Impacting on You June Edition

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PPV – Editorial

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PPV and Autism Hampshire- Coffee morning and events

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PPV: Become a parent representative or a volunteer

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Local Area Ofsted Inspection

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SEND- Early Years Co-production Day

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Employment Opportunities

Page 10: Contact A Family- SEN Support Page 11: Gatwick Airport Page 13: Dynamite and SEND IASS Page 15: Autism Hampshire- Serendipity Social Groups Page 16: Cerebral Palsy Workshop Page 17: Consultations Page 25: Regular Groups Page 29: News in Brief Page 36: How to contact Portsmouth Parent Voice


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Portsmouth Parent Voice

Hi Everyone! Deirdre Smith, who has been a great supporter of PPV’s work over the past few years has left due to personal reasons. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank Deirdre for her dedication and commitment to her role as Parent Engagement Officer and the amazing working relationship she has developed with parents and professionals over her time with us. I will miss her greatly and I am sure I will not be the only one. Messages have been flooding in so if you would like to pass on your own words, please email me at the address below. Half-term is now over and it is the last stretch before the summer holidays. As ever, the newsletter is packed with information and if you would like to contribute to the next edition, please let me know. The SEND reforms have been in the news today with some very mixed reports which I am sure will not surprise some of you. We really want to hear your experience a parent carer so if you would like to get in touch with us, you know where we are.

Hope to see you soon!


Email or call 07825 185 608


Voice (PPV)

PPV and Autism Hampshire Coffee Morning and Events Dates Are you a parent or carer of a child or young person with autism (or of a young person awaiting autism assessment), SEN and disability and living in Portsmouth? Event

Date and Time 4th

PPV Drop in Last meeting before the summer holidays

Monday July 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm

Pic Nic in the Park Bring your lunch and games (weather permitting)

Thursday 25th August 10 am to 12 noon

Venue The Frank Sorrell Centre Prince Albert Road Southsea PO4 9HR College Park Portsmouth Located between Copnor Road and Kirby Road and Mayfield Road, just north of the junction of Burrfields Road and Copnor Road.

All are welcome – parents, carers, children, family, friends. Jackie Harvey, Community Access Officer - Portsmouth, Autism Hampshire 023 9281 4723 Jackie, Barbara & Deirdre (Autism Hampshire & Portsmouth Parent Voice) look forward to seeing you. Autism Hampshire, a charitable company limited by guarantee in England, Reg. No. 01710300. Registered Office 1634 Parkway, Solent Business Park, Whiteley, Fareham, Hampshire PO15 7AH. Charity Reg. No. 288141


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Portsmouth Parent Voice: Become a Parent Representative or a Volunteer

PPV would not be able to represent your views without your engagement. We hold regular events, attend schools coffee mornings and information days in the community as well as the use social media to keep you informed. In 2016/17, we want to develop the role of the parent representative (parent rep for short) and expand our volunteer base. The parent rep role: Parent carers can help pinpoint problems frequently experienced by families with disabled children. This knowledge is useful to professionals to help them improve how children's services are delivered so they better meet families' needs. To be truly representative, parent reps have the challenging task of representing the views of parents from a huge range of backgrounds whose children have a wide range of impairments. You will be attending strategic meetings at various locations around the city but mainly at Portsmouth Civic Offices. You can commit as little or as much as you want and you will get our full support to attend meeting, to understand the documents you will have to read, to provide you with the training you need and to pay for your expenses. If strategic meetings are not your thing, you can get involved in the running of PPV, establishing what the priorities of our parent carer forum should be, decide what we should spend our grant money on and make sure we are doing what we are supposed to do! This is an extremely rewarding role and your skills and experience are highly valued by professionals, parents and stakeholders.

The SEN School Champion: This is a new role that we are currently developing. With the Local Area Ofsted Inspection in mind, we are looking to have an SEN School Champion (parent rep within the school your child attends) in primary and secondary, mainstream and special needs schools in the city. You will be the link between PPV, your school SENCO, your Family Link Worker (if applicable) and the parents. Your role will be to organise coffee mornings or drop-ins 5

Voice (PPV) within your school, share information and gain feedback from parents around issues that concern them and involve them in consultations or focus groups relevant to them. Again, you will receive the same amount of support that the parent reps receive.

Volunteer: We run many activities and events so if you feel you can spare a couple of hours a month (or more if you want to), we would really appreciate your help. If you are interested in social media, designing newsletter, admin, help at events‌ please get in touch. We are a small but active and laid back team and would welcome you with open arms.

You will find a list of all the projects we are currently involved on our website ( so if anything is of particular interest to you or if you want to find out more, please get in touch. You can also fill in an online form to register your interest on the same webpage. For more information, please contact: or call 07825 185 608


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Local Area OFSTED Inspection The first Local Area Ofsted inspections took place a couple of weeks ago and the first two authorities to have selected are Bolton and Brighton. It will be a while before we have the published report but we will let you know when the information becomes available. Amaze (Brighton Parent Carer Forum) have published information on their website requesting parents’ views. We will have to do something similar when it is our turn in Portsmouth!

Read more information on local area duties toward children and young people with SEND at: 417435/Special_educational_needs_and_disabilites_guide_for_parents_and_ carers.pdf

Special Needs Jungle have published a brilliant parent carer guide to the Local Area Ofsted Inspection. You can find out more at:


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SEND - Early Years Co-production Day Date: Tuesday 12th July Time: You can choose one of the 3 sessions on offer: 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm, 4pm to 6 pm or 7 pm to 9pm. Venue: Somerstown Children's Centre, Omega Street, Portsmouth PO5 4LP Are you a parent or carer of a 0-5 year old with special educational needs or a disability? Are you a professional working with 0-5 year olds who have special educational needs or a disability? Do you want to help shape the vision for SEND early years provision in Portsmouth? We want to hear from you. Please join us for one of our co-production events, at which we you will be able to share with us what is important for you as a parent or professional and help us get it right for young children with additional needs. Deadline for booking is Friday 8th July. Limited parking available in the Children's Centre car park during the day but more parking spaces available in the evening. There is also 3 hour parking on the road. Refreshments will be provided. Booking via Eventbrite or contact to book your place.


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Employment Opportunities

Parent Engagement Officer Vacancy PDF are looking to employ a dedicated, suitably qualified/experienced individual to join us working with parents of disabled children in Portsmouth on this challenging and exciting role. We are working to a short timescale so please go to to access a covering letter, job description, person specification and application form if you are interested in applying. Please send your completed application to with the subject title Parent Engagement Officer Application and your surname by noon on the 15th June 2016. We look forward to hearing from you.

Application for Admin Assistant Portsmouth Disability Forum has an opportunity for an individual to join Portsmouth Parent Voice (PPV) our local participation forum for parent carers in the City. The successful applicant will provide administrative support to enable the smooth running of PPV, working alongside the PPV Coordinator and a group of volunteers. This is an office based role with the occasional need to attend meetings within the city. We are working to a short timescale so please go to to access a covering letter, job description, person specification and application form if you are interested in applying. Please send your completed application to with the subject title Admin Assistant Application and your surname by noon on the 17th June 2016. We look forward to hearing from you.


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More focus needed on children with SEN in England More focus on children with special educational needs (SEN) is needed in mainstream education policy making according to new findings released today by The Key for School Leaders, an information service providing leadership and management support to nearly half of schools in England. According to The Key's findings: 

More than two-thirds (68 per cent) of schools in England are calling for a greater focus on children with SEND in 'mainstream' education policy making.

More than eight in 10 (82 per cent) mainstream schools across England do not have sufficient funding and budget to adequately provide for pupils with SEND.

Almost nine in 10 (89 per cent) school leaders believe cuts to local authorities' services have had a detrimental impact on the support their school receives for pupils with SEND.

Three-quarters (75 per cent) of schools have pupils who have been waiting longer than the expected time for an assessment of special educational needs or Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan.

Almost nine in 10 (88 per cent) school leaders think initial teacher training does not adequately prepare teachers to support pupils with SEND.

To read the full article: Factsheet:


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Dynamite are working with a service called SENDIASS to put on some information drop in evenings for young people in July. There is one on the 5th of July at Somerstown Community Centre and another on the 6th July at The Hillside and Wymering Centre in Paulsgrove SENDIASS are a service who help young people to know their rights, particularly when it comes to receiving support for their special educational need or disability. They will be different from other Dynamite events as they will be an opportunity for young people to find out information about their rights, about their options for the future and about how best to make sure that they have a say in how they are supported in education. There will be a few different people there whose job it is to make sure that young people get the right support in education. The events are free, open to anyone aged 14 to 25, and you can drop in at any time between 5pm and 7pm for as long as you need to. You might be interested in dropping in if:  You are unsure about what college or training course you want to do in September 13

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 You want to know what kind of support you could receive at college  You are having any problems with support that you have at college  You want to find out more about a new way in which young people can be supported called Education Health and Care Plans. If you would prefer to have a booked appointment then you can call 07905682886 or email and we can arrange that. You can come along on your own, or you can bring your parents, carers or anyone else who helps you to make decisions about your future. If there are any letters or documents you have relating to the support you receive in your education then. Joe Wells On behalf of the Dynamite Group Based at the Frank Sorrell Centre Prince Albert Road Southsea PO4 9HR 07905 682886


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Serendipity Social Groups The Serendipity Social Groups Project is a project set up to provide adults who have High Functioning Autism (HFA) or Asperger's with social opportunities within Hampshire & IOW. To find out more information, you can access their Facebook page:

Portsmouth Serendipity Social Group Creative writing group for adults with high functioning autism or Asperger’s Tel: 02380 633 951 Email: The Portsmouth Serendipity Social Group is a Creative writing themed group for people who have high functioning autism or Asperger’s who are 18 years or older. Although it is creative writing themed group you don’t need to be interested in creative writing to attend as the group do not do any writing at the group. The group will: Share written work that members have done Hold general conversations Play word related games and organise social outings. The group meet in the Portsmouth Guildhall Café that can be accessed by a side entrance on the left of the building. The group meet on a fortnightly basis on: Days: Wednesday afternoons Time: From 2-3.30pm Cost: Free For more information please contact Jamie Pratt on 02380 633 951 or email


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Voice (PPV)

Consultations Mental Health Case Studies It is estimated that nearly one in four people in England suffer with conditions related to depression, anxiety and stress. People with mental health problems may be accessing health and social care and know a lot about the quality of care. To encourage them to share their experiences of care with CQC, we will be launching a multichannel public engagement campaign this summer. We’re looking for case studies and would appreciate your help. We kindly ask that you share the following with your communities: Do you get help from health professionals for feeling anxious, feeling stressed or feeling low? The Care Quality Commission (CQC) wants to hear about your experiences of health and social care for a public awareness campaign they’ll be running this summer. Specifically, CQC are looking for men and women who are happy to be case studies for our campaign. We will ask our case studies to take part in some or all of the following activity:  Speak to a member of CQC staff about your experiences of care;  Take part in a video where they talk about their experiences of care – whether positive of negative;  Speak to media about their experiences of care. If you are happy to talk to CQC about your experiences of care, please send an email to leaving a short description of your experience. Someone from CQC will then be in touch with you to discuss next steps.


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Independent Living Survey 2016 This short survey is being carried out by a group of organisations and activists who are interested in independent living. We conducted a similar survey last year and you can see last year’s report here: ( )

As a result of that report we produced a set of key messages about your rights under the new Care Act 2014. One year on we want to know about the experiences of people who access support from their local authority and find out whether choice and control over that support is changing. To help us understand these issues we would be extremely grateful if you could spare a few moments to complete this short survey to share your own experiences. You can ask someone to help you complete this survey or they may complete it on your behalf with your agreement.

Better Care In My Hands Care Quality Commission’s report into people’s involvement in their care The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care services in England. We make sure that hospitals, care homes, dental and GP surgeries and other care services in England provide people with safe, effective, compassionate and high-quality care, and we encourage them to make improvements. We are today publishing a report into the extent and quality of people’s involvement in their health and social care ( ) , based on new analysis of CQC’s national reports and inspection findings and on national patient surveys (please see the attached for more details). People’s right to being involved in their own care is enshrined in law in the fundamental standards of care. It is an essential part of person-centred care and leads to better and often more cost effective outcomes. This is particularly true for those with long term conditions or people who need to use services more intensively. We wanted to share this report with you and also to ask you to share it with anyone you work with and may be interested. Additionally If you are able to support the launch of the Better Care In My Hands report on social media it would be great if you could tweet some of the following and/or use the hashtag #CareInMyHands: • #CareInMyHands finds 57% of people reported they definitely felt involved in their care via @CarequalityComm • People with physical & mental health conditions feel less involved in their care #CareInMyHands @CareQualityComm 18

Voice (PPV) • People over 75 feel less involved in their care #CareInMyHands @CareQualityComm • People with a learning disability feel less involved in their care #CareInMyHands @CareQualityComm • Flexible advocacy provision is crucial for people to feel they have #CareInMyHands @CareQualityComm • Community & peer support programmes help people manage their care #CareInMyHands @CareQualityComm • Supported involvement of families & carers is crucial to ensure people have #CareInMyHands @CareQualityComm

Department Of Health: How can we improve support for carers? We want to know how we can improve support for carers. We’d really appreciate it if you could tell us about your experience with caring and answer some specific questions about types of support and how helpful they are. There is also a section at the end for you to tell us about any other relevant experiences or anything we've missed. Completing the whole survey will take an average of 30-45 minutes. If you don’t have time to complete the whole survey, you can just complete those sections most relevant to you.

Transport Accessibility Survey This survey is part of a detailed study into the transport and travel problems that many disabled people encounter when going about their daily lives. We would like you to tell us how these problems affect you and your travel. The survey covers all aspects of travel, including: pavements, public and private transport, booking and information provision. Closing date: 3rd July


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Quick Local Autism Directory Survey - request for help from Autism Hampshire Please spare a few minutes to complete this survey about the Local Autism Directory, if you have used it. Click on the link below to complete the survey. All replies are anonymous and will be used to evaluate and improve the directory. The deadline for survey completion is Friday 17th June 2016.

Portsmouth Local Offer Website Survey

The aim of this consultation is to gather feedback from parents and carers, young people and professionals on: 

The Local Offer website

Services you have used or are using

Services you would like to see available for children and young people with special educational needs and or a disability. The purpose of the Local Offer website is to provide access in one place to the provision that Portsmouth City Council expects to be available in the area for children and young people with special educational needs and or a disability. It also contains information about other provision and support that has been specifically requested by parents and young people. Feedback on existing services is important to ensure they are meeting the needs of families. In addition consultation helps us to identify any gaps or services missing in Portsmouth for children and young people with special educational needs and or disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25. We would be grateful if you could take the time to answer a short survey, it should take no longer than 5-10 minutes to complete. Your feedback will be used to find out services that are working well 20

Voice (PPV) and to identify the need for new services in response to supporting children, young people and their families. The survey can be accessed here:

Service user questionnaire Review of ASC Co-ordinator Role We need your views

Introduction and invitation The Clinical Commissioning Group commissioned the role of the Autism Co-Ordinator for a 12 month pilot to offer additional support to parents and families undergoing assessment and diagnosis for autism in Portsmouth. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this post we are very interested in hearing your views about the type of support you may have received from co-ordinator and what changes this has made to you. As such we would be grateful if you could complete this questionnaire. Further information and contact details: If you would like further information on the review of the Autism Co-ordinator role Portsmouth please email

You can also access the survey via PPV website:


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Health and Wellbeing for our City


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Regular Groups

Enable Ability Enable Ability is established as an independent charity for the care, welfare and advancement of disabled people living in Portsmouth and the surrounding area. We work in partnership with disabled children and adults, their families and carers, to provide a range of high quality, professional and confidential services including Hampshire Teenage Project ( , Enable Ability Pals Project, Portsmouth Teenage Project and Sports Club For more information, please go to: To view the full programmes, please go to:

Dis-Play Portsmouth CIC Dis-Play Community Interest Company (in collaboration with Portsmouth City Council and Chances4change funding) runs a Sport and Social session for adults 16+ with disabilities and/or additional needs on Wednesdays. At this friendly club participants will be able to play sports games, learn skills, socialise and most importantly have fun! The club is every Wednesday from 7.30pm until 9pm. Please see below for venue and contact details for more information and booking details. The cost is ÂŁ2 per session. Please note: Unfortunately they cannot provide personal care at the sessions but please feel free to bring your carer along if needed. Sessions will not run over Easter holidays. Contact: Havelock Community Centre, 324 Fawcett Road, Southsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO4 0LQ Tel: 07783 946609 Email:


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Go (Havant)

Welcome to our NEW Havant GO! Club Minis Come join in the fun Autumn Timetable! Come join our new club for children and young people with additional needs aged 3 – 8 years in Havant and their siblings! We have a variety of different sports, arts and crafts at each session – something for everyone! GO! welcomes children and young people with a wide range of learning difficulties and disabilities who live in Havant to enjoy GO! club. Fun for children and siblings! This is a short break so parents can leave their children with our trained and friendly staff and volunteers. How can I register? 
 To register, please call 01256 636 288 For more information, go to:

Pompey in the Community Pompey in the Community provides a range of fun and structured sports sessions for people with disabilities. Our clubs with expert coaches will be able to develop your sporting ability whether you are new to sport or an experienced sportsperson. Activities include: Powerchair Football, Wheelchair Racing and Disability Athletics, Pompey Disability Sports Club and many more. For more information, go to


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Wheels for All Wheels for All provides cycling opportunities for children and adults with disabilities and differing needs. Using specially adapted cycles, individuals and families can cycle together, learning new skills or rediscovering a previous pastime. We are currently running weekly sessions every Saturday 12:00 - 2:00 at Alexandra Park. Feel free to check out our Facebook page. Any likes and shares would be appreciated. To find out when and where our next cycling session is, please phone 023 9284 1560, or email

Portsmouth Penguins Swimming Club Portsmouth penguins swimming club that is held at charter academy (St Lukes School) Portsmouth every Sunday 3- 3.55pm. This is a friendly disabled swimming club for all families, children and carers. There is reduced admission price for carers, and also for people holding a Portsmouth city council leisure card. Contact Details: Parkwood Leisure - Charter Community Sports Centre, Greetham Street, Portsmouth, PO5 4LH Tel: 02392 838 798 Email address: Website: Tel: 02392 838 798 Email:

Portsmouth Disability Forum Health Cafe Worried or concerned about health or social care related issue? In a relaxed environment, share your concerns with people who listen, understand, and will sign post you in the right direction. Drop in session between 1pm and 3pm, on a monthly basis at the Frank Sorrell Centre, Prince Albert Road, Southsea, Portsmouth PO4 9HR Tel: 02392 815266 27

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Horizon Leisure Centre - Additional Needs Activities Havant and Waterlooville Leisure Centres' activities are all fully inclusive and we actively welcome those with additional needs. However, we also provide a few specially organised activity sessions for those that prefer it. Should you have any concerns that may be stopping you using any of our facilities or classes we would encourage you to contact our Disability and Special Needs Coordinator, Debbie Jarmaine (023 9247 6026). We have strong links with the Parent Voice, Hampshire Autistic Society, and the Hampshire County Councils Short Breaks Team and a large number of our staff have received additional needs training. We are committed to do what we can to enable everyone to participate. Activities include: Supported Swimming Lessons, Additional Needs Cricket Sessions, Additional Needs Badminton Club and many more. For more information, please go to

Active Soccer Football related activities available to children of all ages and abilities. For more information, please go to:

For an extensive list of activities for children and young people with additional needs, please go to our website: or the Portsmouth Local Offer website:


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Carers Week

Challengers It’s nearly time to book Challengers sessions for the Summer Holidays 2016 for all Challengers schemes running from the 1st-27th August. Book online at the Challengers Booking Website,46HQO,M8G8KB,F7IG3,1 Call the Challengers Booking Line on 01483 230 939.

Independent Lives Here we highlight national news, resources and information that relate to supporting people to live independently. We also direct you to ways to have your say in local and national services. And finally we have an update on ways you can get involved in Independent Lives. To view the newsletter, please go to:

Anxiety Guide: A Guide for Parents This three part guide has been developed to give up to date information on how to spot the signs of anxiety and anxiety disorders and what can be done. Part one describes the common signs of anxiety and specific anxiety disorders. Part two describes the ways professionals assess anxiety in children with intellectual disability, and Part three gives guidance on helping your child reduce feelings of anxiety and gives some examples of specific disorders associated with anxiety. To download the guide, please go to: 29

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The Celebra Problem Solving Toolkit This toolkit aims to support disabled people and carers, as well as their families and advisers, who are encountering difficulties with the statutory agencies in relation to the provision of health, social care and education support services.

Support Group for Dyslexia in Hampshire Worried your child could be dyslexic? Maybe they’ve been recently diagnosed… Overwhelmed? Concerned? Confused? Wishing there was a bit more local support? Hampshire Families Dyslexic Support, in association with Hampshire Dyslexia Association, is looking to set up a support group in Hampshire. Can you spare five minutes to help them to help you? Please use the link below to complete their online survey so they might identify the level of interest and need in Hampshire with potential to form a local support group whether your child has a diagnosis or not.

Gambado – Exclusive Admission Times for SEN Guests, Eastleigh Gambado hold SEN indoor soft play sessions where they welcome young children with all types of disabilities and special educational needs. They are being held throughout the year at Gambado in Unit L10, Swan Leisure Centre, Eastleigh, SO50 5SF from 9-10am. Upcoming dates as follows: Sunday 15 May and Sunday 19 June. Standard child ticket (includes 1 adult) £5 and additional adult £1. For more information or to book, use the link below or call 02380 018336.

FarmBuddies FarmBuddies, a Social Enterprise based near Petersfield, arrange for accompanied individuals and groups to visit farms one day a week to do a variety of regular farm jobs, including animal work, according to age choice and ability. The concept, known as Social or Care Farming, is a new expanding opportunity now available across the South East region. Most sectors are catered for from Young People starting at 12 years old up to Older People over 70 with the onset of dementia. The outcomes from regular visits, usually over 12 weeks, are outstanding; they include improved confidence, self-esteem, work skills and knowledge as well as health benefits. A typical day starts at 10am until 3pm with breaks for 30

Voice (PPV) lunch and light refreshments. The cost varies depending on the farm but is usually £8+vat per hour or £40+vat per day. For more information, email or call 01420 538793 or 07596 077261. Website:

MindEd for Families This is a brand new free resource for parents and carers concerned about the mental health of their child. It contains online guidance and information you can trust including topics such as what to do in a crisis, eating disorders, risky behaviour and transition to adult services. For more information:

Seekers Adventure Trails Do you seek adventure? Unlock the door to your imagination! Explore: Portsmouth History Centre. Discover: Local stories, local people, local walks. Create: Memories made from natural materials, upcycled books, maps, photos, & games - curious? Workshops run 11am -1pm at Portsmouth Central Library. Cost: £12 includes all materials - Portholes & Portico's Thursday 16th June. Journey seas of space & time through Portico’s within your mind. Create your own Portico by up-cycling a bird box - #SuperSeekers Thursday 30th June. Brave Avatars you do create, to battle the Snatchers who’s colour they take. Create your own character using air drying clay & natural materials Payment upon booking is essential. To reserve your place pop into your local library or call 023 9268 8057 to pay by debit card. For more, email:, tel: Clair 07830 256 619

JOIN PORTSMOUTH DSA’S GREAT SOUTH RUN TEAM! Portsmouth Down Syndrome Association, is offering 100 free 10m and 5k places for the Great South Run this October, in return for sponsorship. The charity, which is managed by volunteers, is based at the Sarah Duffen Centre in Southsea and provides advice and specialist services to children in Portsmouth and South Hants , as well as an advisory service to 55 schools in the area. Over 180 runners joined the team last year, including children with Down syndrome, the youngest of whom was 3, as well as many of our teaching colleagues. One school even entered a team of 35 pupils. It was a fantastic atmosphere and raised a huge amount of awareness about Down syndrome. If you would like to undertake a great personal challenge, and help a children’s charity at the same time, please contact for more details. You can find out more about Portsmouth DSA at All welcome!


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Social Media Tips Social media is part of our everyday lives, it’s like a conversation with friends. We open up and share things we previously would have kept just between our closest friends and family. This can lead us into potential issues when we are sharing information about our struggles with our SEN lives and trying to get what our child/ren need. Here are our tips to help you: 1. Think – can your comment be seen as inappropriate/derogatory or defamatory? Could it be seen as damaging the reputation of an individual or a service? 2. Can what you’re posting be seen as a personal attack? This is especially important if you are naming individuals as this could be seen as cyberbullying/harassment. 3. Check your privacy settings on social media as there are no guarantees that this information won’t fall into the public domain. This is very important if you are posting sensitive information about your child. 4. Consider if you are happy for the world to see what you are posting. Is social media the best place to make your comment? Should this be raised with the individual or organisation directly? Go to to find more information in this useful Guide from BBC webwise.

Guide to Housing and Support for Parents The Housing and Support Alliance has produced a useful resource entitled ‘Life begins at home’ which is a guide to housing for families and children and a training and developmental resource for housing, health and social care staff to help families with children with autism/learning disabilities that display challenging behaviour, to get the housing they need. For more information and to download the guide and training pack, go to or call 0300 2010 455.

Time Limit for DLA Claimed by Children in Hospital Axed From next month, parents of children admitted to hospital for long periods will no longer have to struggle with the loss of their disability living allowance (DLA) as well as dealing with their illness. The change in the law is due to the extraordinary resolve of the parents of Cameron Mathieson, who died at the age of five in 2012. It means that children admitted to hospital before their eighteenth birthday will continue to be eligible for DLA and will also not be obliged to make a claim for PIP instead whilst they remain in hospital. For more information and to view the new regulations, go to


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Marvels & Meltdowns Support Group Fareham & Gosport

Marvels and Meltdowns is a charity for the relief of children who have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and Autistic Spectrum conditions living in Gosport, Fareham and surrounding areas. Through the provision of a weekly support group and other support meets providing guidance, personal experience, encouragement, understanding and information to parents and carers. They have, also, recently set up a male carers group which is a new group for dads and male carers to go along and join them for a pint in a warm and friendly non-judgemental environment. They also offer one to one support meetings for those wanting to talk in a less communal environment. Go to to view their website or call Shandrika on 07817 795250 or Tricia on 07583 746177 for more information. They have just released their summer term dates as follows: YAMC (Rowner Hub), Falcon Meadows Way, Gosport, PO13 8AA, 9.30-11.30am on Friday’s 17th June, 1st and 15th July. 2 North Meadow, Weevil Lane, Gosport, PO12 1PB, 10-11.30am on Friday’s 10 and 24 June and 8 July. Nobes Hall, Nobes Avenue, Gosport, PO13 0HS – Evening Group, 7.30-9pm on .The Hoeford Inn, 250 Gosport Road, Fareham, PO16 0SX - Male Carer Group, 7.30-9pm on Thursday 23 June.

SEND Information and Advice Providers by IASS Network Very useful spreadsheet about organisations and support groups relating to special needs and disability

8th Annual Diabetes Wellness Day South The Solent Hotel, Whiteley, Hampshire Saturday, June 25, 2016 - 09:30 - Saturday, June 25, 2016 - 15:30 Join DRWF and the specialist diabetes teams from Hampshire and Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton and Portsmouth University Hospitals and the West Hampshire Community Diabetes Service this summer for the 8th Annual Diabetes Wellness Day South.


Voice (PPV) The Diabetes Wellness Day South will bring together a wealth of information under one roof for people living with diabetes. Family members, friends and carers and those with an interest in diabetes are also encouraged to take part. The day will provide you with the tools, knowledge and practical skills needed to improve life with diabetes and the keys to healthier living. The day is designed to ensure all participants have the opportunity to raise their questions, share their experiences and enjoy the support of a friendly, like-minded diabetes community in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Each year we change the programme to focus on the many different topics that affect people living with diabetes. This year the talks we choose will run as satellite sessions and be repeated throughout the day. For more information:

Encouraging improvement and protecting people at a time of change: CQC launches new five year strategy The Care Quality Commission today publishes its strategy for 2016 to 2021, setting out an ambitious vision for a more targeted, responsive and collaborative approach to regulation so more people get high quality care. It describes how CQC will combine learning from 22,000 comprehensive inspections with better use of intelligence from the public, providers and partners in order to focus inspections more tightly than ever to where people may be at risk of poor care. Against a context of increasing care needs combined with financial pressure, services are changing the way they organise and deliver care – and CQC’s approach is evolving to reflect these changes. The new strategy will help encourage services to innovate and collaborate in order to drive improvement, while ensuring that people continue to receive good, safe care – which, in a time of tighter public finances, will be more crucial than ever. Shaping the future describes how CQC will build on the strong foundations of its current approach, using the unique picture of quality and in-depth understanding of the sectors it regulates gained from its first round of comprehensive inspections. The strategy was developed following a year-long consultation period during which thousands of people, providers, staff and partners shared their views about the future of regulation.

For more information:


Voice (PPV)

Gym 01 ABC – Beginners Boxing Sessions, Portsmouth Gym 01 Amateur Boxing Club, Unit 16, Partnership Park, Fratton, Portsmouth, PO4 8DF, has a wealth of experience in delivering engaging, inclusive boxing sessions for members of the local disabled community. Having been involved in the Disability Boxing Project last year, their coaches have received training in disability/inclusive coaching from Sports Coach UK and England Boxing, and have delivered sessions in partnership with the Charity ‘Enableability’ and the ‘PALS Project’. All welcome, changing facilities available, £6 PAYG (First week free for Juniors!), or £30/month for x2 sessions a week (£3.75 per session). No need to fight (!), just come down to socialise and get fit during a non-contact beginners session, in a welcoming family-feel club. The sessions are held Tuesdays, 5.30-6.30pm and Fridays 6-8pm. For more information: or contact James Connor by email at or telephone 02392 177323.

Special Needs Jungle- Edward Timpson and Jane Ellison: “Our reforms are boosting the life chances of children with SEND” Brilliant article by Renata Blower giving her perspective of the SEN reforms. A very good read indeed!

Family Event, Havant Open Sight and the Specialist Teacher Advisers, Visual Impairment Team, are holding a Family Event at Staunton Country Park, Middle Park Way, Havant, PO9 5HB on Saturday 25 June. The event is open to children aged 0-16 with a visual impairment and if there are enough spaces available, their siblings are very welcome too. During the morning you will have an exciting opportunity to join the park staff for an animal and sensory session at the farm. You will all get together for a picnic lunch. After lunch you may like to have a donkey ride and also be able to continue to enjoy everything the farm has to offer. You will have ample time to visit the adjoining country park where you can explore the many acres of parkland walks in the afternoon. For further information and to book please contact Jenny Collins on 02380 646382 or email


Voice (PPV)

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Twitter: You can follow us at @PparentVoice


Phone: 07825 185 608

Write: Portsmouth Parent Voice The Frank Sorrell Centre, Prince Albert Road, Southsea, PO4 9HR


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