Ioy may 2016

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Portsmouth Parent Voice (PPV) Run by parents for parents of children and young people with additional needs or disability


May 2016 Information, advice and support for parents/carers of children and young people (0-25) with special needs and disability

Voice (PPV)


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PPV – Editorial

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PPV and Autism Hampshire- Coffee morning and events

Page 5: The Future of PPV Page 6: PPV: Become a parent representative or a volunteer Page 8: PPV: the work we do and how we involve you Page 14: PPV: Our aims for 2016/17 consultation event Page 15: Dynamite Page 17: Cerebral Palsy Awareness Workshop Page 18: Meet your new SEND Information and Advice and Support Providers Page 19: Portsmouth Parent Carer Board Page 20: Yoga Course Page 21: Autism Hampshire Try before you Buy and Bake it Blue event update Page 23: PASN Page 24: Consultations Page 30: Regular Groups Page 34: News in Brief Page 41: How to contact Portsmouth Parent Voice


Voice (PPV)

Portsmouth Parent Voice

Hi Everyone! Hope you all had a great Easter although it seems like a distant memory already. Thank you to all of you who came and took part in our “Bake it Blue” event on Wednesday 6th April to celebrate World Autism Awareness Day. Yummy blue cake, bunting making for the kids and an opportunity for a chat for the mums and dads, it was a great way to spend the morning with lovely people. We had a fantastic “There’s no such thing as a free lunch “event on Wednesday 20th April. We discussed the current work that PPV is involved in as well as the future direction of the group. It was a lively debate and if you would like to find out more, please read on. If you would like to become involved in our activities, as a volunteer or a parent representative, do get in touch and we will explain the process. Again, you will find more information in the newsletter. We are asked to give our views on more and more consultations regarding health, education and social care. This is your opportunity as a parent carer to have your voice heard and make a difference in the way services are designed in the city. Want to get involved? Then get in touch via email or call 07825 185 608

Hope to see you soon!

Barbara and Deirdre


Voice (PPV)

PPV and Autism Hampshire Coffee Morning and Events Dates

Are you a parent or carer of a child or young person with autism (or of a young person awaiting autism assessment), SEN and disability and living in Portsmouth? Event

Date and Time 18th

PPV: Our aims for 2016/17 More information on page 14

Wednesday May 12.45 pm to 2.30 pm

Coffee Morning

Thursday 19th May 10 am to 11.30 am

Drop in for children and families Half Term

Wednesday 1st June 1 pm to 2.30 pm

Venue The Frank Sorrell Centre Prince Albert Road Southsea PO4 9HR Sainsbury’s Farlington Fitzherbert Rd, Portsmouth PO6 1RR The Frank Sorrell Centre Prince Albert Road Southsea PO4 9HR

All are welcome – parents, carers, children, family, friends. Jackie Harvey, Community Access Officer - Portsmouth, Autism Hampshire 023 9281 4723 Jackie, Barbara & Deirdre (Autism Hampshire & Portsmouth Parent Voice) look forward to seeing you. Autism Hampshire, a charitable company limited by guarantee in England, Reg. No. 01710300. Registered Office 1634 Parkway, Solent Business Park, Whiteley, Fareham, Hampshire PO15 7AH. Charity Reg. No. 288141


Voice (PPV)

The future of Portsmouth Parent Voice

Part of the session at our “There’s no such thing as a free lunch” event on the 20th April was to openly discuss the future structure of Portsmouth Parent Voice (PPV). Did you know there are currently 150 Parent Forums in the country and of those most are run by parents for parents. They have no host organisation like Portsmouth Disability Forum (PDF) as PPV does. It’s important that every now and then we check that the current structure is ‘fit for purpose’. There is a choice to break away from PDF and for you, the parents, to have overall responsibility for all aspects of PPV. I facilitated a short session where we looked at this choice. Firstly I went through the process needed to become independent which involves forming a steering group. This group would be responsible for:  

 

The development of all the policies and procedures need to underpin the work of PPV. Secure the funding, which would include decision about what work PPV would want to do in the year and how it would be achieved. Decisions such as: would PPV still want a worker or would there be other ways to carry out the business of PPV? Would they an office still be needed? does the website need to be changed? And many other things too. The steering group would then make the funding applications to both Contact a Family, they currently provide a grant of £15,000 to PPV and also negotiating with Portsmouth City Council who also give a grant toward the work of PPV. Once the funding was secured the group would then be responsible for ensuring the work is carried out appropriately and preparing monitoring reports for the funder.

Following the presentation we had a long discussion about all of these points and how achievable it felt. Some concerns were raised as to the commitment needed to complete all the work. Concerns about maintaining momentum long term and how all of this could be fitted around being carers of children who at times were very demanding. The conclusion of those present was that they would like to become more involved in the planning of PPV and monitoring its work however they didn’t feel they had time to take on the additional responsibility being independent would bring. They did recognise that their voice was not necessarily that of all members of PPV. They asked me to prepare this article for the newsletter just in case there are some of you who would like to take this forward. If you feel you would like to know more and perhaps move PPV to independence please get in touch with Barbara and we will take it from there. Otherwise PPV will continued to be hosted by PDF for the foreseeable future.

Linda Cantillon-Guyatt – Children Services Manager PDF 5

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Portsmouth Parent Voice: Become a Parent Representative or a Volunteer

PPV would not be able to represent your views without your engagement. We hold regular events, attend schools coffee mornings and information days in the community as well as the use social media to keep you informed. In 2016/17, we want to develop the role of the parent representative (parent rep for short) and expand our volunteer base. In the next few pages, you will find the details of the projects we are currently involved in, some at a strategic level (when we can directly influence decisions) and some in a more consultative arena. The parent rep role: Parent carers can help pinpoint problems frequently experienced by families with disabled children. This knowledge is useful to professionals to help them improve how children's services are delivered so they better meet families' needs. To be truly representative, parent reps have the challenging task of representing the views of parents from a huge range of backgrounds whose children have a wide range of impairments. You will be attending strategic meetings at various locations around the city but mainly at Portsmouth Civic Offices. You can commit as little or as much as you want and you will get our full support to attend meeting, to understand the documents you will have to read, to provide you with the training you need and to pay for your expenses. If strategic meetings are not your thing, you can get involved in the running of PPV, establishing what the priorities of our parent carer forum should be, decide what we should spend our grant money on and make sure we are doing what we are supposed to do! This is an extremely rewarding role and your skills and experience are highly valued by professionals, parents and stakeholders.

The SEN School Champion: This is a new role that we are currently developing. With the Local Area Ofsted Inspection in mind, we are looking to have an SEN School Champion (parent rep within the school your child attends) in primary and secondary, mainstream and special needs schools in the city. 6

Voice (PPV) You will be the link between PPV, your school SENCO, your Family Link Worker (if applicable) and the parents. Your role will be to organise coffee mornings or drop-ins within your school, share information and gain feedback from parents around issues that concern them and involve them in consultations or focus groups relevant to them. Again, you will receive the same amount of support that the parent reps receive.

Volunteer: We run many activities and events so if you feel you can spare a couple of hours a month (or more if you want to), we would really appreciate your help. If you are interested in social media, designing newsletter, admin, help at events‌ please get in touch. We are a small but active and laid back team and would welcome you with open arms.

You will find a list of all the projects we are currently involved in in the following pages so if anything is of particular interest to you or if you want to find out more, please get in touch. We will keep you updated in the next newsletter regarding the various projects we are currently working on. In the meantime, if you want to find out more, please contact us: or call on 07825 185 608


Voice (PPV)

Portsmouth Parent Voice: the work we do and how we involve you As the new financial year is upon us, we thought we would take this opportunity to look back at the various projects we have been working on and the new opportunities coming up in 2016/17.

Meeting Autism Pilot: The Autism Pilot project was originally set up to deal with the long waiting list facing children waiting for an autism assessment.

Activities Attend, host monthly meetings. Work in partnership with Solent NHS, Portsmouth Clinical Commissioning Group, PPV and Autism Hampshire



Portsmouth Autism Community Forum PACF formally Portsmouth Autism Board Set up in 2009 part of the Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives Government Strategy Act passed in Oct 2009 (Strategic)

Attend meetings – 6 per annum


Parent Co-Production Group The group was set up in 2013 to work in coproduction to design the Local Offer Website

Attend monthly, review the Local Offer Website, check information is correct, consultation on various documents and projects, discuss issues faced by parents/carers



Priority 4 Board Meeting Co Chair meeting 8

Outcome 8 week Autism course Developed the role of the autism coordinator, Autism pathways for children 0-6 years old and 6-18 years old. Involved parents in consultations, and further work to be done to develop the role of the autism coordinator further Consultations and engagement with parents/carers in partnership with Portsmouth Clinical Commissioning group, PPV and Autism Hampshire The next steps for forum, where it fits in in relation to other board (Priority 4, Learning Disability Board and Children Trust Board Governance of the forum Strategy for the next 3 years Portsmouth Local Offer Website Review of paperwork sent to parents going through the EHCP process, The Certificate of Appreciation given to professionals to highlight good service and good practice in Portsmouth Review of the SEND strategy for Portsmouth

Voice (PPV) Children with Special Needs and Disability- sub group of the Children Trust Board- Attended by service managers, stakeholders, 2 parent carers (Strategic)

Host meetings. 6 per annum. Pre Agenda Meetings

SENCO Network meetings

Attend meetings 4 per annum


SEND reforms Service updates Local Area Inspection


Engage with SENCOs to set coffee morning within their schools Explain the work of PPV and promote parent participation activities Establish links with professionals

SEN coordinators from all schools in Portsmouth attend. Training and presentation delivered around SEND reforms

DCYPRPG – Chichester Disabled children and Young People’s Regional partnership Group


Attend meetings 4 per annum with member from Local Authority


Parent Carers Forums from the South East updates and network around their work within their Local Authority

Implementation Team Meetings


Attend meetings bi monthly

Health, Education, Social Care managers and parent reps attend. Review of the SEND reforms, progress made, identify problems and find solutions.






Network and share ideas and problems around the SEND reforms, commissioning, short breaks, personal budgets … Training and presentation

Parents feedback given around their experience of the Education, Health and Care plan Journey Mapping (parent’s experience through the process ) POET (Personal Outcomes Evaluation Tool), councils and clinical commissioning groups can assess their performance on critical process conditions and outcomes for personal budget recipients.

Voice (PPV) Empowering Children and Families Forum (ECAF)

Host monthly meetings -

For parent/carers and local agencies, service providers and statutory bodies to discuss and share problems, complaints or good news around services in the City.



Joint Commissioning Steering Group

Attend meetings bi monthly

Group set up to establish working relationships between health, education and social care


(Strategic) -

Future in Mind Strategy and co-production group

Attend meetings every 6 weeks

A review is underway in Portsmouth focusing on how services are provided to children, young people and their families across the city and we have been successful in securing ÂŁ2m worth of funding over the next 5 years which will be used to transform service provision.


Local Area Ofsted Inspection and how we involve parents. Parents/cares highlight concerns around issues that affect them and their families When able to, ECAF takes forward complains to relevant agencies PPV identifies priorities following discussions with parents, carers and professionals. Issues discussed: local schools, short-breaks, personal budgets, wheelchair service ‌ Contributed to the design of the SEND strategy for Portsmouth and identifying gaps in report for example children who are home educated were not included. Provision for autism: gaps identified and parent involved in selecting school who will host the new provision. Parents invited to stakeholder event to review and discuss strategy Focus groups attended by parent/carers who shared their views and experience.


Agreed the priorities for the strategy over the next 5 years.


Consulted on the survey to gain more views

Voice (PPV) https://www.portsmouth.g hs-future-in-mind.aspx Integrated Personal Commissioning (IPC)

Bi Monthly

The IPC programme went live in April 2015 with the first wave of nine demonstrator sites pioneering integrated health and social care development, delivery and funding. It is a new approach to joining up health, social care and education at the level of each individual for children and adults with complex needs. IPC incorporates a range of personalised approaches, support to build people’s knowledge, skills and confidence to manage their own health, the offer of greater choice and control through personal budgets and changes in the design and commissioning of services to put people in the driving set of decisions around their own care.


Looking for parent reps to take part in this project.


Consulted via surveys, events and focus groups


Consulted on communication


Report and share news affecting families with children with special needs and disabilities under the age of 5.

http://democracy.portsmo 960/HOSP%202%20Feb %2016%20IPC%20report .pdf Early years Advisory Board Meeting

Attend meetings bi monthly

Networking event for stakeholders to share views and news affecting


Voice (PPV) families with children under 5. Interview Panel for PCC staff (educational psychologists, SEND team…)

3-4 times a year


Devised a list of questions to be asked during the interviews relevant to the post.


Took part in interview process



Focus Groups, interviews, social media …throughout the year

SEN School Champion

Set up monthly coffee mornings/ drop ins within your child’s school and work with SENCO/family link worker

New project: To establish engagement within mainstream and special needs schools via a parent rep who will be able to link directly with parents. We will use the feedback obtained to inform the Local Area Ofsted and CQC Inspection Portsmouth Carers Voice (PCV)

Attend monthly meeting

Portsmouth Carers Voice/PCV (which started late 2011 under the name Carers Council), is made up from Portsmouth people who are all carers, working as the ‘Voice of the Carer’, with an understanding of the real issues because of their experience in a caring role.

Help select candidates for the post. All the projects listed above have been publicised via social media, website, newsletter and emails to encourage parent/carers to take part and share their views. - Publish the role via SENCO newsletter and SENCO network. - Identify parents willing to take on the role.



PPV part of steering group and consultation around the new direction of the group. Attended launch event Represent the voice and views of parent/carers of children and young people with special needs and disabilities. k/news/health/every-carershould-have-a-voice-17325517#ixzz47ZjwCMTg

Local Area Ofsted Inspection

Part of the Implementation Team Meeting once a month 12


Developed parent engagement on selfassessment for the inspection

Voice (PPV) From May, Ofsted and and the SEN School the Care Quality Champion Commission will inspect local areas' responsibilities to children and young people with SEND. They will:  assess how well the local area identifies children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities  evaluate how effectively the local area meets the needs and improves the outcomes of children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities For more info: http://www.specialneedsju



Have a group of parents ready to be part of the inspection when it happens Training needs will be assessed and offered as and when required.

If you would like to know more about these projects, please get in touch and we will explain how you can get involved, what your training needs are, how we will pay for your expenses. You can become a parent representative or a volunteer to fit around the time you have available. We will support you to enable you to have a voice as to how services are developed in the city. Want to find out more? Email us at or call us 07825 185 608


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Voice (PPV)

Dynamite are a group whose job it is to speak up for young disabled people and make sure that services for young people listen to young people’s opinions. Anyone can be a part of the group if they are aged 14 to 25 and have a disability or a special educational need and if they use services in Portsmouth. On the 11th of May between 6 and 8pm we are having a pizza evening at the Frank Sorrell Centre in Southsea and we’d really like it if you joined us. The theme for the pizza evening is ‘friends and relationships’. We will be talking in groups about what we think would help young people with a disability to make good friendships and also to have opportunities to spend time with their friends. After the event the things that we talked about in groups will go into a report. The report will help services for young people know what they are doing well and what they could be doing better. There will also be a chance to meet some of the people whose job it is to make sure that young people in Portsmouth 15

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have a chance to make friends and see their friends and to ask those people questions. The event is free and there will be free pizza for everyone attending. We would really like it if you were able to come, please let us know by text, phone or email. You can phone or text 07905 682886 or you can email If there is a way we can make attending the event easier for you then let us know and we will do what we can to help. If you are attending please also let us know if you have any dietry requirements or medical needs that we should know about. We look forward to hearing from you. Joe Wells

On behalf of the Dynamite Group Based at the Frank Sorrell Centre Prince Albert Road Southsea PO4 9HR 07905 682886


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Meet your new SEND Information and Advice and Support Providers On 1st April, The Rose Road Association will be delivering Information, Advice and Support (IAS) in Portsmouth for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25, and their parent carers. The Rose Road Association has been delivering information and advice services to families since 2009 and are delighted to have won this contract. We’ve set out some frequently asked questions below about the changes: How will I contact the service from 1st April? We have a new local rate number which is 0300 303 2000 which is available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. You can also email us at or send us a message on our Facebook page Where will the IAS service be located? The service will continue to be located at The Frank Sorrell Centre, Prince Albert Road, Southsea PO4 9HR How will this affect parent carers, children and young people already using the service? You will have received a letter about transferring your information to our new database. We have retained all existing advisers so you can continue to work with the adviser who knows you. Will there be any disruption to the service? We will need a little time to set up the office with new IT equipment and resources, so it will be closed over the Easter break until Monday 11th April. However, we will continue to answer the phone and email messages during this time and will do our best to ensure that you receive the information, advice and support you need during this time. Carol Dixon Head of Family Services, The Rose Road Association 18

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Places still going for Gym this Saturday!!!!! There are still some slots going for Gym this Saturday 7th May. Please sign up by calling the Gym on 02392660589 Sessions are 5:30-6:30 and 6:30-7:30, siblings are welcome as usual but will need to be signed up! Don't hesitate, call up to book your slot today! Any questions contact me!

Natasha Funding and Events Coordinator Portsmouth Autism Support Network Registered Charity 1124624 Registered Address: The Frank Sorrell Centre Prince Albert Road Southsea Hants PO4 9HR Phone: 07914 331 876 Email: Website:


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Mental Health Case Studies It is estimated that nearly one in four people in England suffer with conditions related to depression, anxiety and stress. People with mental health problems may be accessing health and social care and know a lot about the quality of care. To encourage them to share their experiences of care with CQC, we will be launching a multichannel public engagement campaign this summer. We’re looking for case studies and would appreciate your help. We kindly ask that you share the following with your communities: Do you get help from health professionals for feeling anxious, feeling stressed or feeling low? The Care Quality Commission (CQC) wants to hear about your experiences of health and social care for a public awareness campaign they’ll be running this summer. Specifically, CQC are looking for men and women who are happy to be case studies for our campaign. We will ask our case studies to take part in some or all of the following activity:  Speak to a member of CQC staff about your experiences of care;  Take part in a video where they talk about their experiences of care – whether positive of negative;  Speak to media about their experiences of care. If you are happy to talk to CQC about your experiences of care, please send an email to leaving a short description of your experience. Someone from CQC will then be in touch with you to discuss next steps.


Voice (PPV)

What You Said - Information and Advice in Portsmouth "there are so many ways to find information"... "it's a minefield if you don't know what you're looking for"... "you need to know something exists before you can look for it"... "it's the fear of something new"... "people gravitate towards people they know"... "there's so much duplication"... "people don't go any further in case they're turned away"... Do any of these comments sound familiar? These are quotes from individuals, workers and volunteers who share information and advice in the community that came along to our focus groups in March. The aim was to discuss what it's like at the moment for adults in Portsmouth to get information and advice around independence and wellbeing. We found we all face similar challenges across all fields and sectors, whether we're looking for information for ourselves, a friend or a customer. So together we can work towards overcoming them. To read the full report, please use the link below:

Portsmouth Local Offer Website Survey

The aim of this consultation is to gather feedback from parents and carers, young people and professionals on: 

The Local Offer website

Services you have used or are using

Services you would like to see available for children and young people with special educational needs and or a disability. The purpose of the Local Offer website is to provide access in one place to the provision that Portsmouth City Council expects to be available in the area for children and young people with


Voice (PPV) special educational needs and or a disability. It also contains information about other provision and support that has been specifically requested by parents and young people. Feedback on existing services is important to ensure they are meeting the needs of families. In addition consultation helps us to identify any gaps or services missing in Portsmouth for children and young people with special educational needs and or disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25. We would be grateful if you could take the time to answer a short survey, it should take no longer than 5-10 minutes to complete. Your feedback will be used to find out services that are working well and to identify the need for new services in response to supporting children, young people and their families. The survey can be accessed here:

Service user questionnaire Review of ASC Co-ordinator Role We need your views Introduction and invitation The Clinical Commissioning Group commissioned the role of the Autism Co-Ordinator for a 12 month pilot to offer additional support to parents and families undergoing assessment and diagnosis for autism in Portsmouth. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this post we are very interested in hearing your views about the type of support you may have received from co-ordinator and what changes this has made to you. As such we would be grateful if you could complete this questionnaire. Further information and contact details: If you would like further information on the review of the Autism Co-ordinator role Portsmouth please email

You can also access the survey via PPV website:


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Health and Wellbeing for our City


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Developing a hospital passport for children with learning disabilities The Portsmouth CAMHS-LD team would like to invite you to take part in a research project. The project aims to improve the experience of going to hospital for children with learning disability and their parents and carers. The information sheet which came with this letter gives you more information about this. The CAMHS-LD team have suggested that you might be interested in taking part as they are aware that your child has needed to access hospital treatment in the past. We are really interested in your views as to how this could be made better. If you would like any more information on this study please contact Madeleine CulverhouseMathews by email: or project supervisor Dr Julie Waine, 02392684737, Alternatively, please go to the PPV website for the full list of documents:

Family Life and PA Support Are you a disabled parent? Do you have a personal assistant? What difference has this made to your experiences of being a parent and caring for your child(ren)? Over recent years, more disabled people are becoming parents and using PA support, but so far, noone has listened to what they, their children and PAs have to say about how this works for them. If this issue affects you and your family, you may be interested to hear about a new research project which is being conducted locally by University of East Anglia PhD student Nicola Jones. She is interested to learn more about what works well for disabled parents who use PA support, as well as find out what could be done better, so that this information could be shared with others and improve services. If you would like to contribute to this study and can spare an hour and a half of your time to talk about your experiences, you could be helping other disabled parents, children, professionals and students, and perhaps even make a difference to future services. All information will be treated confidentially. Your anonymity will be assured – no names or identifying information will be contained in any report. For more information, please contact Nicola Jones by email: or telephone: 07981 917 915; she will be happy to explain more about her project and answer any questions you may have.


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Regular Groups

Enable Ability Enable Ability is established as an independent charity for the care, welfare and advancement of disabled people living in Portsmouth and the surrounding area. We work in partnership with disabled children and adults, their families and carers, to provide a range of high quality, professional and confidential services including Hampshire Teenage Project ( , Enable Ability Pals Project, Portsmouth Teenage Project and Sports Club For more information, please go to: To view the full programmes, please go to:

Dis-Play Portsmouth CIC Dis-Play Community Interest Company (in collaboration with Portsmouth City Council and Chances4change funding) runs a Sport and Social session for adults 16+ with disabilities and/or additional needs on Wednesdays. At this friendly club participants will be able to play sports games, learn skills, socialise and most importantly have fun! The club is every Wednesday from 7.30pm until 9pm. Please see below for venue and contact details for more information and booking details. The cost is ÂŁ2 per session. Please note: Unfortunately they cannot provide personal care at the sessions but please feel free to bring your carer along if needed. Sessions will not run over Easter holidays. Contact: Havelock Community Centre, 324 Fawcett Road, Southsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO4 0LQ Tel: 07783 946609 Email:


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Go (Havant)

Welcome to our NEW Havant GO! Club Minis Come join in the fun Autumn Timetable! Come join our new club for children and young people with additional needs aged 3 – 8 years in Havant and their siblings! We have a variety of different sports, arts and crafts at each session – something for everyone! GO! welcomes children and young people with a wide range of learning difficulties and disabilities who live in Havant to enjoy GO! club. Fun for children and siblings! This is a short break so parents can leave their children with our trained and friendly staff and volunteers. How can I register? 
 To register, please call 01256 636 288 For more information, go to:

Pompey in the Community Pompey in the Community provides a range of fun and structured sports sessions for people with disabilities. Our clubs with expert coaches will be able to develop your sporting ability whether you are new to sport or an experienced sportsperson. Activities include: Powerchair Football, Wheelchair Racing and Disability Athletics, Pompey Disability Sports Club and many more. For more information, go to


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Wheels for All Wheels for All provides cycling opportunities for children and adults with disabilities and differing needs. Using specially adapted cycles, individuals and families can cycle together, learning new skills or rediscovering a previous pastime. We are currently running weekly sessions every Saturday 12:00 - 2:00 at Alexandra Park. Feel free to check out our Facebook page. Any likes and shares would be appreciated. To find out when and where our next cycling session is, please phone 023 9284 1560, or email

Portsmouth Penguins Swimming Club Portsmouth penguins swimming club that is held at charter academy (St Lukes School) Portsmouth every Sunday 3- 3.55pm. This is a friendly disabled swimming club for all families, children and carers.There is reduced admission price for carers, and also for people holding a Portsmouth city council leisure card. Contact Details: Parkwood Leisure - Charter Community Sports Centre, Greetham Street, Portsmouth, PO5 4LH Tel: 02392 838 798 Email address: Website: Tel: 02392 838 798 Email:

Portsmouth Disability Forum Health Cafe Worried or concerned about health or social care related issue? In a relaxed environment, share your concerns with people who listen, understand, and will sign post you in the right direction. Drop in session between 1pm and 3pm, on a monthly basis at the Frank Sorrell Centre, Prince Albert Road, Southsea, Portsmouth PO4 9HR Tel: 02392 815266 32

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Horizon Leisure Centre - Additional Needs Activities Havant and Waterlooville Leisure Centres' activities are all fully inclusive and we actively welcome those with additional needs. However, we also provide a few specially organised activity sessions for those that prefer it. Should you have any concerns that may be stopping you using any of our facilities or classes we would encourage you to contact our Disability and Special Needs Coordinator, Debbie Jarmaine (023 9247 6026). We have strong links with the Parent Voice, Hampshire Autistic Society, and the Hampshire County Councils Short Breaks Team and a large number of our staff have received additional needs training. We are committed to do what we can to enable everyone to participate. Activities include: Supported Swimming Lessons, Additional Needs Cricket Sessions, Additional Needs Badminton Club and many more. For more information, please go to

Active Soccer Football related activities available to children of all ages and abilities. For more information, please go to:

For an extensive list of activities for children and young people with additional needs, please go to our website: or the Portsmouth Local Offer website:


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Carers UK State of Caring Conference 2016 Planning and commissioning carers’ support: Carers Strategy, NHS transformation and the Care Act Wednesday 11 May 2016, 10am - 4.30pm London WC1 2016 will see a range of new measures and developments affecting how we work to support carers. This conference offers you the chance to get up to speed, share practical tips and ideas, network with colleagues across the sector and hear from expert speakers to help you make the most of this changing landscape. To book, please go to ate%20of%20Caring%20Conference%20email%20%20marketing%20email%203%20gen&utm_content=bookingtext&dm_i=74C,4477E,HUSLI K,EXYJ0,1

Preparing for Adulthood Updated Supported Internship Factsheet Supported internships are an effective route to progress towards paid employment for many young people with Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans (or equivalent). We have revised our supported internship factsheet for 2016, covering key areas such as who they are for, who can offer them and how they are funded. For more information, please go to:


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Hampshire Festival of the Mind Saturday 7 May - Launch event at Portsmouth Cathedral from 10am to 4pm, with stalls, interactive creative activities, taster workshops, exhibitions and speakers. The day will include a wide range of stalls from local community groups, agencies and social enterprises with information about activities, events and services which promote good mental health and wellbeing. There’ll be exhibitions of art, fashion and sculpture, and exciting interactive creative activities for adults and children, as well as refreshments from popular on-site pop up cafe, Lily & Lime. We’re delighted to welcome the Lord Mayor of Portsmouth to formally open the event at 10.30am, and our keynote speaker Professor Paul Crawford from the University of Nottingham. Among many other roles, Paul is the Director of the Centre for Social Futures at the Institute of Mental Health, one of the most prominent bodies for mental health research in the UK, and a passionate advocate of the benefits of creativity and the arts for wellbeing and recovery. For more information, please use this link:

Government briefing paper on Special Educational Needs The reformed system for children and young people in England with special educational needs. The Children and Families Act 2014 provided for an overhaul of the system for identifying children and young people in England aged 0-25 with special educational needs (SEN), assessing their needs and making provision for them. You can read the full report using this link:

SelfieCop App Thousands of kids now own smartphones with a built-in camera and web access. Use SelfieCop to remind kids that any photos or videos they take may ultimately be seen by anyone. SelfieCop also allows parents to monitor their child’s images to help safeguard behaviour. The App is simple to use and requires the Parent-App being installed on your own phone and then the Child-App on your child’s phone. The phones are then linked using a secure encryption code. The Apps comes to life when a smartphones camera is 35

Voice (PPV) activated. It is compatible with the top social media sites, can be set up in minutes, highly secure as all data is encrypted. The app is currently free and for more information please follow this link:

Easy News Easy News is the first news magazine designed to be accessible for people with learning disabilities. The latest issue of Easy News covers the European Referendum, the Brussels terrorist attacks, the American presidential primaries, the Queen’s 90th birthday and much more! Easy News aims to encourage discussion around news stories and keep readers informed about the world around them. Easy News uses simplified text and useful pictures to create accessible, politically neutral summaries of key news stories and events. For more information and to sign up to receive your free copy, please go to:

Kidz to Adultz South Thursday 9th June 2016 Rivermead Leisure Complex, Richfield Avenue, Reading, RG1 8EQ 9.30am - 4.30pm One of the largest, FREE UK exhibitions dedicated to children & young adults with disabilities and additional needs, their families and the professionals who support them. For more information, please go to: For FREE visitors tickets Please Call: 0161 607 8200 Email:

Learning Disability Annual Health Checks General Medical Services have just announced that Learning Disability Annual Health Checks are continuing, under the Enhanced Scheme, in 2016/2017. This is great news for people with Learning Disabilities- so please ensure that if your GP practice is signed up to LD Health Checks that you or the person you care for or support get their health check in the new financial year. The Annual Health Check Scheme is for adults and young people 36

Voice (PPV) aged 14 and above with learning disabilities who need more health support and who may otherwise have health conditions that go undetected. For further information, please go to:

Affinity Hub Emotional support for parents of children with special needs This website aims to provide emotional support to parents and carers of children with special needs. Many parents of disabled children or children with special needs face additional associated challenges in practical, physical and emotional terms. Sometimes when life doesn't follow an expected, mainstream, non-disabled path it can make you feel isolated and like you're the only one going through certain emotions and experiences. For more information, please go to:

Factsheets for Family Carers: Tips on Managing Money In 2015, Dosh worked with Sheffield Mencap and Gateway on a local project with family carers who support a relative with a learning disability with their money. Many family carers want to support their relative with money, but often find the process complicated, confusing and stressful. As a result of their findings on the project, Dosh have created a series of factsheets for family carers who are involved in managing money for a relative and these can be downloaded for free by using this link: For more information, call 03003 031288

Disabled Students Helpline | Disability Rights UK This line provides advice to disabled students who are studying in England. Telephone: 0800 328 5050. Opening hours: 11am-1pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays Our advisors can advise and support disabled people who are studying or wish to study at any level on full-time or part-time education or training courses if  the course is in England and  they are over 16 We can advise and support  disabled students or  parents and/or carers of disabled students or  professionals working with disabled students


Voice (PPV)

Disability Equality & Autism Awareness Training Wednesday, 25 May 2016 from 10:00 to 14:30 Portsmouth Guildhall - Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, PO1 2AB Toucan Diversity Training would like to give you the opportunity to attend Disability Equality and Autism Awareness Training The facilitators, Madissa Asgari and Emily Dewey will share with you their personal experiences of living with a disability. To find out more about them please follow this link This training will be beneficial for All! From parents and to anyone working/interacting with children and adults who live with a disability As places are limited, please book you place following this link: or email us on or phone 07581 410483.

Different World Festival, Reading A Different World Festival is a unique Indie/rock festival for young people and adults with any additional need. This will be held on Saturday 6 August in Reading at Abbey Rugby Club. The aim is to create a mini Reading festival for those who cannot access the real thing. Like Reading there will be stalls, entertainment for the day, bars, food court and of course music. They now have 11 fantastic acts waiting to entertain you with a mixture of styles from indie, folk rock, rock and acoustic rock to re-create that Reading sound. The day will be structured to meet the audience’s needs there will be no flashing lights (though there will be some soft lighting), no pyrotechnics and the music will be loud enough to hear but not uncomfortably loud. They will also have a dog stop – a dog refreshment tent (!) for assistance dogs and easily identifiable individuals called Festival Friends who will be dotted around the site to offer help and assistance. A limited number of tickets will be available (up to 1000) in order to give the audience space to move and feel comfortable in their surroundings. For more details, follow this link: or call 07752 076326.


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Contact A Family - Getting a carer's assessment factsheet (England) One route to getting short breaks services is by having a carer's assessment. A carer's assessment gives you a chance to tell social services about the things that could make looking after your child easier for you. This may result in getting services or direct payments to meet your own assessed needs. Our new factsheet explains how to go about getting a carer's assessment and what is involved. Download: Carers' assessments - help for parent carers [PDF] ( ) or order your free print copy by calling our freephone helpline 0808 808 3555

Carers Week 2016 The countdown to Carers Week 2016 continues and we want as many people as possible across the UK to get involved and help us build Carer Friendly Communities – places where carers feel supported to look after their family or friends, and are recognised as individuals with needs of their own. You can help by organising an event or activity to reach carers in your local community. Whether you’re thinking big or looking for a simple action to make a difference, we’ve got ideas, inspiration and resources to help you! For more information, please go to:

Marvin’s Magic Stars Relaunch


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Council for Disabled Children

Ofsted and CQC publish SEND local area inspection framework and guidance This week Ofsted and CQC released the framework and guidance for inspecting the effectiveness of local areas fulfilling their new duties for supporting children and young people with SEND. The framework can be downloaded here: and the guidance can be accessed with this link:

Extra date added for seminar on DfE White Paper Due to exceptional demand we are holding a repeat event on 8 th June exploring the implications of reforms to high needs funding and the White Paper, Educational Excellence Everywhere. This seminar and briefing event combines expert policy speakers from CDC and representatives from the Department for Education to offer a unique opportunity to understand and influence the SEN debate. To book your ticket, please go to:

To receive the Council for Disabled Children newsletter, please go to:


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Phone: 07825 185 608

Write: Portsmouth Parent Voice The Frank Sorrell Centre, Prince Albert Road, Southsea, PO4 9HR


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