Quick Guide To Beechoak

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BEECHOAK FARM MONTESSORI PRE-SCHOOL Church Road High Beech Loughton Essex IG10 4AJ

T: 0208 502 0006 Facsimile: 0208 502 0006 E: beechoakfarm@btconnect.com W: www.beechoakfarm.co.uk

Quick Guide

Welcome Here at Beechoak Farm Montessori Pre-School we offer first class Montessori teaching along with a caring, warm, safe and stimulating environment for every child attending, regardless of their colour, religion, culture or special need. We focus on providing a top quality service for all our parents, and strive to maintain a friendly yet professional atmosphere. Beechoak Farm Montessori Preschool opened in 1996. The setting operates from converted farm buildings in the High Beech area of Epping Forest, Essex. All children share access to an extensive and secure garden area. A maximum of 48 children may attend the pre-school at any one time. The pre-school opens five days a week from 8.00 am to 5.00pm.

Best Possible Start We believe at Beechoak Farm that every child deserves the best possible start in life and we are here to support the children in every way we can. We use our Montessori methods alongside The Early Years Foundation Stage. There are four Themes in The Early Years Foundation Stage: * Unique child - every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured * Positive relationships -children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure rel- tionships with parents and/or key person * Enabling Environments - the environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s develop ment and learning * Learning and Development - children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of Learning and Development are equally im portant and inter-connected

When parents and practitioners work together in early years settings, the results have a positive impact on children’s development and learning. - Early Years Foundation Stage

Desire To Learn Children at Beechoak Farm Montessori Pre-school start using the Montessori equipment from age 3 upwards. Records of their progress are updated regularly and available to parents. Montessori Education is a child led curriculum which was inspired by Doctor Maria Montessori. She believed that all children have a natural desire to learn, which can be encouraged through a variety of activities. There are five areas for exploration: * Practical life exercises - to develop control and co- ordination of movement and encourage indepen dence. * Sensorial exercises - to enhance their five senses, laying the foundation for early reading, writing and mathematical skills. * Language - to encourage pre-reading and writing skills. * Maths - to develop an understanding of the concept of numbers. * Cultural - to develop an awareness of the multi-cul tural world in which we live.

The word education must not be understood in the sense of teaching but of assisting the psychological development of the child. - Maria Montessori

Environment & Animals Beechoak Farm Montessori Pre-School is situated in picturesque countryside in the middle of Epping Forest, and was originally a goat farm consisting of three barns set in ten acres. In October 1996 Steve & Charlotte Crosby converted the barns. One has been divided into four classrooms, each with a separate toilet area, one of which has a shower and nappy changing facilities. A second barn has also been converted to provide another two classrooms and separate kitchen and eating area for the children. The third barn provides two offices, one for The Officer-inCharge and one for the accounts clerk, June Harrison. There is a large securely fenced outside playground divided between a hard surfaced area and a grassed area. Within these we have a large child sized activity climbing frame, play- houses, and sandpit. The outside area is set up differently each day to comple ment the children’s natu-

ral desire to explore different equipment. The grassed area also houses our vegetable patch which the children tend to each day. So far we have grown new potatoes, lettuce, carrots and marrows amongst other things! All of our produce is used during snack and meal times so the children can taste what they have grown! Situated on the rest of the farm we have a collection of dwarf farm animals, including Shetland Ponies, Minature donkeys, Pygmy goats, chickens and a rabbit. The children visit the animals regularly, helping to feed and pet them.

Food At Beechoak Julie our cook plans the 8 week menu for the children’s lunch. We have a variety of dishes from all over the world! All our meals are cooked here on the premises. Breakfast consists of a selection of cereals, toast, fruit and yoghurt and tea club consists of sandwiches, bagels, pitta bread and dips with fruit/vegetables and home made cakes. Special diets can be catered for e.g. vegetarian, dairy intolerance etc.


Comments from Essex County Council 2010 RE: Outstanding Ofsted Inspection It has been brought to our attention in Standards and Improvment, Early Years and Childcare that you have recently achieved the above rating with Ofsted. We would like to send our sincere congratulations to you and all those who have worked so hard to provide quality in your setting. It is by no means easy to gain such an accolade and we are aware that the standards you have demonstrated to gain this outcome are very high. They are a testament to providing outstanding care. It is a real pleasure to know that the work put in by all of your team has been recognised and is helping to make a difference to the lives of the children and their families who attend your setting. We look forward to hearing more about your setting in the future and wish you every continued success. Yours sincerely Harriet Hill Head of Early Years and Childcare

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