Impacting on You December 2016

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Voice (PPV)


) Page 2:


Page 3:

PPV – Editorial

Page 4:

What’s on?

Page 5:

PPV If I had A Magic Wand workshop

Page 6:

What’s Trending in Portsmouth?

Page 7:

Parent Rep Update

Page 8:

Appreciation Award

Page 9:

Your Views and Consultations

Page 12:

Future in Mind

Page 13:

Autism Hampshire

Page 15:

Christmas Survival Guide

Page 17:

Elective Home Education

Page 18:

The Portsmouth Local Offer Website

Page 19:

Regular Groups

Page 21:

News in Brief

Page 29:

How to contact Portsmouth Parent Voice


Voice (PPV)

Portsmouth Parent Voice

Hi Everyone! As Christmas is nearing, I know some of you will be looking forward to the festive holiday break whilst others know only too well that it can be a difficult time of year for their children due to the lack of routine, excitement and far too many sensory overload (including sugar!). With this in mind, we have included a short Christmas survival guide in this newsletter. Last month, we had our workshop about short-breaks and personal budgets and a huge thank you to parents who attended the session. We had some fantastic feedback around the lack of clarity and information and we are working with the Local Authority to address this. Coming up this week is our last workshop of the year “If I had a magic wand”. The first hour will be devoted to your ideas: if we lived in an ideal world, what would the services for special needs and disability look like? The second half of the session will be devoted to designing your very own worry eater and the opportunity to sample some mince pies and mulled wine  Thank you to all of you who took part in our survey regarding secondary and colleges transfer. The survey closed yesterday and we will publish our findings in January. A new survey was launched last week about this newsletter and our website asking your views about what you like and dislike about the information provided (more information on page 9). Have a wonderful Christmas and see you next year! Barbara and the Team General enquiries: Barbara McDougall: Kara Jewell: Alison Cooper: 3

Voice (PPV)

What’s On? Events and workshops coming up soon Are you a parent or carer of a child or young person with additional needs and disability and living in Portsmouth? We run various coffee mornings, events and training sessions in partnership with various voluntary groups ( Autism Hampshire, Contact A Family) and statutory agencies (such as CAMHS- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) Event

Date and Time


If I had a magic wand …coffee morning (more details on page 5)

Thursday 8th December 10 am to 2pm

Beat the January Blues Pampering, croissants and pains au chocolat!

Thursday 19th January 10 am to 12 noon

PPV: our aims for 2017/18 What would you like PPV do work on next year?

Thursday 16th February 10am to 12 noon

Local Offer Live! Information roadshow about services available in Portsmouth

Wed 22nd Feb or Thurs 23rd Feb 10 am to 3 pm

The Frank Sorrell Centre Prince Albert Road Southsea PO4 9HR The Frank Sorrell Centre Prince Albert Road Southsea PO4 9HR The Frank Sorrell Centre Prince Albert Road Southsea PO4 9HR Miltoncross Academy Milton Road, Milton, Portsmouth, PO3 6RB

(we haven’t received confirmation of the final date at the time of going to press but will be one of the options above)

You will find further details in this newsletter about the booking details for our training sessions and workshops. Our coffee mornings and drop-ins are free to attend and you are always welcome to bring a friend or relative. Remember to check our Facebook page and Twitter for the latest information. or call 07825 182 608 4 or call 07825 185 608

Voice (PPV)


Voice (PPV)

What’s trending in Portsmouth? The main issues discussed by parents over the past 4 weeks are: -

Short-breaks Elective home education Exclusion and part-time time table SEN support Information and support for ASD Anxiety and mental health CAMHS Transition to adult services

If you would like to raise any issues around health, social care, education or any other services in Portsmouth, do get in touch either via email:, Twitter (@PParentVoice ) or our Facebook page.

Coming up next year In response to the issue raised by parents, we are planning various workshops and training sessions: -

Workshop on elective home education (March 2017) Parent representatives and participation training (March 2017) Journey Mapping drop-in session (Jan, Feb and March 2017) Anxiety Workshops (Spring 2017)


Home Education


Workshop and training

Journey Mapping

Voice (PPV)

Parent Reps Update

As we mentioned earlier in this newsletter, we are so grateful to our team of parent reps who work tirelessly to represent the views and opinions of parent carers in the city. Our parent reps either attend monthly meetings such as empowering Children and Families (ECAF), our co-production group or take part in strategic meetings, training, tendering process or focus groups. We are in the process of recruiting new members to join our team. We are particularly interested in hearing from parents of: - children in early years (0-5) We are looking - children who are home-educated for new parent - children who have had a positive experience of inclusion in reps mainstream school - children with health needs (such as epilepsy) We will provide full support and training and will also pay for any expenses you may incur including childcare costs. We are also in the process of finalising our remuneration policy to recompense your hard work and commitment. Most meetings are during school hours and last approximately 2 hours although some preparations will be required which could take up to 5 hours a month. You will be part of a great and friendly team and we would love to welcome new members. “We need your expertise and vision� Most of all, we would welcome your expertise and vision as parent carers of children and young people with special needs and disability. You hold so many solutions to problems shared by families and we need to have your voice heard.

For more information, please contact: or call 07825 185 608

You will find a list of all the projects we are currently involved on our website ( so if anything is of particular interest to you or if you want to find out more, please get in touch. You can also fill in an online form to register your interest on the same webpage. 7

Voice (PPV)

Appreciation Awards The Appreciation Award was created by the Co-production Group (or CoPro) in order to celebrate and recognise professionals who have helped parents and families of children and young people with special educational needs and disability. We are in the process of setting up a web page on our website to make it easier for you to nominate a professional who has helped you and your child/ young person.

We often receive more complaints than compliments so it is important to recognise that there are individuals who are committed to make a difference to parent carers and their families.

Maybe by highligting good practice in the city, we will be able to change the way services are delivered to you and benefitting other families in the same situation.

So go on, get nominating!

If you would like to nominate an individual who has made a difference for your child, young person or family, please contact Kara Jewell:


Voice (PPV)

Your Views and Consultations

Portsmouth Parent Voice: Your views on our newsletter and website We are looking at updating the way we communicate with you and we would really like your help! We are reviewing the monthly newsletter; Impacting on You. As this is your newsletter we value your suggestions. We would also like to update our website; If you haven't already, please take a look at the website and the latest newsletter (the newsletter is available via the website) and help us by taking a few moments to complete our survey. Thank you very much!

Early Years Consultation A consultation is taking place around early year provision and special educational needs and disability. We need your views and experience to inform how future services will be delivered in the city. This can include nursery settings, childminders or more specialist provision such as Willows. What do you value as a parent carer, what makes a difference to your child and family? Please email us at and let us know what you views are.

Portsmouth Educational Psychology Team policy on reading difficulties. Portsmouth Educational Psychology Team has produced some draft guidance for schools, colleges and parents about identifying, assessing and supporting children and young people who have reading difficulties. We have deliberately decided not to use the term "dyslexia" and we are referring to "reading difficulties" instead. "Dyslexia" can be a confusing term because it can cover so much. Our policy explains this in more detail. We have reassured schools and colleges that our assessments will continue to be very thorough and we will always provide advice and support based on current research and evidence based practice. We have spoken with school SENCOs and colleges already to answer their questions. We want to do the same with parents. On Friday 10th February we are holding a meeting for parents at the Civic Office, room B (second floor) Guildhall Square from 9.30 to 11am to explain our policy and answer any 9

Voice (PPV) questions or concerns from parents. We would really like you to join us for this meeting. To book, please contact Alison Cooper, PPV admin Assistant on 07825 185 608 or email

We want to know what you think about Portsmouth Educational Psychology Team Portsmouth Educational Psychology team is keen to get some feedback from parents who have met an educational psychologist from the Portsmouth team in the past year. How helpful was the educational psychologist? We also want feedback about our written reports. We will be contacting parents directly with an invitation to join a meeting with us or we will be sending out a short survey. If you want to know more, please contact Liz Robinson, Principal Educational Psychologist Portsmouth Parent Voice is helping us with this work and two Psychology students from Portsmouth University are organising the survey. We are interested in what they find out and report back to us so we can continue to develop and improve our service.

Your Experience of Local NHS Services Portsmouth Clinical Commissioning Group (PCCG) is running a survey between now and 31 January 2017 to gain feedback on people’s experience of using local NHS services. Feedback is welcome from organisations as well as individuals. It will be used to inform service development and to guide PCCG in equality objectives it needs to achieve in the next four years. The survey is available online at: Further information, and access to the survey, may also be found on the equality and diversity page at: Further information, and access to the survey, may also be found on the equality and diversity page at: A hard copy of the survey is also available as is an Easy Read version. Please contact PPV for more information.

Information on the Government's new green paper and consultation The green paper sets out a ten-year vision of how the Government’s will halve the employment gap for disabled people and people with long-term health conditions, through changing attitudes and working with employers to transform disabled people’s access to employment.


Voice (PPV) You can access the green paper here:

The easy read version is here: The consultation closes on Friday 17th February 2017

Research in Autism We have received a request to circulate an email to ask for help with a research project which sounds extremely interesting. The project has been featured in the BBC: As you can see from the website, they are aiming to develop ways to detect autism early by gathering information about hand movements. To confirm their findings they are looking for children between 2.5 to 6 years old with an autism diagnosis (or in the process of being diagnosed). The children need to be able to play with an iPad for about 15 minutes in total. The iPad have 2 games of 7 minutes each. Even children with severe LD usually can play these games. They are looking for children based in, or around, Hampshire. If you are intrigued and would like to know more, please see the information sheet on our website which contains information about the study, what it would involve and contact details of the researchers.

School Transport Inquiry Call for Evidence and Campaign Contact a Family plan to launch the call for evidence for the School Transport Inquiry later this month, they will take evidence until the end of January 2017 with oral evidence sessions in Parliament too. To view their website article about it, please go to:


Voice (PPV)

Future in Mind-Portsmouth

Promoting, protecting and improving our children and young people's mental health and wellbeing Future in Mind Portsmouth - One Year On Event Wednesday 11th January 2017 (10am-4pm) Royal Maritime Club, Queen Street, Portsmouth, PO1 3HS Work is underway in Portsmouth to improve how services are provided to children, young people and their families across the city and we have been successful in securing ÂŁ2m worth of funding over the next 5 years which is being used to transform service provision. This event will be an opportunity for us to update you on what we've achieved so far, tell you about the new services we've commissioned as well as hear about the 'Whole Schools Strategy' that's been developed. It will also be an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss how together we can further promote, protect and improve our children and young people's mental health and wellbeing across our city. If you would like to book a place at this event please contact Alison Cooper, Admin Assistant, Portsmouth Parent Voice by no later than Friday 16th December 2016 on 07825 185 608 or email:


Voice (PPV)


Voice (PPV)


Voice (PPV)

Christmas Survival Guide and Activities For most families, Christmas is a joyful occasion, an opportunity to spend time together and enjoy a bit of overindulgence. But for families of children on the autistic spectrum and special needs, it can be a different story. Here are some of the best resources available online: The School SNAP: Special Needs and Parents: Contact A Family: Festive Stress Busting Tips National Autistic Society: Tips from parents

Events and Relaxed Performances Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs- Groundling Theatre Robin Hood – Multi-sensory Pantomime Great fun for all the family at Shepherds Down School, Shepherds Lane, Compton, Winchester, SO21 2AJ, on Saturday 17 December Tickets are £5 each. To book a place, please contact: 01372 278021 or 07519 747290. Email: 15

Voice (PPV) Peter Pan – Relaxed Pantomime Performance Chichester Festival Theatre is staging a relaxed performance on 30 December at 2.00pm. Join Peter Pan and the Darling children on a swashbuckling adventure to the magical world of Neverland. With music, puppets, beautiful set design and costumes, this show is the perfect festive treat for groups and families. The performance welcomes individuals, groups and families with children on the autistic spectrum, sensory and communication disorders, a learning disability, or anyone who would benefit from a more relaxed theatre environment. Tickets: £12. Contact: Chichester Festival Theatre, Oaklands Park, Chichester PO19 6AP, Tel: 01243 781312, Email:, Web: Santa Claus - The Musical at New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth BSL signed performance on the 20/12 at 6pm and a Relaxed performance on the 29/12 at 2pm. Robin Hood – Relaxed Pantomime Performance Mayflower Southampton The Mayflower Theatre, Southampton on 3 January at 1.30pm. A sensational cast led by Shane Richie and Jessie Wallace in the South Coast's biggest family pantomime! The show is specifically designed to welcome people who will benefit from a more relaxed performance environment, including people on the autism spectrum, with sensory and communication difficulties, or a learning disability. There is a relaxed attitude to noise and movement and some small changes may be made to the light and sound effects. Tickets: £9. Contact: Box Office 02380 711811 or visit

Jack and The Beanstalk- Kings Theatre Booking via Portsmouth Autism Support Network Tue 13 December 2016 18:00 – 20:30 hcmVudHZvaWNlQGhvdG1haWwuY29tLzA%3D&utm_source=eb_email&utm _medium=email&utm_campaign=inviteformalv2&ref=enivtefor001&utm_term= attend


Voice (PPV)

Elective Home Education

A lot of parents have been in touch regarding elective home education. We are planning to set up a group for parents to be able to talk to each other and to have a look at available resources locally. If you are interested in being part of such a group, please do get in touch with us telling us:


What is the best day and time for you to attend the group? What you are hoping to get out of the group? Whether you would like a closed Facebook page to discuss your issues with other parents? The reasons why you are home educating: problems with school, lack of provision, exclusion‌ The age of your child and the previous school he/she attended.

Portsmouth City Council are in the process of designing a new information leaflet about Elective Home Education and this in partnership with our co-production group. In the meantime, you can find more information on the Local Offer Website More guidelines are available on the Department for Education website: There are also various Facebook pages (most of them are closed so you will need to register) where you will be able to find more support and information: - School Phobia/ Separation (closed) - Home Educating Special Needs and Disabilities UK Educational freedom (closed) - Home Education and Your Local Authority (closed) - Portsmouth Home Education Group (closed) - Home Education Portsmouth (closed) - Portsmouth and Fareham Area Home Education Special Needs Friends group (closed) Do send your comments to: or


Voice (PPV)

Information on the Portsmouth Local Offer Website You can find a wealth of information on the Portsmouth Local Offer website ( ranging from education, health, social care and support. The website is reviewed monthly by our coproduction group and tested by trying to find the right information in the right place by using case studies. The Portage Service has gone through some changes recently and you can find more information here:

If you were looking for information about Portage on the website, what would you type in the search engine if you didn’t know what Portage meant? What information come up when you use various key words? Is it the right information? Does it make sense? Have a go and let us know what you find out.

Check your child’s school SEN Offer and see what you find out!

Videos, documents, information and resources in one place!

The website also has a very useful newsfeed where you can access the latest information of events and groups in the city.

Fantastic videos have been produced highlighting the experiences of children and young people with special needs and disabilities. You can view these here:


Voice (PPV)

Regular Groups and Support This is a small sample of groups and activities in the area. For an extensive list of activities for children and young people with additional needs, please go to our website: or the Portsmouth Local Offer website: Gam b ad o

Far m Bud d ie s FarmBuddies, a Social Enterprise based near Petersfield, arrange for accompanied individuals and groups to visit farms one day a week to do a variety of regular farm jobs, including animal work, according to age choice and ability. The concept, known as Social or Care Farming, is a new expanding opportunity now available across the South East region. Most sectors are catered for from Young People starting at 12 years old up to Older People over 70 with the onset of dementia. The outcomes from regular visits, usually over 12 weeks, are outstanding; they include improved confidence, self-esteem, work skills and knowledge as well as health benefits. A typical day starts at 10am until 3pm with breaks for lunch and light refreshments. The cost varies depending on the farm but is usually £60 per day. For more information, email or call 01420 538793 or 07596 077261. Go to to view their website.

Gambado hold SEN indoor soft play sessions where they welcome young children with all types of disabilities and special educational needs. They are being held throughout the year at Gambado in Unit L10, Swan Leisure Centre, Eastleigh, SO50 5SF from 9-10am. Upcoming dates as follows: Sunday 18 December. Standard child ticket (includes 1 adult) £5 and additional adult £1. For more information or to book: sen-sessions/ or call 02380 018336. .


Voice (PPV)

Por t sm out h Aut ism Sup p or t Ne t w or k (PASN)

Makat on Ch r ist m as The Makaton Charity is helping families prepare for Christmas with a range of free resources.

These resources include signs and symbols for Christmas food, presents and stories and can be downloaded from their website: owseStore/FreeChristmasResources

We are an independent charity providing information, advice, emotional and practical support for children/young people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and their parents/carers in Portsmouth and the surrounding area. We hold regular activities such as Flip Out, Krazy Kaves, Internet CafĂŠ (Autinet) as well as coffee morning for parents. For more information, please contact us via Mobile: 07914331876 Website: Email: Facebook: smSupportNetwork/?fref=ts

Portsmouth Advocacy

Ham p sh ir e Dy sle x ia Associat ion

Advocacy is a way to support and enable people to speak up and defend their rights. Solent Mind and Choices Advocacy will be working in partnership again to deliver high quality advocacy services across the Portsmouth area. If you feel that you need someone to listen to you, and help you to speak up, then you may benefit from an advocate. Our advocacy services are provided in a person-centred way to make sure that you stay at the centre of your decision process. Advocacy is there to help you to have choice, equality, justice, support, empowerment, information, and to protect your rights.

Are you – a parent of a child with dyslexia? A student needing support for continuing studies? An employer or employee who would like to limit the frustrations of dyslexia in the workplace and so realise individual potential? A professional looking for information on Continuing Professional Development or a place to advertise your services? Whatever you need we will do our best to help you.

Telephone: 023 8020 8955 Email: 20

Voice (PPV)


WESC Conference WESC Foundation is pleased to announce that we are now taking bookings for our Annual International Visual Impairment Conference. The theme for the conference is Transition. Our confirmed speakers are Peter White (In touch BBC Radio 4), Professor Graeme Douglas (University of Birmingham), André Imich (SEN & Disability Professional Adviser from the Department for Education) and Claire Dorer (Chief Executive, NASS). This conference will be held on Thursday 4 May 2017 at our Exeter campus, and we would like to invite you. Book now to receive the ‘early bird’ discount – further details below. WESC Foundation’s Annual International Conference provides a fantastic opportunity for participants to gain professional development and find out about the latest information regarding ‘transitioning to adulthood’ for young people with visual impairment – plus much more! We can confirm the following specialist speakers will be presenting:  

Peter White, In Touch BBC Radio 4 Professor Graeme Douglas/Rachel Hewett, Department of Disability Inclusion and Special Needs, University of Birmingham ‘Results of longitudinal study of transitions experiences of blind and partially sighted young people to adulthood’ André Imich, SEN and Disability Professional Adviser, Department for Education ‘Children and Families Act 2014 – implementation update – successes and continuing challenges’ Claire Dorer, Chief Executive, National Association of Independent Schools & Non-Maintained Special Schools (NASS)

If you are a SEN or healthcare professional with a particular interest in visual impairment, local authority commissioner, parent, carer or anyone who is interested in the field of visual impairment or eye health rehabilitation then this is an opportunity not to be missed! This is going to be an extremely popular conference and therefore there will be a limited number of places so we recommend completing your booking form as soon as possible to guarantee your place. To watch our promotional film from a previous year please click the link - 21

Voice (PPV) To attend the conference we are offering the special price of £120 per ticket. Parents of children with a visual impairment (VI) will be given a 50% reduction in cost. If you book before Saturday 31 December you will receive a 10% discount, making the standard ticket price £108 and for parents of children with VI it will be £54. Please complete the attached booking form and return to Katy Gaulton, Marketing, Communications & PR Manager,, along with your payment. You can now pay using our online facility clicking on the link and selecting Conference 2017 under the item drop down box.

Your GP and the learning disability register According to Contact a Family, over 1 million people have a learning disability in the UK but only 200,000 are on the GP Learning Disability Register. Parent carers are encouraged to ensure that their child with a learning disability is on their local GP LD Register. We suggest that you also encourage Hampshire Children’s Services to include the sharing of your young person’s Education, Health and Care Plans with their GP. This can happen, with your permission, and could be a positive step in increasing your GP’s awareness of your child’s disabilities or additional needs. Developing a relationship with GP’s becomes increasingly important as young people with disabilities prepare for adulthood and move into adult services. The importance of good information sharing and in particular the value of sharing EHCP’s with GP’s was recognised in the Department For Education’s 0-25 SEND Newsletter in July, sent to all Local Authorities.

Portsmouth List of Published Newsletters 5lc/edit#gid=1174337352 This is a website of resources to support practitioners in delivering the Education, Health and Care (EHC) planning and assessment process. The resources were developed from indepth research into the experiences of young people, families and practitioners in 4 local areas. Services are already using the resources to train staff, identify areas for development, and as a method of multi-agency self-evaluation.


Voice (PPV)

EsSENtial Learning Is your child aged between 2–5 years old? Does your child exhibit any of these behaviours? • They are unresponsive to their own name • They find it difficult to follow simple instructions • They are unable to pick up on social cues • They have difficulty communicating their wants and needs • They are unable to convey their emotions • They have speech delay. Penny Vanderplank is an independent communications specialist. She is the founder of esSENtial learning which offers a high quality, professional service for children with communication difficulties. Penny partners with families to create bespoke communication interventions, which use evidence based practices to improve the communicative repertoires of children with communication difficulties. esSENtial learning offers: A home-based service • A free initial consultation • Functional communication strategies using a variety of tools • A personalised development plan • Regular ongoing support • Parental training. Learn more at: Call 07963309392 or email

The Percy-Bilton Charity The Charity will consider giving assistance to individuals in the U.K. on low incomes and in distressed circumstances and who are within the categories stated below: Older People

Individuals aged over 65 on low income

Disabled People Children or adults with a physical/learning disability or serious longterm illness or adults with a severe and enduring mental health problem which prevents them from working. What the charity can help with: 

Washing machines (via our supplier)

Electric cookers (via our supplier)

Fridges/Freezers (via our supplier)

Beds and bedding (via our supplier)

Vacuum cleaners and portable heaters (via our supplier)

Carpets/Flooring where there is a health & safety issue (up to £250)

Essential clothing and footwear (via a pre-paid Gift Card)


Voice (PPV)

The Playhouse Foundation- Seeking New Families! A Hampshire based charity, The Playhouse Foundation are looking to offer young children with autism the opportunity to have the educational programme Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). They will provide a one year bursary for children between the ages of 2.5 and 3.5 who have autism. Programmes are for means tested families based in Hampshire, with an income of less than ÂŁ50,000, who are keen to start an ABA programme. If you are interested and feel that you may be eligible for a bursary, then please contact Vicky Stanley by emailing or telephoning 07964 667903.

Families Lives Family Lives supports all, providing professional, non-judgemental support and advice in a way that all members of the family can freely access through a 24 hour helpline, website, live chat services, befriending services, and parenting/relationship support groups. Nearly all of the services are accessible at no charge to parents and contactable 365 days a year. It could be all aspects of family life Pregnancy and Baby, Toddlers and Preschool, child development or issues with schools and parenting/relationship support. When life becomes complicated they can provide support around family breakdown, aggression in the home, bullying, risky teenage behaviour and mental health concerns of both parents and children. It is good to talk and they can help you find solutions and/or recommend further support within their own wider services or from many partner organisations. Their helpline is 0808 800 2222.,4K22W,C4D85N,H1H35,1

Autism Education Trust (AET) AET publishes informative resources and newsletters for parents and professionals.

Contact A Family- Webinars Contact a Family have published their most recent parent carer participation webinars online, these can be found at the following links:

¡ 23/09/16 - Understanding and working with the health system


Voice (PPV) · 19/10/16 - Introduction to Parent Carer Participation WHnh_8RXq&index=1 · 08/11/16 - CQC and Ofsted inspections

All other recorded webinars can be found on the Contact a Family web page along with training videos and the latest reports on parent carer participation at

Articles needed for next issue of My Future Choices magazine My Future Choices magazine gives a voice to disabled young people and offers them the chance to share their dreams, goals and aspirations. In our previous issues, we have published articles on a broad range of topics including: education, employment, health, positive activities, and politics. We are currently putting together the next issue of My Future Choices. If you would like to write an article or know any budding writers who would be keen to share a story, here’s what you have to do: 1. Read the latest issue of My Future Choices Magazine ( ) to see the type of articles that we include. 2. E-mail us on to say you are interested in writing. 3. Send us your article by 6th January 2017 In your e-mail to us please say:  What you would like to write about.  How many words you think your article will be. (Most articles are between 250-500 words.)

At a glance guide to’ Benefit Changes in the HM Treasury Autumn Statement 2016 To help you keep up to date, please use the link below to access the “at a glance guide” to the benefit changes announced in the Autumn Statement 2016.


Voice (PPV) %20at%20a%20glance%20guide%20to%20Benefit%20Changes%20in%20the%20Autumn %20Statement%202016.pdf?utm_source=phplist151&utm_medium=email&utm_content=H TML&utm_campaign=Autumn+Statement+2016%3A+free+at+a+glance+guide+to+benefit+ changes+announced

All About Flu and How to Stop Getting it Had your free flu jab? The jab is quick, easy and can stop you getting flu. If you have or care for someone with a learning disability, you can have a free flu jab. Don’t wait, talk to your Doctor or Pharmacist today! NHS England has produced a very useful resource for people with learning disabilities entitled ‘All about flu and how to stop getting it’. To view the document : or you can also view their YouTube video here:

A new Initiative for Civil Service Employees A Carers Passport scheme has been designed to help current civil servants with specific caring responsibilities. It is a communication tool, enabling people to be supported at work. It is for current civil servants who have caring responsibilities for someone with a long term condition or disability. To find out more:

Cook and Eat: Adapted Cookery Books now available on Amazon Cook and Eat is a range of specially adapted cookery books, written by an occupational therapist. Occupational therapists are trained to analyse and adapt activity. The books can help people who find regular cookery books difficult to understand. The books were originally designed to help people with learning disabilities, but can be used by anyone with cognitive difficulties including some mental health conditions and early stages of dementia. To find out more:


Voice (PPV)

Launch of new resource for eight-to-ten year olds Play Like Share This three-episode animated series and accompanying resource pack aims to help eight-toten year olds learn how to stay safe from sexual abuse, exploitation and other risks they might encounter online such as sharing content. You can download the resource pack here:

It's Disability History Month! November 22 to December 22 is Disability History Month. Disability History Month was created seven years ago with the intention of celebrating the lives and achievements of disabled people, while also casting a look back to the past to take time to recognise the struggles disabled people have faced. The theme this year is looking at language. The language that we use when referring to disability has a huge impact on how disabled people are perceived. Language is hugely individual and can change over time. What language about disability do you find most empowering? Look out for our posts on social media. Share your examples for Disability History Month using #UKDHM in your Tweets.

Contact a Family calls for compensation fund for families with disabled children who have missed out on tax credit extra payments Last week the Chancellor Philip Hammond set out the government’s plans for the economy in his Autumn Statement. In it we learned that the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) have identified 28,000 families with a child in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) but who are not getting the disabled child element(s) paid with their child tax credit. For these families, their awards will be amended and the extra amount paid from April 2016. Some of the families should have been getting extra awards for several years so have missed out on up to £20,000. You can read more here: 27

Voice (PPV) You can read the full newsletter here:

Animations for Children with Epilepsy Epilepsy Action has produced six short animated films for children with epilepsy. Jack, Ali and Anna all have epilepsy. Watch these animations to find out how epilepsy affects them. They are about different types of seizures, taking medicine, keeping safe and feelings. These animations can be used to help children understand their own condition or to help siblings and friends understand what epilepsy means for their loved one. To view, please go to

Children's Centres Central Portsmouth - Christmas Timetable.


Voice (PPV)

You can keep in touch with us using the following


Facebook: Like our page Portsmouth Parent Voice

Twitter: You can follow us at @PparentVoice


Phone: 07825 185 608

Write: Portsmouth Parent Voice The Frank Sorrell Centre, Prince Albert Road, Southsea, PO4 9HR


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