Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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12 JUNE 2012

Spor Sportt


Increases in rates, power and water

Residents of Ekurhuleni face increases in electricity, water, assessment rates and other services. The budget tabled at a special council meeting show just how the costs will hit the pock-

ets of residents. Assessment rates will increase by 7,50% in all categories. Electricity 13,5% with a free allocation of 100 KWh every month. Electricity used for business purposes is exempt from this free basic alloca-

DA rejects budget budget and said the DA would manage the metro differently and the people would benefit. The DA tabled a 120 point plan to fix problems. These include plugging the waste of water collecting outstanding money owed to Ekurhuleni, protection of electricity revenue, an increase in the property rates base and cutting out unnecessary human resources costs, increasing maintenance expenditure budgeting towards youth employment and organizing work teams across departmental boundaries.


The Democratic Alliance rejected the Ekurhuleni budget and voted against it. Eddie Taylor, DA Shadow MMC for Finance criticised aspects of the budget, after it was delivered. He said, “The budget is much like my table, glossy on the outside but not very good under the paintwork. If you want the true picture, don’t read the words, analyse the numbers. He outlined what the “numbers” said by saying that the bad news for residents is that yet again over R1-billion of potential cash will not be available for their benefit, because of a lack of political will and downright poor management. Taylor queried why the bad debt provision was budgeted at R129-billion and said it was because the money owed to the EMM is not collected. He gave an example as the Gauteng Department of Health, which owes Ekurhuleni over R130-million. They have offered to pay R5million, but there is no political will to collect this debt. Taylor said R500-million worth of water per year is unaccounted for in the metro and this is not a new problem. “Other metros manage to control over-consumption by indigents, but it doesn’t happen here,” said Taylor. Taylor criticized other aspects of the



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tion. The water tariff will increase by 11,3% for both residential and business. Block tariffs are being restructured. Sanitation will increase by 10,68% for residential and business with block tariffs also being restructured, solid waste will go up by 15% for residential and business. Instead of the initially proposed 44% increase on grave costs and taking into account people’s concerns this increase is now only 12%, striving to ensure that all grave sites are maintained. In his opening remarks before the presentation of the budget, Executive Mayor,

Mondli Gungubele said electricity tariff increases were as approved by the National Electricity Regulator of South Africa. He said the increased cost of bulk water and electricity (due to tariff increases from Rand Water and Eskom) placed upward pressure on service tariffs to residents. The budget address was given by Clr Moses Makwakwa, who said it was important for communities to register as indigents. He said a typical bill of The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality is lower, when compared to other metros.



What is christianity about?

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12 JUNE 2012

From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess There are many people who wonder what Christianity is all about and there are also many Christians who have never had the opportunity to ask basic questions about Christianity. I strongly believe that there is an awakening of people towards the truth of life as a Christian. Follower and many of those folk have sadly started their Christian walk “on the run” and missed some basic principles. In understanding the above introduction many Christians have a deep desire to learn more about the basics but are afraid to ask as they are scared that they may become embarrassed. Many people who are not Christians and would like to know more about Christianity have a dilemma, not knowing where to go to get this information. Well I believe that the answer to both of the above is in the ALPHA course. And the bonus is that those who are strong and mature Christians will also find the ALPHA course meaningful because there are also deep seated Christians “gems” of knowledge and information found in the course material. Further to this the ALPHA course also moves along a journey ending in a deep understanding of what Christianity is. So what is ALPHA? The ALPHA course is held once a week, in our case on a Sunday Evening at 17h30, for 10 weeks and ends in a getaway camp which is held in close proxim-

ity to Heidelberg. Each session starts with a light snack provided by the members of the Heidelberg Methodist Church. This is a time of fun, laughter and enjoyment, catching up on the latest news and happenings in the participant’s lives. The evening then moves on to a time of watching a video. The presenter of the video is Nicky Gumble and questions like “Is there a God”, why am I here on earth, where did I come from and where am I going” are tackled and answered in a very clear and articular manner. After watching the video the group breaks up into smaller discussion groups and spends time discussing the material of the video (with the help of a course manual). The evening ends between 19h30 and 20h00. The ALPHA course is for ALL people from ALL backgrounds, denominations and viewpoints. The ideal is to get your entire cell group to come along and enjoy the course together. The organizers will keep you in your cell group so that it becomes more meaningful and helpful to you as a group. People from other denominations DO NOT have to participate in any activity or church service at Heidelberg Methodist Church. The folk remain in their specific church and only use ALPHA to deepen their walk as Christians. Here are some comments from some promi-

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Hoe kan u korttermynversekering vir u laat werk? deur Wayne Moorcroft

Die belangrikste beginsel wat in ag geneem moet word, is dat versekering nie ‘n spaarplan of belegging is waarin u maandeliks geld belê en na ‘n tydperk vergoed word nie. Versekering is ‘n bindende kontrak tussen u en u versekeringsmaatskappy. In die kontrak onderneem die versekeringsmaatskappy om u skadeloos te stel indien daar ‘n skielike, onbeplande gebeurtenis plaasvind. Soos met enige ander kontrak is daar voorwaardes en bepalings. KEN U KONTRAK: U versekeringsmaatskappy moet, volgens wet, vir u, na aanvang van u polis, ‘n kontrak stuur. Die wet bepaal dat dit u plig is om die inhoud daarvan te verken. Maar wie, in vandag se dae, het tyd om deur ‘n dik dokument te lees? As dít die geval by u is, kry ‘n makelaar en maak ‘n afspraak sodat u makelaar u die voorwaardes en bepalings kan verduidelik en uitlig. Dit sal nie langer as ‘n uur van u tyd in beslag neem nie en sodoende kan u gerus wees dat u versekering in plek is. BYBETALINGS: Maak seker u weet wat u bybetalings is. Moenie dat u verras word met ‘n onverwagte bybetaling wanneer u u voertuig na herstelwerk by die duikklopper wil gaan haal nie. Kyk in watter gevalle u bybetaling meer of minder gaan wees. Daar is ook opsies in plek waar u u bybetalings kan laat wegval deur ‘n hoër premie te betaal. Dan koop u u bybetaling af en u sal geen bybetalings hê indien u skade ly nie. VERANDERINGS: Indien daar enige veranderings in persoonlike omstandighede is bv. adresverandering, gereelde bestuurder van u voertuig, foutiewe alarm, ensovoorts, moet u dit onmiddellik aan u versekeringsmaatskappy verklaar. Hulle sal dan op hulle beurt die voorwaardes aanpas en/of jou inlig wat om te doen sodat jy nie in die geval van ‘n eis benadeel sal word nie. ADVIES: Versekeringsadvies is gratis. Kontak ‘n hulpvaardige makelaar en win soveel advies as moontlik in. Neem net kennis dat indien u van ‘n direkte versekeraar gebruik maak, advies moeiliker bekombaar is. U sal moontlik die maatskappy se inbelsentrum moet skakel vir advies. U vrae sal ook so gerig moet wees dat dit die nodige advies uitlok aangesien hulle u net met u navraag sal help deur net feitlike inligting te gee. OMBUDSMAN: Die Ombudsman vir kortermynversekering is ‘n gratis hulpmiddel wat u tot u beskikking het indien u voel ‘n eis het nie volgens kontrak verloop nie. U kan u saak aan die Ombudsman rapporteer en die saak sal van daar af verder hanteer word. Die Ombudsman is dus die waghond vir die publiek en beskerm u teen onbillike optrede van versekeraars. Die besonderhede van die Ombudsman is ook in u kontrak beskikbaar.


The mini-fete held by the Nigel SPCA in the grounds of the D’Vine restaurant proved to be a great success. There was a lot of support from residents and the venue proved to be ideal. The pancake sales were popular as was the book stall. This was a much-needed boost for the SPCA and the Society is grateful to the restaurant for having the venue.

ROBERT DYKE 083 266 5453 STEVE DYKE 082 428 7262 LEADERS IN CUSTOM MADE SHOPFRONTS e-mail: 58 Second Avenue, Nigel 1490 Tel: 011 814-1577/26 Fax: 011 814 8467

nent leaders in South Africa: “The Alpha Course has taken our entire evangelism initiative at our church to a new dynamic level.” - Ds. Pieter van Niekerk, Pretoria Oosterlig Dutch Reformed Church. “I have been so blessed to be involved with Alpha. Our church’s vision is saving and changing lives to follow Christ. Alpha is just the right tool for us to help make it happen.” -Trevor Berry, New Life Church, Bryanston, Gauteng. “I have had the pleasure of being involved in well over 10 ALPHA courses and my experience has always been a blessing to see the change in the lives of the participants as they seek to have a closer understanding of and walk with Jesus and they use the ALPHA course as a means to get there”. -Rev Ray Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church. The ALPHA course will be run from 8 July 2012. To find out more about the ALPHA course or to book your place please contact Riana on 016 341 2437 on any weekday morning between 08h30 and 13h30 or our ALPHA COURSE leader Bernard Kelfkens on 079 256 3899. Hope to see many of you on the course.

A good day for Nigel SPCA


Copies of the Rekord can be collected at our office cnr of Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Road

Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church

Discover Nigel @

57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”. EXPERIENCE CHRIST’S LOVE AND OUR FRIENDSHIP

ALPHA COURSE FROM 8TH JULY AT 17H30 BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW ON 016 341 2437 Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – C.I.A. Service (for Adults and Youth) H1137

12 JUNE 2012



Geveg om stuk grond in Nigel ‘n Stuk grond in Ferryvale Nigel, is skerp onder die vergrootglas nadat ‘n private speurmaatskappy van Johannesburg die aangeleentheid ondersoek het. Dis ook onder die aandag van die Valke en die spesiale ondersoekeenheid van die Polisie gebring. Daar is reeds gedeeltelik op die grond gebou en dit beskik oor volle dienste. Aan die een kant van die drama staan Ekurhuleni Metropolitaanse Munisipaliteit. Volgens IRS Forensic Investigations is daar nie by tender prosedures gehou nie toe hulle van dié grond en verskeie ander stukke in Gauteng ontslae geraak het. Ander betrokkenes is die Stad Johannesburg, en die Nasionale Departement van Openbare Werke. IRS Forensics se ondersoek strek so ver as 2006 terug. Die bewering van ‘n private speurder, Johan van Wyk, is dat die grond nog aan Ekurhuleni behoort en nog nie aan iemand oorgedra is nie. Dit laat die vraag ontstaan hoe bouplanne goedgekeur kon geword het. Van Wyk beweer ook dat die grond by wyse van ‘n sessie aan aan hom oorgedra is en dat adv.Coetzee van Nigel nie die regmatige eienaar is nie. Coetzee en sy regsverteenwoordiger ontken die bewering. Die grond in Nigel is deur ‘n

Maatskappy met die naam Limosa bekom. Adv Coetzee is die vernaam-ste aandeelhouer in die Maatskappy en vir alle praktiese doeleindes die eienaar daarvan. Dit is waarskynlik etlike miljoene Rand werd. Agtergrond inligting dui daarop dat die voormalige regsverteenwoordiger van Ekurhuleni Nigel, Sipho Nkosi, by die oordrag van die grond betrokke was. Hy is intussen deur die Prokureursorde van Noord-Transvaal geskors hangende ‘n aansoek om hom in die Hooggeregshof van die rol van prokureurs te verwyder. Dit blyk dat van die klagtes teen hom ingedien onder andere insluit dat hy bedrog gepleeg het met die trust geld wat hy van Adv Gerrit Coetzee ontvang het vir die koop van die grond deur Limosa. Dit blyk dat Limosa en Willau Developers ‘n sogenaamde “Joint Venture” ooreenkoms met mekaar aangegaan het in terme waarvan die grond ontwikkel sou word. Die ooreenkoms het versuur en het die eienaar van Willau sy regte in die “Joint Venture” blykbaar aan Mnr Johan van Wyk, gesedeer. Die sessie was blykbaar as sekuriteit vir gelde van soveel as R774 000,00 wat hy ten opsigte van sekuriteitsdienste aan Van Wy k verskuldig was.

‘n Hele paar regsgedinge het reeds uit die aangekla was indien daar enige sprake van omstandighede voortgespruit. In een geding bedrog was nie. is Limosa gelas om hom by die Okes sê dat sy kliënt enige aksie wat ingesamewerkingsooreenkoms tussen Limosa en stel mag word, sal verdedig. Willau te hou. Thomas sê dat die geding ‘n ‘n Bekende prokureur op die dorp, Karel impak op die verkoop van die waardevolle Groesbeek, woon tans op die enigste woning wat nog op die stuk grond opgerig is. raadsgrond gehad het. “Ons moet ook onthou dat die raad nie die Van Wyk beweer dat die geskorste prokureur, grond verkoop het nie en dat die strukture Nkosi die registrasieproses vertraag het. Hy en sy regsverteenwoordiger gaan nou ‘n daarop dus onwettig mag wees. Die vraag moet ook gevra word wie die lasbrief vir eksekusie (uitwinning) laat uitreik huurinkomste uit die voltooide woonstel kry.” en ‘n beslagleggingsbevel bekom om sy regte ‘n Vergadering twee weke gelede tussen Van deur die Hooggeregshof te laat afdwing. Wyk – met o.m. Chad Thomas van IRS Forensic aan sy sy – en Coetzee en sy regsverteenwoor-diger, JP Okes aan die ander “Quality Training for Less” kant, het glo skeef geloop toe Van Wykhulle halfpad deur die verrigtinge die vergaFULL-TIME DAYS JUNE / USUAL OUR dering verlaat het. JULY 2012 PRICE PRICE Basic Computer Skills 2 25,26 June R 1500 R 750 Okes sê die saak Introduction to Bookkeeping 2 28,29 June R 2950 R 995 moet sy volle regsPastel Partner V11 4 2,3,4,5 July R 5470 R 1990 verloop neem. Pastel Partner Advanced V11 2 19,20 July R 2950 R 885 Hy vind dit vreemd Pastel Payroll Administrator 5 9,10,11,12 R 9495 R 4700 dat niemand nog in PART-TIME DAYS JULY 2012 USUAL OUR PRICE PRICE die laaste sewe jaar


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12 JUNE 2012

Hemelseun, Aldo kom kuier Dries jubel oor kans op nuwe lewe Retah McPherson, voormalige Mev. Suid Afrika en haar gesin was in 2004 in ’n motorbotsing betrokke wat hul lewens onherroeplik verander het. Sy vertel van 3 tot 5 Augustus by Cornerstone House, Strydomstraat 32, Heidelberg hoe haar oudste seun Aldo, wat ernstig beseer was, in die hemele by God was en die engele, Moses en Abraham gesien het.

Aldo was die enigste lid van die gesin wat nie ongeskaad van die ongelukstoneel weg gestap het nie. Aldo het terug gekom met een boodskap: “Mamma, ek moet die wêreld vertel dat Jesus leef!” Aangesien hy nie kon praat nie, het hy die boodskap oorgedra deur letters te skryf. In gehoorsaamheid tot hierdie roeping om die wêreld te vertel dat Jesus leef en dat die Bruid haarself moet gereed maak vir haar Bruidegom, het Retah en Aldo al drie boeke geskryf. Sy bevind haar voltyds in die bediening. Retah en haar gesin is gevestig in Hartebeespoortdam, Suid Afrika en Aldo herstel steeds. Bel Henda Bonsma vir besprekings by 082-725-7777 om teleurstelling te voorkom. Dit beloof om ‘n onvergeetlike geH1101 leentheid te wees.

Die ontfermende hart van ’n top breinchirurg van Rustenburg, dr. Percy Bezuidenhout en ‘n internasionale skenker wat ‘n breinimplantaat geskenk het, het Dries Peschel (55) van Nigel, ‘n ernstige lyer van die gevreesde Parkinson Siekte, ‘n kans op ‘n nuwe lewe gegee. Hy sal dalk voor die einde van die jaar geopereer word. Vir Dries was dit werklik die ingryping van ‘n Hoër Hand wat hom na jare van lyding weer ‘n kans op ‘n nuwe lewe bied. Hy het nege jaar van progressiewe agteruitgang beleef en sou oor ‘n paar maande permanent tot ‘n rystoel beperk moes word. Dries se brein skei te min Dopamiene af. Dit kom in ‘n klein gedeelte van die brein voor wat so groot soos ‘n ertjiekorrel is. Ten einde Dries se agteruitgang te keer, gaan dr. Percy waarskynlik vier elektrodes in die motoriese gedeelte inplant wat van die brein tot by die borskas sal strek. Was dit nie dat dr. Bezuidenhout, ‘n top brein- en neurochirurg sy storie in ‘n tydskrif gelees het nie, sou Dries waarskynlik oor ‘n paar maande permanent Dries Peschel wag nou op ‘n breinimplantaat wat hom gedoem gewees het. Maar wat dinge nog meer feitlik vry van Parkinson verstommend maak, is dat die vervaardiger van ‘n Siekte sal maak. bepaalde breinimplantaat in Amerika terselfdertyd twee breinimplantate gratis tot beskikking van Parkinson Siektelyers wêreldwyd gestel het. Honderde aansoeke is ontvang waar onder dié van Dries Peschel wat deur dr. Bezuidenhout ingedien was. Nadat dr. Bezuidenhout dit in die tydskrif gelees het, het dit sy hart aan die roer gesit en hy het besef dat so ‘n man ‘n kans in die lewe verdien. So het hy die bal aan die rol gesit. Dries het o.m. ‘n belofte dat hy nog die parlement oor Parkinsons sal toespreek. Hy het Dries in Januarie ontbied en hom vertel van die moontlike gratis implantaat. Einde Mei het die dokter laat weet dat die skenker nie alleen die apparaat gaan skenk nie, maar ook gedeeltelik ander koste sal dra. Die oomblik was so groot dat Dries in trane uitgebars het. Die naam van die apparaatskenker word op hul versoek nie genoem nie omdat hulle bang is hulle word deur aansoeke oorval. ‘n Video opname oor die operasie – die eerste van sy soort – sal gedoen word indien die SA Mediese Raad toestemming daarvoor sal gee. Dries is ‘n lopende wonderwerk. Hy was 31 jaar lank ‘n predikant en sou volgens medici reeds teen 2003 pal tot ‘n rystoel beperk gewees het, maar sy geloof en deursettingsvermoë het hom deurgedra. Dries hou van dinge wat die adrenaline laat bruis. Sy lysie van tien dinge wat hy in die lewe wou vermag het net vyf oor. Nou wonder hy of dr. Percy hom na die operasie sal toelaat om sy laaste vyf wense waar te laat word.

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12 JUNE 2012


Dunnottar murder case continues Schalk du Plooy jnr (18) and Morne Labuschagne (23) have appeared again in the Nigel Magistrates Court, charged with the murders of Schalk du Plooy and his wife Theresa at their home in Rhodes Avenue, Dunnottar in 2010. The couple were brutally murdered and their bodies found in Brakpan near the State Mines Golf Course. Du Plooy (jnr) and Labuschagne have both been taken to Weskoppies

Phsychiatric Hospital for 30 days, for psychological evaluation and the case has been postponed to July 23. Schalk du Plooy and his wife were allegedly stabbed and beaten to death. They were both pharmacists with Du Plooy moving from his business in Dunnottar to the Clicks pharmacy in Nigel. The couple were well known and liked in the Dunnottar community and residents were shocked by the murders.

Postal strike angered residents The postal strike is reported as being over but it has caused a lot of trouble and confusion to residents. Although some Nigel residents are receiving post, there seems to have been no deliveries of mail for more than two months in Gauteng. People are angry at having to stand in queues or at ATM’s to get to know their bank details as no statements have been received for month is affecting Gauteng in general but Nigel, Dunnottar and Sharon Park as well as other local areas. People are sick of having to contact Telkom to find out how much their accounts are or face having the telephone service suspended. Often they have to wait a long time to be

answered because of a high volume call to Telkom at the end of the month. There has been little publicity on television news programmes about the postal strike and when it is scheduled to end and this is also annoying people. A backlog of post is reported to be at Auckland Park. Residents say that arrangements for postal deliveries could be made by employing others to deliver the post. “After all, there are many unemployed people who would be glad to do this”, is the general comment. Now the news that the strike is over is little comfort to many, who have been waiting for important mail and concerned that there will still be delays due to a massive backlog.


Heidelberg bloei met begroting Die gevaarklokkies vir ‘n al groter wordende outokratiese magsbeheer in Lesedi se ANC geledere, het met die aanvaarding van die jongste munisipale begroting duidelik en helder gelui. Demokrasie is by die agterdeur uitgegooi deurdat die ander partye in die stadsraad die geleentheid ontsê is om op ‘n art. 80 informale vergadering aan ‘n bespreking oor die voorgestelde begroting te kon deelneem. Die begroting self is ‘n nagmerrie vir inwoners. Dit voorspel niks goeds vir die dorp nie. Die algemene elektrisiteistarief is met 20% verhoog i.p.v. ‘n inflasie gekoppelde koers van 8,5%. Die munisipale tarief moet nog deur NERSA goedgekeur word. Nog erger is dat die basiese elektrisiteitsheffing met 25% verhoog is. Die finale strooi wat figuurlik die kameel se rug gaan breek, is

volgens ‘n woordvoerder die feit dat die maandelikse gratis elektrisiteitstoekenning van 25 KWh per huisgesin vanaf 1 Julie verval terwyl gratis watervoorsiening van 3 kl ook in geheel verval. Daarmee is die die armes in ‘n krisis gedompel. Die begroting maak wel in terme van sy beleid insake behoeftiges, voorsiening vir elektrisiteit en water vir die armstes onder die armes. Dis ‘n beleid wat dwarsdeur die lyn van alle gemeenskappe sny. Die DA het sy teenstem teen die begroting in sy geheel op die raadsvergadering genoteer. Hoewel die ANC beheerde munisipaliteit wel verlede week die voorgestelde begroting aan die DA gestuur het en ‘n artikel 80 vergadering wel gehou is, is ‘n bespreking oor die begroting nie daar gehou nie.

Delayed accounts must be paid Delayed delivery of municipal statements is not reason enough for consumers to not pay their accounts or to pay them late - this is the message from the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, according to municipal spokesperson, Justice Mohale. The ongoing interruption in postal services has seen a number of frustrated customers, due to not receiving their statements on time, have either skipped payments or paid late. The Metro is well aware of the strike by post office workers. However, it was, in view of the circumstances like these amongst others, that the municipality introduced numerous options which serve to make accessibility of

statements and payments easy. Residents are encouraged to pay similar accounts to the previous month’s statement should they not have received their current accounts by post, or summary statement by SMS. They should visit their Customer Care Centre and give all the details. Residents can also pay their accounts at post offices or outlets identified at the back of the statements. The online system can also enable residents to pre-date statements. The system immediately gives notification of payment and keeps records of your accounts. Note that the due date for payment does not change from month to month.

R295.00 (24 sachets)

New Diet Product Shake ‘n Shape is The Diet’s latest additon to the specialised range of products helps you loose weight. It can: * replace one meal a day * help busy moms in the morning by replacing their breakfast meal before off to work * be taken in the evening avoiding food that would have been consumed, stored while we sit in front of the TV.

DIE HOLLANDSCHE APOTHEEK Kontak Rina, Sanet of Heleen vir meer inligting! Shoprite Sentrum, Tel: 016 349 1864 Epos: Voortrekkerstr. HEIDELBERG Faks: 016 349 6666

Botox Cosmetic contact Dr Johann Snyman 016-341 4121 NeoStrata products contact Linda Smit 074 894 3678

Read more on page 8



12 JUNE 2012

12 JUNE 2012


Fight together for A.G.Visser House An urgent appeal to Lesedi Local Municipality and concerned citizens to put their differences aside and pay immediate urgent attention to the future of the A. G. Visser House and the Old Transport Museum has been addressed in a letter to Lesedi by Kobus Britz, Chairman, Heidelberg CUE (Community Unity Effort) Britz proposes that with the involvement and permission of both the Local and Regional Municipalities, that a Community Unity Effort Association (CUE) workshop be hosted on this topic with all stakeholders involved in the Town Hall on Wednesday 27 June 2012 at 18H30 for 19H00 in the mayoral meeting board room. “Please extend this invitation to anyone who could add value and need to be included in your opinion,” he asks. Britz says the time has come to look in the mirror and to review intentions, plans, mistakes and achievements in this regard. Many people over the past couple of years made a conscious decision to get involved in one way or another. However, they came, saw and decided to walk away for whatever reason. The most common reason can probably be ascribed to frustration. The common goal of all was “to preserve our heritage and to promote tourism.” Lack of funding is one of the big problems. One of the failed examples refers to Flip

and Loekie Minnaar when the Visser house was saved when Vasti and Veronica van Wyk made several attempts to re-establish a tourism information centre and community wellness centre. They unfortunately failed due to a lack of funding and support. Where did all go wrong? It seems to come down to the following two key issues: A lack of funding, but more importantly allowing agenda’s and politics to interfere with doing the right thing. “You are the community! You are the people of this Town! You need to stand up and become CUE once more. I said it before, and I will say it again. This will not succeed if all the stakeholders including the Municipalities, the business community, all role players and you take ownership of CUE to the benefit of the wider community. Please put your differences aside for once, forget about the past and get back on track, today! I hereby request both comment input and commitment to attend in writing from you or your organization/business on or before 15 June 2012. All interested parties are invited to attend the meeting on 27 June at 18h30. Phone CUE at 016-349-1261.

Housebreakings in Dunnottar


Het jy hom gesien? Hierdie man word gesoek ivm besigheids roof. Dit blyk dat hy nie ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse burger is nie. Hy is tussen 25 en 27 jaar oud, medium gebou en is ongeveer 1,65m lank. Hy is gewapend, praat ‘n kwaai agresiewe Zulu. As iemand enige inligting het, kontak A/O Willie Wilkinson by Nigel MOD 011 739 9828. c/o Rhodes & Standard Str. Nigel

Opening on 16 June 2012

Jana: 082 361 3649 082 445 5456

Arts & Stationery Warehouse STATIONERY: Back to school supplies Filing Supplies Basic Stationery

There have been several housebreakings in Dunnottar recently. Two white youngsters were arrested for housebreaking in Nigel Road. Police say this type of crime is often drug related. Several cases of cell phones being stolen have also been reported. Residents are urged to get to know their neighbours and have their telephone numbers to report anything suspicious.


Wheel deals on new Hyundai’s

Decoupe Workshop (new technique) will be held on 16/6/2012 Free Coffee included 10h00 - 12h00 Book Now

CRAFTS: ARTS: -Pewter Canvas-Mosaic Tiles + Accesories PastelsKidz Workshop - Decoupage Blanks + Tools Watercoloursduring school -Scrapbooking Oil Paintholiday -Beading Acrylic(Phone for program) Charcoal-Cords + Paper

Email: to book a test drive 2012 i10 1.1 GLS (M) MFSW iPod USB aux Radio CD/MP3 Power steering Air-con Electric windows 5 yr/150 000km roadside assistance

Normal Price R103 900 Our Price R99 900

2012 Elantra Power steering Air-con Radio/Cd/MP3 Electric windows Central locking 5 yr/90 000km Service plan 5 yr/150 000km roadside assistance + warranty from R204 900

2012 Sonata 2.4 GLS EX R309 900

ABS Panoramic Roof Leather Seats Electric Seats 5 yr / 150 000 Warranty & Roadside Assistance 5 yr/90 000km Service Plan

2012 ix 35 2.0 GL (M) Power steering Air-con Radio/Cd/MP3 Electric windows Reverse camera Central locking 5 yr/90 000km Service plan 5 yr/150 000km roadside assistance + warranty R269 900


Cnr Boksburg Rd & 2nd Ave, East Geduld, Springs

TEL: 011 811 0111 -

Rajen (Branch Manager) 083 778 2576, Retha (Sales Manager) 073 730 7198, Zolile 072 269 1835, Patricia 079 273 0788



Duduza to get a fire station An amount of R42,4 million has been allocated in the Ekurhuleni budget, for the construction of three new fire stations. One of these will be in Duduza. The tornado disaster which occurred in Duduza last year involved all stakeholders coming from sectors of the society, to provide relief to affected communities. It is for this reason that R23,5 and R7,9 million has been allocated for specialised emergency vehicles for specialized disaster emergency equipment.

Discover Nigel @

12 JUNE 2012

A new way to rejuvenate your skin Taking care of your skin is very important throughout your life but there are various ways of doing this and one of them is skin peeling through the NeoStrata Glycolic Acid Skin Renewal Peel Solution. What is a Glycolic Acid Peel? A glycolic acid peel treatment is a specific technique for skin renewal. During this process, a high concentration of glycolic acid is applied to the skin for a short period of time and then chemically neutralized to end the treatment. This procedure rapidly removes the damaged layer of surface skin cells revealing fresh skin and stimulating cell rebuilding and restructuring of deeper skin layers. This procedure can help the skin appear smoother, healthier, plumber and tighter. With other systems, this forms an integral part of skin rejuvenation. It is designed to allow maximum control of the peel procedure and better predictability for skin improvement, than other glycolic acid peels. It is for all skin types and

ages. Skin series of peels: softening of fine lines and coarse lines from sun damage. Mild or moderate smoothing of acne scars and lightening of pigmentation irregularities. The products used have not been tested on animals and do not contain animal derived ingredients. The NeoStrata professional skin care products are recommended in more than 70 countries. NeoStrata’s superficial peels are full strength, physician strength, enhance skin renewal, promote smoother, healthier skin and can be combined with other cosmetic procedures. NeoStrata offers a range of products for the face and body, and for normal sensitive skin. The system is fragrance free and can be combined with other cosmetic procedures. To determine if you should have this treatment, please meet with Dr. Johann Snyman to discuss your medical history, skin sensitivies, peel expectations and other possible treatments you might require. Contact number 016 341 4121. For more information about NeoStrata products contact Linda Smit at 074 894 3678.

SUIKERBOSRAND Salon Picasso vir top haarstilerings BUTCHERY Needs you to contact us URGENT 016 349 6893 ANTON VAN TONDER JACO SMIT FLUERETTE VAN NIEKERK BASIL LOTTERING H1132

Salon Picasso se pragtige nuwe haarsalon in Kingsway 15 Nigel, is oop, skoon, netjies en sag op die oog. Die hele aanslag spreek van professionaliteit en ‘n artistieke, kundige aanslag wat ‘n gewone bos hare in ‘n pragtige pronkstuk kan omskep. Hannelie Duckitt, die eienaar en haarstilis staan reeds dertien jaar lank in die Miems van Niekerk ontspan in die stoel terwyl Wanita Jooste besig is om na haar hare in Salon Picasso om te sien.

Ons bied die beste pryse en advies vir die bemarking van u besigheid

Amanda Labuschagne 079 493 0075

Heidelberg Nigel en buite areas

Not advertising is like winking at someone in the dark... You know what you are doing...BUT nobody else does!

Annelie Schölly 082 853 4071

beroep. Picasso bestaan reeds ses jaar, maar Hannelie het die besigheid verlede maand na die nuwe perseel verskuif. Sy het Wanita Jooste saam met haar gebring. Wanita is tans besig om haar studies in haarstilering af te handel en sal die einde van die jaar kwalifiseer. Sy en Hannelie werk nou al so af en aan vir vier jaar lank saam en is op die hoogte met die nuutste haarstilering en – neigings. Die vriendelike, gemoedelike atmosfeer in die salon getuig van hul houding teenoor kliënte; die kliënt se behoefte is die heel belangrikste en terwyl sy daar sit is sy die heel belangrikste vrou in die wêreld. Sy moet nie alleen onweerstaanbaar mooi wees as sy daar uitstap nie, maar ook voel dat sy innerlik gelukkig en tevrede is. Salon Picasso se dienste word nou ook aangevul deur dié van ‘n aangrensende skoonheidsdeskundige, Carina du Preez van die Capré Skoonheidsalon wat met mooi maak goedjies en skoonheidsbehandelings kan toor. Die twee besighede lewer dus nou ‘n omvattende diens aan vroue en mans wat hulle vir troues, verlowings, huweliksherdenking of watter ander geleentheid ookal, wil voorberei. Salon Picasso en Capré Skoonheidsalon is van Dinsdae tot Saterdae oop. Op weeksdae is die ure van 08:30 tot 16:00 en op Saterdae van 08:30 tot 13:00. Besoek hulle of maak ‘n afspraak deur te bel na 011-814-3809.

Discover Nigel @

12 JUNE 2012


Vir alle besigheids drukwerk en branding!


082 758 1232 / 018 293 2187/ 1844 / • T-Hemde • Fotoboeke • Canvas • Posters • Banners • Booklets • Pamflette • Tydskrifte • Koerante • Vlae • Banners • Kar Magnete • Fotografie • Besigheids Klere • Ontwerp • Algemene Drukwerk... en baie meer...


Happy Father’s day Father’s Day Day 12 17 June June Father’s Variety of mens perfume available

Botox facial on 28 June worth R450 for only R150 and get a FREE

1995 Gaviscon Tablets Peppermint 16s

95 48 Gaviscon Tablets Peppermint 48s


Gaviscon Liquid 300ml Aniseed or Peppermint



Disprin Extra Strength tablets 24s TEL 011 814 3231 TEL/FAKS 011 814 5212

face wash - Limited appointments available Beverleystr. 25, Ferryvale, NIGEL



Cut - Treatment and Blowave with a pedicure R200




Warm harte ondanks winter

Hoewel die winter reeds stewig byt in Balfour en omgewing, is die harte van Sunfield se inwoners en werkers warm van al die liefde en seën wat oor hulle uitgestort word, sê Brenda Gouws, bestuurder van die oord vir fisies en psigies gestremde persone wat daar ‘n veilige tuiste gevind het. Almal sien met verwagting uit na September wanneer dit nie alleen Loslitdag in die eerste week sal wees nie, maar ook die jaarlikse Eisteddfod op 8 September waar Sunfield ‘n hele paar pryse wil losslaan. Maar Sunfield is nie net met krag van Bo geseën nie, maar ook met krag uit die aarde. In hulle eie tonnels word nou vars groente soos spinasie gekweek en besoekers kan gerus daar ‘n draai maak. “Die Sunfield tuiniers is baie trots op hul oes en het GROOT planne vir die toekoms. Elke sent wat uit die verkoop van die groente gemaak word, word teruggeploeg om hul wense vir die toekoms te bewaarheid en selfonderhoudend te word. Vir die komende Eisteddfod word mense met kundigheid genooi om te kom help hand bysit sodat slegs die beste uit die kunstenaars gehaal kan word. Brenda spreek

haar dank uit dat Suster Sanet van Zyl van die Departement van Gesondheid gehelp het dat elke inwoners sy en haar jaarlikse griepinspuitings kry. Loslitdag is die enigste dag van die jaar wat vir gestremde persone uitgesonder word. Fondse word dan ingesamel om inwoners op later uitstappies te neem. Raak betrokke en die name van sakeondernemings kan deur gegee word aan Driekie Nelson by ons kantoor.” Die inwoners droom ook reeds lank oor geplaveide wandellane tussen die geboue. Afdakkies tussen in sal die lewe van inwoners in reën en son vergemaklik.”Ons sal dankbaar wees as donateurs ons met plaveisel en skaduplekke wil help,” sê Brenda. Die bestuur wil ook kameras in badkamers installeer met die uitsluitlike doel om die veiligheid van inwoners so ver moontlik te verseker. Telefone sal in die gebou geïnstalleer word sodat inwoners en familie nouer kontak kan hê. Familie word ook versoek om die inwoners gereeld te besoek. Skakel Brenda by 017-7739014/5/6.

12 JUNE 2012

Southgold Exploration sponsors stimulation centre for disabled in Balfour Southgold Exploration of Balfour has undertaken to invest R1 300 000 in the Bophelong Stimulation Centre for the handicapped children of Dipaleseng. An agreement with Dipaleseng Local Municipality, the Department of Mineral Resources and the Department of Social Development was signed on 1 June. Southgold will be responsible for the construction and administration of the stimulation centre as part of their social responsibility towards the community. The completion date will not be later than 1 June 2013, the first anniversary of the project. The purpose of facility for the physically and

We need homes!

mentally disabled children is to stimulate the children and to offer them education and training. The children will be fostered and encouraged to become trained artisans. The parties will also identify small and medium enterprises among the youth, women and those with disabilities to bring about greater independence of businesses and the marketing of talents. Dipaleseng will make the land available, Social Welfare will identify and train educators and Mineral Resources will facilitate all the stakeholders to ensure the success of the project.

Extension to Old Age Home Six of the nine cottages which have been constructed in Breytenbach Street, as an extension to the Nigel Old Age Home, have all been occupied. The other three are still being built but already have waiting occupants. The units are fully connected to the main home, a few blocks away, and will enjoy all the facilities there including medical and meals.

Police operation

Sunfield se hengelaars wag geduldig dat die grotes moet byt.

Tony en Fransie Vosloo afgeneem op ‘n pretmaakdag

Some of the dogs who want to be adopted and are at the Nigel SPCA kennels. Kennel manager, Hazel McLuckie, can be contacted on 084 485 7020.

A large law enforcement operation will be taking place in the Duduza-Nigel area. Supt. Mkize of Dunnottar SAPD asked the community not to buy illegal cigarettes. He also asked people not to buy goods that are past the date of expiry dates. This report comes from the Dunnottar Community Policing Forum.

12 JUNE 2012



Koester jou vriende! Konsentrasiekampe - Ons sal hulle onthou Nigel se NG Moedergemeente het Nigel Polisie onlangs besoek waar ds. Conrad Steyn ‘n boodskap gebring het. “Koester jou vriende maak tyd vir hulle en deel jou liefde kwistig aan hulle uit, maar sorg altyd dat God jou heel beste vriend bly.” Die besoek kan nou al as ‘n jaarlikse instelling beskou word. Die polisie sien daarna uit om weer die gesigte van ds. Steyn, Johan en Corrie Stassen en Fanie en Lina Nienhaber by ‘n volgende geleentheid te sien.

Foto bo: A/O Piet Bezuidenhout, Michele Damons, A/O Herma Scott, A/O Richard Mthethwa en A/O Lourens O’Neill tydens die besoek afgeneem.

Links: Ds. Conrad steyn

R20 000 cash back

Die afgestorwenes van die Heidelberg konsentrasiekamp wat van 1901 tot Desember 1902 in drie konsentrasiekampe rondom Heidelberg gesterf het, is op Pinkster Sondag 27 Mei met kransies vereer in ‘n herinneringseremonie by die begrafplaas oorkant Bergsig waar die hoof konsentrasiekamp geleë was. Vroue in tradisionele drag het kransies op die grafte van kinders gelê, deel van die altesame 383 afgestorwenes, terwyl die name van al die kindertjies uitgelees is. Dr. Willie Pretorius van Pretoria, die hoofspreker wat navorsing oor die konsentrasiekampe in die omgewing van Heidelberg gedoen het, het ‘n totale nuwe perspektief op die gebeure in die destydse konsentrasiekamp gebring. Daar was nie net pyn en hartseer nie. Mnr. A. A. Allison was in beheer van die kamp. Anders as wat algemeen geglo word, was die kamp nie omhein nie. Die vroue kon twee keer per week vrylik dorp toe gaan. Interessant ook is dat die kampe eintlik as beskermingsplekke begin was vir Boere wat hulle aan die Engelse kant geskaar het. Dit was om te verhoed dat die Boeremagte weerwraak teen hulle kon pleeg. Toe die Engelse troepe die plase verskroei en verbrand het, het al meer vroue, mans en kinders hulle in die kampe aangesluit vir beskerming. Daar was ‘n skool en kinders is bv. op ‘n dag vir ‘n piekniek na Heidelberg Kloof geneem. Allison het na die sluiting van die kampe ‘n gesiene inwoner van Balfour geword. Die kamp het sy eie skrynwerkersafdeling en daar was kiste gemaak. Daar was ook twee skoenmakers. Kontak dr.Pretorius vir sy toespraak by Beide Tiks Delport en Johan Bester het ‘n parallel van die moderne tyd na die konsentrasie-kampe deurgetrek en gesê die Afrikaner begeef hom weer in ‘n konsentrasiekamp situasie.

Eregaste voor die konsentrasiekamp monument afgeneem. Van links voor is Johan Bester van Heidelberg wat ‘n voordrag gedoen het, dr. Willie Pretorius, hoofspreker, Malan Bredenhann, organiseerder en Tiks Deport wat ‘n huldelyk aan Emily Hobhouse gebring het. Links op haar perd, Christie Pienaar en regs Danielle Pienaar op Zorba, van Nylstroom.



Zilke slaan Gauteng Kleure los vir Redenaarskuns Zilke Hoffeldt van Laer Volkskool, Heidelberg het haar weereens as ‘n uitstekende redenaar onderskei toe sy op 26 Mei saam met meer as 200 deelnemers van 25 skole aan die Gauteng Redenaarskompetisie deelgeneem het. Sy is as algehele wenner in die junior afdeling van graad 1 tot graad 4 aangewys en was ook die wenner in die graad 3 afdeling. Hiermee het sy haar Gauteng Kleure vir redenaarkuns in die vorm van ‘n balkie losgeslaan. Die kompetisie is deur die South African Association of Performing Arts gereël. Dié talentvolle kind van Pieter en Ronelle Hoffeldt het ander wye uiteenlopende belangstellings.

Zilke afgeneem saam met Louw Breytenbach van Brainwave Studios. Louw is ‘n raadslid van die South African Association of Performing Arts en ook assistentdirekteur van Talent Africa.

Mon - Fri: 07h00 - 17h00

12 JUNE 2012

Vroue durf vergadering in nagklere aan Gewapen en getooi in hul nagkabaais – met kamerjasse om alles mooi af te rond! - het die vroue van Heidelberg VLU hul jongste maandvergadering op 7 Junie terdeë geniet toe sowat dertig van hulle onder voorsitterskap van Nelda de Wet lekker by die Kairos AGS Gemeente in Heidelberg gekuier het. Die klub spog met sewe nuwe lede, het Cornelia Pienaar, sekretaris, aan Rekord gesê. Ledegeld bly vir die volgende jaar onveranderd op R200. Ses van die lede vier hul verjaarsdae tussen 10 Junie en 16 Julie. Hulle is Adele Momberg, Marietjie Shepherd, Carli Ottto, Nelda de Wet, Emily Moolman en Cornelia Pienaar. Marietjie Shepherd, ‘n biokinetikus het die vroue oor gesondheid toegespreek. Sy en haar suster bemark o.m. ‘n reeks gesondheidprodukte soos velroom. Sy het die vroue laat regop sit toe sy vertel dat dit niks help om vitamien aanvullings te gebruik as jy koffie drink nie. “Dis geld mors,” sê sy want die koffie neutraliseer die vitamines. Die eet van vars groente en vrugte bly noodsaaklik om veroudering te help keer. “n Mens moet ook baie water drink. Die norm is om jou liggaamsmassa deur 30 te deel. Die antwoord dui aan hoeveel liter water jy per dag moet drink. Vir elke koppie koffie wat jy drink, moet jy ook ‘n glas water bykomend drink. Die kunstenaar Liezel Sadler, het die vroue gewys hoe om materiaal in die mikrogolfoond te kreukel vir kunsdoeleindes. Die volgende vergadering is op 2 Augustus 2012 in die AGS Kairos Kerksaal. Trudy Potgieter in regte nagmondering.


Skakelbeampte Heleen Richards lag lekker vir die kamera.

Marietjie Shepherd het die vroue oor gesondheid toegespreek.

Heidelberg: 23 Schoeman Str TEL: 016 341 2187 / 8 FAX: 016 341 6702


Discover Nigel @

12 JUNE 2012


The NNA welcomes you What a pleasure it is to step into the NNA in Nigel and meet an old friend, George Janos again! With his warm personality and capable staff, one feels welcome and excited to peruse the well stocked shop containing anything from

stationery, heaters, electronic products such as clothing irons and TV’s, batteries, glass ware, toys, packaging products for cakes and other equipment, cell phones, computers and hot water bottles. George was the owner of the NNA for five years before selling it in 2007. His wife Margaret and other staff now assist him. George and Margaret were previously involved with the Harmony Café opposite the Magistrate’s Court where his son Chris was well known and respected. He sold the café last year. George acquired the NNA again in December 2011. With his warm personality and open heart, he invites all his old friend to visit the “new” NNA where a bargain is always to be had. Visit George or phone him at 011-814-7923.


Tyre Rack your one stop overhaul safety service station! TYRE RACK in Nigel is ‘n tyre man’s dream. With a range of mag wheels and tyres to choose from, Tyre Rack gives you free fitment and balancing on our calibrated and accurate machinery. Our state of the art 3D alignment centre guarantees that your vehicle is assessed on the 10 point checking system. Owner MO Cassim says: “Your safety is our utmost concern and we endeavour to provide the very best in workmanship. Being a fundi in suspension, you can rest assured that your shocks and cv joints will never be in better hands. Pimp-

ing your ride has not been easier as we supply and fit all radios, amplifiers and speakers to make your drive an audio dream. MO is a man who sticks to his word. “Don’t trust what you read, come into our store and experience our service!” He has been in business for two years and loves drifting and spinning in which he has been participating for twelve years. Visit MO at TYRE RACK in 19 Kerk Street opposite the Municipal Licensing Office or phone him at (011) 739 – 5733. TYRE RACK is a franchise with twelve shops all over Gauteng.

The sign board of the NNA opposite Check Out in Hendrik Verwoerd Street.

George Janos flanked inside the NNA by his assistants Hayley de Kock and Lucia Ramatema.

MO Cassim, owner of Tyre Rack with two workers fittings wheels to a happy client’s car.

R199 950

R169 950

2011 Nissan Hard/body 2.4 4x4 D/C

2011 Nissan H/B NP300 2.4 4X4 S/C 2.4L

R 129 050

R 199 950

2006 Toyota Hilux D4DS/ C 2.5LD

2009 Toyota Furtuner 3.0 D4D Diesel

R 109 950

R 112 950

R 103 950

2008 Isuzu kb240li S/C 4x2

2012 Nissan NP 200 1.6L 8V S/C A/C

2012 Nissan NP 200 1.6L S/C Base

2005 Mitsubishi Rodeo 2.4 D/C

R 119 950

R 79 950

R 350 000 + vat

R 350 000 + vat

R 279 950

2005 Mitsubishi Colt 2.0L HI Lines/C

2011 Nissan Hard/Body 2.0L NP300 S/C S.W.B

R 165 000 + vat 2002 Nissan Diesel UD 60

R 199 950 2009 Toyot Quantum 2.7 10 S

2009 Nissan Pathfinder 2.5 Diesel SUV 79000km

R 89 950

R 144 950

R 220 000 + vat

2011 Hino 30D/814 LWB

2011 Isuzu NQR 500AMT

R 230 000 + vat

R 220 000 + vat T

2007 Toyota Dyna7-105

R 229 950 ‘10 Toyota Quantum 2.7 10 S

2007 Nissan H/B 2.0 LW.B S/C 2.0L

2008 Toyota Dyna 8-145

R 145 000 + vat

2007 Toyota Dyna 7-145

2004 Isuzu NPR 400

R 249 950 2010 Merc Benz Vito 10 Seater


INDEX / INDEKS 1 Pets / Troeteldiere 2 Tours / Toere 3 Job Wanted / Betrekkings Gevra 4 Announcements / Aankondigings 5 Vote of Thanks / Bedankings 6 Rewards / Belonings 7 Funeral Services / Begrafnis Dienste 8 Entertainment / Vermaak 9 Found / Gevind 10 Churches / Kerke 11 In Memorial / In Memorium 12 Personal / Persoonlik 13 Lost / Verlore 14 Computers / Rekenaars 15 Builders & Building / Bouers en Bouwerk 16 Sports Equipment/ Sporttoe-rusting 17 Lift Corner / Saamrygeleenthede 18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid en Gesondheid 19 General Service / Algemene Dienste 20 Spyseniering / Catering 21 Money & Loans / Geld & Lenings 22 Childcare / Kindersorg 23 Music / Musiek 24 Tuition / Onderrig 25 Repairs / Reparasies 26 Garden Services / Tuindienste 27 Nurseries / Kwekerye 28 Transport / Vervoer 29 For Hire / Te Huur 30 Muscellaneous / Allerlei 31 Furniture / Meubels 32 Vehicles / Voertuie 33 Caravans / Woonwaens 34 Motorcycles / Motorfietse 35 Parts / Onderdele 36 TV Services / TV Dienste 37 Employment / Betrekkings 38 Accommodation / Akkomodasie 39 Resorts / Vakansieoord 40 Wanted / Gevra 41 Townhouses / Meenthuise 42 Houses to Rent / Huise te Huur 43 Flats to Rent / Woonstelle te huur 44 For Sale / Te Koop / Plotte & Plase 45 Wanted to Rent / Te Huur Gevra 46 Houses for Sale / Huise te Koop 47 Flats for Sale / Woonstelle te Koop 48 Stands for Sale / Erwe te Koop 49 For Sale / Te Koop 50 Businesses / Besighede




Personal / Persoonlik

General Services / Algemene Dienste

Money & Loans / Geld & Lenings

Seeking for employment. I am a stable person with excellent sets of values eg. intergity, honesty, punctuality & reliability. Can work under pressure. Work experience: Teaching,receptionest, secretary, invoicing, wages and typing. Computer skills: windows xp, home, 2000, 1998, excell & word. Contact Leann 011 814 1082 or 071 368 6447.

ROMMEL VERWYDERING / BOOMFELLING. Verwyder enige rommel. Felling van enige boom. Opruiming van gestorte / beskadigde vragte (ongelukstoneel rehabilitasie). Algemene vervoer. Beste pryse. Gratis kwotasie. Suikerbos Transport . Skakel Hennie 082 890 9516.


Seeking urgent employment. I am a hard working and people’s person. I thrive working under pressure. Computer skills: Windows 95, Internal Mass (SAPS), Microsoft office. Work experience: Detective Inspector ( Certificates), Risk Loss manager, accident report, disciplinary hearings,control of fleet, drivers and deliveries to customers, installation of network cables and optic fibre. Please contact me Tiaan at 083 458 8939 or 011 814 7968

NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëlsaad, visse, viskos, koikos, akwariums, hondekos (3 in 1) Avi-Plus produkte. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meel wurms, hondehokke, hondejassies en honde bedjies. Dae oop per week 9:00 17:00 Naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 16:00. Tel: 011 814-4514. By mini Zoo, Noordstraat 132, Nigel. Nigel Pet Speciality Store. Royal Canin, Hills, Ultradog, Parrot food, Fish food, Speciality Pet products. Swipe facilities available. Cnr Kingway & Burgers rd, Nigel. Contact 081 464 9721

08 Entertainment / Vermaak

FUNKY JUMPING CASTLES FOR HIRE Contact: Magda 084 461 4151 or Wickus 082 880 4955 12 Personal / Persoonlik Nigel Methodist Church - Centre of Concern Infoline. This FREE Service will assist anyone with contact details of various emergency and social service organisations in the Nigel area. Phone: 071 781 7065. Phone between 07h00 - 19h00, 7 days per week.

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441

15 Builders/Building/ Bouers/Bouwerk Shevans Contracts cc. For any and all building works, renovations, additions, remodelling, building of new homes, factories, boundary walls, palisade fencing, paving, carports. Designer bathroom, built-in cupboards, custom made units, fancy ceiling, partitioning, drywalls. Painting, tiling, plumbing etc. Contact Keamo 078 626 8726 or Sheriff 072 556 3696.

BOUWERK, LOODGIETER & VERFWERK Geysers, toilets, drains,

gebarste pype, skrynwerk, teëls ens. Seël van dakke & plaveisels. Skakel: 082 646 9928


Granitetops tops **Granite * Bathrooms Kitchens **Kitchens * All Repairs Laminatedflooring flooring **Laminated Contact: 082 471 0916 / 082 637 6963



fully installed to one point. PREMIER COMMUNICATIONS (016) 341 2233 / 082 417 7149 41 B Voortrekker weg, Heidelberg

benefits. For more information please phone: 086 111 1254 Includes insurance products underwritten by Resolution Insurance Company Limited. FSP No: 13888

37 Employment / Betrekking


20 Catering / Spyseniering


Money & Loans / Geld & Lenings

MAD ABOUT PLUMBING LOODGIETERS. Spesialiseer in alle loodgieter behoeftes. Op versekering panele, Absa, Nedbank, Hollard, Santam, Mutual&Federal, Standard Bank en nog vele meer. Hanteer eis onmiddelik. Doen Solar Geysers en “Heatpumps”, alternatief tot Solar (50-80% besparing op krag). PIRB en IOPSA geregistreer. Skakel Tersia of Pieter by 016 349 5666 / 082 491 9093 / 083 547 4037


MEDICAL PLANS From R300 that refunds un-used

Flexi Hours: Monday’s - Friday’s General Services / Algemene Dienste

Beginners Classes in:

For a professional LAUNDRY service, contact Laundry Mate at 011 814 3597 or 072 511 4366. Domestic & Corporate, including Curtians, Table Cloths, Blankets, Comforters, ect. 20% discount for Pensioners on Wednesdays. Collect and deliver in Nigel/Heidelberg town area.

RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or -small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Phone Sonnette 082 926 1515

* Diet’s Contact: 082 788 5880 (cell) or Tel: 011 814 6269, Nigel



18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid & Gesondheid

* Nails * Manicure * Waxing * Pedicure * Tinting * Make-up

24 Tuition / Onderrig

TV Services / TV Dienste

Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599 N.H.B.R.C. Geregistreerd


Black listed, Garnished welcome. Call Fiona 071 135 1680

Vocal, guitar, drums, keyboard, piano. In Springs area. Contact Philicity 076 295 2027

I am urgently seeking a job. I am hardworking and honest person. Do have Pastel and Payroll Certificate. Work experiences: carpenter with contract installations, despatcher, spindler, store manager, sales, admin, data capturing, I.T work, supervising of office workers, caretaker and maintenance. Please contact Johan at 079 701 7208.

01 Pets / Troeteldiere



12 JUNE 2012

21 “LOANS” U need a loan from R1000 to R100 000. Blacklisted or Garnished are welcome. Please call Thandi 079 469 6868.

“ LOANS “ Up to R150 000. Consolidate Debts. Garnished or Blacklisted. Phone: Yolenda 073 292 7129 or 074 363 4366

Enkellopende kroegdames dringend benodig in Leandra. Basiese salaris R3500 plus goeie kommisie. Woonstel op perseel ingesluit. Geen ondervinding. Skakel Natasha 073 304 2214 of Charles 076 208 0512 42 Houses to Rent / Huise te Huur Te Huur Nigel: Huis te huur naby Hoërskool, Hutchinson straat 31. R4650 per maand. Kontak 081 464 9721 “ Te Huur” Nigel: 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, 2 leef-areas, tandemgarage, groot ommuurde hoek-erf, alarmstelsel, lapa, naby hoër-en laerskole. Huis word geverf en opgeknap. Beskikbaar 1 Julie. R4500 pm. Water is ingesluit. Kontantkrag. Deposito betaalbaar. Skakel 084 403 6963 Huis te huur Nigel. 4 Slaapkamer, 2½ badkamer. R6500 vanaf die einde 1 Augustus 2012. Skakel Darell 079 522 8009 or email to NEXT ISSUE WILL BE ON JUNE 26, 2012. DEADLINE WILL BE ON JUNE 23, 2012 AT 3PM

12 JUNE 2012



Great experience for karate club members 44 For Sale / Te Koop / Plotte & Plase TE KOOP: GROOT WINSKOOP R650 000 OF NAASTE AANBOD. Bothasgeluk Kleinhoewe te koop met dubbelstorie huis. Mooi groot onthaal area, 4 slaapkamers, kombuis, eetkamer, Tv kamer, 2 badkamers, dubbel garage. Lapa met braai area. Moenie aan die slaap gevang word nie. Skakel Mitchell 082 920 3148

The karate club members went to a GASSHUKU (training camp) recently to Port Edward on the South Coast, not only to train with a number of very senior instructors but also to celebrate Shihan Arnold de Beer, the head of Goju Ryu’s 45th years in karate. We would like to thank DJ Auto Service, New Designs Embroidery, Epson Motors and George Booker for their sponsors.

In action: Nkosi Manyathela & Pedro de Freitas, Gerhard Giliomee & Nico Ras, Jean-Pierre Lewis & Angelique de Freitas.

50 Businesses / Besighede R&I Afslaers, 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011 740 0477 / 011 744 3544. Nuwe tyres, puncture repairs, fitting, balancing & new valves. Vir u tyre behoeftes skakel Ivan vir ‘n kwotasie. SUPER MEUBELS: Waar anders as Schoemanstr 42 , Heidelberg. Tel: 016 341 4445. Staalrakke teen AFSLAGPRYSE, 2deur staal stationery kaste, 4L & 3L liaseer kabinette, kantoorstoele, ronderug stoele, hout meubels, sitkamerstelle, eetkamerstelle, beddens, pers sitkamerstel, bar yskassies. Nuwe Kar, Bakkie & Taxi tyres. Super groete.

The members of Goju Ryu Karate Nigel that went to Port Edward from back Gerhard Giliomee, Nkozi Manyathela, Pedro de Freitas, Sensei Nico Ras, middle: Angelique De Freitas, Ilze Pratt, Jean-Pierre Lewis, Ashley Pratt, front: Monique Pratt, Dudaney Cronje & Jaundri Cronje and Maritza Maritz.


ANCIENT DAYS Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

Geely approved workshop 26 B Marshallstraat, Heidelberg.

Tel: 016 341 3391 Fax: 016 341 4253

Fully equiped workshop All warranty work welcome Service all type of vehicles.

Vir al u elektriese toebehore


Phone us for free quotes! 41 B Voortrekker weg Heidelberg (Next to Russels)

(016) 341 2233 082 417 7149


Oud & Nuut

We restore all wooden furniture! Ons laai die meubels op en lewer weer af!

70 Turveystraat, DUNNOTTAR

Leon 073 455 4950

* Betonmure * Verlengging s* Staalpalisades * Skuifhekke * Lemmetjiesdraad * Afdakke * Hekmotor

Herstelwerk op bogenoemde


Thinus de Wet (jnr). is vanaf 14 Mei 2012 nie meer ‘n verteenwoordiger van Janic Beton Mure of Nicari Fence nie. Enige navrae kontak Danie 082 454 3830

SIELKUNDIGE Praktyknr.: 086 000 0052 949

Sel: 082 057 5043 Eslingebou Ueckermann Str Heidelberg 1441

071 097 0328 Fax: 016 349 5083 email:

THUTHUKA DRIVING SCHOOL 073 135 9607 - 078 648 1621 For all your driving school needs - Code 8, 10 & 14 Phone us Now

Pest Controllers (Act No. 36 of 1947)



Jacobsstraat, Heidelberg TEL 016 341 9920

Jaco 082 323 7041

HEIDELBERG BELANGRIKE TELEFOONNOMMERS: Polisie - Noodnommer: Polisie Brandweer Heidelberg Hospitaal Suikerbosrand Kliniek Netcare 911 Heidelberg Munisipaliteit

10111 016 341 2570 016 341 4327 016 341 1100 016 349 2431 016 341 2692 016 340 4000



Toyota finansiering Lae depositos Bekostigbare paaiemente Inruilings welkom 016 341 6107

Hennie Claasen 082 452 1828



TEL: 016 341 4949 Jaco 083 494 9887 Marlene 072 276 8399 6 End Street Heidelberg

Thea Zwiegers

Ruaan Dyksterhuis

JANIC WALLING DANIE 073 628 5826 082 454 3830 NICOLENE 076 921 4766

We service and repair almost anything. 59 Pretorius Str, Heidelberg, Gauteng - Tel: 016 349 5678


Free collection and delivery & Quotations 77 Porter Road, DUNNOTTAR. Tel: 011 734 2812 Fax: 011 734 2041


& Hunting Equipment

Ons restoureer alle hout meubels!


* Fridges * Freezers * Stoves * Washing machines * Tumble dryers Establised 1978

Tel: (016) 341 9004 Cell: 082 494 3351 Cell: 083 550 1666 E-mail:

H/v Schoeman & Albertstraat, HEIDELBERG TEL: (016) 341-6864

Meubel Restoureerder

Jare ondervinding in die restourasie bedryf! Terms & Conditions apply

We render our comprehensive security service



18 Smith Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 349-5886 Fax: (016) 349 6945

SUPPLIER OF: Paint, Hardware & Plumbing

Riaan 083 268 9949

Contact Anthony or Danica

SKOLE/SCHOOLS Heidelberg Public School Hoër Volkskool Hoërskool Emmasdal Hoërskool JW Luckhoff Hoërskool Sedaven Laer Volkskool Laerskool AG Visser Laerskool Sedaven Heidelberg Public Live Ministries

016 349 1201 016 341 3165 016 341 9013 016 342 2301 016 342-0501 016 341 6216 016 341 2631 016 342 0621 016 341 3894 016 349 6954



12 JUNE 2012

MARTIN 082 795 5339

139-3de Straat, Springs

JOE 073 737 4334

Tel: 011 362 5237 KEEGAN 082 729 9471 Faks: HERMAN 082 817 7192 011 362 5238 R199 950

‘09 Hyundai Hi 2.4 GLS, P/V, A/C

R109 950

‘07 Nissan Hardbody 2400i 4x4 LWB (J23) C/D, P/S

R279 950

‘07 BMW X5 2.0D Black on Black Exquisite family vehicle

R104 950

‘04 BMW 325i A/T E46 A Rare Gem. Only 121 000km

R69 950

‘02 Crysler PT Cruiser 2.0 A/T, A/C, E/W

R79 950

‘00 VW Sheran 2.8 VR6 A/C, P/S, E/W, C/L

R84 950

‘03 VW Passat 1.8T Great value for any family!

R104 950

‘09 VW Polo 1.4 Trend 17” Mags Low mileage

R449 950

R79 950

‘03 Mitsubishi Colt Clubcab 3000i V6, New Tyres, Value for money

R69 950

‘06 Fiat Strada 1.7 Dci, Binliner FFiaFW

R149 950

‘06 Ford Territory 4.0TX A/T 7 Seater with loads of space!

R149 950

‘09 Honda Jazz 1.5 IEX Auto, Very low km’s, Full House

R104 950

‘09 Huyundai Getz 1.4

R94 950

‘04 Chevrolet Lumina 3.7S A/T Black on Black, A Rare Gem

R154 950

‘07 Audi A3 2.0 Sportage FSi Ambition, A/C, P/S, E/W

R199 950

‘09 Audi A3 1.8TFSI Sportback What a gem, a must drive

R249 950

R89 950

‘06 Tata SFC 407 DLSLB TURBO P/S, Workhorse

‘07 Ford 4x4xfar F250 S/C

R129 950

R134 950

‘03 Crysler Voyager 3.3 LTD F/H

‘05 VW Sheran, A/C, P/S, E/W Mags, C/L

R379 950

R114 950

R89 950

‘09 Ford Bantam 1.3 P/S, Canpy

R144 950

‘03 Crysler Voyager 2.4 SE A/C, P/S, E/W

R84 950

‘09 Toyota Prado 4.0TX A/T King of ‘09 Landrover Freelander 2.0 TD4 A/C, P/S, E/W, C/L luxury 4 x 4’s

‘06 Mercedes Benz A180

R134 950

R129 950

‘02 Merc Benz C220 Kompressor A/C, P/S, E/W, C/L, R/CD

R49 950

‘07 VW Jetta 2.0 TDi A/C, P/S R/CD, E/W, A/B, Airbags

R149 950

‘07 Jaguar X-Type Luxury at its best

‘07 Tata Indica 1.4 DLX P/S, E/W, C/L

R49 950

R114 950

‘02 Hyundai Sonata Vivante 2.5 A/T Great all round family vehicle

R99 950

‘02 Mercedes Benz C230K Coupe Clean Car

R89 950

‘02 BMW 330D A/T, (E46), F/L, P/S A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags

R59 950

‘10 Toyota Yaris T1 3Dr A/C

R99 950

‘04 Renault Clio 1.6 Sport S/R A/C, P/S

‘06 VW Polo Classic 1.9 TDi Highline, P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W

R89 950

‘01 BMW 325i Touring A/C P/S, S/R

R99 950

‘01 Audi A6 2.7 Avant Allroad Great family car in mint condition

R139 950

‘10 Mazda 2 1.3 Active Balance of Service plan & Warranty

R139 950

‘09 Mazda 2 1.5 Individual. Balance of service plan and warranty

R199 950

‘08 BMW 325i A/T E90 Exclusive pack! FSH!

R49 950

R114 950

R59 950

‘05 Fiat Strada 1.6 ELX Great Workhorse

R179 950

‘06 Nissan Murano Black on Black, Excelent condition

R109 950

‘04 Peugeot Boxer 2.8DT Great value for your business

R99 950

‘09 Diahatsu Sirion 1.3 Fuel saver with all the bells & whistles

R39 950

‘01 Fiat Palio 1.2 EL

R119 950

‘03 Mercedes Benz C220CDI 6Sp Fuel Saver, Xenon Lights, E/S

R159 950

‘06 BMW 320D A/T E90 Light on fuel, great family vehicle

R529 950


R289 950

101 ‘03 Mercedes Benz SL55 AMG 363KW pure hardtop convertible

‘06 VW Beetle 2.0 Highline

Check on all vehicles

‘01 Opel Corsa 1.6 GSI Sunroof, Leather interior

‘05 BMW 730D (E65) F/H Immaculate

12 JUNE 2012




016 349 6125 SENTRAAL - R695 000

MOONTLIKHEID VIR BESIGHEIDSLISENSIE!!! Ruim Erf met netjiese 2 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer Huis. Kombuis, Sit/Eetkamer, Waskamer, 1 Garage 1 Afdak. Alarm.


UITSIG OOR DAM & GROENSTROOK. Een van laaste paar erwe in woongebied. Ongeveer 680m². 680m².

SENTRAAL - R540 000 OVERKRUIN - R1.650 000

Winkel in Sentraal. Deeltitel eenheid. Baie parkering. Groote 126 m². Te Huur Ook!!!


- R1 000 000 (O/H)

RENOVATERS DREAM IN PEACEFULL AREA!!! NETJIESE FAMILIEHUIS MET MOOI TUIN. 3Slaapk, 2Badk, Sitk, Eetkamer, Leef, Kombuis, Nuwestoof, 4 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Livingroom, Kitchen, 2 Carports, + 1 Granite Tops, 2 Garages vir 4 Motors of omskep in Woonstel/ Bedr, Sit, Bath, Kitchen Flatlet, on Large Stand. Kantoor. Studeerkamer met Eikehout Kaste. Boorgat.

HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 BERGSIG - R2.400 000 SENTRAAL - R2.800 000 SENTRAAL - R1.200 000 SENTRAAL - R700 000(O/H) SENTRAAL - R800 000

KOMPLEKS VIR BELEGGER!!! 4 Eenhede waarvan 3 reeds Gebou is. Pragtige 3 Slaapk, 2 Badk, Oopplan Eenhede met Sekuriteit. Prepaid Krag. 2 Garages. Lae Onderhoud Tuine.

HISTORIESE HUIS 1865 GEBOU!!! Pragtig en Stylvol Binne Gerestoreer. 3 Slaapk, 3 Badk (En-Suite) Gaste Badk, Studeerk, Sitk met Kaggel, Leefk, Groot Plaaskombuis/Eetkamer met Stylvolle Kaste (Graniet). Pragtige Komvensters. M/H vir 3 Motors, Afdak, Swembad, en vele meer.

BAIE NETJIESE EENHEID IN GESOGTE KOMPLEKS. 3 Slpk, 2 Badk, Oopplan Sit/Eet, Studeerkamer met Kaste. OnderVloerverhitting, Lugreëling, Maxidoors regdeur, Kombuis met Opwas, Waskamer, 2 Netjiese Motorafdakke.

DUPLEX IN SECURITY COMPLEX WITH SWIMMING POOL!!! 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Bathrooms, Large Open Plan, Private Garden, Tandem Garage for 2 Cars.

TREK IN EN BLY!!! Netjiese 3 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer, Sit/Eetkamer, Kombuis, in rustige Area met Pragtige Tuin. Tandem Garage, Afdakke, Lapa.

wat sluit. HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496

JORDAANPARK - R1.995 000

SENTRAAL - R890 000

BEAUTIFULL DOUBLESTOREY IN EXCELLENT AREA. FAMILY HOME ON A CORNER STAND. 4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom,EasyflowLivingAreas,DblGarage, Situated on a big stand. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Main Bedroom has a balcony Swimming pool & Lapa, Dbl Garage

BERGSIG-R1.710 000

LOOKING FOR A BIG HOUSE? 5 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom, Spacious Living Areas. Lapa + Swimming Pool. Double Storey with 5 Room office.

JORDAANPARK - R1.900 000

COMFORTABLE FAMILY HOME. 4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Study. The home is tiled througout with carpets in the bedrooms, Lapa + Swimming pool, Dbl Garage and Carport

RENSBURG - R830 000

EXTREMELY NEAT MODERN TILED TOWNHOUSE. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Spacious Open Plan Living. Private Garden. Double Garage.

HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 JORDAAANPARK -

R2.700 000

BEST FOR THE BEST!!! Stylish immaculate family home. 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, 2 Entertainment Area’s. Lapa + Swimming Pool. Double Garage + Carport.

OVERKRUIN - R2.800 000

BEAUTIFULL FAMILY HOME!!! 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Spacious Living Areas. Big Garden with 16 Birdcages. 1 Bedroom Granny Flat. Borehole irrigation. Double Garage with Carport.

BERGSIG - R690 000

GOED GEPRYS!!! Eenheid in netjiese, veilige kompleks. 3 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer, Oopplan met Aparte Opwas. 2 M/H.

BERGSIG - R820 000

DRINGENDE VERKOOP!!! Bied meer as net n Meenthuis.Netjiese 3 Slpk, 2 Badk, Swembad, Oopplan + 1 Slpk W/S, Sitk, Kombuis,

SENTRAAL - R2.900 000

TOP RANGE GOLDEN OLDIE. 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Spacious Livingroom, Dining, Lounge, Study, Kitchen with Big Scullery, Entertainment Area. 1 Bedroom Flat. Swimming Pool. Double Garage.

HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 VISAGIEPARK

NOYCEDALE - R495 000



NIC - 082 746 9295 SHIRLEY - 073 091 6116

EXCELLENTBUY!!! 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, 1 Garage, Security, Modern unit in very small complex.


SPOTLESS 4 Slaapk, 2 Badk, 2 M/Huise, Groot Afdak, Sitk, Eetk, TVk , Mooi Kombuis

PRYS VERLAAG! 3 Slaapk, 2 Badk, 1M/Huis, 1 Afdak Stil straat

SHIRLEY - 073 091 6116 SHIRLEY - 073 091 6116 SHIRLEY - 073 091 6116 HALLGATE - R2.400 000 VISAGIEPARK - R490 000 EXTENSION 2 - R820 000 000

LOW MAINTENANCE 3 Bedr, 1 Bathr, 1 Garage, Openplan Kitchen Living Area. Excellent buy - Very Neat

SHIRLEY - 073 091 6116

FERRYVALE - R2.800 000 (NEG)

PUIKOMGEWING!!! 4 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer, Baie Mooi Kombuis, Groot Eetkamer en TV Kamer. Prag Lapa. Woonstel, Swembad - Eie Bioskoop!!!

SHIRLEY - 073 091 6116

NOYCEDALE - R780 000

FAMILY HOME 3 Bedr, 2 Bath, Playroom, Study, big Diningroom, TV room, Pool, Rondawel, Beautiful Kitchen, Laundry, 2 Storerooms, 1 Garage, 1 Carport

SHIRLEY - 073 091 6116

Goed ontwikkelde, Netjiese 2.2HA Plot met baie mooi Woning en Buitegeboue wat maklik omskep kan word in ‘n Woonstel. Baie Water. Puik veiligheid. Implemente en 2 Trekkers ingelsluit, ook te koop sonder implemente

LOW MAINTENANCE 3 Bedr, 1 Bath, Kitchen, Diningroom, Living room - Lots of Potential

MODERNANDLUXURIOUS!!! 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, 1 Garage, Carport, Braai area, Heated Swimmingpool

SHIRLEY - 073 091 6116 SHIRLEY - 073 091 6116 FERRYVALE - R550 000 VARLOCH - R740 000

SHIRLEY - 073 091 6116


PRYS VERLAAG - PERFEK - BAIE MOOI!!! Luuks gerestoreer, 3 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer, Studeerkamer, Sitkamer, Eetkamer, Prag Kombuis, Opwas, Toegemaakte braaistoep, 2 Motorhuise

SHIRLEY - 073 091 6116


GOEIEAREA 3 Slaapk, 2 Badk, Prag Kombuis, Oopplan, 1 Motorhuis. Puik Omgewing en baie veilig

SHIRLEY - 073 091 6116

BY SKOOL 3 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer, Kombuis, Woonvertrekke, 1 Motorhuis - NETJIES!

SHIRLEY - 073 091 6116 NOYCEDALE- R495 000

BARGAIN!!! 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, New Kitchen, New cupbaords in Bedrooms, 1 Garage, 2 Carports, Living area, Quiet Area

SHIRLEY - 073 091 6116



12 JUNE 2012


Craft & Gifts

18 Kingsway Road, Nigel - Wilma 078 726 7592

19 K er k Str eet, NIGEL Tel: 011 739 5733 Ker erk Street, Opposite Licence Department

* New and used tyres * 3D Wheel Alignment * Alloy wheels * Rim repairs * Brakes * Shocks * Wheel bearings * CV Joints * Car audio

Where quality meets service


Mon. - Sat. 8:00 - 19:00 Sun. 08:00 - 15:00

UB UILD BUILD 9 Van Riebeeck Str, NIGEL

INSTANT TEL. (011) 814 2518 / 814-2743 CASH BLACKIE 083 357 5152 LOANS Building material foundation to roof supplied at best prices and excellent service


L & R Silkscreen Printing & Embroidery Lekker vetkoek, rooster broodjies, burgers, vars koek, terte, platters, slap chips, biltong, droëwors, lekker kerrie en rys en vele meer! Ferryvale Shopping Centre Chris 011 814 5859 Susan 083 697 1089 Winkel 6, Beverly Str. Ferryvale, Nigel


www .aceauto .co .za www.aceauto 011 811 5855 Springs Opp. Fire Station

Laerskool Hannes Visagie Laerskool Tini Vorster Hoërskool John Vorster


WE DO: Silkscreen Printing Embroidery Vinyl Cutting Corporate Sewing

WE SUPPLY: * Golf T-Shirts * Caps & Hats * Overalls * Safety Shoes

Feel Free to contact us: Chris 082 551 4535 Tel: 011 814-2040 Fax: 011 814-8884 / 086 648 1397 17 Tulbach Street, NIGEL

Under new management

NIGEL - IMPOR TANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS: IMPORT Emergency Number 011 814 8111 / 011 458 0911/ 10177 Nigel Police Station 011 812 6322/40 Precint Station 011 999 9130 Payments and Warrant Enquiries 011 999 9126 Mobile Emergency Number 112 Fraud & Corruption 24-hour hot line 0800 203 623 NIGEL SCHOOLS:


011 814 6546 011 814 6470 011 814 8218

Oud & Nuut

Nigel Primary 011 814 8383 Nigel High School 011 814 8185 Corporate I. T Solution cc

Meubel Restoureerder Ons restoureer alle hout meubels!

We restore all wooden furniture! Ons laai die meubels op en lewer weer af!

Jare ondervinding in die restourasie bedryf!

HYDRAULICS 3 Van Riebeeck Street NIGEL TEL: (011) 814-1493

70 Turveystraat, DUNNOTTAR

Leon 073 455 4950

Tel: 011 814 7289 Fax: 011 814 1106 Cell: 082 256 6320

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12 JUNE 2012



Oos Gauteng vir Sagies

Local athlete qualifies for Olympic

Die 0/11A en 11B spanne van Sagies saam afgeneem. Voor v/l: Charlande Swanepoel, Monique Strydom, Luané Viljoen en Shanté Badenhorst. Tweede ry v/l: Jennifer-Rose Swart, Danél Seegers, Carmia Prinsloo en Tegan Strydom. Derde ry v/l: Runé Uys, Bernice Keet, Monique Koekemoer en Luandra Lombard. Agter V/L: Mej. Paula Schlebusch, (afrigter), Lizerie de Lange, Meagan Thompson, en Marelise Pretorius. Albei spanne was naaswenners in die watse liga????liga op 24 Mei.

Khotsa Mokoena has finally made the qualifying requirements for the long jump and will be part of the South African team in London. Mokoena is a former Nigel High School learner and his athletic career started there, being coached by teacher Elna de Beer. She saw his potential and he soon showed his talent at various meetings, national and international. At first Mokoena did the triple jump but eventually it was at the long jump he excelled. He was determined to go to the Olympics and his training has paid off with the qualification of 8,1m. His family lives in Ratanda.

Foto regs: Sagies Gala-aand wenners. Voor v/l. Diane van Rooyen en J. W. Smith. Middel v/l: Joshua Swart, Jaco Scholtz, Abigial de Waal en Meagan Thompson. Agter l/r: Leanca van den Heever is as Mej. Sagie en Roan Palm as Mnr. Sagie aangewys.

Anli Fourie (O/9), Maritza Maritz (O/13), en Anja Labuschagne (0/13). Agter: v/l Pieter Fourie, (O/9), Jannes Bekker (0/11) en Schalk van Vuuren (O/11) van Laerskool Hannes Visagie wat aan die D5 skaakspan teen ander OosGauteng skole op 17 deelgeneem het. Hulle het plek in die Oos-Gauteng skaakspan gekry en ontvang daarmee half erekleure van die skool.

2010 Nissan Navara 2.4 DCi 4x4 SE

2011 Nissan NP 300 Hardbody 2.4 LWB 4x4 S/Cab

2011 Nissan NP 300 Hardbody 2.4 LWB 4x2 S/Cab

R299 950

R159 950

R119 950

A/C, P/S, E/W, R/CD, Canopy, R/R bin, S/S

A/C, P/S, Low km, 4 to choose from

Canopy, 2 to choose from

2009 Mazda 3 2.0 Dynamic

2012 Nissan Juke 1.6 DIG-T Tekna

Voor v/l: Doné Harris , Bianca Erasmus, Ilze-Marie Cullin en Lucinda van der Merwe. Agter: a/l: Ge-Ann Maré, Michaelo Ascencao, Elandia Marais en Chantene de Beer, die 0/10 A Netbalspan van Laerskool Hannes Visagie wat in die uitspeel wedstryde teen die wenners van Gauteng-Oos meegeding het.

2009 Ford Fiesta 1.6 Ambiente

R255 000

R169 950

R139 950

Del km, A/C, P/S, E/W R/CD, Mags, Leather

46 200km , T/Bar, A/C, P/S, E/W, R/CD, Mags

42 000km, A/C, P/S, F/E/W, CD, T/B

2009 Dodge Journey 2.0 CRD R/T (A) 2011 Dodge Caliber 2.0 SXT

2007 BMW X3 2.0D

2009 Audi A4 2.0T Multitronic

2008 Mercedes Avantgarde A/T



R234 950

R209 950

R209 950

R249 950

R234 950

T/B, A/C, P/S, E/W, R/CD, Mags, Leather

A/C, P/S, E/W, R/CD, S/R

23 000km T/B, A/C, P/S, E/W, S/R, PDC

68 200km A/C, P/S, E/W, R/CD, Mags

86 100km A/C, P/S, E/W, R/CD, Mags

2009 BMW 320i (90)

2011 BMW 330i (E90) (A)

2008 Subaru outback 3.0R AWD (A)

2011 Audi A1 1.4 t fsI Ambition 3Dr

2005 Mercedes Benz SLK 200K

R199 950

R169 950

80 100km, A/C, P/S, E/W, R/CD, Mags

96 200km ABS, A/C, P/S, E/W, Mags

2008 Mini Cooper S

2007 Audi A3 2.0T 3door

R179 950 A/C, P/S, E/W, R/CD, Mags, 2 to choose

R179 950 24 200km A/C, P/S, E/W, R/CD, Mags

R159 950 97 000km, T/B, A/C, P/S, E/W, R/CD, Mags 2010 Mazda 3 1.6 Sport Dynamic

R174 950 78 000km A/C, P/S, E/W, R/CD, Mags

R249 950

R209 950

11 000km A/C, P/S, E/W, R/CD, Mags

86 400km A/C, P/S, E/W, R/CD, Mags

2008 VW Polo GTi

2008 Mini Cooper 1.6

R159 950

R149 950

90 000km A/C, P/S, E/W, R/CD, Mags

58 000km A/C, P/S, E/W, R/CD

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12 JUNE 2012

Thrills of off-road racing


Heidelberg triomfeer

Local off-road racing fans are in for a treat on See them in June 23, when a big event will be held in Nigel. action in Nigel The event will be hosted by the Koepel Club and The Roost and the racing will start at the John Vorster Stadium. This will be the forth round of the WOMZA Highveld Off-Road Championship. The race will consist of bikes and quads on one route, doing four loops of 50km of unknown terrain. Cars will be racing in another direction and route on their own four loops of 50km. The race will finish at the John Vorster Stadium. If you want to join in the race as a novas, call Craig on 084 363 0992 or e-mail: The racing is free for spectators and there will be refreshments on sale as well as entertainment for the kids. The Koepel Club has been in existence for more than 20 years and is known to be the club to produce the novas and teach the public to know where to race. Craig Evans has been the chairperson of the club for the past five years and has been in racing for the past 20 years so he has vast experience and is an expert in the sport. This promises to be an exciting day for spectators as well as riders.

Heidelberg se aksienetbalspan het die finaal in die liga op 25 Mei gewen. Van links agter is René Fitz-Gerald, Petru Albertse, Lientjie Pelzer, Sonja Rosslee, en Charissa Visagie. Voor Sanet Potgieter en Elmarie Taljaard.

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Call 011 739 5862 - Joe: 082 602 5082 - Lazzy: 072 974 7519 Sajid: 071 540 5323 - Bee: 072 243 0771

R41 999

R25 999

1997 Audi A4 Avant 100 Red, 1995 Hyundai Accent Blue, IMM, Radio, A/C, P/S, E/W, A/B, C/L Mags, Radio, Anti Hi-Jack

R37 999

R43 999

R46 999

1995 Masda mx6 Grey, Radio, A/C, E/W, C/L

R79 999

19” Audi (V10) PCD 6/112

R5 900 1998 Mazda Midge Blue,Radio, Gearlock, Mags

R39 999

2001 VW Citi Chico 1.3 White, Radio, Imm, Mags,

R19 999

2006 TATA Telcoline D/C Tdi white, Radio, C/L, Alarm

R36 999

1995 Toyota Camry White

R47 999

20” ???? ?????

20” Silver Rim PCD 6/120

R7 500

R6 500

1998 Toyota Hilux 2700i 4x4 Green, D/C, E/W, P/S, A/C,C/L, P/S

R51 999

2004 Toyota Tazz XE Blue, C/L, A/J, Mags

R59 999

155/80 R13 GOOD YEAR 165/80 R13 REGALS 175/65 R14 DUNLOP SP560 175/65 R14 GOOD YEAR 175/70 R13 GOOD YEAR

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VW Caddy White, Radio, Mags 2006 VW Polo 1.4 Tdi White, Radio, A/C, C/L, Mags,

Nafisa 011 739-4226

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Open daily 08h00 - 17h00 (closed Friday 12h00 - 14h00 - Saturdays 08h00 - 13h00 Open daily 08h00 - 17h00 (Closed Friday 12h00 - 14h00) Saturdays 08h00 - 13h00

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