Terrazzo - Cleaning and Sealing

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Terrazzo has actually been around for a long time, but mainly became popular in the 1920s when the first electrical grinders showed up on the building sites making the process of polishing much easier. With this new variation of Terrazzo the builder/tiler was able to create new set designs and pieces which fitted perfectly with the demands of the 'Roaring Twenties' as the flooring of choice for hotels, railway stations and offices wishing to add that wow factor to a hallway or entrance. The main problem with older Terrazzo floors is cracking due to settlement in the sub floor. These floors are pored in sections so any cracks need to be filled with a resin and then cleaned, polished and sealed. Cleaning Terrazzo Polishing Terrazzo Flooring Terrazzo Restoration Terrazzo Entrances and Vestibules

To find out how we can help with your Tile, Stone or Grout problemcontact us on 0345 512 0122 or email info@TileDoctor.co.uk. Recommended Cleaning and Maintenance Products Tile Doctor Pro-Clean Tile NanoTech HBU Remover White Buffing Pad and Grout Cleaner Hand Burnishing Blocks Tile Doctor Ultra Seal Tile Doctor Shine Powder Natural Look Sealer Ceramic Tiles |Church Floors |Commercial/Industrial Tile and Stone |Conservatories |Encaustic Cement |Flagstones |Grout Cleaning |Kitchen Tile Cleaning |Limestone |Marble |Pamments |Patios |Porcelain Tiles |Quarry Tiles |Sandstone Flagstones |Shower Tiles |Slate Tiles |Stone Fireplaces |Stone Worktops |Swimming Pools |Terracotta Tiles |Terrazzo |Travertine |Victorian Tiles |Vinyl Flooring © Copyright Tile Doctor Ltd 2020 Terrazzo - Cleaning and Sealing

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