Checklist for Bachelorette Party

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Bachelorette Party Checklist If you’ve ever planned a Bachelorette party you know that they involve a great deal of time and planning in order to be a success. To help you plan a perfect bachelorette party we’ve put a Bachelorette Party Checklist together to keep you on track.

Make Your Party a Success with a Bachelorette Party Checklist 1. Pick a Date. Picking a date can sometimes be the most challenging part of planning the bachelorette party. Try to pick a date that isn’t too close to the wedding. Two weeks or so prior to the big day is good. 2. Pick a Theme. First check with the bride to see if she what type of party she would like. Some brides prefer a low key theme like a spa day while others prefer a night on the town. 3. Bachelorette Invitations. Some people like to send out formal invitations , however one of the simplest and cost effective ways to send out bachelorette party invitations is either using Evite or Facebook. As long as you have everyone’s email addresses this is a much simpler way to get the word out about the party. 4. Budget. Its very important to decide who is going to pay for what before the party. For many bachelorette parties the guests will pay their own way and kick in a portion of the bride’s cost. 5. Bachelorette Party Food. Unless you are going out to a restaurant, food should be included in the party. The type of food you serve may consist of simple appetizers, a potluck, or “naughty treats.” Another idea is to match your food to the theme of the bachelorette party,

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