2013 10al

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We started tracking the drums, bass and acoustic guitar parts at 11 a.m. By 9:30 p.m. we had a great recording. I can’t wait for folks to hear it. I was most nervous about the interview at Premier Christian Radio in London. I like to process my thoughts before speaking, but know there’s no room for “dead air” on the radio. It was pretty exciting, though, because I knew folks back home were listening to the interview online. The search for fish-and-chips was a great success. Rhubarb Crumble at the birthday party made a lasting impression. I’ve been meaning to write back and get the recipe. Riding the train across the English countryside into London for the interview and taking a London Black Cab from there made me feel very — well — English. BT: How have your congregation and others responded?

GB: The response of friends, family and the folks at Snyder Memorial Baptist Church has been amazing. The support has been overwhelming. My song would not have gone before the judges if not for the late nights of “liking” and “sharing” on Facebook. A diverse community came together online and in real time to

October 2013

accomplish this, and actual friendships — not just virtual ones — were formed. I play on Tuesday mornings at Fayetteville Area Operation InAsMuch, an organization that, among other things, feeds breakfast to our homeless community five days a week. When I got back from my trip they had all signed a big poster board that said “We Love Giles!” — and greeted me with enthusiastic applause. There was (and still is) a feeling of, “We’re all in this together!” And I’m so glad we are. BT: How did the song come about, and why did you choose it for the contest?

GB: In 2008, Lars Gordon was a high school student living just up the road from Snyder Memorial Baptist Church, where I serve. He was learning to play the guitar and would frequently stop by the church to show me the latest “lick” he was discovering. One time when he wanted to show me his newest riff on the guitar, I met him at his home. We sat on a brick wall in front of his house as Lars played that melodic hook. I told him to keep on playing while I chorded beneath it on my guitar. I began to mumble a melody that eventually coalesced into something reminiscent of the

themes and text from Psalm 139, on which I had been meditating. Immediately, I went back to my office to record those ideas and, with Psalm 139 in front of me, began to let it inform the verses and chorus from there. “You Are There” reminds us of God’s constant and abiding presence in all seasons of our journey. This contest was designed to see what worship songs are breathing life into the church at the local level. Of the worship songs I have written, there are a few that the church has affirmed again and again. After an informal poll on my Facebook page about which of two songs I should submit, “You Are There” was the clear favorite. BT: When and how can people hear that song and other music of yours?

GB: The new recording of “You Are There” is featured on weareworship.com. The original recording is the opening track on my album, Planted Here, which, along with my most recent release, The Day Is Dawning, and previous CD’s can be found at gilesblankenship.com. Those two albums also can be previewed and downloaded at facebook.com/gilesblankenship. BT

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