: Crystal Sharp - Ashleigh Patton - instagram

Over 15 years with Colliers In excess of $80 million in sales in 2017

Aidan Bennett, Phone 021-500-997, email:

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Janet Marshall - Colliers

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Level 1, 129 Hurstmere Road Takapuna, 0622 Auckland City 09 488 4777

CHANNEL MAGAZINE is published monthly (on the first Friday of the month) by Benefitz, PO Box 33-1630, Takapuna. 09 477 4700, The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily the views of the publishers. For further details on the magazine visit or contact one of our team detailed above. The entire content of this publication is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission, in writing, of the copyright owner. Colour transparencies & manuscripts submitted are sent at the owner’s risk; neither the publisher nor its agents accept any responsibility for loss or damage. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, the publisher can accept no liability for any inaccuracies that may occur.

Accelerating success. Issue 127 - February 2022



Taking in the DreamSpace 360 Immersion Lab Viewing experience.

Christine Young has done an excellent feature on our local Shore people who were recognised in the 2022 New Year Honours. She chats to Jane Rutledge from De Paul House who very deservedly received a QSM for Services to Transitional Housing. I am thrilled to see the project to create the new town square in Takapuna – to be called ‘Waiwharariki Anzac Square’ – is now well under way. I see this as a big win for the future of Takapuna. We are going to get a lovely town square, hot on the heels of the wonderful Hurstmere Road upgrade, that will serve our community well in the years ahead. Getting projects like this over the line is why I decided to stand for the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board, and I am proud of the part I have played to see this come to fruition. Accompanying Waiwharariki Anzac Square in the future will be new buildings and laneways on the Anzac Street Carpark site that will further increase the vibrancy of Takapuna. See our feature on Waiwharariki Anzac Square in this issue. It is no secret that our retail and hospitality businesses are hugely challenged in these Covid-19 times. The restrictions of what people can do means that numbers are down. Business is certainly tough. What’s making it tougher for areas like Takapuna (and the central city) is a large number of empty offices as people continue to work from home. This is a huge

I see this as a big win for the future of Takapuna. We are going to get a lovely town square, hot on the heels of the wonderful Hurstmere Road upgrade, that will serve our community well in the years ahead. problem as Takapuna’s commercial infrastructure, and related lease-rates etc., have been built on these people being around to create the much-needed commercial activity. I fully realise that work habits have changed a bit, but I do believe we need to get as many people back asap. In my view entities such as Auckland Council, the government and public sector as well as major businesses should be leading the way in getting people back to the office as soon as Covid-19 alert levels allow.

An artist’s impression from the proposed development at Bayswater Marina.

Now to upset a few people who are rounding up all the horses to curtail the plans of Bayswater Marina owner Simon Herbert. His residential development project has come


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If you’ve got excellent attention to detail, appreciate design excellence and know lumens from watts you might be the person we’re looking for… We require an enthusiastic lighting consultant / stock controller to join a small team in our stylish Devonport showroom - Dealing in designer NZ & European domestic lighting, NZ made furniture, and other iconic products. Working full time your primary duties would be; • Dealing with customer sales enquiries & offering informed lighting advice • Inventory management – to include Ordering & Delivery, Stock control & Stock-take • Updating content on the website If you like the idea of working in a professional retail / service environment, and have an interest in lighting we’d love to hear from you.

Applications, including CV & covering letter to:


Issue 127 - February 2022

before the local board recently to seek our views. I was in the minority on the board with my view that we should get on and do it as this area needs investment. It is in a sorry state. Investment from the owner (who’s clearly committed) and from the council to improve the strip of land it owns there. Like Takapuna, there will never be agreement on what should be done at Bayswater as there are many different views and interests at play. This can be a quality lifestyle residential and marine village like you experience all over the world, while at the same time enhancing it as an important destination for those commuting. I say let’s just get on and let them do it. In this issue you will also read about the work our business Benefitz has done for the ‘Michelangelo – A Different View’ exhibition on at the Aotea Centre. We are very proud of the project and I have enjoyed working with Stewart and Tricia Macpherson of Stetson Group who have organised the exhibition. They’ve been doing events for 50 years so know how to run them to perfection. During this event I also got on the telly talking about our work! If you haven’t been to see the exhibition I reckon you should – it’s still on until February 13th, having been extended by two weeks. What a great summer we have had in terms of the weather. When I have been back on the Shore after a break up north it has been great to see so many people out and about enjoying the sunshine in our town centres and at our fabulous beaches. Don’t we live in a special place. On these

Michelangelo – A Different View exhibition at the Aotea Centre.

lovely summer mornings I love nothing more than doing that walk between Milford and Takapuna, or from Takapuna down the Devonport Peninsula then finishing with brekkie at one of our great cafes. Takapuna Beach Café being a favourite! Kia pai a Hui-tanguru – Have a great February. Aidan Bennett, QSM Publisher, Channel Magazine Founder & MD, Benefitz Email:

C H A N T A L’ S C L O T H I N G








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OPENING HOURS: Monday - Friday 10.00am - 5.00pm • Saturday - 10.00am - 4.00pm 10 The Promenade, Takapuna (opposite Bruce Mason Theatre entrance) Plenty of Parking Right Outside Issue 127 - February 2022


A dedicated Middle School for Year 7-10. It’s learning evolved.

Do you have a child going into Year 7 or Year 9 in 2023? Don’t miss our upcoming information evenings! Come and hear about our unique Middle School environment that sets us apart and keeps them together. Year 7 Information Evening Thursday 10 March 7-8pm Year 9 Information Evening Thursday 17 March 7-8pm Register to attend at or call our Admissions Manager on 09 415 9566 ext 2324.

Progress with vision, integrity and love. 8

Issue 127 - February 2022


HOWZAT! Junior World Series hits Devonport for 6! The annual Junior World Series threeday cricket tournament is one of the most beloved sporting fixtures in the Devonport calendar. Now in it's 29th year the tournament, scheduled for 24th to 26th January, was in jeopardy after the move to 'red' at midnight the night before it was due to commence. To exacerbate an already tricky situation, the rain descended full pelt on the initial morning after a summer of glorious weather! True grit, determination and sheer hard graft by the amazing JWS junior committee, supported by North Shore Cricket Club Manager Tendai Chitongo and Club Administrator Gillian Scott, ensured that all 180 kids participating were not disappointed. Adhering to all restrictions and making the most of gaps in the rain, the tournament went ahead. It was no mean feat and was an absolute smash hit with 3 days of amazing action from these young cricketers! The tournament also employed 20 local teenagers to umpire and score the games and coach the teams - they all did the most fantastic job. Six teams across each of the three grades (senior, middle and junior leagues) with mixed gender and abilities played in the competition, with the teams' countries (NZ, Australia, England, Pakistan, India and South Africa) based on the Men's ICC T20 rankings. Yes, it was competitive with team winners and runners up for each grade, plus individual prizes for best batter, bowler, fielder, MVP and female players in each grade, but the winners really were all the kids themselves. The overriding focus remained firmly on fun, friendship and participation. What a brilliant event huge congrats to everyone involved!

Little League Australia: Sophie Wesney, Zach Reddy, Henry Collier, Miller Jewell, Fletcher Ansley and Miriam Cowen.

Middle League India: Freddie Wilson, Charlie Wilson, Bruce Balasoglou, Will Stratton, Leo Wilson, Spencer Ede and Theo Reddy.

Middle League England: Krish Ranchhod, Shreyash Shishir, Shivesh Shetty, Isabella Watson, Saskia Uri, Natalia Ross, Dorothea Waldron, Ryan Sebastian and Amber Fawkner.

Senior League Pakistan: Jacob Howell, Kriv Kadakia, Ewan McKone, Jayden Scheepers-Venter, Harry Brown, Reuben Coster, Ben Moorby, Reuben Cutler and Torr Beaman.

Colleen Mangnall has successfully been selling the North Shore for over 35 Years! Call Colleen now for a trusted opinion... Tendai Chitongo and Gillian Scott.

C o l l e e n M a n g n a l l 0 2 1 9 3 5 1 9 9 Issue 127 - February 2022



Milford BID celebrates the positives of 2021 Back on Monday 13th December the Board of the Milford Business Association decided to throw a Christmas celebration to round off what was in fact a hugely successful year for Milford, despite the obvious challenges. Over 40 members of the local business community came together at The Milford Cafe to celebrate their many collective achievements. Unique and prosperous, Milford was the number one town centre on the Shore over a number of months, with the highest sales in August, September and October 2021. It had the lowest vacancy rate on the Shore, plus great new businesses coming to town. Murray Hill, Milford BID Manager enlisted the help of the Naked marketing team and also relaunched the Milford Shops website which also had a big influence on the success of the town last year. Enjoying the delicious food and tasty beverages on offer from the amazing team at The Milford Cafe, all the guests thoroughly enjoyed their well-deserved celebration which marked the end of the year with a palpable sense of hope and positivity for the coming year. Here at Channel we can't wait to see how Milford – one of our favourite town centres on the Shore – grows and develops this new year!

Sunita Deo, Natalie Ramsay and Proween Deo.

Ali and Helen Abassy, Patrick Coleman, Anan and James Alexandra.

East Coast Bays (09) 479 5956


Aidan Bennett, Ben Panettiere, Craig Innes and Brendon Mearns.

Weston Kerr and Sharon Donohue.

Geoff Worter and Murray Hill.

Ingrid Dawson and Nikki Davidson.

Liz Cannon, Terry and Keith Taylor and Christine Roberten.

You can count on us every step of the way

Issue 127 - February 2022


Harcourts Cooper and Co Beach Series After much anticipation by organisers and locals, the ever-popular summer Harcourts Cooper & Co Beach Series kicked off with a dive, splash and feet forward on Tuesday, 18th January. The Beach Series is an all-ages beach run and walk, 10km multi-road run, stand-up paddle and several swim distances. The first evening presented perfect weather and swimming conditions with co-owner of the event, Jason Herriman, declaring it a “banger day” as past and new participants registered to take part and lap up our gorgeous Takapuna Beach. Running until 22nd March, you can sign up for six or all the remaining dates and be part of this classic North Shore fun event. Bart Hoggard, Jess Larking, Lisa Bycroft.

Claire Morgan and Tyler Lushkott.

Mark Story, Nicola and Colin Anderson.

Wiremu (Woody) Campbell, Adrian Wright, Marcus Bristol.

Max, Carly and Phil Bateman, James Lilly, Steve Oswald, Daisy Grace, James Turnbull.

Krystina Bondareva, Matt Rogers, Thomas and Looie James, Martin Cooper.

Simon Watts

Marshall Heath and Jason Herriman.



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Shakespeare in the Park at The PumpHouse When so many live theatre events are sadly being cancelled under current restrictions, it was a real joy to attend the opening night of The Two Gentlemen of Verona at The PumpHouse on 25th January. Presented by Shoreside Theatre, Shakespeare in the Park 2022 brings Shakespeare back to our summer evenings, with performances held in The PumpHouse's amazing outdoor amphitheatre (unless the weather turns, in which case performances are seamlessly shifted to the indoor theatre). Following a sell-out 25th anniversary season in 2021, and with the sorry departure of other Shakespearean productions across Auckland, this is your only opportunity to see live Shakespeare being performed to a high standard. With an Italian theme this season, both Two Gentlemen of Verona (directed by James Bell) and The Merchant of Venice (directed by Trevor Sharp) are a delight. Make your summer a Shakespearean one and support local performing arts to continue to thrive. The Merchant of Venice and The Two Gentlemen of Verona are being performed from 22nd January to 19th February 2022. All children 12 and under can attend for free with a paying adult. Freddie, Stephen, Millie and All current Covid restrictions are strictly adhered to. To book visit Sam Knights.

Jung-Ah Park and Danica van der Merwe.

Andrew and Janine Blackburn. Steph Curtis, Siobhan Donnelly, James Bell and Eleanor Wren.

Glenda Pearce and Tim Harvey.

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Peter Salter. Beautifully Organic.

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Tobias Fermanski, Megan Hails, Monique Rabie, Meg Sara Andrews and Mark Wilson.

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Issue 127 - February 2022

Read the label Take as directed


Huge milestone reached Patients and whānau return to Harbour Hospice on the North Shore

Specialist palliative care provider Harbour Hospice is celebrating a major milestone in its vital redevelopment project, with phase one of construction complete. Nine months into the project, Harbour Hospice staff have returned to 7 Shea Terrace and patients and their families are once again able to receive specialist care in its Inpatient Unit (IPU). Creation of its new dedicated whānau space is well underway, and while the IPU reception area and kitchen have been demolished to make way for new modern spaces, the team is working in a bespoke way to deliver delicious and nutritious meals and meet and greet families and visitors. The reopening of the IPU has been highly anticipated, with the redesign offering modern fit-for-purpose spaces and much lighter, brighter patient rooms. The Harbour Hospice clinical team is delighted with its new workstation which includes a treatment room fitted out with state-of-the-art equipment gifted by local medical supply company, Endoventure. Five of the patient rooms also feature ceiling hoists, three of them supported by the Hugo Charitable Trust and one by a couple who wish to remain anonymous. The hoists will reduce the risk of injury and allow for improved manoeuvrability for patients and reduced physical strain for staff during transfers (from bed to bathroom, for example). The hoists will also provide greater independence for patients who will be able to operate the controls themselves once they’ve been helped into position. In addition to the clinical area, the top floor of the building is also now complete. This houses a non-clinical / administration area (including its Volunteer Services team), meeting room and staff facilities. For now, these rooms have been repurposed to provide a temporary kitchen while most non-clinical staff members continue to work primarily from home due to the fast-moving nature of Covid-19 variants, Delta and Omicron. “With the first stage of our redevelopment behind us we’d like to say a huge thank you to all of our supporters who have made this possible,” Harbour Hospice Chief Executive, Jan Nichols, says. “To all the individuals, Trusts, organisations, and community groups whose generosity has made North Shore’s redevelopment a reality, we are incredibly grateful. “We still have a long way to go to complete the rest of the project which includes dedicated community and training spaces, but we look forward to celebrating that very special milestone in early 2023 with everyone in our community.” To find out how you can help, or more about the project, visit or email Capital Campaign Manager, Kate Thompson:

“Thanks to you and your team for hosting our wedding in January. We had a great time, and the Takapuna Boat Club was an amazing venue.” Rochelle and Brian.

Venue hire, facilities and full catering service for private and business events.

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Whitby's Ultimate Beachside Family Package 21 WHITBY CRESCENT, MAIRANGI BAY Located in the exclusive Whitby Crescent and directly across the road from the beach access way, number 21 is a landmark 480sqm dwelling that offers the ultimate family home for those wanting space and sun in Mairangi Bay's premier address. The property was built by a local builder as his own home in 2004 but has been completely renovated inside to the highest of standards less than a year ago, under the watchful eye of Min Interior. The property is one of the Bay's finest and offers a turnkey package for a lucky family to come in and enjoy everything that is offered, without the need to lift a finger themselves simply move in and enjoy. Accommodation-wise there are a total of five double bedrooms in the home. The master bedroom is simply spectacular! Large and private with a gorgeous ensuite with natural stone vanity, large walk-in wardrobe, semi kitchenette for those morning coffees and bi-fold doors opening onto a private deck, enjoying the best views in the home. The main living is fantastic, dominated by large granite benchtops and forming a brilliant entertaining hub. The kitchen designed by DBJ and crafted by Hewe

Kitchens has a brand new Fisher & Paykel appliance package, private scullery with stainless tops and Zenith tap - along with gorgeous high-end timber cabinetry and natural stone buffet units. The main living flows from the front of the home right through to the rear, where large bi-fold doors take you to a large pool area and outdoor kitchen. This area is covered by two sets of Louvretec and is beautifully landscaped with exquisite garden lighting. There is a second lounge set up as a private media room, also with built-in cabinetry. The property offers three-car garaging, split between a double garage on the Eastern side and a spacious single garage, plus storage on the Northern side. In my opinion, this is one of the finest family homes to come to the market this year in Mairangi Bay. FOR SALE BY EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST CLOSING WEDNESDAY 9TH MARCH 2022 (UNLESS SOLD PRIOR) #524379

Andrew Dorreen / Precision Real Estate Ltd MREINZ Licenced under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 Email: / Phone: 021 747 334 / /


Issue 127 - February 2022


2 x New Seaward Side Homes With Big Views 14 MURITAI ROAD, MILFORD Located halfway down one of Milfords' finest streets, the development at number 14 Muritai is a much-needed and rare example of a truly high-end, off-plan opportunity. Secure your brand new home in this prime location now, without the hassle and stress of doing it all yourself. Groundwork has commenced and two homes are available from the highly regarded Synergy Build Group, with design by renowned architects CAAHT Studio. An exciting development in Milford! Benefiting from the sun, privacy and strong sea views, these two homes will be very popular for the high-end buyer with a busy lifestyle. Your early interest is encouraged and invited. Offering approximately 280 m² floor area of low maintenance on fee simple titles, the homes offer superb luxurious living, without compromise. Upstairs living has been designed to enjoy these rare views and offers superb flow to covered outdoor decking to further enjoy the vistas. Exquisite master bedrooms on this floor offer spacious wardrobe storage and stylish tiled ensuites. A lift provides easy access between floors and means these homes are future-proofed for the prospective buyer. A total of three double bedrooms and two living areas makes for a superb layout and just what this market is calling for.

Architectural flair and thoughtful design ensure both dwellings represent and meet the high-end "lock up and leave" buyers' requirements perfectly. A full information pack, working drawings and site plan are available to registered interested parties. Please phone Andrew Dorreen for this information. A few key features in both dwellings: • Spectacular views from the open plan living areas which flow to covered outdoor living also benefitting from the views. • Gorgeous master bedrooms both with panoramic sea views, ensuite and generous wardrobe storage. • Hydraulic lift to both floors, ensuring easy access. • Two spacious living areas and three double bedrooms + double and triple garaging. • Exquisite fixtures and fittings with solid brick and cedar construction. • Centrally located in North Shore's famed Golden Mile and walking distance to both Milford and Takapuna shops. Secure your perfect "lock up and leave" dream home for a 10% deposit with the balance on build completion. Construction has commenced - act now to avoid disappointment. PRICE BY NEGOTIATION. #525429 Issue 127 - February 2022




News from The PumpHouse from James Bell

This month at The Rose Centre with Rose Centre Administrator Geoff Allen

Summer entertainment: The Rose Centre Sorted! Happy 2022, theatre lovers! celebrates 30 years James Bell.

We have a very exciting start to the year. Have a read below to see what’s coming up at The PumpHouse Theatre.

Auckland Shakespeare in the Park: 22nd January - 19th February As the sun goes down, you’ll be treated to sumptuous costumes, creative production design, and passionate performances by a talented troop of local actors. There are two fabulous plays on offer this summer: The Merchant of Venice, and Two Gentlemen of Verona, performed on alternate nights.

Geoff Allen.

Kia ora koutou. 2022 is the Rose Centre’s 30th Anniversary – watch out for our events. Remember we are still offering crazily discounted hourly rates for community groups up to April. First public event up in 2022 is Comedy Tickets are available at

Creative Talks: Jodie Dorday and Friends: 7th February Actor, director and producer Jodie Dorday will discuss her life in the arts, and her upcoming show at The PumpHouse, Di and Viv and Rose. A Woman of No Importance: 26th – 27th February Enjoy one of Oscar Wilde’s most progressive comedies, set in 1893 on the country estate of the great Lady Hunstanton. This sharp social satire examines the hypocrisy of a society that condemns certain people for their mistakes while applauding others for the same sins. Introductory Workshop for Lighting and Sound: 26th - 27th February This is an introductory two-day workshop for those interested in learning lighting and sound for theatre. It will consist of a mixture of theory and hands-on experience, and will provide the solid basics of theatre tech. Di and Viv and Rose: 3rd - 13th March We are excited to welcome the excellent team at Fusion Productions for the Auckland Premiere of this West End smash-hit starring Jodie Dorday, Lara Macgregor, and Julie Edwards - three of the most acclaimed theatre actresses in Aotearoa. This story is a gorgeous mix of nostalgia with gut-punching honesty, celebrating friendship across four decades. PumpHouse Face Masks Keep safe and support The PumpHouse Theatre with a limited edition PumpHouse Face Mask! Let your inner thespian show with a striking red or elegant black branded mask, a fun blue mask with artwork by Rose Northey, or become the Bard himself with a Shakespeare mask! These quality, washable face masks come with two replaceable PM 2.5 filters. Available for collection only at The PumpHouse Theatre Box Office between 9am and 3pm Monday to Friday. Cheers, James Bell.

BOOKINGS: 09 489 8360 or

Fast paced improvised stand up, a stand-up show like you’ve never seen - comedians make up comedy on the spot, just for you. They delighted during Whangarei Fringe 2020, Auckland Fringe 2019 and HA! Festival 2019 and were nominated by the New Zealand Comedy Guild for Best Show 2020 & 2019 as well as Best Improv Group 2020. Six captivating comedians hit the stage with no idea what they’re performing. Watch as their ease or struggle is set with a Roll of The Dice (Thunder crash!). Tickets $20 / $16 conc. Company Theatre will be back at The Rose Centre in May. Our first play for 2022 is God of Carnage by Yasmina Reza. Also, we welcome to the Rose team our new admin person – Charlotte Convery. Charlotte lives just around the corner and has an extensive background insurance and systems. Her children go to TGS. Charlotte Convery.

We are on The Fringe! The Rose Centre will be an Auckland Fringe Festival venue (Northern Satellite) in September 2022. At the moment we are working with local playwrights to develop several one-act plays. If you have a show you’d like to get on stage – contact us for a kōrero. Email 30th August – 17th September. Ka whakamutu taku kōrero – I would like to thank all the people who helped us get through the difficult times of 2021: from the RC team, to the Board, the Chairperson, ACC, MOE and you – the hirers. For hire contact We have new reduced pricing and community discounts up to 20% Hui tātou ka tū, wehewehe tātou ka hinga. Together we stand divided we fall. The Rose Centre, School Rd, Belmont 09 445 9900 Facebook @RoseCentre


Issue 127 - February 2022



Auckland Guitar School with Dylan Kay

I got rhythm

Depot Artspace with Amy Saunders

Dylan Kay

At its very simplest, music can be thought of as notes and rhythm – what to play and when to play it. (Of course, it’s much more complex than this, but bear with me…) Most people are focused on the “notes” – melodies, riffs, chords, scales etc – but it’s essential that equal (if not more) attention is placed on when to play these notes: rhythm is king! Rhythm is the thing that makes the music “feel” good, makes you tap your foot, dance etc. It’s the thing that moves people (literally). The challenge is to develop our rhythm and timing such that when we play music, it grooves and feels great. Here are some suggestions for those starting out, or who doubt their rhythmic ability: Begin by tapping your foot when you listen to music – put on your favourite music and practice tapping your foot to it. (If you’re feeling brave, moving, marching or dancing to music is another great way to get your body in tune with rhythm – no-one has to see you do it!) Learning rhythm notation (i.e. crochets, quavers etc) in your guitar lessons will help enormously in helping you visualise rhythm and understand how it all fits together. It’s easier than you think.

The challenge is to develop our rhythm and time such that when we play music, it grooves and feels great. Practice rhythm exercises away from the guitar – clap those rhythms, learn to count them out loud and tap your foot at the same time – all together these will develop a strong internal foundation for whatever you play. Notice how you tend to walk down the street – unless avoiding obstacles, you tend to walk at a steady pace (in time) – if you can do that, you can learn to play guitar in time and move other people with your playing. There’s nothing better! Check out the blog for some more rhythm ideas: and as ever, get in touch if you’d like help.

Depot Artspace and Creative Hub, Devonport

Amy Saunders

The team at Depot Artspace sends you warm wishes for 2022. We are excited to be back and really looking forward to sharing some new projects with you in the year ahead. Depot Sound is open for business as usual and our creative development programmes, Wayfind Creative and Artslab, are also back in action with a mix of online and physical workshops. Depot Gallery has four exciting exhibitions opening this month showcasing emerging, international and local artists. We hope you can make a trip to Devonport to come and see us; we are open Tuesday - Saturday 10am-4pm. Take care and here’s to 2022! Depot Sound has had a busy start to the year with many 2021 bookings being pushed out due to lockdown. However, Studio 2 is officially open for business with it now being run by our fantastic in-house engineer Noah Page! Get in touch with Noah or Neil for any audio or music projects you may have coming up. As always, Depot Sound is known for our amazing quality with great rates and support for our local community. Wayfind Creative has celebrated some amazing successes since it launched one year ago, building on the Depot’s long history of helping creatives develop sustainable careers. If you would like to take your creative career to the next level, check out our exciting programme to start your path to creating a financially viable, sustainable and deeply rewarding career. ArtsLab is for job seekers who are looking for a creative careers programme – talk to your case manager at MSD to find out more! Depot Galleries We have four stunning exhibitions lined up for February! Check out our events page for full details and also the online gallery to view our online stockroom and some of the 2021 exhibitions.,

See you next month! Dylan Kay, Auckland Guitar School, Howick and Takapuna, Auckland "Transform your playing." 09 533 5246 Issue 127 - February 2022



Inspiring young imaginations through drama Tim Bray Theatre Company is excited to be back at their North Shore venues in Term 1 with Youth Theatre drama classes for ages 5-16. Classes start after Waitangi Day in Unsworth Heights (Tues/Wed), Browns Bay (Wed) and Takapuna (Thurs/Fri). Tim Bray Youth Theatre is thrilled to be back in the classroom in 2022! TBYT has been offering drama classes and holiday workshops on the North Shore since 2012 and have successfully navigated the last two years with their programme of weekly classes in the studio or online during lockdowns. The classes encourage self-confidence, self-expression and focus. Drama is an enjoyable way for students to connect, explore their imaginations and harness and express their creativity. They also learn various acting techniques such as improvisation, voice, characterisation, movement and scene work. And drama is excellent for mental health and wellbeing. These classes have been so wonderful for my daughter, she loves them, and has just blossomed in confidence, and ability. - Lisa TBYT also offers classes for 5 to 19 year olds across the bridge in Western Springs at The Auckland Performing Arts Centre (TAPAC). Extraordinarily Creative Extraordinarily Creative Drama Classes are for neurodivergent children and teens to allow them to grow and shine in their own time and space in the spirit of Takiwatanga. This innovative and unique programme was launched in 2021 in Unsworth Heights. No one


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S North 09-486-2261


Issue 127 - February 2022

could have predicted some of the astonishing outcomes or benefits this unconventional programme would have for so many of its students! To ensure tutors were expertly prepared, all staff underwent Diverse Drama training with Jeanita Cush -Hunter from the Children’s Autism Foundation. A very happy outcome from this collaboration was that Jeanita came on board as the Lead Tutor. Jeanita says, “it is an absolute privilege to work with such compassionate, dedicated and talented people.” “The teachers are amazing, supportive, genuine and caring. We absolutely recommend the classes and would love to thank everyone involved for the way they welcomed and encouraged my son.” -Caprice S., parent Extraordinarily Creative classes come together to Connect, Create, Collaborate and Care. The philosophy of the classes is underpinned by Mason Durie’s Four Pillars (physical health, spiritual health, family health, mental health). The traditional hierarchy of a conventional classroom is forgotten which allows the tutors to connect with students in a truly unique and meaningful way. They create inclusive learning spaces where they foster acceptance and focus on process not product. The relationships in the classrooms grow organically and all students are invited to collaborate and be their authentic selves. “The drama class has been the BEST thing I have ever signed my son up for. I have never seen him so excited to attend anything before. I think he just finds joy and comfort in being with like-minded peers, not having to'mask' in class and just being totally himself.I would sign him up for the next 10 years if I could.” -- Monica C., parent Tim Bray Youth Theatre is extending its after-school drama classes for autistic and other neurodiverse children and teens to East Auckland. Enrolments are now open for Term 1. 17-19yrs Performance Class The 17-19 years Performance Class launched at TAPAC in Term 1 last year under the guidance of tutor and director Suzy Sampson, with regular performances during the year. Prior to the Auckland lockdown the students gave two wonderful performances at The PumpHouse Theatre. In April they performed a collection of Shakespearean scenes and soliloquies, and the students very much enjoyed the master classes during rehearsals with theatre legend Michael Hurst. The second performance was a physical theatre piece devised with the help of movement specialist Carla Martell. Rehearsals were well under way for their third performance before lockdown hit and, unfortunately, forced them to cancel. In 2022, this exciting performance-focused class will continue back in the studio at TAPAC for young actors who need a place to learn and to perform and who are passionate about theatre and all it involves. The Performance Class teaches new skills that will carry the students into future study and future careers. To support these young students who wish to undertake further studies in the performing arts at the tertiary level, Tim Bray Theatre Company has established the Mary Amoore Gift a Seat™ Scholarship which will be available for students who have been enrolled in this 17-19yrs Performance Class. All classes are held in compliance with the New Zealand Government Covid-19 Protection Framework. For more information or to enrol please visit: 09 486-2261


Local kids shine in the National Youth Theatre

- New Zealand’s premier musical theatre training programme for young people

The National Youth Theatre (NYT) is New Zealand’s premier musical theatre training programme for young people aged 7-21, with many of our very own North Shore kids starring in its wonderful productions. What makes us different? NYT is all-access – no audition required. We use musical theatre to help young people ‘find their own voice’, developing interpersonal skills that impact every aspect of their lives, from home to school to workplace. What do we do? We inspire and develop a team of 275 young performers to work together and produce a spectacular 'OnStage' musical at the Aotea Centre, where since 2013 we have become the resident youth theatre at Auckland Live. We also run musical theatre school holiday programmes at The Rose Centre, Belmont and at Grey Lynn School. These popular courses are the perfect school holiday activity for theatre enthusiasts or beginners (aged 7 -16) who would like to give being on stage a go! For more information head to Why do we do it? Our professional theatre mentors provide unique opportunities for young performers to be part of a major theatrical production whilst inspiring them to have fun & build confidence. Our programmes can take our participants from shyly hiding at the back of the room to standing centre-stage. Our programmes change lives. About us: We have come a long way since we started in 2004, going from strength to strength impacting the lives of 60,000 young people (and counting!). We have gone on to run over 32 OnStage programmes, two each year, featuring well over 6,000 cast members to a combined audience of over 200,000. However, there is much more to NYT than just what you will see on stage. Through our Outreach programme, we not only NYT's 2021 production of Beauty and the Beast featured: Michael Read-Percival (16) from Torbay provide full scholarships who attends Long Bay College, played the Beast; for a large number of and Amelia Taite (16) from Takapuna who attends Kristin School, played Belle. deserving students to join

Credit: Ida Larsson White Lynx Photography. NYT's 2022 production of Oliver! features (left to right): Aidan Cruz (10) playing Charley Bates; Harry Brown (13) from Devonport who attends TGS playing one of Fagin's Gang; Māui Hitchins (15) from Narrow Neck who attends TGS playing Fagin; and Petra Wehrle (11) from Bayswater who attends BIS also playing Charley Bates.

the cast, but we also reach new audiences by presenting four school performances and partnering with deserving schools to fully fund their attendance at those shows. Recent reviews from our recent productions 'Keeping the Lights On' and 'Beauty and the Beast': – "The variety, the quality, the professionalism, the sheer entertainment factor were such a joy to experience." – "NYT does it again. Despite Covid lockdowns and other interruptions leaving little time for rehearsal, the huge cast of youngsters performed with verve, enthusiasm and talent. It was a great show." – "Can I just say, WOW! I was absolutely blown away!" To find out more about the National Youth Theatre, please visit or email Issue 127 - February 2022


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SALES | SERVICE | PARTS 63 Barrys Point Road, Takapuna | 09 442 3306 |


Issue 127 - February 2022

Your Monthly Eating Out Guide… • EATING OUT ON THE SHORE

SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL HOSPITALITY BUSINESSES! At Channel Mag we’ve been ‘Doing it Local’ for years. That’s what this magazine is all about. Our local bars and eateries need us to support them more than ever in these uncertain times Let’s support our local hospo businesses!

DEVONPORT Akdeniz Bar Cafe Restaurant Offering Persian and Mediterranean cuisine in Devonport Village. 5/15 Victoria Road, Devonport, 09 600 2125 Buona Sera Restaurant Great Italian cuisine from great ingredients. Mangiamo - Let's Eat! 99 Victoria Road, Devonport, 09 445 8133 Cafe Hung Viet Traditional flavours of Vietnamese cuisine brings authentic Hanoi meals to the North Shore. 101 Victoria Rd, 09 446 3368 Corellis Great tasting home-style fare at a great price. 46 Victoria Road Devonport, 09 445 4151 Devon on the Wharf A little slice of heaven for tastes of Mediterranean and Turkish cuisine. 1 Queen's Parade, 09 445 7012 Fish Kitchen Extensive seafood menu plus their signature 'fish 'n' chips' - the best fresh fish in the best location. 1/1 Queens Parade, Devonport Wharf. 09 445 1777 Flying Rickshaw Honest and simple authentic Indian cuisine. 97 Victoria Road, Devonport, 09 445 7721

9R VID-1 ecover y CO

For our busin and our commesses unity

Sigdi Indian Restaurant The freshest and finest ingredients guarantee the best quality curries - all GF. 161 Victoria Rd, Devonport, 09 445 1546 Signal Hill Restaurant Serves classic NZ fare with an extensive drinks list in Devonport’s most iconic homestead. 24 Victoria Road, Devonport, 09 445 0193 The Patriot Your Devonport Pub - owned by locals, for locals. 14 Victoria Road, Devonport, 09 445 3010 Vic Road Kitchen Serving up fresh, seasonal NZ produce in a rustic Mediterranean style. 57-59 Victoria Road, Devonport. 09 445 9797 Vondel Well thought out, great tasting food for vegans, meat lovers and everybody in between. 8 Victoria Road, Devonport, 09 446 6444

TAKAPUNA Alforno Italian Restaurant Delicious Italian and Mediterranean food cooked with passion. 34 Anzac Street, Takapuna. 09 488-0179 Aubergine Restaurant Premium European and Mediterranean style dining 129 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna. 09 489 3104

Manuka Cafe and Restaurant Mediterranean inspired cuisine and friendly customer service. 49 Victoria Road, Devonport, 09 445 7732

Big Tikka Indian cuisine… using bold flavours & reinterpreting classic dishes in a contemporary way. 458 Lake Road, Takapuna. 09 974 2241

Portofino Devonport Very popular Italian Restaurant in the heart of Devonport Village. 26 Victoria Rd, 09 445 3777

Botticelli Restaurant & Wine Bar A popular Italian eatery, serving Takapuna for over 27 years Anzac Street, Takapuna. Phone 021 910 999 Issue 127 - February 2022


EATING OUT ON THE SHORE • Your Monthly Eating Out Guide… 8848 Restaurant & Bar


Dantes Pizza & Casa Pasta Wood Fired Pizzas & sensational Pasta in the heart of Taka! Eat Street, 40 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna. 09 486 3668 A


French Rendez-Vous


Welcome to our French restaurant in an amazing and unique lake view location at the heart of Takapuna. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner (to be booked 24 hours in advance) with traditional French dishes like onion soup, beef bourguignon and also lots of gluten free galettes and sweet crêpes. This month: truffle season. Try our lamb shoulder with foie gras and truffle. Book at Or via our Facebook and Instagram accounts: facebook: FrenchRendezvousTakapuna Instagram: @frenchrendezvoustakapuna 2a Manurere Avenue – Right next to The PumpHouse Takapuna 09 487 0009

8848 Restaurant & Bar, 17 Huron Street, Takapuna OPEN Monday to Sunday 10am - 10:30pm 09 489 9911 Francs Bar & Diner Beachside diner smacks of fresh fish, crisp lager, flopping jandals and easy service from sunrise to sunset. Main Beach, The Strand, Takapuna. 09 488 0016 Madam Woo Takes inspiration from traditional Malaysian hawker food, drawing influence from Malaysian, Chinese and other Asian cultures. 486 Lake Road, Takapuna, 09 489 4601


NA 09 488 9976



Book and dine with your special date, a group get-together or stop by for their locals $40 Lunch set menu.


An authentic Japanese Izakaya restaurant with a friendly and lively atmosphere, private area for groups with karaoke and buffet style menu.


Takapuna's award-winning Nanam Restaurant recently voted as best neighborhood restaurant, Metro Top 50 and NZ's 100 Best Restaurants by Cuisine is humbled to offer an array of Filipino (Asian and Spanish-inspired) tapas and delectable wine and cocktail selections for our locals.


Located under the Monterey Cinema.

Florrie McGreals Irish Pub The best place in Takapuna to have a beer, meet some old friends or make some new ones. Great food as well! Hurstmere Road, Takapuna. 09 486 6330 TA K



Sakebar Nippon Japanese Restaurant

El Humero Traditional Colombian-style barbecue restaurant – yum! Eat Street, 40 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna. 09 489 9973



Authentic Nepalese and Indian cuisine in the heart of Takapuna with a vast menu of both traditional Indian dishes and Nepalese specialties. Tastes from the Himalayan region... inspired by Himalayan spices blended and crafted by their chefs with 20 plus years of experience. "8848 was some of the best Indian fusion food I’ve had in a long time and a really nice introduction to Nepalese cuisine. I'll be going back there to dine in and also on the nights I want takeaways.” - Channel Magazine, April 2021 Dine-in or take away. Also catering for large group bookings and functions. Parking is easy as well with the new 420 space Toka Puia carpark only metres away.

Catnapper Arms A favourite local with great food with great daily specials 136 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna. 09 486 6330




Burger Burger Eat Street, 40 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna. 09 390 5348

GROUP BOOKINGS: Open Tues-Sun, Closed Mondays and public holidays. 32-34 Anzac Street,Takapuna, 09 486 2249 Mamak Malaysian Street Food Tasty Malaysian Street Food eatery under the Sentinel building. Huron/Northcroft Streets, Takapuna. 09 486 0122 Mexico Inspired by the streets of Mexico, food created to deliver complex layers of flavour across a range of shareable dishes. McKenzies Precinct, 4 The Strand, Takapuna. 09 489 6781

Issue 127 - February 2022

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Visit Issue 127 - February 2022


EATING OUT ON THE SHORE • Your Monthly Eating Out Guide… TA K



SmokePit & Buoy


SmokePit & Buoy (located inside The Spencer Hotel on Byron Avenue) is an American style BBQ restaurant with a Kiwi twist. An extensive menu with something that appeals to every taste, including the popular grill platter for two; featuring BBQ wagyu beef brisket and pork ribs. Open daily for lunch and dinner, and a worthwhile visit on Sunday for a full breakfast buffet 8-11.30am, plus great value burger + beer meal deals on big sports weekends.


Thursday & Friday cocktail hour features $8.00 cocktails 4pm – 7pm Open Daily Level 1, The Spencer Hotel 9 – 17 Byron Ave, Takapuna, Ph 09 916 4982


Gourmet catering is also available for any function from lunch meetings to dinner parties. Let Blake do the cooking for you and enjoy convenience without compromise! Pop into store or order online for delivery at

The Elephant Wrestler Your larger than life local in the heart of Taka with an outdoor courtyard to boot. Selection of crafty beverages and food that’s undeniably Kiwi. Hurstmere Road, Takapuna. 09 489 8030 Tok Tok Kitchen Always busy, a unique restaurant with Asian fusion cuisine near the beach. 129 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna. 09 489 3988 A



NEED TO KNOW: Tuesday 1st March Hawkshead Wine Tasting $35 per ticket includes 5 tasters and an antipasti for the table! These Sell out! Private Functions can still happen in the Traffic light settings, to book please send us an email, food and drink packages available, no venue hire! 168 Hurstmere Road Takapuna 09 489 9510



In store, you’ll also find fresh coffee, delicious healthy cabinet food including salads, sandwiches, filos and more.

Thai Takapuna Popular Thai cuisine in the heart of Takapuna 44 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna. 09 973 4259

Takapuna's friendliest little wine and tapas bar and everyone's favourite local just around the corner from the Bruce Mason theatre.



Check out Blake’s large range of healthy, hearty, chef-made meals. Perfect to keep in the freezer for when you want a treat or just a night off cooking. All you need to do is pop it in the oven and enjoy!

Sake Bar Nippon Traditional Japanese (Isakaya style) cuisine in a lively fun setting to experience the sites and sounds of busy Japan! 32 Anzac Street, Takapuna. 09 486 2249,

Taylors on Hurstmere

Anokha Indian Restaurant Long been a destination choice for Indian food lovers, specialising in North Indian Cuisine – authentic curry, tandoori dishes and freshly baked breads. 140 Kitchener Rd, Milford. 09 489 1499

Blake's Providore

Regatta Bar & Eatery Your slice of Ibiza, right here on the Shore. Stunning sea views, premium beer, bloody good wine and fresh seafood. Main Beach, The Strand, Takapuna. 09 488 0040


Tokyo Bay Modern Japanese cuisine from kitchen run by experienced sushi master Mr Chikara Sato, a ‘fugu’ blowfish licensed sushi chef. Main Beach, The Strand, Takapuna. 09 390 7188 Tucks & Bao Street Food Tasty street-food inspired dishes from around the world. 70 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna. 09 486 1615 Winner Winner Takapuna Healthy, fast, fresh dinners or lunches with yummy chicken a focus! 16 Anzac Street, Takapuna. 09 486 0755

Issue 127 - February 2022

Monday to Thursday: 9am-6pm, Friday: 9am-5pm Saturday: 7am-2pm 89 Kitchener Road, Milford 09 486 5711 Cave À Vin Natural wines and food to share – locals love this place! 146 Kitchener Rd, Milford. Jazzy’s Cafe & Pizzeria Serving breakfast, lunch & dinner. Cafe style brekkie, Fresh HomeMade pizzas, delicious Sri Lankan meals and more! 5 Milford Rd, Auckland. 09 481 6582 Langkawi Restaurant Popular Malaysian local that has been here for around 25 years. BYO restaurant and also offers a range of well-priced wines. 122 Kitchener Road, Milford. 09 486 2700 Monthien Thai Restaurant Popular Thai eatery in the heart of Milford. Real Thai real taste and best service! 142 Kitchener Rd, Milford. 09 488 0409 Musashi Japanese Cuisine Milford Serves everything you expect from your authentic Japanese restaurants but with a twist. Menu of Japanese cuisine, built around local taste and ingredients. 212 Kitchener Road, Milford. Phone 489 5977

Your Monthly Eating Out Guide… • EATING OUT ON THE SHORE MI



The popular neighbourhood Milford Village bar & eatery opened by a trio of passionate locals – Craig, Jacqui and Sarah. Try their Pym’s Classic Prawn Cocktail and a Pimm’s Royale – their signature drink. Excellent drinks selection with simple but great food, including burgers, sharing platters, chicken liver pate, Limoncello cheesecake (and more!). This is one of Milford’s best locals – visit their great website ( or just drop in. You’ll love it.


PYM’s of Milford

Shake Out Serving up a highly addictive menu of burgers, sides, shakes and sundaes – fast. Goodside at Smales Farm. 09 489 8223 Soho Thai Taking the art of traditional Thai cooking and giving it a modern twist. Goodside at Smales Farm. 09 972 2711

Open 7 days a week, 4pm until close. Lunch time group bookings available upon request. 154 Kitchener Road, Milford.

The Grange Bar & Bistro A favourite all-day bar and bistro. Making the most of the best & fresh NZ produce. Goodside at Smales Farm. 09 972 9060

The Milford Cafe, Bar & Restaurant For brunch, lunch & dinner. Classics, re-imagined and modernised – the best in fine coffee, wine and delicious food. 7 Milford Road, Milford. 09 488 9388, Venice Italian Restaurant A friendly local of Italian cuisine lovers passionate about cooking Italian food combined with a splendid collection of fine wines. 91 Kitchener Road, Milford. 09 486 4157



Stanley Avenue is a relaxed, smart, wine bar and bistro where people can come and enjoy a light snack or sophisticated meal paired with an interesting wine offering. Stanley Avenue is a great for dinner, as well an excellent spot for afternoon drinks and offers a brand new lunch menu. Stanley Avenue Wine Bar & Bistro 52 East Coast Road, Milford Open Tues & Wed 3pm to 10pm; Thurs 12pm to 10pm; Fri 12pm to 11pm; Sat 12pm to 11pm. Closed Sunday and Monday. Ph 09 410 0066 Visit:

Daily Bread's freshly baked loaves and perfect pastries are made every morning at their Belmont outpost where their new sit down menu, petanque court and kids playground gives locals even more reason to visit.



If you don't feel like venturing out, try their new delivery option where you can receive all their baked goods delivered the next day. 43 EVERSLEIGH RD AUCKLAND 0622 7am - 3pm daily


Wine Bar & Bistro


Daily Bread


Don Japanese Restaurant Local Japanese that offers great service, a variety of authentic dishes with good drinks list to match. 1 Milford Rd, Milford. 09 379 2834


Talay Thai Restaurant Delicious authentic Thai cuisine. Using only the freshest ingredients with vegetarian, vegan options and Gluten free dishes. 83-85 Kitchener Rd, Milford. 09 489 9568

Stanley Avenue

Fantail & Turtle A popular bar and eatery with alfresco vibe and great food! Goodside at Smales Farm. 09 486 0644

EAST COAST BAYS El Greco Greek and Italian Eatery A touch of the Mediterranean in the Bays! – the locals try to keep it a secret, it’s good! 1 The Esplanade, Campbells Bay. 09 475 5772 Paper Moon One of the Bay's favourite dining and drinking spots – for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or drinks into the evening. 437 Beach Road, Mairangi Bay. 09 479 8872 Montrose Cafe, Bistro & Bar A Mairangi Bay local known for consistently good food and hospitality! 1 Montrose Terrace, Mairangi Bay. 09 478 9610 Ristorante La Spiaggia One of the best Italian restaurants on the Shore – Maria and Emilio never disappoint! 470 Beach Road , Murrays Bay. 09 475 5643 Issue 127 - February 2022


EATING OUT ON THE SHORE • Your Monthly Eating Out Guide… 21 Days Bar & Brasserie Named after the process of aging beef 21-28 days. Great food, some say best meat on the Shore! 37 Clyde Road Browns Bay. 0800 21 3297


The Engine Room Since 2006, a neighbourhood bistro that is simply one of the best in NZ! 115 Queen Street, Northcote Point. Phone 480 9502 Clarence Rd Eatery An all day cafe/restaurant in the historic building that includes Bridgeway Cinema. You’ll love it! 124 Queen Street, Northcote Point. Phone: 09 480 9600 Northcote Tavern We reckon one of the best places for pub food on the Shore! 37 Queen Street, Northcote Point. 09 480 7707


Abruzzo Ristorante Italiano Authentic Italian cuisine as warm as the Mediterranean sun. 13 Birkenhead Ave, Birkenhead. 09 418 4202 Birkenhead Brewing Company Classic 100 year old kauri villa with a tavern atmosphere for true kiwi hospitality. 17 Birkenhead Avenue, Birkenhead. 09 320 5055 Blitza Pizza Authentic Italian pizzas and mouthwatering Mediterranean cuisine. 9 Birkenhead Avenue, Birkenhead. 09 480 5006 Burrito House Passionate about providing delicious and high-quality Mexican food. 17 Mokoia Road, Birkenhead. 09 418 2095 Chef Rasa Sayang Finest authentic Malaysian food. 25 Mokoia Road, Birkenhead. 09 419 9788 Dutch Delight A bite of Holland right here in Auckland - the only Dutch restaurant in NZ. 3 Birkenhead Ave, Birkenhead. 09 418 1390

Jose's Cantina Jose's Mexican food is compulsive and the margaritas are addictive. 12-14 Birkenhead Avenue, Birkenhead. 09 218 6162 Thai Yum Food Hut Authentic Thai food in Birkenhead. 23 Birkenhead Avenue, Birkenhead. 09 480 6799 The Curry Master Experience Indian food at it’s finest. 18 Birkenhead Avenue, Birkenhead. 09 480 7211 The Good Home Honest homestyle cooking at its best. 83 Birkenhead Avenue, Birkenhead. 09 480 0066 The Junction Eatery Fully licensed cafe and bistro, sourcing the best local produce. 39 Birkenhead Avenue, Birkenhead. 09 480 8111 Moxie Restaurant A much loved restaurant serving modern cuisine and setting high standards at Birkenhead Point. 82 Hinemoa Street, Birkenhead Point. 09 419 9082 Mulan Malaysian Restaurant Authentic flavours of South East Asia with home-style Malaysian cuisine. 243 Hinemoa Street, Birkenhead. 09 480 2806 Primerose Thai Cuisine Traditional Thai dishes known for excellent aroma, flavour and taste. 6 Mokoia Road, Birkenhead. 09 418 0555 Tasty Tiny Thai Restaurant Unique Thai experience with authentic dishes bursting with flavour. 52d Mokoia Road, Birkenhead. 09 418 4999 China Hong Kong Cuisine Tasty Chinese and Asian food. 64 Mokoia Road, Birkenhead. 09 480 1168

EATING OUT ON THE SHORE Monthly Eating Out Guide

Channel Magazine is supporting our local bars and eateries with very good value advertising options in our monthly Eating Out on the Shore pages. Feature articles, adverts and listings. For more information contact the Channel Mag team… Liz Cannon, Phone 021-204-3395 or email: Kim McIntosh, Phone 021-419-468 or email: Next issue: March 2022, deadline February 15th.


Issue 127 - February 2022


Why local insurance brokers are the secret to better cover Small-to-medium businesses (SMBs) are the backbone of our local communities. Over the last year, they've been under threat and dealing with losses from Covid-19 Delta, cyber-security risks and the intensification of climate change. It's more important than ever to mitigate risks to help ensure business success. Working with a local broker at Rothbury Insurance Brokers is a good way to accomplish this and access the right insurance solutions. Rothbury is passionate about getting North Shore businesses the best possible protection. With a local team of 35 people located right here on the Shore, their insurance brokers are locals who understand the unique challenges your business is up against. They've got the expertise to tailor an insurance policy to meet your needs. From initial risk assessment and recommending your insurance options, to ongoing support, policy renewal, and claims management, a local broker at Rothbury will manage the entire process to save you time and help ensure the best outcome. Personal service and quality advice from locals. When businesses are already vulnerable, unexpected losses, financial headwinds and accidents can make it difficult to keep the doors open. That's why it's so important to insure your business to enhance its financial resilience. Before they meet any business, Rothbury brokers do their homework to make sure that the advice they give is as relevant as possible. It's all about identifying the risks and vulnerabilities that could cause difficulties – and covering yourself against them to ensure your business has the best chance to thrive. Using the very latest assessment tools, a Rothbury broker will weigh several factors, including risk, coverage, price and the policy options available (inclusions or exclusions, cover limits and excess levels).

The team at Rothbury Insurance Brokers North Shore - Christmas get together.

Getting your business back on its feet. The Vero Insurance Index shows that SMBs that make claims through a broker are more satisfied with the claims process than those who buy their insurance direct. In fact, 72 percent of broker clients who made a claim were satisfied versus only 37 percent of direct claimants. When you need to claim insurance, it's best to have an expert in your corner to advocate on your behalf with insurance companies. Rothbury has a dedicated local claims expert to manage your claim from beginning to end. Not only does this save you time but means you can focus on getting your business back on its feet. If you’ve been thinking about getting a second opinion on your business insurance, it’s time to call Rothbury Insurance Brokers.

Your business is unique, and so are your insurance needs FOR A SECOND OPINION, CALL ME TODAY Garry Stewart | Commercial Broker P: 021 388 857 E: Issue 127 - February 2022



the #supportlocal

Boutique stationer, home of a thoughtfully curated selection of fine stationery. Shop 2, 2 Queens Parade, Devonport

9R VID-1 ecover y CO

For our busine sses and our comm unity


These summer hues are sure to brighten up your wardrobe from Orientique. Birkenhead, 18 Mokoia Rd, 09 418 4011 Devonport, 79 Victoria Rd, 09 445 3479


Luscious blooms are what we are all about. Florienne, a treasure trove of flowers in the heart of Takapuna. 60A Hurstmere Road, Takapuna 09 486 6438


Make it an indigo summer in Bear Brothers lightweight cotton chambray Bluebell dress and denim bucket hat with lavender embroidery. Warm summer days never felt so good! Contemporary denim clothing for the way we live today. Available in store and online. 61 Victoria Rd, Devonport 022 541 3554


Issue 127 - February 2022


Do things differently and show your love this Valentine's Day with balloons. Pop in-store and let’s talk balloon bouquets! 9A Williamson Avenue, Belmont, 021 535 976


Love is in the air! Find all the new charms of Meadowlark Jewellery at Silvermoon Glenfield Mall. This addition to the collection focuses on the traditional heart shape, a symbol synonymous with love from as far back as the 15th century. Each piece is a sweet little 'I love you' for yourself or someone who should know it. Visit your local store today. Glenfield Mall Level 3 09 218 9609


New boutique dog store 219 Hinemoa Street Birkenhead - from harnesses to treats we stock a fun range of products for your dog. 219 Hinemoa Street, Birkenhead


New season has arrived! 164 Kitchener Rd, Milford 09 488 0495 facebook instagram


The first drop from The Magnolia Pearl latest collection “Season of Cosmic Art”, is now in store and online. Exquisitely artful and extremely limited. 73 Victoria Road, Devonport 021 247 2469 Issue 127 - February 2022


the #supportlocal CRAVEHOME

New Ex Oh studs from our faves at Sophie. Beautiful new jewellery in-store and online now – perfect for little trinkets and for saying I Love You. 30 Mokoia Road, Birkenhead 09 419 9535,


10% off on all Sheepskin Footwear USE CODE: SUMMER10 *available online & in-store 5pm Mon - Sat and 10-5pm Sunday 34 Barrys Point Road, Takapuna Ph 09 486 2679


Modern Romance - the new range from Wilson Trollope arriving in store mid February. 13a Mokoia Rd, Birkenhead 09 4199781


Pick beautiful blooms for a bedtime wardrobe refresh in a most loved design with Mirabella sleepwear. Crafted from soft, breathable organic cotton, our Mirabella collection includes versatile pieces to mix and match for sleeping in comfort all summer long. 34 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna, 09 551 7767


Issue 127 - February 2022

9R VID-1 ecover y CO

For our busin and our commesses unity


Designer lifestyle in the heart of Takapuna On the market for the first time since new, this immaculate 260m2 residence showcases style, space and spectacular lake views. Architecturally-designed by Leuschke Group, it’s part of the exclusive 258 Hurstmere complex – a tightly-held enclave of elegant villas embracing Lake Pupuke. It presents a dream lifestyle for those who seek lock-up-and-leave, luxury living at the heart of Takapuna. The location is undeniably sensational. Takapuna beach is an easy stroll from home and the vibrant township just five minutes walk. As the North Shore’s most sought-after suburb, it’s filled with cafés, bars and restaurants, as well as boutique, mall and supermarket shopping, public transport and entertainment. Number 8 is tucked up the back and away from the road, enjoying an enviable sense of privacy. What sets it apart from the others in the complex is that it is a standalone residence and enjoys an expansive private garden and alfresco entertaining area. The impressive entry foyer and high ceilings set the scene for the grand proportions throughout and light is masterfully captured inside. Classic, timeless interior design enhances the living environment, while dazzling lake views take centre stage. The open-plan lounge, dining and new chef’s kitchen room flows out to the vast entertaining terraces, turfed lawn, structured landscaped gardens, vege patch and putting green outside. The property also has its own private gate into the heated saltwater pool and gym complex that’s shared by residents.

A second lounge, separate laundry and all three bedrooms are located upstairs. Two bedrooms are serviced by the main bathroom, while the master has a big walk-in wardrobe, ensuite and access to the wrap-around deck, which also captures magnificent lake vistas. The property has its own double internal garage, plus visitor parking right out front. A shared landscaped path accesses the lakefront. The current owners are moving on after 17 years and have lived here since new. They’ve impeccably renovated and maintained the property and cherished the space and incredible location. Method of Sale - Price by Negotiation Matt Rogers Sales & Marketing Consultant Cooper & Co Real Estate Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008 M 022 089 4266 P 09 941 4275 E Issue 127 - February 2022


! s u t i s i v Come


is Auckland’s ultimate summer destination TOP 10 THINGS TO DO



Takapuna Beach – walk the beach, go for a swim, try stand up paddle boarding or soak up the sunshine on this beautiful white sand beach while admiring the views across the Hauraki Gulf


Enjoy the tastes of Takapuna with over 150 places to eat or drink - from chic cafes to healthy eats to world flavours, tasty takeaways or stunning beachfront dining, Takapuna has a raft of tasty treats just for you.


Shop for something special. From fashion to jewellery to exquisite homewares and gifts, you will find just the right thing from the range of high street stores, designer boutiques and Shore City Shopping Centre.


Discover an ancient fossil forest on the ‘lava trail’ between Takapuna and Milford which forms part of the Te Araroa walkway. This is a stunning seaside walk along the coast.


Bring the family to one of Auckland’s best playgrounds – The allabilities Takapuna Beach Playground, then recharge with an icecream or something to eat


Get out on the water and try your hand at stand-up paddle boarding, wind surfing, sailing, kayaking, or even snorkelling!


Stroll through Takapuna’s famous Hurstmere Road, with its openair style shopping and alfresco dining.


Immerse your cultural self in live theatre, music, arts, culture and heritage at the Bruce Mason Centre, PumpHouse Theatre, Lake House Arts Centre or Berkley Cinemas.


Find inner peace with a restorative yoga, massage or reflexology session or pump up the pulse with an exercise class or Pilates session.


Pack a picnic and head to the beach reserve on Takapuna Beach or the shores of Lake Pupuke.

Issue 127 - February 2022


Talking Takapuna… perfect for summer We hope everyone had a wonderful New Year and is having a wonderful 2022 so far! Takapuna was – and continues to be – the ultimate destination for fun, sun and entertainment this summer. We started the year off with a free movie night at Takapuna Beach which was very well attended and a great start to 2022. While big events might not be back on the calendar for the foreseeable future, we feel so lucky to be in one of the best areas on the North Shore. Featuring beautiful sea breezes, newly updated pedestrian areas and footpaths – escape the house and come for a stroll through the North Shore’s very own outdoor and open-air mall! Hurstmere Road and surrounding streets offer some amazing boutique retail stores, with some of the best places to eat and drink dotted all the way through, providing the perfect opportunity for a breaks and refreshment. As most of us have settled back into our regular routines of work and every-day life by now – we know the struggle continues, as we glance longingly out our windows at the summer sun, wishing we were still on holiday … BUT, luckily Takapuna is the best place to be this summer, with plenty of ways to keep the holiday vibes going while there’s still great weather AND work in between. How does lunch by the sea sound? Regatta Bar and Eatery is the perfect location for a delicious bite to eat whilst relaxing and enjoying the sea views. While they’re renowned for their oysters and seafood, Regatta also has the perfect meal for any taste, from a braised short rib to a classic caesar salad. How does a spot of retail therapy sound? Hurstmere Rd is home to many unique and boutique shops with the perfect little treat –


from Augustine and RUBY, to Retrospace, and from Life For Men, to Fifth Avenue Jewellers, and don’t forget the wonderful air-conditioned Shore City Shopping Centre – there’s something for every shopper in Takapuna! How does an afternoon of beach activities sound? The opportunities are endless at Takapuna Beach – if you’re after more than a leisurely swim, why not bring your snorkel mask and flippers and inspect the reef down by the boat ramp. Or try your hand at some stand up paddle boarding with Girls Get Out There NZ. Takapuna Beach – voted one of Auckland’s favourite beaches – will always provide a great days’ entertainment. It’s the perfect place to enjoy a picnic lunch with friends and family, for a spot of outdoor yoga, leisurely afternoon swims, spots to sit and enjoy a delicious ice cream, dog-spotting and sand-castle building with the kids, and of course the incredible Takapuna Beach Playground If you want to escape the sun to a cooler temperature for a while, why not catch a movie at Monterey Cinemas, or head along to the Bruce Mason Centre or the Pumphouse for a dose of live-action entertainment! Pair that with some al-fresco dining and you’ll have a summer night out worthy of a couple Instagram posts. We love to see what you get up to in and around Takapuna, so if you’re posting on social media, don’t forget to tag us (@ilovetakapuna), or use the hashtag #ilovetakapuna.

GOLD SPONSORS: The Takapuna Beach Business Association appreciates the support of our Gold sponsors…

PLATINUM SPONSORS: The Takapuna Beach Business Association appreciates the support of our Platinum sponsors… Issue 127 - February 2022



Artists impression of Waiwharariki Anzac Square from Hurstmere Road.

Takapuna’s new Town Square under way Construction of Takapuna’s new town square, to be called Waiwharariki Anzac, began in January. On Thursday January 20th Eke Panuku Development Auckland invited mana whenua to lead a ceremony with partners to commence construction of the new town square. A karakia whakawātea (blessing ceremony) was attended by members involved with the project. The group gathered just before dawn, joining a procession around the site led by mana whenua, reciting a karakia (blessing) to cleanse the future of the Waiwharariki Anzac Square site. Kate Cumberpatch, priority location director at Eke Panuku, spoke to the significance of the event and thanked all involved: “It is hugely exciting to begin building on a vision that has seen so many years of planning and work with our partners. The project has been deeply shaped by mana whenua, placemaking and master planning, alongside considerable feedback from the community.” Waiwharariki Anzac Square will have an important role in Takapuna’s future. Its location – the site of 38 Hurstmere and part of 40 Anzac Street next to Potters Park and Lake Road – will strengthen connections within Takapuna and through to the beach. It will provide a welcoming space for the community to relax and spend time in, with space for a market and events. Chris Darby, North Shore Ward councillor and Planning Committee chair, said: “Waiwharariki offers a much-needed social, cultural and economic anchor for Takapuna. It is an important piece of the puzzle to prepare Takapuna for having more people visiting, living, and working in the town centre, linking Takapuna’s beach to Artists impression of Waiwharariki Anzac Square from Lake Road side.


Issue 127 - February 2022

A karakia (blessing) to cleanse the future of the Waiwharariki Anzac Square site.

destinations within the centre. “The town square chapter has been quite the journey. Thanks to the unrelenting leadership of many individuals, we’ve stuck at it and we’re on the cusp of delivering a wonderful, generous and engaging public space for locals and visitors alike,” he added. The design of the town square was undertaken by Isthmus Group in partnership with mana whenua artists Vern and Hokimai Rosieur. Its construction will be carried out by John Fillmore Contracting (JFC). “Our work in Takapuna is all about unleashing the centre’s huge potential and continuing to create a wonderful people-friendly place for the community to enjoy,” added Kate Cumberpatch. “I look forward to our continued work on development surrounding this public space that will allow for further shops, businesses and homes in Takapuna.” Channel Magazine publisher and Devonport-Takapuna Local Board member Aidan Bennett is a strong supporter of the rejuvenation of Takapuna and see’s the Waiwharariki Anzac Square and related developments as very important ingredients. “A key reason I decided to put my hat in the ring for the local board back in 2019 was to help to get these things over the line and happening,” says Aidan Bennett. “The improvements to Hurstmere

Local Councillors Chris Darby (left) and Richard Hills are great advocates for Takapuna's rejuvenation.

Artists impression of Waiwharariki Anzac Square from above.

Road that have just been completed, the new Toka Puia Carpark, the completion of this Waiwharariki Anzac Square, along with the related private developments on the site, and news of other exciting private investment in the area, means Takapuna is setting some great foundations for a bright future. “After so much talk, debate and resistance to change, it is very satisfying for me to walk down the ‘new’ Hurstmere Road daily and see this new town square now under way.” The Anzac Street car park will be partly closed during the

construction period. The Takapuna Sunday Market has been relocated to the Anzac Street end of the site in a temporary layout, and is expected to return as the government’s COVID-19 Protection Framework restrictions allow. The project will be constructed in three stages, with the first part of the square due to complete in December 2022. The overall project is expected to complete in mid-2023. For more information visit:

A new square to share

Share the TAKAPUNA

We’re building Waiwharariki Anzac Square where the Takapuna community can come together to meet, relax, play and celebrate. The Anzac Street car park has partly closed for the construction. Other parking options nearby include Toka Puia car park in Northcroft Street and Killarney Street car park. The Takapuna Sunday Market will be relocated to the Anzac Street end of the site in a temporary layout during construction. For more information, visit Issue 127 - February 2022




By Simon Watts, North Shore MP

By Jane and Jeremy Bain, franchisees at PACK & SEND Takapuna.

An incredible Sending something summer to kick-off a vitally important new year overseas? Simon Watts.

The weather has been spectacular and that’s just the tonic longsuffering Aucklanders have needed. Escaping the pandemic’s grip for a beach up north, a Hawke’s Bay vineyard or a South Island cycle trail has brought welcome variety to lifestyles that have been severely cramped. I hope that you all enjoyed the break and that you’ve saved a little of your holiday spend for the retailers back here who must have watched Aucklanders exodus with mixed feelings. They’ve had it tough and are looking forward to seeing some of the gains from loosened restrictions. The continuing summer weather is a perfect excuse to get behind our retailing and hospitality businesses at a time of year that’s always critical, and particularly so with Omicron knocking at our borders. Like most of you, I’m glad to see the back of 2021. It’s been tough, but it’s also shown how amazing the Shore is. The resilience, support for others and commitment to beating Covid you have all demonstrated makes me incredibly proud. Your energy and the values you adhere to will be with me as we ensure 2022 is the turning point we all believe it has to be. As a member of a superbly talented National Party team, I’ll be making sure that the issues important to people on the Shore are fully understood in Wellington. Clean beaches, solutions for traffic congestion, and liberating the full potential of our businesses, workers and children are of critical importance as we climb out from beneath the pandemic’s restrictions. Providing a strong local voice was an important reason for me entering politics, and reversing Labour’s 3-Waters asset grab will be a key focus for me. It’s not just that the sums don’t add up with this brazen assault on local authorities, it’s that the local knowledge to achieve successful change has been side-lined so remote bureaucrats can call the shots unhindered. One example of this is tackling pollution in our waterways, which then spills onto our beaches. I’ve hosted and attended many events here on the Shore where local expertise and insight into our polluted beaches has been shared. These are immensely knowledgeable people who should not be ignored. The natural world and our interaction with it require genuinely informed decision making. Through 2022, I’ll be touring many of the affected local communities throughout New Zealand, finding out about the challenges they face and any solutions they have. This will be knowledge that I’ll be using in our own fight to clean up beaches on the Shore. Another responsibility I’ve been given under Christopher Luxon’s leadership concerns finance. I’m sure I’m not alone in recognising that inflation continues to push up the cost of living while wages stagnate. We are going backwards and our economy is failing to support the post-Covid resurgence we deserve and need. It’s time for fresh ideas and renewed energy in Wellington and 2022 is when we need to commit to delivering that change. Our communities and our businesses cannot wait any longer. Take care, Simon Watts. Email: Call my office on 09 486 0005, Facebook: @simonwattsmp Instagram: @simonwattsmp


Issue 127 - February 2022

Jane and Jeremy Bain.

Pack & Send Takapuna is your "one stop shop" for all your international packaging and freight needs. When you need to send overseas to any country you can rely on Pack & Send's experience to package it and get it delivered, safely. Jane and Jeremy Bain, the franchisees at Pack & Send Takapuna, have a "No Limits" approach when helping customers solve packaging and freight problems, from a sensitive document to difficult fragile and valuable items to send. "Many of the items we have dealt with are considered too difficult for general freight,." says Jeremy. Sending overseas is complex and Pack & Send makes it easy. “We prepare all the items for sending, make inventory lists and prepare customs documentation,” says Jane. Many of these items are valuable so Pack & Send customers can use their Freight Plus warranty to cover against loss or damage to secure that extra peace of mind – something not generally available when freighting goods of high value. For those really delicate items like fine antiques or ceramics, Pack & Send can use its state of the art "Foam in Place" packaging system, which forms a protective mould around the item, for safe transport. "We also produce custom-made boxes to any size or shape," adds Jeremy. "Because we treat each consignment as unique, designing packaging and the freight solutions to suit, we're finding that more and more people benefit from our services.” Not only does Pack & Send export items, they arrange for the importation of goods and sensitive documents too. They have outlets in Australia and UK that can even assist with packing. Pack & Send provides service, systems and packaging to make your freight experience as simple and smooth as possible. You don't need to open an account; they send anything, anywhere and take care of the hassles. PACK & SEND Takapuna open Mon – Sat, located at 77 Barrys Point Rd, Takapuna with exclusive and convenient parking outside. Ph 486-3355 or email and let them make sending easy.

Pack & Send Takapuna 77 Barry’s Point Rd, Takapuna Phone: 09 486 3355 Email:

(09) 486 3355

It’s more than electric. The EQC 400 4MATIC Sport. Providing an impressive range, fast charging* and the thrilling feeling that only driving an electric Mercedes-Benz brings. Complimentary wall box unit and installation with all new models sold in January and February at Mercedes-Benz North Shore.



* +ORC

• 8 Year Battery Warranty • 430 Kilometre Range • 40 Minute Charge at rapid charge stations • Driving Assistance package • Widescreen cockpit • 21” AMG Multi-spoke alloy wheels • Advanced sound system 225W with 9 speakers

Complimentary wall box unit and installation.*

Learn more at

*Charging times can vary depending on many factors including but not limited to ambient conditions, auxiliary consumables (e.g. seat heating and airconditioning) and capabilities of charging infrastructure capacity and/or supply. Offer valid for new Mercedes-Benz EQC 400 4MATIC Sport ordered and delivered between 01/01/2022 - 28/02/2022. Subject to availability. Wall box installation up to the value of $1,500.

Mercedes-Benz North Shore 445 Lake Road, Takapuna, Auckland 09 443 3808 New Zealand Retailer of the Year 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020 Issue 127 - February 2022




By Sarah Thorne, Takapuna North Trust Manager

By Claire Bellingham, Personal Trainer and Nutritionist

Take a stand against sitting

Claire Bellingham

Humans are built to be upright for most of the day, but the Covid climate has caused many people to limit their movement and be seated for longer periods than ever before. In the past we used to stand up for most things, whether it was for work, going to the shops, the bank or connecting with friends. Today most things can be done from a seated position, it’s considered a technological advancement and it’s very advantageous in a pandemic. However, prolonged sitting is not advantageous for your health. It can cause challenges in five areas. The first is that it compromises your structural stability. Sitting can weaken your glutes and cause your hip flexors to shorten. This can contribute to back pain, particularly if your sitting position isn’t optimal. Sitting puts stress on all your postural muscles. If you don’t have adequate muscle tone to support you then your body can adapt to slumped stance as it’s new normal. This can create neck tension and contribute to headaches. The second peril created by prolonged sitting is the risk of chronic health conditions. Sitting down compresses your organs and slows circulation. It’s associated with a greater incidence of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Standing up even briefly gets your circulation going and takes the pressure off your organs, muscles and joints. As your body decompresses the circulation can return and vital functions can resume. Prolonged sitting can also cause blood pooling in your legs. This can lead to spider veins or more serious varicose veins. In rare cases, problems with veins can develop into blood clots or deep vein thrombosis. This risk is greater when on a plane due to the more cramped conditions and dryer cabin air. Most vein issues have a hereditary component so if a family member has had an issue then it’s particularly important to be vigilant about regular movement. The forth health consequence of prolonged sitting is weight gain. It’s obvious that if you’re at your desk you aren’t burning calories (you’re probably consuming them). But sitting is also slowing your metabolic rate and reducing the efficiency of your digestion. The best case scenario is that you’ll metabolize fat less efficiently. The worst case scenario is the risk of metabolic syndrome. This is a cluster of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes, promoting weight gain around your middle. In addition to your physical health, prolonged sitting can affect your brain. Robust mental health is largely dependent on the appropriate release of happy hormones. Good circulation is required for these systems to operate effectively. When your brain isn’t receiving oxygen your cognitive capacity decreases. When you don’t have time to stand up for a few minutes that’s the exact time you need to stand up for a few minutes. Regular exercise has an important role to play in mitigating some of the risks associated with prolonged sitting. But driving to the gym a couple of times a week doesn’t entirely solve the problem. Inappropriate exercise can overload a structurally unstable body, making you vulnerable to injury and illness. You can still have a strong, healthy body if you have a sedentary job. But it requires movement a little and often, plus a targeted exercise regime that stretches areas of tightness and strengthens areas of weakness. The human body is an amazing machine capable of extraordinary resilience. It operates best when it’s not subjected to hours of sedentary screen-time. Investing time in movement can help protect your functionality, vitality and long-term health. Les Mills Takapuna, Rooftop Level, Shore City, Takapuna 0800 LES MILLS


Issue 127 - February 2022

Community Network Meeting

Sarah Thorne

Please join us at the next collaborative Community Network meeting with ANCAD which will take place on Thursday 17th February, 12-2pm at the Channel View Lounge, Mary Thomas Centre, Takapuna. Please RSVP to Simon on At this meeting, you are welcome to introduce yourselves and share what is going on in your neck of the woods. We shall also be hearing from speaker Taylor Lake who is the North Shore coordinator for Neighbour's Day Aotearoa (18th - 27th March 2022) where the theme is Kai Connections and is all about Engaging Communities. Events and Summer Fun Preschool Play: We have loved being back at our amazing parks and reserves and seeing all the kids smiling faces again during January. We have procedures in place to protect you and our staff and will only continue to operate sessions whilst the risk is low. Please keep an eye on our Facebook page and website calendar for updates. Summer Fun Preschool Play is outdoors at our local parks and reserves on the Northshore and its free! It’s a fantastic way to meet others and for the little ones to explore and be active. Follow our Facebook page or visit our website to find out about some great ideas for physically distanced entertainment and great parks and walks in our area. Facebook/summerfunplay/ Facebook/takapunanorthvillage Pupuke Birdsong Project: Welcome to Sze-Wing Yiu our new Pest Free Advisor. Sze-Wing is working with us to increase the number of people actively trapping or baiting predators. She comes to us with experience from Pest Free Kaipatiki and is keen to meet you all. "Kia ora! I am Sze-Wing Yiu, an ecologist originally from Hong Kong. Growing up in a busy city, I was always fascinated by the natural wonders shown on documentaries, which had inspired me to travel and learn about the conservation issues in different geographic areas. I had completed my PhD and two years of postdoctoral research in South Africa, where I studied the reintroduction ecology of large predators and their interactions with prey, prior to relocation to Aotearoa in the beginning of 2020. Living in Aotearoa has always been a dream for me because of the uniqueness and endemism of the species and ecosystems. I am currently undertaking an MSc (biosecurity and conservation) research at the University of Auckland, studying the detectability of kiore on D’Urville Island, their preferences for lures on Slipper Island, and the possibility of distinguishing their footprints from Norway rat and ship rat on tracking tunnel cards. Apart from doing research, I am also a keen wildlife photographer. I look forward to contributing my skills and experiences to assist Pupuke in establishing halos and restoring birdsong. See you soon! :-)" If you are keen to find out more about how you can get involved in restoration and pest eradication projects in our local area, head to or join our Facebook page: Facebook/ pupukebirdsongproject Where can you find out more about what’s happening? Visit Facebook/Instagram @takapunanorthtrust Phone Sarah Thorne (Takapuna North Community Trust Manager) on 486 2098 or email:

Supported by:


Top tips from Amanda Graham, Newhaven Gardens. North Shore Hedge Trimming, Garden Tidy Ups, Planting, Pruning and Garden Maintenance.

Keeping your plants strees-free during February

By Kevin O’Leary, General Manager, Business North Harbour

Amanda Graham.

February is usually our hottest and driest month, and is often your garden's most productive time. Combined, these factors put plants under much more stress than other times of the year. Stressed plants attract pests, and are more susceptible to disease. Watering well is a top priority to keep your plants healthy and strong and less susceptible to pests and diseases. When it comes to watering in these hot months, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning or at the end of the day. Watering in the middle of the day can lead to leaf burn and much of the water will be lost to evaporation. However, be aware that watering in the evening does make your plants more susceptible to disease and fungal problems, so if possible water your plants early in the morning so they are ready to face the hot summer’s day ahead. Watering deeply and less often is generally best, to moisten the whole root zone. This promotes healthy root growth as the plants search deeper for pockets of moisture between waterings. This way, not only do your plants become stronger and more resilient; if a watering is missed, you have nice strong plants which can cope with a little stress. Distribute your watering, as continually watering at only one root point leads to one-sided root growth and weaker plants due to poorer nutrient absorption. Instead, always water around the plant evenly. If the soil is particularly dry and ‘crusty’ it’s good to let the first watering soak in before doing a second watering once the soil has softened and is better at absorbing the water. Seaweed tonic is a great addition to your watering. Just add it to your watering once every week or two. Seaweed tonic contains a large amount of trace minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and iodine, and abundant vitamins in a form which is easily absorbed. This is a wonderful organic way to increase flower, fruit and vegetable yields; and improve plant health and resilience to drought, pests and diseases. Amanda Graham Newhaven Gardens Ltd Ph: 021 378969


Ongoing challenges and uncertainty are our new normal

Kevin O’Leary.

Following what has generally been a classic kiwi summer, most people have seen a positive start to the new year, with the relative freedoms of the Orange setting in Auckland under the COVID-19 Protection Framework, being a much needed and welcome relief. Additionally, the attainment of 90% + of eligible Aucklanders being double jabbed with many already receiving their booster and the continuing reduction in community cases of the virus as I write this article, have also added to the air of positivity that appears to be around at the moment. Businesses have adapted their operating models to include all the necessary systems and processes required to keep their staff and customers as safe as possible, either voluntarily or as part of a Government mandate. This means that many businesses are as fully operational as they can be under the guidelines, hoping to make hay while the sun shines, as we now live in uncertain times when a change in circumstances can adversely affect our lifestyles with little or no notice. There are still a number of significant challenges which businesses and indeed many households are facing. The cost of raw materials continues to increase across many business sectors, costs which are ultimately passed on to customers. Increasing fuel and food prices along with rising mortgage rates continue to put a strain on many household budgets and a downturn is not expected anytime soon. Many businesses continue to experience major problems with staff shortages and the supply chain. Some are unable to obtain goods required for the manufacture of their products to satisfy new or outstanding orders, whilst others are unable to fill the spaces on an increasing number of empty shelves in retail outlets. There again appears to be no end in sight to these issues, only continued frustration for businesses and their customers. As the threat of the Omicron variant gathers pace, it fosters uncertainty regarding the challenges that lie ahead for business and residents, associated with its arrival in our communities. This uncertainty unfortunately casts a shadow over the positive start to 2022, a positivity which I sincerely hope remains unaffected for as long as possible. Finally, I would like to encourage you all to continue to buy locally whenever you can whatever traffic light colour setting we may find ourselves in, as more businesses are becoming increasingly reliant upon your vital local support in these uncertain times. Phone: 09 968 2222, Mobile: 027 479 9563, Email: Issue 127 - February 2022



Your monthly update from Murray Hill, Manager of the Milford Business Association.

Murray Hill

Welcome to 2022 in Milford We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year, free of most of the Covid restrictions of the past year. It’s been great to see Kiwis getting away to holiday destinations and enjoying themselves, especially after the long lockdown we experienced in 2021. Hopefully, the family of five million have done enough to prevent any more long-term lockdowns this year.


At Mischief we believe our sole purpose is to make you happy. Happy because you love your new shoes. Milford Centre.

No 1 in sales yet again! Sales data is out for November 2021 and yet again, Milford was the Top Sales Town Centre on the Shore. Thanks to all our great customers whose loyalty has given us the opportunity to keep repeating these outstanding sales results. Events this year in Milford As I write, we are still not clear exactly what events we will run this year. As a minimum, we will be hoping to have Food Truck Thursdays and Al Fresco Friday night events, for those of you who love dining out in a relaxed, vibrant style. As for bigger events, we are watching the traffic light system to see what we can do.


Download it on your phone today! ‘milfordinformationsite’ from your App provider.

Website We have more changes to the look and feel of our website coming soon. These should make the website more user-friendly and be easier to navigate. We are still working through updates on all the business listings, so that they reflect what the individual businesses are doing, changes they are making and promotions being run. As always, the quickest way to access the Milfordshops website is via our app on your mobile phone – enter ‘milfordinformationsite’ on your app provider and download it for easy access to what’s going on in Milford. We are showcasing just a few of the wide variety of businesses in Milford – more details of which can be found on our revamped website:


Murray Hill, Manager

Milford Business Association,, 021 950 463, facebook milfordshops Instagram milfordnz youtube MilfordshopsTV



SILVER Cooper & Co Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA 2008


Issue 127 - February 2022

Yashar and his team have been serving Turkish & Greek meals, kebabs & grill In MILFORD for over 12 years. Come & see them for yourself! 168 Kitchener Road.


At L'OCCITANE, we show off the very best Provence has to offer, for a glowing beauty that's unique. Milford Centre.


Est 1990 A high fashion retail store stocking an exclusive range of leading New Zealand, Australian, American and European designers. 6-8 Milford Road.


For all your stationery and postal needs see Praveen & his family – serving Milford since 1991. 115 Kitchener Road, Milford.


C’est the best for French cuisine on the Shore – coffee, pastries, lunch or gateaux. Come here first! 160 Kitchener Road.


Financial advice designed for life! Whatever financial security means to you, we offer quality financial advice that can play a pivotal role in helping you to achieve it! 120 Kitchener Road.


Industry leaders, offering the best of kitchen design, processing, manufacturing and installation. 1 Shakespeare Road. Issue 127 - February 2022



Just Fowln’ Around on two wheels North Shore resident Damian Woolfall has been described as a “business Swiss Army knife”. With a PhD and an MBA, he’s had a varied career in companies around the world and in the armed forces, in roles ranging from academic to customer service, marketing to operations. He has now found a way to combine his lifelong love affair with motorcycling with business, and is sponsoring one of the sculptures in the WWF New Zealand Whale Tales exhibition currently running throughout Auckland. “It’s a new chapter in my life,” Damian says. “Growing up in Liverpool, I became obsessed with motorcycles from about age six after watching Kiwi speedway icon Ivan Mauger. Three and a half years ago I decided to mix this passion with work, and joined New Zealand’s largest motorcycle riding school.” Prior to this, in his mid-40s, his wife gave him a Honda cbr250r single cylinder thumper – perfect for beginning his now-regular rides (in excess of 15,000kms in all weathers) around some of New Zealand’s most scenic routes. He is also involved in several motorcycle clubs, is a regular track day goer and a weekend tourer to regions as East Cape, the central plateau and Taranaki. In late 2018, Damian saw an opportunity to bring the joy of motorcycling to the masses, exploring Auckland’s lesser-known beauty spots via motorcycle and sidecar tours on an old-style Royal Enfield and two-seater sidecar. Over the next several months he mapped tour sites, built a website, did several pilot tours with whanau and welcomed his first fare-paying passengers. A few months later, Covid-19 hit and the health and safety risks made the business untenable.

Just Fowln Around, Whale Tail sculpture outside Takapuna Beach Cafe.


Issue 127 - February 2022

Damian Woolfall, wife Rebecca Waddell (plus passenger) ready for all weathers on the Distinguished Gentleman's ride fundraiser 2019 for mental health and prostate cancer.

Undeterred, he’s now embarked on a new venture, which he’s called Ride Cloud 9, offering motorcycle training courses on the North Shore and Hibiscus Coast. “I now help people to ‘RideSafe on two wheels’,” he says. The decision to launch Ride Cloud 9 through sponsoring a sculpture in WWF New Zealand's Whale Tales 2022 exhibition was an easy one, he says. “We feel as a business it’s super important to do good. Given my business partner and wife Rebecca Waddell spent a good chunk of her childhood in the Coromandel, we felt it was vital to support WWF-New Zealand on their mission to help restore the Hauraki Gulf and save the threatened Bryde’s whale.” The Ride Cloud 9 sculpture, one of 10 large and 15 “pepe” tails on the Shore and Hibiscus Coast, is hard to miss in Takapuna. The “Just Fowln around” tail, by North Shore artist AJ David, is a confection of bright yellow ducks situated outside Takapuna Beach Café, overlooking Takapuna beach. “We believe this tail, and all the tales, will bring much-needed joy to Tāmaki Makaurau and vital foot traffic to the region,” Damian says. Damian launches Ride Cloud 9 this year with courses run out of Orewa College, to be followed by Long Bay College. While the starting point is offering motorcycle training, the plan is to widen this to riding on electric mopeds, targeting year 12 and 13 students. “We plan to work with local North Shore schools to teach teenagers to ride safely on two wheels, before they jump into cars. We believe that by teaching them to ride safely on two wheels [using Zoopa e-mopeds] from around age 14, it will help reduce car accidents the 16-19 group have. Research shows this group has less awareness of risks so are susceptible to car accidents. They are the most vulnerable and pose the greatest risk of harm on roads,” he notes. “By gaining riding skills on e-mopeds they are much better equipped to understand how to interact with other road users and make better decisions to make them safe. “ But for this month, Damian’s reinforcing his connection with the WWF exhibition with offers on his website for North Shore residents to enjoy short sidecar rides around some of the North Shore sculptures. Not quite full circle to his 2018 business venture – but getting close.


Sail away with Princess Cruise For those of you who have missed cruising over the past two years, this impressive world cruise is an opportunity to make up for lost time. We are holding the last few cabins on Princess Cruise's longest-ever cruise set to depart Auckland in 2024. This magnificent cruise departs 26th April 2024 from Auckland roundtrip. Set sail across the globe on a truly epic voyage spanning 110 nights and six continents on Coral Princess visiting 47 destinations in 32 countries. This exciting 2024 itinerary will travel 34,000 nautical miles and features access to 27 UNESCO World Heritage sites. Visit popular destinations and hidden gems across the world from Asia to South America. For the first time on a Princess World Cruise from New Zealand, you will have the opportunity to visit these spectacular cities: Crete (Heraklion) Greece; Corsica (Ajaccio) the fourth-largest island in the Mediterranean; Stockholm (Nynäshamn) the capital of Sweden; Århus, Denmark; Kristiansand, Norway; Edinburgh (South Queensferry), Scotland; and Bar Harbour for Arcadia National Park in the USA. Shore excursions to UNESCO World Heritage Sites to discover the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh, The Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca, and Pampas de Jumana from the Chilean city of Pisco. Stand in awe as you witness the Colonies of Benevolence in Amsterdam, and discover the Rapa Nui National Park on Easter Island.

Deal Includes • 110 night around the world cruise from Auckland aboard Coral Princess® • Accommodation • All main meals • World class entertainment • All port taxes • Princess MedallionClass™ Experience: Available on Coral Princess, enjoy expedited boarding, drinks, snacks and more delivered on demand, keyless stateroom entry, turn-by-turn way-finding, stream your favorite shows, and post photos and video chat with MedallionNet,™ the best wi-fi at sea. We are holding allocations on this SOLD OUT 110 night World cruise. Contact us today to hold your cabin on this fabulous bucket list experience. Price starts from: $38,675 per person in an Oceanview cabin (OE), $38,885 per person in an Oceanview cabin (OC), $58,866 per person in a Mini Suite (MD). Receive bonus Launch Offers: Receive AU$2085 per cabin onboard spending money. Plus Captain's Circle members receive an additional NZ$1,050. For Kiwis not ready to commit to the marathon Round the World sailing, we are also holding cabin allotments on two fabulous Coral Princess Australia Cruises: Round Australia 28 nights departing 25 October 2023 and Coral Coast 10 nights departing 5 September 2023. Many more options available in the 2023/24 Princess Cruise release. Enquire with our Travel & Cruise Planners: Phone (09) 489 2597 or email: Corner Kitchener and Milford Roads, Milford

Coral Princess 2024 World Cruise Departs 26 April 2024 Epic 110 nights, six continents Visit 47 destinations in 32 countries Travel 34,000 nautical miles Features 27 UNESCO sites Price from $38,675pp, twin share in Oceanview Cabin Hurry we holding last few cabins!

Shore Travel Cnr Kitchener & Milford Roads, Milford (09) 489 2597 Issue 127 - February 2022


What’s Trending? Looking to treat someone special this Valentine’s Day? Whether it’s for a partner, friend or yourself, you’ll find lovely gift ideas at Glenfield Mall.

Express your love with a bouquet of fresh long-stem red roses along with a delicious selection of handmade chocolates to share with a loved one. Different sized gift sets are available, starting at $115.

The perfect gift everytime. With great shopping hours, 25 eateries and cafes as well as over 100 different retail stores, they will be spoilt for choice! No expiry date.

There is something for every love at The Warehouse Glenfield. Chocolates and gifts from $5 as well as a multi-buy special on fragrance. Buy one and get 50% off the second one. Sales starting Wednesday 4th Monday 14th February 2022.

Find an array of gift ideas at Elements Glenfield. Candles, love signs, games for couples, lightbox, quirky pillows and more! Plus these cute as a button plush toys! Price ranges from $19.99.


Issue 127 - February 2022

We’ve got the perfect pair for your skin, a 10-Step high Performance Microdermabrasion with a Balense UV Defiance SPF Sunscreen. This time of year can be harsh on the skin and your skin is probably crying out for a bit of TLC. This will give you just that. Save $49 in February with a FREE Balense UV Defiance SPF Sunscreen with a 10-Step High Performance Microdermabrasion.

For the moment that stands out among all others, discover the perfect ring to symbolise your love. This beautiful 0.50 carat diamond ring in 14kt gold is available at Michael Hill for $1,999.

This Idole Le Parfum by Lancome is the perfect gift for women powerful yet still delicately feminine. Lancôme’s new Idôle Eau de Parfum balances a collection of scents that radiate around one another as you wear it. With top notes focused on gentle and sweet rose, the fragrance unfolds into oriental jasmine and a sophisticated yet breezy base. Ranges from $96.

A heartfelt, deep, funny and wise tribute to the greatest thing we will never understand and the only thing we will ever really need - love. This great read is available at Paperplus for $35.00

15 x 17 cm Handmade ceramic embossed heart. These hearts come in different colors and have a natural colored rope. Handmade in New Zealand. Available from Gecko in the Village $49.90.

Come in and treat yourself or a loved one to a complimentary, luxurious treatment, with your Shampoo, Shape and Finish service this Valentines. Valued at $50, this instant treatment is formulated to suit your needs, leaving your hair feeling beautiful and healthy. Issue 127 - February 2022


Celebrate your love! WIN our Valentine’s Day prize pack valued over $1,000*! Includes a 9ct White Gold Diamond Heart Pendant valued at $690 from Silvermoon. Plus fragrance gift sets from Chemist Warehouse, wash, shape & finish from Rodney Wayne, a meal voucher from Shingle Inn & a bouquet from Flowerist.

Spend $30 to go into the draw. Competition runs Monday 24th January – Sunday 13th February 2021

A massive thanks to

*Terms & conditions apply, see our website for full details.


Issue 127 - February 2022

Authentic Asian flavours

The freshest smoothies, juices, salads and wraps.

Delicious kebabs, pizzas and more.

Eat fresh moments.

Large range of sushi rolls, nigiri, sashimi and more.

Serious about seafood.

FUN February Activities! EXCITEMENT for the kids!

VR Simulator

Thurs 3rd - Mon 7th All Day Centrecourt

Elmo & Cookie Monster

Fri 4th - Mon 7th Roaming 11am - 3pm

Arm Painting

Sat 12th - Sun 13th 10am - 3pm Centrecourt

Paw Patrol

Sat 19th - Sun 20th 11am - 3pm Roaming

Centrecourt Circuit Sat 26th - Sun 27th 10am - 4pm Centrecourt Issue 127 - February 2022



Patrick Flynn… A Strong But Gentle Man The Benefitz and Channel Magazine team were saddened to hear of the passing after a long illness of local identity Patrick Flynn on January 2nd. This tribute (abridged) by Rodney Walshe was delivered at his funeral held in January. I am honoured to have been invited to share some of my memories of Patrick Flynn, the modest, unassuming Irishman, with a great sense of humour, who I am privileged to have had as a friend. My clearest memory of Patrick goes back to 1976, the year I was appointed the first Honorary Consul of Ireland in Auckland. It was at one of my early functions that I was introduced to Hilary and Patrick , who left Ireland a couple of years previously. Honest to goodness, genuine people, proud to be Irish and happy to have chosen to live in New Zealand. As I think back, it was the beginning of an era much suited to Patrick and his musical talents. Irish music and dance. Irish Parades and social events. Rose of Tralee. It was ideal for Patrick. He could sing, play a musical instrument, play golf, speak some Gaelic, had a great sense of humour, was a good family man and was gently gregarious.

He could sing, play a musical instrument, play golf, speak some Gaelic, had a great sense of humour, was a good family man and was gently gregarious. Patrick, along with some of our friends, formed a committee and so the Lansdowne Club was born with Patrick an early President. The creation of the Guinness Appreciation Society, (GAS) piggybacked on Guinness being brewed in New Zealand for the first time. Patrick’s presence was welcomed on the committee. It was from GAS that the suggestion grew of having an Irish Golf Tournament. The Irish community was given an opportunity to have a dedicated Irish programme on Auckland’s Access Community Radio. Helped by Patrick, we had no problem finding Irish individuals willing to become Presenters. The late Liam Cogan, Oliver Lee, and of course Patrick himself, became the driving force. From memory, Patrick was the only Presenter from beginning to end, 22 years behind the microphone of “Images of Ireland”. Patrick with his singing voice and guitar, joined with other musicians, not just Irish, and travelled the pubs of Auckland, playing in traditional music sessions at the Claddagh, the Thirsty Dog, Kitty O’Briens, among others. Patrick became a much in demand singing musician. Patrick was a Founding Father of The St Patrick’s Day Charity Golf Classic which held its first competition on Friday 17th March 1989, at the North Shore Golf Club. I was there!! This was the first of an extraordinarily successful annual competition, selling out every year. Patrick attended every single contest over the first 33 years, making a last cameo appearance on Friday 23rd April 2021. Patrick, for this event, became the mental and physical connection with Ireland. The Irish Tri-colour always flew over the club house entrance on the day. The golf tournament still runs today, along similar lines, although without Patrick. His significant contribution has been fully recognised by the other Trustees, and the strong connection with Ireland and the Irish traditions has been maintained. Future prizegiving dinners will continue to close with our best rendition of ‘Danny Boy’ in honour of Patrick.


Issue 127 - February 2022

Patrick Flynn.

Over the 33 years, in excess of $400,000 has been raised to fund grants to deserving individuals. In 2003 Patrick introduced the Fianna Scholarship to fund year 12 students, selected by their schools on the basis of potential leadership from families who would not otherwise be able to afford to send them to Outward Bound. Patrick’s perspective always was “we’re about giving hand-ups, not hand-outs” Patrick knew his Irish writers, and James Joyce was no exception. On nearly every Bloomsday, 16th June, Patrick volunteered to organise a dinner, during which attendees read and listened to extracts from Ulysses. The most popular unread book in Irish history. Patrick had marked and printed on individual slips of paper, extracts from the book for the diners in turn to read aloud. Finally we come to a part of Patrick’s life which I didn’t mention earlier, so I could end with a surprise. Patrick – The Saint. The vision is etched on my brain for ever! The annual St Patrick’s Festival parade along Queen Street, standing waving from high on the final float… the man himself… Patrick in the role of St Patrick. Garbed in flowing robes, which he advised me were borrowed from the Auckland Bishop… which I’m not sure was true and best left unquestioned. What a perfect way to end New Zealand’s largest annual St Patrick’s Festival Parade … and what a wonderful memory to retain of Patrick himself. Rodney Walshe ONZM, was the Honorary Irish Consulate for New Zealand 1976- 2015.

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Mrs. Brynyce Owen Issue 127 - February 2022

*T&C's apply 49


Tammy McLeod (BA LLB) is the managing director at Davenports Law and a trust and asset structuring specialist. Tammy leads the Davenports Trust Team and enjoys providing clients with advice and assistance on a broad range of issues involving the structuring and establishment of asset plans, interpretation of trust deeds, the management and administration of trust funds and trust disputes. An important part of Tammy’s practice is reviewing existing asset holding structures to ensure they achieve the needs and requirements they were established to meet. She is also experienced in Property (Relationships) Act issues and advises clients on both contracting out agreements and separation.

Asset structuring with a move to retirement living Bill and Jane were in their early 70s. They had been living in their house in Takapuna for 35 years and that is where they had brought up their children. They had run a very successful business which they sold ten years ago. Initially they had the sale proceeds in term deposits but because of the low interest rates those moneys were now invested in managed funds. Bill and Jane’s house had increased hugely in value since the time they bought it in the late 1980s. It still bewildered them to think that the house was worth so much more than the business had been when they sold it. They had worked so hard in the business and yet with the family home all they had to do was to continue to own it. The house and the managed funds were both in a trust which had been established when they had their business. Bill and Jane were the beneficiaries of the trust together with their three daughters and their children. The trustees were Bill and Jane and their accountant. Bill and Jane had decided that they might move into a retirement village. The house in Takapuna had been getting too much for them. The grounds were extensive (they were one of the few sites which had not been sub divided) and the stairs were starting to get a bit much for Bill who had had a knee replacement. They had friends who were in a retirement village on the shore. They loved it and raved about the lifestyle they now had. Bill and Jane discussed this with their daughters, spent many weekends looking at the different villages and finally settled on one. Bill and Jane were told that they needed to get legal advice on the occupation right agreement. They went to see their lawyer, who they had needed to visit infrequently since the sale of the business. She said that they should take the opportunity to review their wills and their trust documents at the same time. However, she said that trusts had become quite a specialty area and she thought it would be a good idea to get some expert advice. She referred them to a lawyer who specialised in trusts. When they went to see the lawyer, she explained that trust law had changed quite a lot since they set their trust up in the mid 1990s. Back in the 1990s, trusts would often have extensive beneficiary lists. This would often include spouses and de facto partners. When the lawyer looked at Bill and Jane’s trust deed, she saw that not only were their children's and grandchildren’s partners and spouses potential beneficiaries, but also any carers for those people. This would include the nanny of their eldest daughter’s children. The lawyer said this


Issue 127 - February 2022

Tammy McLeod.

wasn’t necessarily a common inclusion, but she had certainly seen this before. Clearly this is not what Bill and Jane had intended when they set the trust up. Bill and Jane were particularly concerned as their youngest daughter was going through a messy divorce and it was a worry to them that her ex-husband was a beneficiary of the trust. Unfortunately, the lawyer said, that given the age of the trust, there was no power to remove beneficiaries. She said that sometimes in these cases the trust deeds could be varied to include a power to remove beneficiaries which could then be exercised. But again, in their case there was no power to vary the trust deed. The only options open to them were to resettle the trust which meant setting up a new modern trust with a smaller class of beneficiaries and settling the assets onto that trust or winding the trust up and put everything back into their names. Bill was reluctant to wind up the trust given the effort and cost of setting the trust up and maintaining it over the years. However, the lawyer advised them that the right to occupy the villa in the retirement village wasn’t able to be owned by the trust in any event, and now that they didn’t have the business risk or any obvious family issues that would necessitate a trust, winding it up would be the sensible option. She said that the trust had done its job and they could still protect their daughter’s inheritance with well-crafted wills. So, Bill and Jane agreed to wind their trust up and put in place new, more extensive wills. They sold their Takapuna home, and purchased the occupation right to a villa in the retirement village. The balance of funds from their Takapuna home were added to their managed funds which were now just in their own personal names, which meant that their tax returns were more straightforward and there was no need to go to the extra cost of preparing a set of accounts for the trust annually. Bill and Jane were very happy with the outcome, still understanding that their trust had done a great job for them and given them peace of mind when they needed it. Tammy McLeod, Managing Director, Davenports Law

09 883 3282 D AVEN POR T SL AW.C O.N Z


Buying into a retirement village? What you need to know. Retirement villages can offer a great lifestyle and peace of mind, but the legalities of buying into a retirement village are vastly different to buying a residential property. There are many different things to consider beyond feeling comfortable and happy with the unit, including the type of ownership, resale process, ongoing fees, and the availability of other services and facilities such as a rest home. The Retirement Villages Act requires prospective residents to receive independent legal advice before entering into an agreement, so contact us today. 0 9 883 32 82 DAV EN P O RTS L AW.CO.N Z Issue 127 - February 2022



Live life surrounded by nature and moments from the beach. Find your perfect new home at Lady Allum.


East facing

Two bedrooms


Situated in one of the North Shore’s most desirable suburbs, Lady Allum could be just what you’re looking for. Spend your days exploring quiet leafy suburbs, great cafés, shopping, and stunning coastal walks, then head home to your cosy new apartment with beautiful views over manicured gardens.

One bathroom

One car park

With two bedrooms and an open plan layout, there is plenty of room to spread out - you could even host a sleepover for the grandkids. Located on the ground floor, this cosy apartment makes getting around a breeze. Plus, with its east-facing positioning, you’ll be enjoying your brekky and the paper bathed in morning sunshine. Fixed weekly fee - Guaranteed. For residents 70 years and above


Issue 127 - February 2022

Call Rachel today on 0800 333 688, and discover a place that does more than just tick the boxes. 20 Napoleon Avenue, Milford, Auckland


Knock-down and Re-Build A shortage of land in and around the North Shore has been a driving force behind the popularity of knockdown-rebuilds. This is especially true for those who have their heart set on building their dream home in their favourite location but don’t want to muck around renovating a home that doesn’t work on their site. Often renovating on a large scale can be costly and choosing to knock down and rebuild allows you to have the design you want and certainty around build budget. Renovating older homes can require you to have compromise that you have to live with like lower ceiling heights or poor layout due to the original construction. A new home allows you to appreciate that beautiful view, the great school zone or your proximity to family, whilst still offering the flexibility of a new house with modern construction standards, designed and specified exactly the way you want without any design comprises you may have otherwise had with an existing structure. It’s your chance to construct your home according to the needs and wants of your family from the ground up all with the help of our expert architects and interior designers.

Often after living on the site you will have a better idea of how the layout and light will work better and which specific areas you want to capitalise on for things like entertaining and views. If all of this sounds great, but a little overwhelming, rest assured this is one of our specialities. We offer obligation free meetings and site visits to talk you through your options and help you realise the potential of your site. And if you decide a knock-down rebuild is the right choice for you, we will guide you through the whole process including engaging award winning architects and interior designers, pricing with our in house quantity surveying team, Council consents and your own project manager for the build. “We work side by side with our clients when designing and building a new home to ensure budgets and timelines are met and a great end result is achieved” – Alex Coburn, Director. For more information about how we can help you to bring a project to life have a look at our website or give us a call today 0800 772 266 Issue 127 - February 2022



Mark and Kathryn are on Takapuna Beach daily.

Kathryn and Mark’s big move Kathryn and Mark Manihera made a big life-change a couple of years back, shifting from a large home on the Whangaparaoa Peninsula to a brand new apartment at the Alba Apartments in central Takapuna. Their move was quite a change but representative of a trend happening more and more. Lots of new apartment developments are happening on the Shore, especially around our town centres. The Maniheras' move was bigger than most, coming closer to the city, away from their home area of two decades and into a 100 square metre apartment. Aidan Bennett talked to them about that move and how they are finding apartment living during January. AIDAN BENNETT: What have you guys been up to AB: How did you set about finding your apartment? in all this good weather we have had over the K&M: Kathryn saw Alba advertised on a social media new year break? platform and after clicking through got thinking KATHRYN & MARK: We have spent the about the prospect of us living closer to the city festive period here at home spending while still being near the beach and it excited time with our family enjoying all that us enough to look into it further. Takapuna has to offer – beach days and long lunches with our adult children AB: And what made you choose Alba and year-old grandson. Now that we Apartments in central Takapuna? are more centrally located they love K&M: A boutique new build in a great coming to visit as with all four of them location. Being able to see Rangitoto and living in Auckland it’s so much closer to the water as well as the incredible view of come here than Whangaparaoa! We used the city is a bonus! to have to plan visits, and bribe them with roast dinners, ha ha, to be all together, but AB: What has been the biggest change that you Mark and Kathryn love the views now it happens frequently and they just pop in have had to adjust to with downsizing your digs? and sunny aspect of their whenever. K&M: Living with fewer things around us which has apartment. actually been a blessing. It’s a clutter-free style of living and AB: What made you start to think about apartment living you think twice about any item you bring into the home as it will take up on the Shore and closer to the city? valuable space. Everything we have around us now enhances our space. K&M: We were originally looking for an apartment in the city for our daughters to live in while they attended university. We had an about AB: If there is one aspect that you really love about living in the turn and realised this could be an enjoyable way of living, and to be middle of all the action in Takapuna what would that be? closer to work for Kathryn was going to save her a daily three hour K&M: Everything you need is on your doorstep and within walking commute to the city! distance and the vibrancy of Takapuna.


Issue 127 - February 2022

Mark and Kathryn at Zomer Cafe.

AB: What are the aspects that have been harder to adjust to? K&M: Moving away from lifelong friends but they do love coming to see us often for a little staycation! AB: Any advice for those looking to make a move to apartment ownership and living. K&M: Location is key and you need to be ruthless about downsizing and getting rid of things. We would also suggest buying apartment appropriate furniture as this can make all the difference to the feeling of space that you need to create when you downsize. It’s a lovely feeling not having to spend weekends doing home maintenance. We have a small garden on our balcony and many house plants so still surrounded in greenery!

Outside their new apartment on move-in day.

AB: What do you love about Takapuna? K&M: Well the list is long! It is like living on holiday permanently with a great vibe and nice people. It’s a beach location seven minutes from the CBD, half an hour from the airport. It has a beautiful beach, a lake with surrounding easy flat walks, great bars, cafés and restaurants (amazing variety of cuisine). We can eat out and enjoy high end cuisine and also fabulous cheap and cheerful options. Great shopping with Shore City mall as well as the specialty stores on Hurstmere (and surrounding streets) and the Sunday markets. AB: Complete the following… We are looking forward to 2022 because… K&M: We have our second grandchild arriving in April so that is very exciting. We have everything crossed for a Pacific Island holiday and a trip across the ditch to catch up with family in Australia.

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If living life to the fullest, with company when you feel like it, appeals to you call Scott or Dell today for more details.

Serviced apartments available now Priced from $470,000

WILLIAM SANDERS VILLAGE 7 Ngataringa Road, Devonport Call Scott on 0800 555 104 or Dell on 0800 555 106 3392

Community and friendship are some of the most valued aspects of village life. Our serviced apartment community within our village has been able to maintain great social connection by sharing meals and enjoying daily activities together, all within their own safe haven. Issue 127 - February 2022



DreamSpace Takapuna

Recreating the ultimate Kiwi quarter acre dream in the sky Being a resident of central Takapuna – and trying to keep an eye on what is going on as the area develops – I always take an interest when something new pops up. During November some online advertising captured my attention for a development called DreamSpace. The futuristic marketing definitely played a part in my interest. But this was a teaser, and to my frustration I couldn’t find out any more info. Eventually I found out that it was an exciting new apartment development for Takapuna, on Lake Road opposite Sanders Avenue. Fast forward to mid-January and I am part of a futuristic presentation for the purposes of this article. A presentation that blew me away! DreamSpace is indeed something special. A high-quality luxury apartment development right in the heart of Takapuna that is designed “to recreate the ultimate Kiwi quarter acre dream in the sky”. More on that soon. The method that prospective owners are being educated about DreamSpace with asBuilt Digital’s 360 Immersion Lab experience got me excited. This is like going to the movies with a 360-degree screen that makes you feel like you are enjoying your new

Channel Mag’s Aidan Bennett taking in the ‘360 Immersion Lab Viewing’ experience.


Aidan Bennett, DreamSpace CEO and coFounder Annelies Powell and Su Mobley of Sotheby’s.

Issue 127 - February 2022

By Aidan Bennett

spacious home before it’s even built! DreamSpace is an obsession for passionate young founders of the concept, Annelies Powell and Martin Hebler. It was locally-based Annelies and Sotheby’s real estate marketing dynamo Su Mobley who provided me with the 360 Immersion Lab viewing. I was able to meet and chat with Christchurch-based Martin via Zoom after the presentation. “DreamSpace is our commitment to help build a city where higher density can enhance our social wellbeing, economic vitality, our sense of community, connectivity, and the environment,” explained Annelies Powell. “This is apartment living without noisy neighbours as every apartment is on its own level without anyone through the walls or in a corridor next door.” The 360 Immersion Lab viewing session enabled me to experience exactly what the DreamSpace concept is all about. 3D imaging and life-like graphics of the spectacular building, individual apartments and the surroundings enabled me to experience all these things as well as the views from all six apartments that make up the development. It was like being in the respective apartments with 360 degree viewing! The copy on the very good website for the development is pretty accurate in explaining DreamSpace. “Developed with a combination of passion, integrity and genius, these six outstanding homes have sustainability, personality and luxury, built into every square metre inside and out. Each DreamSpace apartment has outstanding indoor and outdoor, open-plan living. Balconies are endorsed with the large cantilever decks, framed with planting to elevate your view of the ocean. The upper floors bask in uninterrupted views of our beloved

DreamSpace has a pretty good location with wonderful views

Rangitoto Island.” Director Annelies Powell studied Industrial Design at Victoria University giving her the passion for design, problem solving and innovation that is clearly evident in DreamSpace. Having started a business of her own at 23 and taking it to North America, Annelies says she has always had an obsession with providing the absolute best service and the best designed products to her customers. Since returning to New Zealand, Annelies has led DreamSpace to embark on a housing revolution to deliver better, more sustainable apartment living which Kiwis can actually embrace. Her vision for DreamSpace in Takapuna is to bring quality of life back to the busy metropolitan area, while fostering the space, privacy and convenience New Zealander’s obsess over – the quarter acre dream! DreamSpace co-founder Martin Hebler has a Bachelor of Sustainable Engineering Systems and Project Management – also at Victoria University – which is bolstered by his experience rectifying damage caused by the tragic 2011 earthquakes in his home city of Christchurch. He lives on the hill above Sumner. Managing $5 million to $160 million projects ranging from tertiary education, fit out, infrastructure, structural refurbishment and residential projects, he is astute in all facets of project management. Martin and Annelies share a passion for sustainability and that is a very big focus in the construction of the DreamSpace apartments. “By using cross laminated timber, otherwise known as mass timber, DreamSpace will save 162 tonnes of carbon emission versus if we built our core structure in steel and concrete,” says Martin Hebler. “Other options considered were more common choices like solar power. However when we did the calculations for solar at best it would have saved around 5.1 tonnes over 15 years of the life of those solar panels. With cross laminated timber – we’ve selected a product called XLam – we've chosen a path that is 31 times more effective in saving carbon emissions. We are constantly making decisions for materials and construction methodologies considered in such a way that DreamSpace can have the lightest touch possible on this planet. Using cross laminated timber construction will also make things much quieter during construction with less concrete and steel work.” DreamSpace is being built by award-winning local building

The study nooks with elegant window seat will be a popular feature of the DreamSpace apartments.

The Sky Penthouse has a spectacular roof-top garden.

company Vivian Construction. Jerram, Tocker & Barron are the architects, Tonkin & Taylor the geotechnical engineers and PTL Structural Consultants the structural and fire engineers. Planning is being done by Scott Wilkinson Planners, Acoustic Engineering Services are the acoustic engineers and Team Cabling are the Co-Founder Martin Hebler electrical engineers. Strachan Group are shares a passion for looking after the landscape design and sustainability with Annelies Powell that is a very big focus implementation and Matisse the kitchens in the construction of the and cabinetry. DreamSpace apartments. A key ‘take-away’ from my 360 Immersion Lab viewing experience was that DreamSpace has a pretty good location with wonderful views. It is very close to everything that Takapuna has to offer – eateries, boutique shopping etc. – and every apartment has been designed to take advantage of the wonderful sea views. The beach access is only 300 metres away down Sanders Ave. Four of the six apartments are in the five-storey apartment building at the front beach-facing side of the site. The other two are on the city-side of the site. Clever design has resulted in every apartment having views. The ‘Sky Penthouse’ has the top two floors (levels four and five) of the front building. Set over two levels, this significant home greets you with open plan arms and a feast for every sense to perceive. With a total floor area of 353 square metres this is spacious – particularly with 133 of the square metres devoted to outdoor living that includes generous balconies and a spectacular roof-top garden. Sky Penthouse also has a three car spacious private garage for all the toys. The spacious apartments on levels two and three are called ‘The Social’ and ‘The Retreat’ respectively. These each have their own floor and total floor areas of 244 square metres of which 47 square metres is decking and balcony. Like all six DreamSpace apartments these feature three spacious bedrooms and two bathrooms, including ensuite’s for the master bedrooms. These two apartments have their own two car private garage with enough space to keep the work bench, bikes, kayak, toys, whatever!

All six DreamSpace Lake Road apartments have Matisse designed kitchens

DreamSpace owners will have private garages with enough space to keep the work bench, bikes, kayak, toys, whatever! Issue 127 - February 2022



This is apartment living without noisy neighbours as every apartment is on its own level without anyone through the walls or in a corridor next door.

All six DreamSpace apartments feature three spacious bedrooms and two bathrooms, including ensuite’s for the master bedrooms.

All DreamSpace apartments feature greenery but The Botanical takes it to another level. 161 square metres of this 376 square metres apartment is exterior garden, decking and balcony!

Developed with a combination of passion, integrity and genius, these six outstanding homes have sustainability, personality and luxury… Luxury and space is in abundance.

Level one is home to The Botanical. As you would expect with the name, The Botanical is grand and green, breathtakingly poised to render guests speechless. All DreamSpace apartments feature greenery but The Botanical takes it to another level. 161 square metres of this 376 square metres apartment is exterior garden, decking and balcony. This will satisfy those familiar with the quarter acre dream! The Botanical also has a three car private garage. The Loft and The Garden are the two spacious apartments on the city side of the development. With incredible design consideration given to the placement of The Loft, when entering you’ll be unequipped for your imminent encounter with the soaring 3.6 metres raked timber ceiling and north-facing floor to ceiling windows. The Loft has a total floor area of 142 square metres which includes 12 square metres of balcony. An escape from the rigours of everyday life, The Garden is a haven that has been carefully and beautifully designed to provide a feeling of peace, serenity and security throughout the home. The Garden is 192 square metres in size, which includes a 60 square metre open plan kitchen and living, stretching out through the huge ranch sliders and into the north facing 62 square metres of wraparound garden, delivering outstanding indoor and outdoor flow. The Loft and The Gardens apartments have one covered carpark each. All DreamSpace apartments come with features and specifications you would expect of a luxury apartment. Matisse designed kitchens (optional light or dark colour palette) with Miele's high-end intuitive appliances are scattered throughout the stunning natural oak cabinetry. The Caesarstone islands provide a worthy seat for the


Issue 127 - February 2022

proud, brushed gold finish German tapware (instant hot and cold), whilst the Swedish overhead lighting by designer Niclas Hoflin orchestrates the theatre of the room. Most include a study nook and an elegant window seat – adding another layer of sophistication to a 'work from home' lifestyle. There is optional Smart wiring and automation throughout for an intuitive, effortless life – even the fire can be lit for your grand arrival home. At a time when criticism of apartments is often about their size it is refreshing that Annelies Powell and Martin Hebler have come along with their passion for doing things differently. They call it 'high density housing that feels like the high life’. Their passion is to create and accelerate better opportunities for home owners to enjoy sensational, sustainable inner city life. It is pleasing they chose Takapuna for DreamSpace. "We are building spaces which feel like a home in the sky, so lifestyles can be spacious and private yet effortlessly connected and convenient within the hustle and bustle of the city at your doorsteps,” adds Annelies Powell. I get it. What I also like about it is the amount of greenery that is planned and how sustainable the buildings are going to be. I understand there is even a small commercial tenancy on the ground floor that (when leased) will help to offset costs for the body corporate. Interested? If you are looking for a luxury apartment on the Shore I reckon you should be. Contact Su Mobley and go and experience the 360 Immersion Lab viewing experience – you’ll love it. It’s like being at the movies – good coffee too! DreamSpace – 433 Lake Road, Takapuna. Visit:



Su Mobley 020 4004 0563

E XC LU S I V E TO 360 Immersion Lab

Contact Su today to book your 360° virtual immersion, showroom viewing

Su Mobley Issue 127 - February 2022 020 4004 0563

Each office is independently owned and operated. Browns Real Estate Limited (licensed under the REAA 2008) MREINZ.



Our round up of posts from local businesses on IG that we’ve double tapped (liked) and a Q&A with Kara from Willow Skin

Q&A with Kara Randall, Willow Skin

Kara Randall owns Willow, a boutique skin and beauty specialist salon located at Little Biba, Birkenhead point. A beauty therapist for over 10 years and self-confessed skin geek, she has a passion for investigating the causes of skin issues and the science behind correcting those issues to help people feel confident again. Kara grew up on the Shore and now lives and works on the Shore and enjoys paddle boarding and motorbiking to some of our local coffee destinations with her husband Glen. Kara chats to us about building her new business Willow and all things social media.

Channel Mag: How did Willow come about? Kara: It’s been my dream for the past couple of years to open my own skin clinic. Flash forward to a chance meeting with a very inspirational North Shore businesswoman who gave me the opportunity to take the ultimate leap and make Willow a reality. Willow is a bespoke skin clinic that specialises in results-based treatments. Our focus is on the treatment and Kara Randall. correcting all types of skin concerns with the simple outcome of honest genuine results for our clients. We’ve partnered with two cosmeceutical grade skin care providers - Osmosis and Ultraceuticals, which are targeted to making change within the skin to achieve individual skin goals. Our clients skin journeys are unique, and we are there to support them every step of the way. CM: Is Instagram a source of inspiration for you? Kara: It’s definitely a source of inspiration for me, I love to see other women in business out there doing amazing things. I am following @bibasalon for my hair inspiration and @missfoxmelb which is an Australian beauty spa that’s has been crowned world's best beauty salon. Also @tuesdaylabel for all things fashion and style. CM: Which other local businesses do social media well? Kara: I really like @tuesdaylabel's social media as it really tells a story of style and @botanicsnz as they do the best flowers for any occasion and who doesn't love a daily pop of flower colour on their Instagram feed?! CM: If you could choose any Willow treatment for yourself, what would it be and why? Kara: All our treatments are fantastic and are usually individually tailored but two of my personal favourites are a Radiance and Restore facial infusing the top treatment serums by Osmosis - this will restore the skin barrier and leave you with a long-lasting glow. I also love the Ultraceuticals A-zyme peel which targets most skin concerns and after a course of four you can create real change in the skin! @willow_skin

Loving the look of the new staple track hoods and shorts from local label Federation, perfect for lazy summer days and cooler evenings. @federationofficial


The team behind Devonport restaurant, Vic Road Kitchen, recently opened a boutique wine store and garden bar a few doors down from the restaurant. With a tasting table in the middle of the store and plenty of varietals to try, I can’t wait to visit again soon for a recommendation from the knowledgeable team. @vicroadwinebar

Issue 127 - February 2022

Ark Coffee in Takapuna is a well-known spot for coffee lovers and their espresso soft serve caught my attention big time with all the exceptional weather we’ve been having. The perfect summer ‘latte’! @arkcoffee











Artist Impression

Artist Impression

Artist Impression

Time to act! Only four of these luxury apartments in Mairangi Bay are still available. All have three bedrooms and offer stunning views to the Hauraki Gulf. Superb location with all the local amenities right on your doorstep, plus everything you love about the laid-back North Shore lifestyle. Apartment 1

Apartment 5

Apartment 8

Apartment 16

3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 104m2 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 104m2 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 105m2 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 132m2 priced at $1,895,000.00

Kirsten Bishop Mobile: +64 27 660 6446 Licensed under the REA Act 2008

priced at $1,930,000.00

priced at $1,845,000.00

priced at $2,995,000.00

Find out more at: www.

Craig Bishop Mobile: +64 27 222 5566 Licensed under the REA Act 2008 Issue 127 - February 2022



More heart in the village - Waipapa apartments Waipapa takes its identity from the name given to this area by Māori, the literal translation being ‘water over wood’. The name refers to logs and submerged trees, thought to be remnants of a fossilised forest, which were revealed at low tide many years ago in the former wetalnd areas between Beach Road and the shoreline. Excitingly, the Waipapa apartment development has been cleverly designed to further enhance Mairangi Bay village which is known for its laid-back, desirable beachside living. Waipapa’s 18 luxury apartments will take full advantage of the location in the heart of Mairangi Bay village. The ever-popular Mairangi Bay beach is only 150 metres away, while all the village amenities are right on your doorstep. The apartments themselves will be generous, with floorto-ceiling glazing framing impressive views of Rangitoto and Hauraki Gulf, or Hastings Road and the leafy green hillsides beyond. Choices range from highly livable one-bedroom apartments to sun-drenched penthouses. The stunning four-level building has two retail opportunities on the ground floor and the 18 apartments spread over the next


Issue 127 - February 2022

three storeys. An open air courtyard in the centre of the building for residents' enjoyment creates an abundance of space and light, bordered with living walls, allowing the building to settle beautifully into its new environment.

This 600-metre-long stretch of sand has everything we love about the North Shore beaches. Mairangi Bay is a close-knit community, where the beach brings people together morning and evening throughout the year. This 600-metre-long stretch of sand has everything we love about the North Shore beaches, especially on those magical mornings in summer before the crowds arrive. Even closer will be the cafés that will kick start your day, whatever the season. Waipapa will introduce a new sophistication to this traditional coastal village. The apartments

Time to act! With 80% of the apartments already sold, time is of the essence. Only four of these luxury apartments in Mairangi Bay are still available.

and stores will sit comfortably in Mairangi Bay’s well-established shopping precinct, as well as bringing a new energy to the village. Waipapa was designed by Lance Herbst and Bodie Maxcey. Herbst’s Under Pohutukawa beach house at Piha and residences at Tutukaka and Great Barrier Island show how important unique coastal sites are to him and Waipapa has definitely enjoyed his sympathetic touch. The development manager, Donald Reid of Murchison Group says Waipapa is ideally situated for extremely easy living. “The apartments ensure excellent local amenities at your fingertips (tennis club, bowling club, supermarket and specialty retail) along with cafés, restaurants and bars which enable you to enjoy meeting family and friends with only a short wander home. Waipapa will bring understated style to Mairangi Bay and will mean the retail space from the ASB Bank to the opportunity shop will be given a new lease of life. Mairangi Bay retailers will be very pleased with the standard of Waipapa and it will encourage everyone to continue to be proud of the village.” He says Waipapa will be attractive to many as a downsizing option – although the apartment sizes are generous – therefore making it attractive for family living, lock up and leave, or investment propositions. The village’s friendly and relaxed atmosphere is another bonus for potential buyers.

Time to act! Construction has commenced and 80% of the apartments are already sold, so time is of the essence. Only four of these luxury apartments in Mairangi Bay are still available. All have three bedrooms and offer stunning views to the Hauraki Gulf in a superb location with all the local amenities right on your doorstep, plus everything you love about the laid-back North Shore lifestyle. Issue 127 - February 2022



O %S


THE HEIGHT OF LUXURY Omana North has saved the best until last. With 60% of the development sold, we are now able to offer a choice of stunning penthouses and sub-penthouses. Located on Levels 8 and 9, they will be sought after for their spectacular views, extremely generous layouts and premium fit outs. With Milford Beach and Milford Village right on our doorstep, this is the ultimate combination of luxury apartment living and the laid-back North Shore lifestyle. Please contact our sales agents for more information.

Enquire today to make your Omana North dream a reality.

OMANANORTH.CO.NZ Shop 30, Milford Shopping Centre, 24 Milford Road, Milford (The Warehouse entrance) Joan Barton


Kirsten Bishop


2008 64 Licensed under the REAA Issue 127 - February 2022 021 273 9930 027 660 6446


Dave’s riding from Cape Reinga to Bluff for Cure Kids Murrays Bay resident Dave Mason is undertaking a big task in late February, cycling 3000 kilometres from Cape Reinga to Bluff. And he’s doing it for a great cause – Cure Kids. Dave’s mammoth ride will follow the Tour Aotearoa route which is one of the world’s great self-supported bike-packing trips, following a combination of cycle trails, tracks, paths and lanes connected by the most enjoyable country roads available. Channel Mag’s Aidan Bennett caught up with Dave for a chat in January after learning about his upcoming fundraising adventure. We love locals doing good! AIDAN BENNETT: This sounds like a big undertaking Dave, I’ll start with the obvious question, why? DAVE MASON: This has been on my bucket list ever since the Kennett Brothers started the Tour cycle trail in 2016. It’s going to be a great adventure visiting some of the most amazing parts of New Zealand such as the Wilderness Trail in the South Island and the Bridge to Nowhere in the North Island as well as raising as much money for Cure Kids as possible. AB: You obviously do a lot of cycling, what have you done previously and what do you do to prepare for 3000 kilometres of riding? DM: I have cycled all my life and in my teens I used to race for Lancaster CC in the north of England. We emigrated to New Zealand in 2010 and I have ridden around Lake Taupo several times. After I had three heart stents fitted in 2017 I had to slow down but I upped the endurance including a 10 day ride on the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Vietnam. For this ride I have been riding about 1,000km a month for the last five months around the Shore and on the gravel roads around Riverhead and Puhoi. The weekend before I start I will ride a lap of Lake Taupo with my fully packed mountain bike as part of the Lake Taupo Challenge.

Dave Mason.

AB: What do you expect the biggest challenge to be on the 3000 kilometre trip? AB: Do you have a funding DM: The Tour Aotearoa route follows a combination of goal to strive for and how cycle trails, beaches, tracks, paths and lanes connected by can people contribute the most enjoyable country roads available so navigation towards that goal? could be a major issue in some of the more remote DM: I really want to raise as locations. I will have a bike computer, phone with Toppo much as possible to help make Bike in Riverhead forest loaded maps along with paper route guides to assist. There will also a difference to the quality New with tent. be over 33,600 metres of climbing and I will burn up an Zealand kids' lives. estimated 121,000 calories making hydration and refuelling the body very important. So I am also planning to do a meat pie AB: Tell us a bit about yourself, your family and what you do review while on the ride! when you’re not cycling! DM: I’m 55 and my family have lived on the shore for the past 12 AB: Tell us about the bike you will ride and the special years: wife Helen, daughter Emily (currently an au pair in London) and equipment and support you will have? Anybody else going son Ciaran (Year 13 at Westlake Boys). I work as an IT consultant for along for the ride? Qrious (New Zealand’s largest data provider and part of the Spark DM: The bike is nothing special; it’s a second-hand 10 year old group) who I would like to thank for their support and letting me have steel Surly mountain bike. I will be carrying my tent, tools, spare four weeks off work for this adventure. parts and all I need for my four-week self-supported adventure including a personal locator beacon in-case of emergency. I will AB: Complete the following: When I get to Bluff and complete be riding alone but there will also be 400 other riders leaving the ride I am going to… Cape Reinga in waves over four days who will be all riding at their DM: … Sit on a very soft cushion and enjoy a few drinks with my wife own pace as part of the Tour Aotearoa which is not a race! who is flying down to meet me at the finish and maybe sample some Bluff oysters. I will then review my list of pies I have consumed along AB: Tell us why you chose to generously do this for the ride to decide where the best pie along the route is. Cure Kids? DM: I have chosen Cure Kids as I have previously worked with Donations to help Dave meet his fundraising goal can be made at them raising money on the Cure Kids Adventure Race. Cure Kids are very special as they undertake medical research to help save, which will also have daily updates of his progress riding south. extend and improve the lives of children diagnosed with serious Dave starts his ride on February 27th and his progress can be tracked life-impacting and life-limiting health conditions. in real time via Issue 127 - February 2022



Devonport Museum, the first twenty years

By David Verran

Devonport Museum opened in 1980, but the grounds still needed to be landscaped, an enormous task, with topsoil and planting mix brought in. Muriel Fisher, a wellknown Birkenhead landscape gardener, and historian, designed and helped create a garden featuring ferns, native plants and trees, along with alpine plants. Rocks were collected from the old quarry to build walls and steps, and labour was provided by employment schemes managed by both the Salvation Army and weekend periodic detention workers. The gardens were formally opened on 22 November 1981, but much more work was necessary. Periodic detention Courtesy of Devonport Museum, this shows the church building just before it was divided up. The part that is now the and unemployment schemes Museum can be seen on the left. provided a labour force over the years and today the gardens are still being maintained and complete medicine cabinet to the museum. This included bottles added to. and containers, with some dating back to the 1930s. Sarah Scully Entrance was free from the beginning, to encourage school was employed under a government work scheme and developed pupils to come to the museum. The museum started with opening displays featuring local schools, boat-building and the Takapuna on both Saturday and Sunday from 2 to 4pm. The venue has Jockey Club. Heritage walks, featuring in particular North Head and been used for festival events and even weddings. Keith Baildon, heritage Devonport were also featured. Tony Packington Hall was as President in the late 1980s, specialised in these events and also involved in gathering together Māori adzes found in the local ensured a large turnout. We should note the thousands of area. volunteer hours spent by many people over the years. From August 1996 the museum was closed for a time for a Collections received during this period included the Mary revamp of the displays. At the same time, the indexing of the 122 Mouat 50,000 item shell collection. Mary had died in 1958 and Devonport Borough Council scrapbooks was completed and copies her son Dick presented the conchology collection to Devonport made available at the museum, Devonport Library and North Museum in specially made wooden cabinets. In May 1987 the Shore City Council archives. At an open day in May 1997, visited museum’s Victorian room, with clothing and heritage artifacts was by around 250 visitors, retired architect Warren Wilcox’s diorama inaugurated. of pre-settlement Devonport was revealed. The diorama had taken The amalgamation of Devonport Borough into North Shore around 150 hours to create. City Council on 1 November 1989 raised some concern over the Previously the museum had been reliant on those employed by ownership of the land upon which the museum sat, but this was work schemes and ever-present volunteers. In 1996 Rod Cornelius soon addressed. There were 200 in attendance at the museum’s took early retirement from his television career, which enabled tenth birthday party in 1990, with work on the mezzanine soon to him to spend more time on digitisation at the museum and writing take place. his ‘Ramblings’ columns for the ‘Devonport Flagstaff’. In June 1997 The mezzanine gallery was to add an additional 42 square Olwen Morgan was appointed as a paid curator for the museum metres to the area of the museum and cost around $10,000. and in May 1998 the museum was selected by Te Papa as a pilot for That was financed in part from a Devonport Borough Council setting museum standards across Aotearoa New Zealand. In 1998 grant. The museum had to be closed during construction but was appreciation was paid to long time committee member Felicity re-opened on 1 December 1990 after six months. The mezzanine Smith (1945-2005) who had served in various capacities over the itself was 1.8 metres wide and initially the mezzanine was used as a time of the museum, along with her husband Tom. gallery for the display of museum photographs. In the late 1990s, the museum received $11,660 from the ASB There was later a sprinkler system installed and the addition of Trust and $250 from the Devonport Community Board for funding both the office, storage and rear gallery. the computer-based Inmagic indexing system for its database Devonport Museum records show that in February 1991 there of photographs and other items at the museum, allowing ready were 51 visitors, in March and April 78 in total, 80 in May and 75 in location of items, as well as better storage and preservation. By June, making a total in that six-month period of 302 adult visitors. 2000, over 2,000 photographs had been scanned and the museum In March 1991 there were also 130 financial members. A call for began compiling a database of the histories of Devonport families.. volunteers was most successful. Also in 1993, brothers Peter and Paul Newberry donated a


Issue 127 - February 2022


Relaxing, reading, watching… love summer! What a fantastic summer it’s been on the Shore. After such a tough year it has been great to relax, do nothing, read a book, watch Netflix or Neon… ahhh bliss! We thought we would talk to some prominent North Shore people about their summer break and provide our readers with some tips for great books and what to watch as this summer drifts on through the challenges of Omicron etc…

Shanan’s holiday at home

Netflix and Michael Cullen’s book have kept Shanan occupied this summer. Shanan Halbert is the local Member of Parliament for Northcote and has lived in the area for over a decade, buying his first home in Birkenhead. The Labour party member chats to Channel Mag about what he did over the summer break including reading Michael Cullen’s Labour Saving and watching the Aretha Franklin biopic on Netflix. Channel Magazine: What have you been up to this summer? Shanan Halbert: I’ve really appreciated spending time at home this summer, getting my garden back into shape, hosting my Mum and making some great food. CM: What has been your favourite read over the last few months? SH: Michael Cullen’s Labour Saving was hard to put down, it’s a great read from a man who contributed so much to New Zealand. CM: Why did you choose Michael’s book? SH: Policies Michael championed when he was the Finance Minister made a big impact on my life, such as KiwiSaver which enabled my partner and I to buy our first house in Birkenhead. All politicians want to make a difference, and Michael certainly did, so I was interested in how he went about translating his values into positive change. CM: Have you read or watched anything else during the break that you could recommend to our readers? SH: I loved the Respect biopic on Netflix. Aretha Franklin was an incredible singer and songwriter whose music I’ve always loved.

Shanan Halbert.

CM: What’s your favourite local bookstore or publication and why? SH: I like to support local, and I find it hard to go past Paper Plus who have just moved into a new larger store in the Highbury Shopping Centre.

heavily invested in her local community. Erica talks to Channel Mag about her recent trip to Coromandel with her husband and kids, and what she’s been reading and watching over the break.

CM: I am looking forward to 2022 because… SH: I signed up to going to Parliament to be part of positive change for our community and after a year spent combatting the virus, I’m keen to get on with delivering more local priorities like better transport, protecting our environment and new trades training opportunities.

Channel Magazine: What have you been up to this summer? Erica Stanford: I had a wonderful break spending time with my husband and two kids on the Coromandel. I managed to get sun, sand, swimming and a pile of reading all done!

Erica’s top watches and reads this summer

Succession, American politics and Hugh Grant’s new film are all high on her list. Erica Stanford is the National Party Member for East Coast Bays, an area she has lived in for over 40 years, having attended Rangitoto College. She is a proud mum of two and says she’s

CM: What has been your favourite watch or read over the last few months? ES: During the last lock-down my husband and I started and finished watching Succession on Neon. It is a brilliant show with thoroughly dislikeable but incredible characters. I also started reading Nikki Haley's book, With All Due Respect. Nikki is a former US Governor and former Ambassador to the United Nations. CM: Why did you choose that Nikki Haley’s book? ES: Nikki Haley is quite likely to be the next Republican nominee for President and potentially the first (elected) woman President. I wanted to read her book to get a better understanding of a woman I greatly admire for her strength and fortitude during her time at the UN. It Issue 127 - February 2022



Erica Stanford.

Kevin O'Leary.

was fascinating to read accounts of how Nikki came up against men who thought they could push her around - including former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, a media who treat women very differently, and foreign diplomats who had a great amount of respect for her – including the Russians. CM: Have you read or watched anything else during the break that you could recommend to our readers? ES: I can thoroughly recommend the movie, The Gentleman (Netflix). I was weary of a movie that had Hugh Grant with a Cockney accent, but he was absolutely brilliant, this is one of his best performances! CM: What's your favourite local bookstore or publication and why? ES: My 14-year-old daughter and I spend a lot of time at Whitcoulls in Albany Mall picking out books to keep her love of reading alive. They have a fantastic young adult section and a toy section to keep the little ones entertained. CM: I am looking forward to 2022 because… ES: I have recently been asked to take on the shadow education spokesperson role for National. I am looking forward to getting around the country to speak to parents, principals and educators to see how we can improve the numeracy, literacy and well-being of our children.

What Kevin watched and read this summer

Why Kevin recommends Bloodlands and Elton John to readers General Manager of Business North Harbour, Kevin O’Leary, spent the summer break in Auckland where he says he enjoyed some great family time after a busy 2021 supporting his local business community. Kevin recommends Bloodlands and a music autobiography to Channel readers and explains why he enjoyed them. Channel Magazine: What have you been up to this summer? Kevin O’Leary: I stayed in Auckland enjoying the weather, visiting some attractions and spending lots of time with my family.


Issue 127 - February 2022

CM: What has been your favourite watch over the last few months? KO: My favourite watch was Bloodlands. CM: Why did you choose Bloodlands? KO: It’s a drama from the producers of Bodyguard and Line of Duty which are other excellent short series. The plot has never-ending twists and turns which continually prove you wrong just when you think you’ve cracked the case, or the bad guy is going to get caught. CM: Have you read or watched anything else during the break that you could recommend to our readers? KO: I read ‘Me’ which is Elton John’s autobiography, which as a fan of his music for many years I found very insightful and interesting. CM: What’s your favourite local bookstore or publication and why? KO: Channel magazine of course as it contains lots of useful local information. CM: I am looking forward to 2022 because… KO: It has to be better than 2021!!

Succession filled summer for Don What this local Devonport resident watched and read over the break.

Retired pharmacist and Stanley Point (Devonport) local, Don Barker, is a keen consumer of books, films and television. He spent the summer break at home with his wife Heather and enjoys regular swimming and golf. Don details why he’d recommend Succession (Neon) and The Nautical Chart book to Channel readers. Don also talks about his love of the local library and Paradox Books. Channel Magazine: What have you been up to this summer? Don Barker: We had a very quiet Christmas. I’ve been enjoying swims most days and some golf too, of course. CM: What has been your favourite watch over the last few months? DB: A watch has been Succession on Netflix. Horrible rich people who seemed to feel they deserved their private jets and excesses. A


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read has been The Nautical Chart. A novel of adventure translated from Spanish. A very good read from the Devonport Library. CM: Have you read or watched anything else during the break that you could recommend to our readers? DB: Watched Power of the Dog (Netflix and filmed in NZ). Beautiful scenery but a very slow-moving story. CM: What’s your favourite local bookstore or publication and why? DB: Paradox Books in Devonport has a great selection, but hard to beat the local Library too. CM: I am looking forward to 2022 because… DB: I am looking forward to this year with the hope that Covid can be sorted as we learn to live with it.

What Ben’s watching and reading Day trips, Netflix and Metro Magazine have been on the agenda.

Ben Panettiere is the General Manager of Peugeot Citroen North Shore and an avid consumer of media. The self-confessed foodie has been day tripping over summer and tells Channel Mag about some of his trips away and why he recommends Maid on Netflix and Metro Magazine. Channel Magazine: What have you been up to over the summer break? Ben Panettiere: How good has this weather been right?! I took the opportunity to stay in Auckland while the rest of the population headed to the beaches, I did a couple of day trips to Waiheke and Matakana and it was so nice and quiet, lots of really good food and wine!

Don Barker.

CM: What has been your favourite watch over the last few months? BP: I was a bit late to the party on this one but ‘Succession’ on Neon was a standout for me, I managed to catch up on all three seasons in just a few weeks. CM: Why did you choose Succession? BP: It had been recommended several times and then I read a controversial article on one of the main characters, so I had to see it for myself. The dynamic of growing up in the family business all vying for the top job and then throw copious amounts of money and luxury like private planes and super yachts into the mix it made for lots of drama and mind games. CM: Have you read or watched anything else during the break that you could recommend to our readers? BP: ‘Maid’ (Netflix) was another great watch; it really delves into the short comings of the child welfare system and can be anxiety inducing at times. CM: What’s your favourite local bookstore or publication and why? BP: I very rarely make it into a bookstore these days, but I have been an avid reader of Metro Magazine since it was relaunched by an independent local owner – if you are a foodie like me, it’s a must read (just like Channel Mag haha!) with all the latest openings and reviews. CM: I am looking forward to 2022 because… BP: it is going to be a huge year for Peugeot Citroen North Shore that was established in 2019. We have experienced substantial growth in the past 12 months and with the launch of award winning electric and plugin hybrid cars we are predicting another massive year ahead! Ben Panettiere.


Issue 127 - February 2022







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Issue 127 - February 2022

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With Councillor Richard Hills, North Shore representative on Auckland Council.

Good progress in difficult times

By Shanan Halbert, Northcote MP.

Richard Hills.

I’m glad we got through most of summer without Omicron in the community, and thankfully our vaccination rate kept Delta cases low. Our beautiful city is just so good and the summer brings everyone out to our parks, beaches and harbours; we also got that much-needed time with family and friends after a really tough year. It has been a testing time but I am proud of our community and the progress we are making together. Yes, there is still work to do, but we also have a lot to celebrate with so many improvements either completed or under way. More and more visitors to our city are noticing the differences and enjoying spending time here. More importantly, so are locals. Auckland has so much going for it right now with infrastructure upgrades big and small. There is a general buzz around the place and a focus on people being most important. It is noticeable on the Shore too. Local parks, tracks and facilities are being upgraded and our very cool Hurstmere Road upgrade was completed in December. It has been well over 30 years since Hurstmere Road had seen any investment. The infrastructure was literally falling apart, the road was sinking and the pipes under the road were almost a century old. Now we have new furniture, lighting, planting and plenty of revitalised spaces for people to enjoy Takapuna and what our local businesses have on offer. New mature native trees were planted in the many new rain gardens which improve water quality by cleaning the stormwater before it reaches Takapuna Beach; it’s also a much safer place for people of all ages. Looking at water quality, we have now removed the permanent long-term water quality warning from the Wairau Estuary outlet at Milford Beach. This warning was put in place over a decade ago by the North Shore City Council. The removal was possible through a joint initiative between Auckland Council and Watercare, investigating almost 1000 properties and removing sources of wastewater contamination located in the catchment. This work was funded through the water quality targeted rate which will continue to fund ongoing work in this area. Community advocacy from passionate local groups and volunteers played a huge part as well, as we worked to secure this budget after we had success addressing similar issues at Takapuna Beach through our Safe Networks programme. Last month I attended a pōwhiri to bless the site for construction of the new public space in the centre of Takapuna. It will be constructed in three stages with the first part of the square due to open in December 2022. It has been a long road to get here but what is currently a carpark will soon be an amazing civic space where people will gather. Mana whenua have gifted it the name Waiwharariki, which is the original mana whenua place name for the area now known as Takapuna, the beach, and town centre areas. New beginnings while bringing our history back too. I know many of you will be anxious for what Omicron brings but I am hopeful that if we continue to work together and look out for each other we will get through okay. We will also need to continue to invest in our community even in the hard times to get the best outcomes for our community now, and into the future.


Feel free to continue to contact me about local issues on

Transport opportunities will come with climate change Shanan Halbert.

Securing the significant opportunities for Auckland from decarbonising our transport network is a priority for me in 2022. We know the need to rapidly lower our transport emissions as part of becoming a low emissions city is urgent. Transport currently contributes close to half (47%) of our greenhouse gases and these have almost doubled since 1990 – the index year for global emissions measurement. The Zero Carbon Act Parliament passed without dissent in 2019 mandates that we produce an emissions reduction plan to achieve this target. Not dealing with domestic emissions means we will need to buy carbon credits to meet our commitments. There are real opportunities for Auckland, and especially for the North Shore, as we make this transition. We’ve already made a good start with more to come in 2022. Last year some big bits of the jigsaw puzzle were decided upon. The 10-year $31 billion Auckland-wide transport realignment project (ATAP) was finalised, while the Northern Busway extension to Albany Station is well underway and cycling improvements like the Tapuwae safe cycle bridge between Northcote and Smales Farm opened. Around one in four new car sales are now EVs. The Northern busway is a great example of visionary long term leadership and investment that we need more of. Opened in 2008, it now carries more than 8 million passengers annually, or 50% of peak traffic, more than proving that its early critics who said it would be a white elephant were wrong. We need to make sure the new transport investments being planned deliver a win win for us on the Shore – tackling both congestion and lowering emissions. The additional harbour crossing now being planned, for example, must be engineered to properly link up to the light rail network to be built from the central city to the airport, enabling expansion to the North Shore. That would be a truly transformational project for us on the Shore giving people better transport choices and leaving our roads less congested for those who need to use cars. At the same time the additional harbour crossing also enables us to rethink how it connects with local streets to relieve existing hot spots, such as the heavily congested Onewa Road which is currently the only route through Birkenhead and Northcote to the bridge. We also cannot lose sight of the contribution a walking and cycling connection across the Waitematā should make as part of an integrated transport network. Transport consumes a big chunk of my time in Wellington on the Transport and Infrastructure Select Committee and as chair of the government’s Infrastructure and Environment Caucus Committee. In both roles I see the challenges and trade-offs we face in reorienting our existing network – but also the real opportunities our necessary work to tackle climate change will deliver as long as we keep that objective front and centre. This is a real legacy to leave our grandchildren and the generations that follow them and I’m ready to play my part in realising it. Email: Call my office on 0800 222 007 facebook shananhalbertMP instagram @shanan_halbert Issue 127 - February 2022



Jan Rutledge, General Manager of De Paul House.

Creating the difference that housing makes Jane Rutledge, De Paul House general manager receives QSM

By Christine Young

When the 2022 New Year’s Honours were announced, Channel Magazine was delighted to see a number of “Shore-ites” recognised for their services to various aspects of community life. From tennis to plumbing, transitional housing to judo, health services, youth and local government – and of, course a DNZM (Dame Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit) to Lisa Carrington MNZM of Forrest Hill, recognition of her achievements and “services to canoe racing”. Much has already been written about Lisa and her achievements; much less about others who also received honours. Christine Young profiles one of the North Shore recipients, and outlines others recognised for their contributions to making our communities better places to live. Jan Rutledge received a Queen’s Service Medal (QSM). We interviewed her aiming to find out more about this long-time Beach Haven resident. She was more interested in talking about De Paul House, to which she has devoted the last 15 years of her working life, than about herself, but we did discover that like most of us, she loves the North Shore lifestyle when she has the time, enjoying walking (especially around Beach Haven), swimming at her local beach, reading – and connecting with family in her native Taranaki. Jan began working at De Paul House in 2006, when the Catholicbased housing and social support organisation was still run by the Daughters of Charity. Northcote-based De Paul House was looking for a part-timer to work in funding and administration. Her two children were ready to start school, and Jan (with a background in finance and accounts) was looking for a job close to home. She confesses that she is neither Catholic nor religious. “I had to acknowledge it was faith-based, and came on board a bit cynical,” she admits, “but I was


Issue 127 - February 2022

blown away by what I saw was being achieved…. I am a secular New Zealander, like many of us, but the place gets under your skin.” Little wonder. De Paul House is supported by the Catholic diocese and parishioners of St Mary’s Church in Northcote, and also, now, by a staff of 23 and more than 70 volunteers. It began in 1986 when volunteers converted a block of units opposite the church into transitional housing for people in need on the Shore. It now offers transitional housing across a number of sites on the Shore, as well as an early childhood centre, an adult learning centre, a community lounge, support for digital literacy, and access to a range of counselling services and budget advice, via De Paul House staff or other North Shore support services. “We provide a safe comfortable home, fully equipped,” says Jan proudly, and as De Paul House tenants transfer to long-term stable housing, they can take what they need – including bedding and furniture – so that they start afresh without additional costs. Jan says that although in around a third of the families at least one adult is in work, they tend to be in low paid roles, and in today’s market cannot achieve home ownership or independent rental – unless, as recently, one of several philanthropic landlords provides rental accommodation at a discounted rate, or, more notable still, gifts a

property rent-free where a family can save towards home ownership or debt reduction. More commonly, families move to Kainga Ora housing. However it is achieved, success is measured as a oncehomeless family achieves housing stability. Jan downplays her own achievements and acknowledges the support of the North Shore community in everything De Paul House does. “We are surrounded by generous people,” she says. Volunteers sort donated food, linen, clothing and other items such as unwanted Christmas gifts – all new, and donated not only by individuals but also by generous North Shore businesses including The Warehouse. Donations recently included $1000 worth of movie and zoo vouchers donated by a bitcoin company. This was a great boon for caregivers during the long summer holidays; De Paul House focuses exclusively on housing and support for whanau with dependent children, and 150 children live in their units at present. Spark and The Tindall Foundation support De Paul House in its digital literacy programmes with modems and additional data. Jan’s official QSM citation states: “Mrs Rutledge has been General Manager of De Paul House since 2014…. As General Manager she has overseen an expansion of De Paul House’s services from 11 apartments to more than 50 properties. She played a key role in De Paul House becoming registered as a Community Housing Provider.” Among other things, the latter means that as for Kainga Ora tenants, De Paul House tenants pay no more than 25% of their income in rent. The citation continues, “She is active with a number of networks including the Housing External Focus Group for the Ministry of Social Development, the Auckland District Council of Social Services’ housing subcommittee, Auckland Catholic Housing network, Housing Connections network, and New Zealand Council of Christian Social Service Impacts of Policy and Exclusion Policy Group. [She] has been a Board member of Auckland North Community and Development since 2016.” The Board role, Jan says, is long-standing, and a “good way to stay connected”. It allows her to link back to other community-based organisations, and develop synergies between them. Jan notes that De Paul House’s 45 transitional housing and 11 social housing units range from one to seven bedrooms, and cater especially for Pasifika, Māori and refugee families, many of whom not only have larger families, but also face greater discrimination from landlords. “That’s the real point of difference for De Paul House, but it does make it difficult to find alternative accommodation.” Not only has Jan overseen an increase in the number of housing units provided by De Paul House; she has also been actively engaged in advocacy to governments of all stripes on behalf of the housing sector, and believes that only now is government recognising the significance of De Paul House and other faith-based organisations such as Monte Cecelia Trust, Salvation Army and others in providing transitional housing. No doubt partly as a result of her advocacy, De Paul House now receives 60% of its income from contracted services (such as the management of the Kainga Ora housing development on Lake Road in Belmont, where De Paul House has a permanent tenancy manager), up from 25% when Jan took over. Jan says the general manager’s role was a “great opportunity” that came along at the right time for her. After she took over seven years ago, she completed a post-graduate diploma in not-for-profit management, and she thanks the staff she works with, the Board, the Catholic diocese, and her predecessor for their support in De Paul House’s development. While there are challenges in dealing with people in crisis, and in never knowing whether the day’s to-do list will be completed, or complicated by new challenges, she says she thoroughly enjoys the people, staff, volunteers and families she deals with. But most of all, her passion for the role is fuelled by seeing the difference that housing makes to the families who come to De Paul House.

Other North Shore New Year’s Honours recipients: DNZM (Dame Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit) • Lisa Carrington MNZM, Forrest Hill, for services to canoe racing ONZM (Order of the New Zealand order of Merit) • Richard Bond Hoskin, Birkenhead, for services to the blind and people with low vision • Celia Mary Patrick, Devonport, for services to tennis MNZM (Member of the New Zealand order of Merit) • Meijia (Kelly) Feng, Long Bay, for services to health and Asian communities • Ian James Jackson, Devonport, for services to the plumbing industry and the community • James Anderson McPhee, Birkenhead, for services to judo QSO (Queen’s Service Order) • Kenneth James Dublin, Birkenhead, for services to the community and youth • Margaret Ann Hartley, JP, Beach Haven, for services to local government and the community QSM (Queen’s Service Medal) • Jan Maree Rutledge, Beach Haven, for services to transitional housing. Issue 127 - February 2022



DABS Consulting - What is the future of the office? Many Aucklanders will have returned to the office after their summer holidays. Some may not have set foot in an office since 17 August 2021, when it was announced New Zealand was moving into Alert Level 4 lockdown - approximately six months ago. This is long enough for new ways of working to be established and new habits to be formed. What does this mean for the future of the office? While businesses in more recent years have been open to flexible working, lockdown has brought this concept to the forefront of our minds and allowed us to consider the possibilities. Depending on your home setup, some will have seen working from home as providing an improved work-life balance. For example, there was no commute so more time for recreational activities. For others, Lara Weaver. including me, working from home while juggling home schooling was challenging. Depending on your circumstances, lockdown has highlighted the potential of increased home They want investment into IT so that systems work effectively working. and at pace. Location and the environment also play a key role. There have been numerous surveys undertaken globally and This means the office must provide appeal. If you can attract in New Zealand which indicate the office is here to stay. The talent, ultimately it raises productivity. overwhelming majority of respondents want the best of both – People also want businesses to be supportive of their the flexibility to work from home and the office. The pandemic responsibilities outside of work. Well-managed businesses are has given both employers and employees the opportunity to appreciating that collaboration and productivity all improve when consider the role of the office. employers understand the daily responsibilities of employees. This includes understanding situations where someone has dependents and may include drop-off and collection of pre-school children, the needs of elderly parents, or partners working abroad.

People need more than a place to work. In the office they want to connect with others, grab a coffee and have spaces for coworking and collaboration. Agility is key.

Rather than a permanent shift to home working, the pandemic has emphasised the importance of offices as critical spaces for creativity, knowledge sharing and collaboration.

Although offices have a future, lockdowns are likely to result in people wanting more flexibility. What do employees want? Employees want more choice about where and when to work. Fixed hours are not so important if the job gets done. A person may prefer to start at 8am one day, 10am the next day and work from home the following day.


Issue 127 - February 2022

How do we expect employers will adapt?

Around the globe, the concept of the office is being dramatically transformed. The location, size, layout, amenities, meeting rooms, breakout areas, heating/cooling and daylight are all important attributes when carefully calibrating an effective office. If done well, office space can be optimised, which assists with attracting and retaining talent. Employers are likely to offer more flexibility around how people utilise the office. There would be some businesses that would say productivity has increased as a result of home working, but they recognise this is not a permanent solution. People can feel isolated

and it is difficult to achieve career development on a Zoom call! People work better at different times of the day, so employers should focus on output rather than time spent in the office. Many employers will be considering hot desking, which means there is no longer a permanent workstation for each employee. Instead, people will find an available desk on arriving at the office or prebook a workstation. Some may only be in the office for a meeting or short period each day. If the needs of a business are well understood this can impact overall space requirements and potentially reduce occupational costs. Wherever possible, DABS work with occupiers to understand and optimise their occupational space needs. The future…. We are seeing a modern evolution, culture and psychology around office spaces. Landlords are having to respond to these needs by providing suitable accommodation to meet occupier demands. At

DABS we will continue to invest in commercial buildings and offices in locations where people want to work, live and play. Our latest offer is 585 Main Street, Palmerston North. This investment provides ground floor showroom space supported by first floor office accommodation. The tenant, Enable, is an example of an essential health care service supported by the DHB. If you are interested in this property syndicate or future syndicates, please register your interest on our web site or contact DABS directly. For further information or to discuss our current investor offer please contact: Lara Weaver General Manager e. m. 021 230 5989 145 Kitchener Road, Milford

SERVICES provided by DABS - Helping Investors Invest Selecting a Property: All properties offered by DABS have been carefully chosen in terms of quality location, building, tenant and pricing. Detailed due diligence is carried out before properties are offered to our investors. Continued financial growth is a key focus. Investing in a Property: Investing with DABS allows qualified investors to purchase property assets of greater significance in value and scale. Managing a Property: DABS offers a rigorous commercial property management service that aims to minimise risk, maximise rental income, reduce operating costs, enhance property values and improve occupancy retention levels.



Projected return per annum pre-tax paid monthly*

Private Placement Opportunity only available to Qualifying investors

585 MAIN STREET, PALMERSTON NORTH • Two level office and showroom building • Large Freehold land area 1,507 sqm • Net Rental income $419,736 per annum +GST and Outgoings • Located in Palmerston North’s Health Precinct

• Tenant Enable NewZealand is a division of the Mid Central D.H.B providing disability services to Ministry of Health, ACC and other D.H.B’s • Government funded • New Zealand’s largest supplier of disability equipment and modifications • Established in 1974

To register your expression of interest and receive a copy of the Information Memorandum, please contact: Lara Weaver | General Manager | M: +64 21 230 5989 E: Brian Caldwell | Director | M: +64 27 481 5505 E: |

*The basis for the projected return is set out in the Information Memorandum and is not a guaranteed rate of return. This offer is only open to people that are exempt and meet certain other eligibility criteria under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 and related legislation (“FMCA”). Investors will need to demonstrate their eligibility by providing a suitable Investor Certificate or Investor Confirmation form as required by DABS Consulting Limited and to comply with the FMCA.If you are investing more than $750,000 but do not meet any other eligibility or exemption criteria, then you should pay careful attention to the following warning: Warning The law normally requires people who offer financial products to give information to investors before they invest. This requires those offering financial products to have disclosed information that is important for investors to make an informed decision. The usual rules do not apply to this offer because there is an exclusion for offers where the amount invested up front by the investor (plus any other investments the investor has already made in the financial products) is $750,000 or more. As a result of this exclusion, you may not receive a complete and balanced set of information. You will also have fewer other legal protections for this investment. Investments of this kind are not suitable for retail investors. Ask questions, read all documents carefully, and seek independent financial advice before committing yourself. Issue 127 - February 2022




By Katherine Downs Devonport Business Improvement District Manager

Plenty to celebrate in Devonport!

Devonport Community News for this month with Maria Teape, Community Programme Manager, Devonport Peninsula Trust

Katherine Downs.

We’re operating under Red Light but there’s no stopping us having fun. Kloozo is open in Devonport! www.kloozo. nz. Kloozo is a fun urban treasure hunt that turns sightseeing into a game using your smartphone. It's perfect for families looking for a Covid-safe outdoor activity. Come down to Devonport and discover its hidden treasures! Three Kloozo Quests to choose from ranging from approximately 1 hr to 3 hrs: • The Devonport Village Quest is the easiest challenge with no hills to climb. • The Takarunga Mount Victoria Quest includes a walk to the summit of Takarunga Mt Victoria to see one of the best views of Tāmaki Makaurau. • The Maungauika North Head Quest is a more challenging route that includes a walk to the summit of Maungauika North Head to explore old military fortifications including tunnels and gun batteries! Chinese New Year @ Vic Road Kitchen - Tuesday 1st Feb Saturday 5th February To celebrate Chinese New Year Vic Road Kitchen will be running a special Chinese inspired menu with the same high quality produce and dishes but with an Asian twist. Plus great drinks specials and cocktails. Vic Road Kitchen, 57 - 59 Victoria Road, Devonport Open Tues – Sat 4pm til late. Tel 09 445 9797 or follow @vicroadkitchen on Instagram International Rosé Day (Week) @ Vic Road Wine Bar & Cellar Friday 28th Jan - Sunday 6th Feb International Rosé Day is on Friday 5th February but one day is not enough! So Vic Road Wine Bar & Cellar have extended it to a week with a great line up of glass pour rosé to taste, as well as food specials. Vic Road Wine Bar & Cellar, 53 - 55 Victoria Road, Devonport, open every day from 12pm. Tel 09 445 0194 or follow @vicroadwinebar on Instagram Valentine’s Day @ Vic Road Kitchen - Monday 14th February Vic Road Kitchen is taking bookings for dinner now. Choose from a special “Lovers’ menu” aimed at sharing or a “Trust the Chef” set menu. Vic Road Kitchen, 57 - 59 Victoria Road, Devonport, open Tues – Sat 4pm til late. Tel 09 445 9797 or follow @vicroadkitchen on Instagram Devonport Village is YOUR seaside escape. Visit:


Issue 127 - February 2022

Devonport in February

Maria Teape.

Kia ora koutou! We hope that you and your whānau have had a great summer so far. The time spent at orange level has been greatly valued by our team and no doubt by the wider community. The move back to red level has come a little earlier than hoped and affected some events, but the good news is others are still able to continue for now. Unfortunately Folk in the Park which was scheduled for Sunday 13th February has been cancelled and the Devonport Business Association’s Devonport Street Festival, planned for Friday 18th and Saturday 19th February has been postponed. On a brighter note, Raumati/Summer Fun Tamariki (0-5) Play mornings will still be held on Tuesdays at Windsor Reserve, Devonport and on Thursdays at The Rose Gardens, Belmont. At both locations, sessions start at 9:30am and finish at 11:30am. Attendance is casual and caregiver supervision is required. Sessions are also weather dependent. The health and safety of our attendees and staff is our top priority and our events are Covid safe. Participants aged 12+ are required to show their vaccine passes before entering the event area and we remind participants to please scan the contact tracing QR code or use the paper-based contact tracing forms on site. Please also wear a face mask and maintain one metre social distancing. Please stay home if you are feeling unwell. Any updates on event Covid protocols from Auckland Council will be closely monitored and actioned accordingly. Please follow us on Facebook to keep informed of any updates.

The health & safety of our attendees and staff is our top priority and our events are Covid safe. Kids' Athletics Series is planned to commence on Tuesday 15th February and all going well will be held on consecutive Tuesdays until 22nd March. Sessions run from 4pm-6pm and are held at Vauxhall Sports Reserve, also known as the North Shore Rugby Club grounds. Attendance is casual and registration takes place on site each session. This event is also Covid safe, so our staff will be asking participants and/or caregivers aged 12+ to show vaccine passes at registration and all other Covid safe protocols will be followed to as per Tamariki Play. Kids' Athletics gives primary/ intermediate school aged kids the chance to have a go, in a fun, non-competitive environment. Younger siblings are welcome. Our February quarterly community network meeting is taking place on Thursday 10th February, 10am at Devonport Yacht Club. The purpose of the meetings is to give residents and community groups the opportunity to network and also hear from guest speakers on topical matters. Covid protocols will be in place so please bring your vaccine pass, wear a face mask and please stay home if you are feeling unwell. Mā te wā, Maria



By Teresa Burns, Doctor of Audiology. Director and owner of Teresa Burns Hearing Ltd.

Independent hearing care

By Dave Donaldson, President, Seniornet Bayswater.

Teresa Burns.

Hello! My name is Teresa Burns and I am a Doctor of Audiology. I am the Director and owner of Teresa Burns Hearing Ltd, located at 215 Wairau Road, across the street from Southern Cross Hospital, inside Health I-Care Medical Centre. This month marks the seventh anniversary of my business, and I am pleased to say that although lockdowns in 2020 and 2021 were a challenge, my clinic is continuing to grow and thrive. I love working with people and technology, so audiology is a perfect fit for me. I am originally from the USA (Connecticut) but moved to New Zealand in 2000. I think the North Shore is paradise and you can often find me, my husband and our teenage son at one of the many beautiful beaches.

I offer hearing evaluations, hearing aid fittings and repairs, tinnitus consultations, micro-suction wax removal and custom hearing protection. In my 25+ years career I’ve worked at public and private clinics and on the hearing aid manufacturing side as a sales manager and technical specialist. Hearing aids are my specialty and am proud to offer all major brands, along with personalised service and experienced care. I am also part of a network of independent, owner operated audiologists – so if you are out and about in New Zealand and need help there is always someone I can recommend. I offer hearing evaluations, hearing aid fittings and repairs, tinnitus consultations, micro-suction wax removal and custom hearing protection. I am fully certified to offer hearing aid funding such as ACC, VANZ, hearing aid subsidy and can help you apply for Enable ‘full’ funding. I’ll be writing monthly columns here offering tips on protecting your hearing and information on the latest in hearing aid technology, hearing health and tinnitus. So, watch this space! If you have any questions or would like to discuss your hearing, or hearing aids, please do get in touch. Have a wonderful summer and all the best for 2022! Teresa Burns Hearing 215 Wairau Road, Wairau Valley, Auckland (09) 475 9849

Helping senior people become IT savvy

Dave Donaldson

While Covid-19 makes headlines around the world and in New Zealand, the issue of becoming more up to date with the use of our mobile phones and computers (IT) becomes even more Seniornet Bayswater at the important. Belmont Park Racquets Club. Many of us will have found that re-registering a car, for example, is next to impossible if we only have cash and no internet access. Seniornet Bayswater welcomes you to attend informal classes starting in February (Covid willing) at our excellent venue that we share with the Belmont Racquets Club at 133 Bayswater Road, Bayswater.

Once you understand more about the internet then a whole range of things will become much easier for you. That is the experience of other Seniornet attendees. We do not charge for attending classes but ask for a modest membership fee of $40 per year, once you are satisfied that the tuition and new skills you acquire are of value to you. They will be. Once you understand more about the internet then a whole range of things will become much easier for you. That is the experience of other Seniornet attendees. You’ll really enjoy the social aspect of Seniornet as well. If Covid-19 means we can’t meet in person, we offer Zoom sessions on a variety of subjects, and again, these are free if you are a member of Seniornet. We look forward to your company and of working together to help resolve your IT issues. Please visit for further information. If there are any particular topics or issues you would like assistance with, please let us know via email: NOTE: The Seniornet Bayswater AGM will be held on 16th February at 12.30 pm on at 133 Bayswater Ave ( our new home The Belmont Racquets Club). Reece McVinney is going to do a short simple presentation at our AGM on how seniors can have a paperless office, so it will be an interesting, thought provoking session. This AGM may change to be postponed or go online should Covid-19 intervene. Issue 127 - February 2022



Local Life

In Channel Magazine we love highlighting people in our community who make a difference. Two local Devonport Peninsula people, Kate and Lauren, have created ‘Local Life NZ’ a social media entity doing similar online. We love what they do, so we’re now collaborating with them to include content in Channel Mag. This month they profile Ron Child, Koru Koha Studio, and Isaac from Win the Day.

Ron Child

Koru Koha Studio

Ron Child is turning 101 in May and he still manages to climb the stairs at the RSA in Victoria Road twice a day without missing a beat. He drinks only pre-boiled water, prefers a Mediterranean diet, and swears by a cap of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water every day as one of his secrets to longevity. That and banishing the negatives. “You’ve got to work on the positives,” he says. “And I have a lot of those in my life, including my three wonderful daughters.” Ron has just spent the past month with his eldest daughter Nadine in Whitford, helping repair and paint a cabin in her back garden. Not one to sit still, Ron says he’s been so busy lately – still catching up with well-wishers after his 100th birthday last year – that he’s let his daily exercise regime slip. But he says his resolutions for this year include adopting an early-to-rise regime and making sure he gets a decent walk in every day. He’s adamant that revising his priorities will help prolong his already-full life. “I’ve had such a fabulous life, packed with good memories,” he says. “I’m here for the long haul and the hard yards.” We certainly hope so.

Koru Koha Studio, which is tucked away in a garage on Devonport’s Rattray Street, celebrates whānau in every respect. The entire Taylor family, dad Jason, mum Shaarina, and their young adults Siobhan and Sophia, is represented in the gallery, with works ranging from elaborately carved wooden sideboards and artisan furniture, abstract landscapes and hand-crafted jewellery to quirky knitted toys. The garage cum studio is alongside their distinctive purple-hued home which has been in the family for the past 60 years. Shaarina’s parents – Eric and Sheila Boyd – were well known in Devonport and started their married life there, across the road from the former police station and Pentlands maternity hospital. It’s a special pocket of Devonport history. The wood for Jason’s wood carving comes from the community. “Everyone gives me their off-cuts and everything I use is repurposed and recycled,” he says. “I’m never short of timber with all the renovations going on around Devonport.” A landscaper by trade, Jason is adamant his woodwork is just a hobby but they’re a family who work hard to incorporate their passions and past lives into everything they do. Jason and Shaarina are former DoC rangers who met through work and who have adorned the pavement outside their home with brightly coloured chalk drawings of native birds for passers-by to vote on. And when the gallery closes at the end of every weekend, the display shelves are hoisted to the ceiling and the space becomes a studio for Shaarina’s weekly Qi Gong classes. @korukohastudio

Isaac and Win the Day “I’ve been wearing op-shop clothes for most of my life,” says 25-year-old Isaac Madsen who runs the vintage and coffee shop Win the Day in a row of garages behind the Belmont Baptist Church on Lake Road. Isaac thought nothing of being kitted out in charity shop finds at a time when his mates wore logos head to foot – he attributes his love for vintage and second hand clothing to his mother who dragged him around Auckland’s op shop circuit. “She’s got a great eye,” he says. Win the Day – previously known as Mufti – also satisfies Isaac’s other love for coffee, and he’s a mean barista, honing the skills first learnt as a social worker when he made coffees on an old machine for his charges at Springboard Community Works in Snells Beach. Isaac and his wife Anna (they were married in thrift shop finds) run the local Baptist youth group, and give 10% of their proceeds back to the church. Community is all-important to them and Win the Day has become an informal hang-out for skaters, surfers, snowboarders and students who come to chew the fat over a flat white, sit in the sun and browse the painstakingly curated racks of tees, jeans and flannel shirts. Isaac has plans to extend the shop to include the neighbouring garage, featuring vintage posters, furniture and mirrors, alongside local artwork and craft. He’s keen to share the spotlight with as many locals as possible, but in the meantime he’s focused on serving up the best (and cheapest) coffees in town. @winthedayvintage, Win The Day Vintage & Coffee, 3 Westwell Road, Belmont. Hours: 8am-12.30pm, Tues-Sat If you have a story you would like to share or know of a local hero, contact Kate Dobbin & Lauren Lulu Taylor at Follow Local Life NZ on Facebook and Instagram – @LocalLifeNZ


Issue 127 - February 2022

Foodie Finds


Foodie Finds is a monthly column by Kate Dobbin and Lauren Lulu Taylor which profiles local food producers and their products in the Devonport area. If you have suggestions of products or producers for us to consider, please email Kate on or Lulu at

By Justine Kinsella

Devonport Community House

Whiling away time in wine bars You could be forgiven for thinking you were in the charming back alley of a rustic London or Brooklyn hostelry when you sit in the garden of the Vic Road Wine Bar with its gritty brick wall surrounds and views of the sparkling cityscape. The Vic Road Wine Bar, which was set up in an old shoe shop on Devonport’s main drag just as the Auckland lockdown was coming to Outside at the Vic Road Wine an end, offers a unique combination Bar & Cellar. of on- and off-licence sales where customers can purchase wine to take away, or drink on site. Wine bottles are lovingly curated and displayed on wooden shelves, redolent of an old-style bookstore, with handwritten neck tags indicating manager Alastair Bryan’s recommendations. Two big communal tables inside encourage informal dining and host regular wine tastings. Outside, in a sunny courtyard, the garden bar smacks of al fresco good times with its large umbrellas, high stools and live music. You can feast well on appetisers, including house made hummus; pickled octopus with capers, red peppers and olive oil; smoked snapper and kawhai pate with pickled vege on the side; and a beef tartare with truffle crisps, served cleverly in a Torres chips packet. There are wooden platters of delicious morsels for meat eaters and non-meat eaters alike, offering house-cured meats, Spanish tortilla and a host of delicious cheeses and pickles, all of which you can package up to take away. The house-made truffle brie is a particular stand-out. The drinks menu boasts wine, beer and cider from around the world, with constantly-changing specials on offer to tempt you away from the usual favourites. There’s a rioja blanco, a viognier, an albarino, a tempranillo and a Provençal rose – but also the excellent Kumeu Estate chardonnay to remind you what’s so good about New Zealand-made wine. If you're venturing outside Devonport, try the Stafford Rd Wine Bar in Northcote Point for a great selection of wines, tapas and craft beers in its beautifully restored corner site. Further up the bays, Milford’s East Coast Road features the excellent Stanley Avenue Wine Bar & Bistro run by brother and sister team Matt and Kathryn Aitchison, while back in Milford village Cave au Vin on Kitchener Road offers some of the best French-style food in Auckland, paired with organic wines. Vic Road Wine Bar & Cellar, 53 - 55 Victoria Road, Devonport: Hours: Open every day from 12pm. Tel 09 445 0194 or follow @vicroadwinebar on Instagram Stafford Rd Wine Bar, 41 Queen Street, Northcote Point, 09 480-2690 or Hours: Mon-Wed 4pm-10pm, Thurs 3pm-11pm, Fri and Sat 2pm-11pm, Sunday 3pm-10pm. Stanley Avenue Wine Bar & Bistro, 52 East Coast Road, Milford, 09 410 0066. Tues, Wed - snacks available from 3pm, then main menu available from 5pm Tues - Sat. Lunch. Menu available from 12pm - 3pm Thurs-Fri. Closed Sunday and Monday. Cave au Vin, 146 Kitchener Road, Milford. For Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 3pm late; Friday, Saturday, Sunday 2pm-late.

Justine Kinsella.

Well, here we are! A big HELLO and happy new year from the Devonport Community House. 2022 is well and truly under way and we're excited to be open! Our school holiday programme kept the House buzzing throughout January and there's nothing better than seeing some hustle and bustle after a very quiet last few months of 2021. Some of you may have noticed that we’ve been giving the House a bit of a refresh inside. We’ve had some painting done and new noticeboards installed. We’re also working hard to give our mezzanine area some love, transforming this space into a comfortable, relaxing community lounge for everyone to enjoy.

Have an idea for a class or workshop? Or want to host an event? Get in touch! We’d love to help make this happen. We have some awesome plans in the pipeline for 2022! To kick things off, we have our babysitting workshop going ahead this month and are working on a ukulele workshop series for beginners that we’re very excited about. Our regular timetable is shaping up to be a goodie too; we have classes for yoga, art, meditation, mums' fitness, pilates, tai chi, karate, jiu jitsu, salsa, knitting and more! We also host the awesome Sports 4 Tots classes and the Devonport Toy Library on a weekly basis. Make sure you keep an eye on our website and social media pages for updates on what we have coming up. Have an idea for a class or workshop? Or want to host an event? Get in touch! We’d love to help make this START SMALL ... happen. Want to run a workshop or class? We have a variety Or host an event? Now is your time! of rooms available for hire, and some We have: Location right in the heart of the village great community rates A variety of rooms available available. We have Fantastic rates for our community an amazing central Awesome facilities location, off-street parking, accessible entry, a fully equipped kitchen and a fenced courtyard.



Devonport Community House, Clarence Street, Devonport (09) 445 3068 Issue 127 - February 2022



Excellent Academic Results for Kristin Students Academic excellence is one of the key drivers for families in choosing a Kristin education for their children, and Kristin’s proud record in this arena has been further strengthened with another set of excellent examination results for 2021. Kristin’s Senior School students choose to follow either the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme or NCEA pathway in roughly equal numbers, and the recently released 2021 results are evidence of the strength of both programmes of study at Kristin. 100% of Kristin’s IB candidates were successful in gaining their diplomas in 2021. Stella Mackenzie, Sam Zhuang and Lucy Xu achieved the perfect score of 45 points, placing them in the top 1.5% of candidates worldwide, and Shirley Bian, Amy Chen, Sally Kim, Ethan Miller-Goulter, William Parton, Veronika Sevastyanova, Kevin Wei and Guy Williams followed closely on 44. These were among 37 Kristin students (43% of IB candidates) to achieve a score of 40 or more points qualifying them as NZ IB Top Scholars. The average score of Kristin students was 38 points, compared to the world average this year of 33. With over 30 years of experience in offering the IB Diploma Programme, Kristin had the largest number of candidates of any New Zealand school in the November examinations session. Thrilled with her perfect score, Lucy said: “I am so thankful for my cohort, full of smart, talented, passionate people that I aspire to be like. Although sometimes IB was tough, I wouldn’t trade my

experience for the world!” Sam reflected: “Despite the difficulties of the past two years, I am incredibly proud that our cohort was able to achieve these amazing results together, and I am grateful for what I have received.” Also delighted with her score, Stella said: “I am so immensely proud of my friends and classmates this year. To have endured a pandemic and met the challenge of IB whilst maintaining friendships and building support systems is a uniquely impressive achievement.” Kristin’s NCEA results also demonstrate the excellent level of academic achievement by Kristin students. With an overall NCEA pass rate of 97%, Kristin’s commitment to the national qualification is celebrated throughout the school. A total of 190 students sat Level 2 and 3 NCEA at Kristin in 2021 and of those over 70% were awarded Merit or Excellence endorsed certificates, while 97% of Kristin's Year 13 who sat NCEA Level 3 achieved University Entrance. Senior School Principal David Boardman is incredibly proud of his students’ achievements. "2021 was a challenging year for all students and schools across Auckland. With a number of lockdowns early in the year and shifting to Remote Learning for the majority of Term 3, our students have shown that they possess the resilience and determination to achieve, even when faced with such challenges. The excellent results achieved in 2021 are a testament to the hard work of both students and their teachers, ensuring that they can achieve at the highest level possible and receive a world-class education. I wish them all the best with their future studies and adventures."

Kristin Future Problem Solvers' success Last November, 13 Kristin Middle and Senior School students won qualifying invitations to compete in the New Zealand Nationals Future Problem Solving Competition. The Global Issue competition topic was Personalised Medicine, and the hours of preparing for the competition resulted in Kristin winning first, second and third places across the Middle and Senior Divisions – Congratulations! • First in NZ: Fiona Rogan, Alia Peerbhai, Sehaj Sapra and Angela Li. (Middle Division) • Second in NZ: Catherine Chen, Nicole Wong, Randal Yao, Celeste Li. This team also won first place in the Dramatic Presentation of Action Plan competition. (Middle Division)

• Third in NZ: Congratulations to the Year 12 team of Katarina Mueller, Jamie Richardson, Henry Pinder and Zenan Wang. (Senior Division) This is a highly deserved recognition for these talented, dedicated students and also very exciting, as they are now invited to compete in the International Future Problem Solving competition in June 2022. Congratulations also goes to the semi-finalists; JD Ries, Ryan Fan, Madeleine Loughton, Cecilia Lin and Daniel Martin.

Powering up Kristin! It's very exciting to see our solar panels installed on the Tūrama covered courts. As a Silver Enviroschool, Kristin students want to see more renewable energy being produced right here, powering our lights, computers and air conditioning. We already have 83 solar panels installed on our Wellness Centre and Auditorium buildings that generated 31,000 kilowatts of power in 2020. Our computer system, Sunny Portal, provides real time 'data' for students and staff to see as well as weekly, monthly and annual Solar Panels installed at Kristin. reports. It's exciting to be able to use our solar energy right here on campus, and the learning and curriculum links are limitless. Year 12 Council of Sustainability member Matheo Fisher says "Everyone should play their part in helping improve sustainability on a global level. However we need to start small, and Kristin should be an example for other schools or organisations to encourage them to act." Hopefully this is just the beginning...


Issue 127 - February 2022

Congratulations Class of 2021! For academic excellence in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma and NCEA From left: Senior School Principal David Boardman, Sam Zhuang, Lucy Xu and Stella Mackenzie.

2021 results are out and once again, we couldn’t be prouder of our students’ achievements. Featured above, Sam Zhuang, Lucy Xu and Stella Mackenzie achieved perfect IB Diploma scores of 45 out of 45, placing them quite literally top in the world.

Middle and Senior School

Apply Now! FOR 2023

Kristin IB candidates achieved a 100% pass rate. 43% scored 40 or more points and will be named NZ IB Top Scholars for 2021. 97% of Kristin’s NCEA Level 2 and 3 students passed, with over 70% endorsed with Merit or Excellence. Kristin offers dual academic pathways in the Senior School; last year half our Year 13 students completed the IB Diploma Programme while half studied NCEA.

To take a tour or apply, visit or call 09 415 9566. Issue 127 - February 2022



Harriet Gowing.

Luciana Wilton.

Charlotte Graham.

Mackenzie Chatfield.

Olivia Anderson.

Holly Williams.

Paige Blake.

Athletes excel despite challenging year The 2021 College Sport Auckland Young Sportsperson of the Year Awards were held virtually for the first time late last year, and WGHS was well represented by seven of our student athletes. These awards recognise the top sporting all-rounders in Auckland, as well as the top three of four athletes overall in each College Sport code encompassing all the schools in the greater Auckland region. Congratulations to the following students on their sporting performances over 2021: Winners of the College Sport Auckland All-Rounder Awards: Touch, rugby, basketball and netball – Holly Williams Basketball (school), volleyball, basketball (Harbour) and netball – Mackenzie Chatfield Winner of a Sport Code Award: Touch - Holly Williams

Prefects get ready for exciting year ahead While most students were enjoying the last of the long summer break, seven of our students gave up some of their holiday time to prepare for their roles as Prefects in 2022. Our Head and Deputy Head Prefects, along with the five House Captains, spent two days at AUT Millennium undertaking workshops and activities based around leadership. The aim is to build connection between Westlake’s key student leaders and prepare them for the responsibilities of their roles. Pictured from front left are Ivy Mitchell (Head Prefect), Aimee Euston-Stewart (Wairau House Captain), Ella Dorward (Deputy Head Prefect), Rachel Bickerstaffe (trainer), Ella Borrie (Akoranga House Captain), Louise Clouston (trainer), Holly Williams (Onewa House Captain), Tallulah Salmon (Hauraki House Captain) and Lucy Jobbins (Pupuke House Captain).


Issue 127 - February 2022

Finalists for the College Sport Auckland Code Awards: Hockey: Paige Blake Rowing: Olivia Anderson Snow sports: Harriet Gowing Softball: Charlotte Graham Touch: Luciana Wilton.

Students win national title and raise awareness of invisible disabilities Congratulations to the winners of the national 2021 Tahi Rua Toru Tech Secondary Challenge – Shreeji Patel, Estelle Fernandez and Sumi Wang from WGHS! Their project found a visible solution to help raise awareness about invisible disabilities by producing a graphic novel that embeds augmented reality to show the change in behaviour when people are educated about invisible disabilities. Titled “The Colours at the end of the Rainbow”, the graphic novel features six empathy-provoking and educational stories showcasing a new perspective through the eyes of characters with a range of invisible disabilities. The team says, “Our graphic novel has inspiring stories of everyday people and their everyday experiences with an invisible disability. Our aim is make the readers empathise with the people in the book as we spread awareness of this issue. The digital twist is that the back of the book has an augmented reality-experience QR code which takes people to an online version of the book.”

“The book is short, sharp and fun as we want to encourage as many people as possible to have a read,” say Shreej, Estell and Sumi. The Tahi Rua Toru Tech Challenge is an annual event held amongst participating schools around New Zealand, with two levels at high school – Secondary Challenge (Years 9-10) and Senior Secondary Challenge (Years 11-13). Teams work with industry mentors on a digital technology project, with comprehensive age and learning-level appropriate support and guidance. The Challenge brief requires students to identify a problem in their own school or community and create a digital technologies-based solution to solve it. Shreeji, Estelle and Sumi (Year 10 in 2021) are pictured the moment they found out via Zoom that they had won, and holding copies of “The Colours at the end of the Rainbow”. In 2020, Westlake Girls placed first and second in the Auckland Regional event, with Epilepz selected in first place, and “No Justification for Discrimination” coming a close second.

Westlake students contribute to stunning artwork Last year, students from Westlake Girls participated in creating a mural that has been installed in Takapuna. The 60m mural was created by schools across the North Shore, under the umbrella of Pupuke Kāhui Ako and working with Auckland Council regeneration agency Eke Panuku. Local tamariki have been central to this project, with their involvement charging creativity and education surrounding Toi Māori in the younger generation. Students participated in two educational workshops and contributed towards the design with their own artworks. The students involved from WGHS, with support from Susana Tomaz were: Crystal Mo, Christina Park, Gianna Marigondon, Zoe Barber, Nida Naqvi Anna Onishi-Lee, Emersyn Mack, Krisha Lad, Grace Park, Hiba Mohamed Rizwan, Meadow Mauger,

Jacqueline Choi, Nguyen Bui. This Pupuke mural focuses on the natural beauty of Takapuna, incorporating kowhaiwhai (traditional Māori patterns) and Māori designs of the natural world in which they are based. It not only stands as a beautiful symbol of collaboration and ecology, but also celebrates the identity of Takapuna by showcasing Māori motifs, providing a platform for learning and understanding to take place between people. The project was led by local artist and Westlake Alumni Emma Jane Ormsby of Ngāti Maniapoto and Ngāti Porou descent, with support from mana whenua. Emma is a student at Elam School of Fine Arts and Te Wananga ō Aotearoa, and is undertaking a major in Whakairo (Māori wood-carving). Check out the mural on the Auburn Street development location known as the Gasometer site. Issue 127 - February 2022



Emery takes the House Shield.

Kelly House in action.

Liston takes on Emery.

Emery's Tug of War.

Rosmini College Junior Sport Days As Rosmini College Headmaster, Mr Nixon Cooper, rightly pointed out in the school’s final newsletter for 2021, 2021 was indeed “a tumultuous year". We all thought 2020 was tough but 2021 was certainly even more challenging for our young men. Consequently, at the end of 2021, it was great to see so many boys outside enjoying lessons. Rosmini also held two successful events: the first was an Inter-House Sports Day and the second was a Junior Athletics Day.” On Friday, 3rd December, the Rosmini College Year 7 – 10 students had an Inter-House Sports Day. There was dodgeball, football, long ball and non-stop cricket in the morning and Yoshi in the afternoon. Rosmini College’s Deputy Principal Mr Jon Dale said, “The kids were

amazing and really got into the spirit of the day. There were a series of closely fought games with Liston leading at lunchtime. It all came down to a house Yoshi competition in the afternoon where Emery snuck home in the end to win the house shield.” On Monday, 6th December, Rosmini College had its first ever Year 7 – 10 Athletics Day. Rosmini’s Deputy Principal and the MC for the day, Mr Jon Dale said, “The day started with the lung-busting 1500m race which everyone took part in. Emery dominated track events whereas Liston ruled in field events and dominated the relays. Emery and Curran won the hotly contested tug of war! However, the overall winner by the slimmest of margins, was Emery. Liston was second, Curran was third and Kelly was fourth.”

Rosmini Water Polo Rosmini College students and Old Boys were recognised at the North Harbour Water Polo Awards towards the end of 2021 with Most Improved Overall Club Player going to our Head Coach, James Catlin; U16 Black Team Boys Most Improved to Finn Aitken; U16 Maroon Boys Most Improved to Matthew Mihaljevich who also won the Most Improved Junior Male award. U18 Maroon Men Most Valuable Player went to Cole Johns while the Most Improved went to Will Catlin. The Coach of the Year was awarded to Old Boy, James Catlin and Michael SlessorWhite won Club Referee of the Year, along James Catlin with members of the Rosmini College Water Polo team. with our Junior A manager and BOT member, Sarah Porter being recognised for her Service to Water Polo. It was fantastic to see so many Rosmini players recognised for their outstanding commitment to the game and the North Harbour club.


Issue 127 - February 2022


Head Boy Jack Clough.

Gavin Wu.

Rachel Sun.

Harmony Wilson-Ngata.

Aleks Hachikyan.

Emily McNamara.

James Cassidy.

TGS - Junior Prizegiving Awards 2021 The school would like to congratulate all of our Junior Prizegiving Award winners for the perseverance and dedication they have shown during a disrupted and challenging 2021. It was great to be able to celebrate these achievements during two separate ceremonies held under beautiful weather in our Student Services Courtyard in the final week of 2021. Here are the lists of the Special Award Winners:

Year 10:

Tom Talbot – Peninsular Cup - Excellence in Performing Arts at Junior Level James Cassidy – Donnell Cup - Contribution by a Junior Student to Music Ruby Judson – Armstrong Cup - Excellence in Debating Jodie Blackwood – Linda Geary Cup - Junior Sportswoman of the Year Emily McNamara – Ross Finlayson Cup - Leadership in Sport Lydia Forrest – Cree Cup for All Round Excellence & School Spirit in Year 10 Lily Gray – Patsy Zohs Cup for Academic Excellence in Year 10 Gemma Leathley – Patsy Zohs Cup for Academic Excellence in Year 10 Maia Madsen Brough – June Spooner Award - Academic Excellence in Year 10 Accelerate

Year 9:

Mason Ropati – Aroha Cup for Junior Citizenship Award in Special Education Liam Vogel – Al Cameron Cup for Junior Sportsman of the Year Harmony Wilson-Ngata – Esplin Trophy for All Round Excellence and School Spirit in Year 9 Aleks Hachikyan – Aaron Hill Cup for Academic Excellence in Year 9 Gavin Wu – Aaron Hill Cup for Academic Excellence in Year 9 Rachel Sun – June Spooner Award for Academic Excellence in Year 9 Accelerate

Maia Madsen Brough. Issue 127 - February 2022




By Sonia Thursby, CEO, Yes Disability

Busy start to the year at YES!

Sonia Thursby.

Happy New Year. It’s off with a bang for I.Lead as we dive into a busy but exciting year! We start the year with I.Drive Learners Licence workshop, which aims to support and teach people with disability the New Zealand Road Code. The workshop is designed in a practical and easy to learn method. Gaining a learner driver’s licence provides a sense of independence and this programme ensures that every person has the opportunity to obtain their licence. On 21st and 22nd February, we have our I.Lead Conference in Wellington. This is an event where we celebrate and voice our needs to government officials. The conference will be held at Parliament, where young people with disabilities are given the opportunity to express the barriers they face and the changes they think are needed. Ultimately, the goal is to create an accessible and inclusive New Zealand. What better way to do this than to talk to policy makers directly! Our registrations close on the 7th Feb, so if you and someone you know is keen to attend, please register on our website. YES is proud to be a provider of the Duke of Edinburgh International Awards. This year we will be starting a programme for people with disabilities to obtain their bronze, silver and gold awards. Duke of Edinburgh is an internationally recognised award that provides participants with the opportunity to develop their personal and professional growth. Duke of Edinburgh splits itself into four sections which focus on the participants' physical, volunteering, individual skills and their team-working skills. We are excited to see the activities our participants choose and to follow them on their Duke of Edinburgh journey! There is much more coming in 2022, keep an eye on our social media pages for updates and upcoming events. Facebook Instagram Tiktok

Wilson Home Trust 2022 The team at The Wilson Home Trust have returned after a good summer break and are looking forward to working with our families in 2022. Whilst the current COVID situation is concerning and making it difficult to plan, we are optimistic that we will be able to offer programmes later this year. We are currently exploring offering more relaxation clay sessions, equipment demonstration days and concerts in the chapel. We offer support, information and grants to families with a physically disabled child or young adult under the age of 22, who live in the upper North Island. If you, or you know of someone, that may need support, please contact us via phone, text or email. Information about our programmes can be found on our website

We are currently exploring offering more relaxation clay sessions, equipment demonstration days and concerts in the chapel. The next grant closing date for Equipment, Activity and Group grants is on Thursday 10 March. All other grants can be applied for at any time and will be responded to within three working days. Wilson Home Trust Wedding Garden The wedding season is upon us and Justine is busy working with couples on their special day. The current COVID Red restrictions allow for up to 100 people to attend weddings (with vaccine certificates) and Justine can assist you if you would like to find out more or to come and have a look at the chapel or gardens. Please contact Justine at If you would like to know more about the Wilson Home Trust and the work we do, please check out our website or facebook page


Issue 127 - February 2022



By Bronwyn Bound, Sunnynook Community Centre Manager

News from Sandra Jacobs

Ahoy, there, Harold!

Sandra Jacobs.

As the new school year approaches, Harold and our educators prepare for whatever the year brings. We aim to provide interactive teaching and learning programmes to support our tamariki as we navigate these challenging times. For over 30 years, Life Education has provided health and wellbeing programmes in New Zealand and on the Shore. Harold and our educators are experts in this, and now more than ever, we are ready to meet the challenges ahead!

We remain committed to assisting our tamariki to make positive choices in the knowledge that today children and young people face many challenges… Our compass is ready, and although our journey and course may change, our programmes remain interactive and engaging. We will continue to provide resources and support to and complement the New Zealand health curriculum. We remain committed to assisting our tamariki to make positive choices in the knowledge that today children and young people face many challenges, including obesity, substance use, mental health and well-being and bullying. The decisions we make as young people can dramatically affect how we live our lives in the future – and this is why Life Education exists. Through education, we help students understand how decisions they make today can affect their future health and well-being. We are looking forward to the year ahead and working in our North Shore schools! Contact us: Visit:

Greetings from Sunnynook Community Centre

Bronwyn Bound.

During January under the orange traffic light setting we ran a three-week holiday programme (with reduced numbers) which was a great way to start 2022. A highlight was talking to the children about the Community Garden which had some lovely carrots that the children shared. We kept the programme very local and the children and staff had a wonderful time. Some of our groups started back during January and some are due to start back in February. There are very strict rules around entering the Community Centre (the rules change depending on the traffic light setting). The current relevant information is on the door at the entrance to the Community Centre; before entering please make sure you have a face mask, My Vaccine pass and use the Covid tracer app. Now that we have a Community Garden the next step is to set up a ‘food pantry’. We have already received wonderful support from a couple of local businesses and I would like to thank Kim from Benefitz for listening to my concerns and Hamish from Gilmours who have both agreed to support the food pantry. It is awesome to be able to meet a need in our community. If anyone is interested in helping run the food pantry please email: I would particularly like to have the assistance of some Yr 12 or Yr 13 students to help out and give back to their community.

Now that we have a Community Garden the next step is to set up a ‘food pantry’. We have already received wonderful support from a couple of local businesses… I would also like to thank the two members of our community (who both live in Park Lane Village) who go around the local area and park collecting rubbish. You are doing a wonderful job for our community and I thank you both. All the best, Bronwyn Bound, Centre Manager Check out where you will find more information about the classes that are being run at the Centre. Email: for more information. All the best, Bronwyn Bound, Centre Manager Issue 127 - February 2022



Tackling pest plants to protect nature and our health FEBRUARY PEST PLANT OF THE MONTH: Moth Plant Pest plants, such as moth plant, are invading Auckland’s North Shore – your gardens and your nearby bush reserves. Controlling them when they are small is easy and cheap. If they are left to grow, they can spread across your property onto your neighbours’ gardens and to nearby reserves. Moth plant is a particularly nasty pest plant as it spreads so quickly and smothers our native bush. It is poisonous to people (and traps Monarch butterflies!) and its sap can irritate our skin. From December, the vines form bell-shaped creamy-coloured flowers, occasionally with pink streaks. By February, these flowers are turning into large, green, pear-shaped pods. If left, each pod will release thousands of fluffy parachute seeds into the air infesting more and more of our gardens, parks and bush. This is where you can help. If you notice moth plant on your property or in your nearby parks, please take action as soon as possible: • Pull or dig out any small seedlings, including roots. • For medium-sized vines, find the stem where it goes into the ground, cut it near the base of the vine, and immediately paste a thin smear of MetGelTM onto the cut stem. • For monster-sized vines, scrape a vertical length of the bark, about four times the diameter of the trunk, near the base of the stem. Immediately paste a thin smear of MetGel onto the scraped stem. • There are groups of volunteers who may be able to help by providing tools, herbicide, advice and training. Please get in touch using the contact details in the next column. • Dispose of all seed pods, flowers and roots in your rubbish bin to go to landfill, securely tied inside a plastic bag - to stop it spreading to other areas. Unfortunately, they can't be composted. • Leave the cut vine hanging in the tree to die. • Talk to your neighbours, tell them about moth plant and encourage them to take action too!


Issue 127 - February 2022

There are several environmental networks across Auckland’s North Shore that support communities to recognise, report and remove pest plants and restore our native wildlife. East Coast Bays and Hibiscus Coast Restore Hibiscus & Bays,,, Kaipātiki, Pest Free Kaipātiki (PFK),,, Takapuna, Pupuke Birdsong Project,, Devonport Peninsula, Restoring Takarunga Hauraki,, restoringtakarungahauraki/ Upper Harbour, Upper Harbour Ecological Network (UHEN), For advice on chemical-free alternatives, Kaipātiki Project, This Pest Plant of the Month feature is a collaborative initiative between Restore Hibiscus & Bays, Pest Free Kaipātiki Restoration Society, Pupuke Birdsong Project, Restoring Takarunga Hauraki, the Upper Harbour Ecological Network and Kaipātiki Project. Building on Te Ao Māori principles of kaitiakitanga and whanaungatanga, these environmental networks bring our communities together to foster guardianship, care and respect towards our whenua, natural world and indigenous wildlife.



Legally Speaking with Nicolette Bodewes, Schnauer & Co.

Separation and family lawyers

Resilience is a precious skill

Nicolette Bodewes.

The new year is a time that we reflect on the year just gone and look ahead with a view to making plans for the future. Sadly, for some people this means a decision to end their current relationship. The decision is more often than not, not mutual and one party may be caught unawares. It is a personal choice for everyone but has consequences for those around them, particularly if they have children. A separation will inevitably result in hurt, grief, frustration, worry and unfortunately for some, a wish for one party to denigrate the other. Family lawyers often see an increase in requests for support in sorting out the division of property and also making arrangements for the care of any children of the relationship at this time of year. Lawyers are problem solvers and are adept at providing sound legal advice on each party’s rights and responsibilities and where necessary, advocating for their client. The more challenging aspect of representing parties is advising clients on the effect their warring can have on any children of the relationship. In the uncertain times that are inevitable when parties separate, children need to know that whatever happens, both their mother and their father are putting their interests ahead of their own and that they are loved by both parents. Children do not want to choose between their parents and can sometimes draw the conclusion that they are the cause of the separation. The impact of an acrimonious separation can have a lasting impact on children.

The more challenging aspect of representing parties is advising clients on the effect their warring can have on any children of the relationship. The law is clear on the division of relationship property and in most circumstances, all assets will be divided equally between the parties. When it comes to children, the law is equally clear, and even emphatic, that whatever arrangements are put in place for the care of the children, they must be in the best interests of the children. Even when adults are involved in one of the most difficult situations they may ever experience, it is to everyone’s advantage to take the time to consider the effect of their actions in attempting to gain an advantage over the other. This only leads to delays in getting matters settled, much stress and tension for everyone and a very insecure and unsettling time for the children involved, not to mention increased legal fees. Although it is difficult in times of separation, it is worth considering taking a pragmatic approach to the resolution of the issues that arise when parties separate. This hopefully results in parents being able to attend their children’s sporting events, prize givings, graduation and weddings in the future, together and in relative harmony. Schnauer & Co, 1 Shea Terrace, Takapuna 09 486 0177,

Jayne de la Haye

If the last two years have taught us anything, it’s that we can never be sure quite what’s around the next corner. Restrictions to our normal everyday activities have highlighted that we cannot take such simple pleasures as meeting with friends, or even going to school or workplaces, for granted. It’s difficult to know when and if these restrictions will occur and even the exact nature of what they will be. Such unpredictability and sense of loss can be difficult to manage and lead to feelings such as helplessness, anxiety, anger and sadness. Yet, as with all disruptions, along with these challenges comes opportunities. The opportunity here is to learn the skills and mindsets that develop resilience. As the author Amanda Ripley found from her research, “Resilience is a precious skill. People who have it tend to also have three underlying advantages: a belief that they can influence life events; a tendency to find meaningful purpose in life’s turmoil; and a conviction that they can learn from both positive and negative experiences.” One way we have found helpful for children (and adults!) to retain a positive outlook through our recent challenging times has been to role-model that; while we may not have the power to change the external events creating these disruptions to our lives, we are able to exert some control over how we respond to it. We did this by promoting the message “make the most of every day”, and working with children to identify how they could do this. Gratitude: Spending a few moments towards the end of each day reflecting on what you are grateful for, and identifying things you have enjoyed about the day is a great strategy for getting the brain to focus on positive emotions. Sharing this with each other can spark ideas and remind each other of things that are good about the day. Practising gratitude helps us focus on what we do have, rather than what we don’t. An easy way to start this process is by simply taking it in turns to complete the phrase “My favourite part of the day was…” Appreciation: Another way to reflect on the day, is to think about how other people have contributed to helping your day go well. Being mindful of how the actions of others has impacted on your day, makes you realise how your actions can be equally impactful on others. Creating a culture where people take the time to be appreciative of each other with thank-yous and complements and builds a positive atmosphere. Being Proactive: One way to feel more in control is to set small achievable goals. If something hasn’t gone so well in the day, think about what you might be able to do to change things the next day. Or if you might need some help, who could you go to for support. Likewise, if everything did go well, what could you do to build on your success? Rather than dwelling on what didn’t go so well, working out a next step can gives us something to focus on and look forward. The year ahead may still be uncertain, but what we have learned is that by using these strategies to take each day at a time, before you know it, you’ll be amazed when you look back and see how far you’ve come! Jayne de la Haye is the Principal of Kristin Junior School and Early Learning. As an IB World school, personal and social learning is an integral part of the curriculum, and is seen as fundamental in helping all children achieve their full potential. Issue 127 - February 2022












WWW.NORTHHARBOURCLUB.CO.NZ Issue 127 - February 2022



Joe Leith wins big!

North Harbour Club Junior Excellence recipient wins national yachting title

Joe Leith of the Murrays Bay Sailing Club won the 2022 P Class Tauranga Cup. Joe was a recipient of a North Harbour Club Junior Excellence Award in 2020, sponsored by Precise Homes. A fleet of over 50 sailors competed for the title which came down to a deciding race seven which was sailed in 7-9 knots and pretty shifty conditions off the East Coast Bays. The course was changed to keep up with the shifts. It was touch and go as to whether the race would continue as the breeze almost disappeared, but eventually Joe Leith finished in third, good enough to secure the overall title. Back on shore, Joe said that he was thrilled to claim the title. “I’m super stoked, especially since I had a rough Tanner Cup (the warm-up event) and a rough first day of the Tauranga Cup, and then to finish my P class career with a Nationals win was amazing.” Joe Leith with coach Joe Robbins. Joe was dished a DSQ (disqualification) in one race after a borderline port/starboard protest, but took the penalty on the chin and used the experience to channel his determination with just one goal – to win the national title. “After the protest, I didn’t want to get bothered by any other boats and just sail my own race,” said Joe. “I’d really like to thank my parents, my coach Graeme Robbins, my training partner Blake McKinnon who won the Tanner Cup and to all the volunteers who made the regatta possible,” said Joe during his prize giving acceptance speech. Second overall was Oli Stone from Kohimarama Yacht Club, with Will Leech from Charteris Bay Yacht Club wrapping up the podium places in third. Murrays Bay Sailing Club did an outstanding job of hosting the national championship event. 52 sailors from around New Zealand

Joe Leith.

competed in the Tauranga Cup with everyone saying that the regatta was “awesome”. Well done Joe from the North Harbour Club! We are proud.

Upcoming North Harbour Club Events Lexus of North Shore Charity Lunch – Mark Sagar (Soul Machines) Friday February 11th, North Harbour Stadium NOTE: Event postponed due to Covid-19 Red Light (new date TBC) North Harbour Club Ambrose Golf Day at Gulf Harbour Country Club Friday April 1st – 3 player Ambrose at $450 plus GST per team Book now by email: (Jodie Rawle) 2021 North Harbour Club AIMES Awards Winners will be announced on Friday 6 May at the Gala Dinner (see info below) Book your table at the Gala now at calendar/aimes-awards/aimes-awards-gala-dinner-2021/ 2022 North Harbour Club AIMES Awards Applications Open October 17th For more info, visit:

New mid-year date for AIMES Award Gala Dinner As has been the case for many events in late 2021, the North Harbour Club’s annual AIMES Awards Gala Dinner has fallen victim to Covid-19. The 2021 dinner has been rescheduled to May 2022, with the club making a decision that this mid-year period will also become a permanent time for the awards dinner – the club’s flagship event of the year. The AIMES Awards Gala Dinner will be held on Friday May 6th 2022 at the Bruce Mason Centre. A special cocktail function announcing the AIMES Emerging Talent and Scholarship Awards will be held on the following Thursday (May 12th), with venue to be confirmed. The AIMES Awards programme recognises excellence achieved by the young people of the region in the Arts, Innovation, Music, Education, Sport and Service to the Community. 2021 is the 26th year of these awards. Issue 127 - February 2022



Simon Gundry is a Devonport and North Shore identity, and character, who is known for calling a spade a spade. He is a director of contracting company Gill & Gundry, is an enthusiastic sailor (past crew-member of Ceramco New Zealand, Lion New Zealand and Shockwave) and is a life member of the North Shore Rugby Football Club. He has been writing this thoughtprovoking column for Channel ever since the very first issue (well over a decade ago!).

I had a lovely break, but... If anybody is interested, I had a lovely break over Christmas at Russell, thoroughly loving our beautiful environment. Again, swimming at Long Beach, Elliot’s Bay and Bland Bay. Watching test cricket in the afternoon, from Australia, but I’ll get on to that shortly. Barbecuing on the deck with good friends and family and enjoying the odd pint down at the Duke of Marlborough, that wonderful iconic establishment on the waterfront. I spent several days out sailing with friends, with the luxury of returning to my own warm bed at night, which I was very comfortable with. I’ve spent plenty of nights on a narrow bunk, with the boat sloshing around, so to come home to my own bed is pure luxury. New Year’s Eve was spent with wonderful friends on the deck of their lovely home, overlooking the town of Russell. We are truly privileged to live in this wonderful country. I thought, while I was lying on the couch watching the test cricket between Australia and England, that New Zealand Cricket had really let down their fans by putting the test cricket New Zealand v. Bangladesh on Spark Sport. This is a platform I find very, very clumsy to navigate through, after the debacle of the Rugby World Cup. I truly believe that New Zealand Cricket has ‘dropped the ball’ by having New Zealand cricket in New Zealand on Spark, while New Zealand cricket overseas is on SKY. Why have the two platforms? I know, talking with plenty of cricket loving friends, they totally agreed with my sentiments. I suggest NZ Cricket might like to look into this. While we are talking about being badly let down, I feel we are being badly let down by KiwiRail and their InterIsland ferries. The ferry Kaiarahi suffered catastrophic damage to its gearbox in August last year and it was thought repairs should be completed by March this year, but this has now been pushed out to the middle of this year. All three ferries are old, unreliable and in need of huge maintenance programmes. In regards to the Kaiarahi, KiwiRail considered the options, which were rebuilding the gearbox, replacing with a second hand gearbox or putting the ferry into retirement. This would leave us with two ferries. This is again a classic example of the lack of investment in the vital infrastructure in our country. While I’m in that

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Issue 127 - February 2022

Simon Gundry.

region, please could someone tell me when Transmission Gully is going to open, and what’s causing the delay? While I am on about motorways, could somebody tell me please when the northern corridor, which is the road around the Rosedale area on the North Shore, is going to be finished and when the new road from Johnson's Tunnel to Warkworth is going to be finished? There seems to be an open cheque book from the Government to contractors with no real end date. Could someone also let me know when Waka Kotahi is forming a plan for a new road between Warkworth and Wellsford, which is one of the most dangerous stretches of road in the country?

Some other thoughts, while I was lying on that couch in Russell, if we are all serious about rubbish we must immediately outlaw single use coffee cups, and the plastic tabs to close the plastic bags of bread. While we are on Waka Kotahi, a reliable source at the coalface tells me that the television advertisement they made with the road worker on one side of the road yelling to kids on the other side of the road, about be slowing the traffic to enable the road to be safer, apparently cost nearly $1 million to make, and by the end of December, cost another $1m odd to TVNZ to air it. Instead of fixing the roads, they are spending money to slow the traffic. Some other thoughts, while I was lying on that couch in Russell, were that if we are all serious about rubbish we must immediately outlaw single use coffee cups, and the plastic tabs to close the plastic bags of bread. Somebody could have a word in Mr Tip Top’s and Mr Vogel’s ears and tell them we no longer need the plastic tabs. Going back to the single use coffee cups, I believe there would be several hundred thousand a day, which equates to nearly a million a year, used once and dumped in our rubbish tips. I, for one, refuse to participate in this habit. Anywhere you go, bins are full of these single use cardboard receptacles with their plastic lids. To say they are getting recycled is absolute BS; they are all ending up in landfill. Another item I see regularly in the gutters, on the beach and spilling out of bins, are those disposable masks. Come on New Zealand, we can do better than this. While I am on this, TVNZ News and Channel 3 News are absolute crap and I refuse to watch either channel. I see Channel 1 is advertising a brand new breakfast programme which is coming to us at the end of January. Watch this space, for another round of newage woke lefties as presenters. As you can see, over the holiday break, there’s been time for a bit of reflection. Let’s enjoy the rest of summer.


with Lindsay Knight

North Harbour’s hosting national inter-centre bowls champs South Islanders may have dominated the recent national championship pairs and singles championships in Christchurch, but that hasn’t dented optimism for North Harbour’s hopes when the centre hosts the national inter-centre The Manly (winners, left, with the trophy) and Hobsonville (right) club teams that were the finalists in the recent Bowls North championship next Harbour one-to-five interclub championship. Maureen Taylor, President of Bowls North Harbour Board is in the centre. month. Other than Harbour’s two Commonwealth Games aspirants, Selina five interclub championship early in January. This was won by the Goddard and Graham Skellern, and one-time Harbour representative Manly club for the second consecutive year in an exciting final from Tony Grantham, bowlers from northern centres didn’t advance too far Hobsonville. into post-section play at the nationals. The result was in doubt until a tense, marathon singles match Goddard made the women’s singles semi-finals and the pairs between Manly’s Andy Dorrance and Hobsonville’s Darren Morrow quarter-finals, Skellern for the second time won the para singles title reached its climax, Dorrance winning to add to his side’s win in the and Grantham, who now plays mostly in the Auckland centre, was pairs. runner-up in both the men’s singles and pairs. The junior inter-club again illustrated that among Harbour’s bowlers That, however, doesn’t necessarily mean Harbour will be again there continues to be a wide range of players who come from earlier over-shadowed when the inter-centre team event is hosted by the success in other sports. Dorrance has a big background in British centre on March 17-21. snooker and in the Orewa team was a former Scottish professional A couple of factors went in favour of southern bowlers, especially footballer and one-time All White, Alf Stamp. from the Canterbury centre, in the national singles and pairs. One was Takapuna’s Shaun Goldsbury, a first-year player who won all five that they were playing on their home greens and were used to their of his singles, was another with a rich sporting pedigree, among other slick pace. The other was that with lockdowns not so severe outside things being a national league footballer, a Northern Districts ageAuckland they had much more opportunity of meaningful, competitive group cricket and with strong family connections to rugby. play before Christmas. As a curtain-raiser to the inter-centre championship the Harbour There were still some meritorious performances in Christchurch centre this month will host the national Masters championships, hoping from Harbour bowlers. Birkenhead’s Daymon Pierson and Helensville’s for better luck than last season when it had to be aborted at the 11th Bart Roberson made the men’s singles post-section, with Pierson hour because of a Covid lockdown. only going out after fully extending the eventual winner, Canterbury’s This event, played from March 17-21 in pairs and fours, is for Kelvin Scott. bowlers aged 60 and upwards, with one division being in the 60-74 And of the many Harbour women players who made post-section age group and the other from 75 and older. Takapuna’s Robyne Walker and Birkenhead’s Millie Nathan could Centre president Maureen Taylor has been delighted with the boast they were eliminated by the eventual winners of that title, Sandra entry, with 202 teams and nearly 500 bowlers from all parts of the Keith and Bev. Morel. country, including the South Island. Greens from seven clubs will be The likely headquarters for the national inter-centre event will be used: Orewa, Manly, Browns Bay, Mairangi Bay, Milford, Takapuna and Browns Bay and there is optimism, too, that its greens will be ready Helensville. after they were affected by a mishap earlier in the season. They were the main venue for an extremely successful one-toVisit: Issue 127 - February 2022


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Accelerating success.

For Sale/Lease

2A Rothwell Avenue, Albany Albany Office: 450 or 890 sqm available This well presented property consists of two levels of airconditioned modern office space with a mix of open plan and partitioned fit out plus lift access. It provides carparking and is well positioned within close proximity to main arterial roads, bus routes as well as motorways. • • • •

Competitive rental and outgoings Open plan and partitioned office/meeting rooms Total 890 sqm - can be split plus 35 carparks Large lunch room on each level

Call the Sole Agents for further information, Janet Marshall on 021 684 775 or Mike Ryan 021 402 461. Viewing by appointment only.

Competitive rental

Open plan and partitioned office

Janet Marshall 021 684 775

450 sqm or 890 sqm

35 Carparks

Mike Ryan 021 402 461

Colliers NZ Limited Licensed REAA 2008

Accelerating success.

For Sale by Deadline Private Treaty closing 4pm Thursday, 24 February 2022 (unless sold prior)

Unit 6, 33 Apollo Drive, Rosedale Looking for a Tenanted Investment? New 4 year lease term Act now to secure this quality, ground floor office investment leased to an international tenant that has been trading for over 20 years. The tenant has signed a new 4 year lease from March 2022 with rights of renewal. Returning $40,000 net pa + GST, this solid, bite-sized investment is ideal for any investor looking for a quality tenant with a long term lease.

New 4 year lease term + Rights of Renewal

Returning $40K pa + GST

126 sqm + 4 carparks

Road Frontage Ground Floor

Don’t miss out, opportunities such as these are very rare. Call the Sole Agents for further information. Viewings by appointment only.


Issue 127 - February 2022

Janet Marshall 021 684 775

Kerry Cook 021 194 3949

Colliers NZ Limited Licensed REAA 2008

Accelerating success.

For Lease

94 Apollo Drive, Rosedale - 4 Star Green Building 800 - 2400 sqm - can be split - Highest quality office Relocate your Head Office to what is currently known as the “3M Building”, the only 4-star Green Building on the North Shore. Naming rights available. Don’t delay, further informationa and/or a viewing on request. Green Star Standalone Building

These offices will exceed your expectations. Features include: • • • • • •

High quality building specifications - 4 star green build rating Various options available 60 Carparks includes secure basement Lift access avaiable Excellent high profile signage First class security system, fibre and great natural light

High Profile Building singage

800, 1690 or 2400 sqm

Janet Marshall 021 684 775

Call the Sole Agent, Janet Marshall on 021 684 775. Colliers NZ Limited Licensed REAA 2008

Accelerating success.

For Sale - New 6 year lease with annualised rent increases

Looking for a good return? Unit B4, 17 Corinthian Drive, Albany Looking for a solid tenanted investment? This 6 year lease term investment definitely ticks all the boxes. Located in the popular Corinthian Drive office park, Albany and adjacent to the Northern Motorway, this is a highly desirable area on Auckland’s North Shore. The Corinthian Drive office park is one of the few gated and secure developments on the North Shore. Returning $71,525 pa + GST, the lease is further strengthened by personal guarantees, making this an extremely bankable investment.

6 year lease term plus RORs

Personal Guarantees

The tenant has been trading for over 10 years. Existing fit out is modern, air-conditioned and well suited to the Tenant’s business needs. Contact the Sole Agents for further information and/or to arrange a viewing, Janet Marshall 021 684 775 or Mike Ryan 021 402 461. For Sale by Auction Wednesday 2 March, 11am (unless sold prior).

Janet Marshall 021 684 775

Returning net $71,525 pa + GST + annualised rental increases

227 sqm office + 7 carparks

Mike Ryan 021 402 461


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By Sonia Thursby, CEO, Shore Junction

Summer series at Shore Junction

Sonia Thursby.

What do you get when you cross a talented rapper/producer, a silver medalist at the hip hop international dance competition, one of the top make-up artists in New Zealand, and Shore Junction? A really good Saturday afternoon for the young people in your life. Shore Junction has created a summer series of events to entertain young people on Saturdays from February through to the end of March. We have partnered with a number of wonderful artists, performers and professionals who share their experiences with young people to help them develop their goals for the future.


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…we have talented tutors who are passionate about technology, Minecraft, upcycling furniture, make-up artistry and hairstyling who will work with your young people to teach them some fun and exciting skills they can use on a day-to-day basis… All our events are free of charge, require vaccine passes (to keep other youth and staff safe), and a willingness to try new things in a safe place to fail and succeed. One of the tutors we have coming in is Mazbou Q. He is a rapper and producer who has his original music on Spotify as well as over 100,000 followers on TikTok. He is dedicating time to work with young people to write their own original music and record it in our onsite music studio. We also have a guest hip hop dance tutor who has travelled the world to compete in dance competitions and won a number of medals. They’re not only an amazing dancer and choreographer, they’re also the first female DJ hired into Culture Kings. On top of this we have talented tutors who are passionate about technology, Minecraft, upcycling furniture, make-up artistry and hairstyling who will work with your young people to teach them some fun and exciting skills they can use on a day-to-day basis as well as for fun festivals. This is 2022; this is a new year and these are our summer sessions. Our aim at Shore Junction is to provide safe and exhilarating opportunities for the full spectrum of young people to develop their skills and passions, and grow in their education holistically. We hope to see your young people here during the summer. Issue 127 - February 2022


BENEFITZ NEWS Michelangelo reproductions printed by Benefitz.

Benefitz helps Michelangelo exhibition come alive in Auckland The team at Benefitz completed a significant project just before Christmas 2021 that really showed the North Shore based businesses range of capability. This was for the ‘Michelangelo – A Different View’ exhibition. Under license from the Vatican Museums, this extraordinary exhibition brings the most complete and authentic reproduction of Michelangelo’s beautiful ceiling frescoes of the Sistine Chapel to be shown outside the Vatican. “We were contacted by the exhibition promoters Stewart and Tricia Macpherson of Stetson Productions in mid-2021 asking the question if we were able to print the reproductions as they were nervous about the reliability of shipping from Europe in Covid-times,” explained Benefitz MD Aidan Bennett. “The reproductions needed to be printed high resolution on a

The 64 page souvenir book, designed and printed by Benefitz for the exhibition.


Issue 127 - February 2022

fabric specified by the Europe event owners, then stretched and framed for the exhibition. We were confident we would be able to satisfy Stewart and Tricia’s request so worked to produce samples to ensure that was the case. It was.” The ‘Michelangelo – A Different View’ exhibition consists of over 50 images of the ceiling frescoes of the Sistine Chapel. The images that Benefitz have produced for the event are up to 4.6 metres wide and almost 20 metres long. That particular reproduction, called ‘The Genesis’ is the feature floor display of the exhibition. All other reproductions are hung from the ceiling or displayed on easels. “As we tackled the work on the project between when we came out of level four lockdown late last year and the end of the year, the task grew for us, which we were thrilled with,” adds Aidan Bennett. “We ended up doing all the design, printing, merchandise, display and directional signage for the event as well, offering great value to the organisers.” “Stetson Productions is based in the Wellington region so Stewart and Tricia were unable to come to Auckland during this period due to the Covid-19 border restrictions, so they were thrilled that they were able to depend on us to work with the Auckland Live team at the Aotea Centre venue to build-up the event and make it come to a reality.” The Benefitz team ended up designing and printing all of the items for the event, including the impressive 64 page souvenir programme as well as guide books in both English and Te reo. “I know Stewart and Tricia really appreciated what we did produce and achieve for them by not only producing all the items but implementing the installation and build-up for the show in their absence,” adds Aidan Bennett. “It was something we loved being involved with and it was an honour for me to be asked to say a few words at the official opening on January 3rd. I made a point of congratulating the work of our team.”

A 3.8m x 3.8m version of The Last Judgment is impressive.

Aidan Bennett at the Michelangelo - A Different View exhibition.

‘Michelangelo – A Different View’ was originally scheduled to run from January 3rd through to January 30th at the Aotea Centre. Due to the popularity of the event this has been extended now through until February 13th. Even though we have moved into the Covid Red settings this event is still on as a maximum of 100 people may be in the exhibition space at any one time, and admission will continually circulate throughout the day. All attendees will be required to scan in, show their vaccination certificate and wear a mask where required. Tickets still available from For more information visit:

Benefitz team members at work during exhibition build-up.

As we tackled the work on the project between when we came out of level four lockdown late last year and the end of the year, the task grew for us, which we were thrilled with…

ROME COMES TO AUCKLAND See the Sistine Chapel frescoes, as they’ve never been seen before

Extended until February 13th Licensed from the Vatican Museums Stewart & Tricia Macpherson

In association with Auckland Live present:



From 3rd January — 13th February 2022 • Aotea Centre, Auckland Tickets available from Issue 127 - February 2022


The Channel Crossword “New nonsense from Charles” set by Māyā (, each month for Channel. No. 72




Live as a simple, traditionalist Christian, like my boy in 6 (7)


Residential area went first, as did foe in 6 (7)


Persuade fish to swallow half a rabbit (6)


Old building feature's boring, lacking advantages (7)


Economic decline concerning jam, say (9)


Things heard before "Monty Python's Flying Circus" (3)


Successor to song as voiced (4)

10 Forbid you French African language (5)


Dance with tiger snakes? To a degree (10)


"Baccy regularly broke jaw" - new nonsense from Charles (11)

15 Russian country house? Yes, have some tea (5)


16 Marine about to argue both ways it's a marine creature (9)

Emblem captures broken-down nag back in the day (4-3)


Time to express hesitation again by the tree where 6's hero rested (6)


Lion eating social worker's shelter (4-2)

13 Not exactly fair, left at sea without one? (4,4)

17 Not admonished by organisation's rebel and UK journalist? (9) 19 Pride member I caught being three-dimensional (5) 22 "Fellow with drink and debts" describes a creature to be shunned in 6 (8)


12 Realise about everyone nursing broken ribs as 6 opens (4,7) 14 Catch up with puck, try throw, being unable to honour obligations (10) 17 Bend a-angle for type of thought in 6 (6)

23 Monday club doer (6)

18 Nothing in law relating to gold roll of coins (7)

25 A magical interlude? (5)

20 Well done, holding in present bluster (7)

26 Gain courage from a knight's entrances in Theatre of the Absurd (4,5)

21 Joyful sound from 6 in church, or let out (7)

28 "The Olde Stuff" - retreat for the 6 wood (6)

27 A layer extracted from graphene (3)

29 Man related to 'ouse, as foe was in 6 (7)

Solution to last month's crossword

24 Milk's core raised to get non-fat version (4)

Issue 127 - February 2022

This month's crossword will also be uploaded to the creator’s blog at: There, Mãyã will kindly attempt to answer any questions or comments that may arise from the crosswords each month.


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Westlake Girls’ High School

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The Channel Crossword

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Rosmini College

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2022 New Year Honours Jane Rutledge, QSM

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Kristin School

pages 84-85

Devonport News

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Shore People…relaxing, reading, watching

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Shop the Shore

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DreamSpace Takapuna

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Eating Out Guide

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Depot Artspace

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Tim Bray Theatre Company

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North Shore History: David Verran

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National Youth Theatre

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Talking Takapuna

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