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NOVEMBER 12, 2020



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NOVEMBER 12, 2020

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NOVEMBER 12, 2020

Around the Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Community Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

JEWISH THOUGHT Rabbi Zvi Teichman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

PEOPLE 613 Seconds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

HUMOR & ENTERTAINMENT Centerfold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Notable Quotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

LIFESTYLES jWow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 A Mandate to Uphold Our Mesorah. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Ambassador David M. Friedman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Parenting Pearls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Dating Dialogue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 The Art of the Steal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Mental Health Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 In The Kitchen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Gluten Free Recipe Column. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Your Money. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Dear readers, Most of the Torah’s description of Yitzchok Avinu’s life shows him digging wells and re-digging them if they had been filled with dirt. What is so significant about digging wells that causes the Torah to expound on it so much? The Chassidic Masters teach that a person is like a well. Wherever one goes in the world, he is guaranteed to find water, so long as he digs. The only question: How long will he need to dig? In some areas, it will take a short time to find water; in other areas, longer; and in yet others, it will take an extremely long time. But fresh, living water he is guaranteed to find. What is that “water?” The soul. Yitzchok Avinu was a digger of wells, a discoverer of the soul. This Sunday is the first ever all virtual conference of Chabad shluchim. A digger of wells is the perfect way to describe the ideal shliach. They have an astounding ability to bring out a Jewish connection from people who, whether because of their indifference or hostility were written off as a lost cause. Yet along comes a shliach and shlucha, who embrace them with heartfelt ahavas Yisrael, and this very same person is suddenly adding mitzvos to their life and learning Torah for the first time. We also need to look at our fellow Jews the same way. Whether they be neighbors, fellow carpoolers, or members of our shul, they have a precious “source of water” inside, and we need to view them that way. Perhaps the best way to do so is to tap into our own soul: thinking more Torah, giving more tzedakah, being kinder, doing mitzvos whenever we can, and praying more intently. When we are more spiritual, we see spirituality in others as well. May our collective Torah & mitzvos finally tip the scales for good, revealing the good in all of us and indeed in all of creation. Wishing you a wonderful Shabbos, Shalom

Life Coach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

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NEWS Global. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

The Baltimore Jewish Home is an independent bi-weekly newspaper. All opinions expressed by the journalists, contributors and/or advertisers printed and/or quoted herein are solely their opinions and do not reflect the opinions of BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME, their parent company or affiliates, and may have been previously disseminated by them on television, radio, Internet or another medium. The Baltimore Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The BJH contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly.


NOVEMBER 12, 2020

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Around the Community

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NOVEMBER 12, 2020

A Wealth of Goodness, Mrs. Hannah Storch, a”h


rs. Hannah Storch, a”h, a true queen who lived amongst us, exemplified the essential mitzvos of, “v’ahavta l’rayacha kamocha,” and “kol yisrael arevim zeh l’zeh.” Born in Atlanta, but living most of her life in Baltimore, the loss of this regal and esteemed woman, leaves Baltimore and the world with a deep void. “I feel such an emptiness now that she is no longer here with us. There is no other Hannah Storch,” said her close friend, Mrs. Marlene Resnick sadly after her petirah on Sunday, October 25th. Marlene reminisced about the wonderful friendship they shared. As widows, they would go to lectures on Tisha B’av together and then prepare meals for after the fast for their children. “Her children meant so much to her. They were so fortunate to have such an incredible mother. She had tremendous depth of compassion. I remember when there was a non-Jewish shop owner we were friendly with, Maria, whose mother-in-law died. The moment Hannah heard, she picked up the phone, called Maria’s husband and consoled him for half an hour. He was a stranger! She was just gold. She always cared more about everyone else than herself. She was a wealth of goodness.” Noted international attorney, Mr. Shale Stiller, shared, “I have met many people in my life, but Hannah was an extraordinary individual. She had a special aura. When she walked into the room you knew you were dealing with an unusually special woman. She had an integrity and honesty that she did not have to think twice about. It was just a natural part of her. She also had this great intuition and knew people better than they knew themselves. She knew what they were thinking and what would motivate them. Everyone respected her advice.” Mr. Stiller remembers the rare occasions when, in discussing legal matters, he thought they should do something differently than Hannah had recommended. “Yet once she explained why, I would understand her reasoning and recognized how truly remarkable she was.” “Tzedakah,” continued Mr. Stiller, “was a part of her moral fabric. In dealing with people of significant wealth, more than Mrs.

Storch had, too often their charitable contributions are given either to save taxes or if they are seeking public honor. But not with Hannah. I have only met very few people who do it solely for the moral obligation. And of course, her great smile showed how happy she was doing what G-d wanted of her. She also left behind an extraordinary family. Her three children, Mindy Spetner, Judy (Bregin) Gross, and Frank Storch, each with their own distinct styles, were influenced by their legendary mother and they continue to carry on those traditions.” And the accolades of this special woman do not end there. Dr. Ziporah Schorr, Beth Tfiloh’s Director of Education, shared, “We were on the Board of the Associated together and when we would go to meetings, we would have deep discussions which showed what a bright woman she was. She was also a very astute businesswoman. Other times we would have discussions about the Jewish landscape. It was like she was the conscience of the community. She championed the cause for Jonathan Pollard’s freedom and wanted me to educate our students to stand up for the underdog. Her moral compass was very strong and when she knew something was the right thing to do, she would not hesitate to do it. As an already grown woman myself, I used to tell her that when I ‘grew up’ I wanted to be just like her.” Mrs. Schorr recalled an incident that happened when they were once in a coffee shop together. A man came over to them and said, “Are you Mrs. Storch?” and when she said yes, he told her about how something she had done for him saved his life and that of his family. After he walked away, in her typical humble manner, she downplayed the person’s deep appreciation and said that the man overstated what she had done. She said any good Jew would have done what she did. She saw herself as a member of klal yisroel like everyone else. “While she held herself in a very dignified manner, she also treated everyone else with

that same dignity,” said Mrs. Schorr in awe. This year’s 48th annual M. Leo Storch Memorial Lecture was given by Baltimore’s own Rabbi Shmuel Silber. Due to Covid-19, instead of the community filling Bais Yaakov’s M. Leo Storch Auditorium, it was streamed online. The lecture also reached a much larger audience across the country and Eretz Yisroel. The lecture topic was, “The World is Different, Should I Stay the Same? Trying to Find Our Place in This New World,” and it proved to be a smashing success with over 28,000 viewers. Rabbi Silber spoke passionately and inspirationally about the tidal wave of change we have experienced since the beginning of the pandemic and our need for personal growth. He used the tremendous character transformation and chesed Avraham Avinu displayed as an example for us to emulate. Rabbi Silber also mentioned the additional dimension the lecture took on after Mrs. Storch was just recently nifteres. He praised her role as an incredible pillar of the community and as a woman “known for her chesed, her tzedakah, and her involvement in so many incredible Jewish meaningful causes.” Mrs. Storch was married to M. Leo Storch for 18 years until his untimely passing in 1972. Together they were a chesed “power couple.” As Marlene Resnick said, “they walked hand in hand building the community.” Mr. Hillel and Dena Soclof recalled, “There has never been such a team in Baltimore. M. Leo was the forerunner of kashrus in Baltimore and was even able to have the city cover the expense of the first kosher supervisor, Rabbi

Lichtenstein, a”h. Hannah then went on to continue the establishment of the Vaad Hakashrus. Beyond her work for Bais Yaakov, and her development of and contribution to so many important causes and organizations, Hannah is someone to emulate. She did not hold her head high but did everything quietly. She would remember names of everyone she would interact with. She was so well respected that when she said you should do something, you just did. It was an honor just to be around her.” Professor Larry & Sandy Katz continued sharing their warm memories of Hannah. “She was such a gracious host and made everyone feel welcome at the many fundraisers in her home. After M. Leo was niftar, she would continue his communal and charitable work. I was involved with a Sephardi charity in Israel,” said Larry, “and like clockwork, without fail she would make her generous donation. Mrs. Storch was also involved in kiruv work and helped us start AJOP, the Association of Jewish Outreach Programs.” I did not get to meet her special husband but felt honored to help her and had the privilege of introducing her to Shale Stiller. Sandy fondly remembered how Hannah would make anyone she met feel like the most special person when she truly was. “She would continue to attend many events as an extension of her beloved husband’s work and she would defer to his legacy, but she was actually creating her own. Baltimore Jewry would have been desolate without both M. Leo and Hannah Storch, a”h,” said Sandy. Mrs. Hannah Storch, a”h, will be missed deeply by so many and her influence will be felt for generations to come. Her children, grandchildren, great- grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren should all take comfort in the incredible life this majestic matriarch lived. May they all continue following in her beautiful legacy.



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NOVEMBER 12, 2020

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NOVEMBER 12, 2020


Around the Community

‍בץ״ד‏ NOVEMBER 2020


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Weekly column of recent episodes by Tehillim Kollel CALL TO SIGN UP FOR OUR ANNUAL MERMBERSHIP:


Hogan, MD Republicans Split On Election Outcome By: Staff Reporter Cohn


ov. Larry Hogan said Sunday morning that, “It’s time to get behind the winner of the race,� referring to President-Elect Joe Biden. Hogan’s comments were made in an appearance on “State of the Union� on CNN. President Donald Trump Saturday promised, “a full prosecution� of suspected voter irregularities that he believes will overturn the election results so far. “I don’t think we are going to see anything to overturn the election,� Hogan said As of Sunday morning, Biden had earned 290 electoral college votes, 20 more than the 270 needed to win. Georgia, North Carolina and Alaska have not been decided, according to the Associated Press. Officials are planning a recount in Georgia, where Biden leads Trump by more than 10,000 votes as of Sunday morning. Hogan congratulated Biden on Saturday on Twitter. He is among a small group of Republicans nationally to congratulate Biden. Asked by host Jake Tapper why other Republicans are, “acting like babies� in not accepting Biden as the winner of the election, Hogan replied, “history will judge who is on the right side.� “At some point, the narrative may change, more and more people in my party are accepting the results, and hopefully the President’s team will have a change of view,� Hogan said. Hogan noted that given Republican gains in the House of Representatives and continued Republican control of the Senate, Biden’s election should send a message to Democrats. “This election was not a mandate for progressive values, it was a mandate for moderation,� Hogan said. Hogan did not support either Biden or Trump, but told the Washington Post last month that he wrote in the name of

the late President Ronald Reagan. Hogan’s view is not shared by other Maryland Republicans. Maryland’s only Republican Congressman, Andy Harris told WBAL’s Torrey Snow Saturday night that President Trump should not concede because the election is not resolved. “The media never gets to decide who is elected president. It’s the state boards of elections actually certify a winner, and we are far away from that given the voting irregularities in the swing states,â€? Harris said. Harris said that if Biden is certified the winner, divided government will remain.  Harris expects the Senate to remain in Republican control, even though there are two special elections in Georgia. “Georgia has not elected a Democratic Senator in quite a while,â€? Harris added. If Democrats win both seats in the January special elections, the Senate would have 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans, but Democrats would break the tie with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris breaking any tie votes as presiding officer. Harris said with a Republican controlled Senate, many of Biden’s legislative initiatives would be blocked, just as many of President Trump’s initiatives are blocked in the Democratic controlled House of Representatives. Republican National Committeewoman Nicolee Ambrose agreed that President Trump should not concede the election, and the election is not over. “Long story short, really all Democrats, all Republicans, especially Joe Biden should join with Republicans to call to make sure every vote has been accurately counted.â€?




NOVEMBER 12, 2020





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Around the Community

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NOVEMBER 12, 2020



he historic “Abraham Accord” peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has not only fully normalized the diplomatic relations between the two countries, it has paved the way for cooperation in tourism, education, healthcare, security, and trade. Even prior to the accord signing, the Department of Culture and Tourism issued a bilingual declaration instructing the managers of all hotel establishments to adhere to and implement Kosher food standards in the capital, Abu Dhabi. Yet, for STAR-K Certification, conducting Kashrus business in the UAE is nothing new. For about six years - before the “Abraham Accord” was even a thought - the agency has been traveling to Dubai to attend the Gulfood trade show, the world’s largest annual food and beverage trade exhibition. It is the crossroads for STARK’s regional presence in the South Asia region. Ohr Chadash Academy, Baltimore’s only Orthodox Jewish Day School for boys and girls, is rooted in the vision of Community, Individuality, and Excellence. Celebrating its 10th year, OCA has grown from a school of 75 students in its inaugural year to a

thriving school of almost 300 students from age 2 through 8th grade. We have graduated our first two classes, with alumni now attending a variety of local Jewish high schools and yeshivas. In 10 years, OCA has become a vitally important educational institution serving its diverse student body and the Baltimore community at large. In Hebrew, the words Ohr Chadash mean “a new light.” What does it mean to be a new light? Mrs. Deborah Rapoport, Head of School, shares, “At Ohr Chadash, it means to generate a spark, create simcha, extend kindness, and embrace educational opportunity.” The students and faculty of Ohr Chadash project a shining light of chesed, commitment, and action, individual sparks that, when combined, illuminate a path ensuring a bright Jewish future. The power of light is transformative and continuous. When a lit candle touches the wick of another, the first candle ignites the second while remaining strong and vibrant. So, too, when we walk into a room with a big smile or a warm hello, our positivity contains the limitless power to transform another person’s moment, or day, or even their life. Every smile, kind word, act of chesed, or expression of

thoughtfulness initiates a chain reaction that transforms the recipients of light into transmitters, themselves. Every day, as OCA teachers and students study Torah, immerse themselves in literature, problem solve in math, and deepen their love of Eretz Yisrael, our lights are multiplied many times over. Nurtured and challenged in the engaging educational environment at OCA, our students grow into knowledgeable, passionate, and committed Jewish young adults, ready to take their place as the shining lights of the next generation of Jewish leaders. In honor of the theme of our Annual Campaign, “Be The Light,” the OCA community has spent the past several weeks focusing on different aspects of being the light. Examples include: ● Be the light with your thoughts: positive thinking creates positive outcomes. ● Be the light with your words: offer encouragement, give compliments, say thank you. ● Be the light unto the nations: make a kiddush Hashem. Students participated in a Bake for Friend day, created tie-dye masks for those in need, and made blankets for the residents at Levindale.

● Be the light with your actions: do something positive with your family that has a domino effect on others. ● Be the light with your knowledge: students enjoyed a virtual lesson by Eric Energy on the science of light. ● Be the light for the earth: clean up trash in your environment and learn about organizations that care for the earth. ● Be the light for yourself: Hashem created us all and loves each of us for who we are as individuals. As a contributor to Ohr Chadash’s Annual Campaign, you have the opportunity to be a shining light. To be the initiator of giving and positivity. To harness the power of continuity and transformation, in which giving leads to more giving. Share in achieving our vision and help us nurture the light in the minds and souls of our Jewish future. We invite you to Be the Light! Be Transformative. Be Brighter, Together. Join us on November 17-18. All donations will be matched x4! Donate at

Mayor Young Announces New Restrictions To Curb Resurgent Coronavirus In Baltimore By: Staff Reporter Cohn


mid a spike in cases of the coronavirus, Baltimore is snapping back restrictions on gatherings and establishments. By order of Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young, public or private gatherings of more than 10 people will be disallowed. Establishments ranging from houses of worship to stores to gyms to restaurants will be capped at 25% of fire code occupancy. The new order is effective at 5 p.m. next Thursday, Nov. 12. Bars not licensed for food service will be forced to close. Establishments that offer indoor dining must shut

down at 10 p.m. “The coronavirus pandemic hasn’t gone anywhere and we need all residents and visitors to act accordingly,” Young said. “If we want to stop the surge of cases before the holidays, we have to stop the surge of cases now.” Young highlighted state-backed grants to be made available to restaurants and other businesses starting next week. It is not clear what the new order means for the Ravens’ ability to host a limited number of fans at M&T Bank Stadium. Young did not specifically address sporting venues in his remarks at City Hall. Sergio Vitale, chef-owner of Aldo’s in Little Italy, said he expected the mayor to take action but said he

worried it could mean a death knell for smaller restaurants and establishments near the Baltimore County line. “We would have preferred a more uniform approach, not as disjointed to these things,” Vitale said. “We’re seeing the end of our runway and it’s terrifying and the difference between 50 and 25% will probably make a big difference for many of us.” Vitale called on Congress to provide a new aid package for restaurants. He said that if the restrictions persist into December, his restaurant will have to adjust to preserve some of the revenue from what is typically one of the busiest months of the year at Aldo’s “We don’t know what that model’s going to look like this year,” Vitale

said. “We certainly will try to prepare for it by offering catering options.” Health Commissioner Dr. Letitia Dzirasa updated the city’s mask order to require Baltimoreans to wear a mask whenever out in public. The previous order only mandated face coverings indoors and outdoors only when physical distancing was not possible. The health order is effective immediately. She called the city’s latest measures an “amended phase one” response. “It’s critical that all residents do their part,” Dzirasa said. “If you are in a public space inside or outside, you should be wearing a face covering over your nose and mouth period.”


With Foreword By:

NOVEMBER 12, 2020

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Around the Community


NOVEMBER 12, 2020

The Jewish Community Football League (JCFL) by “The Kitchen Spot” is in full swing By: Staff Reporter Cohn


ith 8 strong teams participating in the 2020 season, the “Ouch Guy Championship title” is still very much so up for the taking. For a recap of excitement from some of the games in weeks 3, 4 and 5, keep reading: Week 3

Tripping Kosher Doctor Auto

19 18

In a hard-fought battle, Tripping Kosher defeated Doctor Auto 1918. Doctor Auto started the scoring with a flea-flicker touchdown pass which originated with QB Ariel Afrah and ended in the arms of rising star Avner Shotz, giving them a 6-0 lead. Tripping Kosher responded with a 30-yard TD pass from QB Chaim Finkelstein to speedster, Sammy Cohen, tying the game at 6 apiece.

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After a defensive stop by Tripping Kosher, a 4th down batted pass by Aron “The Swiss Army Knife” Meister, Doctor Auto came back with an incredible defensive play of their own. Lineman Levi Akkerman tipped a pass at the line of scrimmage, snatched the ball out of the air, and rumbled into the endzone for a touchdown, giving DA a 12-6 lead at halftime. Doctor Auto moved down the field on the opening possession of the second half but TK superstar, Ouriel “Brad” Nafisi intercepted a pass in the endzone. Tripping Kosher led an impressive drive down the field, highlighted by a Finkelstein run-and-lateral to Shulie “Champ” Hochman that got the ball inside the 5-yard line. Nafisi capped the drive with touchdown and extra point receptions, giving TK a 13-12 lead. But Doc Auto came right back and scored another touchdown, a leaping grab by Yehuda Golub, to give them an 18-13 lead. However, the “Doctors” missed yet another extra point, which would prove to be costly. Late in the game and down by 5,

Tripping Kosher didn’t panic. They easily marched down the field and Finkelstein threw the game-winning touchdown to his favorite target, Hochman, for the win.

Allstate – Yaakov Schmell Believe and Achieve Sports

6 0

A smart football commentator once remarked, “The only way to beat them is to outscore them.” Coming into week 3, Team Allstate - Schmell (headed by Ezra Bregin) was looking for their first victory of the season. Each of their two previous losses came down to the wire, and this game would be no different except for one thing: a victory! So how did Team Allstate-Schmell pull off their victory against Believe and Achieve Sports? Well, they say “Defense wins championships,” but they should also say, “Defense wins regular season games!” With a tremendous amount of pressure to the quarterback, thanks to newly promoted pass rusher, Rafi “Judon” Strum, Allstate forced 5 interceptions, ultimately leading to their win. Allstate - Schmell definitely lived up to their sponsor, showing their opponents what it means to have good hands. Week 4

Doctor Auto Allstate – Yaakov Schmell

33 31

Doctor Auto overcame a 10-point deficit in the final 2 minutes to knock off Allstate - Yaakov Schmell, thanks to an impressive TD catch by Avner Shotz with no time left. Ariel Afrah threw for 5 TDs and ran another in, Pasey Wealcatch caught 2 TDs, Josh Zaslow had a TD and an INT, and Alex Domberg racked up 4 sacks.

Shimz Cars Bridge Capital Services

Shimz had a chance to extend the lead but a fourth down TD pass to Donaty was ruled to be inches out of bounds and Shimz took a 13-6 lead into the half.

25 12

Playing against a short-handed Bridge Capital team, Shimz started off strong with a long TD pass to Yehuda Edelstein to take a quick

6-0 lead. Bridge managed to tie the game and remain competitive but it was ultimately unsustainable. Avi Yudkowsky threw 2 TD passes to Ab Reznick and another to Chaim Fink, and the defensive front of Aron Lefkowitz, Mordi Spero, and Dany Donaty harassed the QB tandem of Avi Frand and Shlomo Farkas all morning, as Shimz cruised to a 25-12 victory.

Harris Automotive Tripping Kosher

13 12

Looking to rebound from a tough loss, Harris Automotive came out firing on all cylinders. Consistent defensive line pressure by Yoni Gugenheim and Ben Gutman resulted in consecutive interceptions by CBs Aryeh Wolf and Shua Wealcatch. QB Dan Gutman turned the defensive highlights into 2 touchdown passes to Yoni Gugenheim, giving Harris a 13-0 lead at halftime. In the second half, things tightened up and with a 13-12 score with one minute remaining, Dan Gutman did his best Tom Brady impersonation (scrambling for one yard to get a first down) to seal the win. Week 5

Shimz Cars Doctor Auto

25 18

On a rainy Sunday, Shimz entered the day looking to maintain their first place standing against Doctor Auto. Shimz got on the board on their second drive with a TD pass to Dany Donaty. After Doctor Auto tied it up with a TD to Josh Zaslow, Shimz quickly responded with a long catch and run TD by Ab Reznick. Following an interception by Reznick,

As the rain started to pick up, the second half got messy. Shimz CB Yehuda Edelstein started the second half with an interception, setting the team up with great field position. Shimz was able to extend the lead to double digits with a TD pass from QB Avi Yudkowsky to Edelstein. Doctor Auto did everything they could to break the stifling Shimz defense but the defensive line rotation of Netanel Dancykier, Aaron Axelbaum, Mordi Spero and Avraham Frost, brought consistent pressure, and the Doctors struggled to move the ball. Finally, Doctor Auto broke through with a TD pass to Avner Shotz but Shimz responded with a long methodical drive which ended in a 20-yard TD pass to Donaty to extend the lead to 25-12. Doctor Auto managed to get in the end zone with 30 second left in the game, but it was too little too late and Shimz took home the win.

Allstate – Yaakov Schmell Bridge Capital Services

26 6

How do you take the manly game of football and make it even more manly? Simple. Just add cold temperatures, wind, and a few gallons of rain! Allstate – Schmell began Sunday’s slugfest against Bridge Capital Services with the hopes of keeping their playoff dreams alive. With three Strums playing in one game, the emotions were running high. Their dad, the only spectator at the game, gets the most credit for standing in the freezing rain getting completely sopped. Ultimately, Allstate-Schmell picked off their opponents three times, two of which were taken all the way back to the house, which proved to be all they needed to claim the win.



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What would the world be like without Judaism & the Jewish people? WorldPerfect explores 4,000 years of world history from this unique perspective

NOVEMBER 12, 2020





NOVEMBER 12, 2020


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Martin Leybovich DDS, MSD I think Baltimore is unique, in that there is a certain Achdus within the community. No matter which hashkafic affiliation, we’re a united Baltimore Jewish Community. This was very evident throughout the current Covid-19 Pandemic. I’ve enjoyed watching the community grow over the last 15 years and I’m proud to say that I live here.

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NOVEMBER 12, 2020






The Week In News



NOVEMBER 12, 2020

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Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, former chief rabbi of the UK, died suddenly over the weekend after battling cancer. He was 72. Rabbi Sacks’ death was announced by his family on his Twitter account immediately after Shabbat ended. “Baruch Dayan Ha’Emet,” wrote his family. “It with the deepest sadness that we regret to inform you that Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (HaRav Ya’akov Zvi ben David Arieh z”l) passed away early this morning, Saturday 7th November 2020 (Shabbat Kodesh 20th MarCheshvan 5781).” The rabbi had announced in October that he was fighting cancer, his third bout with the disease. At the time, his office refused to disclose what type of cancer he was battling and his prog-



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Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, z”l

nosis, saying simply that he “remains positive and upbeat and will now spend a period of time focused on the treatment he is receiving from his excellent medical team.” Rabbi Sacks’ sudden passing ended a career that saw the London native with no formal Jewish education become one of the world’s most celebrated Jewish thinkers. Born in 1948 to a family of Jewish wine merchants, Sacks attended non-Jewish primary schools, and went on to obtain a degree from the elite Cambridge University. His life would soon be set on a different course after meeting Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, zt”l, in 1972. During the chance meeting in Crown Heights, the Lubavitcher Rebbe urged him to enter the rabbinate, stating that Rabbi Sacks’ command of philosophy and academic background made him an asset to the Jewish people. The encounter led Rabbi Sacks to jettison his plans of becoming a professor, and instead enrolled in London’s Etz Chaim Yeshiva, where he received rabbinical ordination in 1980. He then began serving as rabbi for London’s Golders Green synagogue, followed by the prestigious Western Marble Arch Synagogue in Central London. In 1991, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks was selected to be England’s chief rabbi. With intermarriage skyrocketing and religious observance declining among English Jewry, Rabbi Sacks called for a Decade of Renewal to “revitalize British Jewry’s great powers of creativity.” The effort was based on promoting a “love of every Jew, love of learning, love of G-d, a profound contribution to British society and an unequivocal attachment to Israel.” Rabbi Sacks’ efforts soon bore



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The Week In News

NOVEMBER 12, 2020

fruit, with enrollment in Jewish schools across England surging within his first five years on the job. His prominent post, sparkling oratory, and grasp of both Jewish and secular philosophy also catapulted Rabbi Jonathan Sacks into becoming one of the world’s most recognizable rabbis. By the time he retired in 2013, Sacks had become a bestselling author, publishing 25 books including the award-winning “The Dignity of Difference” and “A Letter in the Scroll.” He was knighted in 2005 for his work and was a tireless advocate for religious tolerance. Following his passing, Rabbi Lord Sacks was eulogized worldwide as a pioneer in Jewish thought who never stopped fighting anti-Semitism. Israel’s Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef called him “a unique voice that will be sorely missed,” while Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau remembered the rabbi as “a man of spirit who championed the word of Torah-keeping Judaism



and was a staunch guardian of tradition from generation to generation.”

China Expands into South America

Beijing’s quest for influence in South America received a major boost after two Chinese companies began constructing a train line in the Colombian capital of Bogota. Bogota has been attempting to build the metro for over 80 years in order to alleviate the dense capital’s

chronic traffic problem. But a series of budgetary and legal problems has left Bogota the only South American capital to be without an underground rail line of its own. That changed, however, after the Chinese government-owned China Harbour Engineering Company and Xi’an Rail Transit Group won the tender to build the metro’s First Line. The largest infrastructure project in Colombian history, the line will extend 15 miles and cost $4 billion. The successful bid to build Bogota’s metro is a major feat for China, which has attempted to expand its influence in Colombia with little success to show for itself. Cultural and economic differences between China and Colombia resulted in widespread anti-Beijing sentiment, with the Chinese ambassador heckled by passersby while shopping Bogota in 2016. The negative reception received by the envoy was the result of local anger at Chinese importers for under-

cutting the local market. Colombia’s strict restrictions on immigration from Asian nations has also been a point of contention in the past between the two countries, along with opposition to Beijing’s communist regime. Last week’s inaugural ceremony for the Bogota metro suggests that the tense history between China and Colombia may now be a thing of the past. Present as the event’s guest of honor was Lan Hu, China’s ambassador to Colombia, who was later introduced by Bogota Mayor Claudia López to a round of applause. “May this be the first Chinatown in Bogotá,” López said. “Every cosmopolitan city needs a Chinatown, and Bogotá is no exception. Our relationship with this great nation, the People’s Republic of China, is just beginning, and with their help, we’re going to complete this and probably many other projects in Bogotá and Colombia.” The project is part of China’s de-


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The Week In News


NOVEMBER 12, 2020



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cade-long effort to tilt South America away from the United States by financing large infrastructure efforts. Chinese corporations have offered bids in virtually every large construction project on the continent over the past five years, in places such as Brazil, Bolivia, and Argentina. Currently, Chinese companies are building a major highway between San Jose in Costa Rico and the Caribbean port of Limón. In Panama, a Beijing-owned consortium is constructing a new port in Pacific along with a bridge over the Panama Canal.

UAE Relaxes Laws

The United Arab Emirates has relaxed some of its more draconian religious laws, including loosening the ban on alcohol and prohibiting honor killings. The UAE’s official WAM news agency reported that UAE President Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan issued a number of special decrees amending the Federal Personal Status Law, the Federal Civil Transactions Law, the Federal Penal Code, and the Federal Criminal Procedure Law. The most prominent of the new changes is the amendment allowing the public consumption of alcohol. Until now, both Emiratis and foreign tourists needed to purchase a special license in order to store alcohol in their homes. Honor killings will also be banned for the first time, ending the grisly practice that results in the deaths of thousands of Muslim women across the Middle East over religious infractions. The legal loopholes for “honor crimes” commonly enabled male relatives to escape punishment for murdering female relatives. Attempted suicide was decriminalized, and Muslims will also now be afforded the right to choose non-Islamic inheritance. The aforementioned restrictions had long rankled women, who are now allowed to inherit their husbands and fathers under Shariah

law. A statement by the UAE’s government confirmed that Emirati citizens can now “to choose the laws that apply to their actions in matters of inheritance and inheritance, in order to achieve stability in the financial interests of foreign investors in the country” and “to strengthen the guarantee of personal freedoms and support the community security system without prejudice to the principles and societal gains.” The relaxation of the onerous religious legislation comes as the UAE attempts to rebrand itself as a western business hub. Emiratis celebrated the news on social media after it was announced on Friday, with the newfound ability to drink alcohol being especially popular. “The UAE has finally moved out of the 12th century into the 13th Century. Keep going, boys,” tweeted one Emirati journalist. “Ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome the UAE to the 21st century please by raising your glasses and drinking to that!” wrote another.

Peru Pres. Ousted On Monday, Peru’s Congress ousted President Martín Vizcarra in an impeachment vote over corruption allegations. Vizcarra accepted the decision without argument. “Today I am leaving the presidential palace. Today I am going home,” Vizcarra said during a speech late on Monday, surrounded by his cabinet in the courtyard of the presidential residence in downtown Lima.

Head of Congress, Manuel Merino, an agronomist and businessman from the minority Popular Action, is expected to assume the presidency on Tuesday and will remain in office until the end of July 2021, when Vizcar-





NOVEMBER 12, 2020



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The Week In News ra’s term was due to expire. This was the second time lawmakers attempted to remove Vizcarra from office. This time around, Congress had the necessary votes to oust him over accusations that as a governor he accepted bribes from companies that won public works contracts. 105 members voted for his removal; Congress only needs 87 votes to oust a president. Vizcarra, 57, lacked a party in the fragmented Congress, and had a tense relationship with lawmakers, with whom he frequently locked horns over his anti-graft agenda. He dissolved Congress last year after a long-running standoff, a move that prompted criticism by right-wing lawmakers. Vizcarra’s removal from office plunges the world’s No. 2 copper producer into political turmoil as it looks to recover from an economic recession brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. Lawmakers sympathetic to Vizcarra rejected his ouster and warned that the decision would heighten instability in the Andean country. “This is a coup in disguise. We need calm, but also a lot of citizen surveillance,” George Forsyth, a mayor and one of the early front-runners for the 2021 election, said.

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U.S. Selling UAVs to UAE

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After already approving a sale of 50 F-35 fighter jets to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the White House now wants to give the Gulf State advanced drones. According to Reuters, the Trump administration gave the go-ahead for the UAE to purchase $2.9 billion worth of advanced attack drones. The arms deal marks the first time that the Trump administration approved unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) sales since “reinterpreting a Cold War-era arms agreement between 34 nations to allow U.S. defense contractors to sell more drones to allies.” First signed in 1987, the Missile Technology Control Regime banned member states from selling UAVs to other countries. However, the Trump

administration has dismissed the deal as a Cold War relic, arguing that it is not legally binding and is merely an informal agreement. The UAV deal comes after the White House notified Congress in October that it would be selling the UAE 50 F-35 fighters, instantly transforming the Emirati air force into one of the most advanced in the world. The approval by the Trump administration followed a decision by Israel not to oppose the F-35 sale, despite its reservations over an Arab neighbor possessing such advanced arms. A significant motivation for Abu Dhabi to establish full diplomatic relations with the Jewish State had been the promise of receiving advanced U.S. weapons, which had hitherto been restricted. Reportedly, the UAE threatened to scrap its normalization with Israel entirely should Jerusalem block the F-35 from going through. The advanced arms that Washington is expected to give the UAE, along with requests from Qatar and the UAE to purchase an F-35 fleet of their own, has raised concerns that Israel’s military advantage would be eroded. The U.S. is legally obligated to the Qualitative Military Edge (QME) Israel enjoys over its neighbors and to consult with it prior to embarking on large weapons sales to Arab nations. The Jewish State has since asked the U.S. Defense Department to approve sales of the advanced F-22 Raptor along with “bunker buster” bombs and refueling planes to the Jewish State to offset the military hardware its neighbors are getting. Other potential weapons platforms Jerusalem wants include the V-22 Osprey and attack helicopters. Meanwhile, House Democrats have condemned the White House’s willingness to send advanced weaponry to the Middle East. In a statement last Friday, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) said that no amount of new weapons purchases by Israel would offset the damage to its security that a fleet of Emirati F-35s could cause. “This technology would significantly change the military balance in the Gulf and affect Israel’s military edge. The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is a game-changing stealth platform boasting advanced strike capability



NOVEMBER 12, 2020




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NOVEMBER 12, 2020


The Week In News and unique sensor technology,” said Engel. “The export of this aircraft requires very careful consideration and Congress must analyze all of the ramifications.”

Lockdown Concerns Dr. Yoram Maaravi is concerned about the elderly. The physician says that lockdown may be speeding up the aging process of Israel’s seniors. He opines that the long-term harm to pensioners may outweigh the risks of a more lenient coronavirus policy. “Lockdown has actually been reducing the physical and cognitive functioning of many elderly people, speeding up the process of decline in an unusual and worrying way,” Dr. Yoram

Maaravi told The Times of Israel. “It’s concerning because in geriatric medicine, when patients have cognitive problems, we see more deterioration and faster deterioration in their general health.” While lockdown can impact the wellbeing of all ages, it has a particularly strong impact on the elderly. For them, staying active and maintaining social interactions are key to avoiding deterioration. Dr. Maaravi adds, “Everyone is talking about protecting people from the coronavirus but there isn’t enough talk about the harm of isolating people, especially the elderly. “The so-called protection we see can even cause deterioration that can kill them, as the effect of isolation has such an impact on general health. It affects many systems in the body, not only the mind. We need balance. You can’t asses risks during the pandemic without getting the whole picture.” Israel has been in a state of lockdown since mid-September, and began to relax its rules in mid-October. Last week, President Reuven Rivlin stressed

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that the health impact of the current crisis extends far beyond virus cases. Visiting a mental health non-profit he said, “Alongside the coronavirus pandemic, a pandemic of loneliness and isolation is developing and we must treat it.” Maaravi, chief physician at Hadassah Medical Center’s geriatric rehabilitation department and head of home rehabilitation in Jerusalem for the Clalit health fund, said that the most intense period of Israel’s lockdown, which ended October 18, hit elderly people the hardest. But even now that lockdown rules have been relaxed, the government has been encouraging the elderly to limit interactions and for younger people to largely keep their distance. Maaravi notes that the second lockdown may have caused more suffering than the first. “I see it all the time now,” he said. “Elderly people who have declined quickly – cognitively, in a functional sense, and psychologically.” He added: “It’s often people who were completely healthy and independent, who now complain of losing memory and impaired cognitive functioning. It’s people who aren’t at particularly high risk from the coronavirus but are at high risk from the impact of isolation.” Interestingly, these effects have been noticeable in those who live with spouses and with those who live alone. To combat these effects, Maaravi is working with the Federation of Local Authorities to develop a format for “safe space” outdoor meetings where elderly people can go for music and physical activity. They are taking place in some locales, but he wants to see more initiatives elsewhere.

Palestinians Celebrate Biden Win



A slew of senior Palestinian lead-

ers openly celebrated Joe Biden’s victory over Donald Trump, viewing it as a way to improve the ruptured ties with the United States. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas congratulated Joe Biden soon after the major television networks called the race, saying that he hoped the victory would “strengthen” relations with the Palestinian Authority. In a statement Abbas released on Sunday, the PA congratulated Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on ousting Donald Trump from the White House. The aging Arab leader said that he hoped the incoming administration would work “to establish freedom, independence, justice and respect for the Palestinian people.” Palestinian Ambassador to the UK Hussam Zomlot also hailed Biden’s victory, calling the election “historic & inspiring elections” in a Sunday morning tweet. “I sense the excitement of those who aspire to a just and lasting peace in Palestine. Engagement based on mutual respect, freedom, justice and equality must be the way forward,” Zomlot wrote. PA Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh declared that he was ready for “immediate engagement” with the United States if his people’s plight was added to the “the list of priorities” for the upcoming administration. “We look forward to constructive bilateral U.S.-Palestinian relations towards achieving a just and lasting peace within the frame of two states and ending the Israeli occupation,” Shtayyeh tweeted. “President Mahmoud Abbas is ready for immediate engagement when there is a partner and a serious process with clear terms of reference.” The Palestinians had enjoyed close ties with the Obama administration. Since his shock victory in 2016, Trump has moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, shuttered the PA Embassy in Washington, D.C., ceased funding the Palestinian Authority, and brokered normalization deals between Israel, the UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan. As such, the Palestinian Authority is working to make inroads with the Biden transition team in the hope of regaining their once-high status in Washington. Speaking with the Israeli newspaper Globes, an Abbas associate said that the PA has already contact-


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The Week In News ed the Biden team and expressed their willingness to begin dialogue if the president-elect would return the U.S. Embassy to Tel Aviv. He added that the Palestinians expect that the U.S. will renew the $1 billion in aid it traditionally awarded UNRWA but scrapped due to the Trump’s administration’s displeasure with Abbas.

Bibi, Rivlin, Slow to Congratulate

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Reuven Rivlin waited more than 12 hours to formally congratulate President-elect Joe Biden on winning the White House. In a statement released on Sunday morning, Netanyahu noticeably refrained from calling Biden the “president elect.” “Congratulations @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris. Joe, we’ve had a long & warm personal relationship for nearly 40 years, and I know you as a great friend of Israel,” Netanyahu tweeted. Netanyahu later thanked Trump “for the friendship you have shown the state of Israel and me personal-

ly, for recognizing Jerusalem and the Golan, for standing up to Iran, for the historic peace accords and for bringing the American-Israeli alliance to unprecedented heights.” Rivlin released a statement of his own a few minutes after Netanyahu that mentioned Biden’s victory over Trump. “I send the blessings of the Israeli people and of the State of Israel, to our friend Joe Biden on your election as the 46th President of the United States of America. I also send congratulations and best wishes for your success, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris,” Rivlin said. The twin statements came at 7 a.m. on Sunday morning, more than 12 hours after the major television networks called the presidential race in Biden’s favor. Netanyahu and Rivlin’s decision to refrain from weighing in for such an extensive period was reportedly the result of fears of angering Trump, who still insists that he is the victim of widespread voter fraud. Netanyahu, Rivlin, and Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi are said to have made the decision to hold off on issuing formal congratulations during an emergency meeting they held on Saturday evening regarding how to handle the delicate situation. Complicating matters is the warm relationship Netanyahu and Trump enjoyed, something that was likely not viewed favorably by the incoming Biden administration. Speaking with Army Radio on Monday, former Israeli Consul to New York, Danny Dayan, said that Je-

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Rabbi Tzvi Mordechai Feldheim, ROSH MESIVTA Rabbi Avrohom Feldheim, MENAHEL Rabbi Moshe Dovid Robinson, GENERAL STUDIES PRINCIPAL Rabbi Mordechai Weissmann, CURRICULUM COORDINATOR

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NOVEMBER 12, 2020


The Week In News rusalem would “need to speak to the Democratic Party” if it wanted to save the American-Israel relationship. “For every Shabbat there is a Motzei Shabbat, and for every Trump there is Biden,” said Dayan. “We need to realize that Biden is not an enemy of Israel. It’s time to repair the rupture with the Democrats.”

Saeb Erekat Dies

The Palestinians’ chief negotiator, Saeb Erekat, died on Tuesday from complications from coronavirus at Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem. He was 65. Erekat first came into prominence

in 1991, when he was appointed deputy head of the Palestinian delegation to the Madrid Peace Conference. He was one of the few local Palestinian leaders who had never spent a day in an Israeli prison. Born in 1955 in Abu Dis, south of Jerusalem, Erekat later played an active role in the peace talks with Israel in 1992 and 1993, when Israel and the PLO signed the Oslo Accords. After the establishment of the Palestinian Authority in 1994, former PLO leader Yasser Arafat appointed Erekat as head of the Palestinian negotiating team with Israel. Unlike most of the PLO leaders, Erekat grew up and lived all his life in the West Bank. His appointment to the senior position surprised several PLO officials who returned to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with Arafat after the Oslo Accords were signed; those officials did not understand why Arafat chose a “local” Palestinian official for such an important and influential job. Before 1991, Erekat had been

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working as a political science professor at An-Najah University in Nablus. He was also a columnist in an east Jerusalem newspaper. Between 1994 and 2003, he served as the first Palestinian Authority minister for local government. In 1996, he became known as chief Palestinian negotiator and in the same year, he was elected to the Palestinian Legislative Council in the first Palestinian parliamentary election. Erekat was considered one of Arafat’s most trusted advisers. He accompanied him to almost all meetings he had with world leaders and participated in the failed Camp David Summit in 2000 with then-Israeli prime minister, Ehud Barak. After Arafat’s death in November 2004, Erekat became one of PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s closest confidants and advisers. In February 2005, he was appointed as head of the PLO Negotiating Department. Over the past decade, Erekat became a senior member of the PLO Executive Committee and the Fatah Central Council – two key decision-making Palestinian institutions. In 2011, he quit as the head of the PLO Negotiations Department after documents were leaked from his office to the Qatari-owned Al-Jazeera network. The documents showed that Erekat was prepared to make far-reaching concessions to Israel on sensitive issues such as Jerusalem and the status of the Temple Mount, or al-Aqsa Mosque compound. Erekat denied the allegations and later withdrew his resignation. In 2015, he replaced Yasser Abed Rabbo as secretary-general of the PLO. He held that position until his death. Erekat was one of the staunch critics of the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump, especially its perceived “bias” in favor of Israel. He also spearheaded the Palestinian campaign to foil Trump’s “Peace to Prosperity” plan, also known as the “Deal of the Century.” Recently, he criticized the normalization agreements between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain but he urged Palestinians not to “harm” symbols and leaders of Arab countries by burning their flags and pictures.

Terrorist Ends Hunger Strike

Jailed Palestinian terrorist Maher Al-Akhras agreed to end his 103-day hunger strike this week after Israel agreed to release him by the end of the month. “Maher al-Akhras has announced that his hunger strike has ended on its 103rd day due to a commitment that he will be freed on November 26 and his administrative detention will not be renewed,” said Arab-Israeli Knesset member Ahmad Tibi. An Israeli security official confirmed that a deal had been reached and said that Al-Akhras would be released on November 26. He will also not be rearrested by Israeli forces in the near future and will be transferred to a Palestinian hospital in Ramallah. The detainee has been in Rehovot’s Kaplan Hospital ever since his condition deteriorated in late October. In his first statement to the press since breaking his extended fast, AlAkhras called the agreement “a victory for all the Palestinian people, not just for me.” Al-Akhras, 49, is a member of the West Bank village of Silat Al Dhaher and is a longtime member of the Islamic Jihad terror group. He was arrested by the Shin Bet internal security service in June and placed in administrative detention following reports that he was planning an imminent terror attack. A remnant of the British Mandate, administrative detention allows the Shin Bet to imprison suspected terrorists, including Israeli citizens, without a court order. In August, Al-Akhras embarked on a hunger strike in protest of his extended confinement, which he called “arbitrary and undemocratic.” Noting that he had never appeared before a judge, Al-Akhras claimed that he had renounced all terror activity and demanded that he either be




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NOVEMBER 12, 2020


The Week In News charged or released. His plight would turn him into a cause célèbre amongst the various Palestinian factions, with the Arabic-language media offering hourly updates on his condition and the Israeli-Arab Joint List party adopting Al-Akhras’ plight as their own. In October, the Islamic Jihad threatened to fire a barrage of missiles from the Gaza Strip if Al-Akhras passed away. The rival Hamas terror group also pushed for Al-Akhras’ release and called the agreement on Sunday “a great victory for al-Akhras and for the prisoners’ movement, as well as for all of our Palestinian people.”

IDF Destroys Illegal Bedouin Village The IDF demolished 12 Bedouin homes last week that were illegally constructed in a West Bank firing zone.

Photos and videos of the village of Khirbet Hamsa showed dozens of solar panels, water tanks, and tanks strewn on the ground. Livestock and tractors belonging to the town’s residents were confiscated by IDF soldiers. The military said in a statement that the structures were destroyed as part of Israel’s policy of forcibly removing communities that were built without a permit. “An enforcement activity was carried out by the Supervision Unit of the Civil Administration against 7 tents and 8 pens which were illegally constructed in a firing range located in the Jordan Valley,” said the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT). “We will note that the enforcement was carried out in accordance with the authorities and procedures, and subject to operational considerations.” Khirbet Hamsa was located in Area C, an area of the West Bank run exclusively by Israel as per the 1993 Oslo Accords. The village was ille-

gally constructed on land designated by the IDF as a training zone back in 1972. The military had fought a legal battle over its demolition for years. In 2019, Israel’s High Court of Justice ordered Khirbet Hamsa demolished, ruling that the residents had no legal right to remain. However, the Israeli government had refrained from destroying it due to international sensitivity.

The demolition was condemned by a slew of European countries and human rights organizations, who alleged that the demolition violated international law. The European Union also slammed the demolition, calling it “an

illegal act” that hurt efforts to establish a Palestinian state. “Such developments constitute an impediment towards the two-state solution,” said the European Union. “The EU reiterates its call on Israel to halt all such demolitions, including of EU-funded structures, in particular in light of the humanitarian impact of the current coronavirus pandemic.” Yvonne Helle, a senior UN Development Programme official, maintained that the Bedouins were forced to live illegally on state land as authorities refused to grant them building permits. “The lack of Israeli-issued building permits is typically cited as a reason, even though, due to the restrictive and discriminatory planning regime, Palestinians can almost never obtain such permits,” said Helle. “Demolitions are a key means of creating an environment designed to coerce Palestinians to leave their homes.”

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Could you have Gaucher disease and not know it? Did you know there are treatments?

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NOVEMBER 12, 2020


Torah Thought

Stop, Look and Listen By Rabbi Zvi Teichman

There is a pivotal moment in the story of the selection of Rivka as a wife for Yitzchok, where Eliezer, who has been constantly referred to until then as the ‫עבד‬, the servant of Avraham, suddenly transitions into the nobler appellation of ‫איש‬, the ‘man’, a term connoting dignity and stature. The man was astonished at her, reflecting silently to know whether G-d had made his journey successful or not.)‫(בראשית כד כא‬ Eliezer had carefully crafted a script regarding his expected encounter with a maiden at the well that if it were to unfold precisely as he devised it, would serve as an omen that she was the bride destined for Yitzchok. Everything eventually plays out exactly according to his plan. It is Eliezer’s astonishment at that juncture, which the verse is depicting. Perhaps it is the validation of his initiative that affirms his newly obtained status as a ‘man’. Truth is though that the ‘omen’ wasn’t confirmed at that point, as he hadn’t yet determined her actual identity until a bit later. The label of being a ‫עבד‬, a servant, more specifically implies being enslaved, limited in freedom to choose. Whether we are physically in bondage or not, we are nevertheless ‘slaves’ to the drives, ambitions and anxieties that capture our attention and manipulate our emotions. Worry stifles our ability to think clearly and we often feel chained by our fears. Disappointment as well, often defeats us and prevents us from motivating ourselves after experiencing failure. Expectations too, can also distract us from sensing the joys along the journey of life, when our obsession to succeed focuses all of our energies on the goal at the expense of enjoying the experience.

Eliezer undertook a mission of cosmic import. The task of selecting a wife appropriate for the ‘unblemished sacrifice’, Yitzchok, from whom the entire history of mankind would hinge on, certainly weighed heavily on the shoulders of Avraham’s loyal servant, Eliezer. We can only imagine the pressure he felt in carrying out this mission. The fear of failure coupled with the anxiety to bring it to its successful conclusion, would befuddle the psyche of the greatest of servants. Even more potentially disheartening to Eliezer was the dashing of his lifelong hope that his daughter would merit to be the worthy bride of Yitzchok. Remember that Eliezer had served his master, Avraham, for more than sixty five years. During that time he became so identified with his teacher, in character and spiritual attainment, that he is described as being a ‘spitting image’ of Avraham. Terrible disillusionment could have plagued Eliezer when he was shunned, despite his obvious sterling stature, and told that, no, he wouldn’t become the mechutan of Avraham. How did Eliezer muster the emotional strength in conquering these powerful inner forces? The Targum Unkelos on this verse describes with more specificity the stages of reaction Eliezer processed, translating the words as: ‫שהי בה מס־‬ ‫תכל שתיק‬, he waited, gazed, and was silent. Although clearly overwhelmed with the excitement of success, rather than plodding eagerly forward he delays, he stops for a moment, holding his emotions back. He then ‘gazes’, intimating his maintaining a contemplative consciousness of the moment and its import. Finally he is utterly silent, absorbing the experience and allowing it to linger rather than seek

to immediately bring it to fruition just yet. Eliezer knew that whether the mission would succeed or not didn’t detract from the fact that something remarkable was taking place and clearly orchestrated from on high. Although there was still a chance that this maiden wasn’t from the family of Avraham, and the distinct possibility that it may end in failure, it was still a moment to relish. Do we ever truly know whether our successes are to our benefit, or our failures are to our detriment? What matters most is being aware and thrilled that we are constantly being guided by the loving hand of Providence. When one digests this idea properly, one is prevented from destructive overzealousness in achieving our goals, nor demolished when things fail to live up to our expectations. Anxiety has no place when we sense the presence of the Divine. Might I suggest, that the verse isn’t describing Eliezer’s astonished anticipation of success as it would superficially seem. Rather the verse should be read as follows: ...‫ והאיש משתאה‬- The man was astonished, ‫מחריש לדעת‬- silencing his need to know, ...‫ההצליח ד' דרכו‬- whether he would achieve success or not. This former servant, who was vulnerable to the shackles of anxiety, expectation and disappointment, implemented the secret to emotional freedom. He took a moment to stop, and not be overtaken by the blind drive for success. He then made sure to look and observe the import of this instant that was due to the ministrations from Above. He then displayed utter silence, to listen carefully, not allowing his instinctive urges to interfere, and instead relish the joy of the experience and the reality of G-d’s presence engaged so personally with him. Eliezer was now totally freed and

truly deserving of the title, ‫איש‬, a ‘man’ so at one with his Creator, unfettered from the pinions of distorted emotions. The Midrash in interpreting this unusual moment of ‫משתאה‬, astonishment, describes how Eliezer was, ‫ממצמץ ומביט‬, squinting to see. ‫(ב"ר ס‬ )‫ו ובמתנ"כ שם‬ The extraordinary Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, points out something fascinating. When a person is in pain one instinctively squints or shuts one’s eyes. Why? When a person wants to perceive an object that is far away, he squints in order to better focus his vision. When there is an overwhelming amount of light we squint to filter out the extraneous light. Squinting eliminates the ‘distractions’ that compete for one’s sight. Sometimes though when pain reaches a certain level of intensity, one must look even further to the ultimate future to ‘see’ the purpose of that pain. )‫(ליקוטי מוהר"ן א תורה סה סעיף ג‬ The word ‫ משתאה‬used here for ‘astonished’, in its simplest meaning is rooted in the word ‫שהה‬, to wait. The first step to regaining healthy perspective is to gain hold of ‘one’s horses’, the raging emotions that overwhelm our spiritual retina. The next step is to relish the moment, to proverbially squint or if necessary close our eyes completely, and appreciate the journey on the train of Providence we are on. The word ‫משתאה‬, has within it the letters that spell out: ‫תהא שם‬, be there, emphasizing the need to live and enthuse every moment. Finally we must sense and be conscious of His loving presence in our successes and failures alike. In this word also lay the letters that spell out: ‫את השם‬, with G-d, to remain ever cognizant that He is always there cheering us on! Be a ‘man’ and shed the shackles of slavery to your blind ambitions and distorted emotions.



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OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


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NOVEMBER 12, 2020

jewish women of wisdom

Covid and Our Cohort By Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, MS


ur experiences during the pandemic have confirmed our status. Midlifers are clearly different than other generations. We aren’t elderly at severe risk for our lives, yet we may have health conditions that preclude us from uncomplicated responses to the virus. We are careful on our own besides being told to be cautious, mask up, and maintain social distancing. This has been a time of turning inwards for us on one hand. We didn’t have shul, attend simchas, host family, shop or have normal social interactions. It took effort to pick up the phone and call or even reach out by email. So many of us have turned inwards. Starting from the pre-Pesach need to do our own cleaning, we have nested. We’ve organized closets, gone through photos, and read a lot. We’ve upped our tech skills and don’t have to rely on others to teach us how. It’s also been a time for turning outwards. We have reached out to family and friends who are alone, checking on them and staying in touch. We have reached out to those with losses in their family not only to be menachem avel but to be supportive during their time of vulnerability, calling them after the shiva period to see if they want to talk or be alone. Many of us know people who, for whatever reason, are particularly vulnerable. They may tend to be anxious. They have had medical issues. Some just take things to heart in a very deep way. We tried to be sensitive and considerate of their feelings at the same time. I think, generally midlifers come from a particularly respectful and seasoned place. We have gone through ups and downs ourselves. We understand hardship and life because we have lived it. We tend to count our blessings and be grateful. We have learned to be daveners and to talk to Hashem as we move through our daily responsibilities and challenges.

Resilience is a general quality of our age group, even if we haven’t had to entertain and educate six kids with four phones and only three devices. Covid reminded us to exercise our coping skills. Many of us who are children of survivors focused on the fact that we have food, heat, and security. Some of us experienced 9/11 very personally. We have all had challenges by now and have developed some resilience.

first, and then worry about the others. This is a shift for our active generation which is used to first helping the other layers of the sandwich. Selfcare comes first during a health crisis and that meant not hosting, not giving, and not shepping nachas directly. Some of us cooked for the kids initially for Pesach. They don’t necessarily have Pesach kitchens and had all the kids underfoot while cleaning. Some prepared activities for Chol

Midlifers come from a particularly respectful and seasoned place.

Nonetheless, some of us have had more trouble with the confusion and uncertainty of Covid. Some people focus on when is it going to be over. Some feel sad and lonely and find it hard to focus on anything beyond what they can’t have and what they can’t do now. Uncertainty can be very challenging; we cannot control things and have to live day by day, doing our best and hoping and praying for improvement. There are several changes in our family relationships since the start of this new way of life. The obvious one is the one with our adult children. Like donning the oxygen mask first in case of an airplane emergency, we have learned to protect ourselves

HaMoed, like my friend who wrote up a competitive scavenger hunt for all of her families. But as the pressure to homeschool developed and the weeks passed, our kids needed and received support from their peers, rather than from us. Their friends gave them ideas for activities, creativity, schedules, gardening projects, charts, and more. We validated their struggles and pressures but the real support came from people in their age group. They were responsible, and we could not help them. It was us and our spouses spending weeks together. Our relationships were challenged. We had to find more things to talk about, safe ways to share our fears and hopes,

and be understanding of each other. We talked and walked together. Effort was expended to keep things pleasant because there was no place to escape if we got angry or upset. Our generation is traditional about gender roles. There was no help and the jobs we delegate usually became ours. We picked up our long unused aprons and did so much housework. We tried to be creative about partnering on some of the chores. We were certainly creative in the kitchen and the dining room in an effort to make our empty tables look more attractive and interesting. We made do with what was in the house rather than risk our lives to go shopping. Our resilience was not just about not leaning on the kids for tech help and the grandkids for entertainment. Many became more open about their wants and needs. Pesach at home was great, said many friends. I got to participate in the seder and talk Yetzias Mitzrayim with my spouse. I don’t want to go back to the other way is a way of expressing personal preferences, something that not all women of our generation are comfortable doing. I think that our kids see us differently too now. They understand that we are vulnerable and are not always the Giving Tree. Covid accomplished much more than the magazine articles about kids coming for yom tov and not being considerate. The next generation has learned to be independent and to be more effective parents. The fact that they have to run their own lives is validated. We will still be solicited for support and money but we have learned that they can only become resilient on their own. Let’s wear our Covid badges with pride. We survived and thrived during the pandemic. And we let our kids do so, too. Join the conversation and email list of JWOW! by writing to hello


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NOVEMBER 12, 2020



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Ohr Chadash Academy Annual Campaign see page 2

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Cheshvan 23










Kislev 18

4:26 PM

Kislev 11

4:29 PM

Kislev 4

4:34 PM

Cheshvan 26






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5:28 PM

Kislev 26

5:28 PM

9Kislev 19

5:28 PM

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Kislev 5

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Kislev 7

Cheshvan 29

Cheshvan 22






Cheshvan 21

TI Shasathon-Mishnayos 4:00 - 8:00 pm

Kislev 6

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Kislev 20

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NOVEMBER 12, 2020

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NOVEMBER 12, 2020


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

A Mandate to Uphold Our Mesorah Rabbi Pesach Lerner Talks about the Waves the Eretz Hakodesh Slate Made at the Recent World Zionist Congress BY SUSAN SCHWAMM

Rabbi Lerner, your slate, Eretz Hakodesh, made waves this year at the World Zionist Congress, which took place virtually last week. Tell us about what the World Zionist Organization is and why you felt the need to start the Eretz Hakodesh slate. Since the first World Zionist Congress, almost 100 years ago, the Congress created three national institutions in Israel. The umbrella organization is called the World Zionist Organization, the WZO. Under the WZO, you have Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael, known as the KKL-JNF (the JNF in Israel is not part of the JNF in America – those are two separate entities); the Jewish Agency; and the

Keren Hayesod. Keren Hayesod is the Jewish fundraising arm of the WZO system for all countries except North America. The Jewish Agency is the fundraising arm for North America. Each of these entities has sources of budgets and influence and committees and activities that affect Israel and the world. And for too long, mostly until now, the influence, the positions, the distribution of money – and we’re talking about a billion dollars per year over the next couple years – were mostly controlled by the center-left because the center-left had the majority of the votes at the World Zionist Congress. As such, the center-left would

Thousands of yeshiva students were able to enter Eretz Yisroel due to Eretz Hakodesh’s efforts and influence

spend money on things that our community would be very unhappy with that are not Israel-related or Judaism-related. To explain this to your American audience, when I refer to “center-left,” I’m referring to groups like non-Orthodox liberal organizations and groups like Yesh Atid and Meretz in Israel or New Israel Fund and J Street and others. These groups had the influence because the way it works at the WZO is through elections and positioning. There were 525 delegates at the World Zionist Congress this year. Around a third of these came from the U.S., a third came from the rest of world, and a third came from Israel, in proportion to Knesset members. Every Knesset group had a certain amount of delegates, except the extreme left, the Arabs and the Haredi parties who do not call themselves Zionists. Ten years ago, Chacham Ovadia Yosef decided that they should be involved, and Shas got involved and became a part of the World Zionist Organization. But until now, the groups on the right didn’t have enough votes to get the proper influence and positioning at the WZO. It was mostly controlled by the center-left, who don’t have our community’s interests in mind. The people who end up sitting on the committees at KKL-JNF or at the Jewish Agency really get to influence a lot of what goes on in Israel and around the world. Did you know that KKL-JNF owns around 20% of property in Israel? There’s a lot of money involved. Whoever is in charge of the positions there has the ability to direct and influence. Whoever is in charge of the department that sends out shluchim to South America, to North America, to Europe, to Russia will decide which shluchim will be going out. Will they be anti-Israel? Or will they be religious or in line with our values? Additionally, the Knesset looks at the delegates at the World Zionist Congress and they think that



NOVEMBER 12, 2020

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The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015


NOVEMBER 12, 2020

“Why does the



a right to define

liberal left have Rabbi Nechemya Malinowitz, Eretz Hakodesh Israel Director, during the election campaign

‘Tzioni’ more than we do?”

B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M

Rabbi Pesach Lerner receiving a bracha from HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita

this group represents typical American Jews. For so many years, many of these delegates were center-left, and when Knesset members would be wondering about what American Jews were thinking, they were assuming that most of American-Jews had to be center-left, based on the demographic of the delegates at the World Zionist Congress. A few of us realized that this was happening, and we realized that the charedi community in America had to get involved. We understood that many charedim in America wouldn’t vote for the Mizrachi slate for different reasons. We started speaking with gedolim around a year and a half ago, and the gedolim told us to go for it. They encouraged us. In Eretz Yisroel, we visited Rav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita, and Rav Gershon Edelstein, shlita, and we were given a bracha from both of them when they were told that we want to join the World Zionist Organization and join in the elections and limit the influence of the left. Our slate, Eretz Hakodesh, is an American charedi initiative established to protect the kedusha and mesorah in Eretz Yisroel. We were created to limit the influence of the left, but when you outvote a group, there is a vacuum which we would need to fill, which means we would be able to get certain positions and use them in the right way, with love of Torah and with love of Eretz Yisroel. Additionally, we needed to make a statement to the Knesset and to the Israeli people: the cen-

ter-left are not the majority. Unfortunately, 60 to 70 percent of American Jews aren’t interested in anything. The charedi Jews and the religious Jews are very involved. Tell us what happened in March, when the elections for the World Zionist Congress took place. When the elections took place, the Reform slate got 39 delegates, Mizrachi got 27, and Eretz Hakodesh, our new slate, got 25 delegates – those groups got the highest amounts of delegates, which were based on how many votes they each received. The bottom line is: if you combine the amount of people who voted for Eretz HaKodesh and voted for Mizrachi, ZOA and Shas, and you add those who voted for the Reform and Conservative slates together, both sides are essentially equal, which means that – forgetting about some of the other groups that got less – the Orthodox and the left were equal in terms of delegates. So now there’s no way that the left can run around and say that they’re the biggest voice in America. In terms of Eretz Hakodesh, this was the first year that we were running, and we came in third. We had a mandate, a bracha from the gedolim, and many, many people supported us from behind the scenes. And we were matzliach because of that. Since the elections, our phones have been ringing off the hook with congratulations. “Yasher koach. We never thought you could do it.” And the answer is, “Neither did we.” This is 100% siyata dishmaya.

The Jews living in Eretz Yisroel are facing the liberals’ agenda every day. The liberals are fighting everything connected to our mesorah and Torah. They are against concerts with separate seating. They’re fighting levayas with separate seating. They’re fighting over the Kosel. We need to fight back. We need to be the voice for our community. We’re already working for our causes. The fact that 15,000 yeshiva and seminary students were able to get into Eretz Yisrael this last couple months, even though there was a pandemic, is because of the clout that Eretz HaKodesh created and the recognition that we were real. There were many things that already started in conversations before the Congress of this past week. Remember, there were around 525 delegates at the World Zionist Congress last week, and Eretz Hakodesh had 25 delegates, which is just 5% of the total. But the left-wing and the media can’t stop talking about us. They keep on talking about a “hostile charedi takeover.” We created a wave because we shifted the power from the center-left. Our 25 delegates gave the Likud-Mizrachi-Shas coalition the majority. We were a homerun hit. Eretz Hakodesh’s 25 delegates tipped the scale. Let’s talk about the positions that were given out during the World Zionist Congress. OK. So let’s make it clear. In all, Eretz Hakodesh was the minority, even though our party shifted everything to the right. Likud and Mizrachi put


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OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

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NOVEMBER 12, 2020


“We need to be the voice for our community.” At the signing of the WZO coalition agreement in Jerusalem last week. Rabbi Nechemya Malinowitz, Eretz Hakodesh Israel Director, is seated second from right, the first time a charedi group got a seat at the table

together a slate which included Likud, Mizrachi, Shas, Eretz Hakodesh, Yisrael Beiteinu, which is, ironically, Lieberman… Now, for the next two and a half years, we are in charge of the education department in the KKL. But more important, who had it last time? The liberal left. We took it away. That’s huge. Many programs that were created by liberal left and were pushing the liberal left agenda won’t continue. We have a seat at the table so now we can change things. Today, the department of the shluchim is in the hands of Mizrachi. That means, that the shliach that is sent to Odessa or South America or even cities in the United States is pro-Israel, has a Torah stance. That’s huge. With the liberal left in charge, who knows who they were sending out. Tell us about the delegates on the Eretz Hakodesh slate. Eretz Hakodesh is an independent organization not connected to any other organization in the United States or Israel which was founded and continues to act upon the direction of gedolei Yisrael in in the U.S. and in Israel. Our leadership and delegates identify with the American charedi community. Our delegates and our alternates are energized and are filled with enthusiasm. We recently conducted a survey of our delegate members, and the results were mindboggling. Not mindboggling to you and me but they’re mindboggling to the left. We asked our delegates and alternates: how many times do you go to Israel, how many kids do you send to Israel to study, how many times do you pray for Jerusalem, how much money do you invest in Israel and on and on and on… We were able to document that we’ve all been to Eretz Yisroel. It’s where we vacation; where we send our children to learn; where we go for yom tov. The planes are filled with charedim; the hotels are filled with the Orthodox. We go to the Kotel. The left, when they complain about the Kotel, they don’t even go there! In Eretz Yisrael, working on our behalf, we have Rabbi Nechemya Malinowitz. He was involved in many things in Eretz Yisroel. He is indefatigable and volunteered his time and worked to get people

to vote. He is still working on our behalf in Eretz Yisrael. Did you get pushback from certain groups for joining a Zionist organization? I tell people, “I’m a Tzioni. You’re a Tzioni. We’re all Tzioni.” As Rav Mordechai Gifter, zt”l, once told a group of people who visited him in Telz-Stone outside of Yerushalayim, he said then, “Let’s clarify what a Tzioni really is and does.” Anybody reading this article is Tzioni. We all yearn for Eretz Yisrael; we all daven three times a day for Eretz Yisrael. We are defining Tzioni in the Torah traditional sense of the word. Why does the liberal left have a right to define “Tzioni” more than we do? Now, because of Eretz Hakodesh, we hope we will be able to limit the influence and spending ability of the left. This is huge. This is without question all siyata dishmaya. Someone called up Nechemya Malinowitz in Eretz Yisroel and told him that he said he would have helped us more with Eretz Hakodesh but because of his position and politics he wasn’t able to help as much. “Looking back,” he told Nechemya, “I should have helped you ten times more. I see what you did. I see that you’re ehrlich. I see that you’re already doing what needs to be done.” People are seeing that we can effect change. It’s changing people’s mindsets. The fact that we were able to get in 15,000 yeshiva students – from Brisk to the more modern yeshivas – already speaks volumes about what is going on over there and the influence that Eretz Hakodesh has. We’re able to influence. We have a voice. If Moshiach is not here yet in four years from now, we hope to have so many more delegates at the next World Zionist Congress. This time around, we had 20,000 votes and got 25 delegates. Imagine if we could get 75 delegates! We need more votes, which would translate into more delegates, which would translate into more input. The ripple effect would be tremendous. The 25 delegates and the 50 alternates on our slate have so much energy and enthusiasm. Their

volunteerism is unbelievable. People want to get involved. They want to do things. They want to go further. After corona, can you imagine if, all of a sudden, Eretz HaKodesh invited middle-of-theroad Knesset members to come to America? “We want to show you our community. We want to show you the community who voted us in.” And we take these Knesset members to New York, to Lakewood, to Cleveland, to Florida, and show them the community. We stop in a shul in middle of the day and show them what’s going on. We show them our schools. We show them the vibrancy and activity of our communities. There’s chessed going on 24/7 in our communities. We will open their eyes to what the American charedi community is about. With Eretz Hakodesh, there’s an organization now that represents the American charedi community in the World Zionist Organization, and we can show them how vibrant the American charedi communities are. Many Knesset members don’t know charedi Jews in America; they only see charedi Jews living in Eretz Yisroel. They don’t know our community. On our slate, we have educators, we have rabbis, we have professionals, we have bnei Torah. We can show them that the charedi world in the United States is strong and active. Two of our younger delegates – under 35 years old – were on a chat with other younger delegates from all different slates, and I received a phone call from somebody in the administration who told me that they were holding their own and were respectful and had influence. Remember, there are people on the left who never interacted with a charedi Jew. But here, on the chat and on Zoom, there were charedi delegates who were explaining their positions. And the other side said to themselves, “You know, I never knew that.” They actually listened to what they had to say. Our slate, Eretz Hakodesh, can and will, iy”H, continue making an impact. Rabbi Lerner, we are looking forward to hearing more about Eretz Hakodesh’s initiatives and influence over the next few years. We hope to speak with you again in the future.


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OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


NOVEMBER 12, 2020



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nited States Ambassador to Israel David Friedman has spent the last four years as a facilitator of peace in the Middle East and agent of change for Israel relations in the Trump Administration. Originally from North Woodmere, New York, Friedman’s father was Rabbi Morris S. Friedman, z”l, a rabbi at Temple Hillel and a head of the New York Board of Rabbis. Ambassador Friedman graduated from the Hebrew Institute of Long Island before earning his B.A. from Columbia University and his J.D. from New York University School of Law. The ambassador and wife, Tammy Sand Friedman, have five children and eight grandchildren, and resided in Woodmere before Friedman assumed his current post. Though Ambassador Friedman operates on the global stage, he holds his community and personal values dear.

Ambassador Friedman is an observant Jew, known to have a deep love for all of the land and people of Israel. A former bankruptcy lawyer, Friedman initially met President Donald Trump in 1994 when he represented him as the then-chairman and president of The Trump Organization. The ambassador fondly shares the story of how he and President Trump became

friends when Trump paid a condolence call as Friedman sat shiva for his father. Trump had travelled 3½ hours through a blizzard to pay his respects; the two men spent several hours talking long into the night, and their friendship proliferated from there. Their personal conversations on Israel began when Friedman purchased a second home in Jerusalem.

Fast forward to 2016, Friedman was chosen to serve as an advisor to President Trump during his presidential campaign and tasked with advising on Israel-related and Jewish issues. Friedman co-chaired Trump’s Israel Advisory Committee alongside Jason Greenblatt, a former executive for The Trump Organization; the pair promoted Trump’s campaign promise

to move the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. In December of 2016, President-elect Trump’s transition team announced that Friedman had been nominated as the United States Ambassador to Israel. Friedman was confirmed by the Senate and sworn in by Vice President Mike Pence on March 29, 2017. Friedman formally presented his credentials to Israeli Presi-



NOVEMBER 12, 2020

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The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015



NOVEMBER 12, 2020


dent Reuven Rivlin on May 15, 2017 and began working to shape history. ON DECEMBER 6, 2017, President Trump formally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and proceeded to actualize his campaign promise of relocating the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, with Ambassador Friedman by his side. While previous U.S. presidents had made promises to relocate the embassy, all ultimately refrained from doing so. On May 14, 2018, on the 70th anniversary of the Israeli Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Embassy was officially opened in Jerusalem. In 2018, The Jerusalem Post listed Ambassador Friedman as one of the world’s 50 Most Influential Jews – “the envoy who moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.” He was listed as #2 in 2019 and tied for the top spot in 2020, after the signing of the monu-

mental Abraham Accords, along with Special Advisor to the President and son-in-law Jared Kushner, Mossad Chief Yossi Cohen, Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer and Special Envoy for International Negotiations Avi Berkowitz – collectively dubbed “The Peacemakers.” The Abraham Accords represent the tremendous Mideast feat achieved on August 13, 2020. The accords, a joint statement from Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and the U.S., reifer to the peace agreements between Israel and the U.A.E. and Bahrain, and mark the first time an Arab country has normalized relations with Israel since the peace treaty with Jordan in 1994. Though politicians and pundits alike have long insisted that peace could never come to Israel in this way, Ambassador Friedman anticipates such progress to continue under the Trump Administration. Throughout his term, the

Ambassador has maintained the ability to practice as a contemplative, compassionate and dynamic Jew. In April, he authored an opinion piece for The Jerusalem Post, asking “Why a virus?” and positing that “under these extraordinary circumstances, anyone, and certainly a believer and amateur theologian like me, could be excused for searching for an underlying divine message.” In October he took to Twitter to share his participation in the traditional “Birkat Kohanim” service as a kohen at the Kotel during Sukkot stating, “I will pray for G-d’s mercy and healing upon all those throughout the world afflicted with Covid-19. Refuah Shlema to all!” While tending to his various roles and responsibilities during this very exceptional era, Ambassador Friedman took some time to shed some light on the recent and continuously unfolding historic developments.

With Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu

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Giving Menachem Zivotofsky, a U.S. citizen born in Jerusalem, his passport that lists his birthplace as Israel, on October 20, 2020

Ambassador Friedman, congratulations on the Abraham Accords! How long was the agreement with the United Arab Emirates in the works? These agreements have been in the works since early in the Trump administration when the President traveled to Saudi Arabia and Israel and challenged more than 50 Arab nations to combat terrorism and embrace peace. The Abraham Accords were preceded by literally hundreds of meetings across the globe among numerous countries and the Trump peace team.

sideration for peace with Israel? Well, since you first asked, Sudan has joined the circle of peace – a very important and welcome addition. I am certain that there will be more.

What other countries are currently in talks or in con-

During the 2016 campaign you had indicated that

Why do you think the Saudis are so hesitant to normalize relations with Israel? The Saudis have been very supportive and now allow overflights to and from Israel. We respect each nation’s internal process, and we are optimistic that many more nations will join us.

moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem was a goal of President Trump at that time, and it indeed came to fruition, contrary to much skepticism. How significant has that move proven to be? Moving our embassy to Jerusalem sent a very powerful message that President Trump keeps his promises, stands with our allies, and cannot be deterred by baseless threats. This set the table for numerous other diplomatic achievements throughout the world. If we are honored to serve another term, we are very well positioned to continue to make history in a very positive way, G-d willing.

Rabbi Zalman Wolowik and Ambassador Friedman at the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


to continue to make history in a very positive way.”

Davening at the Kotel on Sukkot

How regularly do you speak with the President? Are there any insights about President Trump that would be meaningful or important to share with our readers? I have a long and enduring relationship with the President based upon mutual respect. We speak often. I am always astounded by his energy, his dynamism and, most importantly, his willingness to think out of the box, rather than blindly

What do you hear from people in Israel regarding the U.S. elections? Israelis overwhelmingly prefer President Trump. I would always trust Israelis to know what’s best for Israel. What do you personally hear from those across the aisle regarding the Trump Administration’s efforts and progress in the Mideast region? There is bipartisan, although sometimes begrudging, acknowledgment that President Trump has really done something incredible in creating the Abraham Accords. What would you say to Jewish voters, especially those who are Orthodox and/or supporters of Israel, who oppose President Trump regardless of the progress that has been made during his adminis-

How would you respond to those who accuse President Trump of being anti-Semitic or bigoted? It’s an insane accusation. Listen to the President’s words — all of them, not just a half sentence taken out of context. The President has been the exact opposite of what his accusers falsely claim, both in word and in deed. Tell us a little more about your personal experiences in this role. What’s it like to have your words scrutinized by the press and by people around the world? You get used to it; you get better at it with time. I’ve always tried to speak directly and answer questions honestly and without spin. Who is the most interesting or most inspirational person you’ve met in your role? There have been so many that I couldn’t even begin to narrow this down to a single or even multiple individuals. Do you ever discuss theology with your Muslim peers? I absolutely love to discuss theology, and I have done so with experts in all faiths. The “M” in your name stands for Melech, which seems to add a nice connection to the biblical King David. Do you feel like you are living in a significant historical era? I do, but I will leave the history writing to others.

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What is your daily schedule like? How often do you travel, between the U.S. and Israel, and in general? I work six days a week, much of each day and night. I travel back and forth to Washington, D.C., almost every month, as well as elsewhere.

Last time we spoke you were fairly confident that President Trump would win. I would assume you’re as confident, if not more, for this upcoming 2020 election. How are the polls looking now? Are there other indicators that you look to? I am not a pollster, but the level of enthusiasm for President Trump seems at levels even greater than 2016.

tration in support of Israel? I’m not allowed to engage in the campaign, so all I would say is that everyone should consider the President’s record and be fair. Personally, I am enormously proud of that record.

NOVEMBER 12, 2020

In the Oval Office after President Trump announced that the United Arab Emirates will be establishing diplomatic ties with Israel

You have a lot of supporters in the Five Towns community. Rabbi Zalman Wolowik of the Chabad of the Five Towns participated in the historic event and was instrumental in setting up the embassy in Jerusalem in a “kosher” way. Is there a special pride in sharing these events with the Five Towns community? The Five Towns community has been my home for most of my life. I am very grateful for all the support I have received from this wonderful neighborhood.

following conventional wisdom. Before your public position as Ambassador you had worked in a private sector capacity and had enjoyed an amicable relationship with President Trump. Do your families still maintain a personal connection at this time? We will always be close friends.


“We are very well positioned


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


Parenting Pearls

NOVEMBER 12, 2020

The Importance of Fair Expectations


By Sara Rayvych, MSEd

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was out for a walk when someone stopped me to ask if I was the author of the articles in The Jewish Home. I’ll be honest. I enjoy feedback from those who have read my articles. We spoke for a few minutes and she said to me, “You must be really patient.” I hear this often, and it brought up the idea that people can easily have unfair assumptions or expectations. I thought that perhaps an article on fair expectations and recognizing the individuality of yourself/others might be next. People often have their assumptions and expectations for us. When people hear that I homeschool, they automatically assume I must be a patient and an organized individual. They also assume my kids must always be perfectly behaved and always eager to learn. This is a public forum so I will simply say that we are normal people. Similarly, we often have assumptions and expectations for ourselves and others. We assume we should be capable of doing something or that it’s only fair to expect something of

our spouse/parent/sibling/neighbor. Having unfair expectations for ourselves can create feelings of inadequacy. Unfair expectations of others can create unhappiness within the relationship and feelings of disappointment. Having fair expectations applies every day and at all times. Now, more than ever, it’s only fair to be realistic in our expectations. Throughout our parenting day, we’re called upon to decide if something is or isn’t fair to expect. Now it’s more important than ever, when our children are under so much pressure and change, that we adjust our expectations accordingly. Periodically, it’s important to step back and recheck our expectations for ourselves and others to ensure they’re both fair and realistic.

Why is it so important? Your expectations need to match your child’s capabilities for two very differing reasons. On some occasions, parents don’t expect much from their child. This is dangerous because it prevents the child from

becoming stronger and growing as an individual. If you don’t expect from them all they can give, then you aren’t asking them to fulfill their potential. You’re stunting them and not showing you have faith in their talents and capabilities. If your expectations are too much, then you are setting your child up for failure. They won’t be able to meet the goals set for them and they’ll live with feelings of incompetence in the background. It’s frustrating and humiliating for a child to know something is expected of them that they can’t accomplish. Children themselves are often too immature to realize the goal wasn’t fair and will painfully turn the reasons for failure towards themselves. Alternatively, children who are given fair expectations have goals to reach for – and accomplish. They can continue to challenge themselves and improve as they go. They know they can succeed and will push themselves to do what they can. Even if those steps are small, they can continue to walk the path of success.

Creating expectations There are many ways we create expectations. Some are created or based on what we see in others. For example, I might see my neighbor’s child is very helpful with their baby and assume my child should do the same. Other expectations are built upon how we’d like or think things should be. We’d like our kids to not make a mess before Shabbos and therefore assume it’s fair to expect that from our kids. I might think kids should know parsha with Rashi each Shabbos so I assume it’s a reasonable assumption. None of these are how we define fair expectations in others (or ourselves). We should never decide what is realistic to expect from one person based on the capabilities of another. We understand this in some areas but don’t extend it to others. We may realize that our child won’t have the same singing voice or artistic skills of another but we may not think to extend that understanding to other areas such as behavior, academics, or

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015



– nor could they have produced by taking one large step. This applies to everything from social interactions and academics to overcoming personal limitations and practical skills. By helping and encouraging your child to reach for something

that an otherwise fair expectation is not fair under the present circumstances. We are currently experiencing a variety of unusual stresses and children are feeling them strongly. It may be time to reevaluate your expectations and perhaps lower some

small and within their grasp, you can slowly extend their reach further.

Expectations change

Sara Rayvych, MSEd, has her master’s in general and special education. She has been homeschooling for over 10 years in Far Rockaway. She can be contacted at

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You knew that. Not only should our goals change as improvement is made in one area but goals change as children mature and their brains develop. I will briefly mention the fact that children’s thinking capabilities change not just quantitatively but also qualitatively. This means that it’s not just that they know more as they get bigger but that their way of thinking actually matures. As an example, little ones think concretely. No matter how much you try to teach an abstract concept, they don’t understand it. It’s not because they’re not smart enough or lack background knowledge, it’s because their brain hasn’t yet developed the capabilities to think abstractly. Expecting them to think abstractly when they can’t is unfair. Similar cognitive development happens in logic, reasoning, emotional development, and many other areas. This type of development happens throughout childhood and is sadly beyond the scope of this article. I only mention it to help parents with setting realistic goals and recognizing another gauge to use when creating and changing goals for their child. Expectations also change as life changes. When a life change happens, such as a baby being born into the family or moving to a new town, expectations need to change. Upheaval creates stress that may mean

of the usual ones. You may need to create new, temporary goals to match the current times. Our children are learning resiliency and a whole host of new skills from the pandemic, and many parents may find it helpful to focus on those.

I’ve mostly focused on your child but the same rules apply to being fair to yourself and the other adults in your life. You deserve to show yourself the same kindness and respect you extend to others. Creating realistic expectations for all the relationships in your life allows for more happiness and respect within each of those relationships. Sometimes, we might find it hard to set fair and realistic expectations for our children throughout their lives. By taking the time to think through and properly set realistic goals, we can assist our children in reaching, and exceeding, anything we ever thought possible for them.

NOVEMBER 12, 2020

By helping and encouraging your child to reach for something small and within their grasp, you can slowly extend their reach further.

Expectations and you


social skills. There are two reasons why. The first reason is simply because you only see what you see and you never see the whole picture when looking at another family or person. When you see that your neighbor’s child is wonderful with the baby, you may not see that same child make a huge mess. The neighbor that is always neat and respectful in your house may not be as thoughtful in his own home. The second reason is because we all have our strengths and weaknesses. No child can have every strength. It’s healthy to recognize your child’s strengths while also respecting where they are weak. We know that in Hebrew we used the word “middah” or “measure” to describe personal traits because we all have different “measures” of each one. It may be helpful to keep that in mind when recognizing that another child has a strength yours may not have. Your child has a different strength in greater measure. Especially with children, it’s important to make sure that our expectations are grounded in reality and based upon where each child is now. Different children will reach different stages at different points with age being only a general guideline, not one that is set in stone. Just because we want or think a child should do something doesn’t mean they’re capable of it at that point. It’s hard to take an honest look at your child, push aside parental pride and preconceived notions, and see where that child is at this moment. Is he/ she capable of what I’m asking? If the answer is “no,” then you need to know how to step back and adjust your expectations to the present. If the honest answer is “yes,” then you need to take the time to decide how you can encourage or set that child up for success in that area. It’s possible that whatever goal we have in mind isn’t fully within their reach but soon may be. It is possible to create mini goals or small steps that a child can take to reach that goal. Each mini step is its own expectation that can be met. If those baby steps are properly arranged, then soon enough you may find your child reaching a much bigger milestone that you never anticipated



OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home



NOVEMBER 12, 2020


TJH Bush v. Gore

Just 20 years ago, such an innocent time, when both presidential candidates were funny even when they weren’t trying to be…… Al Gore sayings c I am Al Gore. I used to be the next president of the United States of America. c It’s time for the human race to enter the solar system. c My attitude is you win some and you lose some. Then there’s that little known third category.

You Gotta be Kidding Me! A politician dies and goes to heaven. He is greeted by an angel who says, “Welcome to Heaven. Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we’re not sure what to do with you.” “No problem, just let me in,” says the politician. “Well, I’d like to,” the angel says, “but I have orders from higher up. What we’ll do is have you spend one day in in heaven and one day on the other side. Then you can choose where to spend eternity.”

c Put yourselves in my position: I flew on Airforce 2 for eight years and now I have to take off my shoes to get on an airplane.

“Really, I’ve made up my mind. I want to be in heaven,” says the politician.

c I took the initiative in creating the Internet.

c They misunderestimated me.

And with that, the angel takes the politician to see both places. He is taken to the bad place first. He is greeted by another angel who shows him around. Much to his surprise, it looks great. He is in the middle of a green golf course. In the distance is a club and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him. Everyone is happy and looks great.

c Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?

The politician is then brought to heaven and it’s nice too, but not as nice as the other place.

c For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three nonfatal shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It’s just unacceptable. And we’re going to do something about it.

The next morning, it’s time to make his choice, and he decides to go to you-know-where.

c I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future.

George W. Bush sayings

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c More and more of our imports come from overseas. c Our enemies never stop thinking of ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we. c You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.

“I’m sorry but we have our rules.”

Well, much to his surprise, when he returns there, it is nothing like it was before. It is a barren land covered with waste and garbage. He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags. The politician runs over to the angel and screams, “What happened?” The angel replies, “Yesterday we were campaigning. Today you voted for us!”

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015



2. How many days did the recount go on for? a. 13 b. 23 c. 36 d. 49

4. The term “hanging chad” became part of the news vernacular during

5. What caused the 2000 Florida recount to come to an end? a. Al Gore conceded the election because he didn’t want to tear the country apart. b. The Supreme Court ruled that the recount must end. Since Bush was ahead, he won.

c. A full hand-recount was completed and Bush won. d. The Florida legislature enacted a law that whoever was ahead on election day wins. Since Bush was ahead on election day, he was automatically declared to be the winner. 6. In Palm Beach County, due to “butterfly ballots” – which were a confusing type of ballot it seems – one 3rd party candidate received 3,400 votes. The argument made by the Democrats is that there are a lot of elderly Jewish women in Palm Beach County who certainly did not intend to vote for this 3rd party candidate. Who was the 3rd party candidate? a. Jesse Jackson b. Pat Buchanan c. Al Sharpton d. David Duke

Answers: 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. B Ballot Card 5-6 correct: Al Gore, is this what has become of you… reading TJH Centerfolds? 2-4 correct: Well, well, well, this is right in the middle. OK, we need a team of election officials to review where you stand. 0-1 correct: Chad! It’s you again!

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3. According to a study conducted by a number of news organizations after the 2000 election, it was concluded that Bush was the rightful winner. As the AP noted, “A vote-by-vote review of untallied ballots in the 2000 Florida presidential election indicates George W. Bush would have narrowly prevailed in the partial recounts sought by Al Gore.” How many more votes –of the more than 6 million cast in Florida – did Bush have over Gore when the official counting was done? a. 537 b. 1,323 c. 12,916 d. 24,376

the recount. What did that refer to? a. There was a third-party presidential candidate in some areas of Florida by the name of Chad Cosmo Kramer. The Democrats argued that his presence on the ballot violated federal law (because he did not meet the statewide threshold), as such, people who were given such ballots would get to cast a new vote. b. At one voting precinct, in a heavily Democrat area, there was a vagrant named Chad who was blocking the entrance to the precinct and many people did not get to vote before the polls closed. The Democrats argued that those people should have been allowed to cast their votes after the polls officially closed. c. Some ballots were punch-card ballots in which voters were supposed to detach a portion of the perforated paper in order to indicate who they were voting for. When the perforated paper wasn’t fully detached, election officials had to determine whether the hanging chad ballot was clear enough to indicate who the voter intended to select. d. Chad was an acronym for how officials who hung up each ballot on a board were supposed to proceed. C-Check; H-Hand the ballot to a superior; A-Ask for advice; E-Evaluate honestly

NOVEMBER 12, 2020

1. In 2000, George W. Bush won the presidential election after the “2000 Florida recount” sage. Who was the Democratic presidential nominee that ultimately lost that election? a. Bill Clinton b. Al Gore c. Michael Dukakis d. John Kerry


2000 Election Recount Trivia

Notable Quotes “Say What?!”

NOVEMBER 12, 2020



Singing or chanting are strongly encouraged to do so quietly (at or below the volume of a normal speaking voice) - From the California Department of Public Health entitled “Mandatory Requirements for All Gatherings,” dictating how people should act in their homes

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Donald Trump is not an Adolf Hitler. At least Hitler improved the daily life of his followers, had discipline, and required more of himself to gain the respect of his followers. Even with the same pathology, there are varying degrees of competence.

In a lot of ways, unfortunately, what happened last night could not have been worse for this country, for our children, our grandchildren, our future. The outcome of our presidential election was seized from the hands of voters, where, of course, it rightly belongs, and now resides in the control of lawyers and courts and highly partisan, clearly corrupt, big-city bureaucrats. So, no matter what happens next, that is a tragedy. Many Americans will never again accept the results of a presidential election. - Tucker Carlson, Fox News, the day after Election Day

– Tweet by Dr. Bandy X. Lee, a professor at the Yale School of Medicine and frequent CNN guest

A nation united. A nation strengthened. A nation healed. The United States of America.

I anticipate closing the deal in the next 10 days, and then it’s off and running. I would love to hear your ideas to make YOUR Mets experience better.

– Tweet by Joe Biden

- Tweet by new Mets owner Steve Cohen

Written like a man who’s been in his basement for a year. - Reply by Megyn Kelly

AP Explains: Why does France incite anger in the Muslim world? Its brutal colonial past, staunch secular policies, and tough-talking president who is seen as insensitive toward the Muslim faith all play a role. - Tweet by the AP with a link to an AP analysis of why there was a heinous radical Muslim terrorist attack in France last weekend



NOVEMBER 12, 2020



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W W W. L U L U K I D S C L O T H I N G . C O M


NOVEMBER 12, 2020


I’m all for absentee voting, but you’ve got to say votes have to be in by a certain time. In this case, they opened it up. They made it so easy to do by a process that doesn’t set deadlines on when ballots have to be received. So the day after election, you need 10,000 votes? Okay, all of a sudden now we’ve got 10,500 votes. - Former Sen. Norm Coleman (R-MN), national chairman of the Republican Jewish Coalition, in an interview with Breitbart’s Joel Pollack

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast – Emily Harrington’s mantra as she free-climbed a 3,000foot granite wall known as El Capitan

I’m beyond thrilled that my friend Joe Biden and our first Black and IndianAmerican woman Vice President, Kamala Harris, are headed to restore some dignity, competence, and heart at the White House. Let’s remember that tens of millions of people voted for the status quo, even when it meant supporting lies, hate, chaos, and division. We’ve got a lot of work to do to reach out to these folks in the years ahead and connect with them on what unites us.

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– Twisted tweet by Michelle Obama

That is the president of the United States. That is the most powerful person in the world. And we see him like an obese turtle on his back flailing in the hot sun, realizing his time is over, but he just hasn’t accepted it and he wants to take everybody down with him, including this country. - CNN’s Anderson Cooper, after a President Trump press conference in which he discussed election fraud

Even if he has lost, a President who trampled the rule of law for four years was on pace to collect millions more votes this time than last. And though they braced for a bloodbath, the congressional Republicans who enabled him instead notched unexpected gains. The GOP appeared likely to retain the majority in the Senate and cut into the Democratic House majority, defying the polls and fundraising deficits. Republicans held onto states such as Florida, South Carolina, Ohio and Iowa that Democrats had hoped to flip. They cut into Democrats’ margins with nonwhite voters, made gains with Latinos in South Florida and the Rio Grande Valley, and racked up huge turnout among non-college-educated white people, while halting what many conservatives feared was an inexorable slide in the suburbs. – From Time Magazine’s post-mortem titled, “Even If Joe Biden Wins, He Will Govern in Donald Trump’s America”

I am a person with Down syndrome who will complete the Ironman. I am going to make history by crushing it. - Chris Nikic, age 21, from Maitland, Florida, talking to the TODAY show before becoming the first person with Down Syndrome to complete an Ironman triathlon




NOVEMBER 12, 2020

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OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


NOVEMBER 12, 2020


There are people who are calling for investigations of the pollsters who had Joe Biden winning by 10 points, 12 points. The biggest one of all is The Washington Post poll that had – as we’re watching Wisconsin a one-point lead, The Washington Post poll just a few days ago had Joe Biden winning by 17 points. That’s not a mistake. That’s not an error. That’s polling malpractice. - Pollster Frank Luntz, after Election Day

If you got it wrong this time, you got it wrong twice in a row, you shouldn’t be working in the business. There are other things you can do. You can sell real estate. You can sell stocks. Stop selling polls. - Ibid.

The political polling profession is done.

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- Ibid.

I don’t even know if I want to be in politics. You know, for real, in the first six months of my term, I didn’t even know if I was going to run for re-election this year. It’s the incoming. It’s the stress. It’s the violence. It’s the lack of support from your own party. It’s your own party thinking you’re the enemy. But I’m serious when I tell people the odds of me running for higher office and the odds of me just going off trying to start a homestead somewhere — they’re probably the same. - Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), talking to the New York Times after an Election Day in which the only clear outcome seems to show that progressive ideas did not help the Democrat party

liquor store near me - Google search term that spiked on election eve

Let’s not have any lectures, no lectures, about how the president should immediately, cheerfully accept preliminary election results from the same characters who just spent four years refusing to accept the validity of the last election and who insinuated that this one would be illegitimate too if they lost again — only if they lost. - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in a speech from the Senate floor responding to calls by Democrats for Pres. Trump to simply accept the election outcome rather than pursue legal methods to assure the correct result is reached

For every Shabbat, there is a Motzei Shabbat, and for every Trump, there is Biden. We need to realize that Biden is not an enemy of Israel. It’s time to repair the rupture with the Democrats. - Former Israeli Consul to New York, Danny Dayan, speaking with Army Radio in Israel

It was a wonderful birthday present for Hillary Clinton to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court Monday night on her birthday. Oh, I’m sure she was so grateful, so grateful. - Sen. Majority Mitch McConnell, after Justice Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed to the Supreme Court

They ran de Blasio’s picture all over the state! [saying], “They will turn New York State into New York City, looting and crime and homelessness, law and order!” -Gov. Cuomo blaming New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio for the state’s Democratic Party’s down-ballot losses on Election Day, in a radio interview on WAMC


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NOVEMBER 12, 2020


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

Dating Dialogue

What Would You Do If… Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW of The Navidaters

Dear Navidaters,

I am 22 years old, and I don’t date. It’s not that I’ve never tried, or that I’ve never been offered, because luckily I have. But this whole process has made me incredibly cynical, and here’s why.

My friends are all avid daters, as a 22-year-old it seems to be my world. Everyone goes out and comes back to discuss with me how it went. Sometimes it’s great, sometimes disastrous, but all in all, it’s entirely unsatisfying. Dates have taken almost casual interview form, where we ask people rhetorical questions with intended answers in mind. I’ve been on actual job interviews that have felt more fluid and personal.

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Communication and confrontation, fundamental skills in relationships, take a backburner in the realm of dating. We ask each other out through a third party, and sometimes even dump through one. We are so precious with our dates in person and yet so harsh behind their backs. It seems like we meet people just for the sport of going home to pick apart every aspect of them. Do they go to the right school; are they from the right neighborhood? I wonder if we actually care about the answers, or are just asking on an ego trip. And not even to mention the fact that romance, spontaneity, and excitement are completely absent from the whole process. Dating has been chocked up to something so transactional, like we are trying to check things off a list and get our mothers to stop nagging us. It feels stiflingly calculated and somehow were expected to create meaningful relationships out of it. Why are we trained to expect magic from a one hour hangout with a complete stranger in a coffee shop? How are we supposed to have relevant conversation with the opposite gender when we stigmatize men and women in non-romantic conversation? There must be a better way to do this. This system really needs an update, for the people in it and the people watching in fear. How can we make dating meaningful again? How can we make sure it’s the right amount of calculated risk without it being us making up our minds about EVERYTHING before we even get to know a person? Any suggestions? Sydney

Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration.



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The Panel The Rebbetzin Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S. can see that you are a disgruntled dater. However, you are not just pointing out flaws in “the system.” You are willing to work on changing things. You want opportunities to be more natural with personal connection and romance and less a matter of social constructs. So go ahead and create singles’ events of your own and/or attend others. Do participate in the growing number of more casual dating opportunities that are facilitated by skilled, experienced shadchanim. General mixers and casual opportunities without facilitation often prove very disappointing and get very tiresome quickly. Careful coaching behind the scenes and more structured groups (Table for Five) are the fruit of many efforts and shared ideas for people to meet. Similarly, the role of shadchanim in Jewish dating sites (Saw You at Sinai, for example) is important and effective to help people get closer to people that they are interested in without major formalities. The careful work done to help people meet naturally does not seem so natural, but it certainly is more comfortable than the current systems. A lot of work is also being done by teachers and mentors to prepare young people for dating and help young people meet. Their parents also need some education, but that is much harder to change because there is no formal role for parent education in shidduchim. So, take heart. Examine some of the newer opportunities that exist. If they are outside of your community or social circle, that’s OK. Go ahead and experience them. And if they aren’t working for you, examine why and work on some alternatives with some wise, experienced people.


The Shadchan Michelle Mond


ou might think that as a shadchan I disagree with your sentiments

about the shidduch system. It is a common myth that shadchanim are running this broken system. The reality is, shadchanim are public servants working voluntarily in a system that our society has created a dire need for. I understand your frustration and fully sympathize with you. I will, however, shed light on an issue I have brought up many times in this column: dating will be wrong until it is right. People tend to harp on the awkward dates, stilted conversations, and sob stories of “the ones that got away.” Since they haven’t yet found their bashert yet, it is only healthy to find someone or something to place the blame for the “reason” one is not married. The system is flawed, the shadchanim are gatekeepers, the guys are not normal, the girls are too picky, the guys are too picky, the mothers are too picky, the tablecloths are too plastic-y. These are all very common complaints but I do not think complaints in dating are unique to the shidduch system. Outside the system comes its own set of very valid flaws and plethora of bad dates and horror stories as well. So what is the answer? Emunah and bitachon. When you find your bashert, you won’t have to deal with those stilted and awkward conversations. You won’t have to reach out to any more shadchanim. You won’t have to worry about your bashert not giving you a chance or judging you too harshly because you will realize that the decline from the other side was ultimately destined from Hashem saving you from the wrong one. When you shift your perspective to the realization that G-d is at the wheel, your whole outlook will change. Those rejections will hurt less because you will realize that they were truly wrong for you, and when it is right, it will work out. Regarding your feelings of discomfort surrounding the system, I challenge you to take Gandhi’s sage advice to “be the change you wish to see in the world.” Richard Buckminster Fuller is more than just a strange name. Born in the late 1890s, this man became a

world famous author, inventor, architect, and theorist over the course of his life. He challenged himself, after undergoing many harsh life challenges. Life did not treat him kindly at first. Being a man with no particular wealth or high rankings, according to the laws of nature he did not stand a chance. But with a swift change in perspective about life, he decided to get up from the darkest place in his life and emerge to change the world in his own way. It is he who said, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Take all of your ideas and put them into action to revamp the system in a way that might serve you and your social group better.

Why are we trained to expect magic from a one hour hangout with a complete stranger in a coffee shop? I wish you much clarity. May you find your other half speedily and easily.

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B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M


NOVEMBER 12, 2020



OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


Dr. Jeffrey Galler feel your pain. Know that you are not alone in wondering how our community has allowed such an archaic, artificial, and stressful dating system to have become the norm. At this point, here are your options: You can postpone dating until the shidduch system magically morphs into what you find more acceptable. But you might need to wait a very, very long time, and it’s no fun to date when you’re 90 years old. You can try to work within the existing system but make it clear to anyone who wishes to “set you up,” that you will only date someone who shares your views and are not interested in superficial pre-dating questionnaires or dates that seem like job interviews. You can entirely by-pass the “datesomeone-you’re-set-up-with” system, and meet young men on your own. For you, meeting in college, at work, in shul, or at dating events (like those sponsored by YUConnects), can be an ideal way of connecting with someone who shares your romantic ideals. Good luck!

Rena Friedman Sydney, I can feel your frustration at the experiences you’ve had or seen in shidduchim and even more so your desire to do something about it. This is definitely one of the hardest stages in a person’s life. The purpose of dating within the confines of shidduchim is to get married to the right person. Our marriage-minded approach leads us to place certain boundaries to ensure that we are constantly on the right path and only developing real, purposeful relationships. Depending on the stage, we strategically allow or hold back certain privileges. Communication and confrontation are fundamental skills that are especially vital in shidduchim. We generally strive to have healthy confrontation and build strong communication skills. For a couple to progress their relationship, in the appropriate context, romance, spontaneity, and excitement are important. It is unfair to compare an interaction with a colleague to a date because the nature and purpose of each encounter is different and requires a different set of


sensitivities and boundaries. I agree with you that it is unrealistic to expect magic from a onehour coffee date and that rhetorical questions are pointless. I also agree that we need to speak nicely about each other and go on dates with the positive intentions to see if the person is shayach for who they are and not the schools they went to. Lastly, I agree with you that we lose sight of what is important and that we are all live human beings with feelings and reputations. The beauty of how shidduchim works is that you have the power to decide what your attitude and perspective is going to be. It’s tough, it’s rough, it’s extremely hard. There are times when it’s all just too much and I get in my car and scream to Hashem. But all in all, we try our hardest to approach dating with a positive attitude because we cannot change the cards you are dealt, just how we play the hand. Shidduchim is one giant endurance race of emunah and attitude. It’s hard to change the world, but you can start with yourself. You can be the person who has fun and spontaneous dates that are not interviews. You can be the person who finds the good in each person you go out with and use it

Pulling It All Together


as an opportunity to learn something or build someone else up. No one is stopping you from doing that. A time and place for this exists within the confines of shidduchim. You are actively choosing to view shidduchim through an incredibly cynical lens. You can make dating meaningful again, but you have to want it. I challenge you to dig deep down and really understand what the root of these incredibly cynical feelings are. Sit, think, and ask yourself: What is causing me to feel this way? Is it my own insecurities or things I need to work on? What is the root cause of this cynicism deep within me? Discovering this will give you room to work on yourself and perhaps approach dating in a healthier way. A s a lways, a ll feedback, thoughts, and ideas are welcome:

and the kind of natural relationship you are looking to develop. Believe it or not, there are so many people who want the same thing. Most people are upset with the system. And most people are scared to make changes. Most people are going through the shidduch system, so rest assured you can meet someone fantastic who shares your outlook through this process. Seems to me you’re looking for a down-to-earth, approachable, communicative, natural guy. And they are out there. Please believe me! Your job on your dates is to just be yourself. Be natural. If a guy can’t do that with you, he may not be for you. G-d willing, there will come that one special person who you click with. Whether the click happens on the first date or the third, you will have that chemistry. You will want to share of yourself, and he will want to

B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M

kind of freeing! There is something very flawed within the The Navidaters dating system. Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists There is something entirely unnatural and not organic and, dare I say, stiff and boring about it. While ear Sydney, some go unphased and ple worthy of great dates I share your sentiments about the don’t feel this way (kudos to you!), and getting married. They dating system. Many, many hours of many, if not most, do! And yet, it have nothing internal to work my week are spent listening to horror is the existing system. Emails like on but need support and a little stories; hearing the despair and the yours being printed in a paper like chizuk to get through this. hopelessness... I can’t go on another this one help bring attention to the If you’ve been my client, you bad date, Jen... I just can’t do it. I’m issue at hand. So, thank you, Sydney! have heard me say that chemistry giving up. Might I offer you the following is real. You can’t force feelings that And as I’ve said ad nauseum in suggestions to help navigate dating. aren’t there, and don’t listen to the this column before, it is worth sayBefore you get set up, have a heartwell-meaning people in your life ing again: the vast majority of datto-heart with your shadchan. Be very pushing you toward someone who you ers who come through my door are clear about what you are looking for know in your gut is not for you. It’s perfectly wonderful, interesting peo-

You can make dating meaningful again.

NOVEMBER 12, 2020

The Single


The Zaidy

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015


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NOVEMBER 12, 2020


share of himself. You will shmooze. You will laugh. You will…gasp...flirt with each other. He will make you smile, and you will put a pep in his step. You will share more and more. You will develop a connection. It will turn into a relationship. You will, as they say, “drop shadchan,” and fly on your a real couple. Use every opportunity to connect by digging deeper. Be real. Be yourself. Whoever can’t handle it, simply isn’t for you Sydney. While the system absolutely needs an update in my humble opinion, you can be Sydney in this outdated system. You can make dating meaningful again. Every time I have worked with someone shidduch dating, I encourage people to be themselves and trust themselves and not follow these rules. Just trust yourself, your

instinct. I cannot tell you how many people I have worked with who began to break away from some of the “rules,” and started to trust themselves, and who went on to meet “the one.” Use the system to meet people. Once you are on the date, be yourself. I want you to imagine being yourself on a date. Imagine it feeling natural. What are you talking about? How are you feeling on this natural date? Imagine all of it. Script if you will. You are going to use the system and then be yourself. Do it your way. Just a word of hope to all the readers: I worked with an amazing young woman many moons ago. She wanted a “normal guy.” A guy who would know how to “talk.” A guy who could cut up with her and just have fun and not take dating so seriously. She

wanted it to feel organic. And she swore up and down there was no one out there like this. To me, knowing a touch about human beings, this makes no sense. It just can’t be. And so I felt fairly comfortable setting her straight. My feeling is that most people want to be their human selves. People are dying to be real. Dying to be real! We are taught in this community to keep secrets and not air our dirty laundry...for future shidduchim! Oy, oy, oy! A prison! So many of us suffer in silence because we don’t want anything to affect our children’s shidduchim. It makes me so sad. This woman had to use the system because it is how people meet. Men and women in more orthodox circles simply do not have the opportunity to meet each other naturally (a topic for another column, I guess).

I pleaded with her to keep using the system because likeminded people also have to use the system. And lo and behold, she met someone amazing who she laughs with and who feels like her “person.” And the best part is that it all felt so natural and organic. I wish I had a magical answer here, but I don’t. You’ve got to be in it to win it...with a new attitude. And I fully believe when it’s the right time, he will come along. And maybe I have that belief because I’ve seen it happen so many times at this point (thank G-d!). Dating is hard work. It can feel downright depressing sometimes. Stay strong and hopeful. And if you’re ready, start dating...your way! Sincerely, Jennifer

Jennifer Mann, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist and dating and relationship coach working with individuals, couples, and families in private practice at 123 Maple Avenue in Cedarhurst, NY. She also teaches a psychology course at Touro College. To set up a consultation or to ask questions, please call 516-224-7779, ext. 2. Visit for more information. If you would like to submit a dating or relationship question to the panel anonymously, please email You can follow The Navidaters on FB and Instagram for dating and relationship advice.

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OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home



The Art of the Steal

NOVEMBER 12, 2020



digits throughout most of the race and all but declared that there was going to be a “blue wave.” They were obviously dead wrong – even if Biden did win legitimately, he won by a razor thin margin. The Electoral College map swung to Biden by a total of less than 100,000 votes. But what is even more puzzling is these little data nuggets from Election Day, any of which would have caused an honest pollster to forecast a Trump victory: Trump crushed it with Latino voters… He won the white vote overwhelmingly… He actually did well with women… He even got 30% of the Jewish vote (slow clap)… He brought out the most voters in history from rural areas… He even outperformed 2016 with black voters… He got the highest percentage of the New York vote since 1988 for a Republican candidate… He won Florida by a very healthy 3+% even though Democrats poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the Sunshine State, believing that the entire race would come down to who won there… He won Ohio by more than 8% (even though the pre-election polls had him down there), and as the saying goes, “As goes Ohio, so goes the nation!” Strangely the massive Trump sentiment in Ohio didn’t rub off on its Midwest neighbors (MI, WI, MN)… He carried the down-ballot races leading to Republican gains in state races throughout the country… Republicans had to defend ten Senate seats and

succeeded at defending almost every one (the ones that they didn’t win are questionable) … Going into Election Day, the Democrats had an early ballot lead, but everyone was saying that if there is a big Election Day turnout, Trump will easily overcome that lead. There was a huge Election Day turnout…. Biggest ever… Then there is the cute anecdotal stuff. I’m not talking about a cookie poll in Pennsylvania which had Trump leading 6-1. I’m talking about the bellwether counties, meaning counties that historically vote for the candidate that ends up winning the presidential election. Valencia County, New Mexico, is the crème de la crème of bellwether counties. Since 1952, whoever got the majority of the vote in this county won the presidential election every time. Well, their streak is now broken. Trump got 56.2% of Valencia County’s vote, Biden got 41.4%. Ottawa County, Ohio, has a pretty good track-record too. Since 1948, they were wrong once (in 1960). How did they vote this year? Trump – 60.8%, Biden – 37.7%. Now let’s look at what actually happened on election night, because that is where things get really whacky. Trump got the first big win of the night with a decisive victory in Florida. Then he got the Mother of All Bomb wins when he crushed it in Ohio. You may recall that the betting odds flipped in Trump’s favor at around 10 p.m., and the Chinese yen crashed (because it looked like China’s

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t took three-and-a-half years, a special prosecutor and a team of twelve deputies, twenty-eight million dollars, and thousands of hours of hearings to conclude that Trump did not steal the 2016 election. Actually, I said that wrong. As the Democrats said after the Mueller probe, “There was not enough evidence that [Trump] stole the 2016 election; that does not mean that he, in fact, did not steal it.” So with that timeframe in mind – three-anda-half years – we still have some time to reach a conclusion about whether or not the Democrats stole the 2020 election. If it’s your job to figure it out, here’s the answer: They stole it. Now go enjoy a beach vacation for the next three years, five months and 23 days. (Wasn’t that easier than the whole Mueller thing?) In all seriousness, I always wondered how I would see things if the shoe was on the other foot –if I was a Hillary supporter. Would I have believed the Russia hoax? Would I have believed that Trump stole the election in 2016? Would I have ran around screaming, “Not my pwwweetthhhiiidddeennnnt!!” Well, I’m not on psychotropics, so I wouldn’t have done that, but you get the point. Well, now the shoe is on the other foot. And I’m actually enjoying the experience of looking through the other side of the looking glass. I start with the premise that what happened last Tuesday was really strange. Obviously, the pollsters got it all wrong heading into Election Day. They had Biden up by double

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015


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NOVEMBER 12, 2020


nemesis was going to prevail once again). Something strange developed in Arizona when Fox News called it very quickly for Biden. But even so, Trump was still holding onto every other state that he carried in 2016. He had a very wide path to 270 electoral votes. Until around 4 a.m., Trump had a healthy lead in Wisconsin and Michigan, aside for having a lead in Georgia and North Carolina. That would have put him above 270 electoral votes. Then Wisconsin and Michigan announced that there would be no additional vote tally updates until the morning. Now, if you went through a county-by-county tally of Wisconsin and Michigan at that time, you would have seen that Democrat strongholds like Detroit and Milwaukee were fully reported. And Trump was ahead by tens of thousands of votes in Michigan and Wisconsin. (This is according to all major networks’ interactive maps). So Trump was still pretty much cruising to victory. Then, puff! Trump’s leads in Wisconsin and Michigan suddenly evaporated at around 6 a.m. when Detroit and Milwaukee each reported tens of thousands of new ballots. All for Biden. Huh? Where did those come from? Why did every network’s map have Detroit and Milwaukee as having been 100% counted until now? What changed? What’s even crazier is that in the week since the election, the numbers out of Michigan and Wisconsin make no sense. I will not get into the weeds with the numbers, but just to illustrate: The Federalist points out that Biden outperformed Barack Obama in Milwaukee, even though Obama was the first black president, campaigned heavily in Milwaukee (unlike Biden), and there was higher turnout in Milwaukee in 2016. On top of that, Milwaukee today has almost 30,000 less registered voters than when Obama ran. Scot Hounsell at RedState ran the data on Michigan and points out the oddity that Biden beat Obama’s numbers by double digits in Detroit and other blue areas of Michigan, even though Biden did not beat Obama’s numbers in any other county in non-swing states. Oh, and Georgia, forget about it. Georgia was supposedly 100% reported but the race was not called because of some possible outstanding votes in Atlanta. Sure enough, literally 48 hours later, the Democrat Atlanta election clerk “found 20,000 ballots” at 3 p.m. on Thursday night, giving Biden the lead there by a couple of thousand votes. Where were those ballots before Thursday night? In a broom closet? In her trunk? (I won’t even discuss Pennsylvania because the Democrat leadership in that state pretty much declared even before Election Day that they would do whatever they have to do for Biden to win.) Despite the strange election night, it’s a pretty big claim to make, that a party stole a presidential election. Or is it? If I told you that John F. Kennedy stole the elec-

tion from Richard Nixon in 1960, would you call me a conspiracy theorist? Yes, I know that Kennedy was eventually assassinated, and Nixon was eventually implicated in Watergate. But before those events, they had a very tight presidential race in 1960. In his award winning, #1 New York Times Bestselling tome on Lyndon Johnson titled The Passage of Power, noted historian Robert A. Caro documents some of the shenanigans that took place in that race. Kennedy had chosen Lyndon B. Johnson to be his running mate because in order to win the race he needed to carry LBJ’s home state of Texas. Caro, whose book was described as “Brilliant…Important…Remarkable” by Bill Clinton, documents how the Texas Democratic Party machine went to work to essentially steal Texas for Kennedy. Kennedy ended up winning Texas by 46,233 votes out of over 6 million votes cast. Despite the race being very tight across Texas, in Democrat-controlled counties, Kennedy won by whopping margins. In one precinct, Kennedy got 1,144

Where were those ballots before Thursday night? In a broom closet? In her trunk? votes to Nixon’s 45 votes. In another Democrat-ran precinct, Kennedy received 4,051 votes and Nixon earned 284 votes. Caro describes election night 1960 in Texas as follows: “By the evening of Election Day, several hours after polls had closed, veteran reporters had noticed what one called the ‘slow motion count of votes’ in Duval [County] – they knew what it meant; that the [clerk] was holding back a final tally until he saw whether the race was close, so that if it was, he could give his allies the votes they needed.” Sounds familiar? Trump is up in Michigan and Wisconsin and then the powers that be (the Democrats who control those states from the top down) announce that there will be no more updates. A few hours later, Biden is up by a razor thin margin. As perhaps-President-Elect Joe Biden would say, “C’mon,

man!” Taking a step back, the 2020 election was ripe for fraud “from jump,” due to rampant mail-in-ballots in Democrat-run states. Yes, in every election there are a small minority of voters that use mail-in-ballots, but it usually makes up a tiny percentage of the electorate so it is hard to effectuate a fraud through them. Secondly, usually mail-in-ballots are a threestep process: i) the voter fills out an application requesting a mail-in ballot and signs that application; ii) a ballot is mailed to the address listed in the application; and iii) the signature on the ballot is matched with the signature on the application. But in Democrat-ran states this year, they didn’t require a mail-in-ballot application so there was no way to verify whether the person who was sent the ballot actually still lived at the location, and there was no way to verify the signature on the ballot with the signature on the application. But that is only part of the problem with mailin ballots. In August, the New York Post interviewed a Democratic operative who disclosed that there are numerous ways that operatives cheat with mail-in ballots when they are used in local races. He said that he and his colleagues oftentimes printed counterfeit ballots and filled them out, as there are no real security features on mailin ballots. He also disclosed that they, at times, paid off postal workers to throw out ballots from Republican-leaning areas. Trump had been screaming about this for many months, claiming that it would result in massive fraud. But the goal of ridding America of the evil orange man obviously comes before having a free and fair election with integrity. So, I don’t think that it is so conspiracy theory-ish to think that there were some shenanigans with the absentee ballots going on. That, coupled with the strange events on election night and the post-election day data, cause me believe that this election was probably stolen from Trump. I say “probably stolen” because, as of now, there has not yet been any hard proof presented to the public that it was stolen. It would likely take months, and maybe years, to put together such proof anyway. I personally think that Trump should offer real money to people to come forward and disclose what really happened. You can be certain that if a group of people were filing out ballots in some office in the middle of the night in Detroit, a $10 million reward would get at least one of those people talking. Either way, it’s not going to happen before Joe Biden takes office. That is what makes it a good steal. Trump may have written the Art of the Deal. The Democrats could have written the Art of the Steal.


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NOVEMBER 12, 2020



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NOVEMBER 12, 2020


Mental Health Corner

Too Sensitive? By Rabbi Azriel Hauptman

Are you deeply moved by music? Are you highly attuned to your bodily sensations? Do you easily recognize other people’s emotions? Do you startle easily? Are you bothered by intense stimuli such as loud noises? If you answered yes to these questions, you might be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). An HSP is a person who mentally processes external stimuli on

a deeper lever than an average person. They tend to be keenly aware of both their surroundings and their internal thoughts and feelings and they tend to experience them on a deeply emotional level. In the 1990’s, Dr. Elaine Aron began her groundbreaking research on the traits of an HSP. Her widely acclaimed research discovered that ap-

proximately 20% of the population are HSP’s. That is one in five people! Her research also showed that being highly sensitive is not a disorder, rather it is a distinct personality trait that, like all traits, has many positive aspects but can sometimes present certain challenges. The positive traits of an HSP include: • They tend to be naturally conscientious and empathetic to others as they can naturally sense how others are feeling. • They tend to connect easily with the emotional aspects or art and music which leads to natural creativity. • They naturally know how to make other people feel comfortable. • They avoid risky situations. • They have a rich and deep inner life. However, being an HSP can also have its challenges. They are often overly sensitive to pain, they tend to need to withdraw into solitude after a busy day, they can get easily distressed when they have a lot to do, and change can be very difficult for them. The personality traits of an HSP are not learned. Since they are innate, they will be apparent even as a young child. The traits of a Highly Sensitive Child (HSC) include: not enjoying surprises, using words commonly used only by adults, noticing unusual odors very easily, asking a lot of questions, preferring quiet play, and they can be hard to get to sleep after an exciting day. When we understand the nature of

a HSC, we can recognize that certain forms of discipline can be counterproductive. Here are some examples. • Since an HSC is attuned to the emotions of others, if the disciplining parent feels agitated, the child can become completely overwhelmed. • You might find that gentle explanations of your expectations can be very helpful for an HSC. • Strong punishments might be too much for the HSC and therefore may have very little teaching value. He might learn his lesson better from gentle corrections. • Whatever you say to an HSC when disciplining is internalized. Therefore, even a rebuke such as, “Why did you do such a thing?” can be understood by the HSC as, “I am a bad boy.” Parents who are blessed with an HSC need to bear in mind one simple fact. Not all children are created the same. What works for one child might not work for another. HSC’s are not disordered or handicapped. They are just marching to a different drummer. A Highly Sensitive Child who is valued for his incredible positive traits during childhood has a much higher chance of developing into an adult who will harness his power of being highly sensitive. This is a service of Relief Resources. Relief is an organization that provides mental health referrals, education, and support to the frum community. Rabbi Yisrael Slansky is director of the Baltimore branch of Relief. He can be contacted at 410-448-8356 or at


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

In The K


By Naomi Nachman

One of my favorite stovetop cooking techniques when I need to free up “oven real estate” is

the outside followed by a long, low simmer, and

it leaves chicken so juicy. You’ll love this recipe as it’s perfect for a weeknight dinner but is also elegant enough for Shabbat dinner.



b8 Empire Kosher® Chicken Thighs b1 bottle stout lager b2 teaspoons kosher salt b1 teaspoon paprika b1 teaspoon garlic powder b1 teaspoon onion powder b4 onions, cut into ½ moon rings b4 cloves garlic, minced b2 tablespoons fresh tarragon b2 tablespoons Dijon mustard b1 bottle stout lager b¼ cup maple syrup


NOVEMBER 12, 2020

braising chicken. Braising is high heat browning of


Beer Braised Chicken Thighs


Place the chicken thighs in a large bowl. Pour one bottle of lager/beer over the chicken. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

2. Remove chicken from the beer/lager (discarding the liquid) and pat dry with a paper towel. 4.

In a large skillet on medium high heat, sear four pieces of the thighs on both sides until they are a deep brown color. Remove and set aside, sear the other four thighs, and set aside.

5. Reduce heat to medium. In the same pan add the onions and sauté until translucent and then begin to brown, about 10 minutes. Add in garlic and tarragon sauté for another 2 minutes. 6. In a small bowl, whisk together mustard, the bottle of lager, and maple syrup and pour over onions. Bring to boil. 7. Return the chicken to the sauté pan. Once the sauce comes to a boil again, lower heat to a simmer. 8. Cover and cook for 1 hour and 30 minutes. Photo by Melinda Strauss

Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669.

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3. Season the chicken liberally with kosher salt, paprika, garlic powder, and onion powder.

Gluten Free Recipe Column by Mrs. Elaine Bodenheimer

For questions or comments about Gluten Free Baking please email

Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies


NOVEMBER 12, 2020


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ar, and d to ees until . Makes

What You Will Need: 1 cup smooth or crunchy peanut butter ¾ cup sugar 1 egg ½ teaspoon baking soda ¼ teaspoon salt ¾ cup chocolate chips ½ cup roasted salted peanuts

Preparation: 1. With a wooden spoon, mix together the peanut butter, sugar, and egg. Add baking soda and salt. Then add chocolate chips and peanuts. 2. Wet hands. Roll into 1-inch balls. Place cookies onto cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. 3. Bake at 350 degrees until golden – about 25 minutes. Rotate half-way through baking. Makes about 30 cookies. Enjoy!


Gluten Free Pizza!


The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015





By Allan Rolnick, CPA


Billionaires! Just Like Us!

NOVEMBER 12, 2020


come from 2000 through 2015. He’s agreed to pay $139 million in back taxes and penalties. He’ll also forego $182 million in charitable deductions, which could add $65 million more to the bill. Hindsight is 20/20, of course, but he clearly would have been better off just paying the original tax in the first place. And he’s lucky he’s not facing time in a place that makes

the largest criminal tax prosecution the DOJ has ever brought. (So why is the 79-year-old Brockman free on a mere $1 million bond? Do they think he can’t afford a bogus passport if he chooses to flee?) Both billionaires relied on the classic tax-cheat “business plan”: setting up entities like trusts, shell companies, and accounts in foreign

He’s lucky he’s not facing time in a place that makes dorm food seem pretty appetizing.

dorm food seem pretty appetizing. Smith isn’t the only billionaire making tax headlines. Last month, the IRS indicted Robert Brockman, a Houston-based software billionaire (and investor in Robert Smith’s first fund), on a 39-count all-you-can-eat buffet of financial crimes. They say he used accounts in the Bahamas and Nevis to avoid tax on $2 billion of capital gains from 2018-2000. It’s

owners’ names in foreign locations. Smith admitted paying a Houston lawyer (who also worked for Brockman) over $800,000 from 2004-2018 to fake the paper trails to hide the accounts. The scheme collapsed when his Swiss bank alerted him – they were about to rat him out to the IRS to reduce their own criminal exposure. Smith tried to take advantage of a voluntary amnesty program, but the

IRS said no, suggesting they already had a target on his back. Finally, Gene Simmons, of rock star fame, isn’t a billionaire, although he’s a music industry groundbreaker. (Quote: “I like being part of a rock and roll band, but I love being part of a rock and roll brand.”) He’s just announced that he and his wife are kissing their $22 million Benedict Canyon mansion goodbye, and moving to…Washington. Why? California’s top tax rate, which stands at 13.3% and may be heading to 16.8%, is just too high for the famous showman. Best of all, his trip doesn’t involve the risk of prison! In the end, of course, billionaires and rock stars aren’t just like us. They’re billionaires. And rock stars. They have more money and gold records. But careful planning can still give us the tax savings they so obviously want, without risking a trip to jail or even making the news.

Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 years in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at

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hundred years ago, billionaires were a big, big deal. Tycoons like John D. Rockefeller, worth the equivalent of two Jeff Bezoses in today’s dollars, were celebrities, the overachieving substitutes for today’s merely overexposed Kardashians and Tiger Kings. Today, though, CNBC reports there are at least 630 billionaires in the U.S. alone, which means if you live in California, New York, or Florida, you’ve probably bumped into one at the grocery store. This week’s stories feature a couple of billionaires (and one mere millionaire) who don’t like paying tax any more than you do. Last year, Robert Smith, a venture capitalist worth $5 billion, grabbed headlines by taking the stage as Morehouse College’s graduation speaker — and announcing he would give $10 million to eliminate off the student debt for the school’s 396 graduates. He structured that gesture as a grant to the school, to qualify it as a deductible charitable gift, which meant drafting Uncle Sam into covering 37% of that cost. Today Smith is back in the news, but for slightly different reasons. Last week, he ‘fessed up to using offshore accounts to hide $200 million of in-



OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

Life C ach

NOVEMBER 12, 2020

Tennis Anyone?!


By Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., MFT, CLC


o, is something is bugging you? Kind of plaguing your mind? Well, let’s review. What do we know? We learn that it’s helpful to change our perspective in order to help stop the ruminating, especially on things that we cannot change. But how do we stop the ruminating on why we are having a hard time, changing our perspective, in order to quiet the ruminating? So we kind of get stuck in that vicious cycle.

Here’s how it goes: aggravating thought; desire to get rid of it; attempt to change the thought; then aggravated that we can’t focus on a new thought. Then that’s the new aggravating thought.... This may be the moment to resort to Plan B. Distraction! Get out of your head, your house, your habit. If you cannot change your mind, try to not mind a change!



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Get a package of fun for everyone!

A new activity can redirect your brain’s focus. Rather than thinking how to not think, your brain is kept busy with doing something else, so your mind is automatically just not thinking. It’s actually busy being somewhere else. If you cannot find something to do, begin by prepping as if you do have something to do. Maybe start by grabbing a few

and now, is a must. Here are some ideas: Sports can be a great distractor. Sudoku can absorb one’s mind. Resolving someone else’s problem can require physical or mental input or even both. How’s reading this article working for you? How about reading this article while hopping on one foot?

If you cannot change your mind, try to not mind a change!

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household items. For instance: a hammer, an old encyclopedia, two very ripe plums, a toaster oven, a big beach ball, an elephant or anything resembling one, and, of course, a mug! Didn’t that list already get you out of your head a bit? A nutty list, huh?! But that, my friends, is the start of distraction! Because it took you in another direction. If you can think of something you like to do that requires a lot of your physical and mental attention, you’re off in the right direction. It needs to be doing something that pulls you in. Something where concentrating on the present, the here

How about reading this article, hopping on one foot, and singing your favorite song? Basically, do whatever it takes to get as many senses as you need involved in distracting your mind. So try for a new perspective or get involved in a new activity. Or, stay where you are and drive yourself nuts living in the problem, the past, the future, the confusion, the pain... Tennis, anyone?! Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or



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