Bay Area Reporter June 3, 2010

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Millions of dollars missing

Ring his bell

BARtab’s 2nd issue

AG Jerry Brown files suit against Monterey AIDS organization that is now closed.

Andy Bell goes solo for SF Pride Parade celebration.

Pride: Then and Now Plus June events!

page 8

see Arts

see inside


Vol. 40

. No. 22 . 3 June 2010

Serving the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender communities since 1971

Five gay Preparing for Pride weekend Newsom Dems vie for budget cuts Assembly trans, AIDS


by Matthew S. Bajko


by Seth Hemmelgarn

Jane Philomen Cleland

olunteers spread out tarps in Corona Heights Park last Saturday, May 29, and painted them pink in preparation for this year’s installation of the pink triangle on Twin Peaks over Pride Weekend. At right is Patrick Carney, co-founder and yearly organizer of the installation. He was joined by, from left, Ron Podoske; Tate Cohrs; Carney’s partner, Hossein Sepas; and an unidentified person. The painted tarps will replace those that were destroyed last year in an arson incident. This year is the 15th display of the pink triangle, once a symbol used by the Nazis to identify gay prisoners during World War II. For more Pride news, see story, page 11.


Rick Gerharter


Rick Gerharter

an Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom unveiled a budget proposal Tuesday, June 1 that leaves out funding for a program that helps transgender people find jobs, and cuts housing subsidies for people living with HIV/AIDS. Gavin Newsom The Transgender Economic Empowerment Initiative, which started about three years ago, has helped more than 125 transgender people gain employment, according to program officials. But Trent Rhorer, executive director of the

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oters in California’s more liberal western regions could elect five openly gay non-incumbent Democrats to the state Assembly in next week’s primary. Due to the gerrymandered districts where the out candidates are running, the winners of the June 8 election are all but guaranteed wins come the Toni Atkins November general election. Among the quintet, former San Diego councilwoman and onetime acting mayor Toni Atkins is considered a shoo-in as she is running unopposed in the Democratic Primary next week for the 76th Assembly District seat. She will likely face-off against gay Republican candidate Ralph Denney in the fall, but Atkins is the odds-on favorite to win the long held Democratic district.

Gay veterans post turns 25 Dist. 9: Barbara Lee Dist. 10: John Garamendi Dist. 12: Jackie Speier Dist. 13: Pete Stark Dist. 14: Anna Eshoo Dist. 15: Mike Honda Dist. 16: Zoe Lofgren

Endorsements Governor: Don’t forget to vote! Jerry Brown Lt. Governor: Gavin Newsom Attorney General: Vote June 8! Kamala Harris Judges Secretary of State: SF Superior Court Debra Bowen Seat 6: Robert Retana Treasurer: Bill Lockyer Seat 15: Michael Nava Controller: John Chiang Alameda County Superior Court Insurance Commissioner: Seat 9: Victoria S. Kolakowski Hector De La Torre Superintendent of Public Instruction: Other races Tom Torlakson Alameda County Supervisor Board of Equalization (District 1): District 2: Kevin Dowling Betty Yee

B. A.R.

State Assembly (San Francisco) Dist. 12: Fiona Ma Dist. 13: Tom Ammiano State Senate (East Bay) Dist. 10: Ellen Corbett State Assembly (Regional) Dist. 6: Jared Huffman Dist. 7: Michael Wilson Dist. 14: Nancy Skinner Dist. 16: Sandre Swanson Dist. 21: Rich Gordon State Assembly (Southern California) Dist. 44: Anthony Portantino Dist. 46: John A. Perez Dist. 50: Ricardo Lara Dist. 53: Mitch Ward Dist. 76: Toni Atkins Congress (Bay Area) Dist. 1: Mike Thompson Dist. 6: Lynn Woolsey Dist. 7: George Miller Dist. 8: Nancy Pelosi

SAN FRANCISCO PROPS Vote YES on A, B, D, G Vote NO on C, E, F CALIFORNIA PROPOSITIONS Vote YES on 13, 15 Vote NO on 14, 16, 17 SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEES Democratic – District 12 Dan Dunnigan, Tom Hsieh, Hene Kelly, Mary Jung, Meagan Levitan, Angelique Mahan, Milton Marks, Jane Morrison, Melanie Nutter, Connie O’Connor, Arlo Smith, Mike Sullivan Democratic – District 13 Keith Baraka, David Campos, David Chiu, Ryan Clary, Michael Goldstein, Robert Haaland, Leslie Katz, Rafael Mandelman, Carole Migden, Aaron Peskin, Debra Walker, Scott Wiener Republican – District 12 David Kiachko Republican – District 13 Laura Peter


Lydia Gonzales

State Senate (San Francisco) Dist. 8: Leland Yee

Alameda County Bd. of Ed. Area 1: Joaquin Rivera

American Legion Alexander Hamilton Post 448 Commander John Forrett and post member Art Maulk help students of George Washington Carver Elementary School fold a new lightweight U.S. flag.

by Brian Gougherty fter enduring controversy over its very formation, the Alexander Hamilton American Legion Post 448 – the only Legion post in the country catering to LGBT veterans – will celebrate its 25th anniversary with a special dinner at



the War Memorial Veterans Building next week. The June 9 event, “25 Years of Service to the Community,” will be co-hosted by the Castro Lions Club, which is jointly recognizing its 25th anniversary this year. While a Legionnaire is by definition a veteran


U.S. Senate: Barbara Boxer

page 12

BAY AREA REPORTER . . 3 June 2010



Milk Club dinner celebrates progressive politics by Matt Baume his year the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club’s dinner marked a milestone: the first official statewide holiday in recognition of their club’s namesake. But the club’s 32nd annual dinner, attended last week at the Hotel Whitcomb by the leftmost members of the city’s political community, was also a time to observe the organization’s role in a wide range of progressive issues. “We’re one of the few groups that connects the dots in terms of race, class, and gender oppression,” said club Co-President David Waggoner. Under the leadership of Waggoner and Denise D’Anne, this year the Milk Club causes included advocating for cannabis policies, fighting sit/lie laws that would restrict sidewalk loitering, opposing the use of Tasers by the San Francisco Police Department, and protesting alongside labor unions. “They’ve always been there for us,” said Israel Alvaran of UNITE HERE Local 2. He was standing next to Vincent Atos, a deckhand recently fired from Alcatraz Cruises because, he said, he was “too gay.” The Milk Club came to Atos’s aid, organizing protests and helping him file a report with the Fair Employment and Housing board. “They bring communities together to fight on common issues,” said District 6 supervisor candidate Debra Walker, citing the importance of the club’s advocacy on housing issues such as single-room occupancy hotel habitability and rent control. Rafael Mandelman, a former president of the Milk Club and the club’s endorsed candidate in the District 8 supervisor race, agreed. “To me, Harvey was about more than just the LGBT community,” he said. “He was


about pushing the envelope and changing the mainstream.” The club continued that tradition of envelope-pushing by inviting Professor Angela Davis to deliver this year’s keynote address. Davis is no stranger to political controversy; a former Communist Party candidate for vice president of the United States, Davis has spent her 40-year career speaking against homophobia, sexism, and the prison system. Her enthusiastically received speech touched on a variety of progressive issues. “Justice for socially subjugated communities cannot be isolated from discrimination against people for their gender or sexuality,” she said, later stating to raucous applause, “The immigrant rights movement is the new civil rights movement.” Davis, who came out as a lesbian in 1997, also addressed LGBT access to marriage, explaining that the institution of marriage has historically sym-

Colage marks its 20th year by Seth Hemmelgarn San Francisco-based organization that includes children, youth, and adults with one or more LGBTQ parent is turning 20, marking it’s own transition to adulthood. Two decades ago, LGBT-headed families weren’t as visible as they are now, and Beth Teper, executive direc-


tor of Colage, said the group is still the only national, youth-driven network of people with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer parents. Colage, which dropped the acronym Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere, has approximately 30 chapters across the country, and more than 20,000 supporters, said Teper. The group works to build community and promote social justice through youth empowerment, leader-

Marilyn Humphries

Angela Davis

bolized the “civil death” of one spouse. “Marriage may signal freedom to those who are affluent,” she said, “but I want us to think about the extent to which we can respect gay marriage and at the same time be radically critical of the institution of gay marriage.” In addition to presenting Davis with the Harvey Milk Justice Award, the club also celebrated several other local activists. Maggi Rubenstein, Ph.D., received the Harry Britt Lifetime Achievement Award for her sexeducation advocacy, while Angela Chan of the Asian Law Caucus received the Bayard Rustin Award for her work on behalf of immigrant families. The club also recognized the work of UNITE HERE’s Alvaran, the Stop AIDS Project’s Kyriell Noon, Police Commissioner Petra DeJesus, Board of Education member Sandra Lee Fewer, and comedian Marga Gomez. One prominent local figure not in attendance: Mayor Gavin Newsom, whom the club did not endorse in his bid for lieutenant governor. “[Harvey Milk] would have been strongly against the mayor’s proposed sit/lie law,” Waggoner told the Bay Area Reporter via e-mail. “While the mayor has demonstrated tremendous leadership on gay marriage, the Milk Club has not agreed with the mayor’s stances on affordable housing, immigrant rights or public safety issues.” Earning an endorsement from the Milk Club requires a dedication to progressive ideals, Waggoner explained. “The Milk Club has been the conscience of the San Francisco Democratic Party for over 30 years,” he said. “The Milk Club remains a champion of economic justice, human rights and civil liberties, as was our namesake.”▼

Executive Director Beth Teper

ship development, education, and advocacy. “When we speak out, laws change and people listen, and institutions and institutional practices can be changed to be more inclusive and encompassing and welcoming of our families,” said Teper. The 40-year-old Teper, who identifies as queer, joined Colage in 1994 and became part of the staff in 2001. Teper, who is married to a woman and doesn’t have children, grew up with a lesbian mother. She said she had many “gay aunties,” both male and female, and being part of that community taught her “our differences are our strengths.” “Living in a world that treats our families differently and discriminates against us can be challenging and be quite isolating,” said Teper, but “by connecting with peers who share our experience, Colage helps us become advocates for ourselves and for our

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Matt Baume


3 June 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER



BAY AREA REPORTER . . 3 June 2010


BAYAREAREPORTER Volume 40, Number 22 3 June 2010 PUBLISHER Thomas E. Horn Bob Ross (Founder, 1971 – 2003) N E W S E D I TO R Cynthia Laird A R T S E D I TO R Roberto Friedman ASSISTANT EDITORS Matthew S. Bajko Seth Hemmelgarn Jim Provenzano CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Dan Aiello • Tavo Amador • Erin Blackwell Roger Brigham • Victoria A. Brownworth Philip Campbell • Chuck Colbert • Richard Dodds Raymond Flournoy • Brian Gougherty David Guarino • Liz Highleyman • Brandon Judell Robert Julian • John F. Karr • Lisa Keen Matthew Kennedy • David Lamble • Michael McDonagh Paul Parish • Lois Pearlman • Tim Pfaff • Jim Piechota Bob Roehr • Donna Sachet • Adam Sandel Jason Serinus • Gregg Shapiro • Gwendolyn Smith Robert Sokol • Zak Szymanski • Ed Walsh Dick Walters • Jane Warner • Sura Wood

A R T D I R E C TO R Kurt Thomas P RO D U C T I O N M A N AG E R Tom Dvorak P H OTO G R A P H E R S Jane Philomen Cleland Marc Geller Rick Gerharter Lydia Gonzales Rudy K. Lawidjaja Steven Underhill Bill Wilson I L L U S T R ATO R S & C A R TO O N I S T S Paul Berge Christine Smith G E N E R A L M A N AG E R Michael M. Yamashita


An attack on the judicial system ly and impartially applies the law. It’s that latter here’s something nefarious going on in element that is under assault in San Diego San Diego County that could very well County. spread to other parts of the state. In next If they are successful, it’s likely that Better week’s primary election, voters there will be electCourts Now – or something like it – will ating superior court judges, just as we will be doing tempt similar efforts elsewhere in the state. in San Francisco and Alameda counties. The As you might expect, the candidates runtwist in San Diego County is that a ning under the Better Courts Now bangroup of conservative lawyers are runner are backed by pastors and gun enning against sitting judges because thusiasts and those opposed to samethey believe they are on a “mission sex marriage and abortion. from God.” And that’s where it gets frightening: Running under the misnomer this is an effort to remake the judicial “Better Courts Now,” these candidates system to conform to one ideology, as – all men – believe the country is “under aswell as a blatant attempt to circumsault,” in the words of candidate Craig Canvent the separation of church and delore, and “needs Christian values.” state, a principle upon which our “Unfortunately,” he told the AsE DITORIAL country was built. The man besociated Press, “God has called upon hind this scheme is none other us to do this only with the judiciathan the late Don Hamer, who campaigned for ry.” Proposition 8, the state’s ban on same-sex marReally? We beg to differ. It seems like this riage that passed in 2008, before he died of a group of conservative lawyers and their reliheart attack in March. The AP reported that gious backers surveyed the electoral landscape and determined that they had a chance of succeeding with their dangerous strategy only in judicial races. Judicial races are normally sleepy affairs. Listed down on the ballot, superior court judicial candidates usually struggle to get their messages out in election seasons that almost inevitably focus on other contests. That’s too bad, because as we see from this effort, voters should be much more concerned with judicial races. While most people rarely come into contact with the justice system, it’s important to remember that judges not only preside over criminal hearings and trials, but also preside over cases involving contract disputes, child custody issues, and myriad other claims. If these candidates are elected, we can envision a scenario in which an LGBT person in a custody dispute is denied visitation or prevented from seeing their child based on nothing more than discrimination. Keep in mind that judges are assigned to cases by the court and not chosen by the affected parties. If you’re going to appear in court, you want at least two things: competent legal representation and a judge who fair-


Hamer’s fellow pastor at Zion Christian Fellowship, Brian Hendry, and others carried on Hamer’s legacy by waging the mostly online campaign to replace incumbent Judges Lantz Lewis, Robert Longstreth, Joel Wohlfeil, and DeAnne Salcido (all Democrats) with Christian conservatives Candelore, Bill Trask, Larry Kincaid, and Harold Coleman Jr. This is not about accountability, as the conservatives contend. It’s about a wholesale attempt to remake the courts by threatening the independence of the judiciary, as San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis told the AP. Dumanis, the state’s only openly lesbian DA, is a former judge herself. This year we’re fortunate that none of the candidates for judge in San Francisco or Alameda are part of this effort. All are qualified to serve. Our endorsed candidates (see box on page 1) offer a level of diversity that is a hallmark of a good judicial system: courts that reflect their communities and apply the law fairly and impartially to all. ▼

C L A S S I F I E D A DV E R T I S I N G David McBrayer

N AT I O N A L A DV E R T I S I N G R E P R E S E N TAT I V E Rivendell Media – 212.242.6863

Central Coast state Senate special election matters to you

LEGAL COUNSEL Paul H. Melbostad

by John Laird

D I S P L AY A DV E R T I S I N G Colleen Small Scott Wazlowski

am running in a June 22 special election to fill the state Senate seat vacated by the appointment of Abel Maldonado as lieutenant governor. My election would add one seat to the Legislative LGBT Caucus, highlight the one state legislator who was married to his longtime partner in 2008, and send back to the Legislature a strong advocate for HIV funding. I have been endorsed by every LGBT group endorsing – from Equality California, the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund and BAYMEC to the Santa Cruz LGBT Alliance and the Central Coast Stonewall Democrats. But this election also has statewide significance because this race, along with another one in November, would give Democrats the two votes necessary to get to two-thirds in the state Senate, and keep a minority from trying to gut environmental laws and hurt public education and the human service safety net as the price of their budget vote. I have received the endorsement of every major education organization endorsing – from the California Teachers Association and California Federation of Teachers to the California School Employees Association and the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges. And this election is also very significant for those who care about California’s environment and the threats to California’s coastline. With offshore oil drilling and the state’s landmark greenhouse gases bill in play, I have been endorsed by the Sierra Club, the California League of Conservation Voters, and Vote the Coast. The 15th Senate District is a classic gerrymandered district, G UEST running from Saratoga and Los Gatos in Santa Clara County, through the Monterey Bay Area and San Luis Obispo County to the city of Santa Maria in Santa Barbara County. When this district was created in 2001, it had a three-point Republican registration ad-

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A division of Benro Enterprises, Inc. © 2010 Published weekly. Bay Area Reporter reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement which the publisher believes is in poor taste or which advertises illegal items which might result in legal action against Bay Area Reporter. Ads will not be rejected solely on the basis of politics, philosophy, religion, race, age, or sexual orientation. Advertising rates available upon request. Our list of subscribers and advertisers is confidential and is not sold. The sexual orientation of advertisers, photographers, and writers published herein is neither inferred nor implied. We are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or artwork.

Laird for Senate website


State Senate candidate John Laird only has a couple of weeks until the special election on June 22 to fill a vacancy.

vantage. Now it has a six-and-a-half-point Democratic margin. Barack Obama carried this Senate district 20 points, and Proposition 8 was defeated here by four points. I have a strong shot of winning this race if I can remain competitive in fundraising and on television and in the mail and beat my opponent with a strong grassroots field operation. Assemblyman Sam Blakeslee, who was the Republican Assembly leader during last year’s budget gridlock, is running against me. Last fall, when the governor signed state Senator Mark Leno’s (DSan Francisco) bills to create Harvey Milk Day and recognize out-ofstate same-sex marriages, a O PINION Blakeslee e-mail to his fellow Republicans referred to these bills as “noxious.” He has never voted for a gay civil rights bill during his six years in the state Assembly. When John A. Perez (D-Los Angeles) was elected Assembly speaker earlier this year, Blakeslee was the opposing candidate. It was


generally believed that Republicans were uncomfortable casting even a perfunctory vote for an openly gay man, so Blakeslee’s name was put into nomination to keep that from happening. This election is being run under California special election rules, meaning all four candidates (there are also two minor party candidates on the ballot) are competing against each other in the June 22 special election – and if no one gets 50 percent, there will be a runoff on August 17. There are clear issues that separate myself from my opponent. I support marriage equality; he does not. I have a 25-year record of opposing oil drilling off the California coast; he is a former Exxon employee who supported last year’s attempt to jam new drilling through the California Legislature. I supported California’s landmark bill on greenhouse gas reduction and he voted and spoke against it. I have either authored or supported every major gay civil rights measure in this past decade – he did not support a single one of them. I could use your help. I would appreciate spreading the word to any friend, family member, or acquaintance on the Central Coast. There are many people coming to the district to walk precincts or phone bank on the days leading up to the election. And I have to raise over a million dollars by Election Day. There will be an event in support of my candidacy in San Francisco at the home of Geoff Kors on June 12 – sponsored by Leno, Supervisor Bevan Dufty, city Treasurer Jose Cisneros, San Francisco Democratic Party Chair Aaron Peskin, and Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco). Log on to for more details on that event, to donate or to volunteer. We can make a strong gain for civil rights, education, and the environment in this Senate race. I ask for your help.▼ John Laird was elected one of the first openly gay mayors in the United States in 1983 and was one of the first two (along with Mark Leno) openly gay men elected to the California Legislature in 2002, where he chaired the Assembly Budget Committee.

3 June 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER



BAY AREA REPORTER . . 3 June 2010

LETTERS Plaza a fitting tribute to Warner With all due respect to Messers Leno and Campodonico sometimes “public process” and “naming contests” come in the form of the Vox populi [“Support grows for Jane Warner plaza proposal,” May 27]. Such appears to be the case with the recently floated proposal to name the 17th Street Plaza in Jane Warner’s honor. I suggest we, as a community, move full speed ahead and quickly take this unique opportunity to name this public space for one hell of a woman. Patrick Batt San Francisco

LGBT leaders united for Clary

for all people we should not allow ourselves to be fooled by the facade of Israeli advertisements. Behind the sleek ad campaigns are the reality of Israel’s oppressive policies under which Palestinians have suffered massacres, starvation, military occupation, and the abrogation of all human rights. LGBT Palestinians do not benefit by Israel’s ostensible openness to LGBT people. Those of us who oppose Israel’s policies that continue to deny basic human and civil rights to Palestinians are gathering at 6 p.m. to picket the opening night (Thursday June 17) of the festival, declaring that, as LGBTs concerned with justice, we don’t want or need Israel’s money in support of our film festival. Our community should join with other artists such as Adrienne Rich, Elvis Costello, and Arundahti Roy to pressure the Israeli government to honor the rights and self-determination of all Palestinians.

This election, our LGBT leaders have united in supporting Ryan Clary for Democratic Carla Schick County Central Committee because of his 20 Oakland, California years of LGBT and HIV/AIDS activism and grassroots organizing. BP, you, and me I have known Ryan since we served on the Six weeks after the BP offshore drilling rig board of the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club in the 1990s. When some corporaM AILSTROM exploded and started spewing more than 200,000 barrels of raw oil into the gulf along tions refused to comply with our landmark our vulnerable coastline, no one has a clue Equal Benefits Ordinance (equal benefits for how to stop this disaster that is only going to get worse domestic partners), he organized rallies and press conferwith time. It appears that our elected leaders gave the keys ences to call attention to their homophobia. In 2000, he to our environmental future to big oil in return for big led San Francisco’s Stop Dr. Laura campaign – calling atmoney to keep them in office living off the fat of corporate tention to radio host Laura Schlessinger’s inaccurate and greed. It’s obvious no one demanded that big oil provide anti-gay remarks and their impact on LGBT youth. a plan for solving this kind of crisis and didn’t believe it Ryan is also a national leader in the fight against HIV. would ever happen, so here we are holding the bag for the He is well-respected by advocates around the country for greed and incompetence of our legislators and their inhis work protecting funding for the AIDS Drug Assistance cestuous relationships with all big business. Program and the Ryan White CARE Act. Because of his Adding insult to injury, the president and Congress apadvocacy, thousands of people with HIV have access to pear to be letting BP control the process of solving the lifesaving health care and treatment. problem and they don’t have a clue how to do that. As the The choice for our community is clear. Please join me, crisis grows, ignorance and ineptitude grow too and our state Senator Mark Leno, former state Senator Carole resources are threatened and damaged. Jobs, maybe whole Migden, Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, and Supervisor industries, are being wiped out by an unanticipated acciBevan Dufty in voting for Ryan Clary for DCCC on June 8. dent that no one seems willing to accept for the crisis it really is. Trusting BP to stumble and bumble around graspJeff Sheehy, Former President ing for straws of any sort only adds insult to grave injury Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club and silence is spoken everywhere in the halls of Congress San Francisco where even lobbyists are silent for a moment. Worsening situation for Palestinians This is a time when we deserve and should demand decisive action from the president and Congress and no one After three years, the Israeli Consulate is once again an seems so inclined. What will it take to stop this madness official sponsor of the 2010 LGBT Film Festival. During and ask for help to be restored to sanity? this time the political situation for Palestinians has only worsened. Stu Smith Israel has targeted the LGBT community with a “Brand San Francisco Israel” campaign to attempt to prove Israel is an open and progressive country. As LGBT activists for human rights

Local Pride events begin compiled by Cynthia Laird his weekend marks the beginning of LGBT Pride events in the greater Bay Area (and beyond) with parades and festivals taking place in Santa Cruz and Guerneville. In Santa Cruz, “One Community” is this year’s theme for the 36th annual Pride Santa Cruz, Sunday, June 6, which is sponsored by the Diversity Center. The parade begins at 11 a.m. on Pacific Avenue in downtown Santa Cruz. The festival is immediately following from noon to 5 p.m. in San Lorenzo Park. Pride is for everyone, whatever your sexual orientation, gender identity, age, ethnicity, class, ability, or religion, organizers said. The parade and festival are free. They are non-smoking events, and no outside alcohol will be permitted at the festival. Dykes on Bikes will lead the parade, with Cheer San Francisco setting the pace. At the festival there will be live performances throughout the day, as well as vendor booths with merchandise available for purchase, a dance tent, and much more. Brand new official Pride Santa Cruz T-shirts will be available for sale at the Diversity Center booth. A minimum $5 donation to the Diversity Center gets people $1 off all drinks and T-shirts. For more information, visit In the North Bay, West County Supervisor Efren Carrillo and longtime Sonoma County Pride Comedy Night producers Ellen Silver and Robyn Bramhal have been named grand marshals for the Pride Parade, which takes place at noon on Sunday, June 6 in Guerneville. The festival follows until 6 p.m. on the grounds of the Guerneville Lodge. This year’s theme


is “Sonoma County Pride is So Gay!” Organizers have announced that Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (D) will participate in the parade. Entertainment includes cabaret star Irene Soderberg and Vocal Minority, part of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus. For more information, visit

Memorial for Jane Warner next week The memorial for San Francisco Patrol Special Police Officer Jane Warner will be held Wednesday, June 9 at 3 p.m. at Metropolitan Community Church-San Francisco, 150 Eureka Street in the Castro. Ms. Warner died May 8 after a long battle against ovarian cancer. She was 53. Sergeant Chuck Limbert, the LGBT liaison at Mission Station, said that a march to the N EWS church will precede the service at 2:30 p.m. at Market and Castro streets. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence will do a presentation, he said. The memorial is open to the public.

sul, of Sausalito, is a founding member of Rainbow Toastmasters that was formed five years ago and meets at the LGBT Community Center every Thursday at 6 p.m. Barsul said in a statement that he is proud to be elected as District 4 governor and noted that his election is really “gay pride” in action.

Forum on HIV/hep C co-infection The San Francisco Mayor’s Hepatitis C Task Force and the city’s HIV Health Services Planning Council will hold a community forum Monday, June 7 to address the issues of hepatitis C-HIV co-infection and the sexual transmission of hepatitis C. The meeting takes place from 6 to 7:45 p.m. at the Eureka Valley Recreation Center, 100 Collingwood Street. Hepatitis C is the leading cause of B RIEFS death in people with HIV, with 30 percent of people living with HIV co-infected with hepatitis C. Dr. Brad Hare, medical director of the UCSF Positive Health Program at San Francisco General Hospital, has done research centering on HIV drug resistance and HIV-hepatitis C co-infection. He will be at the forum along with Val Robb, RN, from the Positive Health Program, who runs the Hepatitis C Project. “The issues faced by people living with HIV and hepatitis C are complex and can be wrought with fear and uncertainty,” said Randy Allgaier, who is living with HIV and hep C. He co-chairs the task force and is the director of the planning council. For more information on the two groups holding the forum, visit and▼


Gay man elected to Toastmasters post Toastmasters Clubs in the greater Bay Area have a gay man leading the organization. Mike Barsul was elected as the district governor of District 4 in Toastmasters International on May 15. Toastmasters is a nonprofit educational organization that helps members develop both as public speakers and leaders, by providing a forum for members to practice these skills in supportive club environments. As part of this network, District 4 includes over 200 clubs with over 4,000 members in the five-county area from San Francisco to Monterey. Bar-

3 June 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER


BAY AREA REPORTER . . 3 June 2010




AG sues coastal AIDS group by Seth Hemmelgarn alifornia Attorney General Jerry Brown is suing a Monterey County agency that allegedly wasted more than $2.8 million intended to help people with HIV/AIDS on pricey restaurant meals, credit card purchases, carpet steam cleaning, and other personal expenses. In a lawsuit filed against the Monterey County AIDS Project and 16 of its former officers and directors on Friday, May 21 in Monterey County Superior Court, Brown claims former officers and directors of the charity “misappropriated, misapplied or wasted� money from the agency. Brown’s lawsuit seeks to dissolve MCAP, obtain a complete accounting of its finances, and recover any remaining assets dissipated through the alleged mismanagement and negligence of former officers and board members. The agency, which appears to have shut down, was based in Seaside, two hours south of San Francisco. “It’s a terrible shame that the people who were charged with protecting these assets and providing services to very sick people were the same directors and officials who failed to do their duty,� Jim Finefrock, Brown’s director of communications, told the Bay Area Reporter. According to forms MCAP filed with the IRS for July 2008 through June 2009, assistance the agency provided included 100 “housing services� for rental and Pacific Gas and Electric Company assistance, phone bills, and rental deposits. The forms list the agency’s total revenue as $47,651 and total expenses as $262,458, leaving a deficit of $214,807.

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Jane Philomen Cleland


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Attorney General Jerry Brown

Central Coast staff did not respond to an interview request made last week. On Thursday morning, May 27, no one answered the phone at the agency, and there appeared to be no way to leave a message. A message on the agency’s website Thursday addressing the lawsuit said, “Because CCHAS occupies the previous office space of MCAP, and serves the same population as did MCAP, we realize that some may have questions about the relationship between CCHAS and MCAP. “CCHAS would like to reassure the public that CCHAS is a separate and independent nonprofit entity from MCAP, and it is not involved in the current action taken against MCAP by the California Attorney General.� The message also said that Central Coast operates from the former John XXIII AIDS Ministry and the former MCAP offices while continuing to provide HIV/AIDS housing-related and other services, as well as HIV education, prevention, and testing. In 1999, MCAP received $1.8 million in cash and property from the estate of Douglas E. Madsen, a Monterey County resident, that a court ordered to be used “solely for the purpose of providing housing for people

with the HIV disease.â€? The complaint alleges that money, along with another $1 million in other grants and donations, was misspent. According to the complaint, the alleged acts took place from 2000 through 2009. The complaint states that in 2002, the defendants invaded principal from a housing endowment that had been established using the Madsen gift “without documenting the withdrawals in board meeting minutes and without fully documenting in any type of financial records what the moneys were used for. This conduct continued and withdrawals were made until the housing endowment was completely depleted in 2007.â€? Through the suit, Brown says each of the defendants “either knowingly participated in the diversion of charitable assets, or failed to make reasonable inquiryâ€? into the conduct of other MCAP officials. Funds from the endowment were used to pay the rent for the MCAP Benefit Shop, a thrift shop in Monterey County, according to the complaint. Some of the charity’s money was also spent on unauthorized expenditures, such as meals at expensive restaurants, personal expenses on credit cards, purchasing items for personal use at auctions, personal moving and storage expenses, a personal mortgage payment, and steam-cleaning a carpet in a private residence, according to Brown’s office. Finefrock said that sometime within the past year, the organization had been trying to merge with John XXIII AIDS Ministry, which he said does business as Central Coast HIV/AIDS Services, “but they were told they couldn’t merge without the approval of the charitable trust division of the attorney general’s office, and they never filed for a merger.â€? As for the impact dissolving MCAP could have on any agencies it’s associated with, Finefrock said, “That’s speculative. It would be hard to know. I don’t know whether they have contracts with other agencies that might be affected.â€? Named as individual defendants in the complaint, which provides descriptions of defendants’ roles at the agency, are Wayne Johnson, who once served as executive director and later was paid to manage MCAP’s Benefit Shop; Kathleen Banks, who served as executive director and had also once worked under Johnson; Guy W. Blodgett, a former board member and treasurer; John Cameron Vannoy (also known as John Cameron Hamilton), former board chair and MCAP employee; Bryan Banks, a former board member and secretary; Arthur P. Bourdon, a former board member who also worked for the agency as a certified public accountant and bookkeeper; and Michael Ibarra, a former board member who also was compensated to run a massage parlor for MCAP. Also named in the suit, which describes the defendants’ positions at the agency, are former board members Daniel T. Yoshizato, Jacob Agamao, Shanda LaBoeuf, Kathleen M. McFadden, Lorraine T. Faherty, Gary J. Affonso, Scott Eccher, Kimberly Celeste Batiste (also known as Kimberly Batiste-Reed), and Susannah McNamara. Reached about the lawsuit by phone, McNamara said, “I really can’t talk to you about it. I really have no comment to make at this time.â€? The B.A.R. was unable to reach other former MCAP officials, or they did not respond to interview requests. The complaint doesn’t specify which MCAP staffer did what, and Finefrock said he couldn’t comment on that. “The purpose of the complaint was largely to protect the assets and to try to recover any money that might still be out there, and to get a full accounting of where all the money went. I think this story has some more chapters to unfold,â€? he said.â–ź

3 June 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER


LGBT lawyers weigh in on judicial races by Matthew S. Bajko group for LGBT lawyers in the Bay Area has split its endorsement between the out candidates in two San Francisco judicial races on next week’s primary ballot. The organization also endorsed a transgender judicial candidate in the East Bay. In her three-person race for an open seat on the Alameda County Superior Court, Victoria Kolakowski earned the backing of the San Francisco-based Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom, the nation’s oldest and largest LGBT bar association. According to statewide LGBT lobbying group Equality California, Kolakowski would be the country’s first transgender judge should she be elected. She is running against Alameda County Deputy District Attorney John Creighton and Louis Goodman, a criminal defense attorney and former Alameda County prosecutor. If no one wins more than 50 percent of the vote Tuesday, June 8, then the top two vote-getters will advance to a November runoff election. An administrative law judge for the state Public Utilities Commission, Kolakowski is married to Bay Area Reporter news editor Cynthia Laird. EQCA has had volunteers phoning its East Bay members to urge them to vote for Kolakowski and the group sent out this week a targeted mailer on her behalf. BALIF’s judicial plebiscite for the San Francisco contests ended with dual P OLITICAL endorsements in the two races with out candidates. For the open Seat 6 on the San Francisco Superior Court, the gay legal group endorsed both out lesbian Linda Colfax, a deputy public defender, and Robert Retana, a gay man who is an attorney in the office of the general counsel for the state court system. Receiving the group’s backing for their bids to oust Judge Richard Ulmer from his Seat 15 on the bench were gay men Michael Nava, an attorney for California State Supreme Court Justice Carlos Moreno, and local lawyer Daniel Dean. As with the Alameda race, if none of the San Francisco judicial candidates win the primary outright with more than 50 percent of the vote, then the top two vote-getters in each race will face off in the fall.


Victoria Kolakowski

BALIF’s members also recently elected David Tsai as the new cochair to replace Dean, who stepped down but will remain on the group’s board. Liz Noteware will continue to serve as BALIF’s other co-chair.

Other Bay Area races to watch Around the Bay Area are several races with out candidates on the primary ballot to watch out for Tuesday. One is already a foregone conclusion: Santa Clara County Supervisor Ken Yeager, currently president of the board, is running unopposed for re-election next week. It will be Yeager’s second term, and he is the only out supervisor on the county governmental body. Over in Alameda County openly gay Hayward City Council member Kevin Dowling is seeking to become the first out person to N OTEBOOK serve on the county’s Board of Supervisors. He is considered an underdog in the race due to the war chest his opponent Nadia Lockyer has been able to amass with the help of her well-connected husband, state Treasurer Bill Lockyer. Late last month Lockyer was found to be inaccurately describing herself as a deputy district attorney for Alameda County on her website and in campaign literature. It remains to be seen if the revelations will be enough to derail her supervisorial bid. Dowling would be the highestranking out politician in Alameda County were he to win the race. Also running for a county post is Berkeley resident Joaquin Rivera, who is considered the front-runner in his race for a seat on the Alameda County

Board of Education. Should Rivera win, he would be the only (and believed to be the first) out person on the body. Up in Sonoma County out lesbian Jill Ravitch is waging an intense fight to unseat incumbent District Attorney Stephan Passalacqua. It is the second time that Ravitch, a former prosecutor in Sonoma County who now works in the Mendocino County District Attorney’s office, has tried to oust her former boss from office. The Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund is backing Ravitch in the race; she reported last month amassing $232,000 in contributions for her campaign. Passalacqua has banked more than $381,000 for his re-election effort this year, but the Santa Rosa Press Democrat noted that he has lent more of his own money to his campaign. Should Ravitch win, she would be the country’s second out lesbian D.A. after Bonnie Dumanis in San Diego.▼ Web Extra: For more queer political news, be sure to check Monday mornings around 10 a.m. for Political Notes, the notebook’s online companion. Keep abreast of the latest LGBT political news by following the Political Notebook on Twitter @ Got a tip on LGBT politics? Call Matthew S. Bajko at (415) 861-5019 or e-mail


BAY AREA REPORTER . . 3 June 2010



Skinheads attack Slovak pride by Rex Wockner t least 80 skinheads attacked the rally that preceded the first gay pride parade in Bratislava, Slovakia, on May 22. The assaults injured two people and forced the relocation of the festivities. Member of the European Parliament Ulrike Lunacek reportedly dodged “stones” that were thrown at her as she addressed the rally. The attackers also threw smoke bombs and eggs at the approximately 1,000 celebrants. Police arrested eight people. Local reports said some were conAbout 1,000 people celebrated Bratislava’s first gay pride on May 22. nected to the neo-Nazi group Slovenska Pospolitost. Pride organizers and some media Two arrested in raid of Member of the European Parliafaulted the police for failure to seZimbabwean LGBT group ment Michael Cashman addressed cure the parade events and route. the 350 celebrants. Employees Ellen Chadehama and Lukas Fila, deputy editor of the Anti-gay protesters were “kept at Ignatius Mhambi were arrested May daily newspaper Sme, said, “Slovakia bay by a strong police presence,” the 21 during a police raid of the Gays has experienced a day of shame.” LGBT Intergroup reported. and Lesbians of Zimbabwe office in Lunacek, co-president of the EuHarare. ropean Parliament’s Intergroup on Malawian president Officers took away computers LGBT Rights, commented, “It has pardons couple and allegedly indecent documents, been an important victory that Over the weekend, Malawian and charged the two with possession Bratislava Pride did take place – even President Bingu wa Mutharika orof pornography and with insulting though we did not march through dered an unconditional pardon and President Robert Mugabe. the city center, but with hundreds immediate release from prison The latter charge stemmed from of rainbow flags across the of Tiwonge Chimbalanga a letter found in the office, written Danube Bridge to the and Steven Monjeza. The by former San Francisco Mayor other shore.” two had been serving a Willie Brown, that reportedly criti“Radicals take up 14-year prison sentence cizes Mugabe for his anti-gay tirades. public space only when for their convictions on Mugabe has publicly denigrated allowed,” Lunacek said. “unnatural offenses” gays and lesbians for years. Most re“The government’s and “indecent practices” cently, in March, he said: “Those duty is to work against stemming from an enwho engage in homosexual behavior nationalistic, racist and gagement party the couare just crazy. It’s just madness. Inhomophobic hate W OCKNER’ S ple had last December. sanity. We can’t do it or the dead will speech and violence.” W ORLD It has been reported turn in their graves. ... If you are LGBT people also that Chimbalanga identidoing that [gay sex], you are degathered for a pride festifies as a woman. stroying nationhood. [It’s] an alien val in Bucharest, Romania, on May 22. The pardon came amidst interpractice that is being exported into It was the city’s sixth pride celebration. national pressure on the Malawian our country.” government. The International Gay Chadehama and Mhambi were and Lesbian Human Rights Comjailed for six days, forced to remain mission applauded the developin squatting positions for long periments. ods, and beaten on the knees when “We commend President they fell, their lawyer said. Mutharika for arriving at a decision A court released them on $200 that prevents two innocent people bail each. Trial is June 10. from spending years in prison without just cause,” said Cary Alan JohnGays stage public son, executive director of IGLHRC. action in Kazakhstan The White House also released a Seven gay men staged a “flashstatement, saying that the adminismob” in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on tration hopes the pardon “marks a May 17 in conjunction with the Inbeginning of a new dialogue which ternational Day Against Homophoreflects the country’s history of tolbia and Transphobia. erance and a new day for lesbian, They gathered near the KazakhTgay, bisexual, and transgender rights elecom building and handed out in Malawi and around the globe.” fliers and released rainbow balloons It is unclear where the couple is into the sky.▼ now. A Monday report on indicated Bill Kelley contributed to this report. Chimbalanga reportedly is missing.


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3 June 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER




SF Pride’s fiscal health improves this year staff members, including executive director Amy Andre, who started last October, and Troy Coalman, who joined as the associate director of development earlier this year. Ten contractors are also listed on the site.

by Seth Hemmelgarn


Budget ▼

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Human Services Agency, said the mayor’s proposal doesn’t include funding for the initiative. According to Rhorer, the contracts for the transgender initiative are pegged at $270,498. “This came down to a lot of difficult choices in the last few days for closing the deficit,” said Rhorer. The proposed $6.48 billion budget for fiscal year 2010-2011 closes a projected city deficit of $482.7 million. Rhorer said he and others are working with Supervisor Bevan Dufty, a longtime supporter of the initiative, and they are aware “that this

Colage ▼

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families.” Marina Gatto, who identifies as straight and has a lesbian mother, estimates she’s been involved with Colage since she was 8. She said the group provided “an amazing opportunity for me to be able to network with other children who had two moms or two dads.” Gatto, who’s now 22 and will be honored at Colage’s upcoming 20th anniversary celebration, said the organization “really made me feel part of the community.” Colage has spoken out against Proposition 8, the same-sex marriage ban that California voters passed in November 2008 that amended the state constitution. Prop 8’s passage has had negative and positive impacts on children in LGBT-headed families, said Teper. There was the surprise and hurt of seeing people in their communities opposing their families. But, she said, “a lot of our members have become leaders who stand poised to make the world more welcoming,” adding, “we help children of LGBTQ families speak out for themselves and say what matters in terms of recognition and respect.” The organization operates on a budget of about $850,000. “We achieve an incredible amount with the limited resources at our disposal,” said Teper. “That’s the power of community.” Current activity includes the release of the Colage Donor Insemination Guide, a new guide for donorconceived people who have an LGBTQ parent. Jeff DeGroot, a Colage fellow and one of the first known people with lesbian parents conceived

Rick Gerharter


Pride President Mikayla Connell

In an e-mail, Connell said that the committee has seven full-time paid positions for staff. Six of those positions are currently filled by staff, and one is filled by a consultant “after the staff person employed in that position suddenly had to leave Pride for personal reasons,” she wrote. Connell did not directly respond to a question about how many staff had been added. The committee’s website lists five

The committee is apparently expecting an increase in income this year. Fundraising from Pride’s special events was projected to be at $358,000, up from just $2,405 last year, according to the data provided to the city. So far, however, Pride has had one fundraiser, its “Forty and Fabulous” party last month. Andre, Connell and sponsorship director Lindsey Jones did not respond to an e-mail Tuesday, June 1, about how much that event raised. Corporate contributions last year were $506,955. This year, that amount is $600,000. Jones, who had stepped down as the Pride Committee’s executive director last year, wrote in a February email to the B.A.R., “Sponsorship is going well. Despite the economy our sponsors are staying committed to San Francisco Pride and the LGBT community. The majority of them

is a priority for the community and [we] look forward to working with the board in trying to find solutions.” Dufty said he’s working with Newsom’s office on restoring funding. He said Newsom is “very aware” of the initiative and its importance, “and I’m confident we’ll get the funds restored. I certainly wish that clients and the community would not be worried about this continuation, but I feel between the board and the mayor, there’ll be a commitment, and hopefully we can get this resolved quickly.” The Human Services Agency had proposed cutting the funding after the mayor’s office told the agency in April to identify $12.6 million in reduc-

tions, but the city’s Human Services Commission later rejected the cut. The initiative is a collaborative effort that includes the Transgender Law Center, the San Francisco LGBT Community Center, and Jewish Vocational Services. On Tuesday, before the mayor released his budget proposal publicly, Rebecca Rolfe, the community center’s executive director, said that she and others had been told that funding for the initiative would be included in the mayor’s budget. She did not respond to requests for comment Wednesday morning. Masen Davis, the Transgender Law Center’s execu-

through donor insemination, wrote the guide. Also, Colage will be celebrating its 20th anniversary on Thursday, June 10, at the Hamm’s Building, 1550 Bryant Street in San Francisco. Kate Kendell, executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights; former Ambassador James Hormel, the first openly gay person to hold the diplomatic post when he served in Luxembourg; and Gatto, the Colage youth activist, will be honored

at the event. The honorees reception is from 6:15 to 7 p.m., followed by a party from 7 to 10. The event will also feature comedienne Diane Amos and the debut of Family Time, a short film chronicling 20 years of the LGBTQ family movement. Tickets are $150 for the honorees reception and party, $50 for adults attending only the party, and $20 for youth attending only the party.

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s Pride Month begins, the San Francisco LGBT Pride Celebration Committee appears to be in steady financial shape for the June 26-27 events. After cutting its budget last year by at least $300,000, the committee plans to spend about $2.2 million this year, which marks Pride’s 40th anniversary. That’s up from the approximate $1.8 million they spent last year. Neither figure includes in-kind contributions. The budget data comes from information the committee submitted to the city’s Grants for the Arts office in February. The office is providing $58,400, which comes from the city’s hotel tax fund, this year. The Bay Area Reporter obtained a copy of the application through a public records request. Pride officials declined to release their own budget figures. On its application for city funding, the committee listed $321,882 for 2009 and $520,430 for 2010 in the “total salaries and fringe” category, an increase of almost $200,000. According to Mikayla Connell, the committee’s board president, the increase was due to adding staff.

have financially supported the important civil rights work of our LGBT communities for many years.”

Main stage The budget for the main stage, which each year draws hundreds of thousands of people and this year will feature the Backstreet Boys, is somewhat of a mystery. Connell wrote in an e-mail that there isn’t a single budget line for the main stage. “The expenses related to the main stage are accounted for in multiple line items,” wrote Connell. “Therefore, it is basically impossible to give you an accurate amount for what gets spent specifically on the main stage.” The application to the Grants for the Arts office shows that production and exhibition costs went from $550,975 to $648,285. “This increase took place last year while Lindsey Jones was still executive

director,” wrote Connell. As for whether the figures include the budget for the main stage, Connell wrote, “Unfortunately, I cannot answer this question with any accuracy without doing a lot of research into last year’s budget, which I and my staff currently do not have time to do. As for this budget including the main stage, I am sure some of the costs of the main stage fall under this line item, but I do not know the exact amounts.”▼

Web content Online content this week includes more of Wockner’s World, more news briefs, and the Transmissions and Jock Talk columns.


BAY AREA REPORTER . . 3 June 2010


Gay veterans ▼

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of war, over the past two and a half decades Legionnaires at Post 448 have found themselves anything but retired from battle. Founded amidst Reaganera conservatism and now celebrating its silver anniversary with “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell“ still looming in daily headlines, Post 448 has been a fighting force in the ongoing battle for equality and LGBT rights since its inception. The late Dr. Paul D. Hardman was the official founder of Post 448 and is remembered not only for his efforts in rallying gay and lesbian veterans around creation of the post, but also for leading the fight against other American Legion posts in San Francisco that sought to block a charter

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for the LGBT group. It was only under the threat of lawsuits and costly litigation that other posts eventually conceded, allowing Post 448 its charter and a home in the Veterans Memorial Building. But once in the Veterans Building, the early members of Post 448 found their nascent organization nearly crippled by the hostile and discriminatory practices of other posts that governed the building. In 1987, Post 448 finally faced off against those foes in court, winning a lawsuit that, among other things, mandated all posts housed in the Veterans Building have equal representation in the building’s administration. Today, the atmosphere in the Veterans Building is quite different. Whereas the founding members of Post 448 had to fight even to be recognized by the American Legion, current Post 448 Commander John Forrett was recently elected by all 15 San Francisco posts as district commander, a sort of overseer of all American Legion activities in the city. “It is such an honor,” Forrett said, who will be the second openly gay district commander elected by the San Francisco American Legion posts. “Being post commander of 448 has been the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I am really looking forward to continuing my service as district commander.”

Still, despite local progress and a change in attitude at the Veteran’s Building, Forrett is quick to point out that Post 448 is still immersed in the larger and ongoing battle for gay rights in the military. Locally, Post 448 seems as active and accepted as any other American Legion post in San Francisco. But get out of the Bay Area, and Forrett said it’s common to hear snarky and demeaning remarks about “that gay post” from Legionnaires elsewhere in California. Nationally, Forrett said many Legionnaires still don’t know, or won’t admit, that an LGBT post even exists within the American Legion. “When you call the national hotline and ask about an LGBT post, they usually will tell you there isn’t one,” Forrett said. “That’s especially true if you get one of these old-timer veterans on the phone. Some of the younger ones know about us.” But Forrett gets more fired up than discouraged when he talks about challenges still faced by Post 448. He said the post has been playing a relatively small but active role in debates happening on the national level. One of its current battles is advocating for the admittance of veterans’ daughters into the Sons of the American Legion, a traditionally male-only branch of the American Legion. Post 448 also has an ongoing partnership with the Service-

members Legal Defense Network in lobbying for the repeal of the military’s anti-gay DADT policy, which prohibits gays and lesbians from serving openly. Post members have been traveling to Washington, D.C. annually with SLDN to meet with members of Congress. And on the local level, Post 448 remains a valuable and visible part of the community. Just last week, the post presented a new U.S. flag to students at George Washington Carver Elementary School in the Bayview. The post also marches in the city’s Pride and Veterans Day parades. Legionnaires are regular supporters of festivals, parades and fundraisers supporting LGBT and charity causes in San Francisco. The group also supports the Castro Lions Club in its philanthropic efforts. A Lion’s Club spokesman did not return a call by press time. Post 448 and the Castro Lions Club’s joint 25th anniversary dinner is taking place Wednesday, June 9, in the Green Room of the War Memorial Veterans Building, 401 Van Ness Avenue. Dinner begins at 6 p.m. with tickets available at $50 per person. VIP tickets are $100 and include a special reception at 5. Tickets are available by calling (510) 760-3273 or (415) 90-LIONS. ▼


come, the same percentage that people in other subsidized programs put forward, rather than the 20 percent they currently pay. “Under the circumstances of a horrible budget, if that’s as bad as it gets, that’s not too bad,” said Katz. In a phone interview Wednesday, Dufty said his understanding was that the mayor’s proposal includes a cut of about 10 percent in AIDS housing, representing between $500,000 and $550,000 in the city budget. Dufty noted the reduction also was an issue last year, but he indicated the board had added the funding back to the budget. “It will be high on the priority list for restoration,” said Dufty, who was

on the board’s budget and finance committee last year. He noted that this year, Supervisor David Campos is on that committee, and he said he’ll work with Campos to get the funding restored again. Campos didn’t respond to an email request for comment Wednesday morning. According to Dufty, part of the problem facing Newsom is that housing can no longer be funded through the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act. Tony Winnicker, Newsom’s communications director, did not respond to a text message requesting comment for this story Wednesday morning.▼

the 7th Assembly District seat. His main opponent in the race is former Santa Rosa Planning Commissioner Michael Allen, who has earned major backing from local Democrats and raised the most money, reporting $176,901 in contributions. But Allen has also been dogged by allegations he voted for a project he was paid to promote, prompting a complaint to be filed against him with the state’s Fair Political Practices Commission. Fellow candidate Lee Pierce, a former Santa Rosa City Councilman, has raised little money, less than $16,000, but could still siphon votes away from Allen, opening a door for Wilson to win the seat, which has long been held by residents of the Santa Rosa area. Wilson received a huge boost to his campaign when the Santa Rosa Press Democrat endorsed his candidacy. The paper noted that Wilson “may not be very familiar to Sonoma County residents” but urged voters to familiarize themselves with the “bright, articulate upcoming elected official whose leadership, independence and real-world experience confronting the economic challenges in Vallejo will serve the district well in Sacramento.” Wilson has raised close to $100,000, with $10,250 in money he loaned to his campaign. Last week he pumped another $4,000 of his own funds into his account in order to pay for a last-minute mailer to voters. “I just want to be sure I can put on as strong a campaign as possible,” said Wilson. “I feel good. We have run a strong campaign.” Like Wilson, Manhattan Beach Mayor Mitch Ward is seen as an underdog in his race for the 53rd Assembly District seat, which covers the coastal communities south of Los Angeles. Although he reported raising $220,858, nearly half of that was money he loaned his campaign.

Nonetheless, Ward has a long list of local supporters, and the race has shaped up to be a nail-biter between him and two straight candidates, one of whom is Betsy Butler, a member of Equality California’s board who raised close to $200,000 but has spent twice that amount on her race. Butler earned the LGBT lobbying group’s endorsement in the race. The third, James Lau, is executive director of the League of Conservation Voters, has spent nearly $360,000 on the race but reported raising $180,349. “With the amount of money being spent in independent expenditures down in the 53rd, anyone can win that race,” said EQCA Executive Director Geoff Kors. In the fifth race legislative staffer Ricardo Lara is considered the frontrunner in his bid for the 50th Assembly District seat in the Los Angeles area. Lara had banked $246,088 toward his race and in late May reported having $141,219 in cash on hand. His main opponent in the race is Downey City Councilman Luis Marquez, who raised $131,952. All five gay Dems have mounted impressive bids for state office, said Kors. “It is great to see they are all having success in fundraising. Most of them have been in elected office before, which definitely helps them run campaigns. They have that experience,” he said. Tuesday will determine just how much the current four-member LGBT Legislative Caucus will grow come 2011. [Republican state Senator Roy Ashburn, who recently came out, is not a member of the caucus and is termed out this year.] “I think everyone feels it is a really good chance there will be one to five additions on the Assembly side,” said Kors.▼

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tive director, is out of town and also did not respond to a request for comment Wednesday morning. As he unveiled his budget at the Luggage Store Art Gallery on Market Street Tuesday, Newsom said there was “some question about equalizing housing subsidies” for people with HIV/AIDS that could be debated. Asked about the subject after the mayor’s press conference, Dr. Mitchell Katz, director of public health department, explained that the proposal was for people with HIV/AIDS to pay a third of their in-

Assembly ▼

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One indication of Atkins’s expected win is that, unlike the four gay male Democrats running for Assembly seats, she has doled out $16,600 of the nearly $146,000 in contributions she raised to help elect fellow Democrats running for state legislative seats. And in her latest financial report filed last month, Atkins reported having $115,027 in cash on hand, which she can use to help her party’s candidates in tough races this fall. In the Bay Area San Mateo County Supervisor Rich Gordon is considered the front-runner in his race for the 21st Assembly District seat. All eight newspapers that have weighed in on the race, including the San Jose Mercury News and the San Mateo County Times, endorsed Gordon. Gordon raised more than $230,000 this year toward his race but he is up against another well-financed candidate, political newcomer Josh Becker. The Silicon Valley entrepreneur collected $302,257 in contributions. Former Palo Alto Councilwoman Yoriko Kishimoto trailed behind with $205,975 in contributions. Due to the record low voter turnout expected Tuesday, all eyes will be on the absentee vote count released shortly after the polls close. Gordon is hoping for a big lead in the early vote count that can carry him to victory. “I would say I am cautiously optimistic,” Gordon told the Bay Area Reporter Tuesday after spending the Memorial Day holiday weekend crisscrossing the Peninsula district to meet voters. “It is non-stop from farmers’ markets to precinct walking.” Up in the North Bay, Vallejo City Councilman Michael Wilson is also running a strong campaign against two competitors from Santa Rosa for

3 June 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER 13








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To Whom It May Concern: The name(s) of the applicant(s) is/are: Tosco Wines Inc. The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control at 71 Stevenson Street, Suite 1500, San Francisco, CA 94105 to sell alcoholic beverages at: 1455 Van Vess Ave., San Francisco, CA 94109-4637. Type of license applied for:

20- OFF SALE BEER AND WINE MAY 20,27, JUNE 3, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032737900 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Fairy Tales, 39 Pier, Space # E204-1, San Francisco, CA 94133. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Jayanti. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 04/28/10.

MAY 13,20,27, JUNE 3, 2010

STATEMENT FILE A-032748600 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: INU, 423 Precita St., San Francisco, CA 94110. This business is conducted by a general partnership, signed Mikael Eldridge. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 04/19/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 04/30/10.

MAY 13,20,27, JUNE 3, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032760400 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: The Garage Builders, 442 Grove St., San Francisco, CA 94102. This business is conducted by a corporation, signed Andrew McHale. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 05/06/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/06/10.

MAY 13,20,27, JUNE 3, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032751800 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: 1.Blackhawk Financial Group,2.The Golden Dome Group,3.Allstar Loans & Realty, 4.Infinity Home Loans, 5.Portfolio Financial Group,6.Cavalier Financial,7.One Team Mortgage 88 Kearny St., 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94108. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, signed Brett McGovern. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 04/01/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/03/10.

MAY 13,20,27, JUNE 3, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032766700 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Ping and Ming 306, 613 Lasalle Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94124. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Zheng Rui Ming. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 05/10/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/10/10.

MAY 13,20,27, JUNE 3, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032745900 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Escape Tours Travel, 425 1st St.,Suite 1507, San Francisco, CA 94105. This business is conducted by a general partnership, signed Aureliya Kazaku. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 04/15/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 04/30/10.

MAY 13,20,27, JUNE 3, 2010


BAY AREA REPOR TER . . 3 June 2010


LEGAL NOTICES SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT INVITATION TO BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF EAST CONTRA COSTA COUNTY (eBART) TRANSFER PLATFORM AND GUIDEWAY IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO.04SF-110 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed Bids will be received until the hour of 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 13, 2010, at the District Secretary's Office, 23rd. Floor, 300 Lakeside Drive, Oakland, California 94612 (mailing address: P.O. Box 12688, Oakland, California, 94604-2688) for Construction of East Contra Costa County (eBART) Transfer Platform and Guideway Improvements, Contract No. 04SF-110. Such Bids will be opened publicly and announced at the said hour and date in the 23rd Floor Conference Room No. 2382T, Kaiser Center Building, 300 Lakeside Drive, Oakland, California. Bids will thereafter be accepted or rejected by the District. The Bidders are responsible to ensure their Bids are received at the time and location specified. The time for receipt of Bids may be extended by the District's General Manager, or authorized representative, from the abovestated Bid Opening date. Notice of such extension will be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the District, which publication will be at least 10 Days before Bids are formally received and opened. The Work of this Contract includes furnishing all labor, equipment, materials and services required to construct rail transit facilities 1) within the median area of State Route 4 (SR4) starting on the west side of BART's Pittsburg/Bay Point (PBP) Station and extending east approximately 3.5 miles in length to four-tenths of a mile west of the Loveridge Road overcrossing interchange; and 2) on Canal Road, north of SR4 westbound lanes; all as specified in the Contract Documents. The estimated value of this Contract is between $26,000,000 and $32,000,000 A conducted inspection tour of the Jobsite will be held Wednesday, June 9, 2010. The tour will convene at 9:00 am at the BART Park and Ride Lot at 186 Bliss Avenue (northwest corner of Bliss and Harbor Streets) in the City of Pittsburg, CA. A pre-Bid meeting will be held on Thursday, June 10, 2010. The pre-Bid meeting will convene at 2:30 p.m. at the Joseph P. Bort MetroCenter, Auditorium, located at 101 Eighth Street, 1st Floor, Oakland, California, 94607. At the pre-Bid meeting the District's Non-Discrimination Program for Subcontracting will be explained. Prospective Bidders are requested to make every effort to attend this only scheduled site tour and pre-Bid meeting. Interested prospective Bidders are requested to confirm their intention to attend by notifying Mr. Anthony Pegram, Contact Person at telephone (510) 464-6544 seven (7) days prior to the dates of the scheduled site tour and pre-Bid meeting. The Availability Percentages for this Contract are, for Minority Business Enterprises (“MBEs”) 23% and for Women Business Enterprises (“WBEs”) 12%. Bids shall be submitted in accordance with, and subject to, the conditions contained in the Instructions to Bidders contained in the Contract Book to which prospective Bidders are referred. Bid Documents may be examined at certain public and private plan rooms. The location of these plan rooms may be obtained by calling the District's Contact Person at the telephone number set forth above. Bid Documents may be obtained from the District Secretary's Office, San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District, in person on the 23rd Floor at 300 Lakeside Drive, Oakland, California 94612, or by mail at P.O. Box 12688, Oakland, California 94604-2688. Documents requested by mail will be packaged and sent postage paid. Requests must be accompanied by either cash, check, or postal money order drawn in favor of the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District in the following amount, which includes any applicable sales tax, and is not refundable: Contract Book and Contract Drawings (Includes forms for submittal of Bids)....$100.00 BART Facilities Standards, Standard Specifications, Release R2.0, dated September 2008 (BFS): BFS Compact Disc (CD)... $ 20.00 Full Size Drawings, per sheet...$ 2.50 Copies of BART Facilities Standards, Standard Specifications, Release - R2.0 dated September 2008 may be purchased as described above or may be downloaded from the District website: . Copies of the Standard Specifications of the Department of Transportation, State of California, dated 2008 can be purchased at the Caltrans Office, located at 1900 Royal Oaks Drive, Sacramento, California, telephone (916) 654-2852 or by written request to: Department of Transportation, Publication Unit, 1900 Royal Oaks Drive, Sacramento, CA 94815 or by visiting the following website, . Bidders are informed that all of these documents will be required in the preparation of Bids. Each Bid shall be on a prescribed Bid Form and shall be for the entire Contract including all Bid Items. The District may reject any and all Bids. At the time of submitting a Bid, the Bidder must have a valid State Contractor's license, Classification A, and be in good standing with the Contractors' State License Board. If the Bidder is a joint venture, each of the joint venturers must have a current, active license in good standing to act separately in the capacity of a Contractor within the State, in accordance with Section 7029 and 7029.1 of the State Business and Professions Code or the Bid may be rejected. Also, if the Bidder is a Joint Venture, the Bidder may submit its valid State Contractor's license number, classification, and expiration date with the Bid but shall submit such information no later than 2 PM on Friday of the week following the date of Bid opening to the Contract Administrator at the address indicated in the Instructions to Bidders. Any Bid submitted by a Specialty Contractor must be in compliance with Section 7059 of the State Business and Professions Code. All work shall be performed in accordance with the Laws of the State of California. Special attention is directed to Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 2 of the State Labor Code concerning wages. Contractor and each Subcontractor shall pay to all workers employed on the Work not less than the prevailing rate of wages as determined by the Director of the State Department of Industrial Relations. Pursuant to Section 1773 of the State Labor Code, the District has obtained from the Director of the State Department of Industrial Relations the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for holiday and overtime work in the locality in which the Work is to be performed and has copies available upon request from the Procurement Department, 300 Lakeside Drive, 17th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612. Special attention is directed to Article GC7.1.2 of the General Conditions outlining Contractor's responsibilities for affirmative action relating to Fair Employment Practices. The District hereby notifies all Bidders that it is the policy of the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District to ensure that Contractors who contract with the District do not discriminate or give a preference in the award of Subcontracts on the basis of race, national origin, color, ethnicity, or gender. Bidder's attention is directed to the Supplementary Conditions which set forth the District's Non-Discrimination Program for Subcontracting for this Contract. Inquiries regarding only the District's Non-Discrimination Program for Subcontracting shall be directed to the District's Office of Civil Rights, 300 Lakeside Drive, 18th Floor, Oakland, California 94612 or telephone (510) 464-6100. Bidders' attention is directed to the Instructions to Bidders Paragraph 6.G entitled Financial Contribution Limitations. This Paragraph details each Bidder's responsibility for complying with BART Board of Directors Rule regarding financial contribution limitations. Bidder's attention is directed to General Conditions Article GC9.7.1.1 which permits the substitution of securities by Contractor for any monies retained by the District to insure performance under this Contract. Each Bid shall be accompanied by a Bidder's Security equal to at least ten percent (10%) of the Total Amount Bid, excluding Option 1, which shall remain in full force and effect for the period of time stated in the Instructions to Bidders, Paragraph 13.C. The Bidder's Security must be in the form of cash, a cashier's check, a certified check, a Bidder’s Bond, or a combination thereof. The Bidder to whom the Contract is awarded shall furnish specified Certificates of Insurance. Such Bidder shall also furnish a Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Bond (Payment Bond), each in an amount not less than 100 percent of the Contract Price. Bonds shall be on forms provided by the District and shall be executed as surety by a corporation or corporations authorized to issue surety bonds in the State of California, as an admitted surety insurer and acceptable to the District. Dated at Oakland, California, this 21st day of May, 2010. /s/ Kenneth A. Duron Kenneth A. Duron, District Secretary San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District 6/3/10 CNS-1868763# BAY AREA REPORTER



The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Boot-E-Camp, 100 Collingwood St., San Francisco, CA 94114. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Aaron E. Marxmiller. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 04/14/10.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Plaza Travel Line Int’l, 515 Jones St., #11, San Francisco, CA 94102. This business is conducted by a husband and wife, signed Bhadresh B. Jhaveri. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 05/01/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/07/10.

MAY 13,20,27, JUNE 3, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032764600 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: 714-718 Page Street TIC., 718 Page Street, San Francisco, CA 94117. This business is conducted by a corporation, signed Susan Linwood. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 08/26/05. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/07/10.

MAY 13,20,27, JUNE 3, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032761500 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Tiffin Box Catering,1 Bradford St., San Francisco, CA 94110. This business is conducted by a husband and wife, signed Shweta Upadhyaya. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/08/10.

MAY 13,20,27, JUNE 3, 2010

MAY 13,20,27, JUNE 3, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032771700 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: ADoll-up, 274A 29th St., San Francisco, CA 94131. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Jamie Bagley. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 05/12/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/12/10.

MAY 13,20,27, JUNE 3, 2010 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE Case No. PES 02- 283087 Superior Court, State of Californa County of San Francisco In Re: 2002 Arne Magnussen Inter-Vivos Trust Notice is hereby given that subject to confirmation of the Court, on or about June 15, 2010 at 12 noon, or thereafter until an offer to purchase is accepted within any time period allowed by law, the undersigned Trustee of the 2002 Arne Magnussen Inter-Vivos Trust will sell at private sale to the highest and best net bidder on

City and County of San Francisco ELECTION DAY IS JUNE 8 The Consolidated Statewide Direct Primary Election will be held this Tuesday, June 8. Polls will be open from 7am to 8pm. The locations of many polling places have changed. To find the address of your polling place, look on the back cover of your Voter Information Pamphlet, or use the Polling Place Lookup tool on the Department of Elections website: Voters may also come to the Department of Elections in City Hall (ground floor, outside room 48) and vote before or on Election Day. The Department will be open for voting this weekend, Saturday, June 5, and Sunday, June 6 from 10am to 4pm, on Monday, June 7 from 8am to 5pm, and on Tuesday, June 8 from 7am to 8pm. CONCESSION OPPORTUNITY AT SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT San Francisco International Airport is preparing to conduct a competitive selection process for the Terminal 3, Boarding Area “F” Gourmet Food and Gift Store Lease and invites you to attend the informational conference scheduled for Thursday, June 24, 2010, at 10:00am. in Terminal 2, Fourth Floor Conference Room at San Francisco International Airport. The Request for Proposal document will be posted online and available for viewing by the week of June 7, 2010. For additional information, please call Nanette Hendrickson, Principal Property Manager, Revenue Development and Management, at (650) 821-4500. NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS First 5 San Francisco is releasing the 2010-2011 Parent ACTION RFP. The Starter Grant ($2500) is intended for parent groups supported by agencies (community based organizations, preschools, elementary school Kindergarten classrooms, church groups, etc.) for parents with children 0-5 years of age. The Starter Grant is intended to build agency staff capacity to support parent engagement strategies through facilitating a group of parents to design and implement their own projects. The First Year Grant ($3000-$3500) is intended for parent groups with children 0-5 years of age with or without agency support. Parents are expected to implement their own projects to achieve the Parent ACTION grant goals. Grant year is from September 1, 2010 to August 31, 2011. Grant applications can be downloaded from: Due Date: June 10th, 2010, 5pm. Applications must be received at First 5 San Francisco. No applications will be accepted through fax or email. SUNDAY STREETS IS BACK! Proposed dates and locations include: • June 20: Mission, along Valencia and 24th Streets • July 11: Mission, along Valencia and 24th Streets • August 22: Great Highway/Golden Gate Park • September 19: NEW: Western Addition, exact location TBD • October 24: NEW Civic Center/Tenderloin, exact location TBD Hours: 10:00am-3:00pm. Sunday Streets creates safe, fun, car-free space on City streets to give San Francisco residents and visitors an opportunity to get out and get active. Temporarily closing some streets to automobile traffic opens them up to people for walking, cycling, skating and recreation, creating a stronger sense of community in neighborhoods throughout the City. Please visit for more information. The City and County of San Francisco encourage public outreach. Articles are translated into several languages to provide better public access. The newspaper makes every effort to translate the articles of general interest correctly. No liability is assumed by the City and County of San Francisco or the newspapers for errors and omissions.

the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned all right, title and interest of the trustee and trust in and to all that certain real property, located in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, at 132-25th Avenue, San Francisco, California 94121, Accessor's Lot 25, Block 1334 and more specifically described as follows: Commencing at a point on the Easterly line of 25th Avenue, distant thereon on 200 feet Southerly from the Southern line of of Camino Del Mar, running thence Southerly and along said line of 25th Avenue 30 feet; thence at a right angle Easterly 120 feet; thence at a right angle Northerly 30 feet; thence at a right angle Westerly 120 feet to the point of commencement. Being part of Outside Land Block No. 48. This sale is subject to current taxes, covenants, conditions, restrictions, rights, rights of way, and easements of record, with any encumbrances of record to be satisfied from the purchase price. The property is being offered "AS IS," without condition, representation, warranty or covenant of any kind, express or implied. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to the condition or construction of the improvements and/or building now situated on said property, as to whether the improvements and building conform to existing building, use, zoning and/or any other laws of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California or United States relating to the building and/or land, as to the age, character, condition, quality or workmanship in the construction of said improvements, as to the suitability of the use now existing or contemplated by any prospective purchaser of said property, or as to the freedom from dry rot, termite infestation, asbestos, and/or other hazardous materials regarding the land, building and/or improvements. Any prospective purchaser must rely only on his or her own investigations and inspections of said property and the improvements located therein. No personal property is included in the sale. The property is being offered at the gross sale price of $ 1,200,000.00. The sale is subject to Court confirmation. Bids or offers must be in writing, and will be received at the office of Powers & Associates, 1645 Irving Street, San Francisco, CA 94122, Tel (800) 300-3504, (415) 665-3500 at any time after first publication of this notice and before the date of said sale. The bids or offers shall be opened and considered on a first come, first serve basis at the office of Powers & Associates until a sale is made. For inspection of the property, call Powers & Associates at (800) 300-3504, (415) 6653500, which has entered into an Exclusive Listing Agreement with the trust. No lock box has been installed on the property. The property will be sold on the following terms: All cash in the lawful money of the United States upon Court confirmation of sale and upon such terms and conditions agreeable to the trustee. Ten percent (10%) of the bid amount shall be deposited with the bid by cashiers' or certified check made payable to Justin W. MacNeil, Trustee of the 2002 Arne Magnussen

Inter-Vivos Trust, the balance in all cash to be paid to the Trustee. Any taxes, assessments, rents, homeowner's association fees, and/or operating and maintenance expenses shall be prorated as of the date of the close of escrow for the proposed sale. Commission, if any, in the sum of five percent (5%) of the gross sale price shall be paid only out of the proceeds of the sale. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any and all bids and offers. Date: May 21, 2010 Justin W. MacNeil, Trustee 2002 Arne Magnussen Inter-Vivos Trust P.O. Box 26024 San Francisco, CA 94126-6024 (415) 434-3490

MAY 27, JUNE 3,10, 2010 NOTICE TO CREDITORS CASE NO. PES 02-283087 Probate Code, Sections 19040(b), 19052 Superior Court, State of California County of San Francisco In Re: 2002 Arne Magnussen InterVivos Trust Arne Magnussen, also known as Arne Magnussen, Jr., Arne Riis Magnussen, Arne Riis Magnussen, Jr., Arne R. Magnussen and Arne R. Magnussen, Jr., settlor of the 2002 Arne Magnussen Inter-Vivos Trust dated March 19, 2002, died on March 09, 2010 in the City of San Francisco, County of San Francisco, State of California. Notice is hereby given to the creditors and contingent creditors of the abovenamed decedent, that all persons having claims against the decedent are required to file them with the Superior Court, at 400 McAllister St., San Francisco, CA 94102 and mail or deliver a copy to Justin W. MacNeil, as Trustee of the 2002 Arne Magnussen Inter-Vivos Trust dated March 19, 2002 wherein the decedent was the settlor, residing at 2028 Judah Street, San Francisco, CA 94122, within the later of four months after May 27, 2010 or, if notice is mailed or personally delivered to you, 30 days after the date this notice is mailed or personally delivered to you, or you must petition to file a late claim as provided in Probate Code, Section 19103. A claim form may be obtained from the court clerk. For your protection, you are encouraged to file your claim by certified mail, with return receipt requested to Justin W. MacNeil, Trustee of the 2002 Arne Magnussen Inter-Vivos Trust, P. O. Box 26024, San Francisco, CA 941266024. Date: May 20, 2010 S/Justin W. MacNeil, Trustee 2002 Arne Magnussen Inter-Vivos Trust P. O. Box 26024 San Francisco, CA 94126-6024

MAY 27, JUNE 3,10, 2010


SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT REQUEST FOR STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS. 6M6039 EXTENSION OF TIME FOR RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the General Manager of the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District has extended the time for receipt of Proposals until the hour of 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 1, 2010, at the District Secretary's Office, 23rd Floor, 300 Lakeside Drive, Oakland, California 94612 or to the mailing address: P.O. Box 12688, Oakland, California, 946042688 for, TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR BART'S EARTHQUAKE SAFETY PROGRAM STATION STRUCTURE C LINE CONCORD STATION, Request For Statement Of Qualifications No. 6M6039. Dated at Oakland, California, this 21st day of May, 2010. /s/ Kenneth A. Duron Kenneth A. Duron, District Secretary San Francisco Bay Area Transit District 6/3/10 CNS-1869155# BAY AREA REPORTER

STATEMENT FILE A-032721400 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Salon Yuni, 2434 California St., San Francisco, CA 94115. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Yuni Cho. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 04/21/10.

MAY 20,27, JUNE 3,10, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032775400 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Kids Only, 1608 Haight St., San Francisco, CA 94117. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Marie T. Samson. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 05/13/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/13/10.

MAY 20,27, JUNE 3,10, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032747900 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: KitchenDoula, 4104 24th St. #763, San Francisco, CA 94114. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Susan I Sullivan. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 04/30/10 The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 04/30/10.

MAY 20,27, JUNE 3,10, 2010 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTICIOUS BUSINESS NAME: #0308256-00 The following persons have abandoned the use of the ficticious business name known as Dogpatch Biofuels, 765 Pennsylvania Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94107. This business was conducted by a corporation, signed Michele Swiggers. The ficticious name was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/04/08.

MAY 20,27, JUNE 3,10, 2010 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTICIOUS BUSINESS NAME: #0326722-00 The following persons have abandoned the use of the ficticious business name known as Java Jitters, 1125 Ocean Avenue, #102, San Francisco, CA 94112. This business was conducted by a general partnership, signed Edison F. Shaw. The ficticious name was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 03/29/10.

MAY 20,27, JUNE 3,10, 2010 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES To Whom It May Concern: The name(s) of the applicant(s) is/are: PLAYBAR INC. The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control at 71 Stevenson Street, Suite 1500, San Francisco, CA 94105 to sell alcoholic beverages at: 101 6th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103-2814. Type of license applied for:

48-ON-SALE GENERAL PUBLIC PREMISES JUNE 3,10,17, 2010 STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO FILE # CNC - 10 - 546860 In the matter of the application of Billie Cayot Gordon for change of name. The application of Billie Cayot Gordon for change of name having been filed in Court, and it appearing from said application that Billie Cayot Gordon filed an application proposing that his/her name be changed to Billie Jill Cayot . Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Room 218 on the 13th day of July, 2010 at 9:00 am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted

MAY 27, JUNE 3,10,17, 2010

BAYAREAREPORTER And Get Lucky! 415.861.5019

Email, Or online @

3 June 2010 . . BAY AREA REPOR TER 15



LEGAL NOTICES STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTICIOUS BUSINESS NAME: #0288134-00 The following persons have abandoned the use of the ficticious business name known as Los Jarritos, 901 South Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA 94110. This business was conducted by an individual, signed Dolores Reyes. The ficticious name was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 08/31/05.

MAY 27, JUNE 3,10,17, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032780300 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: 1.Center for Business and Consciousness, 2.Tree of Life 58 West Portal Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94127. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Natalie Zeituny. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/20/10 The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/14/10.

MAY 27, JUNE 3,10,17, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032790200 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: San Jalisco Restaurant, 901 South Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94110. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Dolores Reyes. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 05/20/10 The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/20/10.

MAY 27, JUNE 3,10,17, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032778700 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Veal’s Residential Care Home, 69 Lobos Street, San Francisco, CA 94112. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Keiko Kanezaki Wells. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 05/14/10 The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/14/10.

MAY 27, JUNE 3,10,17, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032770400 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Fifi & Fanny, 2987 25th Street, San Francisco, CA 94110. This business is conducted by a general partnership, signed Carolyn Edison. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 04/15/07 The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/11/10.

MAY 27, JUNE 3,10,17, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032786500 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Buffalo Whole Food and Grain Company, 598 Castro Street,San Francisco, CA 94114. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Nagi Mubarez. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 05/19/10 The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/19/10.

MAY 27, JUNE 3,10,17, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032790700 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: NM Group, 101 Jules Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Nathaniel Vizcarra. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 05/20/10 The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/20/10.

MAY 27, JUNE 3,10,17, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032794100 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Salinas Auto Sales, 790 Jerrold Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94124. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Maria Guadalupe Garcia. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 05/21/10 The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/21/10.

MAY 27, JUNE 3,10,17, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032781000 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: 1.ElderWorks 2.LGB&T Elderworks, 2000 Van Ness Avenue,Suite 516, San Francisco, CA 94109. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Helene V. Wenzel. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/01/00 The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/17/10.

MAY 27, JUNE 3,10,17, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032795500 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Ace Electrical Service, 2200 Cesar Chavez Street, #4, San Francisco, CA 94124. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Dennis James Stevenson. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/24/10.

MAY 27, JUNE 3,10,17, 2010



The following person(s) is/are doing business as: West River Trucking, 854 30th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94121. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Albert Nishikawa. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 05/21/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/21/10.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Bruce Weitzman, MFT, 295 Fell Street, Suite B, San Francisco, CA 94102. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Bruce Weitzman. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 08/31/07 The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/24/10.

MAY 27, JUNE 3,10,17, 2010

JUNE 3,10,17,24, 2010



The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Get To Russia Travel, 5438 Geary Blvd., San Francisco, CA 94121. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Karine Mkhitaryan. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 05/12/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/12/10.

MAY 27, JUNE 3,10,17, 2010 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ALAMEDA In the Matter of the Petition of Kristen Gardner to Declare Zora Linh Nguyen, a minor, Free from the Custody and Control of Khanhlinh Nguyen (a.k.a. Jackie Nguyen) ) Case No.: RA10505755 CITATION TO PARENT Family Code §788 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA To Khanhlinh Nguyen (a.k.a. Jackie Nguyen): By order of this court, you are hereby advised that you may appear in Department 13 of this court, located at 1225 Fallon Street, Oakland, California, on July 9, 2010, at 9:30 a.m./p.m., then and there to show cause, if any you have, why Zora Linh Nguyen (hereinafter referred to as “Minor”) should not be declared free from your custody and control for the purpose of freeing Minor for placement for adoption. The following information concerns rights and procedures that relate to this proceeding for the termination of custody and control of Minor as set forth in Family Code Sections 7860 through 7864: 1.At the beginning of the proceeding the court will consider whether or not the interests of Minor require the appointment of counsel. If the court finds that Minor’s interests do require protection, the court will appoint counsel to represent Minor, whether or not Minor is able to afford counsel. Minor will not be present in court unless Minor so requests or the court so orders. 2.If you appear without counsel and are unable to afford counsel, the court must appoint counsel for you, unless you knowingly and intelligently waive the right to be represented by counsel. The court will not appoint the same counsel to represent both you and Minor. 3.If the court appoints counsel for you, at the end of the proceeding, the court will hold a hearing to determine the amount, if any, that you will be required to reimburse the county for services of your appointed counsel. 4.The court may continue the proceeding for not more than 30 days as necessary to appoint counsel and to enable counsel to become acquainted with the case. 5.Pursuant to Family Code §7883, if you are personally served within California and fail without reasonable cause to appear and abide by the order of the court, you may be held in contempt of court.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Brass Knuckle, 507 Mississippi Street San Francisco, CA 94107. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, signed Shellie Kitchen. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 05/14/10 The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/14/10.

JUNE 3,10,17,24, 2010 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: “K” Salon, 1134 Lombard Street San Francisco, CA 94123. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Lethuy Nguyen. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/28/10.

JUNE 3,10,17,24, 2010

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Learning the right moves

Hired hunks

Internat’l Mr. Leather

San Francisco Ballet School Student Showcase presents up-and-coming dancers.

‘Escort: Men Who Sell Sex’ by Leddick & Sanchez reviewed.

Trans man is chosen to wear the titleholder sash in Chicago.

page 22

page 26

page 19


BAYAREAREPORTER Vol. 40 . No. 22 . 3 June 2010

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L I T T LE A i i i




Andy Bell of Erasure.

Andy Bell’s new solo flight is ‘Non-Stop’ ~ by Robert Sokol ~

ike the genealogy of its monarchy, Britain’s pop music scene is full of dotted lines. Vince Clarke founded, among several early efforts, the electropop group Depeche Mode in 1980, after which he teamed up with Alison Moyet for the synthpop sound of Yazoo. Moving on, in 1985 he advertised for a singer for his next project, met Andy Bell, and formed Erasure, one of the most successful bands of the 1980s and 90s. Still very much part of Erasure, Bell is now also branching out with Non-Stop, his second solo recording, co-written and co-produced by Belgian musician Pascal Gabriel. “It’s quite exciting,” Bell says from his home in London. “It’s been a couple of years getting it done, but it wasn’t at all laborious. It was great fun. We did it in sort of fits and starts. Once I got hooked up with Pascal, it went very smoothly. He’s very much like Vince. Cancerian. Very organized and methodical.” A long-time out artist, Bell ponders the light-hearted accusation of cheating on straight “boyfriend” Clarke with another collaborator. “Hmmmm. Maybe a little bit – though Pascal is straight as well – but no, not really. Vince and I are very respectful of one another. We’ve been doing some writing for the next Erasure album, and he’s really glad to have me back. He really missed me, which is very sweet and heartfelt, and I’ll be seeing him in June.” San Francisco will also be seeing Bell in June. He’s scheduled to grace the main stage of the Pride parade celebration and offer up some samples from Non-Stop, which includes two singles he originally released under the nom de CD Mimó. Lead singers for established groups often feel the need to spread their wings in solo endeavors. Annie Lennox of The Eurythmics maintained a thriving solo career while continuing to record with Dave Stewart. Obviously Bell feels the same drive, and experiences no Sybil-like challenge in managing the twin identities. “The two don’t collide at all,” he says. “It’s like separate mind-spaces. I don’t know how that works, but it’s totally separate. With Erasure, it’s like being in a marriage. The record is created by two people who have grown together. You bring your shared experiences. “I was 21 when I met Vince,” says Bell, now 46, “and over that much time you get to know almost everything about each other. So we’re kind of quite naked when writing for Erasure. We’d been going kind of non-stop, which is not where the title of my CD came from, and I asked Vince if he’d mind if I took some time off. He was like yeah, sure. Do what you want to do. I felt like a little puppy being let off the leash!

page 28

Out & proud in show business GLAAD Media Awards handed out in SF • by Adam Sandel


sky, Queer Eye’s Jai Rodriguez, Queer as Folk’s Michelle Clunie and Thea Gill, actor Wilson Cruz, recently out country star Chely Wright, pop singer Sam Sparro, and KRON 4’s Jan Wahl, among others. Actress Cybill Shepherd (of TV’s Moonlighting and The L Word) will receive the Golden Gate Award; Levi Strauss president Robert Hanson will receive the San Francisco Local Hero Award; and Lee Daniels, the Oscar-nominated director of the film Precious, will be presented with the Davidson/Valentini Award.


page 28


ords and images matter. That’s not only the slogan of GLAAD [the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation], it’s also the reason for the 21st Annual GLAAD Media Awards this Saturday night at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis. The event celebrates and honors those in the media for fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the LGBT community. This year’s celebrity honorees and guests span the worlds of film, television, music, advertising, print and online media. Funny man Bruce Vilanch will host the gala event that will feature Hairspray star Nikki Blon-

Precious director Lee Daniels.





BAY AREA REPORTER . . 3 June 2010



The bard of Baltimore (& SF & Provincetown) by Roberto Friedman n his new creative nonfiction book Role Models (Farrar Straus Giroux), independent film director John Waters writes about people who have inspired him in his brilliant career. He includes interviews with such figures as actress Patty McCormack (The Bad Seed), Little Richard and Marines pornographer Bobby Garcia (Camp Pendleton sex scandal), but Out There was immediately drawn to a chapter devoted to “Baltimore Heroes.” OT grew up in that fabled East Coast metropolis, home of the beehive “hon,” where we would see Waters out and about on the town, such as at the art-house Charles Theatre, or at the male strip club The Atlantis, which was located cheek-by-jowl with the high-security prison in East Baltimore (it’s now gone, alas). To our delight, Waters talks up the old dive in his book. “I called it ‘the Fudge Palace’ in my movie Pecker. I always took out-oftown guests there, everybody from Gus Van Sant” to highfalutin’ New York art dealers. “Even my friend Judge Elsbeth Bothe went with me one night after a long day on the bench. When I told her that ‘sometimes you get teabagged by the naked dancers if you sit too close,’ she didn’t chicken out; she just wore a hat for protection. God, how I miss that place.” Waters, who divides his time between Baltimore, SF and Provincetown, begins his book of journalistic profiles with the following surprising admission: “I wish I were Johnny

Rena Bransten Gallery


Mathis. So mainstream. So popular. So unironic, yet perfect. Effortlessly boyish at over 70 years old, with a voice that still makes all of America want to make out.” Waters goes on to set up an interview with Mathis, promising to treat the subject of his sexuality gingerly. “Mr. Mathis only once responded to sexual preference questions from the press, in 1982, and he answered in a lovely way. His preference was ‘a way of life one’s grown accustomed to.’ I had promised ‘no agenda,’ but I bring up this quote and compliment him on it, and he smiles and says, ‘It’s a normal everyday part of my life.’” Waters is equally candid about his own private life. “The first time I went to a gay bar I was 17 years old. It was called the Hut and it was in Washington, DC. Some referred to it as the ‘Chicken Hut,’ and it was filled with

early-1960s gay men in fluffy sweaters who cruised one another by calling table-to-table on phones provided by the bar. ‘I may be queer but I ain’t this,’ I remember thinking.” To Out There, probably the most amazing revelation among many in the book is that despite his fame and glory as a filmmaker, Waters appears really to want to be an entertainment journalist. This reminds us of that time we interviewed Greg Louganis and realized that, despite being a world-class, Olympics gold-medalist diver, what Louganis really wanted to do was to write doggy and kitty books. Anyway, a series of photos of Mathis is the first artwork you see when you enter Waters’ art exhibit Rush, now showing at Rena Bransten Gallery in SF (77 Geary; through July 9). OT attended the O UT opening reception last Thursday night, a big, art-loving scene in which Waters glided gracefully through the crowd and made himself open and available to fans. His photographs of scenes from classic cinema are both ironic and heartfelt; his overscaled sculptures, such as a roach motel and a giant bottle of poppers (see: exhibition name), tipped over and spilling its toxic contents, are monstrous visions of everyday objects. Worth seeing; go to

Farrar Straus Giroux

Overscaled sculpture in John Waters: Rush exhibition in SF.

In his new book, director John Waters writes about his inspirational figures.

of winning the Palme d’Or at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. BAR readers may well know Joe from our early coverage of his experimental, hallucinatory films Tropical Malady and Syndromes and a Century. The film that won him Cannes honors is entitled Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives, and apparently earned its Cannes nickname of Uncle Bong Who Can Recall His Past Lives. The New York Times wrote: “Surely the only Palme winner to feature sex between a princess and a thrashing catfish, Boonmee is a fantastical tale about a dying man whose past lives – and ghostly relatives – enrapT HERE tured some critics while turning others off.” We’ll ignore the fact that, grammatically, the title should be Uncle Boonmee [comma,] Who Can Recall His Past Lives, to bask for a moment in Joe’s glory. “‘I would really like to kiss all of you,’ he said to the jury, telling [jury president Tim] Burton that he liked his hairstyle. Mr. Weerasethakul thanked ‘all the spirits and ghosts in Thailand’ who made it ‘possible for me to be here.’” Maybe some benefactor in the spirit world can arrange to Thai wonder have Joe’s award-winning film screen here in SF, so fans of his poetic vision Last week, we just had space to can eagerly partake. mention gay Thai filmmaker Apichatpong “Joe” Weerasethakul’s triumph

Go-go Gomez

levels, and we were struck by the vividness of her portrayals of characters such as a Pride stage manager, and the lethal chick. Through June 26; for tickets, go to

Electric company The art gallery Electric Works will present Even More Glitter, a gallery talk by SF photographer Daniel Nicoletta to benefit the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Historical Society. The talk is in conjunction with More Glitter – Less Bitter, the exhibition of Nicoletta’s work showing at the gallery June 4-July 10. The talk is set for Sat., June 5, 6-9 p.m. at Electric Works, 130 8th St., SF. Tickets ($100) are available through the GLBT Historical Society website or at the gallery on the evening of the talk. Seating is very limited, so advance reservations are highly encouraged. All proceeds from the evening will be donated to the GLBT Historical Society; the full ticket cost is tax-deductible. Look for our interview with Nicoletta and review of the exhibit, coming to these arts pages soon.

The end It’s too late for our warning to do any good, as it’s already completed its first commercial-release run, but our enjoyment of Alex Gibney’s political documentary Casino Jack and the United States of Money, a compelling examination of US government scandals centered on disgraced super-lobbyist Jack Abamoff, ended with an image that might have put us off our feed permanently: a close-up of the bouncing rear-end of disgraced former US House of Reps. GOP majority leader Tom DeLay (aka “The Hammer”) as he sashayed through his “comeback” on ABC-TV’s reality horror-show Dancing with the Stars. Trust us, it’s hard to wipe the image from the old memory banks. Thanks for listening.▼

Comedian-playwright Marga Gomez is now appearing onstage in her New Conservatory Theatre Center debut, with the returning comedy Marga Gomez is Proud and Bothered. The one-woman show premiered in 2004 at New York’s La MaMa Theatre under its first title, Marga Gomez’s Intimate Details, then had an extended run in 2004 at Theatre Rhinoceros. In the show (this edition directed by F. Allen Sawyer), Marga spins a tale which came out of her many gigs as emcee for Pride celebrations. She shows how “gay liberation” became “gay pride” became simply “Pride!” “It’s Pride!” she chirps. “Otherwise known as the month of June.” Gomez gives us an inside look at such festivals as Pensacola Pride, Buffalo Pride, and NY’s Heritage of Pride, and offers the insight, “We don’t need another parade, we need a riot!” But the party finally stops for the Pride-gig veteran at New Jersey Pride, where the complications Karma has in store for Marga involve a 24-year-old “hot babe” single mom, the hunt for Huggies, and the swift application of certain medications. As always, the sheer energy and invention of this performer are at the highest Poster for Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s film.

3 June 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER



Showing off their school figures San Francisco Ballet School Student Showcase introduces dancers to watch out for n Russia before the Revolution, one of the great social events of the year was the spring performance of the Imperial Ballet School, which trained the dancers for the Tsar’s theater. These recitals were widely reported in the press, and the balletomanes all had their favorites. Pavlova, Nijinsky, Karsavina were all spotted early. Nijinsky was in fact already famous, having danced featured roles on the stage of the Maryinsky. Russian dancers in exile founded the great American schools, which were modeled on that great school in St. Petersburg. George Balanchine established the School of American Ballet in New York in 1934, and just a few months before that, Adolph Bolm had founded the San Francisco Ballet School here. (Bolm had created the starring role in Fokine’s Polovtsian Dances in 1911.) It takes 10 years to make a dancer. Ballet technique is based on “placement,” i.e., the alignment of the bones that supports the body with the least strain. Skill in finding that alignment is far more important than mere muscular strength. What’s crucial is mastering this shifting architecture. That takes practice, and talent, and excellent training, which develops the body in a unique way, with tremendous strength reserved in the spine, near the body’s core. In a male dancer, you notice the symmetry: the shoulders, not the chest; the neck, not the biceps; the narrow waist, the hipbones, genitals, the thighs, calves, and feet, and the beautiful carriage of the head. From the back, you notice the beautiful buttocks.


San Francisco Ballet School students in Parrish Maynard’s Lusions.

Ballet technique is based on ‘placement,’ i.e., the alignment of the bones that supports the body with the least strain.

Erik Tomasson

by Paul Parish

This year’s San Francisco Ballet School Student Showcase presented in quick succession the marvelous children in their grades, from the tinies up to the intermediate kids, who looked ready and excited, and showed off their school figures with style and charm. The rest of the evening went to showing the more advanced dancers in a range of styles, from the classic Tarantella from August Bournonville’s Napoli (danced with tambourines, fancy footwork and intoxicating rhythmic flair by the level 6 girls and Intermediate boys) to the contemporary. The other classic was a suite from Petipa’s Sleeping Beauty in Helgi Tomasson’s version, which is perhaps the supreme test, since everything is exposed. They fared very well indeed, especially since Sleeping Beauty is hard to make wonderful in concert conditions. To extract the Rose Adagio – in which four suitors each offer her the rose of his love – is much more difficult than to pull the grand pas de deux from Swan Lake.

In the first place, it is stately. Tension builds. Without the sets, without the other characters (with whom our heroine often exchanges glances), especially the Queen her mother (to whom she actually gives the flowers she’s received), what is she going to do with this handful of flowers? And so forth. Without those purposeful exchanges of unspoken feelings, the physical structure of the dancing is left threadbare – all the little changes of epaulement that go with that soften, round out and add vivacity to the geometric grandeur and heroic difficulties of those balances. The prologue’s fairies were fine, and especially Jessica Cohen and the dynamite Ellen Rose Hummel, but the dancers looked overexposed in the Rose Adagio, except for Alexander ReneffOlson, as the first of the suitors, whose elegance of line made you believe this was a palace. The ballerina, Bryn Gilbert, handled her difficulties reasonably, though she concealed few of them. She danced much better

when she didn’t have to deal with a partner, but even so, her manners were more those of a suburban American girl than a princess. James Wynn made a handsome Prince Desire, dancing the vision with Koto Ishihara; Cecily Khuner was outstanding as the Sapphire Fairy. The dancers looked much more comfortable, and very stylish indeed, in the two “modern” pieces: Lusions, choreographed for them by their teacher Parrish Maynard (himself a former star), in a Grahamesque manner that included sudden transfers to the floor, and work in horizontal positions, and moves that required the sudden attack of karate. The men looked great in this. Lacey Escabar shone in her duet with Geraud Wielick, and Ellen Rose Hummel tore it up in a lightning-fast duet with James Wynn. The last, 5.26.2010, made the youths look very sexy and flat-out gorgeous in an astrological allegory that had something to do with the planets and their alignments on May 26 (opening night): The very flexible Sergio Navarro kicked himself in the back of the head and in the nose, and everybody looked so good you

just wanted to take them shopping.

Twin poles

In other news, Scott Wells’ extremely enjoyable show runs through this weekend at Counterpulse. With the exception of guest artist Colette Stewart, it’s all guys. Wells works a dialectic between two poles of masculinity: a deeply poetic, musical inwardness on the one hand, and a testosterone-rushed ferocity at the other end, and the sudden movements back and forth along that emotional/physical continuum can be sublime. I laughed, I cried. The communities he can get going evoke the male bonding in Greek folk-dancing. It’s not sexual, but it’s very affectionate, almost romantic. They’re trained in gymnastics and circus arts, and the way they fly, giving each other a leg up, keeps you smiling the whole time. In the last section, they body-surf these huge gym-balls, and juggle small round balls with the most delicate tosses and fantastically easy catches, it’s almost like guys playing with their dogs, the affection is so palpable. His work is intensely affectionate. It’s such a relief.▼


BAY AREA REPORTER . . 3 June 2010


by Richard Dodds en Franklin once said, “Originality is the art of concealing your sources.” If that be so, you will find no art in Boys Will Be Boys. Some fun, yes; some laughs, yes; some originality, no, no, a thousand times no. This goofily gay musical revue with a wisp of a plot begs, borrows, and steals from whatever it can get its claws onto. Pussy claws, mind you, not the cat kind that can actually raise a welt of wicked wit. Originally presented at the Duplex Cabaret in New York, Boys Will be Boys has been adapted by creators Joe Miloscia (lyrics and dialogue) and Kenneth Kacmar (music) for the larger venue at New Conservatory Theatre Center. In the spirit of Nunsense, a mismatched troupe of vagrant talents slapdash together a variety show for a charitable cause: Gay Attention Deficit Disorder. The best venue these five friends could find was the basement of an American Legion Hall in Colma.


“Could this town be any more dead?” remarks one of the performers, quickly establishing the level of freshness to be expected. The show within the show goes awry from the start, and the cast is forced to make up an opening number on the fly. “Our opening is the biggest around,” they sing, before promising not to let any pun go unturned. “We’ll crack some jokes, and poke some cracks.” There is a lot of poking at gay stereotypes, or are they stereotypes of stereotypes? In a song in which Price Troche, Jr. and Brian J. Patterson declare themselves “girlfriends” for life, before exchanging potshots, the insults don’t get much beyond accusations of wearing Gucci knockoffs and last year’s Prada. Stephanie Temple plays the straight friend of the four gay guys, and she has a torchy ballad in which she sings the chestnut lament that all the good-looking men are gay. Christopher M. Nelson revisits the little gay boy lousy at sports in a song that gets a lot of mileage from the

multiple connotations of the word “balls” once we hit the showers. Timothy Barnes goes down another fantasy route, singing about his boyfriend cop, handcuffs, and Vaseline. (To paraphrase Elaine Stritch, does anyone still use Vaseline?) Kacmar’s original music has a pleasant predictability, but at times he borrows pretty directly from original sources, in the Forbidden Broadway vein, as Miloscia provides parody lyrics that spin off the original. One of the show’s cleverer numbers uses Jules Styne and Stephen Sondheim’s “Some People” from Gypsy for an anthem performed in feisty fashion by Troche as he rejects the shallow gay lifestyle. Not that there is any sustaining point of view to the show, for Troche also dons a bridal veil for a variation on Irving Berlin’s “Old-Fashioned Wedding” that he sings in counterpoint with Patterson. As even an oblique social commentary, Boys Will Be Boys is not routed is any particular time. When the moment finally arrives for The Serious

Lois Tema

Forbidden gay showtunes

Stephanie Temple, Price Troche, Jr., Brian J. Patterson, Christopher M. Nelson, and Timothy Barnes decide to put on a show in Boys Will Be Boys.

Song, it’s not, as you might expect, about AIDS, but harkens back to drive-in movies, James Dean, and small-town gay bashings. Nelson does a good job on this song, one of the better original compositions from Miloscia and Kacmar. Unfortunately, it leads to an ensemble pity-party number about the clouds of fear always hovering over gay people. But then it’s sunny again, and the cast closes the show with an upbeat Hairspray-type number that invokes a “don’t judge a book by its cover” sentiment. With lively direction by Andrew

Nance, a few punchy dance steps choreographed by Temple, and musical direction by the amiable G. Scott Lacy, Boys Will Be Boys is 90 minutes of something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue – with the blue coming in the Viagra tablet which, in the off-kilter topicality of this show, rates its own elaborate production number.▼ Boys Will Be Boys will run at New Conservatory Theatre Center through June 26. Tickets are $22-$40. Call 8618972 or go to

Alpha male midlife crisis ichael Douglas and Susan Sarandon dissect the implosion of their marriage in the uproarious if mean new comedy Solitary Man. “I was becoming invisible. Whereas once I had been a lion people


looked up to, gradually only old people remembered me.” “You can’t cheat death, Benny, no matter how many 19-year-olds you can talk into your bed.” If you’re like me, you probably have a list of favorite movies by actors whose movies you normally avoid like the plague. In a career overflowing with

studio-commissioned tripe, Michael Douglas has been in three gems: Wonder Boys, where his pot-smoking creative writing teacher Grady Tripp takes time out from a monumental case of writer’s block to mentor an oddball, possibly suicidal gay kid (Tobey Maguire); Falling Down, where his deranged, racist aerospace engineer,

Jesse Eisenberg and Michael Douglas in Solitary Man.

freshly out of work, was so convincingly repellent that it inspired an endearing letter in his defense to the Los Angeles Times from poppa Kirk; and Wall Street, where his awesomely corrupt corporate raider Gordon Gekko became an insidiously entertaining symbol of greed incarnate. Well, he’s back! In Solitary Man, Douglas turns the downward-spiral, spinning-out-of-control midlife crisis of a New York car dealer, who once trumpeted his “honesty” across the universe of 24/7 cable TV, into a nasty if comic oratorio extolling every cruddy mantra from the Bushera playbook. The movie opens six-and-a-half years into the past with Douglas’ Ben Kalmen at the apex of his success, getting some disturbing news from his doctor. “I don’t love your EKG.” Instead of checking himself in for a battery of tests, Ben scoots into a Lexington Avenue bar. A series of shots sets him on a course of cheating on his wife of 30 years (Sarandon) with women half his age or less,

and, even more ominously, cheating on his car company by fudging the books and claiming commissions on phantom vehicles. When we meet him in the movie’s present tense, Ben is risking his remaining chips on one audacious spin of the wheel: escorting the spitfire daughter (Imogen Poots) of his current mistress (Mary Louise Parker) to her Ivy League college interview, in return for which Parker will convince her corporate-shark husband to vouch for Ben’s getting a highly prized luxury franchise. Ben plays only by his own rules, however, and before our astonished eyes talks the daughter out of an assignation with a college smoothie and into his own bed; whereupon daughter blows the whistle to Mom, who not only cancels Ben’s career-reviving deal, but also puts a kind of contract out on him. The women of Solitary Man are refreshingly able to exact revenge with interest, ignoring Hollywood clichés of bitchy trollops. Poots is especially diabolical in getting Ben to revert to his worst instincts. Then she jerks his lead, and gets a little payback from her overly controlling mama. Soon Ben is forced to beg an old buddy, Jimmy (Danny DeVito), for a short-order cook’s job at an off-campus diner. There’s probably not another actor of his generation who could pull off the role’s physical (getting two embarrassing beat-downs), vocal (some of the year’s wittiest if sleaze-inducing philosophizing) and attitude demands (inhabiting a character who, when caught red-handed in some shamefully immature shenanigans, refuses to back down). But while there’s no doubt this is Douglas’ movie, Solitary Man’s bite and pertinence rely on a spot-on supporting cast, with several actors reprising or ironically reflecting upon their own past work. I was lucky enough to catch this movie on two coasts. In New York, where it was a hot ticket, a very satisfied crowd at the Angelika Film Center, catching the punchlines above the

by David Lamble

page 21


Sony Pictures Classics

3 June 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER

Scene from Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s Micmacs, an elaborate caper film that aims to bring down some arms dealers.

Beginning with a bullet Director Jean-Pierre Jeunet on ‘Micmacs’ by David Lamble icmacs, the wildly imaginative caper fable from director Jean-Pierre Jeunet (Amelie, Delicatessen, A Very Long Engagement), begins with a cheeky homage to Bogey in The Big Sleep. While the film’s humor may be at times a tad far-fetched for some tastes, from the opening frame to the closing titles you’ll see a filmmaker working at the top of his game to spoof the international arms business. In a prologue, we learn that our hero Bazil has lost his father to a landmine. We then flash-forward as the adult Bazil (the deadpan Dany Boon) is up late one night watching The Big Sleep while pulling a late shift at a video store. Suddenly, in a series of Rube Goldberg-like events straight out of the world of a Roadrunner cartoon, a stray bullet lodges itself in his skull in such a precarious spot that the doctors refuse to risk his life by trying to extract it. Jobless and walking wounded, Bazil is taken in by a strange family of junk-peddlers (the “micmacs” of the title) and is soon seized by the desire to get revenge on the rival arms dealers responsible for killing his dad and puncturing his noggin. The balance of the tale depicts Bazil’s elaborate scheme to bring the arms guys down, in a film that draws its inspiration from sources as diverse as Toy Story, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and The Big Sleep. In person, director/writer (with Guillaume Laurant) Jean-Pierre Jeunet is a witty chap with an encyclopedic knowledge of classic film styles. He is happy to explain every detail of his latest concoction, from the inspiration to open the film with a huge scoop of Bogey and Bacall, to the lovely long-angle camera shots that frame his comic universe. Jean-Pierre Jeunet: I chose The Big Sleep because it was perfect in terms of


Solitary Man ▼

page 20

roar of the Eighth Avenue subway, seemed to revel in Ben’s refusal to mend his ways. A Metreon previewscreening audience back in SF was less taken with the film’s black humor. The SF crowd’s heartiest laughs were prompted by Jimmy’s (DeVito’s) response to Ben’s puzzlement as to why he had never chased after some of the beautiful women who frequent his campus greasy spoon. Speaking as if in reply to some of his own past bad boys – the wiseacre aluminum-siding salesman from Barry Levinson’s Tin Men, or the brutish dispatcher Louie in the long-running Taxi series – Jimmy

music, in terms of action, and it was perfect to start with “The End,” to start with this gag. David Lamble: And there’s the wonderful trick of using Max Steiner’s great score for The Big Sleep as part of your musical underscoring for Micmacs.

I didn’t think of using Max Steiner at first, but when we laid Steiner’s music for our first scene, it worked so perfectly, why not use it for the whole film? Sometimes it works so well for 40 seconds or more. When it works so well, it’s not a coincidence, it’s a miracle. While you’ve not exactly made a message film attacking arms dealers, you do find a way to make this issue very personal by making the characters of the rival armament manufacturers so funny and quirky.

In researching this film, we met these very interesting people very into the technology, and when we say, ‘Well, you kill people,’ they say, ‘Well, we work for the right side, we work for the Minister of Defense.’ These people are very nice, yet they cause suffering and pain. In Micmacs and in your brilliant WWI film A Very Long Engagement, you take up Stanley Kubrick’s agenda in Dr. Strangelove, by focusing on men who are prepared to use “doomsday”-like weapons.

Yes, but strangely, I am very optimistic, I trust human beings to kill themselves before the end of the century – that’s the only way to save the planet. I’m kidding, of course. You seem to pattern your junk-peddler “micmacs” characters after Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Yeah, like the Seven Dwarfs, one of them is always pissed-off, one of them is shy. It’s a game I tried to play, that’s why there are seven of them. Dany Boon is perhaps Snow White. And it is also a kind of a cinema metaphor, because he needs a crew to help him ac-

wistfully explains that if you stay in one place, even young flesh responds to gravity’s laws. “They put on years, pounds and wrinkles. And besides, I got one like that at home.” The one relationship that gets a tad shortchanged in Solitary Man’s illusion-shattering thrusts and parries is the almost sweet mentoring banter between Ben and a young idealistic college sophomore, played with an audacious, non-winking sincerity by rising young star Jesse Eisenberg. Playing off our memories of him as the naïve young foil to Campbell Scott’s womanizing misanthrope in Roger Dodger, Eisenberg allows us to see that he sees through Ben and his inevitable betrayal, without the curse of losing his own well-grounded faith in loved

complish his revenge. The design of the weapons plants seems ominously realistic.

They are pretty close to the real ones. I like to get things beautiful. I quote Kurosawa, who said if you take one frame from a film and put it up against the wall, it has to be like a painting. I do the composition myself with my viewfinder, with my little camera.


You do a lot of low-angle shots, which greatly accentuates the effectiveness of your comedic style.

Probably because I admire Stanley Kubrick, and Orson Welles with Citizen Kane. Those low-angle shots change the pace of the comedy.

Yes, it changes the angle of the faces, they are getting bigger, it’s more interesting. The idea for the guy with a bullet in his brain?

I actually met such a guy, but I didn’t really care about that, it was just a pretext for the main character. I was very impressed with A Very Long Engagement, where Audrey Tautou is searching for her fiancé, refusing to believe he was killed in the war. It deals with the horrid reality of soldiers trying to injure themselves to escape the war, for which they would be sentenced to death or left in a no-man’s-land to be killed by the Germans. It’s a strikingly differentlooking film from Micmacs.

Yes, because it’s more realistic, it’s less a cartoon. I even tried to put a little poetry in it, the beauty of the universe, because it was beautiful during the 1920s. Gaspard Ulliel, the fiancé, is an especially gorgeous man and a soulful actor, which helps keep us caring about his character’s fate through the two-and-a-half-hour running time.

You will soon see him again in a new commercial directed by Martin Scorsese. He’s aged since my movie, giving his beauty more character. ▼

ones. Perhaps the smartest speech in the whole movie comes off this curlyhaired young man’s lips as he subtly answers one of Ben’s smarmy, self-justifying putdowns of a recent female bedmate. “You’re trying to understand her behavior through Jungian archetypes. That’s a slippery slope, Ben.” Co-directors Brian Koppelman and David Levien say they created Ben Kalmen from their Long Island childhood memories of great male egos brought down by time and hubris. While we await Michael Douglas’ reprise of an older if not nicer Gordon Gekko in the forthcoming Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, his rich, audacious, uncompromising portrait of a gloriously petty man is a deliciously funny, slippery slope.▼


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BAY AREA REPORTER . . 3 June 2010


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Arm candy by Jim Piechota Escort: Men Who Sell Sex by David Leddick and Heriberto Sanchez; White Lake Press, $29.95

or an occupation that used to be so taboo and risqué, things have certainly come full circle as the artistry of the hired hunk becomes as accepted and commonplace as the celebrity of the porn star. As the co-authors of the new pictorial book Escort: Men Who Sell Sex attest, there are those who have become aware of male escorts and the rise of the sex-for-hire trade but are “delighted to ignore it,” leaving endless possibilities for “everyone [else] to confront their desires directly.” David Leddick, a novelist/stage performer, and Heriberto Sanchez, a Spanish TV actor, put their heads together and produced this glossy look into the life and times of some of the most popular escorts advertising themselves in the business. There are 40 sexy, provocative profiles featured in the book: some elusive and mysterious, others introspective, all photographed wearing either minimal fuck-me attire or nothing at all. The subjects were chosen at random and culled from magazines and online. While several objected to the project (one escort asked the duo, “Why would anyone want to glamorize prostitution?”), most of the men responded positively. Lunch interviews led to photo shoots, where, according to Leddick and Sanchez, most of the fun took place. Denver masseur Mike Jones, 49, leads the collection off with a cartoonish, dog-cuddling two-page photospread, but offers enlightening commentary about his controversial threeyear sexual relationship with rightwing Evangelical preacher Ted Haggard. Like many of the men featured in the book, Jones openly admits that a major portion of his clientele (upwards of 80%) is married, and in his own experience, 20% are clergy. Some of the standouts are 6’1”, 260-lb. former Mr. America (1992) Bull Stanton, whose busiest schedule was once “six or seven times a day for a week” while he was in New York. According to Sanchez, he also inexplica-


bly stayed hard during his entire photo shoot. Fort Lauderdale life partners Scott and Josh run their escort service as a partnership/business, but admit that jealousy occasionally rears its ugly head. 45-year-old Chad Brock, who describes a wide range of escorting experiences, also enjoys the company of his partner, who is 20 years his junior. With an 11.5-inch cock, Philadelphia-based escort “Kacorot” is a busy boy, but with a $200 fee, he finds much frustration with customers who either attempt to “drive too hard a bargain” or offer racist commentary like, “If you were white and 21, it wouldn’t be a problem.” Among the classically hot and handsome set is adult-film performer Arpad Miklos, who confesses to being a romantic guy “able to separate escorting from my private life,” and charges one of the highest rates among his contemporaries. Though blond, athletic Midwestern Tyler Michaels is undoubtedly a beautiful specimen, there’s no question that he’s in this business to make money. His allure is somewhat dampened when he speaks about his resistance to dating. “Yes, I do occasionally [date men]. But while we’re making love, I think, ‘There goes another $500 I could have earned.’” Appealing to the B/D/S/M customer base is “fantasy salesman” German Master Dieter, a hardcore sadist who enjoys vigorously dominating his male clientele, though he personally prefers sex with women and admits that “if I fell in love again, I would give all of this up.” For all the time and dedication Leavitt and Sanchez devoted to their project, there were stumbles along the way, including the usual interpersonal dramatics that prevented one partner from accompanying the other to the photo shoot, a few cases of nerves that surprisingly made a few escorts shake in their boots when discussing their lives or having their picture taken, and one handsome though seriously drugged-out escort who made the writers “sad to see him twitching while make-up was being applied on him.” Variety is key in this amusing collection of private dancers who sing for their supper in the most erotic ways imaginable.▼

A glossy look into the life and times of some of the most popular escorts now advertising.

3 June 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER


Singer-comic Ryan O’Connor will go from YouTube to the Rrazz Room on June 7.

Devin Elijah

Courtesy Ryan O’Connor

Beth Allen


The fierce and multi-faceted Our Lady J appears June 3 at the Rrazz Room.

From the City Solo program at the Off-Market Theatre, Thao P. Nguyen is one of four lesbian solo performers on a Pride Month bill.

Life is a gay cabaret during Pride Month Betty Hutton, and Bette Davis, and McNight will salute these Hollywood legends in stories and songs. on’t let it out, but all cabaret And how could we ever raise our is a little bit gay. It’s a comrainbow flag without a salute to Judy mercially fragile art-form, Garland, and who better and so we mustn’t scare to hoist the colors than off any dudes and Connie Champagne? The dudettes who can muster exquisite channeler of the up the two-drink-miniGarland voice and spirit mum and enjoy a showmakes her Pride appeartune or two. But, hey, it’s ance at the Rrazz Room on June in San Francisco, June 22. and the Rrazz Room, the It was his soulfully city’s premier lounge, has over-the-top interpretasprinkled its traditiontion of “Over the Rainal schedule with acts that helped put both louche and proud B ACKSTAGE bow” Sam Harris into the throughout the month. winner’s circle on the Where to begin? The original Star Search in the early 1980s. artist known as Our Lady J is a postSince then, the out-gay performer has modern, gospel-flavored, singerappeared on Broadway and television, songwriter-pianist transsexual. An agreleased numerous CDs, and is now itating presence in the New York and being considered for the role of Al JolLondon underground musical scenes, son in a new musical. He’ll be at the Our Lady J will make a rare SF apRrazz Room on June 23-27, when pearance at the Rrazz Room on June we’ll find out if he still has that big 3. The self-described Glamazon has “Rainbow” on up his sleeve. this to add to her curriculum vitae: “I also happen to be a very powerful witch, so don’t fuck with me, fellas!” Since it wasn’t so very long ago that a kitten spinning happily on a turntable qualified for the designation of “YouTube sensation,” a chaff-fromthe-wheat filter remains on alert when the phrase is invoked. But Ryan O’Connor really does seem to be on the high end of the YouTube sensation phenomenon with his self-titled chat show. Its popularity has set him out on a national tour that brings Ryan O’Connor Eats His Feelings to the Rrazz Room on June 7. The pop-culture maven likens himself to a “big, gay, singing Kathy Griffin,” and his musical repertoire ranges from William Finn to Ani DiFranco, with confessional stand-up riffs including personal epiphanies and wicked celebrity observations. The familiar face, brassy voice, and ballsy personality of Bay Area favorite Sharon McNight will celebrate Betty, Betty, and Bette on June 20 and 21. Those three “B’s” are Betty Grable,

by Richard Dodds



Gay Pride June 27 Up Your Alley/ Dore Alley Fair July 25

And for something completely different, Karel Stands Up! offers the politically charged gay standup comedy of Charles Karel Bouley on June 28. Better known on the radio waves as simply Karel, the talk-show host has gotten himself repeatedly in hot water for his comments, and also occasionally shown the door, most recently from KGO in San Francisco in 2008 when his profane off-air comments about “Joe the Plumber” turned out to have accidentally gone out live. Karel returned to his first passion, stand-up comedy, and is rebuilding his radio career, city by city through syndication, including Green 960AM in SF. The June schedule at the Rrazz Room also canters down other roads, including a return by actresschanteuse Sally Kellerman (June 4 & 5), veteran satirists Mort Sahl and

Dick Gregory (June 8-13 & 15-20), Jim Van Slyke’s homage to Neil Sedaka (June 13), and KT Sullivan’s tribute to Broadway songwriters Dietz and Schwartz (June 25-27). A full schedule is at

very different lesbian voices in anticipation of Pride 2010. In My Diary, No Grownups Allowed!, Janine Brito shares stories from the tumultuous (for her) mid1990s. Julia Jackson rides the rollercoaster world of adoption in I Didn’t Sign Up for This! Gayer than a rainbow-farting unicorn, Thao P. Nguyen can’t quite get her parents’ attention in I Am Sooooo Gay. Martha Rynberg’s Lady Parts is not really a vagina monologue, but rather a circuitous look at hair removal, bullet wounds, tiny breasts, and her mom’s thighs. This bill of four short pieces will be performed at 7 p.m. on June 6, 13, and 20. Ticket info is at (800) 838-3006 or ▼

The Rrazz Room has sprinkled its traditional schedule with acts both louche and proud. Ladies nights

The Off-Market Theatre’s City Solo program that features rotating casts of solo performers will give over three Sundays in June to a quartet of

Richard Dodds can be reached at


BAY AREA REPORTER . . 3 June 2010

More Glitter, Less Bitter, Fri.

OUT& ABOUT All My Sons @ Actors Theatre Local staging of Arthur Miller’s 1940s drama about family secrets and betrayals. $15-$38. Wed-Sat 8pm. Thru June 12. 345-1287.

Scott Wells and Dancers

Bilicious @ LGBT Center Readings, spoken word, and panel discussion with Carol Queen, Free Roaming Chicks, Julie Cohen, Khalil Sullivan, Nick Leonard, and Susannah Layton. $12-$20. 7:30pm. 1800 Market St.


Boys Will Be Boys @ New Conservatory Theatre David Papas

>> by Jim Provenzano

know it’s not a word, but I daren’t use Festivus, since there’s nothing to grieve about in the local arts scene. June, bustin’ out all over with Pride events and unusual one-off shows in the Queer Cultural Festival, is perhaps too busy ( Okay, that’s my grievance. So here, amidst the snowballing seemingly frivolous yet purposeful events schedule of LGBTQetc. Pride month, are the highlights for this week. I have no idea who, if anyone, among the handsome performers in Scott Wells and Dancers are gay. But a dance concert with athletic cuties should suffice. The popular local choreographer presents Ball-ist-ic, a seven-man work with jugglers and a lot of balls. $15-$20. 8pm. Fri-Sun thru June 6, then also June 1819. 1310 Mission St. at 9th. (800) 838-3006. RJ Helton For male modern dancing with more homo-themed potential, SF Moving Men, Joe Landini’s annual festival of guy-ography, brings it, with an expanded schedule. The annual concert of men’s dancing works returns, with dances by Landini and Christine Cali & Company. $20. Fri-Sat 8pm. Sun 2pm. Through June 26. 975 Howard St. People are still getting AIDS and HIV, which is why we still do fundraisers. The most entertaining in town are the Help is on the Way concerts, where proceeds go to the Richmond Ermet AIDS Foundation. The June 7 edition includes Jai Rodriguez, Marga Gomez, and RJ Helton (the cutest gay American Idol contestant since Adam Lambert. No, wait. He’s cuter), plus the cast of the touring show of In the Heights. $38$58 and up. Enjoy a dessert and salsa-dancing post-show party for $25. 7:30pm. Theatre 39 at Pier 39. 273-1620. Among the many Queer Cultural Festival events, Outlook Theatre Project showcases the stories of LGBT seniors; you know, the ones who fought for our rights before online petitions and Perez Hilton Tweets. Thursday, June 10, they Outlook Theatre Project perform This Many People, a collaborative play by and about LGBT seniors, set in San Francisco during the 2004 gay wedding flurry, at CounterPulse. $9-$18. 8pm. Thru June 13 (2pm). 1310 Mission St. 626-2060. And no, it’s not gay, and some of the countries featured have some unpleasant attitudes and laws about homosexuality. But at the Ethnic Dance Festival, culture is purified through dancing, and each unique style and form is made festive. Or festivolous. Sorry, fabulous is a little worn. This is the first weekend of eight showcases of dozens of the best ethnic dance ensembles in Northern California, including 600 performers, 26 world premieres and 4 new commissioned works, with a benefit gala June 11 (6pm-10:30pm). Sat 2pm & 8pm, Sun 2pm thru June 27. $22-$44 (packages $80-$158). 8pm. Palace of Fine Arts, 3301 Lyon St. 392-4400. ▼


Ethnic Dance Festival

Joe Miloscia’s comedy musical revue about gay stereotypes. $22-$40. Wed-Sat 8pm. Sun 2pm. Thru June 26. 25 Van Ness Ave., lower level. 861-8972.

Cloris Leachman @ The Rrazz Room Veteran TV, stage and film star (Mary Tyler Moore, Young Frankenstein, The Last Picture Show) premieres her cabaret act at the stylish lounge. $40-$45. Tue-Sat 8pm, Sun 7pm. Thru June 6. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. at Ellis. 394-1189.

Festival of New Voices @ The Marsh Solo shows by various performers take on serious and funny themes, including lesbian comedian and radio host Mariulyn Pittman’s new solo show, It’s All the Rage, about her parents’ murder-suicide. $15$50. Various times. Thru June 13. 1062 Valencia St. at 22nd. 826-5750.

Giant Bones @ Exit Theatre Stuart Bousel’s play based on his novel The Innkeeper’s Song, about storytellers and fantasy. $15-$50. Thu-Sat 8pm. 156 Eddy St. (650) 728-8098. Thru June 17.

The Golden Girls @ Mama Calizo’s Voice Factory Heklina, Cookie Dough, Matthew Martin, Pollo Del Mar, Mike Finn and Laurie Bushman stage scripts from the popular senior ladies TV show. $20-$25. 7pm & 9pm. Thu-Sat thru June 25. 1519 Mission St. at 11th, 2nd. floor.

Klass Klown @ Berkeley Repertory John Leguizamo’s solo comedy show starts off the theatre’s summer Fireworks Festival (with other shows by Dan Hoyle, Wes Nisker and the already sold-out David Sedaris). $35, with free samples of sponsor Tres Agaves Tequila. Thu-Sat 8pm Wed & Sun 7pm. Thru June 12. Other shows $25$35, thru Jul 3. Half-price for under-30. 2025 Addison St. at Shattuck. (510) 6472949.

Krapp’s Last Tape @ Exit Theatre Cutting Ball’s production of the poignant one-man Samuel Beckett play. $15-$30. Thu-Sat 8pm. Sun 5pm. Thru July 3. 277 Taylor St. (800) 838-3006.

Mary Patricia Anderson @ Magnet Opening reception for the artist’s exhibit of portraits of “Glam Community Heroes” like Glamamore, Tita Aida, Donna Sachet, Sister Roma and more. Free. 8pm-10pm. Exhibit Tue-Sat 11am-6pm Wed-Fri 2pm9pm. Thru June 27 (closing party 3pm). 4122 18th st. at Castro 581-1600.

Marga Gomez, Proud & Bothered @ New Conservatory Theatre Marga Gomez is back with her GLAAD Media award-winning comedy, Proud and Bothered, about Pride MC gigs gone wrong, and a hilariously sordid affair with a Jersey girl; direction by F. Allen Sawyer; originally directed by David Schweizer. $22-$34. Thu-Sat 8pm; Sun 2pm. Thru June 26 (no show June 25). 25 Van Ness Ave. near Market St. 861-8972.

Opening reception for a new exhibit of photographs by Daniel Nicoletta from 1975–present. In 1975 Dan Nicoletta was hired by Harvey Milk to work in Milk’s Castro Street camera store and there at age 19, Dan’s life path as a documentarian for that emerging scene began. The photographs in the exhibit will highlight significant moments along the way, including still photos taken by Nicoletta on the set of Gus Van Sant’s Academy Award winning film Milk. Reception 6pm–8pm. Special GLBT Historical Society fundraiser Saturday, June 5 with Nicoletta at the gallery, where he discusses his photos in a rare lecturetalk. $100. 6pm. Exhibit through July 10, 2010. 130 8th St. 626-5496.

The New Century @ New Conservatory Theatre West Coast premiere of Paul Rudnick’s gay comedy. $22 - $34. Thu-Sat 8pm; Sun 2pm. Thru July 11. 25 Van Ness Ave., lower level, near Market St. 861-8972.

Queer Rebels of the Harlem Renaissance @ African American Arts & Culture Complex Soul food buffet in a historically recreated queer 1920s speakeasy salon, with multimedia and live performances. $15-$20. 7pm. 762 Fulton St. at Webster.

The Real Americans @ The Marsh Dan Hoyle (Tings Dey Happen) premieres a new multiple-character solo show based on his road trip to Middle America to explore the profound disconnect in a politically polarized country. $15-$50. Thu-Fri 8pm. Sat 5pm. Thru Aug 8. 1062 Valencia St. at 21st. (800) 838-3006.

Rehistoricizing Abstract Expressionism in the Bay Area: 1950 to 1970 @ the Luggage Store Gallery Fascinating exhibit shows how women and people of culture were part of the abstract expressionist movement, but shut out by the era’s bias toward white men. Free. 6pm9pm. Exhibit thru July 31. 1007 Market St. at 6th.

Sally Kellerman @ The Rrazz Room Oscar-winning actress brings her sultry singing style to the elegant lounge. $35. 10pm. Also June 5. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. at Ellis. 394-1189.

Sex and the City 2 @ Castro Theatre Sarah Jessica Parker and the gang head off to do Dubai in the sequel to the popular film based on the TV show. 429 Castro St.

SF Girls Chorus @ SF Music Conservatory Acclaimed local girls’ chorus, in collaboration with the Cypress String Quartet, perform Chen Yi’s multimedia Angel Island Passages, about Chinese immigrants’ struggles. Also, works by Stravinsky, Dvorak, Krenek and others. $18-$58. 8pm. Also June 5. 50 Oak St. at Van Ness Ave. 3924400.

Something COOL Festival @ Eureka Theatre Carly Ozard, Tom Orr and Russ Lorenson headline a month of weeknight jazz and cabaret shows, with lots of singers and open mic nights. Free-$10. Lorenson’s Tony Bennett tribute Thu-Fri 7:30, Sat 6pm, Sun 3pm. Other acts 7:30 (Mon-Tue) 8pm (Wed). Mon-Wed thru June 27. 215 Jackson St. at Battery. (800) 838-3006.

Dan Nicoletta

Fri 4 >>

More Glitter, Less Bitter @ Electric Works Gallery

The Tosca Project @ ACT Dance and theatre blend through the talents of SF Ballet, modern and local theatre artists in this North Beach bar-inspired operatic re-imagining of a century of romance; directed by ACT’s Artistic Director Carey Perloff, with music by Puccini, Jimi Hendrix and others. $7.50-$85. Tue-Sat 8pm. Sun 2pm & 7pm. LGBT “Out with ACT” show June 23. Thru June 27. 415 Geary St. 749-2228.

Sat 5 >>

Andy Warhol: Good for the Jews? @ The Jewish Theatre Josh Kornbluth’s witty and touching solo show examines the legacy of Andy Warhol. $25-$35. Thu-Sat 8pm. Sun 2pm, 7pm. Thru June 20. 470 Florida St. 292-1233.

Birth of Impressionism @ de Young Museum Masterpieces from the Musée d’Orsay includes approximately 100 paintings from the Musée d’Orsay’s permanent collection. Golden Gate Park, 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive. 750-3600.

Chanticleer @ Mission Dolores Grammy-winning local men’s a cappella ensemble performs liturgical music of 16th and 17th-century England. $20-$44. 8pm. 3321 16th St. 392-4400.

Chronotopia @ SOMArts Gallery Opening reception of a multimedia installation of art depicting historic LGBT people and eras. Free. 3pm. 934 Brannan St. at 8th.

Forever Never Comes @ Boxcar Playhouse Crowded Fire Theatre’s production of Enrique Urueta’s “psycho-southern queer country dance tragedy” set in Virginia. Partial proceeds June 10 & 11 benefit youth programs at the LGBT Center. $15$25. Wed-Sat 8pm, Sun 5pm thru June 26. 505 Natoma St. 255-7846.

Fundi @ Marcus Afro Bookstore Gay poet reads from his new work Moving on the Road to a Man-song Sanctuary, plus a sneak peek at Trouble In Black Paradise: Spirituality, Religion and the New World Politics of Saving Souls, a critique of Black U.S. Christian religious mainstream civil rights neglect and failures. 6pm. 1712 Fillmore St. at Post.

GLAAD Media Awards @ Marriott Marquis 21st Annual Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) will honor actress Cybil Shepherd and filmmaker Lee Daniels (Precious), with special performances by recording artists Chely Wright and Sam Sparro. Host Bruce Vilanch joins Wilson Cruz, Clementine Ford, Jai Rodriguez, Jan Wahl and local LGBT leaders and community members to honor the stories that build support for LGBT equality. $350. 4:30 reception, 6:30pm dinner. 8pm awards. 55 Fourth St.

Grand Opening @ Green Pawz Music, drinks and food for humans and pets are served at the new organic pet products store. Free. 4pm-7pm. 772 Stanyan St. 221-PETS.

The Tosca Project, Fri.

Hot Greeks @ Hypnodrome Thrillpeddler’s second revival of a hilarious Cockettes show, this one Martin Worman and Richard Koldewyn’s 1972 musical extravaganza about crazy ancient Greeks, with Connie Champagne, Birdie-Bob Watt, Michael Soldier. $30-$69. Thursday 8pm and Sundays 7pm. Thru June 27. 575 10th St at Bryant. (800) 838-3006.

3 June 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER

Hot Strippers @ Nob Hill Theatre

Q Comedy @ Martuni’s

Race Cooper, Tony Aziz and host Michael Brandon go all the way onstage in a fundraiser for the Black Coalition on AIDS; also, the naughty Cabaret Voyeur. $30 and up. 8pm. 729 Bush St. at Powell.

Freddie Mercury: The Untold Story at Viz Cinema, Sun.

Ryan O’Connor @ The Rrazz Room

In the Wake @ Berkeley Repertory

Gay comic actor-singer dissects media, jokes about being fat, and sings. $18. 8pm. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. at Ellis. 394-1189.

Obie Award winners Lisa Kron and Leigh Silverman’s complex drama set at a Thanksgiving dinner where American political freedoms (or lack of) come into question. $13.50-$71. Thru June 27. Tue, Thu-Sat 8pm, Wed Sun 7pm, Thu, Sat, Sun 2pm. Roda Theatre, 2015 Addison St. (510) 647-2949.

Ten Percent @ Comcast 104 David Perry’s new talk show about LGBT local issues. New times: MonFri 11:30am & 10:30pm, Sat & Sun 10:30pm.

Tue 8 >>

Local Wonder @ Tenderloin Community Gallery Art by Tenderloin artists challenging stereotypes about local residents. Reception June 12, 12pm. Hours, Fri-Sat 12pm3pm. Thru Aug. 31. 134A Golden Gate Ave. at Jones.

Pastor Tom Show @ KUSF Dr. Tom Polcari’s LGBT music and talk show. 4pm. Weekly on 90.3 FM.

Pearls Over Shanghai @ The Hypnodrome Thrillpeddlers’ revival of the comic mock operetta by Link Martin and Richard Koldewyn, performed by the gender-bending Cockettes decades ago, and loosely based on the 1926 play The Shanghai Gesture. $30-$69. 8pm. Fri & Sat thru August. 575 10th. (800) 838-3006.

40 Years of Fabulous Disabled Lesbian Activism @ SF Public Library

Freddie Mercury: The Untold Story, Queer South Asian Shorts @ Viz Cinema LGBT-themed Asian short films, (5pm) and the director’s cut of the new documentary about the gay lead singer for Queen (7pm). $10-$16. 1746 Post St.

Garage All-Stars @ The Garage Unusual creative dances as Labayen Dance SF premieres Carmina Burana: Revisited/Rebuked; also, Fact/SF, and Mannakin Theater. $10-$20. 8pm. Also June 7. 975 Howard St.

Puppy Love: a Stripper’s Tail @ African American Arts & Culture Complex

Happy Hour @ Energy Talk Radio

Erin Markey’s comedic solo show about being a female stripper in the Midwest. $12-$20. 8pm. 762 Fulton St.

Kvetch @ Eros

Teatro Zinzanni @ Pier 29 Hearts on Fire is the current show at the theatre-tent-dinner extravaganza with new guest chanteuse Liliane Montevecchi, comic Frank Ferrante, Twin acrobats Ming and Rui, Vertical Tango rope dance, plus magic, comedy, a five-course dinner, and a lot of fun. $117-$145. Saturday 11:30am “Breve” show $63—$78. Wed-Sat 6pm (Sun 5pm). Pier 29 at Embarcadero Ave. 438-2668.

Wicked @ Orpheum Theatre Mega-hit musical based on the book about the two famous Oz witches as young college roommates. $30-$99. Tue-Sat 8pm. Wed, Sat, Sun 2pm. Sun 7:30pm. Open run. 1192 Market St. at 8th. $30. 512- 7770.

Sun 6 >>

Interview show with gay writer Adam Sandel as host. 8pm.

Reading and performance series and open mic that’s more than a bit queer. Free/donations. 8pm. 2051 Markt St.

Outlook Video @ Channel 29 Monthly LGBT-themed TV show; this month: Ken Yeager, San Jose Pride postponement, Rainbow World Fund’s Jeff Cotter and Frameline sneak preview. 5pm. Also steaming online.

Set the Screen on Fire @ ATA Gallery Films for social change with LGBT themes; screening and panel discussion; curated by Glenne McElhinney. Free. 1pm. 992 Valencia St. at 21st.

SF Hiking Club @ Azalea Hill Join GLBT hikers for an 8-mile hike by the shores of Alpine Lake and up the back side of Azalea Hill in Marin County. Carpool meets 9:00 at Safeway sign, Market & Dolores. (650) 763-8537.

Avotcja & Modupue @ North Berkeley Senior Center

Sunday’s a Drag @ Starlight Room

Benefit for Fabled Asp, the disabled lesbian women’s group, with a performance by the notable poet-singers. $10-$30. 7pm. 1901 Hearst. (510) 223-9034.

Donna Sachet and Harry Denton host the weekly fabulous brunch and drag show. $30. 11am, show at noon; 1:30pm, show at 2:30pm. 450 Powell St. in Union Square. 395-8595.

Cabaret Showcase Showdown @ Martuni’s Final competition of the annual cabaret songfest, this time Best Burlesque/Vaudeville act; Katya Ludmilla Smirnoff-Skyy and Mrs. Trauma Flintstone cohost. Guest judges are composer Bob Ostertag and burlesque legend Isis Starr. Guest performer is Dottie Lux, founder of the School of Shimmy. $5. 7pm. 4 Valencia St. at Market.

City Solo @ Off-Market Theater

Mon 7 >>

Jewelle Gomez and Pride community grand marshals of the past will host this anniversary celebration with speakers, including Fabled ASP Founder Laura Rifkin, community activist Diane Sabin, and SF Pride officials. The evening will culminate in musical sets by jazz pianist Mary Watkins and singer Lisa Cohen. Main Library, Lower Level, Koret Auditorium, 6-8 p.m. 100 Larkin St. at Grove.

Off Book @ Dolby Chadwick Gallery Fundraiser auction for Litquake includes a week stay in a Tuscany villa, autographed pics of SF giants players, dinner at Foreign Cinema, a weekend in the Mendocino Coast, rare books and lots more. $25. 6pm-8pm. 210 Post St. #205. 956-3560.

Wed 9 >>

Jules Shendelman, Morgan Weinert @ Eros Opening reception for an exhibit of nude photos from a new local adult video; film screening, too. Free. 18+. 7:30pm. Print exhibit thru June 13. 2051 Market St.

Old School @ SF Public Library Writers Unearth and Re-imagine the Lives and Legacies of Queers Gone By, readings by several authors and writers. Free. 6pm. Also June 16, 23. Koret Auditorium, 100 Larkin St.

Sisters Oceana Rising @ The Garage A performance of trailblazing queer women of Melanesian, Micronesian and Polynesian descent who explore the intersections among womanhood, queerness, family and Pacific Islander diasporic activism. $12-$20. 8pm. 975 Howard St.

Thu 10 >>

Abigail, a Rock Opera @ Temple

Unusual new rock opera based on the Salem Witch Trials, in particular, young Abigail Williams. $10. 9pm. Also July 8, 29 and Thursdays thru Sept. 23. 540 Howard St.

Mugwumpin @ Pacific Heights Inn

Kevin Killian, Tony Leuzzi @ A Different Light

Creative performance ensemble performs Get This Go in a site-specific theatre piece about emergencies and possessions, performed in hotel rooms. Free/donations. 7:30, 8pm, 8:30pm. 1555 Union St. Reservations required:

Prolific author and poet both share their new works. Free 7:30pm. 489 Castro St.

Passionate Struggle @ GLBT Historical Society Exhibit about Bay Area LGBT historical events and people. Also, Man-I-Fest, a new exhibit of letters and documents by FTM transgender pioneer Lou Harrison and friends. Free/donations. Wed-Sat 1pm5pm. 657 Mission St. #300. 777-5455.

Queer and comedic solo shows by Janine Brito, Martha Rynberg, Julia Jackson and Thao P. Nguyen. $15-$20. 7pm. Sundays thru June 20. 965 Mission St.

Dragathon @ Marlena’s

We Were There @ African American Arts & Culture Complex

The Castro Lions 7th annual 12-hour show with kings, queens and everything in-between. Hosted by Chlamydia Killroy with a differentco-host(ess) each hour. Free-donations. 488 Hayes St. 8646672.

The Lesbian Response to the Early AIDS Epidemic, a short documentary, with a panel discussion and installation. $5. 6pm. 762 Fulton St.

Flabulous 2: Fatter Than Ever @ African American Arts & Culture Complex Performance production by Kentucky Fried Woman and Jay Walker featuring fat queers and their allies, highlighting the lived experiences of fat queers. $12$20. 762 Fulton St.

Qcomedy Showcase featuring Karen Ripley, Morgan, Cookie Dough, Nick Leonard, Sandra O. Noshi-di’n’t and others. San Francisco’s favorite spot for queer and queer-friendly comedy, now every first Monday of the month. $8-$16. 7:30pm. 4 Valencia St. at Market.

For bar and nightclub listings, go to our new website and monthly print nightlife guide, Mary Patricia Anderson’s art at Magnet, Fri.

To submit event listings, email

Check out the Bay Area Reporter online at:


BAY AREA REPORTER . . 3 June 2010


Trans man wins IML 2010 by Scott Brogan ongratulations to Tyler McCormick, Mr. Rio Grande Leather, for winning International Mr. Leather 2010, and to Tim Starkey of the Boston Ramrod for winning International Mr. Bootblack this past Sunday night in Chicago, IL. McCormick is the first transgender man to win the IML title, as well as the first to win in a wheelchair. San Francisco’s own Mr. SF Leather 2010 Lance Holman took First Runner Up, with Mr. Texas Leather Jack Andrew Duke taking Second Runner Up. It must be noted that the difference in points between the top 20 is miniscule, especially the closer you get to #1, so all of the men should be proud for doing an amazing job. Congratulations to all of the 52 contestants (from nine countries) for representing your communities, and to the IML staff and judges. It’s never an easy task, running a contest that lasts from Thursday through Sunday (really, Wednesday through Monday). As I noted before, the IML staff is amazing and runs the contest like a well-oiled machine, but with a personal edge. What I didn’t note before is the job performed by the panel of judges. Judging IML is no small, easy task. Not only do they go through the same events as the contestants (obviously, because they’re judging each event), but they also participate in Mr. Rio Grande Leather Tyler McCormick (front) won International Mr. every single judging panel for every Leather 2010, last Sunday night in Chicago. single contestant, because they are the judging panel. It’s two very full, eighthour days of intense interviews. Imagnever see someone of his caliber again. ine trying to whittle down 60-plus I’m sure that his spirit was roaming contestants to 20 finalists, then choosthe halls (and dark backrooms and ing one winner – and being held accorners) of IML this past weekend. It’s countable for your decision. There are sad that now the IML contestants a lot of people out there with very won’t experience him as Judge Emerivocal opinions! This year’s judges were tus. He was one of a kind, and is sorechosen for their various positions and ly missed. accomplishments in the community, The past few weeks were fairly and were: Outgoing IML 2009 Jeffrey quiet here in San Francisco as IML Payne, Laura Antoniou, Shawn Carloomed in the future, with the normal roll, Demetri Moshoyannis, Chad gatherings and play parties happenNeal, Gene Romaine, Daniel ing before half the community Ruester, William “RubberWilli” took off for Chicago. One event Schendel, and Robert Valin. Thank that I neglected to mention in last you all for stepping up and week’s calendar listing (my serving our community. apologies, guys), and someTitle-holders at the International One judge that is sadly thing to remember to get Mr. Leather 2010 contest, last missing from that list is the out and support each week: Sunday night in Chicago. late IML Judge Emeritus The new Wednesday Marcus Hernandez. Marcus “SoMa’s Men’s Club.” Every and very friendly and flirty. This was the BAR leather columWednesday, the SoMa should be a banner year for them. nist for 38 years, from 1971 Clubs (Chaps, PowerThey’ve already raised over 55k, and through most of 2009, and house, Truck, Lone Star, L EATHER the calendar hasn’t even been printed he attended every IML exHole in the Wall, The yet! cept the first one in 1979. Eagle) all have specials for It’s with a heavy heart that I report Not only does that show incredible those who have the Men’s Club dogthe passing of one of our communitenacity, it’s a testament to his unwatags. See your favorite SoMa bar for ty’s special persons, “Unicorn.” Univering support and love of our comdetails. The dogtags are easy to get, and corn was a seemingly tireless volunteer munity. He judged countless contests, it’s a lot of fun. Get out and support for practically every leather event in mentored and was an inspiration to your favorite SoMa bars. town, and a founding member (and countless leather men and women, Speaking of support, the 2011 Bare driving force) behind the Golden Gate helped found the still ongoing Bare Chest Calendar year got off to a great Guards. He had a quick, caustic sense Chest Calendar, was the manager of start with the 1st Annual Bare Chest of humor that I always enjoyed, and The Stud back when it was a nasty – Calendar Pre-Sale Party at the Edge just as IML 2009 Jeffrey Payne is the read: fun – leather bar, attended Bar on Friday, May 21. The Edge was epitome of what a titleholder should UCLA, was a Veteran, and was the very packed, and all 12 men were there, sellbe, Unicorn was the epitome of a comfirst Emperor (After Norton) of the ing raffle tickets and of course premunity volunteer and activist. He, too, Imperial Court of San Francisco. And sales of the upcoming calendar. This will be missed.▼ that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We’ll new crop of calendar men are all hot,

Rich Stadtmiller


Coming up in leather & kink >> Thur., June 3: Leather 101 Education Series at the Geery Theatre in Sacramento (22nd & L St.) presented by the Sacramento LeatherCorps and Rich Stadmiller. 7:309:30 p.m. Thur., June 3: Red Hanky Night at Chaps Bar (1225 Folsom). 9 p.m. to closing. Special raffle benefiting Magnet, prizes include passes to Spring FFling and the monthly Hell Hole parties. Go to: for details. Thur., June 3: Kinky Relationships Class with Angela and Iain at the SF Citadel (1277 Mission). 7:30-10:30(ish) p.m. Doors open at 7 p.m. Admission is $15-$25, sliding scale. Go to: for details. Sun., June 6: Back Bar Action at The Eagle Tavern (398 12th St,). Back-patio bar open to all gear/fetish/leather. 10 p.m. to close. Go to: for details. Sun., June 6: Castrobear presents Sunday Furry Sunday at 440 Castro. 4-10 p.m. Go to: for details.

Tues., June 8: 12-Step Kink Recovery Group at the SF Citadel (1277 Mission). 6:30-8 p.m. Go to: for details. Tues., June 8: You’re Going to Need an Enema for That! – Many Ways of Enema Play at the SF Citadel (1277 Mission). 8-10 p.m. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Admission is $20. 6:30-8 p.m. RSVPs are requested, but not required, on the FetLife listing at: Go to: for details. Wed., June 9: Golden Shower Buddies, doors open 8 p.m. through Midnight, play til late. $12 entry, Buddies membership required, which is $8 for 6 months. If you like water sports, you’ll love this unique party. Go to: for details. Wed., June 9: SoMa’s Men’s Club. Every Wed., the SoMa Clubs (Chaps, Powerhouse, Truck, Lone Star, Hole in the Wall, The Eagle) have specials for those who have the Men’s Club dog tags. See your favorite SoMa bar for details.

Courtesy IML 2010


3 June 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER


Going gonzo, part 2 by John F. Karr here was only room enough last time to look at two titles in the Raging Stallion Goes Gonzo series, so now we’re checking out the other three. If you remember, I liked their fluid camerawork in a reality show mode that is the hallmark of “gonzo.” I liked the performer’s direct visual address of the viewer; the near absence of editing; the generous length of scenes and overall running times; the fine music; and the sex stuff, which is the key part, after all: buttplugging toy play, round-and-round sex cycles that took cock from ass to mouth and back to ass, and, perhaps most of all, the abandoned behavior of some attractive guys. Something I didn’t mention before is that these are not barebacking films. Not entirely at odds are the delicious cum-eating and the all-condomed fucking. The condoms don’t come off, even in the ass-to-mouth bits. Which means that the cocks don’t merely taste of rubber, but lubed rubber. I never liked sucking a rubber-covered cock. What’s the love. FMEHH entirely lacks OCS, sense? Cocksucking is not an end in but mitigates the disappointment a itself. It’s the juice, baby. I was a bit by throwing in a svelte and suave manic cocksucker, but in the early long-haired dude, David Bathory. 80s stopped entirely for some years. I UMA&DMT has one plug scene, went back to it, and though I’m not and five – count them – five OCS, as manic about it as I once was, I get along with the eternally stolid Mana good one in there every now and giatti twins. Fabrizio Twin massages again. Since I’m HIV+, I don’t have succulent Renato Bellagio, sucks him quite the same concern as negative mightily, fucks him a lot, and leaves guys who just might, by a very so much cream in his slim chance, sero-convert mouth that it runs out through sucking cock. It has the sides and slides off happened, you know. his chin. In the film’s fiAnd now I’ve got to nale, the twins boff Enlighten up. So what rico Bellagio. One twin about the campy titles of surprised me by actualthese movies? Today’s ly gobbling Bellagio’s three, with their abbrevicream – if he’s still gay ations, are Fuck My for pay, he must have Eager Hungry Hole gotten a good fee for this K ARRNAL [FMEHH]; Up My Ass juicy bit. Then Bellagio & Down My Throat K NOWLEDGE takes a double dose of [UMA&DMT], and twin spunk. last, Here a Fuck There HFTF has one plugging, one a Fuck [HFTF]. OCS, two flip fucks and another FMEHH has two plug scenes, inscene with hearty fucker James Jorcluding one with George Stevenson, dan. It’s also got another of my fawho keeps that plug firmly envorite performers – it’s just too bad sconced all the while he’s making out the delectable Alfredo Castaldo only with Josh, a smooth younger dude. has this one scene in the entire gonzo When George finally loses his plug, series. He’s known as Carson Lane in his asshole stays wide open. I love a couple High Octane films that I’ve that view into a cavernous tunnel of


Raging Stallion Studios

Gonzo performer George Stevenson.

tracked him through (check him out in Score! – the exclamation point is part of the title, but I wholeheartedly agree). But he’s made many more films as Alfredo Castaldo, which is how he’s credited here. He’s a classic ectomorph – my hubby used to call them “Karr’s refrigerator men,” meaning he’s a short, very stocky rectangle of solid muscle, with a neck as thick as his head. Alfredo’s a redhead (though his head is most usually shaved), with the pinkish, muchfreckled body and the alluring alabaster nipples that come with that complexion. He looks like a pugilist; his lips curl naturally into a sexy snarl. He slays me, especially when he suddenly smiles, or breaks into laughter, as he does at the very end of HFTF, flashing disarming dimples and twinkling eyes. This buoyant outburst is caused by the load Alfredo lands in his partner’s mouth. Smacking his lips, the semen-sucker unintentionally blows a most unique cum bubble. You’ll find lots of photos of all five Raging Stallion Goes Gonzo movies at, where you’ll be surprised by the low price of the movies. Cheap movies, trashy sex. Who could ask for anything more?▼

Low definition by Ernie Alderete merican Cream: America, Sex & Desire is a pre-videotape, pre-talkie, pre-condom porn film re-mastered digitally for our enjoyment on DVD. The transfer is quite good, the picture holds steady throughout, and nothing is washed out or jumpy. The color is faded, but that’s to be expected. The result is not high definition, but it’s quite satisfying. The players are uniformly lean and lanky, with unshaved crotches and chests, long, collar-length hair, and wide, bushy sideburns, as was typical of gay men of that pre-gym-culture era. American Cream is a mid-1970s, feature-length, 75-minute production in three scenes: The Office, Country Lads, and Roles. The Office is the typical boss-and-employee hankypanky on-the-desk scenario. Country Lads involves a cavernous, rustic barn out in the country somewhere in the frost belt, with copious bales of hay and plaid shirts. Dildos are hard to come by in such an isolated location, however, so a thick, eight-inch-long log, covered with rough bark, and the long, slick, smooth metal barrel of a handy rifle will have to suffice. Roles is a direct rip-off of Midnight Cowboy, which won several Academy Awards


a few years before. The DVD’s split-screen leatherman/cowboy cover art is reminiscent of the Village People – or rather, the Village People are reminiscent of Cream, as this production predates the creation of the singing group by several years. The predominant theme of Cream is sex and lust, as well as erotic fantasies. The main character in The Office imagines the object of his desires in different guises that magically materialize before his eyes. The weakest part of Cream is the original soundtrack, a John Phillips Souza marchingband instrumental complete with trombones and other heavy brass instruments, even a trumpet blaring out reveille! This is followed no more agreeably by “Yankee Doodle Dandy” and “Dixie.” The intent of the military music is perhaps to foster a male-onmale army ambience seething with sexuality. But the ill-advised music only serves to annoy and distract. The actual sex is unusually sophisticated for such an early attempt at porn, ranging from anal to oral to rimming, and to a full-fledged mock

rape scene, all bareback of course. The story-lines are quite well developed, and superbly acted. None of the players are names (Robert Rikas, Doug Romain, Arch Sampson, Chuck Thomas, Black Barbarella) that leap out at us today as major stars, but they all deliver the goods, never missing a beat. This porn is one of the best of the era, particularly the second vignette. Best to tune out the soundtrack, including the monotone narration.▼

Check out the Bay Area Reporter online at:



BAY AREA REPORTER . . 3 June 2010


Barbra, Barbara, Judy & others by Gregg Shapiro arbra Streisand, who hasn’t “sung in the Village since 1962,” recorded her new live One Night Only (Columbia) CD/DVD set at the Village Vanguard in New York in Sept. 2009. An intimate setting to say the least, the room was packed with many of her nearest (literally) and dearest friends. In fact, while introducing Jule Styne’s widow Maggie, she points out that Phyllis Newman, “who won the Tony over me,” is also in the audience. What a lucky audience they were, getting the chance to hear Barbra and quartet perform selections including “Gentle Rain,” “If You Go Away (Ne Me Quitte Pas)” and “Make Someone Happy,” from her Diana Krall-produced Love Is the Answer disc. Streisand also digs into her past with “Evergreen,” “My Funny Valentine” and “The Way We Were.” Streisand’s between-song patter is priceless, including a story about winning a singing contest in a gay club in the early 1960s. Broadway soprano Barbara Cook has become one of the great cabaret and concert performers of her generation. The six-disc box set The Essential Barbara Cook Collection (DRG) draws from her illustrious


Andy Bell ▼

page 17

“Writing your own material becomes more personal. I’ve always looked to Vince as my mentor. When we’re working together in Erasure, my lyrics always go through Vince, kind of like a pupil giving something to his teacher and asking if it’s OK. He’ll go through and say that he doesn’t like this or that, but it’s only because I’ve asked for his advice. When I’m on my own, it kind of lets the lid off and makes me realize what I can do under my own steam.” Clarke was an influence on Bell long before they met. “Of all the songwriters around then, he was one of the most left-field people I would have cared to meet. He was top of my wish list. Other people, I suppose, would be The B-52s and Talk-

output and includes both live (Barbara Cook at the Met) and Broadway-themed studio recordings (Close as Pages in a Book, Cook’s tribute to Dorothy Fields). In one case, the concert recording DVD Mostly Sondheim, you get the best of both worlds. A young Barbra Streisand can be heard on Judy on Broadway Tonight! with Friends: Rare Recordings from The Judy Garland Show (Savoy Jazz/SLG). With selections culled from Garland’s 1963-64 CBS-TV series, the disc features the now-leg-

sesses a powerful singing voice. As it turns out, she’s a songwriter, too, with a hankering for contemporary country music, as you can hear on her newest album Achin’ and Shakin’ (Mercury). Separated into “achin’” and “shakin’” “sides,” the disc gives Bundy the chance to explore country-style heartbreak in songs such as “Curse the Bed,” “Cigarette” and “When It All Goes South.” On the “flipside,” Bundy cuts loose with boot-scooting numbers such as “Giddy on Up,” “Rebound” and “If You Want My Love.”

loads and loads of things to do.” Spending time in the theatre world is also not out of the question. “I would love to. I just saw [Andrew Lloyd Webber’s] Love Never Dies, though I prefer the original Phantom of the Opera . I’d love to do something like that, but maybe not so commercial. Something Off-Broadway perhaps. People keep reminding me that I’m getting older, so I can’t play Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,” he laughs. He’s also intrigued by the thought of a stage production based on the Erasure songbook, a la Green Day’s American Idiot. “I’ve got a list of some of my favorite songs from Erasure that I think are very theatrical and do tell a story. It would be case of weaving a narrative through the lyrics, but I know that’s not just a walk in the park. It’s a monumental task.”▼

People keep reminding me that I’m getting older, so I can’t play ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.’

ing Heads, maybe Japan, Siouxsie and the Banshees, and Blondie.” Bell has also explored performing the work of others. In 1991 he recorded the role of Montresor in the opera The Fall of the House of Usher by Peter Hammill and Judge Smith. “It was quite a naïve performance, but I think that’s why the guy

picked me to do it.” He’s got a wish list of recording projects to tackle. “I would love to have a go at Threepenny Opera,” he says. “I would love to do a duets record with mainly female singers. I would also like to do an orchestral album, so there’s still

GLAAD award ▼

In her memoir ‘Like Me,’ Wright reveals she was aware she was a lesbian at an early age, but concealed her sexuality.

page 17

Openly gay Daniels was not only the first African-American to direct a Best Picture nominee, his producing debut Monster’s Ball earned a Best Actress Oscar for Halle Berry. His film The Woodsman featured a fearless turn by Kevin Bacon as a pedophile trying to rebuild his life. For the three of you who haven’t seen Precious, it’s an unflinching yet inspiring tale of a young girl struggling to overcome a bleak life of poverty and abuse. Mo’Nique won a richly deserved Supporting Actress Oscar as the girl’s abusive mother, and the film’s screenwriter Geoffrey Fletcher became the first AfricanAmerican to win a Best Screenplay Oscar. In a recent interview, Daniels commented on his affinity for material that explores characters who live on the edge of hope and despair. Daniels admits that he’s drawn to “that gray area that we fight all the time, between good and bad. I think we’re all good people – I really believe that every morning when we wake up and our feet hit the floor, we stand up and we wanna be good people. But life throws us shit, and that shit defines that gray area where we live. I think that my cinema gives justice and life to that gray area.” Despite his film being embraced and promoted by producers Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry, Daniels never

endary trio of Garland, Streisand and Ethel Merman performing “There’s No Business Like Show Business.” Garland and Merman can also be heard performing a duets medley that includes “Let’s Be Buddies,” “You’re the Top” and “You’re Just in Love,” while Judy and daughter Liza Minnelli try “Together Wherever We Go” on for size. Laura Bell Bundy, who played Elle Woods in the Broadway production of Legally Blonde: The Musical, is a multiple threat. Not only is she an actress on stage and screen, but she pos-

Single white female

Country singer Chely Wright.

expected that Precious would resonate with a broad audience – until it did. “You just can’t imagine anybody but a specific demographic and cultural understanding of the DNA of this, and that’s the genius that makes it so beautiful – that it’s so universal. That’s the gift Precious has given me. You really think you’re telling a story about a fat black girl, and only fat black girls will understand it, and then you realize we’re all Precious. We’re all fat black girls.” Being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender in this society can, at one time or another, make any of us feel like a fat black girl, even if you’re a thin, beautiful white girl.

Chely Wright recently came out as the first openly gay country singer. For those of you who don’t follow country music, Wright was named the Academy of Country Music’s Top New Female Vocalist in 1994. Within the next few years she had major hits with her song “Shut Up and Drive” and her #1 single, “Single White Female.” A native of Kansas City, Missouri, Wright grew up in a deeply religious Christian family. In her recently published memoir Like Me, Wright reveals that she was aware that she was a lesbian at an early age, but concealed her sexuality in order to pursue her dream. After six albums, a public romance with country star Brad Paisley, and a secret 12-year relationship with a woman, Wright experienced a breakdown in 2005. Standing before a mirror with a gun in her mouth, Wright was on the verge of suicide when the tears began to flow – and

Liz Callaway, sister (and sometime collaborator) of the recently out Ann Hampton Callaway, has been balancing a career as a Broadway performer and recording artist for nearly 20 years. Her latest disc, Passage of Time (PS Classics), finds her striking another kind of balance by including selections by singer/songwriters such as Carly Simon (“That’s the Way I’ve Always Heard It Should Be,” a duet with Ann), James Taylor (“Secret o’ Life”) and Lennon & McCartney (“Eleanor Rigby”) with compositions from musicals including Company (“Being Alive”), Wicked (“I’m Not that Girl”), Sunset Boulevard (“The Perfect Year”) and Baby (“Patterns”), a show in which Callaway appeared on Broadway. This Place I Know (PS Classics), the first album by Stephanie J. Block, who replaced Idina Menzel in Wicked and was recently seen in the musical version of 9 to 5, treads a similar path as the Callaway disc, right down to the guest duet. In this case, it’s Dolly Parton who joins Block on “I Will Always Love You.” Block is also joined on piano by Stephen Schwartz on “Making Good,” and Marvin Hamlisch plays piano on “Smart Women.” Be sure to check out the splendid same-sex marriage number “One Day,” written by Andrew Lippa, who accompanies Block on piano.▼

her need to live, honestly, consumed her. Wright’s depression, and her need for renewal, inspired her to write several songs which she began to record with producer Rodney Crowell for the her new album Lifted Off the Ground. “When I was writing that music, I didn’t imagine I’d come out. I thought I’d still be hiding, and then I thought, ‘Holy crap, how can I keep hiding when the public is going to ask me who are these songs about?’” Halfway through recording the album, Wright came out to Crowell, e-mailing him the song “Like Me” (her first overtly lesbian song). “As soon as I sent it to him, I opened up a Word document, and I began writing my book that day.” Wright moved from Nashville to New York to write her confessional memoir. “It’s very calming and comforting when you’re committed to the truth,” she said. “Never for a moment did I think of turning back.” For the support she needed,

Wright turned to GLAAD. “Part of my reason for moving to New York was to put myself through gay school,” she said. “I wanted to educate myself, because I knew at some point I’d become a spokesperson for the gay community. They schooled me in this process – and to be embraced and encouraged by my gay pals has been a great source of support.” Some of the key lessons that GLAAD provided for Wright were to be patient but not strident. “In interviews, people are very nervous. They don’t want to mess it up. You don’t want to correct people or embarrass them.” Unlike performers who have come out to more gay-friendly fans, Wright has penetrated the belly of the beast; country music fans are among the most conservative, fundamentalist people in the country. But in Chely Wright, the gay and lesbian community has a new Joan of Arc. “In country music, we’re acutely aware of what we can and can’t sell to our public. But I’m not about to allow a 14-year-old kid to sit in his basement and think he’s all alone.” And that is the spirit that the GLAAD Media Awards celebrates. Because words, images – and even country songs – matter.▼ 21st GLAAD Media Awards, Sat., June 5, San Francisco Marriott Marquis, 55 4th St., 4:30-11 p.m. Tickets: $350 (includes cocktails, dinner, show and celebrity afterparty):

3 June 2010 . . BAY AREA REPOR TER 29



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