Brazilian Slate Floor Renovated in Harrogate

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Pictured below is a Slate tiled kitchen floor that had been installed in the kitchen of a property inHarrogate around fifteen years prior. I discovered that the tiles had never been cleaned and resealed since installation and this explained why they were now looking dull and un-interesting. They had lost all character and it wasn't until I started cleaning them that I realised the must be of themulticoloured Brazilian Slate variety.

Sealing a Brazilian Slate Tiled Kitchen Floor I came back the next day and checked the floor was dry with a damp meter. The readings were good, so I was able to crack on and seal the tiles using several coats ofTile Doctor Seal and Go. Each coat was applied leaving time to dry between each layer. This gave the floor a uniform appearance which disguised the damaged tiles. It will also help to stop more cracking and reduce the appearance of the efflorescence. The sealer really brought out the natural colours in the Brazilian Slate and the floor looked transformed. I'm sure you will agree it was a vast improvement, certainly my client was very happy and couldn't believe the difference I had managed to achieve. Before leaving I recommended, they should invest in someTile Doctor Neutral Tile Cleaner which would ensure the newly applied seal was prematurely eroded away which is a problem with many of the stronger products you find in supermarkets. Source:Slate Floor Cleaning and Renovation Service in Harrogate Brazilian Slate Floor Renovated in Harrogate

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