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Q u e l l e : B r a u m ü l l e r v e r l a g , S t y l i n g r at g e b e r " D r e s s c o d e M a n "

How to knot a bow tie









How it’s done: 1. Lay the tie around your neck so that the end on your left is longer than the one on your right.

6. Flip the long end up – in the shape of a bow, as before – and then pull it from the left through the part you have just folded

2. Fold the longer over the shorter end.

7. & 8. Finally, align the bow by carefully pulling at both „wings“, making sure it’s symmetrical.

3. The long end should now be brought up towards the chin and pulled forward. It can then be left hanging down. 4. Then fold the short end in the middle of the broad part, making a bow – the loop should be pointing to the left. Fold the long end over the knot you have just formed. 5. Now bring the long end up towards the chin, back and over to the front again.

Dresscode • 123

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