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Jaysin: Uh, well its been kuhl, Im now getting to work with a lotta well-known people in the industry like Kynne who is an amazing producer and Artist with crazeee connects, Matt Graber and Evran Goknar of Capitol, Lora Ducat over at WB, and many more talented ppl that I am looking forward to being in business with in 2012. Its lookin like just the beginning. EBM: Have you gotten any offers or record deals during your career? JAYSIN: I signed an Indie deal outta high school and it taught me some big lessons about the industry and how it works. Since then I have turned down a few deals because now as I perfect my sound I wanna find a deal thatmakes sense for me. Too many Artists jump at any opportunity through TV shows, other golden contracts which is weak! I think it’s important to say that WE run this musik shit, the Artists and the Fans, the business only profits from our Blood, Sweat, and Tears.

EBM: The controversial topic in the music industry today who's fake and who's real. How do you rate yourself as a artist and why? And do feel you are as real as itcome and why? JAYSIN: Well, if ur talking about REAL vs Fake… Im Real!!!!!!!!! That's all that needs to be said. When u listen to my shit, there is NOOO special tricks or enhancements! I do feel I am as real as Singers get right now cause I haven't had that "Million-Dollar-Touch" yet like so many on the Radio! Seriously, iv heard a few famous ppl in person ( I won't name names ha! ) but when I heard them WITHOUT the studio tricks, I KNEW I could own this musik shit because of what I do naturally!! The Bay taught me the hustle and it taught be to real about ur talent cause u can get called out anytime! I learned on stages with bad mics, no monitors, and shitty sound…sometimes no stage at all! When u learn ur craft like that, u have u be REAL, there aint no safety net, u feel me? I have much respect for those doin it raw, no tricks, cause that’s proof of what they can do. The Bay taught me well and so now in L.A….. Im representin! EBM: Many people love to hear new music. What makes your music differ from other unsigned artists today? JAYSIN: I see it like this…Even without all the studio tricks and "Million-Dollar-Touch" that u hear on Radio right now, I'm still huge competition!! I meet a lot of unsigned cats doin their thing in L.A., I mean it's the mecca…and still I know Im on a whole nuther level! My lyrics have got edge and artistry, the musik production is blazin, and this new shit is gonna soar! Look out for the Full Length this year, for the latest goto www.jaysin.com EBM: Do you have a new album, mixtape or single coming out for the new year? JAYSIN: Yeh, I got 2 more cuts to put on the new album and then we’ll release, a couple singles will be droppin so check those out at www.jaysin.com, and I’m lookin forward to the El Barrio Mixtape comin real soon

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