2010 GreshamHS Yearbook

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learning al personal mistakes can be insigni

finest moments Learnin’ away, Christopher Decair (10) does geometry in front of his class. “I think doing work together like this makes it a lot easier to do your homework later, Ms. Wolfer was good at that.”

years in a row or beating Barlow for the first time in nine years. That winter morning when you realized just how little traction Uggs have, and biffed it right in front of the boys locker room. That feeling of walking into the senior all night party and finally realizing that it’s all over or the accomplishment of being the first in your family to graduate from high school. This year there was the people who contributed to “Papers: The Movie”; they put their heart into a cause that matters. The night you turned in your paper on turnitin.com at 12:04 am realizing it is now late. The students who walked into fall semester with their wrists topped off with hand made bracelets and the ones who had been in the gym since July getting ready for the season. Showing up last minute on the Friday before Snoball to buy your tickets, and realizing that about 200 other people had the exact same plan. The beginning of school when we all took the first steps to be REAL and realized that it was the little things that you did for people that mattered most.

of highschool way



We’ll remember the times we had it all together, because those are our times of greatness, our finest moments. But we’ll also remember the times that we didn’t because those are the moments that shape us into who we are not only as a person, but as a community. Now we remember slipping in front of the locker room and someone you barely know helping you pick up everything you dropped. You remember the time you thought for sure you were going to be docked points for being four minutes late on

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quirks, successes, and bu little safe heaven in a big wild

you can't always do it by yourself

spent four years with same people

Led us to the same place preparing for the real


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