Beauty Talk Illustrated – Autumn 2012

Page 36

Stimulate Your Child’s Learning



BY REGINA THOMAS very child is unique and every family deals with different issues. Have you ever wondered how specialists determine or look at your child’s development? In case you may not know it, there are five domains of a child’s development: Communication, Motor, Cognitive, Social/Emotional and Adaptive.

These five domains help professionals determine whether a child’s development is on level, above level, have delays or can even let them know of a possible disorder. When delays or disorders are addressed early, your child’s future could be more prosperous than those who ignore the significant

signs. Infant Toddler Development Specialist, also known as Early Intervention Specialist, demonstrates strategies in a child’s natural environment to assist families and caregivers with each domain of your child’s development. If you have concerns, the first professional to discuss your intuitions with should be your son’s or daughter’s pediatrician. They possess the knowledge and resources available in your community such as: play groups, parent groups, trainings, activities, etc. It has often been said that small children learn best when using their senses: tactile, visual, smell, auditory and taste. Also, allowing your child to play with play dough, finger paints, shaving cream, sand, water, etc. will stimulate these senses and provide multiple learning opportunities.

Let’s take a look at a few activities that will help you to stimulate these senses and provide multiple learning opportunities for your child



24 months

and older Domains Addressed: Fine Motor, Gross Motor, Cognitive, Adaptive and Communication


Smooth surface and shaving cream (Alternative materials: pudding or whipped cream) Sit child at table or somewhere with a smooth, steady, level surface. Spray shaving cream on smooth surface and allow child to spread it with their hands – preferred motions circular, horizontal and vertical. Preschool age and up could use this activity to practice writing the alphabet, numbers, shapes, names or spelling words.

Please note that any sensory integration activities must be supervised and cleaned up immediately after completion to ensure the safety of children.


Parents could draw pictures, have child to imitate drawings and then label pictures to address expressive communication. Parents could also draw 2-3 pictures, label one picture and allow child to pick labeled picture. After activity is complete, allow child to help clean area and put all materials back in appropriate place.

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