Dragon Tales (March 2012)

Page 8

‘I’ve gained a new friend’

In the days leading up to his first YouthFriends session at Pittsburg High School, freshman Kenneth Renfro was having his doubts. “I didn’t think I was going to like it,” Renfro said. “It just felt like it was going to be more school work, and I’d be doing it with someone I didn’t know.” By the end of his first meeting with that “someone,” junior Dakota Taylor, Renfro was sold. “I knew I was going to make a new friend out of this, and that was a nice feeling,” Renfro said. “Plus, I knew it would help my grades.” Approximately 30 students participate in the PHS YouthFriends program, which places seniors and juniors in mentor

roles for sophomores and freshmen. During Dragon Time each day (2:23 to 2:55 p.m.) the pairs meet to work on course assignments, discuss grades and, if time permits, play games and talk. Karen Kelso, PHS counselor and coordinator of the school’s YouthFriends program, said 13 upperclassmen are in the program. They tutor and mentor 13 to 15 underclassmen. The program started in mid-January, and Kelso said it has already proven to be a great success. “It doesn’t take long to see the true impact that a program like this can have on the students,” Kelso said. “We’re not only seeing the younger students’ scores and grades improve, but we’re also seeing true friendships form. Continued on next page

This is a wonderful program to have at Pittsburg High School.” Kelso praised the upperclassmen who have volunteered to serve as mentors, as many of them, due to their schedules, could be out of school during Dragon Time. “A lot of these students could be home during this time,” Kelso said. “The seniors who have earned Platinum Dragon Time can leave school if they want, but the students in this program have chosen to stay and help. They’re here because they care, and they should be commended for that.” Taylor, who now considers Renfro a close friend, said there are many benefits to being a YouthFriend.

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