Baltimore Jewish Home - 5-12-22

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N E W LO O K , S A M E G R E AT C O N T E N T ! Vol. 8 Issue #9 | May 11-26, 2022 |


JCSL by “Shimz Cars” returns for 4th season


Ner Yisroel Celebrates Hachnasas Sefer Torah


Remembering Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein, z”l

Shoresh Presents

‫ כ״ה אייר תשפ״ב‬- ‫י״א‬


Can This Be Happening?



July 3, 2022 3-9PM @ Shoresh Campus

Featuring House Band Nossi Gross

Co-Chairs: Shani Kohen & Yona Openden Family Fun And More Including: Pony Rides • Petting Zoo • Face Painting Moon Bounce • Art Projects • Delicious Food By Jon Kaplan & Chef Dan Unique Local Judaica • Amazing Entertainment

Fantastic Fireworks Show! For more information and to purchase tickets: | 410-358-8571 | Over 5,000 Issues Printed


Over 10,000 Readers



MAY 12, 2022




• Before doing outdoor activities such as gardening, camping, hiking, and playing, consider using repellents with DEET on your clothes and skin.

• If you find a tick on your body, remove it immediately by grasping it with tweezers only (do not touch the tick with your bare hands), as close to the skin as possible and pulling it straight out.

• Modify your landscape to create tick free zones by mowing grass often and regularly removing leaf litter, moist plant litter, brush, and weeds.

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• After coming indoors, check your clothes and exposed skin for ticks.

• Not every tick carries Lyme disease, but to avoid the potential for the disease, send the tick to a lab immediately. If caught early enough and the tick tests positive as a carrier of Lyme disease, you can prevent getting Lyme disease by taking certain medications (e.g., doxycycline). • Seek medical attention and speak with your doctor if you develop a rash at the site of the bite between 3 to 30 days after the bite and/or if you develop a fever.

“Disease cases from mosquito, tick, and flea bites tripled in the US from 2004 to 2016.”

“Nine new germs spread by mosquitoes and ticks have been discovered or introduced since 2004.”

“Maryland is in the top 20% of US states with the highest reported disease cases from ticks.”, May 2018

This ad should be a zechus refuah sheleimah for Layla Aynav bas Rachel, Rena Esther bas Yaffa Gita, and Sara Cherna Chaya bas Eta Chana. PREPARING OUR COMMUNITY TODAY FOR A SAFE AND SECURE TOMORROW™ The Chesed Fund Limited is dedicated in memory of Mordechai & Rebecca Kapiloff, ‫ע׳׳ה‬. Dr. Bernard Kapiloff, ‫ע׳׳ה‬, and Rabbi Norman & Louise Gerstenfeld, ‫ע׳׳ה‬. Project Ezra of Greater Baltimore, Inc. is dedicated in memory of M. Leo Storch, and Hannah Storch, ‫ע׳׳ה‬.


The Chesed Fund Limited & Project Ezra of Greater Baltimore, Inc. Present




MAY 12, 2022

Safety & Service


Honoring Deserving Children, Youth, & Adults


Award Ceremony • Sunday, June 19th, 2022 • 10:30am Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim • 7504 Seven Mile Lane

The Chesed Fund & Project Ezra are asking you to nominate children, youth or adults who have gone above and beyond to help ensure the safety and security of our community. Awards will be presented to recognize and honor the winners at a special award ceremony.

Winners will be chosen at the discretion of The Chesed Fund and Project Ezra.

Also dedicated in memory of Paul Naden, ‫ע׳׳ה‬, who was the embodiment of kindness. The Chesed Fund Limited is dedicated in memory of Mordechai & Rebecca Kapiloff, ‫ע׳׳ה‬, Dr. Bernard Kapiloff, ‫ע׳׳ה‬ and Rabbi Norman & Louise Gerstenfeld, ‫ע׳׳ה‬. Project Ezra of Baltimore is dedicated in memory of M. Leo and Hannah Storch, ‫ע׳׳ה‬.

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2. Include an explanation of why 1. Submit your nominations by your nominee should be awarded. clicking the link on or by sending an email to 3. Provide your full contact information as well as your nominee’s.



Dear Readers,

MAY 12, 2022

Around the Community




Community Calendar

6 36

JEWISH THOUGHT Rabbi Zvi Teichman


613 Seconds


The BJH Spotlight


FEATURE Remembering Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein, z”l


Can This Be Happening? An Interview with Jewish Author Gordon Korman






NEW! Kids Coloring Contest


Every year on Lag B’Omer we celebrate the Yahrtzeit of Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai. Rabi Shimon was a prized student of the famous Rabi Akiva. After watching the terrible torture and death of his dear Rebbi, Rabi Shimon was haunted and held a deep resentment towards the Romans for killling him and vocally advcoated for defiance. The Romans were informed of his betrayal and they sentenced Rabi Shimon to die as well. He was forced to flee together with his son, and he hid in a cave for twelve years. A miracle occurred and a carob tree grew and sustained them, allowing them to be solely focused on Torah learning for the duration of their solitude. When they finally emerged from the cave, a new Roman regime was in place and he was free to teach Torah to the masses. So much of the Torah that he revealed was focused on two primary themes, Ahavas Yisroel, “Loving Your Fellow Jew,” and Limud HaTorah, “Learning Torah.” He gave his students the guarantee that “Torah will never be forgotten from the Jewish Nation.” Additionally, he directed us to be mindful to never offend or embarrass others with his famous words, “Man should rather jump into a fiery furnace than offend another in public.” Most would agree that combining these two ingredients, is the perfect recipe to bring the Geulah.

LIFESTYLES Health & Fitness


Your Money


Teen Talk


Mental Health


Dating Dialogue


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Aaron Menachem

Send us your: community events, articles & photos, and mazal tovs to to be featured in coming editions!





Moshe Meir Rubin

That’s Odd



Berish Edelman

AMF Creative

Yitzy Halpern

Aaron Menachem


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We’re now one year removed from the terrible tragedy that took place in Meron. It was unfathomable. So many Kedoshim were torn away in the most horrifying manner. However, if you listen to the remarks of the families that are enduring their losses, there is a unified voice of acceptance. Their pain is incomprehensible but their message is impregnable. They implore us to follow in the way of Rabi Shimon like their loved ones. Live a life of Torah. Live a life of love. Do the right things, and don’t be afraid to defy those who hold standards that are contrary to our sacred religion. May the merits of Rabi Shimon protect us and guide us to greatness!



For ad submissions please email

In so many ways, the story of Rabi Shimon is the story of the Jewish people. Waves of tragedy never bring us down. The hard times empower us to become better and grow. We push forward and make the most of difficult times. Rabi Shimon provided the blueprint, learn the Torah and treat each other with respect, and we’ll be ok. While society around us crumbles, in unison with the disintegration of its morals, we know that if we follow the Torah, we’ll have the very best protection from the craziness of the world around us.


Michael Czermak





Hatzalah 410-358-0000

Shomrim 410-358-9999 NWCP 410-664-6927

Chaverim 410-486-9000 Misaskim 443-265-2300

The Baltimore Jewish Home is an independent bi-weekly newspaper. All opinions expressed by the journalists, contributors and/or advertisers printed and/or quoted herein are solely their opinions and do not reflect the opinions of BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME, their parent company or affiliates, and may have been previously disseminated by them on television, radio, Internet or another medium. The Baltimore Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The BJH contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly.


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Described by participants as “ lifetransforming” and “an oasis of healing,” the Fresh Start retreat is the first-of-itskind in the frum world, developed under the guidance and leadership of a team of world-renowned trauma experts, licensed clinical therapists, doctors, and rabbonim to combine proven treatment principles with authentic Torah values.

MAY 12, 2022

FRESH START is an intensive 7-day retreat designed for men and women who want to understand, process, and heal from unresolved trauma, neglect, and abuse. Set on a serene Michigan island right off of Lake Erie, quiet, breathtaking surroundings and luxury accommodations create the ideal backdrop for deep emotional healing and profound rediscovery of self.




Around the Community


MAY 12, 2022

The Jewish Community Softball League (JCSL) by “Shimz Cars” Returns for 4th Season JCSL by Shimz Cars kicked off their fourth annual season at the Northwest Regional – by Fired Up Promotions fields. Prior to opening week, the league’s 108 players were divided between nine different teams via a draft system, ensuring parity in competition. The nine teams are each named for their individual team sponsors: AMF Creative, Believe and Achieve Sports, Donny Ankri Architects, KD Gold and Coin Exchange, LBSI, Levin & Gann, PsychCare, Stutman Chiropractic, and Worthy Insurance. Following the draft, teams were provided with their team jerseys, sponsored by Web Interactive Technologies. Teams also came prepared for opening day by fully reviewing the highly detailed, Dr Stanley Markovitz Orthodontics League Rules and Regulations. Teams shows up to the fields by 9:30 AM and were provided with league equipment to include bases, balls, catcher’s masks, etc. sponsored by Premier Financial. All nine teams will compete for eight regular season games, with the top four teams facing off in a round of playoffs. The playoffs winners will then battle each other in the Camp Shoresh championship. Continue below for some of the excitement from the first week of the season.

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Stutman Chiropractic PsychCare

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Stutman Chiropractic opened their season with an exciting thriller. Things looked concerning for the “back crackers” after PsychCare took a 6-0 lead in the top of the first. But the Chiropractors refused to be intimidated by PsychCare’s head games and cut the lead to 6-4 a few innings later. After trading lead changes throughout the game, PsychCare was up 1511 going into the bottom of the 8th. But that’s when things started to turn around. In the bottom of the 8th, Stutman Chiropractic worked some pitch counts to load the bases on a series of walks and were able to end the inning only down one run. After holding PsychCare scoreless in the top of the 9th, the table was set for a walk off win for the “spinal adjusters.” Stutman Chiropractic led off with a single followed by an Aron Meister double, putting men on 2nd and 3rd with no outs and the winning run on second. All-Star (and potential come back player of the year) Jeremy Lasson came to the plate and pulled a line drive in to left, scoring both runs for the exciting walk-off win.

LBSI Believe and Achieve

18 14

During the long off-season, the LBSI front office primarily focused on the business of running a professional softball team. The first order of business was negotiating the reacquisition of the team naming rights from www.


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With the identity of the team firmly re-established and purple shirts secured, management turned their full attention on re-building a contender to defend its 2021 JCSL championship title. But all the positivity and momentum is as good as the next-day starting Pitcher and for the first 8 innings, Believe and Achieve’s Tali “The Strong Man” Strum completely shut down the former champs. Dominated by numerous Gold Glove plays from Meir Parry, Binyomin Goldenberg and Moshe Burr, as well as some relentless hitting by Avi Safren, Yaakov Spatz and Moshe Tuchman, LBSI found themselves down 13-7 going into the ninth inning. However, things turned around for LBSI in the 9th as they sent 17 men to the plate in the inning, scoring 7 runs. LBSI is humbled and very thankful for the miraculous turn of events.

Worthy Insurance KD Gold & Coin Exchange

23 9

Worthy Insurance, an expansion team from Chicago, wasted no time introducing themselves to the league as they defeated KD Gold & Coin Exchange 23-9 in dominant fashion. Pitcher Dany Donaty took the mound for Worthy in the top of the first, his first career start in the league, and didn’t give up a run. The Worthy bats came alive in the bottom of the first, scoring 4 runs on 6 hits, highlighted by a 2-run single from Asher Sondhelm and a 2-run double from Shalom Ryback. After Donaty had a 1-2-3 inning in the 2nd, Worthy scored 6 more runs in the bottom of the 2nd (on 7 hits), this time with RBIs from Eli Newman, Yoni Finkelstein, and Eli Dollman and a 3-run HR off the bat of Chaim Finkelstein. KD got on the board in the top of the 3rd, scoring 3 runs. But Worthy scored 5 more (on 8 hits) in the bottom of the inning, with RBIs from Noson Berman, Danny Weissman, Yoni Finkelstein and 2 RBIs from Oren Bluman. With Worthy leading 15-3 in the 4th, KD showed some life. After an error, they had a few hits, a couple walks, and added 5 runs to cut the lead

to 15-8. But the Worthy bats stayed red-hot in the bottom of the 4th. They scored 6 more runs on 7 more hits, this time with Navid Raoofian, Noson Berman, Michael Neuman, Eli Newman (x2), and Oren Bluman supplying the RBIs. After another 1-2-3 in the top of the 5th, Worthy only needed to score 2 runs for the game to end with the Mercy Rule. Yoni Finkelstein led off with a single and advanced to 3rd after an errant throw. His brother (and Worthy Employee of the Month), Chaim Finkelstein, singled him home. Eli Dollman then doubled and Shalom Ryback scorched a ball to the outfield to walkoff the game. This was a true display of a team win as all 12 players scored and 11 players had RBIs for Worthy. As a team, they scored 23 runs on 32 hits in only 4+ innings!!

Donny Ankri Architects AMF Creative

22 10

Donny Ankri Architects showed up for opening day ready to play. They got off to a hot start, scoring 5 runs in the first. AMF immediately answered with 5 runs of their own in the 2nd. However, DAA responded, scoring runs in almost every inning during the game. DAA’s two through six hitters went 17 for 22 hitting combined, as they cruised to victory.



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MAY 12, 2022

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Around the Community

Baltimore’s Yeshivas Ner Yisroel Celebrates Hachnasas Sefer Torah

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MAY 12, 2022

Photo Credits: Rabbi Eli Greengart


n Sunday, May 1st Yeshivas Ner Yisroel held an Hachnosas Sefer Torah on its campus. The new sefer was written in memory and in honor of Rabbi Herman Naftoli Neuberger zt”l, the long time President of Ner Yisroel. The sefer was dedicated by the family of Dr. and Mrs. Zev Munk of Houston, TX in memory of Dr. Munk’s parents. The elder Munk’s were Holocaust survivors who met and began their lives after WWII in Switzerland. As their family began to grow they made the decision to move from Switzerland to Ottowa, Canada. Dr. Munk recalled asking his parents why they decided to make this move as they had established a comfortable life for themselves. His parents responded that at that time the intermarriage rate in Switzerland was near 100% and that they had survived the atrocities of Europe with the hope continuing the Jewish tradition not to watch it fade away. Festivities began with the writing of the final letters of the Sefer Torah by yeshiva Rebbeim, members

of the Neuberger family, members of the Munk family and the Rosh HaYeshiva HaRav Aharon Feldman shlit”a. This was followed by a gala lunch held in the Yeshiva’s new simcha room. Members of the Yeshiva hanhala including various Rabbeim, Rabbi Boruch Neuberger and the Rosh HaYeshiva HaRav Aharon Feldman shlit”a joined the Munks to marvel at the beautiful new sefer. Divrei bracha were given by Rabbi Boruch Neuberger, Dr. Munk as well as by the Rosh HaYeshiva. After lunch the procession to bring the new sefer to the yeshiva beis medrash began. Hundreds of yeshiva talmidim led the procession from the dining room to the yeshiva beis medrash. Amidst live music and lively singing and dancing the sefer was brought to its new home inside the Ner Yisroel Aron Kodesh. Families and children from those who live on the Yeshiva campus as well as from the greater Baltimore community came to watch and participate in this event of Kavod HaTorah.


MAY 31

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Authority of : Dalya Attar for Baltimore, Sara Goldfeiz, Treasurer

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Delegate Dalya Attar has done an excellent job representing all her constituents in District 41! Come show your gratitude and support at her re-election kick-off event!

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MAY 12, 2022

6:30 - 8:00 PM







Around the Community

OCA’s Community Yom Ha’atzmaut Celebration

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MAY 12, 2022

In Partnership with Congregation Shomrei Emunah


hr Chadash Academy (OCA) is proud to have partnered with Congregation Shomrei Emunah and host over 700 members of the extended Baltimore community for a special Yom Ha’atzmaut event, celebrating Israel’s 74th birthday! The event started with a program and tekes which included Hatikvah and Misheberach led by Moishe Abramson, Dovi Ziffer, and Zevi Dan-

iel, remarks by Rabbi Binyamin Marwick and Mrs. Deborah L. Rapoport, OCA’s Head of School, and a choir performance by OCA students. After the program, everyone enjoyed a delicious BBQ dinner and a variety of Israel and Torah themed booths and games. Activities included pony rides, a petting zoo, moonbounces, a rock climbing wall, edible art, and so much more! Next year in Yerushalayim!


LIVE ANI MAAMIN. The Meron tragedy sparked a movement that has inspired tens of thousands...

MAY 12, 2022


TWO POWERFUL WORDS. Words that speak volumes. Words that have carried us through the ages.



Don’t Just Say Ani Maamin.

‫לעילוי נשמת‬

‫הבחור החשוב נפש יקרה‬

Dovi Steinmetz ‫ז״ל‬

‫ז״ל בן שלמה עמו״ש‬

.‫ה‬.‫ב‬.‫צ‬.‫נ‬.‫קדישא מירון ת‬

‫יששכר דוב בעריש‬

‫בעומר תשפ״א — באתרא‬

‫שלשה עשר עקרים‬

‫נפטר ל״ג‬

,‫מּונה ְׁשלֵ ָמה‬ ָ ‫ֶּב ֱא‬ ,‫רּואים‬ ִ ‫ֲאנִ י ַמ ֲא ִמין ּבֹורא ַּומנְ ִהיג ְלָכל ַה ְ ּֿב‬ ֵ ‫הּוא‬ ְ

‫ּבֹורא יִ ְת ָּבַרך ְׁשמֹו‬ ֵ ‫ֶׁשַה‬ .‫ַי ֲע ֶׂשה ְלָכל ַהַּמ ֲע ִׂשים‬ ְ‫עֹוׂשה ו‬ ֶ ְ‫וְ הּוא ְל ַבּדֹו ָעָׂשה ו‬ I am steadfast in my absolute belief

that the Creator, blessed is His Name, that is brought into existence, and that He creates, and will create alone created, all that is created.

creates and guides all

,‫ה ְׁשלֵ ָמה‬

ָ ‫ֲאנִ י ַמ ֲא ִמין ֶּב ֱא‬ ,‫מּונ ידּות ָּכ ֽמֹוהּו ְּבׁשּום ָּפנִ ים‬ ‫ְ ׁשמֹו הּואָי ִחיד וְ ֵאין יְ ִח‬ ְ ‫ּבֹורא יִ ְת ָּבַרך‬ ֵ ‫ֶׁשַה‬ .‫ ָהָיה הֹוֶ ה וְ יִ ְהיֶ ה‬,‫ל ֹקינּו‬ ‫וְ הּוא ְל ַבּדֹו ֱא‬ I am steadfast in

my absolute belief that the Creator, blessed is One, and there is no uniqueness like is His Name, His in any way, and forever having existed, He alone is our Lord, existing, and continui ng to exist.

,‫מּונה ְׁשלֵ ָמה‬ ָ

‫ֲאנִ י ַמ ֲא ִמין ֶּב ֱא‬ ,‫ַי ִּׂשיגֽ ּוהּו ַמ ִּׂשיגֵ י ַהּגּוף‬ ‫ וְ ל ֹא‬,‫ר ְך ְׁשמֹו ֵאינֹו גּוף‬ ַ‫ּבֹורא יִ ְת ָּב‬ ֵ ‫ֶׁשַה‬ .‫יֹון ְּכָלל‬

‫וְ ֵאין לֹו ׁשּום ִּד ְמ‬ I am steadfast in my absolute belief that the Creator, blessed has no corporeality, is His Name, nor can any material qualities be ascribed and there is nothing to Him, at all that is compara ble to Him.

,‫מּונה ְׁשלֵ ָמה‬ ָ ‫ֲאנִ י ַמ ֲא ִמין ֶּב ֱא‬

.‫הּוא ִראׁשֹון וְ הּוא ַא ֲחרֹון‬

I am steadfast in my

‫ּבֹורא יִ ְת ָּבַר ְך ְׁשמֹו‬ ֵ ‫ֶׁשַה‬

absolute belief that the Creator, blessed is the very first and the very last [to exist]. is His Name,

,‫מּונה ְׁשלֵ ָמה‬ ָ ‫ין ֶּב ֱא‬

‫ֲאנִ י ַמ ֲא ִמ‬ ,‫ְל ַבּדֹוָראּוי ְל ִה ְתַּפ ֵּלל‬ ‫ּבֹורא יִ ְת ָּבַר ְך ְׁשמֹו לֹו‬ ֵ ‫ֶׁשַה‬ .‫זּולתֹוָראּוי ְל ִה ְתַּפ ֵּלל‬ ָ ‫וְ ֵאין ְל‬ I am steadfast in my absolute

belief that the Creator, blessed is His Name iate to pray, and it is — inappropriate to pray to any other.

to Him alone is it appropr


I am steadfast in my

n this new thoughtful work, Rabbi Yechezkel Elias examines each of the 13 ikkarei emunah — and the Ani Maamins based on them. Using contemporary examples that we can all understand and relate to, he makes the often difficult concepts clear, comprehensible — and very, very relevant.

,‫מּונה ְׁשלֵ ָמה‬ ָ ‫ֲאנִ י ַמ ֲא ִמין ֶּב ֱא‬ .‫יאים ֱא ֶמת‬ ִ ‫ֶׁשָּכל ִּד ְב ֵרי נְ ִב‬

absolute belief that

all the words of the

prophets are true.

FREE ANI MAAMIN CARD INCLUDED! In memory of Dovi Steinmetz z”l ‫לע״נ יששכר דוב בעריש ז"ל ב"ר שלמה נ"י‬

Watch fascinating interviews with the author, Rabbi Yechezkel Elias and with Dovi’s father, Reb Shloimi Steinmetz WATCH: Reb Shloimi Steinmetz on the initiative he started in memory of his son Dovi z”l, one of the 45 precious neshamos who lost their lives in the Meron Lag Ba’omer tragedy.


WAT C H N O W AT I N S I D E . A R T S C R O L L . C O M

Fallstaff Shopping Center 6830 Reisterstown Rd Baltimore Maryland 21215 Phone: (410) 358-2200

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WATCH: An interview with the author, Rabbi Yechezkel Elias, whose series of shiurim on the 13 Ikkarei Emunah form the basis of this beautifully presented


Around the Community

Welcoming Meshulachim & More!


MAY 12, 2022


or some, welcoming a meshulach is usually quick process. You provide them with tzedakah and maybe a drink and then send them on their way. For others, especially, mothers at bedtime, it is a huge annoyance. But for some people like the Storch family, not only do they put out the welcome mat, but they also actually provide meshulachim who travel to Baltimore with a unique, “Welcome to Baltimore,” carry-on bag full of travel necessities and more. Frank Storch explained, “As children, growing up with our parent’s open door and welcoming home to all those in need, we had the perfect role models to teach us what true tzedakah and chesed means. When the Covid pandemic began in 2020, while it allowed me to focus on providing tens of thousands of masks, gloves, and other PPE to our community and beyond through the Chesed Fund & Project Ezra, it also prohibited me from interacting with the hundreds of meshulachim who usually visit. For many years, I had always thought about creating a welcome kit for the thousands

of meshulachim that come through Baltimore annually. Now, I finally had the opportunity to really work on it and consider what a meshulach might really need.” Frank spent months ordering various travel items that are sometimes easily forgotten, and then compiling them into useful carry-on bags that easily slip on to the handles of a suitcase. Meshulachim will be delighted to find over 50 items, totaling in value of over $100. Items range from toiletries to a travel cup with hot chocolate, coffee, and tea. The bag also consists of rain hat covers, a pair of socks, a scarf, and much more. There is even a small gift for the meshulachim’ s wives for holding down the fort while their husbands are away. Any items that are not easily identifiable are labeled in both Hebrew and Yiddish so that non-English speaking meshulachim can easily understand what each item is. So how does a meshulach get his welcome bag? When a meshulach comes to town and picks up his certificate from the Agudah of Baltimore,

he will be informed that he can pick up a welcome bag at the Knish Shop. “Mosey Treuhaft of the Knish Shop has been kind enough to make his local shop available as a pickup spot,” said Frank. Additionally, starting this project helped spur two more for The Chesed Fund and Project Ezra. Considering the travel safety needs of meshulachim, a handy international Hatzalah and Shomrim guide of phone numbers was developed and included in the welcome bag. The second important travel resource was an updated Interstate Chaverim card listing 41 Chaverim organizations across the country, dedicated in memory of Zalman Angster, a”h. These important resources are not just for meshulachim but for everyone else too and can be obtained by visiting for a free download, sending an email request to, or contacting those organizations directly. The “Welcome to Baltimore” meshulachim bag project is dedicated in loving memory of Mr. M. Leo and

Hannah Storch, a”h, an exemplary couple who as legendary pillars of the Baltimore community, treated every meshulach who came to their door with tremendous warmth and respect.

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MAY 12, 2022

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MAY 12, 2022


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Rabbi Dave Finkelstein - Shoresh the Jacobs, and her sister, the Kohens, also moved to Baltimore and they live a block away. Baltimore has become a beautiful home for both our families.

Tell us about your family I met my future wife Debbie on Shavuos on Yeshiva Lane at the Ryback’s, and the rest is a beautiful, 37year history, B”H. Debbie, who is a star at Remax, and works very hard so I can “play at camp,” and I have four children, Avi (and Devorah), Elisheva (and Eli), Chaim, and Yoni, and beautiful grandchildren. Debbie’s parents,

How did you get involved with Shoresh? I went to college so I could learn all about business. I was planning on moving back to Memphis to potentially go into real estate with my uncle Bernie. However, Hashem has different plans for me. My brother, along with his brother in-laws, Avi Kosman and Chaim Kosman, started Shoresh in Frederick, Maryland and I joined the program in its third year. There were around 25 campers and the program was for three to four weeks. I was so impressed with the Frederick families and the genuine love that they had for each and every mitzvah and Jewish concept that we taught them. When I spoke about building a Sukkah, the parents didn’t come over to me and say, “we don’t believe in this.” Instead, they would ask if we could come to their house and show them

Did your parents support your decision to focus your career on Kiruv? After spending time in Frederick, I made a crucial decision to call my parents and tell them that I think I want to become a Rabbi. My father, A”H, thought it was a prank call. But after I assured him that I would finish my master’s degree, he acquiesced and agreed to this new journey in my life. Tell us about Shoresh Shoresh is celebrating our 43rd year and personally, this is my 41st year. I have been blessed to have over 4,000 campers as well as 900 staff members be a part of the Shoresh family. We have a beautiful 107-acre campus in Adamstown, Maryland, and put 8 million dollars into the campus to give our kids and their families a yearround home where they can develop body, mind, and soul. Shoresh will be hosting a special event soon, can you inform us of the exciting details? On Sunday, July 3rd, we are having an epic Jewish Roots Music Festival at our campus from 3pm to 9pm. There will be wonderful entertainment for the entire family, including pony rides, petting zoos, face painting, hayrides, and much more. Delicious food will be prepared and sold by John Kaplan

and Chef Dan and there will be a special VIP party in our 50’s diner led by CW Silverberg of CWS and Tripping Kosher, open bar, and VIP concert seats. Shani Kohen and Yona Openden are the co-chairs of the event. Which singers will be performing? The highlight of the event is our Jewish music superstars, including Avraham Rosenblum and Ruby Harris of Diaspora Yeshiva Band, Joey Newcomb, Lenny Solomon, and the Moshav Band. Nossi Gross and Zemer will be leading the awesome House Band, and the evening will end with a spectacular fireworks show. How do I purchase tickets? For more information, go to www. or call 410-908-2267. Anything else to add? Our taglines are “from baby to bubby” and “going strong all year long.” The Shoresh children have brought back the beauty of Judaism to their parents and as my Rabbi, Harav Nota Greenblatt TZ”L, who was a giant in the Torah world and recently passed away, would often say about the Memphis Hebrew Academy where I attended and where he was a founder, “children take parents to a place that they never would have gone on their own.”

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Tell us about yourself I was born in Memphis, Tennessee to a mom who was originally from Shanghai, China, and to a father born in Mississippi. How’s that for a long range Shidduch? I moved to Baltimore in 1976, following in my brother Sam’s footsteps to attend Ner Yisroel. My sister Sara Shachter then followed us to Baltimore and when my father passed away, my mother moved to town as well. We all live on the same block and are extremely close.

Where did you go to Yeshiva & school? After graduating from high school, I went to Mircaz Hatorah for two years and then came back to Ner Yisroel to learn and to go to John’s Hopkins, were I received a master’s in administrative science. I was also a part of the Kollel for five years.

how to build one.





Yad L’achim R’ Yossi Bensoussan To Speak In Baltimore On Wed, May 25th For Yad L’achim

MAY 12, 2022

By Mishael Mordechai Gantz

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speak on how we can learn lessons from the Arab Villages and apply it to our lives.

and inspirational stories that will surely be talked about for weeks to come. You will be able to hear firsthand stories of harrowing rescues and how they take place. This is an event you will not want to miss.

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The event will take place at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Mendel Rosen, 6511 Clarington Road on Wednesday May 25th @8:30pm. For more info call 917-6931407 or email PS: Refreshments will be served!

R’ Bensoussan is very close to Yad L’Achim and will share insights

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R’ Bensoussan is speaking on the topic of “Lessons from the Villages that can transform your life”. He will




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Rabbi Rubin, Kehillas Ohr Yisrael ing time for families in our shul, especially for the kids. Friday night davening is always leibedig and full of energy. Before Maariv, I pose a question or riddle on the Parsha for families to chew over the Shabbos meals & after Shabbos I send out the answers. It’s really amazing to hear the many creative answers from our members and their children over the weekend. On Shabbos morning, we are proud to have two beautiful minyanim: hashkama and main. The ruach and comradery among our Balei Batim in both minyanim is exceptional! Then, of course, there’s the drasha at the main minyan where I enjoy sharing a short but profound thought on the Parsha which has relevance to the ever-changing times and lives of our mispallelim. After davening, we have a hot kiddush where I share a meaningful story and sing Shabbos zemiros with the children. B”H, I’m proud to say that I have gotten to know almost every child in the shul on a personal level. One of my points of pride that gives me much joy is our Chevra Mishnayos Club on Shabbos afternoon where I get to test the boys of all ages on their learning. To have the opportunity

to learn Torah with every boy and watch them progress over time is simply incredible and gives me much satisfaction! Another highlight for me is when I bring my girls to shul for Bnos and listen to them enjoying themselves with their friends as I give my in-depth Chumash/Rashi shiur to the men. It’s really a packed Shabbos and we hope that everyone walks away each week with the sensational taste of Shabbos! Q: Where do you see your shul in, let’s say, ten years from now? RR: Hah, only a Navi can answer a question like that! Ultimately, my dream is to see every family in our kehilla deepen their relationship with Hakadosh Baruch Hu, His Torah, and each other. In addition to learning with the boys in shul, it gives me great nachas when I walk in to the Bais Medrash every night and listen to the reverberating sound of Torah coming from the many members of our shul shteiging together and enjoying each other’s company. These people are growing and I hope that it never stops, certainly not after ten years!

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Q: Rabbi Rubin, can you tell us a little about yourself? Are you a native of Baltimore? RR: I actually grew up in Toronto and came here to learn in Ner Yisrael almost 13 years ago and haven’t left since! Baruch Hashem, my wife (who I schlepped down here from New York) and I are so privileged to be a part of this amazing community and raise our family here! Q: I understand that you’re the Rav of a fast-growing kehilla in the Summit Park/Indian Village neighborhood. How long have you been doing that? RR: Young families started moving out to the neighborhood about ten years ago. Over time, a basement minyan was formed for Friday night davening, but most people were walking a nice distance for Shabbos day. About three years ago, the minyan realized that there was a growing need for a shul in the area and I was called in to be the Rav. Since then, the shul has B”H purchased and renovated a beautiful building and has grown to over eighty families who are all thrilled to be a part of this wonderful kehilla! Q: Can you walk us through a typical Shabbos in Ohr Yisrael? RR: Shabbos is a really excit-


MAY 12, 2022


The Week In News

Tragedy in Elad

Three fathers were murdered in a brutal terror attack on Thursday evening in Elad, as Israel’s Independence Day celebrations were drawing to a close. Early on Friday morning, the three who were killed were named: Yonatan Havakuk, a father of five children; Boaz Gol, also a father of five; and Oren Ben Yiftah, a father of six. According to eyewitnesses, two terrorists attacked several people with an axe and a knife at a central park in

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the charedi city of Elad. The attack left two other victims in serious condition; their conditions are still serious, but they are stable. Havakuk, who was in his 40s, was described as “acheinu,” “our brother” – an always-smiling, friendly face who worked at a local garage. Local resident Yaakov Bar Noi told Haaretz that Havakuk was “a wonderful person” and that his “acheinu” nickname came from his habit of calling everyone “acheinu.” “He always had a smile on his face,” Bar Noi added, noting that Havakuk would do the work for free if the person could not pay. Havakuk was killed when he went outside to search for his son. Ben Yiftah, who worked as a driver, was found to have unwittingly driven the terrorists to a synagogue in Elad, after being told that they were involved in construction work at the site. Upon arrival at the synagogue, the terrorists took an axe to Ben Yiftah, brutally killing him. Just prior to his fatal drive, Ben Yiftah had transported a rabbi to a Torah class.

Funerals for the three were held on Friday. Following the attack, Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai ordered law enforcement to begin a nationwide operation against Palestinians who illegally enter Israel from the West Bank along with those who assist them. By Monday, at least 851 Palestinians who had been in Israel illegally and 91 people suspected of aiding had been detained in the sweep. The two murderers, Subhi Emad Subhi Abu Shqeir and As’ad Yousef As’ad al-Rifa’I, were finally arrested by police after a 60-hour manhunt. They had been found in a field not far from the attack. The pair had been to Elad numerous times for work and were familiar with the area.

Tanach Tie

up and act. If something is not the way it should be – act.” He added, “Initiate, act, work, and never, ever – never give up. Turn our beloved State of Israel into an amazing country. Finalists, every single one of you did something, invested, learned, and again – and this is how you achieved your great achievement here. I am very proud of you.” Rabbi Yoram Rosenbaum, dean of the Amit High School Yeshiva in Tzfat, congratulated his student, saying, “Dvir, a son of the city of Tzfat, is a young Torah scholar, curious, diligent in Torah study, and above all, has a good heart and a desire to bring blessing and light to the world. He has brought great pride to the yeshiva and to the entire city of Tzfat. We are all happy that we have merited to learn with him and to learn from him in yeshiva.”

Terrorists’ Homes to be Demolished The International Bible Contest for Youth, held on Israel’s 74th Independence Day, ended with a tie: Dvir Chaim Mertzbach and Hillel Cohen, who had competed head-to-head, both passed the final round with an equal number of points. According to Arutz Sheva, both winners are from Israel: Mertzbach studies in the Amit Yeshiva in Tzfat, while Cohen studies in the Hartman High School in Jerusalem. The young men ended the contest with 142 points each. Towards the end, Hillel, who answered his final question first, asked the audience to give his opponent a bit of quiet to think. In third and fourth place are Yitzhak Spivak of the USA, and Yaakov Weinstein of South Africa, respectively. Following the conclusion of the contest, Ofer Hadad, who was asking the questions, called Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Israeli President Isaac Herzog to the stage to distribute the prizes. Turning to Israel’s youth, Bennett said, “Let’s learn from our nation’s heroes to take responsibility – to get

The IDF on Sunday said that its troops were operating in the Palestinian Authority (PA) town of Rumana, where the two Arabs suspected of carrying out a deadly terror attack in Elad live. During their operation, the troops mapped out the terrorists’ homes, in preparation for a future demolition. The terrorists, arrested Sunday morning, were named as As’ad Yousef As’ad al-Rifa’i, 19, and Subhi Emad Sbeihat, 20. Al-Rifa’i confessed to attacking Oren Ben Yiftah, Yonatan Havakuk, and Elad Gol with an axe at the end of Independence Day, together with Sbeihat. In addition to the axe, it is believed that the terrorists also used a knife. According to Channel 12 News, security forces located an item soaked in blood, as well as a tree showing evidence of having been hit with an axe.



MAY 12, 2022

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MAY 12, 2022


The Week In News Second Lieutenant Y., a deputy commander in an elite IDF unit, detailed how forces located the murderers. “We identified a clump of weeds in the thicket, moving at a breathing rate. We realized the terrorists were there. We surprised them, pulled them out, and they did not resist.” He added that the terrorists’ hideout was “not bad at all, but they still stood out” to the forces. The terrorists “were in total shock and completely exhausted,” he added.

Did Bennett Bend to Jordan?

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Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Ben-

nett on Tuesday pushed back against reports that Israel has agreed to a Jordanian request expanding Muslim control over the Temple Mount. In a statement released by the Prime Minister’s Office that day, Bennett denied that Israel had acceded to a Jordanian demand that Israel allow the Waqf – the Jordan-based Islamic trust which administers the Temple Mount – to assign an additional 50 personnel to the site. “This is an event that took place about a month and a half ago. Indeed, about a month and a half ago, a Jordanian request was received to increase the Waqf presence on the Temple Mount by 50 guards but Israel did not find it appropriate to accede to the request,” Bennett said. The prime minister added that the status quo on the Temple Mount remains intact and emphasized that Israel will not permit foreign states to dictate policy on the holy site. “In practice: Six Hamas-backed Waqf guards were removed from the Temple Mount, and 12 new Waqf positions were manned — all within the existing standards, without any in-

crease. “There is no change or new development in the situation on the Temple Mount – Israel’s sovereignty has been preserved,” Bennett added. “All decisions on the Temple Mount will be made by the Israeli government out of considerations of sovereignty, freedom of religion and security, and not out of pressure from foreign or political factors.” On Monday, Kan 11 reported that Public Security Minister Omer Barlev (Labor) and Israel Police have agreed to the Jordanian government’s demands for an increased Waqf presence on the Temple Mount. The report followed an ultimatum by the United Arab List that the government agree to Jordan’s terms or lose the UAL’s support in the Knesset.

Israel to Target Hamas Leaders Israel has allegedly told foreign allies that it is preparing teams to carry out targeted assassinations of Hamas

leaders abroad, the Times of Israel reported. Britain’s The Times newspaper on Monday quoted unnamed intelligence sources as saying that a “clear message” needs to be sent to Hamas.

Though Hamas has not claimed responsibility for most of the terror attacks taking place in Israel since late March, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has repeatedly called on “Palestinians” to assault Israelis, praised terrorists, and encouraged additional violence. The terror group also claimed responsibility for a terror attack which left a security guard dead at the entrance to the city of Ariel last week and promised additional similar attacks in the future. Proposals have been made in Israel to target Sinwar himself, but, accord-


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MAY 12, 2022



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MAY 12, 2022


The Week In News ing to The Times, officials are wary of doing so for fear it might trigger an escalation. Instead, the report added, any potential targeted assassinations are likely to take place abroad. The report also added that Hamas is believed to have been warned of a potential resumption of assassinations. Potential targets include deputy leader Saleh al-Arouri and Zaher Jabarin, a senior figure in Hamas responsible for its finances.

Coalition in the Balance Israel’s Knesset on Monday opened its summer session with a bill to dissolve the Knesset scheduled to be brought for a vote later this week. MK Boaz Toporovsky (Yesh Atid), the acting coalition chairman, acknowledged the “serious crisis,” telling Kan News, “Everyone understands that we’re at a crossroads that can bring about, Heaven forbid, elec-

tions in Israel.” Yesh Atid Chairman, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, said at a faction meeting, “Some legislative efforts will be delayed, but Israel has had similar governments in the past that survived for a long time.” Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett told members of his Yamina party, “Political instability is unhealthy for a country. We all need to right the ship and take responsibility. We are in a significant wave of terrorism, and we need to stand united in front of our enemies.” He added, “It is very important to hold the coalition together because the alternative is going a year backward, which is awful.”. Israel’s government currently lacks a majority, holding just 60 seats out of the Knesset’s 120. Meanwhile, the United Arab List (Ra’am) party has frozen its cooperation with the coalition due to tensions over the Temple Mount. A Shura Council meeting to be held Tuesday will decide whether the party continues in the government or quits the co-

alition. Noting the precarious position of the coalition, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday, “It’s over, Naftali. Your government has finished its short and feeble term.” He asserted, “This government does not have public legitimacy.” While Netanyahu’s no-confidence votes failed to pass, he is weighing having the Knesset vote on a bill to dissolve itself. Should the move fail, Netanyahu would have to wait six months before trying to pass it again.

New White House Press Secretary The White House has named Karine Jean-Pierre, current principal

Deputy Press Secretary for the White House, as the next Press Secretary, making her the first Black woman to hold the position. Jean-Pierre will take over the role following Jen Psaki’s resignation next week. In a statement, U.S. President Joe Biden said, “Karine not only brings the experience, talent and integrity needed for this difficult job, but she will continue to lead the way in communicating about the work of the Biden-Harris Administration on behalf of the American people.” Jean-Pierre has been on the White House staff since Biden took office and has worked extensively with both Biden and U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris in the past. Jean-Pierre said, “I am still processing it… This is a historic moment, and it’s not lost on me. “I understand how important it is for so many people out there. So many different communities that I stand on their shoulders... It is an honor and a privilege to be behind this podium.” But not everyone is cheering Jean-



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MAY 12, 2022


The Week In News

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Pierre. Many are pointing to her vocal anti-Israel sentiment. From August 2016 to August 2020, she was the national spokesperson and senior adviser for the left-wing political group, a group that supported the boycott of AIPAC and challenged anti-BDS laws. In a 2019 op-ed in Newsweek, Jean-Pierre said that candidates cannot call themselves a progressive if they supported AIPAC. “Unfortunately, AIPAC’s policy and conference speaker choices aren’t its only problems. Its severely racist, Islamophobic rhetoric has proven just as alarming,” Jean-Pierre wrote. “The organization has become known for trafficking in anti-Muslim and anti-Arab rhetoric while lifting up Islamophobic voices and attitudes.” Others have noted that she is married to a CNN correspondent and are skeptical that she can remain neutral in her role.

Protesters Target SCOTUS Homes

Justices on the Supreme Court are being targeted by protesters after a draft opinion on Roe v. Wade had been leaked last week. On Monday evening, demonstrators headed to the home of Justice Samuel Alito – who wrote the draft opinion – in Northern Virginia. Protesters marched and shouted: “Our bodies, our voice” and “Alito is a coward.” Some held signs that read: “Repro Freedom For All.” The political group Shut Down DC said it would be organizing a vigil outside Justice Alito’s home because “it’s been impossible to reach him at the Supreme Court.” The group argued that with Justice Alito’s draft opinion, not only was Roe v. Wade on the line but other issues, including interracial mar-

riage, could be next. Alito is not the only justice being targeted. Protesters have shown up at other justices’ homes, including those of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Chief Justice John Roberts. As such, the Senate passed legislation to beef up security for Supreme Court justices, ensuring they and their families are protected. The bill now moves to the House for consideration. The legislation is a technical change that allows Supreme Court law enforcement to provide aroundthe-clock security to immediate family members, in line with protection for certain people in the executive and legislative branches. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., noted that he thinks the protests may be illegal. “Trying to scare federal judges into ruling a certain way is far outside the bounds of normal First Amendment speech or protest. It is an attempt to replace the rule of law with the rule of mobs,” McConnell said in remarks on the Senate floor on Monday. “It appears this may possibly be flat-out illegal. There is a federal law on the books that criminalizes ‘pickets or parades’ with ‘the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court office,’ at locations that include a judge’s ‘residence.’” McConnell noted, “Last year, Attorney General Garland’s Justice Department was quick to treat the concerned parents of America like potential domestic terrorists. But curiously, I haven’t heard any announcement about how the DOJ may handle these intimidation tactics aimed at federal judges.”

Baby Formula Shortage

U.S. stores nationwide have been struggling for months to stock enough baby formula for their cus-

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tomers. Although manufacturers say they are working at full capacity and producing as much as they can, formula production is not enough to meet the current demand. According to data from Datasembly, the out-of stock-rate for infant formula ranged between 2-8% in the first half of 2021 but jumped to 31% between November 2021 and April 2022. That rate increased another nine percentage points in just three weeks in April, and now stands at 40%, statistics show. During the week starting April 24, more than half of baby formula was sold out in six U.S .states, Datasembly added. Seven more states had between 40-50% of infant formula products out of stock by April 26. According to Datasembly CEO Ben Reich, “This issue has been compounded by supply chain issues, product recalls and historic inflation. Unfortunately, given the unprecedented amount of volatility to the category, we anticipate baby formula to continue to be one of the most affected products in the market.” Meanwhile, both CVS and Walgreens are limiting customers nationwide to three toddler and infant formulas per transaction. In a statement, Walgreens said, “We continue to work diligently with our supplier partners to best meet customer demands.” Target has limited infant formula purchases to four units per customer for online purchases but has not set a limit on the number of units which can be purchased in-person, a company spokesperson said. The formula shortage has been exacerbated by a February recall of three types of Abbott Nutrition infant formulas due to potential contamination. The Abbott factory has not yet reopened following the recall.

only added to the field on Friday, after another horse pulled out of the race. Speaking at a news conference after the race, trainer Eric Reed said, “We came here on a prayer. Anybody that’s in this business, lightning can strike.”

He added that his team went to Louisville only a few days before the Derby to prepare for the race. Rich Strike, he added, began training “against all odds; nobody thought we could get in.” But on Friday, Ethereal Road was announced as out, and Rich Strike was in. “I knew this horse loved the track and he’s been training so good all year,” Reed added. This is Reed’s first horse to win the Derby. For now, Reed is hoping to send Rich Strike to Baltimore for the Preakness on May 21, the second leg of the Triple Crown. The decision is not yet final, as he needs to make sure that Rich Strike is ready to race. Rich Strike is owned by the RED TR-Racing, LLC. In second and third place were betting favorites and frontrunners Epicenter and Zandon.

3 Americans Die in Bahamas

Surprising Win at Kentucky Derby The 148th Kentucky Derby ended Saturday in Louisville, Kentucky, with an unexpected win by Rich Strike. The horse had entered the race at 80-1 odds, making it the biggest long-shot on the field. The horse began the week as an alternate and was

An investigation has been opened after three American tourists were found dead on Friday at a Bahamas resort. All three were staying at the Sandals Emerald Bay in Exuma. The resort staff contacted the George Town Police Station just after



MAY 12, 2022

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The Week In News

28 ‫בס״ד‬


‫ַר ִּבי ׁ ִש ְמעוֹן‬ ְ ‫לִ ְסמ‬ !‫ֹוך ָעלָ יו‬ ILLOS PA TEF RT UR



MAY 12, 2022




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9:00a.m. on Friday morning, reporting that a man had been found unresponsive in a villa. While the police were en route, another man and woman were found unresponsive in another villa, police said. The man in the first villa had no signs of trauma and was lying on the ground, authorities said. The man in the second villa was found “slumped against a wall in a bathroom.” According to police, “Both individuals showed signs of convulsion,” and no signs of trauma were found on either. Speaking to ABC News, Bahamas Minister of Health & Wellness Dr. Michael Darville said some hotel guests went to a clinic Thursday with nausea and vomiting, were treated, and left. He added that the three were later found dead, and a fourth was flown to a hospital and is in stable condition. Darville said what had happened was an “isolated incident” and emphasized, “There’s no potential risk to any of the residents on Exuma as well as residents at the resort or any other resort on the on Exuma.” A U.S. State Department spokesperson said they are closely monitoring local authorities’ investigation into the cause of death.

The National Weather Service warned that the expected weather would create an “exceptionally dangerous and likely historic stretch of critical to extreme fire weather conditions” for a period of several days. Part of the New Mexico blaze was sparked by Forest Service workers who lost control of a prescribed burn intended to reduce fire risk. That and other factors led to a massive fire which had around 1,400 firefighters working feverishly to extinguish it. The unusually strong winds have hindered firefighters from making progress during the evening hours, when winds are usually calmer and temperatures are lower. Thus far, the month-old fire has scorched over 269 square miles and has forced thousands of residents to evacuate large areas of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in northeastern New Mexico.

Art of the Deal

In New Mexico, Residents Brace for Wildfires

Residents of Las Vegas, New Mexico, in San Miguel County, are working to regain a sense of normalcy after firefighters finally gained control of a fire over a month old. Firefighters, however, have warned Las Vegas’ residents that they should remain on alert and ready to leave, since the winds that could exacerbate flames will pick up again. Rural areas, as of Saturday, were still threatened by fire, due to the winds driving the flames while grounding firefighting aircraft.

$195 million – that’s how much a silkscreen by Andy Warhol went for at auction this week. The 58-year-old piece of art is now the most expensive 20th century artwork to ever be sold at auction. It is also the most expensive American artwork to ever sell at auction. Oh, and it’s the second most expensive publicly sold artwork in history. (A $450 million Leonardo da Vinci is still in first place.) Larry Gagosian, a dealer, took home the prize, a painting called Shot Sage Blue Marilyn. It took just three and a half minutes for bids to work themselves up from a starting bid of $110 million. Three bidders intensely bid up the price in $10 million increments, with



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The Week In News

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MAY 12, 2022

the gavel eventually slamming down on $170 million. With auction house fees, known as the buyer’s premium, the work’s total came to its final, $195 million price. I can just picture it.


Adam Hardin has lots of diamonds in his possession but none of them can compare to the Frankenstone he found last month. Hardin regularly visits the Crate of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas. There, he sifts through mounds of dirt for glimpses of shimmering stones. He has found hundreds of diamonds on his previous visits there. On April 10, though, Hardin walked out with a whopper of a stone: a 2.38-carat diamond. “It was right in the middle when I flipped my screen over,” Hardin said in the press release. “When I saw it, I said, ‘Wow, that’s a big diamond.’” The park noted that visitors who search for diamonds by wet-sifting use a screen to separate the gravel by size and wash the soil away. “Mr. Hardin’s diamond is about the size of a pinto bean, with a coffee brown color and a rounded shape,” Park Interpreter Waymon Cox said. “It has a metallic shine typical of all diamonds found at the park, with a

few inclusions and crevices running all along the surface.” Hardin said that he and fellow diggers have a running, playful competition about who will find the next big stone. “I found a big one, then he got a 1.79-carat, and we were joking about who would find the next big diamond and be ‘king of the mountain,’” Hardin recalled. “As soon as I found this one, I had a feeling I had him beat. Now he’s trying to find a bigger one, but I’m planning on staying on top.” Many people who find diamonds at the state park name their gems, and Hardin is no exception. He has named his mammoth diamond “Frankenstone.” “I thought of the name because it has a pretty and kind of not-so-pretty look to it,” Hardin said. “Us diamond miners call that ‘character!’” So far in 2022, 260 diamonds have been found at the state park, according to the park. Hardin’s is the largest found this year. Two years ago, someone found a 9.07-carat diamond there. Rock on.

From Rags to Roman

Laura Young spent $34.99 at

Live Pest Free. Yudy Brody

Goodwill for a sculpture of a Roman, but it’s worth way more than that. The 52-pound bust was found by Young under a table at the store. “It looked pretty dirty, pretty old.” Attempting to find out where this Roman bust came from, Young reached out to staff at the classics and arts departments at the University of Texas at Austin and auction houses in the U.S. Experts were able to date the sculpture’s history back to World War II. It’s suspected to have been stolen from the Pompejanum in Germany when Allied bombers attacked Aschaffenburg in January 1944. King Ludwig I previously led the construction of the Pompejanum, executed by architect Friedrich von Gärtner from 1840 to 1848. The bust is said to have been in the Pompejanum and is thought to be an homage to one of Pompey the Great’s sons. The Roman General lost a civil war to Julius Caesar. Though the Pompejanum was restored in 1960 and transformed into a museum in 1994, the bust was still missing. Perhaps an American soldier brought the structure to Texas after World War II. For now, Young is no longer the owner of the Roman bust; it needs to go back to where it belongs. It will be on display at the San Antonio Museum of Art before being sent back to Germany. Young’s name will be placed on a plaque at the museum, so patrons can know her connection to the bust’s lineage. “Either way, I’m glad I got to be a small part of (its) long and complicated history, and he looked great in the house while I had him,” Young said. You know what they say: All roads lead to Rome.

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Raymonde Sullivan is 100 years old, and she has a lot to celebrate. So much, that she is taking to the skies to

revel in the moment. The World War II nurse went skydiving last week in Florida for her 100th birthday. Sullivan said, “I had never done it, and I’ve done a lot of things in 100 years so I thought I must do it while I can.” Although she was happy she took the plunge, the centenarian admitted that it was a bit “scary” and added that she would not be returning for a second jump. After the adrenaline-fueled activity, Sullivan enjoyed a party with friends and family. Well, she certainly doesn’t fly under the radar.

Onward and Upward

He’s 24 years old and reaching great heights. Al Refaie is now the youngest person to climb the Seven Volcanic Summits. He received the award after capturing Mount Sidley, in Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica. He had previously climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania; Mount Elbrus, Russia; Mount Giluwe, Papua New Guinea; Pico de Orizaba, Mexico; Mount Damavand, Iran; and Ojos del Salado, Argentina/ Chile. The mountains are known as the Seven Volcanic Summits. Refaie is the 24th person to climb all seven. Refaie, from Kuwait, was 24 years and 119 days old when he made it to the top of Mount Sidley. “When I first asked my mom for the Guinness World Records Book as a kid, she told me she would only buy it if I had something amazing to make my way into it. I really don’t know if she meant it that time, but here we are living the dream,” Refaie told Guinness World Records.



MAY 12, 2022

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Torah Thought

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MAY 12, 2022

I See the Light! By Rabbi Zvi Teichman


hat defines a human is the ability to communicate through

words. There are two words used primarily to describe ‘talking’: ‫ וידבר‬and ‫ויאמר‬. The power of speech can inspire as well as destroy. Moshe is summoned by G-d to instruct the Kohanim of their obligations, ‫ — אמור‬Say to the Kohanim... ‫ — ואמרת‬and tell them... )‫(ויקרא כא א‬ Rashi explains the redundancy in the verse, say... tell, as alluding to the Kohanim’s responsibility to educate

their children; Moshe is to “say” to the Kohanim that they should “tell” their children. The Kohanim must convey a message of inspiration by effectively communicating with their children. At the end of our portion the painful episode of the dejected son of Shlomis bas Divri is reported. Having been fathered by an Egyptian taskmaster who ravished his mother, he found himself cast out from the encampment of the Tribe of Dan he sought to enter, due to his lack of a Jewish father. In utter frustration he lashes out at his unfortunate circumstance by blaspheming

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G-d. This compulsive ‘utterance’ cost him his life. The Torah attributes his dire predicament to his mother, Shlomis bas Divri. Rashi elucidates by informing us that she ‘earned’ her name ‫שלומית‬ through her too casual conversation with everyone she met, greeting all; "‫"שלם עלך שלם עלך‬, how are you? how are you. He continues to explain her second appellation as well, ‫בת דברי‬, as referring to her reputation as a ‫דברנית‬, a ‘chatterer’, inquiring of everyone’s welfare. It was this loose nature that brought her and her son to ruin. ‫(רש"י‬ )‫ויקרא כד כא‬ The accent here appears to be on '‫ 'דיבור‬not ‫ ;אמירה‬she was a ‫דברנית‬. Her failure lies in her faulty ‫דיבור‬. The Kohanim are to implement ‫ אמירה‬in order to impart their mission passionately so that it may be carried on effectively to their children. Is there a message in this contrast? The Malbim points out that ‫דיבור‬ can be used to imply the ability to express oneself even in the absence of another who is listening. When used in communicating with someone else it means to speak ‘with’ that individual, rather than ‘to’ that other. It emphasizes the connection more than the message. ‫ אמירה‬on the other hand always intimates an expression of substance and meaning that is being conveyed ‘to’ that other person. One never finds ‫ אמירה‬in conjunction with ‫ — עם‬with. The accent is on the message, not the relationship. )‫דבר‬- ‫(הכרמל‬ The very first account of human communication in the Torah is when Kayin confronts his brother Hevel.

‫ — ויאמר‬Kayin spoke with his brother Hevel... and killed him.‫(ברא־‬ )‫שית ד ח‬, The Torah does not reveal the actual exchange of words that took place between them. It merely states that he ‘spoke’. The Vilna Gaon says it is irrelevant from where his jealously stemmed from. The issue the Torah seeks to accentuate is how Kayin used his ‘soft talk’ to lull Hevel into dangerous complacency so he could strike him down. Kayin abused the power of the ‘message’ in conveying false sincerity, which enabled him to kill Hevel. The Midrash says that Kayin was vying for the beautiful additional twin sister that was born with Hevel, whom Kayin sought to claim by right of his being the firstborn. )‫(ב"ר כב ז פי' מהרז"ו‬ This ‘sister’ although never addressed directly, was perhaps smitten by the passion of her suitor. In Kayin’s kindly conversation with Hevel he was subtly seeking a ‘connection’ to this available sister, and in his expression sought to create a bond with her. Kayin took her as his wife after he was the only possible candidate after having removed Hevel. This woman subconsciously absorbed the notion of the instinctive power of connectivity that can be aroused through ‘talk’ and words, even in the absence of any meaningful relationship, drawing solely on raw passion. Rav Chaim Vital writes that the Egyptian who lured away and killed the husband of Shlomis who subsequently vanquished her and impregnated her, was a gilgul of Kayin. Shlomis was the gilgul of the extra twin sister. Moshe being the gilgul of Hevel

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MAY 12, 2022

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MAY 12, 2022

34 affected a tikkun for Kayin’s soul by killing the Egyptian. The child born from this illicit union embodied the evilness of Kayin. ‫(טעמי המצוות סוף‬ )‫אמור‬ The Holy Arizal states that Aharon HaKohen served as a tikkun for Kayin as well. Kayin was after all the firstborn child who was traditionally designated to serve G-d, as indeed he initiated the first sacrifice in recorded history.)‫(ליקוטי נביאים יחזקאל פ"ב‬ Kayin who had corrupted the power of ‫ אמירה‬by hiding behind a facade of kindly words, would find a tikkun in the sincere and warm message of the Sons of Aharon. They would successfully communicate and bond with careful, sensitive, and genuine words, and teach a lesson that would infuse for all of posterity that this family of Priests would reflect a genuine love similar to that of their beloved progenitor, Aharon. When ‫ דיבור‬becomes merely a tool by which one gets noticed, bereft of any significant feelings, where one seeks merely to satisfy one’s instinctive craving for attention, it leads so often to indulgence and sin.

Shlomis the inheritor of that poisonous power of connectivity, without direction and purpose, was held accountable for the terrible results. Why does one ‘seek the welfare’ of everyone indiscriminately? Why does one enjoy purposeless chatter? Because it gives them a false sense of being valued. But when the attention one gets is not based on values or true self-worth, it descends rapidly to depravity. She was a ‫דברנית‬, as the Malbim teaches, someone just desperate for attention, a shallow relationship devoid of content. In a world that is measured by superficial expressions of ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’, or by the number of people one has ‘friended’, is it any wonder we struggle with anxiety, depression and promiscuousness in unprecedented numbers. The blasphemer who was bred in an environment of superficiality cannot possibly possess the depth necessary to deal with frustration. He knows of only one way to draw attention; by cursing in a knee jerk expression of utter frustration empty of any true mean-

ing. Each one of us possesses a brilliant inner light. We often neglect it allowing it to smolder. We artificially stoke it by busying ourselves socially without any purpose or goal. If only we would appreciate ourselves. If only others would see our inner essence would we be able ignite into a flame of passionate devotion to G-d. The 33rd )‫ (ל"ג‬letter in the Torah is ‫טוב‬, good, referring to the light of creation that illuminated the world, allowing others as well as ourselves to see clearly without bias, the beauty in the world and in ourselves. The students of Rabbi Akiva who perished, didn’t allow that light to burn brightly. They were caught up in their own selfish arrogance. Rebbi Shimon Bar Yochai, one of the five students who revived Rabbi Akiva’s legacy for all of posterity, told his students: ‫אנן‬ ‫בחביבותא תליא‬, our survival is contingent on the cherishing of one another! ).‫(זוהר ח"ג קכח‬ So often the way we speak to one another is lined with selfish interests

or conniving maneuvers, to advance our own interests. So often we relate to others only to stoke our own egos or to gain a sense of being. If we would only open our eyes and see the greatness in those we interact with. If only we would have the courage to express our feelings sincerely and with true love. If we do, we would revive to life so many who walk around with feelings of rejection and dejection. Rebbi Shimon Bar Yochai revealed that when we will see new and startling colors in the rainbow it is a sign that Moshiach will come soon. ‫(זוהר‬ ):‫בראשית עח‬ Perhaps I may suggest that this means that when we can see within the clouds, that obscure our vision, a light that refracts beautiful qualities that are inherent within others, will we be deserving that the Moshiach will come! Speedily in our times! You may reach the author at:

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MAY 12, 2022

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Weekly Wednesday Nights 8-9pm | Shomrei Emunah Refreshments will be served.

Sunday Iyar 7

Iyar 14




Monday Iyar 8

Iyar 15

Iyar 29

Sivan 7


Iyar 9

Iyar 16

Iyar 23

‫ראש חודש‬

Sivan 1

Sivan 8

Dalya Attar Re-Election Kick-Off Event see page 9





Tuesday Tuesday

2022 May/June 8

15 N’Shei Welcome Newcomers Night @8 see page 51

Iyar 22

Hatzalahthon Starts see page 25



Hilchos Shabbos Shiur R’ Heinemann @9

Shavous Shiur: Mrs. Shira Smiles @1 see page 43


Hilchos Shabbos Shiur R’ Heinemann @9

Iyar 21

Ner Tamid Golf Tournament


Sivan 6

Iyar 28

Hatzalahthon Ends see page 25



9:20 PM


Iyar 24

Iyar 17

Iyar 10

Wednesday Wednesday 11



Sivan 2

Shidduchim Series: Mrs. Jaclyn Sova

Yad L’achim: R’ Yossi Bensoussan @8:30 see back page


Safety and Services Award

Sivan 9

Submission Deadline see page 3







8:15 PM

Sivan 11

8:10 PM

Sivan 4

Iyar 20

8:59 PM

Iyar 13

Saturday Saturday 14

‫פרשת אמור‬


9:23 PM

Sivan 12

9:18 PM

Shavous Begins

Sivan 5

9:13 PM

Iyar 27

9:06 PM

Kehillas Ohr Yisroael Chanukas Habayis see page 17


‫פרשת נשא‬


‫פרשת במדבר‬


8:05 PM ‫פרשת בחקתי‬

Iyar 26

8:00 PM ‫פרשת בהר‬

Iyar 19

7:53 PM

Iyar 12

Friday Friday

Community Calendar

Iyar 18

Next BJH Issue

Iyar 11

Thursday Thursday 12


Simcha Leiner Concert @ Shomrei

Sivan 10

Sivan 3

Next BJH Issue

Iyar 25





Next BJH Issue


MAY 12, 2022

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MAY 12, 2022



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M e M o r y

Of Inspiration and Connection

Remembering Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein, z”l by Jenny Hershkowitz


way his lessons enriched her life. Sit down with the woman who is able to sing as she rocks her child to bed at night, no longer cowering from the demons that chased her through her youth. Those people will tell you who Rabbi Wallerstein really was. His heart was huge; his vision was deep; his love was all-encompassing; his passion was infectious. Rabbi Wallerstein was known as a master mechanech. And he was always teaching – in his lessons, in the way he spent his days, in the classroom and beyond. Years ago, he taught in a boys’ yeshiva. But he never took money for teaching for decades in the school. Instead, Rabbi Wallerstein used those funds to pay for tuition for boys who would otherwise be going to public school. His heart wouldn’t allow him to put that money in his bank account, so strong was his desire to save a Jewish neshama. Years later, his accountant would tell his family that his business would start to suffer if he didn’t stop giving tzedakah. “He gives too much tzedakah!” the accountant exclaimed. “The business can’t survive.” But who could tell Rabbi Wallerstein to stop giving? Who could stop his soul from helping others? It wasn’t just money that Rabbi Wallerstein expended to save Jewish neshamos. Scores of people knew that Rabbi Wallerstein’s heart would be open to hearing their tales of woe. They knew he

wouldn’t just hear them; they knew his heart would hurt for them, and he would feel compelled to help them. Rabbi Wallerstein would come to his office, in the pretense of going to work. But truthfully, the only work he was able to tackle was his avodas ha’kodesh. He would spend hours at his desk, listening to tear-filled messages, writing down notes in a black-and-white notebook, so he could call back the people back and help them. Klal Yisroel was always on his mind. Rabbi Wallerstein would travel around the country to speak to groups, to help them become better Jews. He wanted people to love Yiddishkeit, to be inspired Jews, to be committed, thinking Yidden. He would spend his whole day on Tisha B’Av traveling, hoping to help Jews connect with the Churban and uplift themselves. Breaking his fast would have to wait until he met with everyone who needed him. Focus on others, focus on your children and your spouse, he would tell them. And focus on Hashem, Who loves you and cares for you. After davening, after connecting to his Creator, he would go to the aron kodesh and beseech his Master once more on behalf of his fellow Jews. He knew that Hashem was listening, but he didn’t want to leave his Creator without begging Him again for his nation. Over the past few decades, Rabbi Wallerstein revolutionized chinuch ha’banos. He knew that much of the backbone of a Jewish home stems from

the mother. And he knew that Jewish women were deserving – and needed – to be inspired and uplifted. Torah was not just given to the men on the other side of the mechitzah. It was given to a nation, a People of seekers, who desire a relationship with the Borei Olam. What started small blossomed and bloomed into seminary, college, post-seminary, and even high school programs. “Avinu Malkeinu” became an annual event where thousands of women flocked to focus and center themselves during the Yomim Noraim. He – and his dedicated team – taught and showed women the beauty that is inherent in the Gift we received three-thousand years ago. Rabbi Wallerstein remarkably impacted Klal Yisroel in the short time he had in this world. Never stopping, never resting, always wanting to do more to help his nation, Rabbi Wallerstein’s influence cannot be properly tallied. But in addition to his brothers and sisters around the world that he uplifted, Rabbi Wallerstein was a loving son, husband, father, and grandfather. He delighted in his daughters, his sons-in-law and his grandchildren. Despite the myriad responsibilities and kochos expended on the Jewish nation, Rabbi Wallerstein showed us the importance of being focused on one’s family. May Rabbi Wallerstein’s holy neshama rise up to the Kisei Ha’kavod and continue to beseech the Ribbono Shel Olam to end all suffering for Klal Yisroel. Y’hei zichro baruch.


here are 790 videos of Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein, z”l, speaking on Torah Anytime. Many of them are over an hour long; some are just fifteen minutes. The videos start in 2007 and continue through this week. The last video, uploaded just yesterday, was of Rabbi Wallerstein’s levaya. Watching those videos, you can get a small sense of who Rabbi Wallerstein was. You will be able to grasp his values and his ideas. You’ll hear what was important to him and learn about what he felt was essential to being a Jew. You’ll hear snippets of him exhorting his fellow Jews to rise above challenges, to become better people, to live energized, more complete lives. But those videos don’t encapsulate wholly who Rabbi Wallerstein truly was. By listening to them, you will get to know his values and his ideals. But perhaps, if you want to truly know who Rabbi Wallerstein was, you’d have to sit down with the thousands of people – men and women – around the world who were deeply impacted by him. Sit down with the man who admits that, if not for Rabbi Wallerstein, he would never have attended yeshiva high school. Sit down with the mother who says that Rabbi Wallerstein is the reason she is alive today. Ribbons of scars running down her arms, now healed, are testament to the lifeforce that Rabbi Wallerstein means to her. Sit down with the girl whose smile is whole and sincere, who remembers the

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MAY 12, 2022

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MAY 12, 2022


Can This Be Happening? An Interview with Jewish Author Gordon Korman By Shmuel Botnick & Yosef Zoimen

W HEBJH.COM OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home 42W W.T

It’s impossible to sit across from Gordon Korman without trying to psychoanalyze him. It’s a psychoanalysis that comes, not as a result of years of studying psychology, but as a result of years of studying Macdonald Hall, Slapshot League, Bugs Potter, Ungifted, Supergifted, or any of the other 99 books written by the iconic author over the past four decades. Every move is cause for speculation. Was that a Bruno-type thing to say? Did I just sense some Rudy Miller there? But, as our interview would progress, we would realize that these speculations were largely imagined. “My books generally are not based upon personal experience,” Gordon reveals. The wildly colorful characters that grace the thousands of pages of Gordon Korman books are the product of an insanely creative mind and razor-sharp perception of today’s children and teenagers. Wait, back up. Did you just say sit “across”? From Gordon Korman? Like, the Gordon Korman? Are you being serious? And he spoke to you? We forgive your incredulity. We have a hard time believing it ourselves. But it happened. Trust us, it really happened.

41 eryone laughing in response, that was something that intrigued me.”

Over the years, Gordon has made many visits to cities all over the U.S. and Canada and has met with thousands of fans, young and old. Before the days of the internet and buying books with the click of a button, most books were purchased by students through the Scholastic book list sent out by schools to their parents. It was important to stay on that list to access readers in the cities that did not have a Barnes & Noble bookstore nearby. Gordon did his share of traveling for Scholastic and stopped in school after school throughout middle America, often without a traffic light in the entire town. One very interesting thing that he noticed was how his books seemed to have a higher level of popularity within the Orthodox Jewish community – particularly in the Brooklyn, NY, neighborhood, as well as through the Mormon communities in Utah. Gordon sees a few possible explanations for this. “Kids want to feel rebellious, and my books provide for that sense of rebellion. But it’s all done within the parameters of decency. There’s no violence or profanity. So it’s a form of rebellion that doesn’t negate basic values.” Gordon also points to an interesting trend. “A word I’ve heard a lot, especially from the Orthodox fans, is ‘family.’ My books have become something like family traditions. And, in communities that tend to have larger families, the books serve as a bridge, a way for the twenty-year-old to relate with the twelveyear-old.” This is so true – at our Chanukah parties and yom tov tables, cousins would develop new wacky business venture ideas similar to the “attack jelly” sold in No Coins, Please. Treasured Apple Paperback first editions are handed from father to son as family heirlooms, to continue the tradition. A common thread running throughout so many of Gordon’s books is a delicious form of chutzpah. Be it Artie Geller sending the FBI on a wild goose chase, Raymond Jardine pretending to be an old Canadian poet and submitting his work as part of an English project, and so many others. “Were you that kind of kid?” we ask. The answer is a little disappointing.


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emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

“Kids want to feel rebellious, and my books provide for that sense of rebellion.”

MAY 12, 2022

Gordon Korman was born in Montreal, Quebec, but grew up in Thornhill, Ontario, a suburban community just north of Toronto. “There was lots of movement between Montreal and Toronto,” Gordon reflects, “especially amongst the Jewish community.” Today, he lives in Great Neck, Long Island, and had

previously lived for a number of years in Manhattan: “I’ve always lived in predominantly Jewish communities.” The Toronto-based upbringing explains the geographical base for many of the initial Gordon Korman books. The Macdonald Hall series took place “East of Toronto just off Highway 48,” Losing Joe’s Place was in downtown Toronto, as was Who is Bugs Putter? But Gordon left Canada to attend college in 1981 and hasn’t lived there ever since. Practically all of his books authored since then take place somewhere in the U.S. The story of Gordon’s foray into the world of writing is well-known. He was in the middle of seventh grade, and, somehow, the track and field coach wound up becoming his English teacher. Rather than teach English the conventional way, he gave the students the freedom to work on whatever they wanted for the rest of the school year. The result was This Can’t Be Happening At Macdonald Hall, the first of the legendary Macdonald Hall series. The book was submitted to Scholastic, and it had immediate success. Scholastic demanded to meet Gordon to ensure it was this seventh grader who actually wrote the book and was not written by his father or someone else. And thus, the outrageous world of Bruno, Boots, Wilbur Hackenschleimer, and “The Fish” was born. And, along with them, a historic star of children’s literature was born as well. “As I grew older,” Gordon admits, “there was an expectation that I would get more serious. But I didn’t. I just got crazier.” The books are crazy indeed, outlandish, completely out of whack, but somehow, so real and so relatable. Rudy Miller feels like a best friend, and Raymond Jardine, fictitious as he is, is the kind of guy who just should have existed. But, at a point, the books did take a turn for the serious. Series such as Dive, Island, and Everest brought out a talent in Gordon that was never before expressed: The ability to write high quality, intensely dramatic fictions that were heavy on emotions and light on humor. Although Gordon is more than capable at writing serious literature, it doesn’t come as naturally as humor. “While I’m not the hilarious guy in every setting,” he tells us, “I’ve always respected humor. Even as a kid, when I observed someone make a joke and ev-



he internet has its advantages and disadvantages but, on the plus side, is the ability to track the travel itinerary of famous authors. Gordon Korman, we saw, was scheduled to visit the Sycamore Community Schools on February 17. We had a few weeks to pull whatever strings we had to try to arrange an interview. The problem is, we had no strings. Just an email address. We had managed to finagle Gordon’s email address. Turns out, that’s all we needed. In short order, the meeting was arranged, just twenty minutes away in the Embassy Suites in Blue Ash, Ohio. There, we arrived, attorney and columnist Shmulie Botnick, CJJ Publisher Yosef Zoimen, and Mesivta student Nosson Zvi Zoimen. We hung around the lobby for a few minutes until Gordon appeared, having just arrived from a full day of speeches and signing 500 books at nearby E. H. Greene Intermediate School. And that’s about the extent of the drama. Sitting across from a childhood idol was intimidating but just for a moment. Gordon is exceptionally humble and easy to talk to. When I gargled out a “Gordon, I’ve been a huge fan of yours for, like, ever,” he seemed genuinely honored. And thus, the conversation began, an interview with a famous personality, which really felt more like four old friends, traveling together down memory lane, stopping to laugh, and to marvel, at their most favorite landmarks.


MAY 12, 2022

“Nah, not really,” says Gordon. “I was more of a loudmouth than a man of action.” In other words, “I’m more the Boots than the Bruno.”


When a Jewish author has questions, who does he turn to? His mom, of course. “I always bounce ideas off my mom. When I first started writing, I was 12 years old, so that was the obvious address to turn to. But now, she’s 84, and I’m still doing it.” Turns out that, when it comes to needing advice on children’s books, the senior Mrs. Korman is the premier source for guidance and wrote a column for her hometown Jewish newspaper. “My mom is one of those people who never forgot what it’s like to be a kid,” says Gordon. “Some sixth graders forget what it’s like to be in fifth grade, but my mom never forgot. To this day, she dreads the ‘Back to School’ ads on TV. I always tell her, ‘Mom, no one is sending you back to school.’ But that’s how she is. She still remembers exactly what it’s like being a kid.”

As time evolved, rapid developments in society warranted certain shifts in style and expression. But the themes remain constant. “Times change but kids don’t,” Gordon points out. “There will always be cool kids and less cool kids. There will always be insiders and those standing on the outside.” Acceptance is an overarching message in his books, typically in the context of school life. Whether it’s a hippie kid forced to join a typical public school (Schooled), an ungifted kid getting stuck in a school for the gifted children (Ungifted), or the super-gifted kid getting stuck in a regular school (Supergifted), Gordon tries bringing out the talents of the little guy – the one who was a little awkward, a little different. Playing on to the talents of each of these under-

OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

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“Times change but kids don’t. There will always be cool kids and less cool kids. There will always be insiders and those standing on the outside.” The authors of the article with Gordon Korman


dog characters teaches his readers acceptance and diversity. But one book that stands out from amongst all the others is Linked, a story based in Chokecherry, Colorado. The story involves a school whose student body includes only one Jew – Dana. Suddenly, swastikas begin to appear all over the school. As part of an effort to teach tolerance and acceptance, the school creates a program where they seek to collect six million links. It’s a story of self-discovery and powerful insight into human nature. Speaking with Gordon Korman The inspiration for this book came from the famous “Paper Clips inates from a town called Horodyshche. The Jews of this Project,” a school-based initiative which took place in Ukrainian city suffered tremendous losses and pogroms 1998, in Whitwell, Tennessee. The school had begun a and “had my family not immigrated to Canada in the Holocaust education course and quickly realized that the 1920s,” he says, “they likely wouldn’t have survived.” student could not grasp the enormity of the Holocaust This book paid homage to Gordon’s own legacy and until they grasped the enormity of the number six miladded an extra dimension to his storytelling. lion. They set out on a mission to collect six million paper clips, drawing global attention to the project. Inspired by the power of the “Paper Clips Project,” Although his writing career has now spanned forGordon set out to write his own story that would attempt ty-four years, Gordon shows no signs of slowing down. to bring out the horrors of the Holocaust and the timeHe is working simultaneously on his next two books, less importance of racial acceptance and understanding. unsure of how big of a deal to make about his upcoming In a classic example of Jewish geography, or Sukenko, one-hundredth. His long-term relationship with two difat his son’s soccer game, Gordon met fellow Great Neckferent publishers keeps his timeline on par to continue er Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation to write and publish at his rapid pace, alternating beLeague (ADL), at a soccer game. Their sons played on tween publishers, keeping curious children satiated and the same team. They struck up a friendship, and David always waiting for the next one. served as a guide to Gordon, helping to tell this story With all of his success, his approachability remains of the Holocaust with depth and sensitivity Gordon dethe same. He genuinely appreciates fan feedback and manded, with a realism on what the protocol would be delights in his older chevra of followers (like us) who should such an occurrence actually take place in a school continue to relish in his stories and the simpler times it today. brings us back to and who, once in a while, will still ask That Gordon should write a book focusing Holocaust ourselves: “What would Bruno do?” education shouldn’t come as a surprise. His family orig-



MAY 12, 2022

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MAY 12, 2022

Health & F tness

Are You Raising an Emotional Eater? by cindy Weinberger MS, rD, cDN


his Sunday, families across the nation celebrate Mother’s Day. The typical response when many are wished a “Happy Mother’s Day” is “Mother’s Day is every day.” Although this

line may be cheesy, it is indeed very true. A mother has daily duties that if she even stops being a mom for one moment, the household will crumble! As mothers, it is our responsibility to

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OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

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not only take care of household chores like dishes and laundry, and believe it or not, we do more than find your shoes, too. A mother’s job does not end at bedtime. A mother is constantly thinking and worrying about her children. Like the popular saying goes, “Mothers don’t sleep. They worry with their eyes closed.” What more can a mother worry about than her child’s health? A child’s diet plays a key role in his or her health. Not only does which food a child eats affect his or her health, the setting and atmosphere affects him or her as well. Eating for emotional reasons, other than being physically hungry, can be characterized as emotional eating. Emotional eating is when people use food as a way to deal with feelings instead of to satisfy hunger. We’ve all been there; we’re all guilty of emotional eating – finishing a whole bag of chips out of boredom or downing cookie after cookie while reading a book. But when done a lot – especially without realizing it – emotional eating can affect weight, health, and overall well-being. Children (as well as adults) use food for reasons other than to satisfy their hunger and nutritional needs. In fact, obese children often eat in response to their emotions and feelings. How can we prevent our children from becoming emotional eaters? Emotional eating is a phenomenon that starts at birth. A baby’s crying is pacified by being fed. As the child grows, we give them snacks in public places to keep them busy and quiet. Or we may stuff our children

with candy when they’re in shul to keep their mouths otherwise occupied. Some common emotions associated with emotional eating are the following: • Anger • Boredom • Change • Confusion • Depression • Frustration • Loneliness • Loss • Resentment • Stress A big parenting challenge is to determine whether your child is eating for the right reasons. To help you be aware of whether or not you are raising an emotional eater, take this quiz found in Parents Magazine: 1. When your child asks for snack, what’s your typical first response? a) Do you feel hungry? b) How could you be hungry already? We just ate. c) Sure. I can give you… 2. The last time your child got antsy or bored in public and you couldn’t take him somewhere to let off steam, how did you react? a) I let him use my phone to play a game or watch a video. b) I got a snack and/or drink out of my bag and gave it to him. c) I read to him or played with him. 3. How many times in the last week has your child seen you eat snacks or dessert directly from the package? a) None





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MAY 12, 2022

46 b) Once or twice c) Three or more times 4. Suppose your child’s sports team went out for a sugary treat after every victory or defeat. Would you allow your child to go? a) Yes, but I’d make sure the portion was small. b) Yes, and I wouldn’t worry about the portion. c) No, I’d suggest an alternative or decline most of the time. 5. Consider how you help your child handle her emotions. When she brings up something that went wrong with a friendship at school, which of the following are you most inclined to do? a) Empathize b) Empathize and offer a coping strategy/solution c) Suggest she’s overreacting 6. Your general approach to soothe a crying child who hurt himself playing consists of: a) Hugs and kisses b) Hugs, kisses, and a toy or game c) Hugs, kisses, and a sugary drink or treat 7. When your child asks to get up from the dinner table after eating most

of his meal, what do you say first? a) Are you sure you’re done? I don’t want you asking for a snack before bed. b) Are you full? c) Okay! You know what to do with your plate. 8. How often do you let your child eat any meal or snack in front of the TV? a) Every day or almost every day b) A couple of times a week c) Once a week or less 9. How often do you find yourself saying something like, “Behave and you can have dessert!” or “You didn’t listen, so there won’t be dessert.” a) Frequently b) Once in a while c) Never 10. Has your child ever related an emotion to a request for food, such as “I’m so sad Mommy. Can I have a cookie?” a) Yes, once in a while b) Yes, it happens pretty often c) Not yet anyway

Scoreboard Add up the points for each of your answers. 1. a) 4, b) 1, c) 1

2. a) 1, b) 0, c) 4 3. a) 4, b) 2, c) 1 4. a) 2, b) 1, c) 4 5. a) 2, b) 4, c) 0 6. a) 3, b) 3, c) 0 7. a) 1, b) 4, c) 2 8. a) 0, b) 1, c) 3 9. a) 0, b) 1, c) 3 10. a) 1, b) 0, c) 6

What your score means 30-40 points- You’re teaching you child to eat only when she’s hungry. 20-29 points- You’re trying hard to discourage your child from eating for emotional reasons, but sometimes you fall short. Fewer than 20 points- You’re on the path to raising an emotional eater. In order to prevent raising an emotional eater, ask yourself questions like: does he eat at times other than regular mealtimes and snacks? Is he munching at every opportunity? What factors might be contributing to his overeating that call for you to intervene? Additionally, avoid rewarding children with food and punishing them with missing out on food. If your child is already on the emo-

tional eating path, don’t worry. Just as emotional eating is a learned behavior, it can be unlearned, too. Encourage him/ her to eat healthy snacks and don’t bring junk into your house. The next time you see your child reaching for comfort food, try to figure out what emotions they are feeling and create a coping mechanism that does not involve food. As a parent, be sure to model good eating habits for your child. When your child does make changes under these circumstances, parental praise and positive reinforcement goes a long way. However, make sure the reward is not food! Use verbal praise and give other types of rewards. As hard as it may be, keep in mind that a healthy child makes a happy mother. Happy Mother’s Day! Every day!

Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN, is a Master’s level Registered Dietitian and Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist. She graduated CUNY Brooklyn College receiving a Bachelor’s in Science and Master’s degree in Nutrition and Food Sciences. She is currently a private nutritionist. She can be reached at or at 917-623-6237.

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MAY 12, 2022


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MAY 12, 2022

Membership Has Its Privileges


by Allan rolnick, cPA


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OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


n 1958, American Express launched its first credit card. They worked to position it as a premium offering right out the gate, with a whopping $6 annual fee – a full $1 higher than Diners Club. Those first cards were purple cardboard with typed names and account numbers. But one year later, AmEx rolled out the first embossed plastic cards in familiar green. Since then, they’ve added versions in Gold, Platinum, Unobtanium, and Youcan’t-havium, each with ever-increasing features and benefits. The Centurion Card, available by invitation only, carries a $5,000 annual fee. Benefits include a dedicated concierge and travel agent, lounge access at just about every airport in the world, and personal shoppers at retailers like Saks Fifth Avenue and Gucci. (James Bond used a Centurion Card in Quantum of Solace to book a private jet to Bolivia.) Today, membership isn’t as much about privilege as it is about points. AmEx has co-branded with partners across the globe to offer points and bonuses you can redeem at over 130 airlines, hotel chains, and retailers. With marijuana legal in so many states, we wouldn’t be surprised to see a co-branded Cannabis Card with a $420 annual fee, naturally, offering discounts and status at dispensaries across the country.

Now we’ve learned that the jet-setters at the IRS are investigating AmEx for pitching business owners some sketchy tax advice. Here’s the issue. When you use your card for personal expenses, you earn points you can use towards those flights and rooms. The IRS considers those points to be nontaxable rebates or dis-

deduct the fees, transfer the points to a certain card, then convert the points to tax-free cash. How much are we really talking about here? The Journal says the pitch helped generate billions of dollars in transactions. And the IRS doesn’t pay rewards to whistleblowers until the amount identified, including taxes, penalties, and interest tops

It turns out the IRS isn’t the only agency giving AmEx the stink-eye over how they sell business cards.

counts on your purchases. But what happens when you use your card for business expenses? The Wall Street Journal reports that last July, a whistleblower filed a complaint charging the company “knowingly persuaded business owners to underreport their income and taxes.” It turns out AmEx was pitching eye doctors, McDonald’s franchisees, and payroll companies, among other businesses, to use their cards for business expenses,

$2 million. It turns out the IRS isn’t the only agency giving AmEx the stink-eye over how they sell business cards. The Department of Justice and Comptroller of Currency, along with Inspector Generals (Inspectors General?) from the Department of Treasury, FDIC, and Federal Reserve, are all investigating whether AmEx used “aggressive and misleading” sales tactics to sell accounts. AmEx has also received a

grand-jury subpoena from the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York and a civil investigative demand from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Among other allegations: from 2014 to 2018, salespeople let business owners use dummy taxpayer-identification numbers like 123456789 to fill out card applications. How legit does that sound? (If you play “Wordle,” it’s worth remembering that FRAUD is a five-letter word. Come to think of it, that’s not a bad first guess!) It looks like AmEx is about to have some unhappy campers on their hands. The cheating won’t be hard to find, considering AmEx has all the records the IRS needs to connect the dots. But assuming you’re not one of those unlucky few, there’s no reason to worry. The real mistake would be failing to take advantage of all the legal ways you have to use your business to minimize taxes. So call us when you’re ready to take a worry-free vacation, and we’ll show you the legitimate ways to get Uncle Sam to pay. Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 years in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at


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MAY 12, 2022

teen talk

by rabbi Doniel Drandoff, LMFt

Dear Teen Talk,

When I was younger, I was always on the chubby side. Actually, I was extremely overweight. Vivid memories of being bullied and made fun of still haunt me. In school, other girls would say horrible things to me and I just felt terrible about myself.

Teen Talk ,

a new colum n in TJH, is ge ared towards th e teens in our com munity. A nswered b rotating ro ya ster of tea chers, reb clinicians beim, , and peers (!), teens w hearing a ill be nswers to many que stions they had percolatin g in their minds and wishe d they ha d the answ ers for.

It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when, but sometime in the middle of 7th grade I began to grow. I guess you could call it a growth spurt. Between then and the end of 9th grade, I lost a ton of weight, while growing about 4 or 5 inches. Now I am in 11th grade and, somehow, I am still stuck on thoughts of my childhood. After losing all the weight, I became extremely health conscious. I have focused a lot on my diet and on exercise. I basically don’t eat carbs or anything with high calories. Mostly, I stick to salads with no dressing and other healthy foods. I also work out religiously. Beyond the intrusive thoughts of my days being bullied, I have been feeling sick lately. Physically sick. I get stomach cramps and often feel really tired. I haven’t told my parents because I don’t want to worry them, but I’m beginning to worry. I’m afraid that my diet may have something to do with it but I cannot go back to being heavy and ridiculed. Some people tell me I’m too thin now, but I don’t agree. And regardless, if I let go then I feel I could easily slide back and lose myself. What can I do?


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y heart truly goes out to you Eliana. It sounds like you went through some serious bullying in elementary school and the pain has stuck with you. I cannot imagine what it must have felt like all those years being made fun of for your weight. It is only natural that in response to years of enduring ridicule you made it your life’s mission to stay thin. In your mind, you are fighting off demons every day of your life. One little slip, and you will tumble all the way down to a place of despair – a place where this child part still lives and is terrified. So,

you diet and exercise religiously as a way of ensuring that you never have to feel that way again. That bullied child part dominates your life today. Despite how understandable this all is, I have some serious concerns for your safety. While sticking to a healthy diet and regular exercise is healthy, physically as well as emotionally, I am worried that you have gone beyond that. I would like to take a moment to discuss an ex-

tremely dangerous condition called anorexia nervosa, or anorexia, for short. Certainly, I cannot diagnose based solely upon the short paragraph you shared. However, I think that it is important for you to consider what follows here, because what you are describing in your question has many of the hallmarks of this potentially deadly disorder. Anorexia is an eating disorder that affects many teens in the U.S. Research suggests that anywhere between



MAY 12, 2022

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MAY 12, 2022


1%-2% of people 15 and older meet the criteria for anorexia, most of them being female. While the cause can vary from person to person, and in many cases is a product of genetics, anorexia can develop as a result of some trauma. In the case of someone who was bullied due to her weight, the daily trauma of being ridiculed and made fun of can be more than enough to set it off. There are two categories of anorexia nervosa. The first is restricting and the second is binge-eating/purging. In the case of the latter, the individual will go through bouts of really excessive eating, then purge by means of laxatives or self-induced vomiting. For someone who falls into the category of restricting, they will refrain from eating foods that are high in calories, and generally consume very little. They will also engage in other weight loss measures such as excessive exercise. Both types of anorexia are extremely dangerous. Those suffering with anorexia are generally extremely thin, despite viewing themselves as being overweight or not thin enough. People with anorexia can have a severely compromised immune system which can lead to all sorts of illnesses. Most commonly, those with anorexia experience serious gastrointestinal issues such as abdominal pain, constipation,

Are you a teen with a question? If you have a question or problem you’d like our columnists to address, email your question or insight to, subject line: Teen Talk.

A n o r e x i c s may work out intensely too, only their bodies do not receive that much needed fuel to sustain itself, so the body begins to weaken and shut down. In fact, many people with anorexia get cold easily, experience tooth decay, and suffer from osteoporosis (a bone disease that arises from bone density loss). There is a lot more that can be said on the topic of anorexia and its dangers; however, I’d like to turn back to you now, Eliana. I am hoping that, in light of all of the above, you can see why I am concerned. Your story is so painful and sad. I don’t blame you for having developed a complex regarding your weight, considering what you have been through. However, the fact remains that your body is telling you that this is not working. You mentioned feeling sick and that you suffer from fatigue and stomach cramps. Given your caloric restrictiveness and your intense workout regimen, it is not surprising.

and/or diarrhea. So many vital nutrients are missing from the diet of one with anorexia. A person who sticks to a rigorous exercise regimen needs to consume many calories for the body to sustain itself and be healthy. I recall reading about the daily diet of Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps. The man was in tip top shape, with an extremely rigorous exercise regimen. He consumed upwards of 12,000 calories per day! That is almost as much as the average person consumes in a week! Yet, he was extremely fit. His body needed those calories as fuel to sustain his intense workout schedule.

So, it is clear that something has got to give. If you don’t make some serious changes to your lifestyle, then things will only worsen from here. Yet, the thought of ingesting more calories and relaxing the exercise schedule is terrifying for you. As you said, returning to that place of being overweight is not an option. You will never allow yourself to be subject to the shame and ridicule you endured as a child. And this brings us to the crux of the issue: Because of the trauma of what you went through, you have developed an intense fear of putting on any weight at all. At the same

Author’s note: The topic of eating disorders in teens is extremely painful and scary. There is so much that needs to be said to parents that goes beyond the scope of this single column. For this reason, next week’s “Teen Talk” will be addressing parents on the topic of what you need to know when it comes to teens and eating disorders. I hope to provide parents with some key information, as well as advice and guidance.

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You diet and exercise religiously as a way of ensuring that you never have to feel that way again.

time, it sounds like you view yourself very differently from how others do. You mentioned that some people tell you that you are too thin, yet you are not able to see it. This fact alone is highly concerning. I want to reiterate that this is in no way a diagnosis. A lot gets lost in translation with a short letter/question. Maybe you are simply taking your dieting and weight loss very seriously. But I have a feeling that this doesn’t ring true for you. You say that you don’t want to worry your parents but that you are worried. You are worried! The old memories “still haunt” you! Don’t ignore your feelings and what it sounds like your gut is telling you. Anorexia nervosa is extremely dangerous and should be taken very seriously; however, it is also very treatable. You can recover from this by taking some very important steps. This begins with reaching out to a trusted adult for help…hopefully your parents. Open up about your experiences as a child and how those memories are affecting you today. Talk about the pain and the fear and be very honest about your dangerous eating habits and exercise routine. Let them know how you have been feeling physically sick and that you need help. I pray that you find the strength to trust your feelings and get the help that you need.

Rabbi Doniel Drandoff is a Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice in the Five Towns/Far Rockaway community, as well as Clinical Director of My Extended Family. He works with teens, young adults, families, and couples. You can reach Rabbi Drandoff at



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MAY 12, 2022

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Mental Health Corner

W W W.T H E B J H . C O M


MAY 12, 2022

Family Feuds and BPD Family feuds and estrangement are by their very nature extremely complicated. No two scenarios are alike and there are various factors that can precipitate such a situation. In this article, we will focus on one variable that can play a role and that is when one of the parents has borderline personality disorder. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a disorder characterized by intense emotional dysregulation that significantly affects the way you perceive yourself and others with whom you interact. The symptoms include distorted self-image, emotional instability, unstable intense relationships, and impulsive behaviors. At the core of BPD is a deep feeling of emptiness and a fear of abandonment coupled with an intense fear of closeness to other people. This leads to the individual with BPD fluctuating being idealizing other people or de-

By Rabbi Azriel Hauptman

valuating them. When they feel fear of closeness, they will push people away violently and view them as bad or worthless. When they feel fear of abandonment, they will draw people near to them, idealize them, and exaggerate their positive qualities. In a family, this can lead to very chaotic relationships. When a parent has BPD, they will sometimes shower their child with intense love and affection, and then on a moment’s notice switch gears and berate their child and call them all types of vile names. The conflicting emotions of fear of abandonment and fear of closeness combined with emotional dysregulation can cause a parent’s feeling towards their child to switch between polar opposites. A child growing up in such an environment will be confused as the message they are receiving is, “I hate you, don’t leave me” (which happens to be the title of a book about BPD).

Another manifestation of this type of emotional reaction is that some people are idealized and some are devaluated. In other words, people are either very good or very bad. This is a defense mechanism that emanates from their fear of abandonment and closeness. Those who seem good need to be held close at all costs and those that seem bad need to be pushed away at all costs. Sometimes, this can exist within one family. Child A is the golden child and child B is the black sheep. Aunt A we talk to and aunt B we do not talk to, and so on and so forth. Family feuds or estrangement can easily develop from this kind of chaotic atmosphere. If one is in a situation where one of the individuals that is fueling the family feud might have BPD, it would be advisable to seek the help of a mental health professional who is well versed and trained in BPD. There are strate-

gies, some of them counterintuitive, which can be helpful when navigating the BPD landscape. Additionally, understanding BPD on a deeper level helps you feel compassion and empathy for the individual who is suffering from BPD. In recent years, the psychology world has made key advances in the treatment of BPD. With the right type of intervention, not only can the individual with BPD feel better, the entire family system can heal. This is a service of Relief Resources. Relief is an organization that provides mental health referrals, education, and support to the frum community. Rabbi Yisrael Slansky is director of the Baltimore branch of Relief. He can be contacted at 410-448-8356 or at yslansky@





MAY 12, 2022

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Notable Quotes MAY 12, 2022

“Say What?!”


The Republicans won’t stop with banning abortion. They want to ban interracial marriage. Do you want to save that? Well, then you should probably vote. – Tweet by Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA)

Hi Eric. My name is Wesley Hunt. I’m a Republican nominee in a Congressional District that is 70% white. I’m black, I’m in an interracial marriage, and my wife and I have two biracial daughters. Republicans are celebrating diversity while white liberals like yourself race-bait. – Response by Wesley Hunt

Is that legit under the way that the decision is written? What are the next things that are going to be attacked? Because this MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history — in recent American history.


W W W.T HEBJH.COM OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

- President Biden after the Supreme Court’s pending abortion decision was leaked

We can’t be an institution that can be bullied into giving you just the outcomes you want. The events from earlier this week are a symptom of that. - Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas at a judicial conference

President Joe Biden has put Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of the response to this decision. Previously, she was put in charge of the border, and then Ukraine. Any day now, we’ll find out she was in charge of the Challenger space shuttle. – Ann Coulter

The United States began claiming their exceptionalism, particularly after the collapse of the Soviet Union, thus denigrating not just the entire world but also their satellites, who have to pretend not to see anything and to obediently put up with it. But we are a different country. Russia has a different character. We will never give up our love for our Motherland, our faith and traditional values, our ancestors’ customs and respect for all peoples and cultures. - Russian President Vladimir Putin railing against American “exceptionalism” and “moral degradation” during his country’s annual “Victory Day” parade

What I think is an undeniable and uncomfortable reality for Republicans is that everything about January 6 made everything about invading Ukraine easier for Vladimir Putin. - MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace



Don’t tell anybody that we Democrats have a lab. Two labs, actually, secret labs, one in Berkeley and one in Brooklyn, where we come up with ideas to completely [anger] the working class. And it’s working wonderfully…and they all have PhDs …in [angering] the working class. Somehow, in my lifetime, the Democrats have gone from being the party of the factory floor to being the party faculty lounge… I spent Wednesday last week in Chicago with the machinists union. Hung out with the machinists all day; great guys. Not a one of them came up to me and said, “Gee, I really hope you take my tax dollars to pay off the debt of somebody that went to Stanford.”

Don’t jump! - President Biden, while taking a photo last week with wheelchairbound Paralympic athletes

I thought it would be a great way to inspire others to push your limits, because I truly believe that we’re stronger than what we think. - Amputee Jacky Hunt-Broersma of Arizona who became a world record holder after she ran 104 marathons in 104 days (she has a prosthetic leg)

Stolen emails, stolen drone, stolen election … welcome to the world of #unpresidented Trump. - 2016 tweet by new White House press secretary Karine JeanPierre

If I die under mysterious circumstances, it’s been nice knowin’ ya. - Tweet by Elon Musk with an article attachment reporting that Russia is angry at him for helping Ukraine

When I first asked my mom for the Guinness World Records Book as a kid, she told me she would only buy it if I had something amazing to make my way into it. I really don’t know if she meant it that time, but here we are living the dream. - Al Refaie, of Kuwait, upon earning a Guinness World Record for completing his goal of climbing the Seven Volcanic Summits at the age of 24 years and 119 days old

[T]he Supreme Court is coming for us next. This moment has to be a call to arms. - From a tweet by Chicago’s Mayor Lori Lightfoot

I had never done it, and I’ve done a lot of things in 100 years so I thought I must do it while I can. - Floridian Raymonde Sullivan explaining why she decided to carry out a skydive for her 100th birthday


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- Nina Jankowicz, President Biden’s executive director of the Department of Homeland Security’s new “Disinformation Governance Board”

– PETA, responding to a tweet by Elon Musk that he likes chocolate milk

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

There’s already this idea, this allegation, that there is anti-conservative bias on the platforms, even though there has been study after study proving, in fact, that often it’s liberal voices that are being silenced, particularly minority voices on social media.

Drinking cow’s milk is like driving a gas guzzler. The dairy industry is one of the worst contributors to the climate catastrophe. What happened to caring about the environment? Now, chocolate oat milk we can get behind.

MAY 12, 2022

- Democratic strategist Pail Begala on “Real Time with Bill Maher,” HBO


MAY 12, 2022

58 This weekend was also Mother’s Day, of course… I saw that first lady Jill Biden spent the day in Ukraine and met with the Ukrainian first lady. Yeah, basically, Joe got her an Edible Arrangement for Mother’s Day and Jill was like, “You know what? I’m going to go to Ukraine — I’m good.” — Jimmy Fallon

I think it was a morally bad decision, to be clear, and foolish in the extreme. I do think it was not correct to ban Donald Trump. I think that was a mistake. It alienated a large part of the country and did not ultimately result in Donald Trump not having a voice. - Elon Musk, while speaking at the Financial Times’ “Future of the Car” conference

“If you’re not in the lineup, just be ready, you’re going to hit a home run today.” I’m like, “Mom, that’s hard to do.”

I think our policies helped, not hurt. – President Biden when asked about out-of-control inflation

- San Diego Padres catcher Jorge Alfaro, who came into the game as a pinch hitter on Mother’s Day and hit a game winning 3-run-homer, recalling a conversation earlier in the day when he called to wish his mother Happy Mother’s Day

A Healing Laugh B A LT I M O R E


W W W.T H E29,B2015J H . CJewish OM OctOber | the Home 36

Using Humor to Cope with Stress



MAY 12, 2022

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MAY 12, 2022

1. *



You Are Normal If… A A You have searched for your phone while holding it in your hand. (It’s at those moments when you realize that you are in the thick of millennialism.)

When you sing while wearing headphones, you take them off for a second just to make sure that the whole neighborhood can’t hear you. (Because, no, you are not tone-deaf, and you don’t want people to think that you are.)

You have bought a week’s worth of healthy food and didn’t end up eating any of it. (Good tip: always go shopping one day AFTER you start your new healthy eating plan.)


You accidentally take on another’s distinct accent during conversation, especially if they’re from the south. (Y’all do that, too?)


You avoid talking to someone because you forgot their name. (And you know that there is no sweeter sound to people than the sound of their own name.)


You have taken a break from the internet on your computer to check out the internet on your phone. (That is when you should remember those archaic things called books.)

You ignore an email for a week and when you finally figure out how to respond, you write, “Somehow, I missed this…” (It’s not a lie because I did “miss this” – I never said how I missed it…)



You hit the elevator button multiple times when you get in. (This usually results in a quick self-analysis: Am I OCD?)


W WOctOber W.T29, H2015 E B| the J HJewish .CO M Home


When the phone rings and you don’t want to answer the call, you lay your hands off it and stare at the phone until it stops ringing. (Because if you are not careful, your fingers will somehow double-click the stop-ringing button disobeying your decision, regardless of the neural message that you are transmitting to them.)


You listen intently to the conversation taking place at the next table in the restaurant… just to confirm that other people’s lives are no more interesting than your life. (“Susan went to Israel today…” “I have a dentist appointment next week…” “Did you get through to Barry yet?” Blah, blah, blah)


You check out who is in the car near you and when you are busted you make believe that you were looking at something else. (It’s OK when you’re busted – you only got busted because they are doing the same thing as you!)



Using the grid below, how many words can you find? Each word must contain the central letter V and no letter can be used twice; however, the letters do not have to be connected. Proper nouns are not allowed, although, plurals are. There is at least one nine letter word.

Wisdom Key How many words can you find? Genius: 28 words Excellent: 20 words Good: 16 words









Answers above, adverb, ave, aver, brave, braved, braver, bravo, bravoed, deva, dove, drove, drover, ova, over, overboard, overbroad, overdo, rave, raved, raver, rev, rove, roved, rover, var, verb, voe


You Gotta Be Kidding Me! A man died and went to heaven. There, the angels told him, “Before you meet with G-d, we should tell you — we’ve looked over your life, and to be honest, you really didn’t do anything particularly good or bad. We’re not really sure what to do with you. Can you tell us anything you did that can help us make a decision?”

Riddle Me This Five percent of all people living in a town have unlisted phone numbers. If you selected 100 names from the phonebook, on average, how many of these people would be unlisted?

“Wow, that’s impressive,” the angels replied. “When did this happen?” Answer: Zero. You are selecting names from a phonebook, so they all have listed phone numbers.

“About three minutes ago,” came the reply.

W W W.T H E B J H . C O M emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

The newly-arrived soul thought for a moment and replied, “Yeah, once I was driving along and came upon a person who was being harassed by a group of thugs. So I pulled over, got out a bat, and went up to the leader of the thugs. He was a big, muscular guy with a ring pierced through his lip. Well, I tore the ring out of his lip, and told him he and his gang had better stop bothering this guy or they would have to deal with me!”

MAY 12, 2022

Average: 12 words


Nitty Gritty




MAY 12, 2022

Dating Dialogue

What Would You Do If… Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LcSW of the Navidaters

Before I go into my question, I want to tell you a bit about our family dynamics.

Dear Navidaters,

Our family has four girls and one boy, Moshe* (the youngest). He is a real catch – the sensitivity he has from growing up with so many sisters (plus all of our fashion advice doesn’t hurt!). He’s also very bright and can do anything he puts his mind to. He’s a shtark professional, who was learning full time for quite a few years until now. To all who meet him, they’re flabbergasted as to how he is still single. To me, it is quite clear.

W W W.T H E29,B2015 J H| the . CJewish OM OctOber Home 30

Our mother really holds a tight ship surrounding his shidduchim. He is 33, and she still takes all his suggestions and fields the calls, collects the resumes, and makes the decisions. My brother feels like it would deeply sadden her if he demanded to take over (and he’s right). He is her baby, and she makes that very clear! She wants to control the situation and thinks he deserves only the best, but at the same time she really convinces herself that no girl is good enough. He’s 33 and still she has never allowed him to date a girl with divorced parents, BT parents, out-of-towners, or a girl who has had a broken engagement. She’s just as picky as ever (if not more picky) on his behalf as the years go by.

I see him with my kids and know he will be a great father. He looks at my mother with an ayin tovah and does not see anything wrong with how she handles his shidduchim, truly believing that she is acting for his benefit. I, however, along with two of my sisters, completely see right through the charade. We decided to send you this question. Do you agree this has got to stop? If we plan intervention, is that coming between our brother’s kibbud em? How can we manage to create some change, so our brother has hope and freedom to find an amazing wife? Thank you Chani, Tova, and Russi*

Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration.


MAY 12, 2022

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MAY 12, 2022

The Panel the rebbetzin Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S. ear Sisters, I am impressed that you are working as a team to help the situation of your brother’s shidduchim. Your query also reflects respect for your mother. At the same time, you are honest and real about the reactions and outlooks of your mother and brother. I think that a team initiative would be in place. One suggestion is for all five of you to sit down and discuss things. The practical thing to do would be for all of you to agree to sit down with a mentor/rabbi/therapist and discuss the hows and whys of moving forward. This way, you show respect for your brother’s choice thus far as well as sincere caring. It’s not done behind his back. Everyone will have a chance to say


what they think. Family dynamics will become obvious to the person you consult. Whatever is agreed upon needs some packaging and strategizing for presentation, of course. It’s going to be a discussion which will move toward actionable steps to take. S/he may suggest that a gentle transition take place with your brother dating some people whom he’s investigated on his own as well as your mother’s vetted dating choices. That may be easier for your mother to handle and can be done with respect. Keep in mind that your brother may need/want a dating coach. Maybe he is struggling with dating skills. It may not only be your mother’s gatekeeping that’s the issue. If the sisters are open and show their caring for him, he will open up during the conversation and won’t feel attacked. Again, keep working as a team with

The poor guy sounds like a male version of Rapunzel, locked up in a tower by an over-controlling mother.

respect, honesty, and pragmatism.

the Shadchan Michelle Mond


earest Sisters, I applaud your cohesive efforts to help your brother. The way your mother is handling your brother’s shidduchim is indeed hindering him. Additionally, taking away his ability to field his own shidduchim is removing his one basic avenue of hishtadlus. The poor guy sounds like a male version of Rapunzel, locked up in a tower by an over-controlling mother. I agree that staging an intervention is the best way to proceed. You as a group must sit down with Moshe and discuss all the issues you are seeing with his current mode of filtering shidduchim. Approach

him from a loving place, without harsh judgment towards your mother. Make it absolutely clear that there are many amazing girls who are not “making the cut” because of Mom’s filtration system. Give him the encouragement he needs to take his shidduchim into his own hands and offer to help him with it as well.

Engagements Aharon Tzvi Horowitz (Baltimore) and Yeti Tikotsky (Lakewood) Chaim Yehoshua Schuchman (Baltimore) and Bracha Bluma Danziger (Lakewood) Mordechai Palmer (Baltimore) and Rivka Garry (Baltimore) Michoel Insel (Baltimore) & Nechama Klein (Baltimore) Yisachar Kroll (Baltimore) to Fraidy Edelson (Monsey) Shlomo Pollack (Baltimore) to Etti Rubin (Baltimore) Want to see your simcha here? Email or text 443-675-6507 to submit your simcha!


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Yehuda Verschleisser (Baltimore) and Marisol Rams (Florida)

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

Yechiel Kelman (Baltimore) and Ilana Falick (Washington, DC)



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MAY 12, 2022


Additionally, as a team, you must approach your mother and lovingly make her aware of the changes coming to Moshe’s approach. Don’t ask; tell – she must know you’re in this together. Lastly, I don’t know where your father is in all this, but you must keep him in the loop as well. I see this situation play out so often, so realize you are not alone. Dear Readers, if you are reading this young man’s plight and think you might just be “that mother,” I beg of you to get help. Your son will always be your baby but sheltering him to the point of stagnating his life is not the answer. Every person is a package, even your dear son. So put some time into learning how to create a healthy attachment where you can see your son get married and move forward, handling his own shidduchim and making his own decisions.

the Single

the Zaidy

Tzipora Grodko

Dr. Jeffrey Galler



orah is meant to enhance our lives, not limit it. If a person is following a mitzvah and something doesn’t seem right, it probably isn’t. Honoring your mother does not need to be compromised by creating an intervention or having a healthy conversation in a respectful way. Your brother is an adult and can choose to take responsibility for his shidduchim while including his mother in a way that supports his needs. It would probably be best for you to connect with a rabbi to gain clarification on what determines kibbud em in this category, as I am far from a rabbinical resource (which seems to be dominating your concern). Your brother is lucky to have such caring sisters!

Pulling It All Together The Navidaters Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists


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OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


i sisters! Thank you for writing into our panel. Your brother is blessed to have three such spectacular sisters who can see an unhealthy dynamic at play and who are considering staging an intervention to help your brother and possibly even mother out of this very controlling and inappropriate situation. I am not a religious figure and can’t comment on whether or not this decision would be interfering with the mitzvah of kibbud em (the religious instruction of honoring one’s mother.) From a life cycle and mental health perspective, it does seem a bit unnatural that, at age 33, your

brother’s romantic life is completely controlled by his mother. It absolutely warrants the question being asked to a religious authority figure for some halachik perspective. How painful this must be for you sisters. If your brother saw this as problematic and was wanting help, the path would be a bit more clear. Being that he doesn’t see the issue will most likely prove helping him more challenging. People have to want to change in order to make changes. I don’t know your mother or brother,

love that the three big sisters are watching out for their little brother. If he is as awesome as you describe, then: First, he is certainly aware that virtually all of his yeshiva buddies are married. Second, he sees that his sisters are happily married. Third, he likes kids and enjoys playing with his nieces and nephews. Fourth, he is a 33-year-old, educated professional and is well-aware of the world around him. Therefore, when you report that your mother “has never allowed him to date a girl with divorced parents, BT parents, out-of-towners, or a girl who has had a broken engagement,” and that her being too picky is the cause of his still being single, it just doesn’t ring true.

so please take what I am about to say with a grain of salt. (Sea salt, table salt, Himalayan salt…all the salt!) From what you described, your mom and brother seem a bit enmeshed with each other. While enmeshment is rather complicated, for our purposes I like this definition. “Enmeshment is a concept in psychology and psychotherapy introduced by Salvador Minuchin to describe families where personal boundaries are diffused, sub-systems undifferentiated, and over-concern for others leads to a loss of autonomous development.” (Wikipedia) When healthy autonomous family members, such as you sisters, try to help enmeshed family members out of the unhealthiness, it is often met with resistance and sometimes even causes rifts. Keep your own emotional wellness in mind as you decide your next steps. The simplest road, and perhaps one already traveled, is to involve your fam-

People have to want to change in order to make changes. At this point in his life, if he really, really, wanted to get married, he would speak up on his own behalf. Have you tried recommending young ladies, that you know personally, to him? Have you asked him pointedly, “Would you like me to address this issue with Mom?” I asked a shadchan friend of mine, and her comment was, “If the brother wanted her help, I’d recommend that she step in, but since her brother doesn’t seem frustrated or upset, I don’t think that her meddling will accomplish anything but family strife. Sometimes you need to wait until the person is ready to ask for help.”

ily rabbi and have him speak with your mom. If you move ahead with this, there are specialists that stage family interventions who will assist you. Just remember that this may be very delicate, and your brother may not see his situation as problematic. It is ultimately your brother who has to see this as problematic, and he may have a long road ahead of him to gain emotional independence from your mom. He may need your mom in this way. I want you to have realistic expectations for what this may look like and all the factors that are at play. If any of you are married, you can invite your brother to your home for Shabbos and show him a healthy home with autonomous male role models (aka, your husbands.) I do wish your family all the best and hope this is successful! Sincerely, Jennifer

Jennifer Mann, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist and certified trauma healing life coach, as well as a dating and relationship coach working with individuals, couples, and families in private practice at 123 Maple Avenue in Cedarhurst, NY. She also teaches a psychology course at Touro College. To set up a consultation or to ask questions, please call 718-908-0512. Visit www. for more information. If you would like to submit a dating or relationship question to the panel anonymously, please email You can follow The Navidaters on FB and Instagram for dating and relationship advice.



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MAY 12, 2022

Kids Coloring Win $10 Corner

Take a picture with your artwork and submit it to

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to The Candy Store to enter a raffle for a chance to win $10 to The Candy Store! See your picture in print the following week! Submissions due Monday, May 23th




MAY 12, 2022

Tehilla, 11

Sarah David, 12


Chana, 4

Miri Salazar, 10

Elana Baron, 7

Meira Baron, 9

Moshe, 12

Naftali, 9

Ephraim, 6

Chaim, 4

Yael B, 11

W W W.T H E B J H . C O M

Yehuda Rubin, 10


W W W.T H E B J H . C O M


MAY 12, 2022

EVEN MORE Chani and Yitzi Waxman, 5 and 3

Elisheva, 11

Hadasah Preiser, 11

Talia Shiman, 6

Naama Cohen, 10

Tali Rabenstein, 10

Kayla Landau, 10

Hadassah Goldstein, 11

Rikki Bushwick, 12

Dovi, 8

Y.f. 14

Akiva Cohen, 10

Shira Baron

Yael Price, 6

Yocheved, 7

Shalom Ahron Weiner, 10

Bina Bayla, 13

Penny, 9

Zevi Minkin, 9

Yaakov Friedman, 10

Scanned with CamScanner

Neimah Shifteh, 9

Tani, 4

Yael Gabay

Ilana Leipnik, 8

Elisheva Goldstein, 8


Shane, 7

Reese, 4

Maya Schwarzenberger

Yehoshua Cornberg, 2

Sarah Cornberg, 5

Eliana Cornberg, 7

Sadie Schwarzenberger, 5

Rachel Goldsmith, 10

Chaya, 8

Sara K, 8

Chezky K, 6

Elisheva K, 4


Dina Cohen, 9

Moshechaim Shifteh, 11

Ayelet, 7

Daniella, 3

Batsheva, 6

Naftali, 4

MAY 12, 2022

Yishai Schapiro, 6



Keep it up! Sarah Mindy Perles, 6

Caroline Orner, 7

Jamie Orner, 7

Akiva Pepper, 6

W W W.T H E B J H . C O M

Thank you to all of our readers who sent in their artwork!

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