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Summer Fun at the Library BY TRACEY PROHASKA CARROLL


t’s almost that time of year. You know the one. It’s when you wake up one morning, realize it’s the end of the school year and think to yourself, How in the world am I going to keep my kids occupied this summer? Well, the good news is you don’t have to panic or break the bank. Your local library has plenty of activities to keep the kids busy no matter their age — and the activities are affordable. Jennifer Kinder is Children’s Librarian at the East Longmeadow Public Library and she said participation in the

“Details vary from library to library, but all the programs are free,” she said. As with most town library programs, the summer program in East Longmeadow is for ages 2 to 14 and the only requirement is that the child registers. Starting on June 16, kids can sign up on the library website (elplkids.org) or in person. A summer reading kick-off party will take place on Monday June 23 at 2 p.m. The East Longmeadow program is open to residents of any town. Kids can enjoy a whole schedule of events including performances, story times and raffle drawings. Kinder said there will be 20 raffle prize baskets available with toys and games of different themes, each to encourage reading. Children earn a raffle ticket for every hour they read or are read to. 36 JUNE2014 37

“Prizes provide an incentive to read,” said Kinder. She said rewards are handed out for reaching certain reading goals as well. One is an invitation to the Grand Finale Party of the summer reading program for anyone who achieves 10 hours of reading. Eager readers logging in over 20 hours can earn coupons for miniature golf or bowling plus a free paperback book. Other family-friendly parts to the program include live entertainment and games like scavenger hunts and guessing jars. “Coming to the library is fun whether there is a performance happening or not,” Kinder said. East Longmeadow isn’t the only library to have free, fun activities during the summer. In addition to its summer reading program, the newly

library’s summer reading program last year had a record of 1,320 children. Kinder said each town library in Western Massachusetts has a summer reading program that uses a theme and resources given out by the state. This year’s theme is Fizz, Boom, Read, a science-based program. Each week of the program will focus on a different type of science. Starting with horticulture, moving on to energy and forces of nature, biology and forensics, chemistry, astronomy and then simple machines.

renovated Athol Public Library has a popular LEGO Club that meets once a week for younger kids and a chess club suitable for kids in grades 4 through 10. At the East Springfield Libraries, Family Craft Nights are done weekly as well as Bi-lingual Club and a music and movement story time. Most libraries have a children’s story hour with a themed craft activity to do afterwards. There are designated children’s areas with free play activities and a reading corner. Educational website links and age appropriate book lists can also be found on library websites, along with a list of library events and programs. One good resource to keep you informed is the Massachusetts Summer Reading Facebook Page. Here, several libraries post information on current programs and events. Anoth-

er is publiclibraries.com/massachusetts.htm where you can find library websites and contact information listed by town. “We have been very successful with our summer reading program,” Kinder said, “Yet, we would always like to reach more children with the summer literacy effort.” So, don’t freak out when the end of the school year rolls around. Instead, relax and know the public libraries have your back. Then look up the closest one to your home and see what they have going on for June, July and August. You are sure to find plenty of activities to keep the kids busy — and you may even steal a little bit of time to read a good book yourself.

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