Bakersfield Life Magazine December 2012

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Fit and Fresh


Bouncing back from baby

Healthy holidays Runs, rides, homemade energy bars By Sally Baker and Katie Kirschenmann

Mr. Toad’s Wild Run Mr. Toad’s Wild Run offers 5K and 20K trails in Hart Park starting at the shooting range. This year, the popular and fun event will take place Saturday, Dec. 1. The race is hilly and can be muddy if we get a little rain, but for all those trail runners out there, this is always great way to start December. For more information, go to

A.B.L.E. 5K run-walk This new event will take place at 8:30 a.m. Dec. 8 at California Living Museum. Proceeds from the race will go to purchase adaptive fitness equipment for special education programs. Entry price before Dec. 1 is $25, and $30 after Dec. 1 or on race day. For more information, call Jessica Acevedo at 396-4420.

Full Moon Ride This is a casual and social, slow-paced ride averaging 10 to 12 mph. It meets at 7:30 p.m. at Beach Park. The group will travel six miles to The Marketplace to enjoy a light refreshment and to allow riders to sit and relax by the fountain and shops before returning to Beach Park. Contact Brad at for more information. 132

Bakersfield Life Magazine

December 2012

Kirschenmann: If your name isn’t Beyonce, you don’t need your pre-baby body back only one month after giving birth. It feels as though every time I turn around there is some celebrity strutting her post-baby body. Well good for you, Reese Witherspoon! If I had a live-in personal trainer lifting me out of the bed in the morning to workout, I might be able to achieve your miraculous transformation as well. But, for those of us who live in the real world, we know that losing baby weight is not easy. In fact, it can be downright challenging. My twin girls were born on Oct. 10 (10-11-12). We are happy and healthy, and adjusting to a rigorous schedule at home. Part of my schedule is devoted to taking care of myself as well as my babies. Since this is my second time around fighting the battle of the baby bulge, I know what to expect. With Sally’s help, I have put together five guidelines to follow during the first six weeks, post baby. • Be kind to yourself: Caring for an infant is demanding. Fatigue, anxiety and a roller coaster of emotions are ever present. Self-inflicted pressure to rock a bikini has no place in a world ruled by a newborn. Taking each day as it comes during the first six weeks is critical for mom and baby. Most importantly, if you are feeling down or blue, talk to your doctor immediately. Postpartum depression is nothing to fool around with — there are many support services in place to help moms cope. It is important to remember that physical fitness begins with emotional health. • Keep an open dialogue with your obstetrician and your pediatrician: Exercise is not an option until six weeks after birth. For women who have had a cesarean section, that time may be even longer. Exercising too soon after giving birth might actually put the road to fitness farther out of reach. Speak frankly with your health care providers and listen to the advice they give. Your doctors want you and your baby to thrive, so no question is too small or insignificant. • Lose the word “diet” from your vocabulary: Do not think about dieting; think about making healthy choices for you and baby. Breast-feeding demands well-balanced meals full of leafy greens, lean proteins, whole grains and an average of 500 extra calories per day. Stay away from sugars, processed foods and refined carbohydrates. Keep plenty of healthy snacks on standby. I make sure to keep the fridge stocked with yogurt, roast turkey slices, cheeses, apples, grapes and my favorite, instant oatmeal. Oatmeal aids lactation, tastes great and keeps me full. • Water, water, water: Staying well-hydrated will help with any fatigue and keep water retention at bay. When stress inevitably makes an appearance, brew a comforting cup of decaffeinated tea. Avoid beverages that will ultimately cause dehydration, like sodas, coffee and especially alcohol. • Avoid the temptation to become a couch potato: On this topic I’m speaking from significant experience. Once captured by the couch, it is difficult to escape. While someone is watching baby, go sit outside or walk around the block — make sure to check with your doctor first. If recovering from a C-section, walk around the house when possible. Keep busy mentally as well as physically. Turn off the television and pick up the phone to enjoy a good conversation with a friend. Attempt to rest as much as possible without becoming sedentary.

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