Portsmouth Parent Voice Impacting on You November 2016

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Voice (PPV)


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Page 3:

PPV – Editorial

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PPV Coffee morning and events

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PPV Short Break and Personal Budget workshop

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PPV If I had A Magic Wand workshop

Page 7:

What’s Trending in Portsmouth?

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Parent Rep Update

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Little Babblers Group

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Furzey Minstead Group

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Appreciation Award

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A little quiz

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Your Views and Consultations

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Portsmouth Benefit Cap

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Autism Hampshire

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Elective Home Education

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Portsmouth Care Voice

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The Portsmouth Local Offer Website

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Regular Groups

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News in Brief

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How to contact Portsmouth Parent Voice


Voice (PPV)

Portsmouth Parent Voice

Hi Everyone! Hope you all had an enjoyable half-term with plenty of trick or treating as well Thank you to all of you who attended our anxiety workshop. It was a very busy session with a lot of tips and information. We are planning a follow up event in December (more details on page 4) and I hope you will be able to join us then. We also had a Local Area Ofsted Inspection question and answer session earlier this month which was very informative indeed and led to some lively discussions. Coming up this month: The Short Break and Personal Budget workshop is due to take place on Thursday 10th November. If you have any questions or would like to find out more information, then this event is for you. We will also have an opportunity to have an informal chat over coffee at the end of the session. I am off to London tomorrow for the National Network of Parent Carer Forums conference with parent rep extraordinaire, Beth-Anne Morrison. So a special mention to this amazing lady and you will find out on page 7 as to what we got up to! Hope to see you soon! Barbara and the Team General enquiries: ppv@p-d-f.org Barbara McDougall: PPVcoordinator@p-d-f.org.uk Kara Jewell: engagementofficer@p-d-f.org.uk Alison Cooper: ppvadmin@p-d-f.org.uk


Voice (PPV)

Portsmouth Parent Voice (PPV) Meetings and Events Are you a parent or carer of a child or young person with additional needs and disability and living in Portsmouth? We run various coffee mornings, events and training sessions in partnership with various voluntary groups ( Autism Hampshire, Contact A Family) and statutory agencies (such as CAMHS- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) Event

Date and Time 10th

Short Break and Personal Budgets coffee morning (more details on page 5)

Thursday November 10 am to 2pm

If I had a magic wand ‌coffee morning (more details on page 6)

Thursday 8th December 10 am to 2pm

Venue The Frank Sorrell Centre Prince Albert Road Southsea PO4 9HR The Frank Sorrell Centre Prince Albert Road Southsea PO4 9HR

You will find further details in this newsletter about the booking details for our training sessions and workshops. Our coffee mornings and drop-ins are free to attend and you are always welcome to bring a friend or relative.

Remember to check our Facebook page and Twitter for the latest information. ppv@p-d-f.org.uk or call 07825 185 608


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Voice (PPV)


Voice (PPV)

What’s trending in Portsmouth? The main issues discussed by parents over the past 4 weeks are: -

Disability benefits Short-breaks Elective home education Transition to secondary schools SEN support Children on part-time time table

If you would like to raise any issues around health, social care, education or any other services in Portsmouth, do get in touch either via email: ppv@p-d-f.org, Twitter (@PParentVoice ) or our Facebook page.

Some of the meetings we have attended this month: Events: National Network of Parent Carer Forum (NNPCF) and Contact A Family: National Parent Carer Participation Conference- London This was the 6th annual conference attended by over 90 parent carer forums from all over the country. Speakers who took part in the Question time panel were Lorraine Mulroney (Senior Young People and SEND lead, Nursing Team, NHS England),Andre Imich ( SEN and Disability Professional Advisor, Department for Education), Stuart Miller (Deputy Director for SEND, Department for Education) and Amanda Batten (Chief Executive, Contact A Family). The topics discussed were: the delays for Education, Health and Social Care Plan, the budgets cuts and how it affects parent carers, the statistics published by local authorities and how they might not reflect what is happening on the ground, how academies discriminate against children and young people with SEND, how would health ensure that outcomes in the EHC Plans are being delivered? The highlight of the day was Lee Scott MP who spoke with great passion about his report which was published later that day. Lee Scott was asked in March 2016 by the previous Education Secretary, Nicky Morgan, to look into the special educational needs and disability (SEND) changes brought about by the Children and Families Act 2014. Mr Scott was the former Prime Minister’s SEN Tsar and patron of the UK Autism Foundation. His report was published on 1 November 2016. You can read the full report later in this newsletter 7

Voice (PPV) Westminster Education Forum- Policy Priorities for SEND, Implementing local area inspections, raising educational outcomes and extending support to families. An impressive list of guest speakers including Carol Monaghan MP, Mike Wood MP, Nigel Thompson (Head of children’s Health and Justice, CQC), Joanna Hall (Deputy Director, OFSTED), Matthew Ellis (NHS England), Vijita Patel (Principal, Swiss CottageSchool, London), Anne Heavey (Education Policy Advisor- ATL), Laxmi Patel (Solicitor, Boyes Turner), Carrie Grant (Patient Lead, College of Medicine, Broadcaster and Parent) and many more. The key messages of the day Local Area Ofsted Inspection: The lead inspector will write the inspection report letter identifying key strengths and areas for development. Not a grading report. If there are wider concerns, then other inspection activities will be informed. In one particular LA inspection, CQC did a separate inspections as they were very concerned about their findings. Comment from head teacher: School find it hard to work with health services. Should a school be able to contact the child’s GP to get the right information in one place. Complexity of health economy is an issues. Funding of DCO (Designated Clinical Officer) crucial to change Parent: How will bad outcomes from an inspection be addressed by the local authority? Local Authority should publish an action plan following an inspection to restore faith from parent carers and Ofsted should reconsider. Mathew Ellis Children strategic Clinical Network We don’t know enough about each other’s world, health came to the table late. Who are the health professionals involved with children with SEN? Should a key worker be involved to monitor and coordinate and not always down to the parents. Case studies of 2 parents: one with one to one support from a key worker and one without. Pathway needs to be designed for parents. Health have a very different planning diary to education. If you want Health to be involved in the 20 weeks process, get them in early!

Vijita Patel Swiss Cottage School Camden very good and supporting LA when it comes to SEND. Inclusive philosophies come from the top (head teacher, strategic leaders…) Handbook of Ofsted/CQC: impact measure: how we prepared young people for like, employment, and fundamentally, transition to other services doesn’t always happen Jessica Haslam- York City Council Identify needs: early years, Key support worker coordinator, portage… Staff training Strong signposting Hidden needs: SEMH, mental health, autism (in girls as well)


Voice (PPV) My support plans, plan do review at least twice RSA with supporting evidence Strong multi agency involvements Hoe effectively outcomes improved Listening motivating staff focusing resources on frontline staff, monitoring outcomes Effective communication is key and York recognises that. If the message from parents is not comfortable, listen to it more! Children on SEN support have their own support plan. Questions: Budget reduction, the impact? Less money but need to share resources and good practice. The outlook for CYP with SEND Nasen CEO: Dr Adam Boddison SEN support has been overshadowed by EHCP Funding remains a concerns Division of SEND school improvement Director of inclusion (SENCO) Joint Commissioning-progress being made, data and information sharing still a challenge. SEN information report from schools published on the local offer website: Some really good, in some case, where reports showcase good practice, parents want their children to go there. Funding consultations, parental engagement, initial teacher training, sharing good practice, teacher recruitment shortage.

Anne Heavey Are SEND students being let down? Report will be published in December. Janet Thompson- Rochford Review Press comments: It will lower the aspirations of children with SEND- Rochford promotes inclusiveness, whatever system we have should be stage not age assessment. Questions from Audience: Aspirations and outcomes- we need to redefine those terms for Children and Young People with severe/complex needs and SEN High quality teaching happens when it’s precise. Teachers training in mainstream- impairment focused training, is it the solution particularly for autism where the spectrum is so wide? Training should be throughout their career and not isolated sessions, self learners. Look at the child not impairment, and learn from it.


Voice (PPV) Post 16: provision for young people under P level 5, nothing commissioned for this group, social care gave the budget for a 2 day care facility and nothing available at local colleges. One college told special need schools educated their pupils to a too high level so had nothing to offer them once they left the school! Laxmi Patel (Solicitor) Similar finding as identified in Scott report. EHCP up to 25 but is there an extension of services? Not seen one EHCP with personal budget. The reality: Failure to engage with family, to do asst in 20 weeks, transition of LDAs to EHCPs. Las applying own sometimes unlawful criteria to refuse EHCPs Las with central funding systems Alternative to EHCPs Local Offer- what is the purpose? Lack of cooperation S&L should not be in health Integration and joint commissioning ÂŁO.5 billion: total costs of the reforms Postcode lottery DfE needs to monitor changes We need more accountability for parents when things go wrong.

Carrie Grant (Patient Lead, College of Medicine, Broadcaster and Parent) 200 parents surveyed: 89.32% parents said that the SEND reforms made no difference. Parents want to get involved with training and help teachers. LA should accept video evidences. Need to sort out IT to enable parents and young people to do this. Shona Duncan (Direcor, the Westminster Society for People with Learning Disability.) Barriers: scale of change to SEND legislation, impact of austerity, impacting of changes to universal services and early help. Areas to develop: address gaps, develop individual budgets, develop partnership working, Questions: Are we demanding the impossible of schools to teach autism in mainstream schools? How many teachers are not happy with the reform implementation? How can they get on with parents as they often share the same views?


Voice (PPV) Training: Local Area Ofsted Inspection This session was run in partnership with Portsmouth City Council to explain the remit and process of the Local Area Ofsted Inspection. Parents have been assured of the various ways they will be able to get involved to make sure that their views are heard. PPV and the Local Authority, once they are notified of the inspection, will contact parent carers via emails, social media and letters to inform them of dates and meetings where parents will be invited. Your child’s school might also invite you to a meeting if the inspectors visit the same school. We will post regular updates about the inspection and many have already taken place in various local authorities. You will find regular updates on our Facebook page, website, twitter and newsletter. We are also planning events and workshops in the autumn to keep you informed and involved.


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Parent Reps Update

As we mentioned earlier in this newsletter, we are so grateful to our team of parent reps who work tirelessly to represent the views and opinions of parent carers in the city. Our parent reps either attend monthly meetings such as empowering Children and Families (ECAF), our co-production group or take part in strategic meetings, training, tendering process or focus groups. We are in the process of recruiting new members to join our team. We are particularly interested in hearing from parents of: - children in early years (0-5) We are looking - children who are home-educated for new parent - children who have had a positive experience of inclusion in reps mainstream school We will provide full support and training and will also pay for any expenses you may incur including childcare costs. We are also in the process of finalising our remuneration policy to recompense your hard work and commitment. Most meetings are during school hours and last approximately 2 hours although some preparations will be required which could take up to 5 hours a month. You will be part of a great and friendly team and we would love to welcome new members. “We need your expertise and vision� Most of all, we would welcome your expertise and vision as parent carers of children and young people with special needs and disability. You hold so many solutions to problems shared by families and we need to have your voice heard.

For more information, please contact: ppvcoordinator@p-d-f.org.uk or call 07825 185 608

You will find a list of all the projects we are currently involved on our website (http://www.portsmouthparentvoice.org/Consultations.html) so if anything is of particular interest to you or if you want to find out more, please get in touch. You can also fill in an online form to register your interest on the same webpage.


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Voice (PPV)

Dynamite will be delivering their first ever training event aimed at people whose job it is to work with young people with a disability or special educational need. We are doing this with the help of Leonard Cheshire Trust's CanDo volunteering. Those attending the event will learn about how to listen to young people with a disability and how to work together to help young people acheive their dreams. The training will be delivered by young people with a disability or special educational need. Anyone can attend whose job it is to work with young people with a disability.

For more information contact Joe Wells on 07905 682886

To book, please go to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/dynamite-training-event-tickets28859371156



Voice (PPV)

Appreciation Awards The Appreciation Award was created by the Co-production Group (or CoPro) in order to celebrate and recognise professionals who have helped parents and families of children and young people with special educational needs and disability. We are in the process of setting up a web page on our website to make it easier for you to nominate a professional who has helped you and your child/ young person.

We often receive more complaints than compliments so it is important to recognise that there are individuals who are committed to make a difference to parent carers and their families.

Maybe by highligting good practice in the city, we will be able to change the way services are delivered to you and benefitting other families in the same situation.

So go on, get nominating!

If you would like to nominate an individual who has made a difference for your child, young person or family, please contact Kara Jewell: engagementofficer@pd-f.org.uk


Voice (PPV)

A little Quiz Education, Health and Care Process 1). Parents can ask for an Education Health and Care needs assessment. 2). If the Local Authority refuses an Education Health and Care needs assessment for my child there is nothing I can do about it. 3). Children, young people and families should be asked for their views during an Education Health and Care needs assessment (EHC). 4). When transferring from a statement to an EHC plan, the school is responsible for drafting the EHC plan. 5). When transferring from a statement to an EHCP an EHCP needs assessment must be carried out. 6). Parents/young people have the right to ask for changes to draft the EHCP. Young People 7). Post 16 institutions must admit a young person if it is named on an EHCP. 8). Schools and colleges must provide independent careers advice. 9). Young people (past compulsory school age) have a right to request an EHCP. 10). Local Authorities must continue to provide a young person with Children’s services until they decide about provision they receive as an adult 1-True. The school or post 16 institution can also make a request. A young person over the age of 16 can make a request. Code of Practice page 143 section 9.8 2- False. Parents can appeal to the SEND tribunal. Code of Practice page 259 section 11.45 Must appeal within 2 months of the date on the letter of refusal. Code of Practice page 258 section 11.39 3- False. Children, young people and families MUST be asked for views. Code of Practice 155 section 9.49 4- False. The Local Authority are responsible for the whole EHC process Local Authority MUST gather advice from educational setting. Code of Practice page 155 section 9.49 & code of Practice page 157 section 9.53. 5- True. Children and Families Act 2014 (Transitional and Saving Provisions) (No. 2) Order 2014 (as amended) 1 TP Regs: Article 18. Reports should be up to date, existing evidence can only be used if parents agree. Old statement should not be cut and pasted into EHCP. Statement will remain in place until EHCP is completed. 6- True. The Local authority must send the draft EHC Plan including appendices containing all information and advice gathered during EHC needs assessment. Parents have at least 15 days to suggest any changes they want (they can ask for extra time). These should be based on the evidence in the reports. Local Authority must make an officer available to discuss content of draft EHCP if parents/young person wishes. The local authority does not have to agree. Code of Practice page 171 section 9.77 7- True. Code of Practice page 112 section 7.3 8- True. FE colleges and 6th form colleges are require through their funding agreements to secure access to independent careers guidance for all students up to and including 18 and for 19-25 year olds with EHCP Code of Practice page 114 section 7.9. Maintained schools, Pupil referral units and academies years 8-13 must provide independent careers guidance Code of Practice page 130 section 8.29. 9- True. Code of Practice page 126 & 127 section 8.15. Can ask a family member for help Code of practice page 126 & 127 section 8.18. Subject to their mental capacity Code of Practice page 126 & 127 section 8.21. 10- True. In addition Local Authorities must put in place a statutory care and support plan for young people with ELIGIBLE NEEDS for adult care and support, MUST meet those needs. Code of Practice page 138 section 8.67.


Voice (PPV)

Your Views and Consultations

Portsmouth Parent Voice: Secondary School Transfer Survey It is the time of year that many parents and carers will be looking at a senior school place for their child/children. Portsmouth Parent Voice are very interested to hear about the experiences you have had during this process, if you have visited the school/s and what has influenced your decisions. We would appreciate it if you could please take a moment to complete the following survey based on your experiences – we appreciate your feedback. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/YNXJ7MD

State of Care- CQC published report Demands are increasing on health and social care. State of Care – our annual overview of health and social care in England – looks at the trends, highlights examples of good and outstanding care, and identifies factors that maintain high-quality care. Key findings: “We have seen services providing good and outstanding care and making improvements by collaborating outside traditional organisational boundaries - hospitals working with GPs; GPs working with social care and all services working with people who use services. However, we are also seeing some deterioration in quality, and some services are struggling to improve. We raise concerns that the sustainability of the adult social care market is approaching a tipping point. The fragility of the market is now beginning to impact both on the people who rely on these services and on the performance of NHS care. The combination of a growing and ageing population, more people with long-term conditions, and a challenging economic climate means greater demand on services and more problems for people in accessing care.” You can read the full report here: http://www.cqc.org.uk/content/state-of-care


Voice (PPV) National Autistic Society Petition

Just 16% of autistic adults are in full-time paid employment. And, in almost a decade, this appalling situation hasn’t improved. We are determined to change this, but we need your help. Please sign our petition calling on the Government to double the number of autistic people in work by 2020. https://act.autism.org.uk/eaaction/action?ea.client.id=10&ea.campaign.id=56776&utm_source=TMI_Email1Every&utm _campaign=TMICampaign2016&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Button_link_1&dm_i=Y A3,4KKG5,FZ674L,GYQG9,1

Report on families experiences of the SEND reforms Lee Scott was asked in March 2016 by the previous Education Secretary, Nicky Morgan, to look into the special educational needs and disability (SEND) changes brought about by the Children and Families Act 2014. Mr Scott was the former Prime Minister’s SEN Tsar and patron of the UK Autism Foundation. His report was published on 1 November 2016. Special Needs Jungle reaction: http://www.specialneedsjungle.com/the-scott-send-implementation-review-its-really-ratherdepressing/ Full report: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/564348/SEN D_experiences_with_schools_and_colleges.pdf


Voice (PPV)

Guide to the Household Benefit Cap in Portsmouth This is information for families in Portsmouth who will be affected by the new reduced household Benefit Cap, being introduced over the next few weeks. Please share this information with anyone in your organisation, service users or other contacts who may find this information useful.       

The household benefit cap for families is being reduced from £500 a week to £384 a week This will initially affect around 500 families in Portsmouth - around 80 from Monday 7 November, and another 400-450 from mid-December Some will lose a few pounds a week, others will lose over £200 a week If the family take no action, this will reduce the amount of Housing Benefit they receive, and they will fall into rent arrears, putting them at risk of eviction Some families are exempt from the Cap, including those on certain disability benefits, and families who are entitled to Working Tax Credits If someone talks to you about the Cap, you can help them find information and support to understand their options and find the right solution for their family The attached 3 page guide provides more details about the change, and where people can go for help

What is changing? Since 2013 there has been a Cap on the total amount of certain benefits that any household can receive - currently £26,000 a year (£500 a week). From November 2016, this will reduce to £20,000 a year (£384.62 a week). (There is also a cap of £13,400 for single people, but this won't affect anyone in Portsmouth because Local Housing Allowance rates are not high enough for anyone to reach this Cap level.)

How does the Cap work? If someone is receiving benefits included in the Cap (see list below), and the total exceeds the Cap, and they claim Housing Benefit, their Housing Benefit entitlement will be reduced to the level of the Cap, or until they only receive 50p per week Housing Benefit, whichever is higher.


Voice (PPV) For families receiving Universal Credit, the combined payment of their Universal Credit and Child Benefit will be reduced to the level of the Cap. (Families in Portsmouth cannot yet claim UC, but if they claimed it in another area before moving here, they would stay on it.) Any family with 2 or more children could be affected. Larger families and those with the highest rents will lose the most when capped. Only Housing Benefit or Universal Credit payments are deducted in the Cap, so if someone receives benefits which exceed the Cap, but not Housing Benefit or Universal Credit, they will not be affected by the Cap.

When will the new Cap apply? For anyone who is already capped at £26,000, the new Cap of £20,000 will apply from Monday 7 November 2016. This will affect around 80 families in Portsmouth. For anyone whose benefits are less than £26,000 a year but over £20,000, the new Cap will apply from mid-December (date not yet known) - this will affect another 400-450 families.

What benefits are included in the Cap? •

Child Benefit

Child Tax Credit

Housing Benefit (except for those in certain Supported Housing)

Income Support

Jobseeker's Allowance

Employment and Support Allowance (except when in the support group)

Incapacity Benefit

Universal Credit

Maternity Allowance

Severe Disablement Allowance

Widowed Parent's Allowance & Bereavement Allowance

Who is exempt from the Cap? Anyone entitled to any of the following benefits will be exempt from the new Cap: •

Working Tax Credit

Employment and Support Allowance - Support Group


Voice (PPV) •

Personal Independence Payment or Disability Living Allowance (for parent or child)

Carer's Allowance

Guardian's Allowance

Attendance Allowance (65+)

Industrial Injuries Benefit

War Widow(er)'s Pension

War Pension

Armed Forces Compensations Scheme / Independence Payment

Anyone who was working for a year or more before claiming benefits will have a 'grace period', where the cap will not apply for 39 weeks (9 months).

How will people know if they will be affected by the Cap? The DWP have written to everyone they expect to be affected by the new Cap, offering them support to find work, in order to claim Working Tax Credit to become exempt from the Cap. Jobcentre Work Coaches have discussed the Cap with clients when they attend appointments. The Council's Housing team, local housing associations, and other support agencies, have been contacting clients who could be affected by the Cap, to offer advice and support. Everyone who has their Housing Benefit reduced due to the Cap will get a letter from PCC's Housing Benefit team with details of their new award. Anyone on Universal Credit who is capped will get a new award letter from DWP. The online Benefit Cap Calculator enables someone to enter their benefit entitlement amounts to find out if they will be capped, and by how much: https://www.gov.uk/benefit-cap-calculator

Where can people get help, advice and support? Portsmouth City Council tenants - local area offices can offer support with budgeting and debt advice, benefit claims and entitlements, and finding work - contact your local housing office https://www.portsmouth.gov.uk/ext/the-council/contact-us.aspx


Voice (PPV) Housing association tenants - many housing associations offer a range of support - contact your housing office or customer service team to find out what is available PCC Housing Benefits team can advise people how their Housing Benefit will be affected, when payments will be made, and how the cap has been calculated - phone 023 9283 4556 or email hbsupportteam@portsmouthcc.gov.uk Advice Portsmouth can help anyone living or working in Portsmouth, with budgeting and debt advice, benefit claims and entitlements - http://www.adviceportsmouth.org.uk/ - drop in at 116 Kingston Crescent, PO2 8AL: Mon, Tue, Wed 9am - 5pm; Thu 1pm - 7,30pm; Fri 9am - 4.30pm, or ring 02392 794340, or email enquiries@adviceportsmouth.org.uk Jobcentre Work Coaches can advise people how to find work, in order to qualify for Working Tax Credit and become exempt from the Cap - anyone affected by the Cap can ring to request an appointment (including people claiming Income Support or Employment and Support Allowance) 0345 605 7064 Agencies can contact our local jobcentres to arrange appointments for their clients by contacting the Single Point of Contact or Deputy SPoC below (please note, this is only for clients affected by the Cap, and is only for jobseeking support - they cannot answer queries regarding benefit entitlements, or how the Cap is applied etc): Jobcentre Plus




Tel no.

Deputy SPOC


Tel no.

Sylvia Sylvia.dennis@dwp.gsi.g Dennis ov.uk

02392 304806

Dave Roach

David.roach@dwp.gsi.g ov.uk

02392 304830

Portsmouth Trudy Trudy.burton@dwp.gsi.g Burton ov.uk

02392 644531

Sharon Bateman

Sharon.bateman@dwp. 02392 gsi.gov.uk 634594


02392 308944

Carolyn Hodgson



02392 308906

Housing Options are working with the Roberts Centre to provide support to prevent people from becoming homeless due to the Cap. If someone is worried about being able to afford their rent after being capped, they can contact Housing Options by phoning 023 9283 4989, or dropping in at the Civic Offices, First Floor, Mon-Thu 9am - 5pm, Fri 9am - 4pm.


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Elective Home Education

A lot of parents have been in touch regarding elective home education. We are planning to set up a group for parents to be able to talk to each other and to have a look at available resources locally. If you are interested in being part of such a group, please do get in touch with us telling us:


What is the best day and time for you to attend the group? What you are hoping to get out of the group? Whether you would like a closed Facebook page to discuss your issues with other parents? The reasons why you are home educating: problems with school, lack of provision, exclusion‌ The age of your child and the previous school he/she attended.

Portsmouth City Council are in the process of designing a new information leaflet about Elective Home Education and this in partnership with our co-production group. In the meantime, you can find more information on the Local Offer Website http://www.portsmouthlocaloffer.org/local-offer-search/item/202 More guidelines are available on the Department for Education website: https://www.gov.uk/home-education There are also various Facebook pages (most of them are closed so you will need to register) where you will be able to find more support and information: - School Phobia/ Separation (closed) - Home Educating Special Needs and Disabilities UK Educational freedom (closed) - Home Education and Your Local Authority (closed) - Portsmouth Home Education Group (closed) - Home Education Portsmouth (closed) - Portsmouth and Fareham Area Home Education Special Needs Friends group (closed) Do send your comments to: ppvcoordinator@p-d-f.org.uk or ppvadmin@p-d-f.org.uk


Voice (PPV)

The Portsmouth Carers Voice Would like to invite YOU to our next forum and AGM.

The forum and AGM will be held on 29th Nov 16 at Cosham Community Centre at 11.30.

Portsmouth Carers Voice (PCV) is run by a committee of people who understand the challenges of being a carer as they are carers themselves (or have been carers.) This is what gives this group the true understand of what is needed and why carers need a voice. At this forum we will be looking into issues raised by the carers so please come along and tell us your views. We will be providing a light lunch and there is free car parking. The PCV organises events such as the regular forums and the annual Information Day as well as making sure that current issues are raised with the Council, Health, and other providers. It also decides on publicity and communication with carers. If you feel this is something you would like to be part of them nominate yourself to join the committee. We can offer you training if you are unsure of what the roles and actions are. Action Portsmouth role is to support you to gain your voice. The PCV meets every month, during the day time. Committee members are encouraged to attend meetings as regularly as possible but everyone recognises that this is not always possible due to caring responsibilities. We will be combining this forum with holding our first AGM. Do get in touch if you would like to receive a nomination form by emailing jacky.charman@actionhants.org.uk by 14 November 12.00 noon. Many thanks Jacky Jacky Charman Voluntary and Community Sector Development Officer www.actionhampshire.org 26

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Information on the Portsmouth Local Offer Website You can find a wealth of information on the Portsmouth Local Offer website (http://www.portsmouthlocaloffer.org/) ranging from education, health, social care and support. The website is reviewed monthly by our coproduction group and tested by trying to find the right information in the right place by using case studies. The Portage Service has gone through some changes recently and you can find more information here: http://www.portsmouthlocaloffer.org/local-offer-search/item/331

If you were looking for information about Portage on the website, what would you type in the search engine if you didn’t know what Portage meant? What information come up when you use various key words? Is it the right information? Does it make sense? Have a go and let us know

Videos, documents, information and resources in one place!

Check your child’s school SEN Offer and see what you find out!

what you find out! The website also has a very useful newsfeed where you can access the latest information of events and groups in the city.

Fantastic videos have been produced highlighting the experiences of children and young people with special needs and disabilities. You can view these here: http://www.portsmouthlocaloffer.org/plo-video-clips 27

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Regular Groups and Support This is a small sample of groups and activities in the area. For an extensive list of activities for children and young people with additional needs, please go to our website: http://www.portsmouthparentvoice.org/Links.html or the Portsmouth Local Offer website: http://www.portsmouthlocaloffer.org/ Rose Road Associat ion Fr e e ‘St ay & Play ’ ssion Por t sm out h TheSe Rose Road s, Association is holding

Ce r e b r a Fr e e cy cle Se r v ice Do you have some equipment that your child has outgrown or no longer uses but still has plenty of life in it? The Cerebra freecycle page is here to help specialist equipment that’s not needed anymore to find a new home. Simply go online to list your item, you can upload a photo too. Similarly, if you are looking for equipment for your child/young person the Cerebra pages are a great place to start. Please note that all equipment must be offered free of charge.

FREE ‘Stay & Play’ sessions for disabled children (0-16) living in Portsmouth at Wacky Warehouse, in Sovereigns, Kingston Road, Portsmouth. The sessions will be held every third Tuesday, the next is Tuesday 1 November followed by Tuesday 22 November. Go along and meet the Rose Road team and get to know other local families. Staff will be on hand to support, however, parents are asked to stay with their children. Siblings are welcome. There is a mobile hoist available (please book in advance).

To find out more go to http://w3.cerebra.org.uk/help-andinformation/freecycle/. If you do not have access to the internet, call 01267 244200

For more information and a full list of dates, call 02380 721221 or email outreach@roseroad.org.uk. View their website at http://www.roseroad.org.uk.


Voice (PPV)

Fr e e Sw im m in g Le sson

SENTAS (Special Educational Needs

The swimming charity Level Water are working in partnership with leisurecentre.com to provide free one-toone swimming lessons for disabled children in Portsmouth. These lessons are available to:

Local Authorities have a duty to provide eligible children and young people with free home to school/college transport. Currently Local Authorities are being asked to reduce their budgets and they are looking for a variety of cost savings. One area Local Authorities seem to be focusing their attention on is the home to school/college transport budget. This is leading to some children and young people with physical and learning disabilities being refused the funded transport that they are entitled to.

- Children aged 4-11 - Who cannot currently swim ten metres - With a physical disability or sensory impairment (visual / hearing) - Who do NOT have a substantial learning, social or behavioural difficulty (e.g. Downs, Autism or ADHD) Lessons will be held at the Mountbatten Leisure Centre and will start in January 2017. For more information, please email contact@levelwater.org stating your child's age, disability and postcode.

Transport Advocacy Service)

Sentas have in-depth knowledge on the Government guidance surrounding SEND home to school/college transport. Sentas is a free service that supports both parents of children and young people themselves, who have physical or learning disabilities with the process of appealing incorrect Local Authorities decisions refusing to provide funded transport. For details of Sentas and information please visit their website: http://sentas.co.uk/ or email info@sentas.co.uk.

Portsmouth Penguins Swimming Club Portsmouth Penguins Swimming Club is held at charter academy (St Lukes School) Portsmouth every Sunday 3- 3.55pm.This is a disabled swimming club for all families, children and carers. There is reduced admission price for carers, and also for people holding a Portsmouth city council leisure card. Contact Details: Parkwood Leisure -Charter Community Sports Centre, Greetham Street, Portsmouth, PO5 4LH Tel: 02392 838 798 Email: charter@parkwoodcommunityleisure.co.ukWebsite: http://www .leisurecentre.com/charter-communitysports-centre/Activity/childrens-swimminglessons

Lit t le St ar Drop in group for any children aged 0-5 years with Additional Needs Every Wednesday: 1pm - 2.30 pm @ Northern Parade Children's Centre Doyle Avenue, Hilsea, PO2 9NE This is a fun and informal group led by Children Centre Staff and a volunteer. There are fun activities for the children and time for you to meet other parents for a chat and tea/coffee. For more information please contact: Northern Parade Children's Centre Phone: 023 9266 0866 Email: louise.barker@portsmouthcc.gov.uk


To view t h e f u ll p r o g r am m es, p lease go t o: h t t p ://w w w .p o r t sm o u t h p ar en t vo ice.

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Waving Not Drowning Newsletter Newsletter for working parent carers. You can read the full newsletter online and sign up for regular updates: http://www.workingfamilies.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/wnd-45b.pdf

Preparing for Adulthood Newsletter Welcome to our autumn e-bulletin filling you in on everything we’ve been working on over the summer. As part of the Delivering Better Outcomes Together (DBOT) programme for 2016 the Preparing for Adulthood Team are pleased to have the opportunity to work with 9 sites across the country to demonstrate what they have done so far to support the PfA elements of the SEND reforms. Each site has a named PfA lead to support them and is focusing on key priority areas that are pivotal to ensuring young people with SEND move into their adult life with the best opportunities for positive life outcomes. The key priorities are:  Exemplar Local Offers around PfA  Exemplar EHC plans around PfA  Progress on integration and strategic joint commissioning between education, health and care and between children’s and adult services  Strategic engagement of parent/carers and young people  Employment and paid work for young people Progress on thinking creatively around personal budgets and personalisation linked to PfA Read the full newsletter here: http://us9.campaignarchive1.com/?u=93ca41ab24380caf57761bd37&id=14b6f83047&e=303341d3f7

Radar NKS Key Would you like priority access to over 9000 accessible UK toilets? The answer is a Radar key – with your own Radar key you can unlock most disabled toilets in the UK. The National Key Scheme – opening doors to independent living. If you have a health condition or disability (particularly if you’re a wheelchair-user) finding an accessible toilet that’s clean, 30

Voice (PPV) tidy and available for you to use can be a challenge. And they’re often kept locked. Under Radar’s scheme, special locks are installed on public disabled toilet doors to give disabled people priority access. Local authorities have adopted the scheme and ‘Radar toilets’ can now be found in shopping centres, pubs, stores, bus/train stations and other locations nationwide. You can buy a key via Disability Rights UK at £4.50. Important: they only sell the Radar NKS Key to people who require use of the toilet facilities due their disability and health condition. By purchasing a key VAT free you are declaring yourself eligible to claim VAT relief and that the key is for your domestic and personal use only. For more information please use the link below or call 020 7250 8191. https://crm.disabilityrightsuk.org/radar-nks-key

Disability Rights Handbook Edition 41 April 2016-April 2017 Want to know what benefits you can claim? On benefits but not getting what you think you should be? Need to know how the recent legislative changes will affect your care package? Advising on benefits or independent living? The Disability Rights Handbook provides clearly written, in-depth information on the entire benefits and independent living system. It is updated every year and has the answers you need to claim what you are entitled to, and to provide advice for claimants. The latest edition has been extended and updated to reflect cuts affecting benefits including Universal Credit, Housing Benefit and Tax Credits and also covers the continuing reform of social care, the new state pension introduced in April 2016. The price is £18 if you are in receipt of benefits or £33.50 if not. For an additional £5 you can add their Updater Service and receive bi-monthly email updates. For more information and to order, please use the link below or call 02072 508191. https://crm.disabilityrightsuk.org/benefits-information/disability-rights-handbook-edition-412016-17

Meet Max and Sally The Makaton Charity exists to ensure that everyone living with learning or communication difficulties has the tools and resources they need to communicate. To learn more about the charity, visit their website at www.makaton.org.uk. One of their activities is developing and producing printed and electronic resources. They are very excited to be able to introduce you to Max and Sally in their lovely new picture book. Watch Max develop an understanding that being different from others can be positive, his red fur gives him a characteristic that makes him unique from other dogs. On his adventure to find a loving forever home Max finds Sally who shares similarities with him and an unconditional friendship flourishes between them. The cost is £4.99. https://www.makaton.org/shop/shopping/stockDetails/Max-and-Sally https://www.makaton.org/


Voice (PPV)

Information on government announcements over primary assessment, including the Rochford Review The Secretary of State made an announcement about primary assessment yesterday that will be of interest to all those whose work affects pupils with SEND in primary schools. We set out details below, and would be grateful if you could forward this email please to anyone in your organisation with a particular interest in SEND. We have included further detail about the recommendations to the Government of the independent Rochford Review, including on the future of P Scales, on which we will consult early next year. The full announcement can be accessed here: https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/primary-education. It includes the following text: I am setting out steps to improve and simplify assessment arrangements. First, we have worked closely with the profession to improve the guidance for the moderation of teacher assessment. It is important that we have a consistent and reliable approach across England. This new guidance will be accompanied by mandatory training for local authority moderators. Second, the key stage 1 grammar, punctuation and spelling test will remain non-statutory for schools this year, with tests available for teachers to use if they choose. Third, we will not introduce statutory mathematics and reading resits on children’s arrival in year 7. Rather, we will focus on the steps needed to ensure a child catches up lost ground. High-quality resit papers will be made available for teachers to use if they wish, as part of their ongoing assessments. In addition, we will introduce a targeted package of support to make sure that struggling pupils are supported by teachers to catch up in year 7. Whilst the steps set out above will make improvements in the current academic year, we also need to now set out a longer term, sustainable approach. Early in the new year we will launch a consultation on primary assessment and the implications for accountability. This will cover key issues, including the best starting point to measure the progress that children make in primary school, and the role and operation of teacher assessment. Whilst we take time to consult on assessment arrangements, the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile will remain in place for the 2017 to 2018 academic year. Last year, the Government commissioned Diane Rochford to lead an expert review into the assessment of pupils working below the standard of the national curriculum tests and to make recommendations that ensure they have the opportunity to demonstrate attainment and progress at primary school. I am grateful for the work of Diane Rochford and her team and we are publishing their report today. Its recommendations will also form part of the consultation. I look forward to engaging with parents, teachers and unions on these issues in the coming months. Amongst the developments here that will be of particular relevance to pupils with SEND is the publication of the Rochford Review’s report. Further details of this are set out at the bottom of this e-mail.


Voice (PPV) The group’s recommendations to Government will be of interest to anyone involved in the use of P scales, so please do draw the issuing of the report and the Government’s intention to consult on the recommendations in it to the attention of relevant colleagues. Please note that currently schools should continue to use the pre-key stage standards and P scales for the statutory assessment of pupils working below the standard of the national curriculum tests, pending decisions to be taken following the consultation early in the new year. You can find an opinion piece on Special Needs Jungle: http://www.specialneedsjungle.com/testing-children-send-rochford-review/

Mixed ability rugby at Chobham Rugby Club Mixed ability rugby is an exciting new development starting at Chobham Rugby Club (in Surrey but close to Farnborough and Basingstoke). An adult mixed ability team is being created where players with autism, learning difficulties and/or physical disabilities play alongside the able bodied. Although games are full contact, players can choose the amount of contact they actually do, and this can be discussed on an individual basis. The first few sessions will not involve tackling – this will be built up gradually and all sessions will hopefully be enjoyable! The first training session will be held on Saturday 12th November at Chobham at 10.30 am. Please contact Mike O’Regan if you would like to attend or have any questions on 07808 630053 or mike.oregan@waitrose.com.

Healthwatch Portsmouth : FREE Enter & View Authorised Representative Training Tuesday, November 22, 2016 from 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM Venue: Fratton Community Centre Healthwatch Portsmouth is the independent consumer champion for health and social care in Portsmouth. 

We provide people with information, advice and support about local health and social care services.

We gather views and experiences of local people on the way services are delivered and provided.


Voice (PPV) 

We influence local services based on the evidence that we gather and through our position on the Health and Wellbeing Board in the city.

We work with other Healthwatch organisations to build a national picture of people’s views on health and social care services.

Our advocacy service offers support and guidance to people who wish to make a complaint about NHS care.

Under the Health and Social Care act 2012 Healthwatch Portsmouth is empowered to conduct Enter and View activity in the local authority area of Portsmouth. This practical, interactive workshop is designed to enable you to carry out Enter & View visits as part of a small team in Health & Care settings. The workshop will cover: 

What is Enter & View

The Key benefits of Enter & View

Where does Enter & View apply

Misconceptions about Enter & View

Qualities of a good Authorised Representative

The process of an Enter & View visit form planning to report.

The workshop is aimed at anyone with an interest in improving Health & Social care services in the Portsmouth area and highlighting areas of good practice. By the end of the workshop if you decide to become an Authorised Representative you will added to our register. It is expected that those wishing to be added to the register will complete an Enter & View within 6 weeks of completing this course. If you have any questions regarding this training please contact us on Email: info@healthwatchportsmouth.co.uk Tel: 02393 977 079 To book, please use the link below: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/free-enter-view-authorised-representative-training-tickets28914348595?aff=mcivte

Enable Ability Pals – Looking for a new activity leader For an information pack, please go to: http://www.enableability.org.uk/news/pals-deputy-leader-job/attachment/pals-activitiesleader-job-ad-oct-2016-3/


Voice (PPV)

You can keep in touch with us using the following

Website: www.portsmouthparentvoice.org

Facebook: Like our page Portsmouth Parent Voice

Twitter: You can follow us at @PparentVoice

Email ppvcoordinator@p-d-f.org.uk

Phone: 07825 185 608

Write: Portsmouth Parent Voice The Frank Sorrell Centre, Prince Albert Road, Southsea, PO4 9HR


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